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wheat edition

My fortune cookie said to expect good news soon
God i hope so
if you asked i would have let you do it
Goddamn you anon I made a thread not 30 seconds after you
why dont you come over to my crib and i'l roll us some spliffs and we'll have some scotch
/cum/ in the wee hours of Monday morning... a good a time as any.
i am sorry
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who's got the wheatfield wifejak?
Are weed and alcohol your whole personality?
you could say that
i dont want to go to the favella
for every winner there's got to be a loser and the loser here is you homie
>tfw no favela gf
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This is my immigration policy:
Why does god give children dementia
ive had like half this 1L bottle of juice squash and a bunch of energy drinks - they just keep disappearing
God is not a person like you or I, as the Abrahamists would have you believe. What I will say is that God has a sense of humor.
Wake up Joe
Imagine God as the creative force behind all things. Life violates the concept of entropy so why does it exist? Randomly? I think not. If God created everything are you not a piece of God distilled down to a single drop of consciousness?
Can't wake up
explain in low iq terms
Just had a lapse into schizo world. I start pacing back and forth in my room. Then I snap out of it.
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on the astral plane
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thoughts on modest asses?
bitches need to stop wearing these hoebag slutty ass bikinis
is the guy on the left floating
what if they are slutty though
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You and I are finger puppets, but we are also part of the whole hand, as it were.
what happens if i smoke the evil bong
the evil bong smokes you
Yeah, if you run into Emmanuel let him know I'm trying to do better each and every day. Just confusing these days
draw 2 cards
oh shit
Haven't taken bong rips since winter of 2019. Those were my peak stoner days, drawing unemployment and smoking weed all day every goddamn day. Fast food and porn and prostitutes and stoner films :)
Choose your character.
it’s been about that long for me too
they get nasty quickly and are a pain to clean and maintain
his shoulders dont match up with his hips
i remember once at at some teenage house party i and the cops came and i was drunk and being mouthy and got put into the backseat and i was wimpering and sniveling and the cop said what do you think i should do and i said "idk maannn do what you gotta, i know you guys got quotas and shittt" kek then i got let go. went home.
they almost always release everyone from house parties. normally it's just enough to break up the noise
I started tearing up like a bitch once when the cops pulled me over for peeling out next to car they had stopped. Funny stuff.
> nex (superior)
ok so Hitler except not evil
peeling out to me means jerking off, that's what makes the most sense
ironmen going on a private server MMORPG to play alone to join a clan chat for asking and answering questions to talk (mostly to ironmen)
love it when i get a semi lob on for no reason and start flopping it around and rest it on my thumb across from my hand. makes me feel like a big man. makes me feel powerful
We don't have much of a foreskin to peel back.
love going into runescape clan chats when admins are asleep and talking while no one can ban me
hate the wildy
that's kind of crazy when you think about it
Can you miss what you've never known?
>I've never not had a lie paid back to me.
Is this what they call karma in the East?
i miss reggie
my moms welfare queen insurance circumcised me. the state of oregon literally paid for it. now thats some crazy shit
I detect antisemitic remarks. Cool it please.
Kek, I just disabled my filters and this retard comes back. Serves me right.
disabled his filters to see my posts
Astral faeries told me to cutie :)
aaaa!! >.<
Listening to Buddhist mantra, I guess it's called "the three refuges." Anyway it tickles the part of my brain that LSD tickled, which is strange.
lsd flashbacks can be brought on by visual and auditory stimulus. it's fun when it happens
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So why do some people who drop acid become hippie dippy types who do yoga and sheeeit?
What is you go to site to check up prices for property in US?
I am curious about how much would a patch of land cost somewhere in California within 1 hour or so commute to the nearest city center.
because they want to, it makes them happy so whatever
Yeah, but why does that drug result in that particular outcome more often than, say, cocaine users?
If you want to see undeveloped land, you can check out landwatch. com
psychedelics are deeply introspective drugs, they erase a lot of the barriers of ego and pride and kind of show your psyche, as it is without any of your preconceived notions.
cocaine is more of a social, outwardly expressive drug
forgot to mention activities like yoga and meditation lend themselves to introspective people so that's where the connection to those activities is made. there's also a culture around psychedelics, and it's nice to fit in and make friends.
they did my nigga dirty
dumb ass hippie shit you just pouted
Drinking milk.
Could you also add, if you know, on average, what is to be considered a good price for land per acre?
i never claimed to be smart so that's fine
out of a bag i presume
No here in BC we use recyclable plastic jugs.
How bright would a lightbulb need to be to be visible through an albino persons torso?
I really couldn't say. Saw some land for sale for $7500 per acre, but I'm in rural Nevada. It might be double in California, depending on the location.
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it would take less energy to blast a hole through the abdomen with a laser than it would it would take to get visible light through it so probably enough to kill everyone in the room
someone made that up, someone posted that on r9k, someone screenshotted it and posted it on reddit, someone found it on reddit and posted it here again
based truth knower
I should be dead
I want RFK to be president.
if you should be you would be
Deep state won't allow it or something
good night
Soon I guess
is pokemon childish?
Should I pull an all dayer and go to the bodega to sustain myself with nutrients and fix my sleep schedule or fall asleep now (it's 6am)
please help me to decide /cum/
is something that's mostly enjoyed by adults childish?
i dont fucking know bro, how much is not sleeping at 6am worth to you
I'm in a similar situation except it's 3:00am.
I always fall asleep when I try to stay awake like that.
Just get some food anyway and ideally milk. Then go to sleep with a full belly around 7 or 8 am
>is something that's mostly enjoyed by adults childish?
Yes. They're mentally children.
are cartoons childish
Yes, especially anime. Think about meeting a new person. If you find out he watches anime, there's a part in the back of your mind that knows he's kind of a childish faggot.
what if i loathe anime but like western cartoons, does that make me more or less of a faggot loser manchild
anime website
I don't know, man. I'm just a fat faggot. Do what you like.
What do you got to offer that other men don't
>anime website
*transgender wojak hanging from a noose*
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just gooned
Not nothing, in fact I got significantly less than avarage
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Go back tourist
I cant sleep either
Donald Dump! haha
why does youtube keep trying to show me that ad with the hot transgender man telling me where i can get prep
>Go back tourist
*ms paint cartoon drawing of a stubbled, ponytailed green-haired man gaping his mouth in frustration*
>brings up trans people out of nowhere
rent free
>hot transgender man telling me where i can get prep
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Sleep is important, but I must ask a critical question

Does your local bodega have a cat?
I thank almighty God I don't live in a place with "bodegas."
liking cats immediately reveals me to that you lack any sense of personality
/cum/ is filled with bitter faggots on Monday mornings huh
Used to watch videos of Chinese people torturing cats and mice to death on /gif/. I guess mods cracked down on that because it's unlawful or whatever.
it's more of a catch-all term for a small grocery store nowadays althoughbeit
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>liking cats immediately reveals me to that you lack any sense of personality
I didn't express any opinions about cats. I just wanted to know if his local bodega has a cat. Bodega cats even have their own Wikipedia article:

>catch-all term
Maybe in your shithole it is.
>/cum/ is filled with bitter faggots on Monday mornings huh
First day on 4chan?
All of our beautiful wholesome posters have gone to bed, likely dreaming of candycanes and gumdrops. Some unsavory characters at this hour.
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>>catch-all term
>Maybe in your shithole it is.
I wish
>quoting a quote
>with an unfunny meme no less
>unfunny meme
Hit a nerve, didn't I?
Who are you quoting?
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>Hit a nerve, didn't I?
>newfags trying not to think about trannies challenge: impossible
want to know how I can tell you're a newfag?
>>Hit a nerve, didn't I?
I'm sure you'll come up with some nonsensical reasoning tourist
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image didn't attach
uhhh yikes!
he doesn't use the extension to automatically steal everyone elses filenames
Don't reply to me ever again faggot
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sowwy :(
The three refuges of Buddhism are the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.
>Buddam Saranam Gachami
>Dhammam Saranam Gachami
>Sangham Saranam Gachami
What state do you live in? Am curious
state of confusion
kill yourself unfunny faggot
>kill yourself unfunny faggot
live yourself funny faggot
haha faggot
haha breeder
Lobster bisque in a 6 oz bread bowl - $42
>dude, DUDE! what if i replaced all the words posted in the previous sentence with ANTONYMS...and then REPOSTED IT! wouldn't that be so CREATIVE and FUNNY and THOUGHT-PROVOKING?
struck a nerve huh
Mr. Intellectual ova' 'ere
ayo this nigga learned his synonyms and antonyms n shieeet
>sis, SIS! what if i replaced all the words posted in the previous sentence with SYNONYMS...and then REPOSTED IT! wouldn't that be so UNCREATIVE and UNFUNNY and UNINTERESTING?
Tried some of this gatorlyte electrolyte beverage and it just tastes like Gatorade but much thicker. Kind of gross to be desu with you. Been diluting with water.
Good post
ayo this nigga…
woke up at 6 am because the next apartment's smoke alarm went off and it's still going. incredible
Used to wake up to a baby crying through the wall from the best door apartment. Now that I live in a house, I wake up to suburbanite faggots revving their muscle cars.
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Guys they let me go home!
Fell asleep on the couch yesterday. Might have tired myself out walking doggo at the park in the heat.
I'm preggo
maga or something
happy forf of july or whatever
im brown
You need to go back.
liking dogs immediately reveals me to that you lack any sense of personality
haha typo
I've got morning wood rn
If liking dogs means there is no personality then i will gladly accept it.
Dogs are so worth it.
Dogs are man's best friend
complaining about animals immediately reveals me to that you lack any sense of personality
I've got morning wood rn
Everything is gay and retarded. Only I am an authentic, original anon.
Everything is gay and retarded. Only I am an authentic, original anon. I've got morning wood rn.
You're not even a top 5 character
hating dogs or cats is a sign of subhuman tier iq
celebrating about humans slowly conceals me to that you contain any hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I've got morning wood rn
The turbulence of the thread can be attributed to the confluence of anons that are up much too late, and the anons waking up early for work on a monday morning. Fascinating stuff.
Speaking of dogs, she now wants her morning walk
The turbulence of my cock can be attributed to my morning wood rn
Don't act like some folks make their pets their whole personality
My dick and sex is my whole personality
as i said
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me rn with diarrhea. gm.
Not liking dogs reveals to me something about your skin and genetics.
said what?
If I had a dog it would have been husky or malamute.
Reddit: the thread
>I'm a good person because muh doggo
Kill yourselves
Truth nuke
4chan: the thread
>I'm a bad person because muh cat
Live yourselves
scratched my balls
odds i sniff my fingers
evens i sniff my fingers
dubs i wash my hands
Your life: the thread
odds i sniff my fingers
evens i sniff my fingers
dubs i wash my hands
ebaumsworld: the thread
>I'm a neutral person because muh fish
Limbo yourselves
Your thoughts on Labradors?
odds i insert my finger into my mouth
evens i insert my finger into my nose
dubs i insert my finger into my anus
That dog poops
Out of its butthole
Think about that
americans will sit for 5 hours and watch some dudes turn left for 600 times and call it a sport
Have owned a few labs and have taken them hiking and swimming. They chew and dig. Dogs are not my whole personality though, so I'm not going to post pictures of them and do the circlejerky thing you fags are.
Disliking doggies and American flags don't go together.
Reddit: the thread
someone posting porn on the /cum/ discord
>/cum/ discord
trannies won
Imagine having a trooncord
Cringe af as fuck
no mans sky
more like noguy buy
So do you

Dogs aren't my personality either

>I'm not going to post pictures of them and do the circlejerky thing you fags are.
Funny how you saw a picture of a dog and, for some odd reason, your mind starts thinking about homosexuality
How often do you jack off
just called someone the n word in a video game. im shaking rn
real wagie hours
What would your employer think of this
Eating 3 hard boiled eggs and a bowl of chicken noodle soup
im a neet
Good morning America Saaars. Pardon my ESLism, but why is number $ instead of $ number wrong?
Both are wrong because $ is not a number its a symbol denoting currency

If you were to ask the same with the number 5, the answer is because it is. Deal with it.
No. There are some childish cartoons, and there are some adult ones, and some are for all ages.
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Fuck this coof I can’t even go outside to take pics
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markets open
It opened 21 minutes ago
Anyone been to China?
/cum/ has been really fast at night recently
I have
Multiple times, but only to Shanghai and Shenzhen
Would you rather have a car that needs to refuel or a car that doesn't need to refuel?
was gonna walk to the dispensary but it's raining
instead I will gamble
god I love vices
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>good as hell
Hell isn't good at all.
I see

What's it like?

Obviously the latter would be better, but it isn't possible
>What's it like?
It’s like China. There is really no comparison.
In the cities you have insane population density. But unlike major Japanese cities, there is no “social contract” to do things in an orderly manner.
So it’s like dealing with a million people at any given time who all have “me first” mentality.

only 1 (one) anon understood
>it’s like dealing with a million people at any given time who all have “me first” mentality
Sounds like America
im still not doing a great job of getting over her but i know its not good to dwell, the only thing i can do is fix the things that made her stop loving me and either hope she misses me and comes back or move on and never love like that again
love you /cum/bros
hyper fucking BɅSED naraku poster holy fuck
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highly underaged post
i am 27
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i'm not that fat
nothing hits quite like that first shit of the morning.

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