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mysterious map edition
I think what I will start doing is lying to people that I've traveled to all these far off lands but saying that I was on my own at the time.

>yeah mate it was cracking, you wouldn't believe [tourist attraction] in person mate it's unreal. Photos? No I was by myself you see.
this is the pinnacle of british culture
Brian from Meekatharra popping in to say g'day
screaming at joey barton being prosecuted for calling that footballer bint a shit commentator on twitter. absolute joke of a country why don't the police go and stop the paki nonce gangs or something actually useful
I know this map it's EARTH
You would still take pictures of the places themselves, you mong.
Egypt, China, Azerbaijan & Ireland the same colour

Something to do with the Postal service
snadwich time
maybe some olives and pickles if i'm feeling brave
Going on a solo business trip to the USA today myself actually
Its a temperature variation map. Maybe on accident. Blue areas have the highest, yellow lowest, red semi
police only exist in the country to violently enforce woke
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might spend 200 euros on the most expensive tier of seating (all that's left) for france vs japan in the group stage of the basketball so i can see victor wembanyama in the flesh
yeah I'll just get them off the internet though

easy done
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>screaming at joey barton being prosecuted for calling that footballer bint a shit commentator on twitter. absolute joke of a country why don't the police go and stop the paki nonce gangs or something actually useful
>police only exist in the country to violently enforce woke
imagine caring
yankified freak
but they dont look like photos taken by a mong like you, revealing that you arent the one who took them
"I just don't take photos, not my thing really, I like going without using my phone. It lets me enjoy the experience more. I might even be persuaded to go back just to recapture the feeling of it instead of looking at my camera app haha"
ridiculous "sport"
Done him
What did he actually tweet?
I am so madly in love with my family's solicitor and it pains me knowing I'll never be able to have her.
im a bad influence on my gf. have convinced her to take a sick day with me on thurs/fri so we can hang out.

>America, Russia, Belarus and parts of Latin America same colour

is this map a grading of how whoreish the women are?
Color of post boxes by country

yeah that's not fooling anyone lol
british people are spineless and effeminate
Virgin freak detector going mental at this one
doing horrible garlic farts again
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*plays an entire NRL final with a fractured cheekbone in your path*
watching my favourite animated sitcom
mordecai and rigby from reuflar show sucking each other off
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Had the new laptop (ASUS Vivobook S 16) for a full day, lads.
Really, really recommend it. Screen is fantastic, one of the best 'tops I've seen. 16", 3200x2000, 120Hz, OLED, glossy, 400-600 nits SDR/HDR. Blacks and cardoons, cor.
All-metal build and still under 1.5kg.
Not a bad price for the quality.
oh the sniffs i would do if you were a sheila
sounds like a mug
lol joke of a country
no one will know
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it's blood brilliant
howling at any runt that buys a laptop that's not a Mac
Ah yes, the ol’ £1k 4chan machine
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Is that it?
It genuinely sounded like he'd sent them death threats or properly harassed them, this is literally nothing
get him janny
gay cunt
Just not a MacOS man, me. Tried it in the past but couldn't hack it.
Got my pity if 1k every few years is a major expense to you.
Will never not use a macbook air until windoes-on-ARM machines get good enough to go fanless
Me? Just have a Chromebook I bought for a few hundred quid a few years ago, it’s ace. Does everything I need out and about, good for browsing the internet etc.

Have a desktop I can remote into if I need to do anything more strenuous when I’m away from home but a Chromebook is suitable for 99% of use cases.
god fuck off to america already
yeah no
Why did I get a 3 day ban for talking about the fucking attempted assassination of a Presidential candidate as it was breaking, but this anon can talk about this particular current event?
Notice how the tweet referenced two separate women, but he's only being called up on charges against one. The black one. This is your reminder that in the eyes of the law, you are subhuman compared to blacks.
Catberg starting to get grey hairs
I don't give a shit about your jewish politics lad and it's illegal to post politics outside of /pol/
Same but just an android phone that's a few years old
ERM... I'm a turbovirgin nerd and I only buy think pads due to the reparability
I don't think you'll get spares for your ASUS (or as I call them, ASUCK) in a few years time when you need them
>a japanese runt in his 20s volunteered for russian army and died in ukraine
hmmm enigmatic
It’s not a major expense, I have a desktop worth around 8 grand. Laptops are for poofters.
jannies are losers who crave control, so they are all leftypols
Because one is British and the other is irrelevant Yank shite
you don't even have a haptic touchpad
in 2024
Reading this from my £2k 2023 Macbook Pro which is almost exclusively a 4chan machine.
Now if only commiemong followed suit
i bought a 1.2k laptop on credit a few years ago and defaulted on the loan with a couple hundred left to pay because i had a mental breakdown, and then i later inherited money so i could afford a house deposit but couldn't get a mortgage because of the default so have been renting
I'd shag that football commentator woman tho
Love chocolate women
one is about britain's woke culture one is a current political event which there's a board for
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Wonder what it'll look like in 2031
3 day vacation for leftypol
raspberry pi is my trustful 4chan machine
>I have a desktop worth around 8 grand
I very much doubt this now, lad. Be real here. We're all mates.
>the EU is good
Hopefully you invested that inheritance and waited for the default to drop off your credit record so your deposit didn’t go to shit
based janny banning yank politics talk
it's been a blight on /brit/ since 2015
gonna be funny when all this tranny woke shit dies as the economy goes to shit and law and order break down
last time i looked i had an excellent credit rating.
BoB new scene up
Trying to create the gym fit so I can stop looking like a scruff
the default wont drop off for like 6 years mate
dont look bro it m akes it go down
some dr who shit
the economy will go to shit and law and order will break down, but the tranny woke shit will probably continue
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thank FUCK we don't have a meth and fentanyl problem in the UK
We love our ganja, we love our cocaine, we love our heroin which isn't too desirable, even love a little bit of ket.

But meth and fentanyl are fucking horrifying.
bet you've both got hilarious photos of you holding up the leaning tower of pisa
im addicted to both
not sure this conversation ever happened outside of your corn syrup brain
>japanese gamers didn't care much about a black man in the new assassins creed game featuring japan
>some of them even had favourable stance on black samurai, and mocked western gamers being racists and overreacting

>some wokes started arguing that medieval japanese traded black people so they must accept the history and accept more refugees and immigrants
>now it backfired japanese gamers are talking about boycotting
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>mental breakdown
dont take selfies, just photos of the things themselves or photos of large groups of chinamen to show the boys back home how many chinamen there are
BlacksOnBlondes? Ohh nice, love that one. Was thinking about buying the year subscription.
i have no photos of my gf
think it'd be a bit weird if i took out my phone and started taking pics of her at random, although i do want to for memories' sake
We should reduce the causes of suffering somewhat.
you forgot the bit where the main source of "yasuke was a samurai" turned out to be one white american who had been edited wikipedia articles slowly but surely since like 2012, all to point towards his fanfic as the be all and end all source on yasuke and ended up pulling all of his online presence offline when he got caught, 190.
Remember the krokodil craze?
We should increase the causes of suffering somewhat.
Don't think its on sale atm, but it's definitely worth every penny.
get a surprise one of her taking a shit
love when a retard's awful bait doesn't get picked up so he tries to quietly samefag minutes later after it's been pushed off the page
You sound mad. Like my joke hit a nerve or hurt your core beliefs.
that's how it starts
I've noticed an increasing amount of people just do not care about saying politically incorrect stuff these days

People flat out talking about immigration being too high, how the rainbow flags are everywhere, even the word retarded is being used in my office again which is a word I thought was killed off years ago.

Pendulum is certainly swining rightwards for now.
shut up nerd
Earlobes smell of cheese again
Well i get paid in a few days so i will probably have a look again next week.
The best countries
The enemies of humanity
Pretty good
Also the enemies of humanity (except for Taiwan which should be red)
Doesn’t really matter. Global capital wants endless immigration to the west and they’ll get it
yeah, your basically meaningless retard post hurt my core beliefs. im a trans now
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200 euros for france japan bball tickets feat. victor wembanyama
£140 plane tickets there in the morn back around 10pm
£340 for an incel day out to see a massive black lad i am in sheer awe of make a mockery of my second fave sport
might do it yknow lads
Weirdest shit when the discord trannies try to pretend to have a casual conversation here about their cuckolding fetish
All the blue countries are based
All the green countries are based

All the yellow ones are shit
All the red ones are shit
>corn syrup brain
dont understand how anyone can enjoy this sport when you're not even allowed to defend and just have to rely on the attackers getting scared
Still sound angry.
I've decided to live the rest of my life as a gay man.
might wank to the ex proto gf
following in your dad's footsteps eh?
me in the 17% gf in the 20.8%
reckon that’s not a choice you make though
that webm showcases wemby's rare height and blocking abilities causing attackers to simply not even bother doing layups because he is somewhat near them
usually they go for those and defenders contest by attempting to block the shot
Janny killed a man on my command. Wow.
the poo doesn't fall far from the arsehole
french people be like:
>sucheting a nigeur
the webm showcases a man doing literally nothing and the attackers turning away because they're afraid of the potential of a turnover, rather than the reality of one. tackling is illegal in basketball.
couldn't make the inbetweeners these days. couldn't call neil's dad gay. jay would've been ostracised from the group after his first joke.
pc world gone mad
unpinished, he says
I really appreciate you sending this in plain packaging without any clues as to what it was! Didn’t want my husband knowing I had bought these so was a bit nervous what packaging it would come in but it was perfect!
wonder when the gf is going to starting bringing me along to her social events.
the reality would be a turnover if they went for the shot purely because wemby is that certian to block their shot given that he's a billion feet tall and has arms 2 billion feet long
against regular sized players they go for those because the likelihood would be that the defenders' attempt at blocking would either fail or lead to a foul because of contact
if you allowed "tackling" in basketball you would remove all scoring and it would just be a totally different ball game, extremely boring and wouldn't have made it out the playground
yeah they ruined goyslop by making it too sterile and corporate, only absolute brainless mongs still engage with contemporary entertainment
so you're admitting that you're not allowed to tackle in basketball and therefore it's not a real sport.
they literally couldn't make it these days because the main characters are white and male
Watching the fellowship of the rings for the first time. It's the dumbest shit I've ever watched. None of it makes sense
Dumb monkey game
>absolute brainless mongs
Average inbetweeners viewer I suppose.
Just have an iPhone and an iPad me, haven’t needed to use a laptop in years.
And the very latest from The Woke Mob?
deano my son
Spainpaedo post
tackling like in rugby no of course you can't, you can obtain the ball as a defender by stealing the ball during dribbles or by blocking their shots and your team getting the rebound
if you define all sport as "a game in which you may tackle" then sure, by your ludicrous definition, basketball is not a sport
neil, carly and the bully (all the characters who shag) would be replaced by black actors
yea but at least something like the inbetweeners had SOVL
basketball isn't a sport because you can't interact with the opponent in any meaningful way until the opponent has relinquished control of the ball. you may as well just have two lads play HORSE.
I’m upper middle class
pet nigger just jumped up on the coffee table and knocked over the ornamental brass melon rind ffs
really love how you can get banned without even needing a specific post now. just got back from a 3-dayer for "politics outside /pol/". was i even posting about politics? i don't remember and can't find out
There are only three sports and wogball isn't one
oliver my son
the inbetweeners movie is up there with the likes of citizen kane and if you can't admit that then I'm done talking with you quite frankly
Gained 8kg in the last two months lads, didn’t even know that was possible ffs
watched an episode the other day and it was the one where they go to a club and simon gets cucked and humiliated by a black lad
woke was already creeping in back then
least deluded teenager
never heard anyone call themselves upper-middle class outside of /brit/. posh people tend to just call themselves middle class irl
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Crazy how a soon as that direct deposit drops everything in the fridge be looking nasty
Nobody under the age of 30 rates the Inbetweeners you silly old cunt
define shitting yourself
would you say if a poo comes in contact with any type of fabric you have shat yourself?
inbetweeners was 15 years ago lad teenagers don't watch it anymore the audience is firmly mid 20s minimum
Second one was better imo
shit taste
You're a tranny? Why are you bringing this up?
fairly sure they still run repeats on channel 4 and e4
Remember thinking citizen khan was quality before the internet made me racist
tranny banter
>oh wow its just like being a loser back in school!
why would l watch such a show
The Inbetweeners is now basically an artifact - a relic of a forgotten era. Lil zoomies these days are just addicted to their phone and terrified of saying anything that will get them cancelled.
and no teenager is watching free to air tv lad are you actually 50
reality made you racist
the internet just facilitated that
He's been tracking us for 3 days
dad posting ai videos in the family group chat thinking they're real
sad times
Full bag of all sorts down the hatch. And I've been losing weight, why did I do it. After the WFH nap I had a big appetite.
I would say you have shit yourself at the point where the amount of shit in and around your clothes had reached the point where you need to stop what you are doing and get it cleaned up.

If you’re touching cloth and leaving skids you’re probably fine to just wait until you get home and have a shower, people probably aren’t going to be able to smell it on you unless they get right up close to your arse.
at least you can relate to it
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ai caramba!
whole premise is that they’re not quite losers
I'm 24, think I'm right on the generational borderline for liking the Inbetweeners. Me and my mates all love it and reference it frequently but I watched an episode with my 18 yo cousin and she didn't laugh once.
the zoomer version of the inbetweeners exists and it’s called sex education. it’s set in some strange fantasy britain which is just america but with british accents and landscapes
chav kids used to bring their books to school in a jd sports bag because their parents couldn't afford a backpack
any MAN in?
Women are weird about media though
If it became popular on tiktok or instagram you could bet the next day she’d be watching it and pretend that she never saw it with you
I’ve seen this happen many times with different women
i know you're being deliberately stupid but i will reply one final time for the hundreds of thousands of lurkers
if an offensive player runs through the stationary defender it is called charging
therefore the offensive team have to pass and dribble the ball about in order to open up an opportunity to attack the basket and score, which is the whole sport
allowing proper contact would be a different sport
bore off heathermong
summer height's high, now THERE was a tv show
l dont believe you
boohoo MAN here
makes sense. british zoomers are completely americanised and cringe at anything to do with britain
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Thoughts on this webm?
people picking holes in your favourite animal game cant be dismissed as easily as you think with a "ur being dum on purpose". every post you've made has made it more and more evident that basketball isn't a sport, but a game.
As they should. Britain is creepy
l am an expert in children and what they like and do
Back on the ol’ OMAD diet today lads, feeding window is opening in an hour.

The mrs is making us a big salad, with chicken breast in fried tomato and garlic sauce
cringe thinking back on the shite my mum bought me to wear from JD sports because she thought the new cool wog shite must be my thing as a teenager since that's what all teenagers wear supposedly
about to do a green wee
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a warning for insulting the jannoid

this isnt fucking north korea. im allowed to criticize fhe leadership

fuck you cunt
okay mate
pipe down leftypol
this is a rorke general now
Crazy you just live like a goddamn muslim
this when you called him a tranny loving gay poof?
See you in 3 days
seethe about it
found one janny
Mumberg bought me an Apple Watch for my birthday, can’t believe I used to think they were retarded. I use it all the time.

So easy to tap it on the tube to pay without taking your phone out, reading messages when your phone isn’t nearby, controlling music, waking up without a loud alarm so I can get up at a different time from gf, encourages me to workout more as well.

Very based overall, good job Apple
you were banned last night
love, and i mean LOVE, elephants so very positive thoughts on this webm from me
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This nigga wearing a watch in bed lmaoooooooo
for me, it's Insaniquarium
my phone is always nearby and i can do all of that with it
I’m having ham in the salad though :/
Wait, we get banned for talking about the Janny now? Since when has this been a thing and what rule does it break? How does talking about the Janny "belong on /pol/"?
How is insulting the Janny something that
>every post you've made has made it more and more evident that basketball isn't a sport, but a game.
How so?
Also reminder that they’re literally called the Olympic Games
see >>200051881
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Okay then I might know what you will think of this.
pipe down
this isn't a democracy
Thoughts on bringing back woolly mammoth? Do you want them in Sweden
How does your phone wake you up silently without waking up anyone else you’re in bed with?
is tennis a sport?
I have a vibrating iButtplug in that vibrates to wake me up
quite like my galaxy fit desu, wasn't sure if I'd like it
in bed with? wake up? you ain’t speaking my language pal
might buy a galaxy ring
smart ring sounds like my sanic game
Mental how badly I mindraped him
wearable tech is so based
can't wait to get elon musk's brain chip
I like jannies banning people on a whim desu, reminds me of the old 4chan days
the old ear is still fucking blocked
was hoping whatever is in there would have fallen out by now. might have to go buy some eardrops or whatever
I wake up on time because I am not a child who needs a novelty chime alarm to tell him what time it is.
fun fact :
just google "[any western boy name here] the hedgehog" and you will get some results
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The band "The Kinks" were were nothing more than a group of nonces. They should be under investigation. Look up the lyrics to their song "Art Lover" before you disagree with me.
do alarm clocks give you the ick, love?
Why did Boromir leave his shield behind is he stupid?
Translation: I am unemployed
only been two days since i was pissed and already craving a drink
fuck's sake lads
same desu. only use alarm if i’ve got a flight early morning or something
Seems like every major work of literature from the 20th century has an extended and extremely detailed paedophillic scene in it
Really disconcerting
gnoen three weeks without one and back on them tonight, trust me lad its like wanking you're better off waiting between sessions
>straight white man does something dumb

Wow what a shocker
probably will have a drink while waiting for my flight later
how do you use changing rooms at clothes shops? do you hand the clothes to the person who told you which changing room to go in?
oooo fierce
just ask mate you'll be ok
you just walk in and try them on
generally just go in them and try stuff on. there’s usually a mirror, you look at it and see your reflection
How do you know he is straight?
>do you hand the clothes to the person who told you which changing room to go in?
What would happen then? They dress you?
they usually count how any items you have before you go in
i mean on the way out. do you hand the clothes to them or do you return the clothes to where you found them in the store?
get oot me van

perhaps you will strike up a conversation with a cute businesswoman at the bar and a romance will blossom
Always a treat seeing some of the absolute specimens creeping around the airport
countries that drive on the left
Oh shit, you went to New York?
least culturally ignorant canadian
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>looking up fitness equipment on Temu
>random dildo pops up in the search results
you tap your fingers under the occupied stall next to yours and wait for the cock to come through
>tfw im a big nerd but all the other big nerds are fat and smelly and autistic and i cant do nerdy things because then i'd have to spend time near them
Hand it to them.
business idea: type 3 diabetes
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I wank them. I house them.
mousenonce is investing inthis
It's called a squat plug.
Not sure what you’re trying to insinuate
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did the helicopter tour and everything mate

>how bout fitness dildo inside you
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There is a state in the middle of Europe
The lie is official there
The earth is still flat there
And anyone who tells the truth is a criminal

They want to re-educate an entire people
They will never succeed with us
They call our grandfathers criminals
But they are the real criminals

Singing songs is forbidden
And for a badge they'll lock you up right away
It's just like it used to be with the Reds
But it won't be like this for long
mad how mousenonce and heathermong are both glaswegian
starmer giving refugees that hawk tuah
Yeah I've been yo new York it was mental. No, no pictures cause I went on my own see?
You've gotta go, mate, class city
Business idea: Gentrify nerdy hobbies and cater to average to above-average individuals who wish not to associate with the acne ridden nerd masses
Deano af
i’ve been to new york twice
remember climbing this back in the spiderman days
I remember a time when you’d have to bring a camera on your trip to take photos
Business idea: no yanks
I am starting to doubt that Heathermong actually exists desu, I think he’s just an assortment of other nutters (including Mousenonce) and we just collectively call them Heathermong because we don’t want to believe there are multiple of these specimens on /Brit/
coudn't have that these days could you

gone woke hasnt it? gone woke
There's like some weird blimp or some shit blocking the way, wtf?
my ex wife still misses me... but her aim is getting better!!
must be a new york thing
Are you Irish diaspora?
Shut the fuck up you fat boring retard
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Why is everyone suddenly saying Dua Lipa is some mega fit 10/10?
She's pretty but not really special, Madison Beer mogs her into oblivion
Was learning about Adam and Eve in sunday school when the class atheist piped up yelling "snakes can't even talk!" Voice in the back replied "Aye, then how is it that you're speaking?" aha x
polaroids, what was that all about
hate changing rooms cos i feel like i'm being rushed to get them on and off as quick as possible. not sure why though, probs had a bad experience as a kid. mum was a panicky fucking nutcase so she probs had me thinking it was vital that we be quick
Albanian propaganda
2 dogshit ugly trollops
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Chuckling over the thought of schizoleaf sat in an airport departure lounge going all red in the face having a seething melty over me
>Dua Lipa
Flat board girl
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enjoying your salad, fatso?
might have a shower
why i oughta...
There's a first time for everything
Thinking about denying the holocaust.
I'm working on a book, Filthy Americanisms and How to Avoid Them
Not had it the mrs hasn’t made it yet lol

Get yourself a nice pint and chill out lad, you don’t want to pop an aneurysm while you’re in the air
disemboweled that nigger
I fell asleep in a Dua Lipa factory one night, when it was suddenly struck by lightning. When I awoke, I found I had inherited the powers of feminism, with none of the weaknesses
off rapin'
well spaino? we're waiting for the new
Mad how a brit thread has never reached 400
Gonna drop dead anyway when i get the exorbitant bill for my shitty airport Stella
dual leaper is better than madison beer garden
I've seen it once
he actually exists just the mongs of /brit/ aren't good at identifying him
since im a mega genious i'll help
the posts with no context about teeth or missing children spammed 1 minute after eachother for no reason are him

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