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shit thread edition
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nth for the baddiedem
So, this is spainmong
she is very talented and cute x
Perhaps you could go outside and turn off the computer. You little freak.
You got cucked lad?
why do I always feel less hungover after a poo and a wee? is it just alcohol-soaked shit sat there in my bowel like some forbidden enema?
Might just go out there and do that thing i've always wanted to do.

Walked outside earlier and I saw this fat pasty faggot wearing dangly earrings just like this guy and I was disgusted. Not because he was gay, but because he was fat and reddit. If he'd looked butch I wouldn't have been disgusted. Nothing worse than an unattractive fat weak man.
Ah yes, the Eddie & the Hot Rods School of Philosophy
Vaush looking great.
When I bought a home, Mumberg and Dadstein assisted by proving my inheritance ahead of time in the form of a large loan (so I essentially have two mortgages) on which they would waive interest. The idea is that, should I somehow lose half my assets in a divorce, I will have substantially less to lose.

Now, some years later, Dadstein has raised the idea of no longer waiving the interest, so that they can provide "even more protection" by owning more equity. I know they have no sinister intent, but it does NOT sound like a nice idea.
The blinding homoeroticism of this post is too funny. I repeat, everything about this website makes so much more sense when you realise it's all repressed/self-loathing homosexuals
Sometimes my flaccid penis sticks to my balls and then I accidentally piss all over my balls.
Anyways good night /brit/
don't understand any of this nonsense
Is that Yik?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Spaino?
next time you're chatting with your dad, bring it up, then while he's talking pretend to call someone and say it's your lawyer haha
"actually there's someone i want you to talk to"
"who's that?"
"erm... *dialling* it's daniel... daniel goldblatt my lawyer HAHAHA LOOK AT YOUR FACE!!"
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Why don’t you come on, come on, come on, come on and
(Sniff a) sniff another little piece of my fart now baby
(Whiff a) whiff another little piece of my fart I know you will
(Have a) have another little whiff of my heart now baby
You know you’ve sniffed it, if you think it smells good
remember when twitter was good?
got an absolutely honking headache and sore throat
i don't feel so achy and tingly this morning though so that's good
remember when /brit/ was decent?
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Fucked it haven’t I?
twitter? i barely know her!
Pray tell, how does a headache honk when it has no auditory capabilities?
imagine something honking inside your head
that's what it's like
it was dead poetic
that’s the fucking problem mate it gets worse every time I go outside
endless swathes of African families with 10 kids. Should have seen the beach over the weekend
Why are you telling porkies? Quite sad.
Shall be fine-tuning that post, making a few lyrical tweaks, and will repost it later when daytime /brit/ is up.
>mass immigration isn't even happening!
>but i can literally see it
>yes? and that's a good thing, you're not racist are you??!?!
>no but-
>it's not even happening!
fucking hell give it a rest boringlad
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yeah boringlad fucking kill yourself
boringpaedo making you fall asleep with his boringpaedo gimmicks so he can molest you
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morning lads
leftypol placing the ad below
wait why the fuck does southern england have palm trees
Haha, I get it, lad. It's because he's probably gay. Top stuff
some parts of the south east have tropical ecosystems
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probably gay according to what exactly?
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I've come from /cum/ to see what all the fuss is about
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reading gay into everything again are we, rorke?
(((They))) don't want you taking valium
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1984. The first national conference of Women Against Pit Closures is held at Northern College.
americans stick out like a sore knob in the UK
>some are wearing pants
a bit odd that
why do yanks always have colourless lips? is it the bleached chicken diet?
tell me about the backwards cap
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could deck every single one of them all at once
just woke up haha
why don't you have any self-respect?
hwy would that be odd?
girls are supposed to wear skirts or dresses
odd claim
how's that odd?
because women have worn trousers forever
turning 30 this week
christ almighty
why are there so mant wogs out
Since the mid-20th century only. Still odd.
yes 1984 is after the mid 20th century
It's quite odd. It simply doesn't suit them.
just woke up haha
canadian skirt mong loves going on about skirts bloody hell you were yapping on about it last night too you dull bastard
hes indian
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At pub
I'm such a boomer I thought "ice spice" was a spice girl I'd forgotten
drank 11 pints of ruddles once and it was the only time i've shit myself from being pissed
I'm not jeet! How dare you accuse me of such a thing!!!
o-o-one mug of Ruddles please...
woke up this morning and felt myself squeezing a stool out, then had a moment of wondering whether I was actually awake or dreaming and if I should just commit to laying the brick anyway
anyhow I guessed I was awake, pulled her back in, went to the loo and had an explosive shit that lasted 25 minutes and required 6 flushes
God I feel heinous
Gib me Abbot
gf telling me that hawk tuah girl is actually amazing because she saw a video of her saying she wants to use her 10 minutes of fame productively and went around buying stuff for dogs in animal shelters

told her thats the most obvious publicity stunt from her marketing team and now she's mad at me for being miserable, apparently i have to ruin everything
>hawk tuah girl
what is that
find this hard to believe
explosive poos are usually wet and soggy, i highly doubt that would block the bog
the only poos which i have created which have blocked the bog are big fat logs, usually whole and very dense
don't be so daft, the bog-blocker is the copious quantities of loo roll I need to clean my arsehole as a result of having explosive poos
also, my poos are always one or two big logs, then mushy stuff, then pure liquid
had a lot of food and alcohol yesternight so there was more of the different shits
>the bog-blocker is the copious quantities of loo roll
so you admit it has nothign to do with the poo
in the height of my opiate addiction i sometimes wouldn't/couldn't poo for a week at a time, remember one day i hadn't eaten for about 5 days and was starving so i went to the shop and they had boxes of chocolate brazil nuts on sale so i bought a bunch of boxes and scranned them all. didn't know they're actually toxic in large amounts and spent the next 24 hours violently unleashing on the toilet
I'd like to see you argue that in court
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Back at toil after a week off
bet you get bullied for liking cartoons don't you haha
fuck you
surely someone dropping out the presidential race isn’t THAT big of a deal? especially when it was inevitable
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me in the back - billy no mates as usual
oh ok I'm no longer banned that's real cool so so sorry janny and the mods I will never post the former president's name on this board ever again I know posting his name is a "conspiracy theory" and only belongs on /pol/ or /x/
thank you so much
mrs says we 'need' to start having children soon because she wants at least 4 kids and doesn't want to be an old mum

why does it have to be what she wants and not what i want
just take stool softener with every dose and every meal ffs
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wish i had a loving wife or gf
So I am hearing noises of my neighbours having sex usually not hearing them but today I am like they are moaning and shouting like FUCK YES A A A A A and then speaking pretty loudly and repeat or something, I am in a flat but never really heard them do that before what should I do?
only good about 25% of the time, generally you're better off alone
why the fuck did you marry her if you didn't want to have children you ungodly piece of shit
i too would like to express my fondness for that particular beer
ever shag her up the arse?
It’s only good if you are an aggressive dominant alpha male who beats his partner regularly and makes her live in fear. Only in that case the woman will be loyal and subservient to you. Want a happy marriage? Treat your wife like shit and beat her regularly, it’s in their DNA to enjoy it
wank to it I guess
that's what I used to do
the art of the fart
>aggressive dominant alpha male
you're saying it's only good for dogs to be married? some kind of sick slavic fetish?
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Toil in t-7 minutes
hates fags but screams with delight when i rearrange his guts lol x
gfberg is literally going to africa (south africa) for 2 weeks
going to turn into a feral creature when away desu
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bro why this bitch sit in the water like that lmao
whats the weirdest thing you've ever done
My balls are always bouncing to the left and to the right
It’s my belief that my big balls should be held every night.
your MUM lol
*puts a bag over your face*
think dogbergs dying :(
howbout this joe biden business lads hey mad innit
Reckon she'll get blacked?
usually get a 40k bonus every year
been acting different
maybe hes had enough of you
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>My name is Toby
got one of those horrible horrible poos brewing
the sort you can hear the poo gurgling from the outside of your belly
might be pregnant
only one getting pregnant round here is mousey (by me)
Haven't done a solid shit in weeks
Worried I might have crohns disease
First sick day of 2024, quite ashamed really. Should have had about 3 or 4 already
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>The star is a luminous blue variable, and one of the most luminous stars known, having a luminosity varying widely above and below 1,000,000 times the luminosity of the Sun, although it is too far away to be seen with the naked eye.
Big fan of Adolf Hitler personally
Hilarious comment mate! got a good laugh out of me! Even made the wife chuckle! You could even call it skibidi as the kids say these days! Cheers for the UK
just created life
mad how the only house in my street with a messy garden is the black family's.
heard will self once claim that he walked from lax to hollywood or some such as if it was some kind of big deal
I've done that and more big fuck
don't know who that is or how far that is
I reckon I need a job.
LAX is an airport and the distance is 12.5 miles
I reckon you need to go back to where you belong, foreign scum
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I loike Bri'ish memes
anyway what do you want strange peacock
how old were you lads when you had your first wank?
I belong to MI6. UK is me 'ome, bruv.
You’ve been asking this too much… gonna need to have a look at your hard drives if you don’t mind mate
Might become a sexting master.
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school holidays next week
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>Recently broke up with my boyfriend and decided to go on holiday. The travel agent recommend a location on India's east coast with a nice beach.

>When I arrived I found myself a living nightmare. The first morning I went out to lie on the beach and I was accosted by at least thirty men ranging in age from 18 to 60. They surrounded me on the beach, took photographs of me, filmed me etc.

>I ran back to my hotel room and was followed there by four of them. I locked the door and they knocked on it for several hours before leaving.
not sure if you know but he's dead
blocked a toilet in lax once with a very hefty pooberg after my week of big yankoid food portions
Shut the fuck up you Starmer voting, Paki loving clown. You've stretched open your ass for migrants and refugees, you spit on native English, you have no self-respect and wish to see Britain destroyed by an unwashed streetshitting horde of subcontinentals, Muslims and blacks
Speak for yourself mate, I voted Reform
chunks of radioactive poo flying out my arse
just got in from toil
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great idea this
any reliable test to tell if you’re gay?
Imagine doing a big eggy fart in there corr
penis phone
>cheeky gun by the hatch
where do you go to wank in one of these?
imagine you had to evacuate right after you’d had loads of spicy mexican food and processed cheese then having to do really slimy slippery liquid poos behind that tiny vanity curtain
Where would the parents fuck and where the kids would masturbate?
just did a poo and looked down in the toilet to see it had a face and was looking up at me going "dada... dada"
if you're the one who posted that video and you don't know who will self is then I don't know what to tell you
Wtf lad
carmela harris
2 days of nofap. Gonna lose it in 2 hours.
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Imagine Emma Watson is sitting on your face when all of a sudden you hear and feel a big, rumbling fart, and a second or two after that, the smell hits you like a ton of bricks. That would be quite the sexual experience.
another sad day of my miserable life
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Yeah take it to /rus/ mate
oh janny janny you are a naive little nigger aren't you? i simply shall avoid the bans and yes i will continue to use the word nigger
Transgender post
did a big wank to sabrina carpenter last night
probably a bit noncimus maximus given she’s like 4’11
weird autistic australian who talks about poos and impregnating mousenonce
probably a fag too
ktim but we go again
just fucking realised i booked this week of work back in january and not next week when i have hotels and stuff booked fucking HELL im such a SPACKER
underneath the floor
you shouldn't be afraid to use the nigger word, infact you should embrace it
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anyone remember the lunchables meme?
Have sex and save your kingdom, chud.
>22 degrees
>light drizzle
THIS is anglo summer you can keep your sunny 30 degrees and shove it up your paki arse
rolling around on my back making nigger noises
Labour rounding up the immigrants
woah based labour
when does canzuk happen tho
yeah but they'll just claim to be gay and therefore at risk of persecution back home then we'll u-turn and give them a free house and bennies for life
*nothing happens*
The Tories will do that here. I hope.
just send them back to france.
very interesting
Churches report a surge in baptisms from migrants
That's the Tory policy lad
Tories don't sound very conservative...hmmm....
tfw you're still drunk/high from the night before
couldn't just let /brit/ die could you
What is it, lad
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Just realised I might buy a console controller so that I can play Fallout 4 the way the lord intended
can't post that
*licks lips*
clock on...the wall
and the two...of...them, well
they don't agree at all
*smacks lips* he he HEE he he
Limmys on one again
least schizophrenic mosuenonce post
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Why is /v/ like this?
>car washes
>nail bars
So basically deport the ones that are working and causing no harm to anyone? Lol
Nice one UK
/v/ is unusable, mate
theyre not paying any tax but still taking from public services and infrastructure.

think before posting next time
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Add to the list
>Turkish barbers
>Turkish restaurants
>Dessert restaurants (no idea what you'd call them)
>American sweet shops
They're well known for being hotspots for 'modern slavery'
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never thought it’d hurt this bad so just end it tbqh
go after deliveroo
sick of the town centre being full of somalis on bikes with stupid looking bags on their backs
Could never cheat on my wife because I know I'd embarrass myself by cumming in like 5 minutes like I usually do.
like what?
Should have used sun cream you mong
They're all foreigner and probably all illegal. Norwich is full of hundreds of the cunts.
Yeah righto mate, I’m not caught up with the latest daily mail stories sorry about that
you're telling me there's a cream made of the sun?
absolute fucking state
never even burnt my legs
how the fuck do u only manage tro burn your legs
must be utterly bizarre having sunburnt legs
*fills the septic tank up in 3 days*
Christ mate
A little gust of wind and you’d blow right over
Get in the fucking gym
I go Thairand see radyboy
yeah not shit
having a dip in the ocean and then sat around for a good 3 hours without shade does that to you
5 minutes is average
Can't cum with a condom me so I last forever
kek next you'll tell us 6 inches is big
5 minutes? fuck off lol
get a load of minuteman here
>good 3 hours
ancient gimmick
no evolutionary advantage to taking longer to ejaculate. we're meant to cum quickly. why is it a man's responsibility to ensure a woman gets off during a shag?
Reminds me of the titan sub
that's not a gimmick
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Asia pre-European migration of 2025
Asia post-European migration of 2025
this has been debunked
the gimmick is 2 hours you fool
fuckin crocodile dundee over here
Most women can't get off from vaginal penetration anyway
absolutely not
it's the best way to heal a burn
have fixed many a burn by sitting with my hand in a bowl of ice water for two hours
ping pong that ain't normal
Didn't ask
have you ever had sex?
and yet you were still told. curious
I'm still distraught only a single picture of Ava is publicly available and by now she's probably too old and fat if we found her
leftypol watching youtube video essays

>autism can be reversed by just eating healthily
So turns out if you freaks just left your smeggy bedrooms and laid off the frey bentos you'd be alright
I'm not convinced women enjoy sex other than emotionaly
*monotone virgin voice*
I'm not convinced women enjoy sex other than emotionaly
this has been known for years
all the parents who actually care about their autistic children put them on strict gluten free low sugar low inflammation diets
*melodious chad voice*
I'm not convinced women enjoy sex other than emotionaly
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No thirdies allowed (except for you Chile and French Guyana)
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Imagine have a child and it comes out a spacker, I would be fucking devastated
the last couple of women ive had sex with have all enjoyed choking and stuff like that. it’s turning me into a psychopath
aye, condolences to your parents
autism is a wonderful thing
*rushes out to buy an 80 plasma and 7.1 surround in time for the premiere*
spackers tend to have ‘accidents’ in their younger years, you know, try and try again innit
Worse. Imagine if it was a girl. Then again a girl. And again. Then 6 years later they're still girls.
No man could cope with that.
were a girl*
hypothetical, subjunctive mood
Fucking hell just had a look at his channel and he sits watching a whole cycle and narrates it. There are loads of these autism channels on youtube, I found one a while ago into hand driers.
I'm not convinced men enjoy sex other than as some sort of bizarre perverse ego flex
no, it's choking
yeah must be grim. luckily I won't be having children or even having sex so I don't have to worry about that. incels winning for once
I wouldn't want a girl because you know they'll just be influenced by brainless women regardless of how you try to raise them and will end up doing psychology and working in HR.
have sex and save the kingdom incel
>There are loads of these autism channels on youtube, I found one a while ago into hand driers.
like moths to a flame....
shant be wanking this week
kek there must be a reason youtube will recommend them to me
rorke getting sauce stains on the corners of his mouth when he eats spaghetti
But I only asked for a slap!
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Yeah some very odd people, he made a very long post on instagram tagging this influencer
>Always wanted to meet Kaci because she’s been an inspiration to me to start vlogging and thus giving me a reason to start my own channel.
>starts a channel where he sits and watches washing machine cycles
kek true
there's one lad who does plastic chairs and one who does elevators too, think i posted them here
Mad how people moan like shit about FIFA and CoD and other annual release games but continue to buy them like retards
do women want a man who can hop on them ride them for 15 seconds empty the slogger inside them and hop off? do i have a chance?
carmela harris
My sister won't get off the PS5. It's over for me
The more I think about it the more I think we should have just let COVID let rip. The benefits would have been astronomical. Take this image, most these cunts would have died so we won't have to waste money caring for them. That's more money for the rest of us
think it’s over for you lad you ought to sort it out and pack it in
The people we 'saved' from COVID have probably all died of old age by now
no they want a man like me who can't get erect so tugs at his willy trying to get hard but makes himself cum in the process
something bad will happen today
I think you can get pills to treat premature ejaculation
why would i want to treat something that isn't broken?
Croatian War of Independence 2.0
looool britain is a shithole
I remember worrying about premature ejaculation and it turns out my years of porn addictions gave me the exact opposite. Literally can't finish inside a woman
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What is it with leftists getting off on hating their own country? It's bizarre.
thinking about made up words like lustrocity and maken, perhaps garr even
you got any jelly donuts?
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe
unless it's entirely localised inside my arse then no
>implying lockdowns saved anyone
come to my arms my beamish boy
it's a russian bot
I missed it what was it

anime site confirmed!
Uhhh gonna need a new???

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