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Sheffield edition
Still driving up to North Wales
NEED lunch restaurants to open so i can get my uber eats in
it's a bloody disgrace that Labour haven't put provisions in place for trans individuals trying to get onto the housing ladder

these people are persecuted enough as it is and now MtF trandgenders like Emma here cannot even get a place to stay it's shocking so it is
refuse to wash my hands cos they smelly of girl sweat
Are scousers as bad as they say?
same but the bfs arsehole
>A police sergeant given a role to champion ethics wolf-whistled at women while on duty, a panel concluded.

>The panel found Mr James Endean, who was previously based in Reading, Berkshire, repeatedly bullied colleagues and made comments about his penis and sexual abilities.

>Mr Endean was made an ethics champion in January 2022, received further training, and last year was appointed a White Ribbon, external champion, to act as an “ambassador” for women and girls.

>The panel was told by his colleagues that he would “rate” women’s attractiveness while on patrols and told them that some were “asking for it”.

>Colleagues reported how he had told them women would enjoy sex with him and that his fingers “should be on Britain’s Got Talent”.

>It said this conduct continued even after a reflective practice meeting, and that it was “intentional, deliberate and targeted”.
kek my only thought about that article this morning was that's 100% a troon
same but my own poo
For me it's obsessing over the subject of an article's ethnic mix
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Ate a pizza, had some chocolate, sitting in bed idly holding my ballsack
This trans woman makes 50k per annum meanwhile you’re some unemployed runt shitpostinng in your mothers spare bedroom lol
Cynically I often think the main point of these articles is to put out a puff piece about nothing but across the course of the article they will feature a trans mong and make a point of not mentioning the person is obviously trans, thus normalising it.

Having skimmed the article just now, it says he lives in West Mids with an average house price of £215,000 and his salary is £50,000. So if he gets a bog standard mortgage at 4.5x his salary he could afford an average house in the place he lives. Article about nothing.
new word just learnt: dotard
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keeping it womfy
get the trannies housed
Nice word, shall be adding it to my repertoire. Usually go with "coffindodger" these days, for humorous effect.
its so cold
trevi fountain eat your heart out
>1 in 8 renters can afford to buy where they live
Lol obviously, because renting is cheaper. I rent in central London - would need to be a literally millionaire to own this flat.
Yeah mate must be something like 11°C
aussie niggas be like brrrr its only 35 didgeri degrees. better put on a coat
>Renting is cheaper
Wish I lived in a less retarded part of the world where that were actually true
haven't seen a single moth this year
spatics be like
>if i put down a 50% deposit and get a 10 year mortgage on 2% interest then my monthly outgoing will be less than rent
yeah no fucking shit you've fronted £200,000.
Oh well...
Might finally see governments appealing to the next generation instead of constantly bending over backwards for a bunch of old cunts who contribute nothing to the country and clog up the entire nation's infrastructure
its 17 in my living room right now. yeah late at night it gets really fucked hovering around 14. ive been sleeping in my Oodie
whistled from my car at a topless man jogging near the salk institute once and he smiled :)
Yeah well it makes sense. I could buy but it would be in a London suburb.
mousenonce want to take you to a queer techno club and we can both be naked dancing around like degenerates haha
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Man with a Essex accent driving an ice cream van through your living room
>Oh look at me, I'm doing a silly walk
10/10 best comedy to ever come out of England
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Will Smish
I'm so rumbly in my tumbly
and I do care 'cause I'm pooh bear
average /brit/ timmy off to work to give half of his salary to unemployed young african men
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i have a box of these you can have for your wacky experiments
Fuck off mousenonce you vile wol
fake mousenonce it would never write "spaintard"
time for something sweet
katy stumbling back home after the cronem last night
are we not going to talk about how all these years diego is a massive fraud who goes out all the time on friday and pulls girls? he was literally bragging at 3am this morning about kissing multiple girls in the club
Bit odd that he showed up the same time as >>200042498 as well.
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this is my life today
you ever open up all your windows to 'air out' your house, in hopes of getting rid of the smelly neet smell that's certainly there but you can't actually smell because you exist within in 24/7?
Buy a Glade plug in or an air wick.
Currently dying from manflu so sat in bed with my laptop and a hot drink watching streams on twitch. Max comfy
Sometimes I light a candle but only if I am anticipating guests, which is rare.

have the windows open most days for fresh air anyway
sheffield mentioned
i have a bunch of scented candles at home..im not gay
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>watching streams on twitch
I'm sorry to say that dotard will always be associated with, for those in the early internet age, the ones who fancy ASSFAGGOTS and MOBA thoughwhilsttbeit
drop table rorke if exists
> the novel, Quasimodo symbolically shows Esmeralda the difference between himself and the handsome yet self-centered Captain Phoebus, with whom the girl has become infatuated. He places two vases in her room: one is a beautiful crystal vase, yet broken and filled with dry, withered flowers; the other a humble pot, yet filled with beautiful, fragrant flowers. Esmeralda takes the withered flowers from the crystal vase and presses them passionately on her heart.
women have always been the same.
not everyone is a terminally online virgin freak
*picks up candle and eyes the label*

Yankee Candle - Essence of Pooey Man Bum
Anything you can think of doing is already being vlogged by gay retards on tiktok or instagram.

The curtain has been pulled back on literally everything.
Got a bottle of after shave which I use solely to mask bad smells
I never realised how stinky wanking is until my 20s. Even if you clear it all up it can make your underwear reek
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might learn to tinkle the ivories
parents quite literally paying her to nonce their sons
burnt toast is a good one for hiding smells of all kinds

easier if you have your own place though, less easy to explain why your cummy bedroom at your mum's house smells of burnt toast
Which streamers do you like? I don't go on twitch but I watch vods of twitch streams. I like Limmy, although he's been a bit crap for a while. I also used to like ItsJabo but haven't watched him for ages.
be as it may such is the case for me
*posts about politics*
i dont like staying at my gfs place because i dislike the idea of her hearing me take my morning shit, and i never eat enough while im there.
*escorts you out of the thread*
shit in the shower
I always have my window cracked
Keeps the air fresh and reduces the chance of mould significantly
I had a look at that article, she claims to spend 2/3 or her salary on rent and bills. I'm not sure where in Birmingham she lives but she needs to fucking move if she's spending that much, talk about living beyond your means.
I live with my gf and I cant take a shit in peace without her making a comment
i hate bugs and shit
The smell is you, have a shower.
grow up
Is this a joke? I earn 65k + my partner earns 60k and we can't buy a house either
Do you shout
as you're doing it?
diegos origin story
65k is about £3,500 a month after tax and other shit. You should be able to save a grand a month easily after everything else and have enough for a deposit within two years.
>inb4 'I live in London'
thinking of starting a /brit/ truth social account to catalogue some of the finer posts for a wider audience, in the same vein as my former /brit/ parler account
anyone here have their own account/could give it a follow if i go ahead with it?
they probably rent a house (much bigger than they need), go on holidays a lot, car on finance. shit like that. all retarded expenditures if home ownership is a goal
hey mate just a heads up but maybe try not to be so insufferably boring next time x
I find it bizarre how awful people are at managing their money
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no, but she's only got an ensuite bathroom. so she can definately hear my sloppy shits splash in the water. sometimes ill try to wait till we go make breakfast. 'be right back', ill say, but again, she's got to know im going to take a shit. all feels very unromantic.
>she's only got an ensuite bathroom
What sort of weird flat does she live in that only has a en-suite, is she a student in halls?
>my partner
u gay
yeah let's blame my own failures to study, get a good career, save and invest on poor immigrants just trying to make their own life better! that'll really show em who's boss!
is she listening outside the door for your poo splash or something? baffling post
Mental how much people spend on travelling abroad. Would I like to go to an exotic country? Of course. Would I like to spend thousands to do it? No. It doesn't seem worth spending 3 grand on going away for a few weeks.
love the first time i have a poo at a new shag's place. it's like I'm marking my territory especially when I know some beta freaks get anxious about pooing at a girl's house and can't perform when they get to the bowl
hello you absolute legends
>is she a student in halls?
I’m a 25 year old virgin
what else are you gona spend it on tho
holidays arent that good
but it's i dont care about cars
i care a bit about clothes but you can get good stuff for cheap and unless i'm a trillionaire i'm not gona spend 500 quid on a shirt
saving let's say 1 grand a year to go on holiday every 3 years is negligible compared to saving for a house like irrelevent in terms of the cost
like unless u have dependents what is there to even spend the money on
Don't ever look up ticket prices for a famous singer's concert, your brain will explode
I also keep my windows open all of the time (as much as possible) because I love fresh air and sunlight
maybe we will get married
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im a 35 year old virgin
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He's not blaming immigrants is he
you must understand that wagies only get a period of around 2-3 weeks per year in which to live their lives as the rest of the time they are waging

they can’t afford to spend their time off spent day on their arse at home because it’s their only freedom that entire year; they have to make the most of it
Is a bit mental when you think about the fact that people spending thousands to go on exotic holidays, mainly to shag if they don't have kids let's be honest, is equivalent to someone spending money on a prozzie.
disingenuous i got tickets for 100 quid each
you're looking at resale from scalpers
90%+ of people going have spent under 150 quid a ticket
Hobbies and interests that bring me fulfilment. That could be a musical instrument, a new PC, something for the garden, a rowing boat, whatever. All these things improve your life and bring more happiness long term than a brief holiday. I'm not saying never go on holiday or that they're shit, just that a lot of people spend thousands to go abroad and to me it seems like a waste.
i like travelling, but on a budget. i hate eating out every day, doing paid touristy things, etc.
get me a cheap ryanair flight, a cheap hotel (or ideally an airbnb-thing shared with multiple people to get the cost-per-person as low as possible), then eat out only like once a day, spending the day just wandering about.
I went to Silverstone GP qualifying once with a mate as he got free tickets from his work, it was fucking boring honestly and the cars sound shit irl. Turns out those tickets go for hundreds.
already own musical instrument
and have a pc
and have furniture
what else am i meant to buy? even as it is i dont spend time doing half these things i buy
at least on a holiday i actually have to "use it"
grim af
always get fat af on holiday even with mass walking cos i gota try everything lol
Billy pls go
my mates gf is aeroplane cabin crew so whenever they travel they only pay tax on the plane tickets. so a flight to say japan is the same as somewhere in europe
never go on holiday cos i've got no mates no gf and doing things alone is shit
solo travel is great.
LOL this is me
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>even as it is i dont spend time doing half these things i buy
>at least on a holiday i actually have to "use it"
its actually fucking shit but its better than not seeing new places
we need to address the elephant in the room
one guy at the bank said it was because we are contractors but it's fucking dumb in that case because we have 70k in savings and can easily find jobs in this market

we rent a flat and neither of us have a car lmao. also holidays are like 1-2k even if we went 3 times a year it wouldn't do shit to our capacity to repay a mortgage.
as i said when you have no dependents and decent salary
and again a grand a year set aside isn't gona get me a house in london so what else is there to spend money on? my biggest expense is fucking drinks at the pub ffs
Who let this elephant in here?
Holidays are infinitely more worth it if you're a woman or a very good looking bloke because of the exotic shags. You incels wouldn't understand.
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Corrrr what a lengers
you broke yet, karl? wife on ya back about money? kek
I'm criticising how boring you sound. You don't have any hobbies or interests.
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>Huddersfield man exposed by pedophile vigilante group - they were wrong but he died after taking overdose
i've been on like 30 holidays (half of them southen spain) have only kissed a girl ONCE on holiday let alone a shag lol
state of me
eating something absolutely delectable right now. either a grape or port wine jelly cup with diced up pears inside. lush lads, get on em.
arse too big
seems like he still had something to hide judging by that reaction
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Noel the poet, liam the town crier etc. etc.
project on
(also irony of writing this when you're complaining about experiencing a different culture and food as not worth it)
hate fruit in desserts me. horrible texture
mostly peaceful drug overdoses
Again I'm not criticising going abroad, I'm just saying spending thousands on it is a waste. My ex spent over 3 grand to go to Vietnam on some guided tour thing.
so true haha
proto-gf hasn't seen Alien (1979). going to download the blu-ray for our pizza and film (and shagging) night at the weekend.
dont mind em me
straight women get more pussy than me
Stupid doing this, just sitting there waiting for a film to end so you can shag. Shag first then watch it.
Where's the illiterate Congoidal criminal in the bottom section
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ok thanks virgin
Go to SEA lmao
It's great when you aren't lonely - if you are it can aggravate it.
>don't get slowed down by others faffing about
>can go anywhere you want on a whim without needing to convince or pander to other people
>not interested in visiting somewhere? Just don't go
>can spend as long as you want in one place
>don't get hounded by hustlers/salesmen etc because you aren't a big group
>can always find a table in a bar or restaurant, or a seat on a bus, or a place in a tour
remind me why solo travel is shit? Because you feel lonely? Lol, lmao even
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ktim but i might have to bite the bullet and go see rome alone before i 'cide
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afs urp dee isc ohk
you're going down Bitchell, your case is about as weak as your skill at donkey kong
this is all cope. shared experiences with friends or family is better than being a sad solo gimp.
Gay boy
Yeah this, honestly it doesn't sound worth doing alone. Imagine sat in Rome eating a pizza on your own, surrounded by couples chatting and laughing and you're there staring at your phone, posting bradleys on /brit/
all of the worst travel experiences I've had were while travelling with groups
you're just an incel weirdo then
if your idea of solo travel involves just browsing /brit/ in a foreign country that's on you
are you just really poor or something?
can you not understand already owning a guitar
a gaming pc
having enough money to buy any book you want when you want it or a film or whatever
i dont care about cars or flashy things i have nothing to spend "low level" amount ofs money on like a few grand but holidays me buying a 500k flat in london is not influenced by me spending 3 grand on holidays every few years
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>Imagine sat in Rome eating a pizza on your own, surrounded by couples chatting and laughing and you're there staring at your phone, posting bradleys on /brit/
it's actually mental how much more fun even awful things are with friends
was in rome earlier this year waited 2 and a half hours in the rain to get into the vatican (totally not worth it but that's another issue) but it was hilarious with my mates the sheer absurdity of it
if i was alone i'd have gone home after and cut myself
It's personal preference, I would see it as a waste. Especially since time off work goes so fucking quickly and before you know it you're back to normal minus 3 grand a plus a tan.
imagine being so fucking insecure and weak minded that you feel "lonely" whilst being by yourself
do the thoughts in your own head scare you that much?
the loneliest I've ever felt is being with a large group of "people"
>time goes quickly off work so just never take time off work
state of you honestly you have severe brainrot
Having friends is for brown people the white man enjoys being alone more than being with others - Rourke probably
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>do the thoughts in your own head scare you that much?
Just ate half a large Dominos pizza for breakfast lads
Really need to get this sorted I am just one fat bastard these days
Nah I just spread it around rather than do it in big lumps.
where do you eat when you solo travel? in restaurants? not sure i could handle the embarrassment
Yeah but solo travel is most fun when you aren't lonely.
fell asleep in me chair wanking last night, suppose ill do the same tonight.
desu even when i go on holiday with mates usually end up eating alone at some point
it's not so bad on holiday

>there are now hordes of people in the comments saying humphrey makes a good point, and now agree with him
When did English people become this stupid?
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sit around cafes raising your glass to people
least derranged atheist
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People are still donating to Jay Slater's family
Someone gave £1,500 2 days ago and then an additional £450
Amazing little scam this is, get rid of your cunt son and also make enough to fund holidays for the next decade
hate many of you so bad
I've never understood holidays either
6000 pound lost and all you have is a weak tan and two weeks of being a lump
>chatting is good somehow
refuse to see the world me
indescribably based
how on earth are you spending 6k if all you're gona do is lie on a beach
utterly bizarre
>make enough to fund holidays for the next decade
And would those be solo or no?
same. most of the things you see on holiday you can see better pictures and videos of on the internet innit
6k for a group
You cu
these people spend their entire lives in their smelly childhood bedroom and have no experience with how the outside world works
Why go on holidays? Ten grand and you get what, a day on a beach in brighton and a 99.
no owls
>You cu
kinda get that feeling
>i went on one inclusive holiday with my parents when i was 15 why does anyone even go on holiday reeeeeee
oh you mean 600 quid per person all inclusive for a week yeah bro so "expensive"
a good holiday is where you are looking for creatures and plants
Pointless spending 20 grand when you can just go to Skegness for a day out and get the same experience.
why have sex when you could lie in bed and wank
I Spent £6K On A Holiday And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
spent £15,000 on a coach to dundee and it wasn't even sunny
holidays are a fucking con
reckon japan would be good to visit alone cos they've got those incel cafes where you can just sit in a booth on your own, but what is there to actually do in tokyo? nothing
holidays are mainly for meeting new people. you live in your little rut, never meeting new people, doing the same thing, etc, so fools pay thousands to go somewhere completely different, with an entirely different set of people. utterly bizarre. might need to come up with a related business idea.
Money wasted
That could have been invested in business
Then that 1000 would be 10,000 then the 10,000 would be 100,000 the that could be a house
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most imaginative brit poster
>holidays are mainly for meeting new people
utterly bizarre comment
your dad plays with a lightsaber app on his phone when no one's watching
Spainnonce has awoken
mousenonce honey this is your mum can you stop boiling piss in your caravan and come inside for some lunch
maybe for antipodeans where you live in an area of the world with boring cultureless nations (just nice landscapes)
we live in europe with dozens of top cities. holidays here are definitely not for just meeting new people
mousey it's oxygen that oxidises that's why it's called oxidation
Go to the pokemon centre go to the maid cafes fuck a prossie go and see the gundam statue go to the suicide forest on the train and look for dead bodies go see the cherry blossom and the palace/castles look at mt fuji. If you actually couldn't think of anything to do yourself you are cripplingly addicted to the internet.
isnt bizarre at all. what, you want to go to japan to eat sushi? can get fish and rice anywhere in the world. maybe you want to pay out the nose for the "authentic experience", but in reality, youre just paying to meet a bloody japanese sushi chef.

oh yeah? you go to france to get a croissant do you? bloody fool you are mate. going to germany for oktoberfest like you don't got beer or something huh?
any other lads go on caravan holidays growing up?
too far gone into my seclusion now to re-enter normoid society. can't even remember what a conversation is like in real life
who the fuck is spending £6000 on a holiday
just get a £20 flight to benidorm and stay in a £20 a night run down hotel
Ryanair flight to Sydney booked, only 7 stop overs
we've rented a campervan to drive around nz
look at pokemon, look at women, fuck women, look at toys, look for dead people, catch a train, look at trees, look at castles, look at a mountain. can do all of this except look for dead people jut about anywhere mate
It's like /brit/
Do they still make those apps where you hold your phone up to your mouth and it looks like you're drinking a beer
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Genuinely I am too far gone to have conversations, even with family members.

When people talk to me I can hear them and understand them but there are no neurons firing in my brain generating a response or even a desire to respond. It's like the reflex just isn't there. I can't even convincingly pretend to care anymore; people can sense that there's nothing below the surface of my lukewarm, empty acknowledgements that I dribble out in my best attempt at being polite.

Too many years have been spent communicating only through this anonymous imageboard. I honestly believe this specific form of communicating has conditioned my brain this way (along with general social isolation). Consider that on anonymous imageboards there is ZERO pressure to come up with a post, a response or even a thought. You can be silent for 12 hours then send 1 post out into the ether and your post will be treated the same as any other.

This is the most consequence-free method of communication ever devised. The anonymity reduces it to a level below that of even 'normal' online chatrooms where people have usernames. There if you have N number of people in a chatroom all in a conversation and you pipe up out of the blue then it's weird and you're not quite fitting in; you're that weird guy sitting in the corner for 12 hours saying nothing. Not so with a thread full of Anonymous posters where you can step in and step out at will, no consequence, everyone treated equally.

And while it is good for free expression, it has over the course of over a decade destroyed my ability to communicate in real life. In any circumstance where I am supposed to be communicating with someone non anonymously I just sit there silent like an obelisk; no thoughts, no caring about what the other person is saying and not saying anything myself. There is no way back from this as I have been like this my entire adult life now. I can never be normal as there is no foundation to build upon, no personality.
It’s all so tiresome
yeah we had a caravan on a site in a nice place growing up. was lovely looking back but I was a runt and just played total war on my laptop indoors and didn't appreciate it
That was hilarious, those were the days.
i wouldn't go to japan for the food so i cant comment on that but even just going to spain vs uk fruits and vegetables taste different their oranges are way better for example and (before the pound collapsed) most countries were a lot cheaper than home couldnt give a shit about meeting a chef can go to local x restaurant and ask to talk to the chef
Trans pussy is pussy
How do you greentext irl?
>you go to france to get a croissant do you?
i could fly to paris tomorrow for £35 and get that croissant, yes.
what can you do? fly to bali for 5k and get food poisoning or blown up by terrorists? nice one dickhead
do you really need to 'do things' on holiday? i like just exisiting in a place somewhere new, somewhere that isn't home/familiar. like if i went to tokyo, i would prob spend my time just walking about, looking at things.
>holidays are for meeting new people
retarded take. I could walk into the offie round the corner and meet new people right now
that is doing something
no point going on holiday to sit on your room on brit is there
yup that guy is proper autistic
air quotes
Yeah mate even better you could drive to the outback and wank into a ditch and drink straight vodka that's the exact equivalent of staying in a hotel having a nice meal and hiring an escort.
the only people that need to go on holiday are people who work 300+ days a year in a stressful job
me, as a NEET, does not need nor want a "holiday" aka going to some foreign shithole just because it's "hot" and "exotic"
it is literally cheaper for me to go get a flight to europe and then exist there even with a hotel cost than it is to go visit my mate in york from london lol
Spent 6.5k on a watch - better than a holiday
could get those same oranges there mate, dont need to fly to bloody spain to get them. just want to meet orange farmers do you?

going to pay 35 pund in travel to get a bloody croissant are you mate? just want to meet a french patissiere, i can tell.

but you wont, will you? you'd rather spend 1000 pund and a week in germany to meet a german fella that makes his own saurkraut
Ktimmmm absolutely hate pooing in anything but complete privacy
Is it literally? Not figuaratively or technically or virtually? It literally is is it?
most successful holiday hater
that's how I feel and that's exactly what I did when I went to Japan last year. I just like to drift around passively experiencing the world around me
asinine gimmick
only ever travel within europe me. rest of the world seems a bit shit and boring.
absolutely mad that I can fly 3000 miles to tenerife for £50 but it costs £50 just to get from manchester to birmingham on the train which is about 75 miles
personally i prefer to get involved, became prime minister of japan last year when i visited
its bloody true, people are just too embarrassed to admit it. holidays are for meeting new people.
how does /brit/ always find the dumbest things to argue about
kinda agree europe mogs everywhere else so bad
Today is a great brit day, I'm in stiches. Howling like a dog.
shut up you retard
really? surely staying at your mate's is free?>
terrible take, strange hill to die on
there are super low iq posters here who cannot understand the idea of a holiday
or leaving the house
or having friends
ye but we spend money going out to eat etc so travel + that is more than holiday travel + food costs
we're actually on top form at the moment
i want to fuck this owl
hai :3
really enjoyed this thread actually. particularly enjoyed this aussie's post >>200044329
It's cheaper to go to the middle of the Congo than for somebody in Edinburgh to go to Orkney

The UK is broken and Domhnall Truimh is going to fix it
went to Thailand with the squad last year and managed to kick off a small military coup
not a terrible take at all. its true mate. people are stuck in their little ruts, feeling like theyre going insane, their own personal groundhog day. so they go and book a trip to some other place, full of completely new people, because they dont know how to get out of their rut. theyre so ingrained into their rut, they need to pay out the bloody arse to do something out of their own norm. symptom of the collective autism of society
cant even say you're english on holiday anymore
Solo trip to Margate booked lads, 8k downpayment (10%), it's all inclusive so won't have to worry about much.
eat it
Fun fact, the guy who ignores him is David Chase, the creator of the show. It's incredible that Chase managed to capture Naples so well in an episode and he's not even from there.
Woke brigade banning the word holiday, probably want to call it unholi-24hourperiod
good cheap weekend holidays?
ah yes all of mankind does everything they do for the exact same reason. you've came up with the universal theory for all of human psychology. they should give you a nobel prize
moving from your smelly childhood bedroom to the garden to spam your trannies
u'lkl fall over?
Probably Glasgow
File: 1712162735446807.jpg (287 KB, 1711x738)
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london to tenerife (2000 miles) £32.99
manchester to london (200 miles) £76.30

explain this /brit/
Some muppets at the door who says FACE CONTROL SAID NO
how about you just go to a different butcher, and news agency this weekend yeah? just to start with. then on monday, go to a different corner store. then tuesday, a different pub, etc...

this is actually common knowledge believe it or not mate, only the bloody spackers in here dont realise it and refuse to believe it.
we did alright for a couple of goofballs
train bosses are greedier than plane bosses
The train companies have bigger loans to pay than the aeroplane companies
£50 uber to luton there and back to add on
Don’t waste your time - go to Ibiza or Berlin instead! The so called “progressive techno scene” in Tbilisi is discriminatory and closed minded. Got rejected by the so called “face control” for being English by the bouncer.
i have a massive knob
I want to knob 16 year old girls
A little queer apartheid: not queer - not welcomed
glasgow is a shitehole

never come here
that train ticket is fucking madness, you can do a 200 mile trip here for ten dollars LOL
>you can do a 200 mile trip here for ten dollars
Problem is that only gets you to the corner shop in Oz
downloaded tiktok in bed this morning but deleted it after 30 minutes doomscrolling. proper brainrot inducing shite on there
Legal in Kentucky
smart aleck
>you can fly to spain for £5 but bus is £6!!!!!
yeah moron, because most people who fly also end up paying for luggage and other shit that adds up very quickly
the baseline price is just there to advertise the flight

but of course we know you fly alone with just a stinky neet backpack so it doesn't apply to you
see any decent tummies at least?
My mums already moved there with my dad
The rest of us are moving from Cheltenham
yeah if there's one place you never see people with luggage it's trains
thank you so much for posting you legends, I hope you're having a fantastic day and I will see you in the next thread
black nigger bastard walking down the street with his black nigger woman
not my fault that I'm an efficient traveler is it
so many tummies in the club last night
by 10pm i'd say 80% of people have their tops off
Had a nice wank to some dancing lasses yesterday.
some people need to take luggage, and the cost of your flight is offloaded to them.
it has nothing to do with efficiency, retard. you're also a retard because you can't understand a basic economic principle.

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