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Literally looks like that meme.
Wtf is this????
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You see this in literally every country. A group of like 3-6 black guys crowding around one girl. Most of the time she doesn’t fuck any of them.
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They’re holding hands.
it's New Normal yet incels from wykop cannot get over it and unironically chase mixed couples and take photos lmaooo
now imagine her father...
*hits pipe*
WOW lithuania looks like that?!?!?!?
what is wrong with that a woman prefers a tall, muscled man over a pathetic weak fat sweaty Polish incel? race doesn't matter here, you're just ugly and you lose to more handsome men
don't know i guess you would need to ask the negros and their ukrainian girlfriends
Why did you bother changing the filenames to make it look like you took those pictures? Most of them are grainy as fuck and were probably ripped off various websites. Is this some cuck fetish thing?
Obsessed Vania draft dodger
I literally took them myself you fucking moron amerifat.
cope and sneed i am a descendant of Polish Pans who raped your grand grand grand grandmother and every generation before that
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Poles are the blacks of Europe
file size is too small doe
It’s from a video, I zoomed in and took a screenshot.
go back to wykop then
Yes but think about the skyscrapers and UberEats
Based ngl
Saaaaaaaaar you've been reposting this for 8 days. Chill down with the russian propaganda trying to flip tusk
No, retard. You can reverse image search it all you want, I posted OC.
While the guy is clearly russian he is right about polish women
“Everyone I don’t like is Russian”
Holy schizo cope lol
Prawdziwy Polak wymyślił by coß bardziej kreatywnego niż "descendant of Polish Pans who raped your grand grand grand grandmother"
o czym ty mówisz, zjebie?
>Używa tłumacza
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our most popular vtuber has an american boyfriend
guess which skin colour he is, that's right, BLACK
I love to admit it


Poland has fallen
Poland was always like that the only thing that changed is that now we have to money to attract black people
Race mixing is disgusting. "These women would be beaten to death in a sane world" - Hitler quote, but we don't live in a sane world today.
at least Poles arent speaking german...
how to acquire qt trad polish gf as asian man
I though Poland was le chud.
whites reap what they sow
get a really deep tan and pretend to be indian
Present yourself as "exotic" as long as your skin is brown you should have no problems.
Globohomo propaganda to discredit the previous leftist government.
germany is not any better lmao even worse
yeah but thats because hitler won, had he lost we would be living in hyperborea, cured all diseases and colonising venus now
What is the problem? Poland is not called the Nigeria of Europe for nothing
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You're welcome, polebros
Its easy
is this poland
Slavic women have always been coalburners.
at least they aren't speaking russian

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