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Previous thread:

Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for plus: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX/releases/
Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
Elin Demo 9.10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXxcK0t1zkJFn-5mVaX93OabUFJKrVnO/view?
Elin kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noacat/elin/description
>Elin end of Alpha test
RIP in pepperinos. And this thread too.
What's the best way to handle crowds of enemies? Spells? Special actions?
What's happened to this thread? It's been missing for a week while I've been looking for it.
I dunno, I don't usually make it. I just got sick of waiting and took matters into my own hands.
So how are you guys enjoying Elin so far? Personally I have to say it's looking very promising. Hoping it'll kickstart a new wave of cute fanart too.
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What's wrong with it?
Can non-backers play Elin now?
Ball spells are the way to go for me
personally just waiting for Elin news
I got me a paralyzer and a hermit crab and I'm going to take on the world.
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Oh hey thread's alive again, everyone still playing plus or have they moved on to OO?
Still on plus. Trying to get at least one more character to the 3rd act. I got 3 to pick from.
Y'know in my years of playing plus I never got through act 2 entirely, always got burned out when I finished act 1
Still CGX. I might try necromancy again someday, but right now I'm kinda wanting to make a character that has a shotgun with Decapitation.
My guy, it took me literal years. I tend to drop elona and return to it. The save for my first is probably nearing a decade old. Act 2 is interesting I guess, the stuff that was made up seems pretty consistent. Not sure about the 3rd act though but haven't really played it much.
Is necromancy actually viable?
No, but the alpha is over now (as in no more public updates for now) and the next release will be the beta, which will let a lot more Kickstarter backers in
When is that?
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>Late 2024
Gonna need to wait that long huh?
Sure. There were even a couple of recent CGX tweaks to improve it: one that makes spooks fight on their own instead of only joining in when you get into a fight, and one that makes their coffins go into the D.D. Cemetery when they die instead of onto the floor.
need me an ehekatl body pillow
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Made a wizard fella for OO back in 2022. The pets did most of the legwork, though (classic heavy armor + twohander equipment). It wasn't until well into the lategame that I started to feel dangerous. I should get back to him at some point, maybe try mass-producing specific potions with the home system?
>lost a card game against the puppy cave dog
I think I'll just go to the shadow realm myself.
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Many such cases.
Is that an exile PCC?
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Do you have one for the other god pets too?
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Only for Android. Mogmog @ pixiv ID 15641502 has PCCs for gold knight and black angel, but they are smol.
I remember there was a bigger one, must've been lost in the uploader
I just got custom-GX 2.22 and was wondering what tweaks I should make. I know some people hate the recent Elona Plus changes but I'm not sure if I should revert them or not as I haven't played in almost a year.
Can you ALP the chaos child?
Theoretically yes but
>level 3500
fuck that
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Went back and checked my media files. The "handpick sorted pack" in the rentry has PCCs for each god pet.
>I have three rods of wishing
>Still no idea what to use a single one on
>try to get space aids so I can bait one into impregnating a bard or something in palmia
>get a fucking wish instead
what the fuck do i do
You got your desired cores?
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Is there a guide on how to make a good PCC?
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There was a link last thread which now has the latest and final Alpha release.
It's very playable in its current state and they've been pushing out a lot of updates - https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Changelog
If they keep up this pace I can't see why the final release, with proper mod support out of the gate, isn't going to be something we all still be playing a decade+ later just like its predecessor.
>There was a link last thread
There was?
>This is a private video.
What'd I miss?
Elin video where the dev tested minecarts being usable to drive along tracks
Re-upped now
Look at that chicken go
>Mr Bones Wild Ride - Elin Edition
....they're going to add collision and fall damage next aren't they?
add peko bgm plox
Wonder if there will be dungeons with carts in it or bottomless chasms.
I wonder if minecart cannons will be a thing like in dwarf fortress.
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Undead little sisters are my favorite pets in Elin. Very tough and very cute.
please don't turn your little sisters into a zombie
Alternatively, you can look up guides on making RPG Maker spritesheets, since those are basically PCCs.
Haven't played since 2.13, is there any major additions to plus CGX?
You can play the card game.
Can you kill people with the card game?
Thanks lads
No, all you get is impression when you win and a card pack for each consecutive five wins.
How many impressions? is there a limit per day?
Actually, I'll just copypaste the changelog
>Added rewards for TCG
>You need 80 interest to initiate duel, and >5 minute will pass after duel.
>You get a impression bonus if you win, this can be used during party time to satisfy guests.
>You get opponent-level / consecutive-win based music ticket reward.
>You get 1 card pack for every 5 win against unique NPCs
my hype for elin grows every waking moment
>You need 80 interest to initiate duel
Well shit, I wanted to go duel with random dungeon monsters
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Has Noa expand more about the community aspect of the game yet?
If I'm not mistaken, you can, card games are initiated through the 'i' menu and I know at least you can battle random citizen NPCs.
>I tend to drop elona and return to it.
Same. I also restart from the beginning every time because don't like continuing old saves. It's not like I'm much of a roleplayer, but there's something special about remembering the whole journey of a character.
Made it to act 3 once, about to have another go.
How fucked is the bump from act 2 to act 3?
If you can beat Act 2 you'll probably be alright to start poking around Lost Irva. Traveling back and forth is a bit of a nuisance until you unlock the shortcut partway through Act 3, though. (Although it's been ages since I got that far with a character, so I'm going off of pretty faint memories here.)
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Does the fixity anchor still leave you with Bind even after deactivating it?
Actually you can kill people with duel after version of CGX
anyone have an updated beautify for plus?
Really? how?
>60+ paralysis stack on <Yerleswood>
Since when is that possible? It didn't get to make a single move.
Ano buffed the potency of breaths by ~40 times in 2.20.
>Lethal mode for TCG, the loser dies.
Lmfao now that's what I'm talking about
Try it on the final boss and see if it breaks the game.
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How many dudes can you bring into the dungeon with you in Elin?
anyone got some saved xxx busty thicc pcc sprites
What kind?
There's two +1 max ally traits and with that my character is currently at 4 max allies (not sure if 2 is the base value or if it increases with charisma)
It's a soft limit, so you can bring more, but it will decrease your stats
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It's been many many years since I last posted here, back then I noticed a clear radical shift to the fanbase and as result there was a huge identity change (read added stuff) to elona as well as to this thread that I didn't like thanks to all those new people coming in, which I assume are the ones occupying this thread right now and for these past years, I even feel like elona was ultimately hijacked ever since the game got to these people's radar and they placed their flag, as they usually do for everything.
Anyway, that aside, I'm aware that Noa gave his blessings for the mobile version of elona, however while claiming some drops on twitch there was one of those front page featured streams, I randomly came across a guy playing a south park game awfully similar to Elona, I thought Elona got so much more popular to the point that someone made a south park mod for it but it doesn't seem to be the case after I googled it up. It's actually a Ubisoft game called "South Park: The Stick of Truth", at some point of the game it becomes a straight Elona ripoff. I went through steam, youtube comments, leddit, the archive and so forward and absolutely nobody mentions Elona.
Maybe someone can pass this on to Noa, let him know?

wow you are right about everything anon also somebody should tell noa about this other elona ripoff "adom"
Inspiration is one thing, anon. Ripoff is another.
People would find novelty playing elona even among the roguelike genre.
I read this all in Arthur Spooner's voice from King of Queens.
dude wtf
newfag anon here, whats up with Elin? is it even worth playing the alpha? is there a good amount of stuff to do? Im not super into survival games but willingly to give it a try if its not super bare bones.
I don't like the fact that it's focused on "younger sisters" and that he even call the players "younger sisters" now. I think by concept it can't be better than elona. Younger sisters as a pet was just a small element to the game, and the young sister mansion was just a expansion of this same "anime jest". I don't see the benefit of making it the central point and focusing heavily on it. On the other hand, I can see how it panders easily to a mainstream and ironic centered audience nowadays.
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What's wrong with them?
Says right there in the post. You can consider it the Omake but official.
>I don't like the fact that it's focused on "younger sisters"
I'm 40 hours in Elin with the bear starter and haven't been forced to interact with a single little sister neither as part of the base cast or the main story. They're a non-issue unless you actively make them a "focus" on your own.
>he even call the players "younger sisters"
If it's the kickstarter titles you're referring to there's around twice as many referring to the backer as cat than any form of sister. And those are at the higher levels so you'd literally have to pay more for the "privilege".
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Finally, I have had Ether ill in Elin.
How can I cure it?
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Hey, Bro.
Feed me.
Etherwind is already in the game?
Only some of the people that pledged to the kickstarter have access to the alpha, the version you find on discord is the demo which is from a few years ago and not worth playing. The alpha is pretty good but still long from finished, you have to wait until the early access to play it (it should come out second half/end of the year)
I love schizoposts
Potions of ether antibody.

Static sources here: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Ether_Disease
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Here you go bro
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Has anyone ever gone all-in on Dual Wield/Continuous Attacks?
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>take a break from adventure academy lessons to jump into a moongate
>expect to see someone's waifu palace
>end up in a full-blown miniquest
Is that still viable? I thought chain attacks nerfed it to the ground?
Moongates works now?
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Any means to:
>Uncap stats/level cap
>Have infinite storage or personal maps to store shit into
If you think about it Elin is truly a schizogame.
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nigger just use mega
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Stop torturing people during the festival
Stop having sex in public during the festival
Stop selling overpriced wares during the festival
Draw lewd art of Jure while she's not watching!
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>Stop selling overpriced wares during the festival
Look not all of us can afford holding the town hostage with a Fire Giant to justify our prices year round
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Don't tell Ano, but, em, these guys gives all your money back if you ask them nicely so the wares during festival is actually, free.
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Are backer races in the game yet?
I think Mifu and Nefu are backer races, so yes (but maybe not all of them?)
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Okay, that's it. It was funny when it was just random miners getting eaten every day and Shena and Loyter getting executed as suspects, but this? THIS CROSSES THE LINE. If that werewolf bastard thinks it can get away with bumping off one of my spooks, it's got another thing coming. It's vigilante time.
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I wish elona/elin has a moon phase system
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Did anyone else have windows suddenly start seeing custom-gx as a threat. It was fine yesterday and suddenly like this today. Maybe a security update happened or something. Good thing i was just in the character creator so i didn't lose anything when it quarantined the file.
A long time ago sure, pretty sure it's a false positive
Are there npcs with unique flags/abilities left in plus or is the astral pen mostly useless now ?
How's plus now? Any big changes? It's been about two years since I played it last.
lol, nope
I didn't think it was really for anything but scooping an NPC sprite for a new party member, but I've never bothered to get past Act 2
You can have kids now and have card battles to the death
Is there anything you could miss out by moving speedrunning through plus's acts?
<Gwen> the innocent's card and figure.
This happens to variants and even some vanilla versions of elona every once in a while. I've had it quarantine custom variants that I compiled myself. I'm guessing scanners either don't like HSP being a piece of shit, or something about the chat/moongates feature attempting to contact a long dead server.
She's a Void boss in all three acts
...the game?
News wen
when there's news
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>death messages show newbies dying constantly to putits in the starting cave and to slimes in the putit quest
The more things change the more they stay the same
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Got 'im. Thing put up a hell of a fight, but at long last my zombie cat has been avenged.
How many werewolves are in this town??? ...Although, I guess a second werewolf would explain why a second detective showed up back then... Dangit. Guess I've still got work to do...
>Putit casts Incognito
Is the blue putit of death still around?
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>The pre-beta development is progressing well, and I'm planning to start significant changes to the home and tax systems from next month, aiming to begin the beta in early June. There may be a pre-beta build release for alpha players around the end of next month for testing purposes.
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>the one kickstarter worth backing is the one not accepting more backers because they're not greedy grifters and really just wanted enough to get kickstarted
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I kneel
Elin should have NPC rape
Mothers litterally rape you when you sleep
Yeah but can I rape mothers in their sleep?
Don't know, haven't tried the Succubus race yet
if you choose the farmer class is there any hope to complete the story or do you just focus on farming?
You can beat the game with any race and class, don't worry about it.
The only options I'd say a new player should stay away from are Snail and Tourist; the former because you'll have enough trouble finding your way around without town cleaners pelting you with salt water, the latter because it's basically a challenge run kind of thing.
Other than that, I'll give you the standard tips: new characters should stay out of combat until you get a bit stronger and get better gear, don't do the slime quest until you can deal with the slimes, and feel free to ask for advice here.
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I still can't believe they renamed the claymore class
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Recently got back into Elona and there's so much stuff I've forgotten. What do the percentages next to HP & MP mean? Tried looking it up and searching online but can't seem to find an answer.
It fills while in combat (not sure how exactly) and when full you can use Gauge release to deal some damage. No idea if it has more uses.
It fills when you deal or receive damage.
The one next to HP is power gauge that some special actions use up. The one next to MP is guard break gauge I think (the wiki has more info).
Thanks all. Game can feel so convoluted at times, still great to play though. At least I seem to have retained some muscle memory for the controls.
is there anyway to bind something to shift+arrowkey in config.txt?
I've tried that before but I don't think you can
Cute pic.
Where did you pick it up?
genned it on civitai
how do i track a skill? whenever i hold down shift to press "*" it closes the menu. i turned shift close off in the config but it still closes the menu anyway
dont have one :<
i think i can use a macro though
Do anniversary presents from pets have a function? They can't be opened, used, or eaten...
>It is used by 'T'hrowing it at a target. Its effect depends on the target.
>If thrown at a hostile NPC or the PC, it deals chaos damage dependent on the target's Will and Magic Device. It can potentially kill starter PCs.
>If thrown at a non-hostile NPC or pet, it will heal an amount of HP that is dependent on the target's and the attacker's Will attributes.
>Is not consumed by throwing.
Time to buy a separate numpad then
It's what I did
What is the difference between junks and plant pods?
i picked the predator class for the +10% crit chance and just now i hit my first crit of the whole game against vesda lol
Recently I've wanted to try omake but I keep finding dead links. Anyone got an up to date download link?
Also does anyone use the fandom wiki any more?
Is the one on the bin not working?
I completely skipped over rentry in the OP. Should I use Elona oomSESTepNC Easy Install Memorial Edition? Also that is a mouth full.
Sure I guess, if that's the version you want.
I'm assuming it's the most upto date english version.
This. Noa should pander to shotacons like me instead.
I just got a DV fixer in the salery chest. I couldn't find anything on the wiki for it, how does it work?
Why not loli and shota? :)
I wouldn't eat a shota lunchbox
Don't you like "salad dressing" with your bento?
I want to give my shota a lunchbox as his onee-san thoughbeit.
iirc you use it and gain a permanent 1.1x dv multiplier i think up to double. over the course of a year or so you can get quite strong from fixers alone
It raises your (if self-applied) or one of your pets' base DV. I've been alternating between applying them to myself and to my more death-prone pets.
do you guys just brute-force your way, grinding low level mobs to level up,

or do you play more methodically, where you wet exploding enemies, polymorph enemies you dont wanna deal with and so on?

when i first started i figured that the games more about the first kind of playstyle, only to die a lot. I kinda refuse to adapt my playstyle, but I'm wondering if I had the wrong idea about the game
i brute force untill i have hopeless potentials, then i spend about 12 hours building a rube goldberg machine to print blessed potions of potential and herbs. usually get bored halfway through and quit to play a different game
A bit of both. For weapon skills I just kill things, same with offensive spells. For attributes I build a farm or ranch and select for what I'm after then cook sell the rest.
is there going to be grinding in Elin like there is in Elona? I want to kill the gods
How can I get glass in Elin?
I can't craft any machine without it
Put sand in the Kiln. You can dig for sand on the beach maps.
You guys play with any graphic packs?
Aren't they all outdated?
Beautify was updated 3 days ago it seems.

This was released yesterday, and people are comparing it to Elona, so it might be worth a try to bridge the time until Elin is done
I remember people saying it's shit so proceed with caution
Gave the demo a shot and it plays like the other JP RPGMaker games that had Elona inspiration. Some were rather complex but nowhere close to the real deal. Add in all the mods and variants Elona got and you're even further off.
Controller support is nice though and it has some QOL features, might be worth it at 50% off for brainless couch gaming.
Does it play like an actual roguelike or just an elona ripoff?
Only played for an hour or two but not entirely, I'd say it's more a roguelite with some Elona elements. You can summon two followers from the start you customize yourself and I had zero problems with the enemies so far. XP is shared however so it's not "free", suppose you could take just one or none to make things harder.
The quest board isn't available in the demo so I don't know how if they got more variable difficulties there either.

Not sure how representative the demo is though, it has the usual "Please try the demo version to check whether it works properly on your PC" so it might be more to see if it runs than showcase the core features.
Looking at the release trailer and the dlsite page there seems to be more content that might change things up. There's also a built in workshop where you can download and upload content, adding custom portraits for example can be done there but it didn't seem to work in the demo. While convenient it raises the question what happens if the publisher decides to kill the service managing it to push another game too.

From what I'd played I say it's more something you recommend to someone who never played a roguelike or Elona before and need a entry title with more handholding to get started.
If you're familiar with the genre you might end up getting annoyed with what this game lacks rather than what it got if you know what I mean.
Is it at least comfy?
Possibly. Seems you can fish, farm, cook, craft, date, marry, build up your town and generally dick around so there's more laid back, casual sandbox potential at least. But then again I just briefly played the demo. It's like a 100mb download so easy to check it out yourself if you're interested. Even if it's feature gimped you can at least see if the GUI, graphics and basic gameplay is to your liking.
>Fixed a bug where agents (virtual characters for build mode) could die from overwork.

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