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HORNY for MUSCLE edition
absolute kino taste
can't remember skyrim that well but I remember thinking the city with the thieves guild was pretty comfy
Could never get into fantasy games like Skyrim and all that nerd shite. For me it was San Andreas and RDR1.
This is dire
skyrim sucked so i dont blame you
oblivion and runescape were cool and you have no soul if you couldnt get into them. say that without a shred of irony
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how do I get a gf like that?
proper gay thread this
it's dire when you realize women on steroids basically turn their bodies into men, where they have to shave much more regularly and have to pay for roids via sex work with fetish shite like that image
You're bent
hope for /brit/
literally no trannies posted yet so it's already straighter than most /brit/ threads
How old do events have to be before they’re considered ‘history’ and part of a discussion of ‘culture’ rather than discussing modern current events?
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it was a thing on r/historymemes where people woul joke about when 9/11 will be valid meme material
/his/ goes by a 25 year rule meaning you can currently discuss anything which happened up to the 22nd July 1999 on there.
eating a plain cold naan
New black neighbour moaning obnoxiously loudly as he wanks every single night, including at the present moment.

Sick and tired of this.
literall yme with uber eats
just spilled all my whisky on the floor :/
>San Andreas and RDR1.
GTA IV was better than both.
how the fuck do you hear that
is he literally screaming
did yotu lick it out the girl tummy tho haha
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i am a girl :/
EST is god's time zone buddy
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Ideologues of all colors must be exterminated
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wanking to this bird
wonder how zoomers feel when they see comment sections of old soundtracks from games of boomers just talking about how they played it as children
go to any gen 1-3 pokemon youtube video, oblivion, etc like that and it's nothing but where did the time go lads, we're adults now etc
bet you think you're smart but lazy
>buying digital games
>not still having your physical disc collection from 15 years ago
I shiggy diggy doo
you're a nonce
finished my naan now im scranning some chilli salsa roja tortilla chips
Do you think we don’t do this ourselves
video games are for children
They're a literal art form lad, you're a pleb to think otherwise
love video games
chilli salsa roja tortilla chips has been cancelled de lads while maybe have them later so for now I'm going to go get a packet of squashies and maybe a packet of sweet thai chilli sensations
Alot of games are digital only
We late-millennials never had a time period of our own where we were allowed to be nostalgic for our games.

Pop culture in the late '00s/early '10s was obsessed with the old NES/SNES 2D platformers and the "retro" aesthetic, then we jumped straight from that to the era of zoomers circlejerking over Minecraft, Call of Duty and Pewdiepie videos.

There was never an era where the mainstream culture was nostalgic for Nintendo 64, PS1, GameCube, PS2, etc. We just got completely skipped over.
Fat bastard
can tell your parents don't really love you
imagine relying on pakis to deliver ready meals just so you can eat
good news lads found some left over poppadoms whiles i was downstairs aswell, also got my self a freddo and a biscoff ice cream
>defining your entire life and culture by the video games that were popular when you were a child
fucking hell lad
no mom, as a gamer I'm appreciating an ART FORM it's NOT just for children
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At times yes but also he does it directly above my desk. Moans so loud at times he ends up audibly wheezing with exhaustion afterwards, I'd think he was using a fucking rowing machine up there if I hadn't heard his porn the few times he used the speakers.

Mental shit, don't know how and if to raise this with him or the landlord. Good thing I'm shopping for my own place at the moment.
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>no you must not waste your free time on things you like you must waste them on things i like!
saw 2 fat chav women driving through a provincial british city today listening to cardi b really loudly
that came from south park
maybe hes a cam streamer so he plays it up a bit
good post

kwab desu
you could defend drugged up junkies with this train of thought
very silly!
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Wish I had the charm to attract the one I love.
But you see, I've got no charm..
Mad how 30 year olds 18 years asgo were like 12 wtf
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How can us men even dare to compete? We should just accept defeat and serve our strong female overlords!
finished my food lads washing it down with a healthy pepsi max, diet starts tomorrow
You can observe this trend in more things than just gaming actually I think.

Late-millennials are the forgotten generation. Drowned out by those who came both before and after us.
troon fad
Get your head checked
disgusting whiteboy shit
>Late-millennials are the forgotten generation
Is this why you all bitch and moan constantly on this site? pathetic cuck generation LOL
Post hand.
Band kid safe horny sweet baby inc dei crt feminazi woke trash
>pathetic cuck generation
Hilarious coming from a zoomer which is the generation that popularised being an actual, literal cuckold.
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literally thanking God every day i wasn't born a wh*te boy :pray: :skull:
kind of getting aick of not living the perfect life
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>which is the generation that popularised being an actual, literal cuckold.
Don't hear this word anymore lately. Curious that.
KING shit
KING shit
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women are weird
that kamala creature
loathsome individual
That's just a white hand being held under direct light. You will never be black.
/brit/ particularly dead and grim tonight
hairy monkey ape paki freak
post your wrist

why would i want to be a fucking zenci lmao
I care just as much about what drugged up junkies do as much as I care about what you do (literally not at all)
>a fucking zenci
You have to go back, Mehmet.
Darwinism in action
make me you fucking pathetic pussy race
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what i did to mikey last time he started chattin shit
You can't even stop your home country being overrun with Paki and Arab immigrants. In fact you re-elected the man who invited them in. You have no grounds to criticise us lmao.
she dropped loot
difference is we don't pretend they're turkish nor do our women fuck them.
enjoy your tranny nigger grandchildren
if you see something
say something
report that groomer when he comes for you
my wife's boyfriend just bought me a steam deck
can't sleep
laying in bed
really craving a coke
Why didn’t lard fly everywhere
>difference is we don't pretend they're turkish nor do our women fuck them.
Yes you do and yeah, they do actually.
According to your beloved Erdogan the Pakis and Arabs are your Muslim brothers and you have to welcome them into your country because you all worship the same pedo prophet.
Things could have been different maybe if you had the balls to give up Pisslam.
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I really didn't like the new Nic Cage flick Arcadian, too much shaky cam, boring characters and the monsters were plain silly.
christ just saw something grim
retard who doesn't know anything about anything
turks will continue to dominate the heroin trade in your grey shithole, sell it to you weaklings
cry all you want timmy
According to Erdogan (and the majority of Turks who re-elected him) this is actually "based" because the black man's name is Muhammad Abdullah Al-Islam and he is a faithful follower of the pedo prophet and a good Muslim brozzer.
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thats what women get for putting feminism in video games
is that the ukrainian blood woman?
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Reminder that this is who you’re replying to when you reply to an Australian
mental that this is taking place in london right now as we speak
Any Auslad can confirm?
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>eternally yours,
I personally kneel to all the Black Kings of /brit/
really want a coke lads but don't want to get out of bed and stay up
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the 100-300 or so turkish women in the world who are dating niggers won't change the fact that in any anglo urban area the kids are 40% mullato
pathetic weak subhumans
Was just talking to this russian guy on this gaming livestream and it got kind of awkward because he didnt have great english so i just left abruptly
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Cope harder Mehmet
I had a Finnish friend on RuneScape and a few months after meeting him he told me he was an Iraqi who just lives in Finland so I put him on my ignore list

Never been so let down
I stand with Turkiye
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its a match made in heaven, the number will grow to outnumber the grains of sand on earth
The way Finns behave on this site, i swear most of them are BAMEs

That or its just zoomer brainrot.
love outer wilds
i don't give a shit about mohammad
you can cope harder
20% of the people i knew growing up had white british mothers and fathers of other races
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turkish women dont feel safe after what turkish men have done to them.
after they failed to pass laws protecting them they flocked to walking BBCs for protection
just had a troongasm
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can someone explain what the bottom post means
Anyone have the webm of the guy in the cowboy hat with his troon gf
I reckon a huge proportion of "European" flags on this website are actually immigrant diaspora. I remember threads about Moroccans rioting during the 2022 world cup, and all the French, Dutch, and German flags were defending it. Not to mention all the Islam-shilling from those same flags. Between them and the literal third worlders, 4chan is almost certainly majority non-white at this point.
>love outer wilds
it was a fantastic game. thank you for reminding me of it
is gingernonce just 2016jew on a vpn
Why is there a Turkish incel (or someone larping as a Turkish incel) in this thread?
who is 2018jew?
theyre not even close to the same posting style
i've probably had more sex than this entire thread put together
Better than 10 *nglo incels posting cuck bait

I stand with Turkiye
Did you grow up here or did you come here recently?
Your posting style reeks of ESL retardation.
lots of guys lots of poo
M8 it's just some retard don't feed it.
does bogs refer to the toilets here or does it refer to the pipes
Lol fucking Brit cucks are getting mogged by Anatolian bulls in their own general

I need to tell the rest of /int/ about this, just hilarious.
i grew up here
i speak better english than you, i went to a better university than you
i have more money than you
i live in an expensive area of london
i have money, i have bitches
you are a smelly incel posting in your parents house in shithole-on-niggerlover
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damn i saw a good post on the tl a few months ago with a thread of turkish women hanging on to black kings but it was in turkish so i cant find it
oh well
do you reckon all that shit happens in china cause theres more of them or their safety standards are just that low
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holy based!!!
The difference is that white incels are funny all of the brown incels squatting in Europe aren't funny at all and are just seething with incel rage.
>damn i saw a good post on the tl a few months ago with a thread of turkish women hanging on to black kings
This is the absolute state of "right-wingers" on 4chan btw. They legitimately have twitter timelines full of cuckold shit and see nothing wrong with this.

Daddy Starmer pls nuke this website as soon as possible so I don't have to bear witness to these freaks any longer.
im not a right winger
you can just click the x
most of the white britoids i see on a daily basis are junkies
just a weak people going way of the dodo
funny thing is he is ugly
You're Turkish so probably live in Tottenham or some other shithole where the only remaining natives are the absolute dregs of society. No surprise really.
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me on the left (2006 GOD)
lived half my childhood in perpetual fear of things like this occurring and, as a result, had a fairly boring childhood
good to see it was a well-founded fear after all these years
reckon i could have had like 3 times female sexual interactions i had i fi werent like proper autism

12 times if wasnt short

really boggles the mind
theres no benefit to an exciting childhood
gay sex
NOT cool chinese dad
probably would've turned out a bit more outgoing and extroverted had i not been first coddled by parents and teachers and subsequently self-coddling in my older years i reckon
with australian men
good post
are the monsters allowed?
probably not by much though

majority of personality is due to two factors

1. genetics

2. random noise
why wouldn't they be
nah this world is pure determinism what happens was always going to happen
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i live in islington
you’re poor and eat beans on toast
and don’t have sex
makes me want one as a pet
yeah only blackies would actually want to shag british women lol
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Does Rorke use Windows or Linux?
whats the issue? i do this all the time
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>he's from islington
jcorbz in da house
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>Police confirm at least 19 people were shot, 3 killed, near a club in Indianola, Mississippi early this morning
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I use GNU/Linux
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>bradley posting
Dire gimmick
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is he ok?
>256mib ram
What system is this?
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leftyrorke reporting
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>Uttarakhand: 14-member team heads to Sunderdhunga to inspect temple built illegally by ‘godman’
the “nazbol” yank that supports all the interests of the american elite is a bizarre fellow
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>gnome terminal
my first computer had 4mb of ram
im based
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>According to police, the baba convinced some locals to help him construct the temple, made of wood and stone, by telling them that Goddess Bhagwati came in his dream and ordered him to build it.
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the chinese are an odd bunch
not a tinker tranny so its good enough
linux virgins are going to start bickering about whats the best distro of it
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>Four people were killed and 20 injured when eight coaches of the Assam-bound 15904 Chandigarh-Dibrugarh Express derailed near Gonda in Uttar Pradesh around 2:35 pm, officials said.
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doing a budget
no need to bicker because debian is obviously the best distro
wtf was that a hornet?
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>he's posting on /brit/ 4:15am monday morning
debian if youre based
arch if youre autistic
(non-systemd versions included in both)
if you use any outside of these youre retarded
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one of those giant asian hornets
its 11:16 pm for me
brits are a slave race
it’s an economic zone to make money, then fuck off somewhere nice
hilarious to me that people feel some kind of pride or allegiance to it
Handsome young man
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>Latest News Today Live: 12 Naxals killed in fierce gunfight with police on Maharashtra-Chhattisgarh border
>July 17, 2024 20:49 IST
>Latest News Today Live: The gunfight broke out in the afternoon between C60 commandos and Naxals in Wandoli village and continued for six hours
what time would you seeif you had a time machine?


fink would go to like 300 million years ago or whatever

see some giant ass insects

see some fuggin dinosaurs

all that good shidd
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>breaking news
>poo in loos rape and eat poo and put poo on face on streets of poo peelhi
about what?
you’re american, you probably can’t even see your cock when you look down because your stomach gets in the way
america is the same, a place to make money
not an actual people or culture
go back to the night of rorke's conception and become his dad
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>The body of a 47-year-old sanitation worker who went missing in a sewage canal in Kerala capital Thiruvananthapuram on Saturday was found on Monday morning after a search and rescue mission that lasted 46 hours. The victim, N Joy, was found dead, floating among the garbage, even as a Navy team was scheduled to take over the rescue mission, which involved a National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team, scuba divers, and even robots.
yeh i agree with this

Proper good read this
God tried to teach Crow how to talk.
'Love,' said God. 'Say, Love.'
Crow gaped, and the white shark crashed into the sea
And went rolling downwards, discovering its own depth.

'No, no,' said God. 'Say Love. Now try it. LOVE.'
Crow gaped, and a bluefly, a tsetse, a mosquito
Zoomed out and down
To their sundry flesh-pots.

'A final try,' said God. 'Now, LOVE.'
Crow convulsed, gaped, retched and
Man's bodiless prodigious head
Bulbed out onto the earth, with swivelling eyes,
Jabbering protest -

And Crow retched again, before God could stop him.
And woman's vulva dropped over man's neck and tightened.
The two struggled together on the grass.
God struggled to part them, cursed, wept -

Crow flew guiltily off.
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>debian if youre based
>(non-systemd versions included in both)
*record scratch*
yeah, that's me...
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wanted to use this but gnome doesnt work and they have no intention of fixing it
why didnt they shoot him immediately? this is so bizarre
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>India sees its future with America, America sees its future with India: US envoy Eric Garcetti
>July 11, 2024 22:54 IST
I>n his address at a defence news conclave here, he described India-US ties as deep, ancient and increasingly broad, and said "today I think that culminates together as we look at the US-India defence partnership".
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India isn’t a kingdom nor is it a fiefdom. It’s a poodom. It’s society is centered around feces.
*distant mihai noises*
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>Five army personnel, including a Junior Commissioned Officer, were killed and as many injured when terrorists opened fire on two army vehicles on the Machedi-Kindli-Malhar mountain road near Badnota village on Monday.
Been reading about Bach's St Matthew Passion
As much as they talk of the Middle Ages being a period of discovery, it was mainly about rediscovery and loss. Even within "civilisation", as we'd think of it. Loss and more loss. So much loss before something could be found and distributed
My girlfriend (F20)'s mother found out that I (M21) would like to live with her daughter in an apartment before getting married
the older generation really really hate premarital cohabitation for some reason
maybe if they did it their divorce rates wouldnt be so high?
the new
watched some oblivion videos because my interest spiked in it and now it's been satiated
was really feeling like replaying it, glad i didnt waste my time
gay nigga
ugliest game ever made
Just consensually shagged a female up the arse without a condom. She squirted all over me sheets.

Dirty cunt. Pun intended.
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Shut up... nigga!
Sir why do you have no fingers
You just masturbated to Elder Scrolls
Stop being a bitch and play the game
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i didnt wank to anything
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My mates said I was out of order when I pooed in that girls mouth but

It was consensual

She was of age

She was of sound mind and mental health

She wanted it

She was Indian

So factually it would have been immoral of me NOT to do it
wanked to a tranny
brasley on a mad one
Indians use cow dung to divine the future.
Remember when that Malaysian got the get by posting his poo under my poo? The nerve of that guy. I’m still fuming.
Love a pooey bum

The smell is divine, corr

americans DO NOT suffer
look into da pupu
you see it dont you
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Same lad
red flag
Pain au chocolat and cereal bar and maybe a banana for breakfast
Donald Trump is too old to be president
White rose bush patch
White rose bush patch
Released 30 August 2005 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest Garden of Tranquillity
Location Varrock Palace
Options Rake, Inspect
Examine You can grow a white rose bush in this patch.

The white rose bush patch is a farming patch used during the Garden of Tranquillity quest. It is used to plant white rose seeds in order to grow a white rose bush for Queen Ellamaria's garden.
no osrs wiki
bet your willy is smaller than the banana
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Charles Bronson made a career off of vigilante exploitation films. Before that he was a B-movie western actor. Starred in a bunch of famous movies where he shoots rapists and nonces. He was the original nonce hunter.
how so?
I love learning about British actors!
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Sometimes, you must hurt to know, fall to grow, and lose in order to gain. Life’s greatest lessons are learned through the pain.
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it's time
I didn't know parasites slept
>posting an image with a fake transparent background
Getting piercings all over your face isn't a great life lesson.
not even sharingan is worth being a neurotic freak, speaking as the latter, brookie
Imagine how bad it would be if they didn't
He has rinnegan which is better than sharingan.
Spainparasite sapping the life out of the thread.
Then injecting it with some racebait and samefag spam.
>spell that lets you burn people to death is fine
>spell that makes people explode is fine
>spell that kills people quickly and painlessly is unforgivable
what was rowling THINKING
because the first two spells aren't just for killing people or something
the n words are NOT allowed
Am looking androgynous tonight
A Japanese murder hornet. Yes, they can kill a man with just a few stings.
Because it's dishonourable to just shoot someone in the head rather than make a spectacle out of it.
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morning early birds

update on the sunburn situation:
it’s just as bad as yesterday, can barely walk
I have mental health
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Was looking at skipthegames for cheap trashy whores and saw one that looked like she had a healed bullet wound on her pussy. Just trashy.
A hooker with bullet wounds on her abdominal and pubic region.
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sounds like an establishing shot in henry: portrait of a serial killer
aww hes homophobic
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No, SpeedL00ver
Exactly, strongest eye for the most neurotic freak
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Bomb Yemen again.
basically pissed away my 20s and my 30s are going to be what my 20s should have been. pretty retarded of me
>coomed an hour ago
>still, infact even more horny
cant relate my willy barely works :/
not crying you're crying
ukelele is a major red flag
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Me and girl in op
your arse is a red flag you gigantic puss
Bomb Yemen.
Feed us blood, master.
I'm getting hard again...
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Oh no we can't have that!
Who exaclty is Spaino?

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