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If you don't love eating pussy, you're gay.
if you arent drawn to the call of opium, youre gay
just realized my soccer team was playing a game at my old college field and I couldve watched them win a game
Or black. I've been told they are quite averse to it
i've never seen a women naked in real life in my life
well tell your mom to trim the hedges
this pic goes hard
fucking picture lagged
/cum/ is a drake general
I saw some when we went skinny dipping
No, I just rode back home with a broken wrist. 60 miles. It was pretty unpleasant. Wrapped it with some tie down straps to immobilize it as best as possible
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>look up a game on youtube
>a W*MAN is the top 5 results
yet you continue to lead our poor vulnerable anons astray with incel garbage
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You first female president will also be black
no, i am correct every time and everyone would do well to listen to me
wait a minute if you just rode back home have you been to a doctor yet? your pain tolerance must be really really high because riding 60 miles with a broken wrist is wow
better than a jewess
You smell like a feta cheese!
she won't win
you need a whooping
i also got a beret mask and put it on the trading post for 2B
impotent rage in the face incontestable facts
Ya I didn't think it was broken until later that day. After I started to lose mobility I realized I should probably get an X-ray, and the break was really obvious. I also dislocated my shoulder but that popped back in as soon as I got back up. I didn't realize my wrist was injured until I tried to pick my bike back up, so I'm really not sure how it happened
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this is how you know she ain't black
if a break heals wrong it can really mess you up, you need to get to a doctor asap so they can set it and put it in a cast so it heals correctly. i can't even imagine going home with a broken wrist and posting on cum about it when it's still broken. you need to get this taken care of asap asap
torn between moving somewhere naturey and back to florida
go back to florida, you can't hack it in nature
She was also quite unpopular before so idk why they'd go with her. Perhaps because bidens campaign funds may only go to her
put a dancing black man next to her dancing thatll get their vote
you got money like that?
O I've already been but they just gave me a brace and a referral to a specialist. The specialist won't be in till monday
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there should be some kind of in person classes to learn how to be more social and less anxious
i will always prefer living in nature and i don't care if i have to drive far to get into town the peace of mind is worth it
get well soon anon you will be back riding before you know it. you should post your xrays here when you get them. hope you aren't in too much pain
what did the reddit cat image have to do with that post? i should be allowed to post the reggies
I heard if you go to public school you just learn how to socialize
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Social Anxiety Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Say Words To Someone Like Nigga Open Your Mouth Haha
I will be voting for Trump, thougheverbeit
a part time job helps with this
I went to public school and had a shockingly social HS life but I think being in a commuter school in college ruined my life
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fucking star bitches
I don't know what that means but I should be allowed to post content associated with global rule 15
Didnt she herself say she identified as a jeeta?
spilled my energy drink but it had a lid on it
i don't know why you retards choose to not go to a therapist
you can always just tell them to fuck off and leave if you don't like it
kill yourself fat and spam
white middle class larping witches were behind it all
she's half and half I think
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he's just like me, fr fr
close your eyes and open your mouth, i got a little surprise for you
She grew up without the black father (kek) and spent a lot of time in canada with her jeeta side (also kek). She really wasn't ever "black" so it makes sense she felt like that.
they charge money
they are afraid of seeking help and opening up because they don't want to be perceived as 'weak' . they spent a long time building barriers to intimacy and sincerity so they don't want to throw that away even if it would benefit them
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South of the border... down Mexico way...
if you have insurance your therapy co pay is like, 10 dollars. and a lot of common medications are zero dollars at the pharmacy if they're covered
mostly because there were big consequences to me socializing while growing up so i learned to fear speaking over just avoiding people. still, you're right that the only way to break it is actively speaking to people. too bad that isn't easy

tempting actually

i have one but we focus on other issues. i don't know what i would say to open that dialogue on socializing better. he'd tell me to go outside and talk to people and as i've said above that's correct but clearly that hurdle is too high for me to hop over at this point if i'm already never doing that and already fully aware i need to do it. I need to start at a much simpler and basic hurdle if i'm going to make progress
Not falling for your false religion, you vermin.

therapy is worthless and a way to scam women out of money.
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dog currently sleeping on my torso
>too bad that isn't easy
get a job in fast food unironically
it's trial by fire and you will learn to talk to people whether you want to or not
"go to therapy" is just a cop out for people who don't know what to tell you and aren't blunt enough to just say "that's tough". why don't you just tell me what verboten knowledge a therapist would give me and save me the trouble
it's not worthless for women and soyman who dont have actual problems and just want someone to talk to
don't ever let anyone on this website convince you to not seek help if you are struggling
>it's not worthless for women
idk about that
>just go to therapy bro
he'd be much better getting a job as a shelf stocker at something like a craft store that's not super busy.
regardless of whether therapy is or is not a scam (we've had this conversation), that doesn't really get me closer to being nearly mute outside
women own me sex
Participate in British threads

Read British posts

Always respond politely to British posters
i'm a neet and i pay $0 to go to a therapist
>i don't know what i would say to open that dialogue on socializing better.
i'm actually having similar issues rn with my therapist, if something isn't working for you you should tell them, it's their responsibility to figure out how to help you
the part time job suggestion is pretty good imo, except that a lot of part time jobs seriously suck ass
er, less mute... ideally...
well again that is worthless as they're paying money for nothing to change, and they could just find a friend that would have the same effect
>craft store that's not super busy
literally redundant if the goal is learning to socialize
If you're in therapy and you need a therapist to "help" you, it's already over unfortunately. You've already bought into their little system.
i don't have insurance so what now huh einstein

yank on a proxy
He'll still have to talk to people, dummy. He just wont' have to deal with the absolute dregs who work in fast food
you are perpetuating and reinforcing the emotional struggles of young men with this mindset
some people need help and should not be deterred from seeking it out by backwards social attitudes like yours

we have this conversation everyday so whatever
the ONLY solution is going outside your comfort zone over and over and diazepam
Clinical therapy did not exist for milennia, and I guarantee you people were better off without it.
Im British THOUGH
>the absolute dregs who work in fast food
you're either a boomer or silver-spoon kid
if you don't know how to socialize then commiserating with coworkers in fast food is one of the best ways to gain both experience and friends for a young adult
Young men need help and support. Clinical therapy is not the solution. You are buying into what is effectively a religion, a socially accepted cult.
that's nice for that guy he probably has some extenuating circumstance or his mommy and daddy pay for it. it would cost me money
Young men need good jobs and state mandated wives.
thanks that was a close one
le parasite has arrived after being ignored on /brit/ all day
the real solution is removing women's rights but you're not ready to hear about that
>Young men need help and support.
you didn't suggest an alternative provider for said help and support
my finger itches
So basically another Obama.
It literally boils down to this: stop being a self defeating pussy
That there is worth more than tens of thousands of dollars of faggot therapy.
none of you people have real problems none of you are struggling this whole argument is completely moot. unless you got blown up in iraq or something
*sucks it*
But HOW anon? Nobody's ever explained this part.
telling young men to just man up is how they end up putting a gun in their mouth. you are the problem
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>FUUUUUUUCK! a paying customer ordered food in my restaurant and now I have to fucking MAKE IT????? what the FUCK now I need to do the job I signed up for DAMN IT
it was all fun and games until the Iraqis started using IEDs in the extreme painball match
I knew I was right
holy kek, Mexibros you should watch this

you're wrong, but you are a funny caricature but enjoy your chef mcjob
gore do not watch
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it can't be.... 2 entrées.. no... no ..NOOOOOOOOOO
urkel would be very sad at this
what do you suggest
just do it just stop feeling sorry for yourself. exert some power of will
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This is false. Men are strong and need challenges and strife to grow. Your self defeating coddling therapy keeps men weak. Infantilizing.
>someone needs to provide me with support.
You are weak.
Iraq was literally just Russias version of "it aint me" song
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something needs to be done about the non incel problem
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some folks were born
made to line for bread
ooo that red white and blue
something is being done about it
this one chef i worked with had no tattoos and was a nice guy.
have fun repressing and bottling your emotions and dying of a stroke at 48, i know it's a loaded phrase, but it if was ever applicable anywhere, your post is toxic masculinity
>Your self defeating coddling therapy keeps men weak. Infantilizing.
This is why, if any of you have sons one day (lol), that you should be exceedingly careful about how you raise them, and more particularly, need to make sure that they don't grow up in a feminine school. If there's not some male teachers, they're fucked.
charlie communicating with me by drinking his own piss to link with my piss its in the kitchen and all over the floor; appears in my peripheral vision
When you fell my deeds look into my eyes
>earthquake just off the coast of Los Angeles
god is good
high five
I have a lot of opinions on how men should approach life but I'm not going to spend tons of time refining it to post on /cum/
this is insane
I didn't feel it
>just die, you toxic masculinity chud!
>if you don't go to therapy, you'll die!
No surprise that a therapy shill is morally and was spiritually weak, and ultimately has no ground to stand on.
Your little system is designed to coddle the weak and tell them they're valid for being weak.
i wish i was more like you i have a hard time biting my tongue and not engaging
i am easily trolled
thats because S*uthern californians dont have souls
i'm fuckin gay ladies and gentlemen
I can solo
It's simple, really: stop pushing anti-human theories like feminism and therapy on us.
if it's anything like what i've read over the past 10 minutes then i appreciate you not posting it
POV you cant have me so no one can
not even yoko
It was 3.5 magnitude, that's nothing
noooooo don't challenge my opinions that I hold and can't even justify and I don't even know why I hold them but they're clearly TRUUUUUUUUE!!!
Why do the states of the USA sound like pokeymans
alright you made your point you can quit yapping now sperglord
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it aint mee
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Some of you guys are so fucking stupid, it's actually scary
finna buy some grindshoes so I can grind on my way to the hustle
Okay, it's settled then. The official position of /cum/ going forward is:
>therapy is fake and gay
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I keep telling my GF how cynical I am about US politics and she just interjects with "That's fine but you have to vote Kamal now". I've tried to avoid talking politics but the last two weeks have made that very difficult.

We live in a blue state
there's like only 1 soyman/women arguing for it
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finna poop and walk the dog so she can poop too.
Therapy saved my life.
Having a third party in your life to talk to is game-changing.
My mom pays for it though lol
i wonder if that is his piss
more likely that you're the stupid one.
all powerful magician here ama
America is headed down a dark path, a country that worships ignorance
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Don't remind me
>We live in a blue state
well then it literally doesn't matter. Unless you live in the rust belt your vote is pointless
>My mom pays for it though lol
You weren't going to amount to much anyway. Not a surprise you considered ending it.
ignorance is a strong and masculine, being open-minded is weak and feminine
yeah, it would be a lot better if the democrat party were banned and we could get actual merit based hiring back.
what the fuck is wrong with you
disgusting bitter person
if you're so powerful why don't you enchant yourself some bitches?
Women are mentally retarded 'beit
A society that gives them power collapses soon thereafter.
very weak and low test post
ignore him bud
PC fan keeps making a buzzing noise so I put it to sleep over and over until it stops.
America is still king
as of a few minutes ago i'm below 170lbs for the first time since high school. feels bretty gud.
You don't know me at all
not really
hit the fan and knock the bearings back in
i'm an all powerful magician not a miracle worker
would it be possible for you to end my life?
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:pregnant_man: is an emote on discord
What are your views on therapy
they don't call it trooncord for nothin, I tell ya hwat
im not having this conversation anymore and am making dinner instead
Are you male or female
depends are you highly magic resistant
well i would recommend not posting it anyway, i don't think this is the time for effortposting
This could be the first Presidential election since 1976 to not have a Biden, Bush, or Clinton on the ticket.
Not that anon but I'm male
You are now imagining my penis
Therapy is fake and gay. Feminized bullshit that will coddle you and tell you how valid you are.
Stop being a pussy bitch!
Have you even considered that, you weakling?
Do you know what it is to have a backbone?
To be morally and spiritually clear?
>oh, I need someone to talk to
You're a fucking WOMAN at that point
It is
why does it matter anyway
dinner tonight is going to be a baked potato and some pan fried chicken breasts, i think it's gonna turn out good
Okay stinky lol
pretty sure clinton was rumored to be vying for the nomination, but we'll see
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hold yer horses, pardner.
too what?
Just curious
Its emotional prostitution
Woman gets paid to listen to your problems acting like she cares
Cover everything in butter
we get it player you're john rambo you don't need therapy do you want a medal or what
no she already endorsed harris
I thought Rambo had PTSD?
He needs therapy
ffm POV bj porn
I want you not to push that destruction on men when what they really need is grab their balls and get to work on themselves.
If you actually went into therapy why would you get a female therapist
did she endorse biden as well?
I chose a female therapist because I'm more motivated to talk when it's a pretty woman
the only thing i'm pushing for is a diversity of discussion in this general i'm getting bored of does therapy work and is jason gay
To have sex with them
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Check out Cosmo's Factory, it's by far their best
what if you got an ugly the rapist?
They literally can't out of ethical codes or whatever
This post basically proves that therapy is emotional prostitution for weak retards
based but stop replying to the schizo brit

Well I don't subscribe to ethical codes, you see
prostitution is literally legal in your country though
neither do they. tons of female therapists sleep with their hot male clients
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OK I don't really care
what the FUCK, how is it already almost 4:30
Right on. A weak retard wouldn't.
it's almost 7:30 though
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But why was God so unjust in His distribution of fate, as to assign poverty, wounds, and untimely deaths to good men?’ The workman cannot alter his materials: this is their nature. Some qualities cannot be separated from some others: they cling together; are indivisible.
I think you're weaker than me actually, since you have to put other people down to make yourself feel good.
>There's a 50/50 chance you wake up tomorrow with 2 billion dollars in the bank.
>But you have to eat a bowl of your own dad's shit right now.
indifference and self-confidence is the opposite of a weak retard, albeit
Are you going to bring this up in therapy
Did your therapist feed you that cope?
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>push that destruction
saying that it's an option isn't pushing it on anyone
telling someone that they're a weak pussy fag when "grabbing their balls" doesn't work for them is pushing destruction on them
if your enemies kill you, you win
that doesnt make an y sense
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why did negroes flock to Hennessy?
dumb peanutposter
the rapist gave me good the rapy
i dont know if i could but yea i would
therapist = the rapist
so what does that tell yoou hrm?
it DO be a good cognac, tea bee desu
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What is the britschizo lore, I don't come to /cum/ too often
tradcuck cope
Pronto habrás olvidado todas las cosas: pronto todas las cosas te habrán olvidado
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You want men weak, infantilized. First comes the moral and spiritual death from feminized therapy. Then the biological death. The devouring mother archetype at play. You are nothing less than evil.
i wouldn't do that if it were a sure thing
>wants to have sex with rodents, posts cropped ratporn commisions
>blown his mind out with drugs
>lives on welfare in a literal trailer
that headline is fucking hilarious
Therapy is basically bimbo sissification hypnosis

>frustrated canadian males?
now clap
>that pattern in the window
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look at the top of his head!
oh no no no no!
Where do they poop
what is this image
"angry young men with no prospects" being dangerous and highly likely to turn into societal menaces is correct, and it is better that they choose MAID. unless you have a better idea that doesn't involve infringing on the rights of normal people to give manchildren freebies (they want free things or else they will go out and kill people)
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Ooooooooh, it's a killing machine

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lole canada
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Big news /sip/sies, Tims released their own brand of sips
Fake article
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>they want free things or else they will go out and kill people
Whoa, let's not inject anti-Black racism into the conversation, okay!?
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that’s not a real article
uncritical fake screenshot believing retard bros....
The horrifying part is that with the way Canada is going you can't be certain
boomers don’t understand anything, more news at 11
should I buy an 8bitdo arcade stick?
got $100 on amazon as an early bday present
just downloaded an 18 GB steam game in like 10 minutes. back when i lived in texas, that would've taken like 2 days. fuckin' love blue states.
only two thing'st come from texas
I live in a red state and that would have taken 5minutes.

too bad you don't understand basic tech though
I remember going to college right across the bay from google HQ and those fuckers wouldnt even give our campus Fiber
>fuckin' love blue states.
Oh, anon. Don't even get me started. The homeless people injecting fentanyl and Somalis stealing catalytic converters enrich my community so much more than living in some flyover shithole with law abiding wypipo.
zamn i guess the republicans gotta be the party of the brainless ol' farts now.
how often do you play 8bit games? divide the price by the predicted number of uses to find the true cost/value ratio
my statement is unrelated to the article and still correct. for example, elliot rodger was a manchild who wasn't delivered what he wanted yet spent exactly zero effort trying to obtain so he went and killed 6 people

wrong doesn't justify wrong
MAME isnt 8bit, so probably never
just got up to walk around in the dark to get another banana. its a bit unripe and ill have it with some vitamin C and D squash, the fibre will be good :) the neighbour across the street was in his kitchen with the light on so i put my hair over my face like the marines in that advertisement and pretended like it was camo face paint
Donald Dump! haha
you don't need fiber
love fiber
>billions of young men
>one commits a terror attack
>yeah so we should just kill young men ig
you are a bad person and you should feel bad
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the solution to the hobo problem:
Why sleep on a bench when there's nice soft grass behind it?
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literally touch grass (at 4AM)
Biden: I am not mentally capable of making important decisions….I think Kamala Harris should be president.
Fail to see how Harris could have any worse chances of winning than Biden. Methinks some individuals are disturbed that their easy target is gone.
insane strawman argument. you are a bad person and you should feel bad for trying to defend angry violent terrorists. societal menaces need help and intervention before they kill people, that intervention being behavior improvement or MAID.

>gimmie sex
>goes on a shooting
sounds like a manchild to me. he doesn't get what he wants so he throws a tantrum. its never his fault, its everyone else's fault. that's someone who never grew up to take even an ounce of responsibility.
kamala has an easy path to victory by blowing every neet in america starting with me
An Indian (dot) shouldn't be President before an Indian (feather)
t. rajeet
Yep just man up and accept whatever bullshit women do!
I see where you're coming from, but don't hide behind euphemisms like MAID, just say we should execute them.
I sometimes wonder if the democrats self-sabotage themselves because being in the political minority is easy.
the 68 convention unironically doomed the democratic part for decades to come. Carter is the only shining light we've had since then
The entire thing is scripted on both sides. In fact, the idea that there are sides is itself an illusion.
no they're just not very smart apart from pelosi and she's not that long for this world.
no they're just retarded and pretentious
I mean from the perspective of every political party it's better to be the opposition, you just get to blame everything on who is in charge and criticize without having to prove what you would do instead. If you are in power you have to act like everything is awesome
i got a low opinion of mexicans
nope, you are suggesting young men kill themselves and using one extreme outlier to justify your insane proposition
>trying to defend angry violent terrorists
actual strawman. you are conflating my defence of innocent men with the defence of your extreme outlier terrorist
>societal menaces need help and intervention before they kill people, that intervention being behavior improvement or MAID.
glad we’re on the same page. take your genocidal misandry somewhere else
You and me both, pal
President Chief Bison
The democrat leaders are spineless centrists that spend enormous amounts of energy on appealing to people that will never vote democrat. They pull some unpopular political fixture that nobody actually likes and ruthlessly stomp out any alternatives while crowing about "muh duhvercity". Meanwhile republicans know that liberals will never vote for them and so they govern in a way that pleases their base, behave in a way that pleases their base, and tells the other side to fuck off, which actually makes conservatives enthusiastic about voting.
this is sort of true except for the part about republicans trying to please their base, cause they literally do not care one bit about that.

Close the border? lmao good joke that'll never happen, dems and their corporate bootlickers don't want it so republicans will never do it even though the actual population of the country wants it!

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