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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, APEX HATE.

Previous thread: >>45835593
Neru has been streaming and uploading shorts a lot. I'm glad the hiatus is over.
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Rin is playing Genshin Impact.
Ahoge utawaku time
Aoi's utawaku.
it's just not the same without spamming ahoges...
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Why do Neru and Nowa get so much more fanart than Rin and Aoi?
nowa has her old fanbase, right?
neru a cute
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I haven't been here in over a year is this actually the first time she does a 3D stream? Wasn't that supposed to happen like 2 years ago
please andastand, small dumb green indie vtuber / gacha addict
Yes this is the reveal that was supposed to happen in 2022.
In case you missed the news, the first modeler she hired just disappeared right after she announced him so she had to get a new one.
She has had the model from the new modeler for almost a year now but didn't have the hardware for the stream and has since had trouble with setting it up in her room. There's a non-zero chance her PC will crash during the stream.
Weekly utawaku cancelled this week.
SSPR will end. Only the merch store will be deleted.
Nowa is playing Shinkansen 0.
What the fuck is wrong with 2024?
Keeping the group going in an official capacity just doesn't make much sense anymore with Rin being in propro and Aoi finally having a real reason to get serious about her solo activities.
Imoko is taking over the supermarket
Aoi and Imouto are playing Supermarket Simulator.
Neru is playing Little Nightmares II.
This tapir sure is cute and dumb
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look at the size of those things
holy shit, congratulation to you anons and your green daughter
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Don't jinx it she could still reschedule it another year out at the last minute.

We have continued to take responsibility after all these years...
nowa pikmin
Neru is playing Gartic Phone.
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ahoge in 4 hours
Ahoge in 3D!!!
why is her 3d flat
cute ahoge hops
our 3D daughter...
and sounds older
Is it the same modeler as Rin? I remember Rin using the exact background, excuse me ignorance
same background can be attributed to the same software they use (vrchat?).
not sure about the modeler, because rin's first 3d model was so flat and basic. maybe her second 3d modeler?
No it's just the same 3D VR app. The modeler that ended up ghosting her was the same one that did Rin's first model which is why she chose that guy in the first place.
it fires and reloads amazing
twirl around, kid. I wanna see the twintail
she did it!
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she never realized there was no sound the entire time...
she has been hee hee alone
I don't think anyone else realized that there was supposed to be sound until the drums.
I'm kinda surprised she didn't sing a song in 3D.
nice physics on the fish tail ngl
She did the thing!

She's going to need a better setup for that because this mic isn't going to cut it.
not the sacabambaspis
too short
not enough singing
not enough dancing
and we didn't even win prizes for watching
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Neru member's only utawaku starting in a minute
guess I'll get some singing today either way
Yeah there was no other choice.
that's a good choice to be fair.
rin already did miko kyun
Rin is playing Shadow Corridor 2.
Once she's warmed up Neru isn't a bad singer
she doesn't have much range, but she's decent at it
greeeen songs are great
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Ahoge supermarket
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Was it planned all along?
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Is propro closing down or something? I think there will only be like 2 people left after all of these people are gone.
I don't really understand what's happening. Rin is leaving and going independent but also maybe she's graduating next month?
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She hasn't used the word graduation in reference to herself but it seems she doesn't know what to do starting next month.
Well I've got her channel backed up just in case... :/ I assume she's going to do whatever is the stupidest thing possible as always.
twas a nothingburger apparently?
ayo she's crying
come on rin, it's been 5 years. you can just have vtubing on the side.
Looking at it again only Koinoya Mai will be left. I didn't account for Sena who went independent yesterday and wasn't part of this announcement.
Rin is playing Genshin Impact.
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You know the squid guy who's a fan of Ahoge and Rin? He's doing a like collage / book thing for Ahoge's birthday on the 21st where you can write her a message and decorate it. You can DM him on Twitter for access to the yosetti board. There's like 10 messages so far. He also said if you can't write the message yourself / work the site just tell him what you want to say in a message and he can add it to the board.
Also if you don't want to do even that just post your message here indicating that you want it added to her book and I'll forward it to him.
I'm too retarded to think of what to write.
what's the cutoff date?
He said the cutoff is April 14th. You can just write like Happy Birthday Dumb Green Daughteru or something. It doesn't need to be real long, I think there's a length limit of 140 characters. Also you can leave a name or show as Anon.
ahoge supermarket
nowa pikmin
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ahoge utawaku
SiSter PRintemps' final cover.
It's over...
Aoi has been making it seem like they won't do anything together again with all four of them.
Aoi's utawaku.
Nowa is playing Pikmin 4.
So how many more years until she delivers on those CF goods?
Rin said something similar in her cry stream
It kind of feels like just the two of them are actual friends.
They did meet up with Nowa that one time...

Lately it's looked more like Nowa and Neru are friends though. At least friendly.
Nowa is playing Pikmin 4.
Neru is playing Little Nightmares 2.
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Nowa is playing Pikmin 4.
aren't they...
Neru is playing Fall Guys.
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Aoi's zatsudan.
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Aoi has been talking about marriage every single day for the past few weeks.
Good luck to whoever she's with because he's going to have a hard time.
Aorin Bar.
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Only 4 days left to submit a message to Ahoge for her birthday
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Aoi's new cover.
Aoi is playing Supermarket Simulator.

Rin is playing Shadow Corridor 2.
Neru is participating in a quiz.
Thank you for helping with the birthday messages. If you are still able to foward messages, I would like to add the following, by Anon:

"Happy birthday, Ahoge-san! I hope all your birthday wishes come true! You are my favorite piece of green hair."
I forwarded it on to him. There's still a few days left if anyone else wants to write something.
ahoge is doing... something?
Aoi's utawaku.
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It's happening!
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I got Neru to add stuff to her Amazon wishlist if anyone wants to send her a 2nd anniversary gift.
Rin is playing Shadow Corridor 2.
Neru is playing Little Nightmares 2.
Neru just cramming her face with food while streaming...
I love these Neru zatsus.
I don't know what she's saying but she sure sounds cute
Nowa's morning zatsudan.
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Today's the deadline for Ahoge birthday submissions
Neru will be participating in a song relay in a few hours.
Neru is reviewing the song relay.
How was Neru's song relay? I missed it.
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It was really cute. She seems to be slowly improving and getting more comfortable singing. Looks like the relay might have helped her attract new viewers.
she cute
not bad
Neru's 2nd anniversary!

Nowa is playing Lethal Company.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh7dN2mrnn0 Suzuha Samyu PoV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvxELWnD-9M Tahi Mochizuki PoV
male voice on stream
Wow boin boin neru is really fucking weird.
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Neru & Nowa collab, a.k.a. The most ambitious crossover event in the history of the Haruyukiverse.
this collab is great so far
>Ceiling Nowa is watching Neru guruguruing
I'm loving this collab already.
Does Neru always laugh like this? I never watched her enough to know.
Yeah, usually when she keeps dying I'm a stupid way in a game.

She seems to be having a great time with Nowa.
Almost all Neru collabs involve her laughing 80% of the time.
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They were so cute together
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dumb green daughter is not sexy in the least

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neru q
Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
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Nowa's utawaku.
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She completely missed the real meaning

Omg she's so cute
Curious question, are they JP indies?
If so, why do they get their own thread instead of the Virtual YouTubers general thread?
Neru collab.
Aoi's birthday countdown.
did aoi ever cover tokyo shandy rendezvous?
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She was playing around with the sushi pikmin and couldn't stop laughing.
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Aoi's new cover.

So I have a question:
What is special about these girls that warrant their own thread?

Are they like big time? Or former J-idols or something?
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They're not relevant in any way.
The main vtuber thread was populated by trolls and "oldfags" back when people here started posting about the green one so this thread was made.
I personally think we could just go to the JP indie thread on /vt/ as it seems pretty decent but suffers from the same issue as any other thread in that garbage board which is trying to survive endless spam threads centered around western trash.
They're vsingers so they are /jp/
I see.
But why their own thread here instead of like a /jp/ Vsingers thread?

I mean, over at /vt/ , Vsingers have their own general.

What makes them special or more unique compared to other Vsingers? (like HACHI)
These threads started before /vt/ or the vsinger thread here were a thing. They just keep on going because someone always makes a new one and the few people that follow them on this site all congregate here.
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Who's that pink girl and what did she do with Neru
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Did Ahoge never actually have a birthday stream? I saw the countdown but usually they have a birthday stream that night as well.
She only does one stream and it's usually the countdown one.
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cute retro neru
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I'm glad she's having fun with her model
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Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
technical difficulties
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I kinda miss this outfit
Neru is playing Fall Guys.
nani the hell is neru doing
Neru confirmed for... into vore?

This isn't the first time.
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neru monhan
It almost looks like cell shaded like a 3d model. Except for the weird tiny foot or oversized hand.
Sudden Neru Utawaku!
for fucks sake
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Haruyukimama just recycled Nowa's design...

Rin's zatsudan.
I didn't watch this but I saw her notice on twitter. She's on an indefinite hiatus again.
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Why is she like this
She thought she had a good thing going but the propro execs had to ruin it all and now her friend is gone
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>announces she's on indefinite hiatus
>I'll be playing supermarket simulator today
I forgot to read the part where it says it starts after her anniversary.
ahoge utawaku
ahoge apex...
steve carell the office nooooo gif
Aoi set another unrealistic goal and is getting "demotivated" because she can't reach it. I sure hope she didn't promise that kind of growth when she signed the contract with avex.
Neru is playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX.
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