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I want to become with the Chinese girl
Do you really want to, Anon?
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Junko had a son before, so it's very likely she'd want to try something new and demand you be her daughter instead
Hey Anon...did your mother wish she would have had a daughter instead?
No I just think it'd be really hot to be Junko's daughter I'd masturbate to my mom all day if I was, wouldn't you?

I'd also get molested by funny t shirt aunt too
Previous MtF transformation general
Someone should compile a list of greentext stories and put them in the next OP.
Get close then.
I just wanted to express how much I wanted to meiling. what have I started
And yet you're still here all this time later

Maybe it's fate
Yoshika > Seiga > Junko > Meiling and if I'm forgetting any, they go at the bottom of the list.
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good thing they come as a pair
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Congrats on opening Pandora's Box, pioneer!
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Thank you for opening Pandora's Box, champ!
Akyuu you've been a guy and a girl in your past lives you can't judge
According to the legends at bottom of the box, bellow all the evil that was released, was hope. What will be the good that will come out of this?
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I was only reading the threads out of morbid curiosity, until the kanako and seiga posts from last thread gave me the niggling inspiration to write a piece as well. I didn't ask for this.
What did your inspiration tell you to write anon?
Very nice to hear I may have partly inspired a new writeanon to blossom.

I'm thinking of actually writing something involving Junko...unfortunately, I am currently in the process of writing something that involves no Anon and nobody turns into a girl, so that is not within the scope of this thread. But after I am done with that, Junko might be next.
I'm so innocent I don't understand why someone would want to be a 2hu and convinced myself it was just joking the people that said they wanted.
self-awareness, maybe?
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The anons ITT should frot with each other
Sometimes I think some Anons in this thread are 2hus in real life, that post in /jp/ for fun and giggles.
I've had an idea or two pop into my head as well over the course of these threads, even though I've never really tried creative writing, so you aren't alone. Good luck dealing with your new interest!
As I said in the Komachi thread it's probably more about "I want to be a pretty/sexy girl" than thinking about the full implications of being a 2hu.

As for why there are guys who feel like that, there's quite a lot of reasons, starting from being actually full blown trans to sexual fetishes to just escapism, curiosity or desire to be seen or treated in a different way.
But Anon, that has nothing to do with creative writing?
Haha Anon, very funny, what an o-outrageous idea...
>I've had an idea or two pop into my head as well over the course of these threads
Why don't (You) try creative writing yourself too, then?
>But Anon, that has nothing to do with creative writing
Nah, I'm pretty sure it can give you some ideas for creative writing. It's like, scientifically proven I'm pretty sure.
Why all post with this image always have to ask the most unhinged questions in this entire board?
>As I said in the Komachi thread it's probably more about "I want to be a pretty/sexy girl" than thinking about the full implications of being a 2hu.
I never understood why people want to be someone else just for attention, I have never craved so much attention in my life, so I don't understand very well. But I can get it.
Akyuu is unhinged
Really? Context on this?
Well, of course all life experiences can give inspiration, but frotting is a homosexual activity between males, yes? How does it relate to transformation fiction? Girls can't front, now can they? Or are you thinking something very kinky here, Anon? Like two of Anons starting to change simultaneously and then rubbing their dicks together in heat?
Well for some it's obviously a sex thing, but of course some feel so deprived attention that they think they'd get more of it if they were a pretty/sexy girl. Which is probably true, but not all attention is good attention. And for some it's some kind of a "I don't want to be seen as a guy all the time". Being a dude comes with it's own baggage after all.
What the fuck is happening in here?
But enough about turning into a Touhou, what about Touhous turning into /jp/ anons?
>What about 2hus into turning into fat NEETs with no social life?
"Anon also finds himself feeling sad for the original Sunny who is now stuck in Anon's body. Now she has to think about ”job” and ”politics” and ”social norms” and ”laws”. She would have to understand ”SICP” and ”Reddit” and ”sigma” and learn to deal with hangovers. Would she even enjoy being in Anon's masculine, hairy body? Anon even had some fading memories of having a ”mother” and ”father” who would surely react terribly to their son now claiming to be a fairy! A long-forgotten horrible concept, ”mental hospital” briefly surfaced to Anon's mind. But soon enough these thoughts too fade."

We don't wanna dwell on such horrible fates too much for obvious reasons here, Anon...
*Chiyari turns into anon*


*nothing changes*
The penis would be new. And the lack of needing to drink blood, probably, most anons don't need that
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Obviously not as hot as MT2huF since I'm not completely gay, but still a really good concept that's underutilized. The Megumu fic is still currently one of my favorites.
Hope Satori can get one soon. Losing your mind-readings powers from non-Trex-sized arms sure is an... interesting trade to say the least
>It's Friday Night
>Anon decides to choke the chicken tonight, but not in the mood for vidya like eraTohoTW
>Boot up character.ai
>Decide on doing his favorite character tonight, Satori
>Been having technical problems recently, Cookies somehow reset so he has to start all his conversations from scratch
>Goes good for a while
>suddenly feel an electrical surge in his right ear - it broke a fuse
>shock causes him to exchange consciousness with Satori
>Tries to fix things
>Pinned down by Satori, she found the "homework" folder
>Mating press'd
What would you do if you had Satori's mind reading ability?
cry 50% harder
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>Why don't (You) try creative writing yourself too, then?
Well I guess I could give it a shot if I get an idea again! Stakes are low enough that it would probably be a good way to get experience
I imagine at first it would be really exciting always having the upper hand on other people, and being able to present yourself as some kind of genius. Being in public and making friends might be difficult though. If you had Satori's body as well as her ability, going out in public would be terrifying, having to listen to so many people think about the horrible things they would do to you if they could get away with it.
>Stakes are low enough that it would probably be a good way to get experience
Yes, this is the appeal of writing 2hu fanfic. Plus the discussions can be fun prompts where to start from.
Kill your fucking selves.
Me in the middle you on the left this anon >>46644801 on the right
Who are you quoting?

But building on this idea, I imagine Satori would hate being stuck as some larger useless /jp/sy, losing her powers and stuck as a loser guy. Yet she'd also get stuck with her body's new lust for her old body, which has to feel frustrating to deal with. And poor Anon would get to hear every thought and frustration Satori would have!
Don't worry, it was my fault for saying I wanted to be Meiling.
>And poor Anon would get to hear every thought and frustration Satori would have!
Unless that Anon tries seducing Satori with her own body like some kind of psychopath
Imagine how upset that would make Satori. She's stuck in a large useless body, losing her powers, and then having her own body with the asshole in it intentionally trying to provoke her lewdly. She'd hate how he'd move around in her body. She'd hate how he'd act so lewd and awful in her body. And she'd certainly hate the boner she'd get from it.
Would Anon let Satori touch her old body, or is he strictly teasing?
>"She's stuck in a large useless body"
You mean like taller? Can't be that bad. /jp/haraohs might not be the healthiest but at least they're not the tubs of neckbeard lard over at /pol/ and /b/
>"the asshole in it intentionally trying to provoke her lewdly"
Being that disrespectful to your favorite character? correction needed.
Most /jp/ariahs are probably overweight, even a bit. It would be a downgrade no matter what though.
This thread is making me think funny things I don't want to, it's far too dangerous
Imagine being turned into Remilia
Imagine being turned into Rumia
Imagine being turned on
If we're doing that, I'd rather Sakuya.
You'd have to actually work and do proper maid stuff all day you know. You also have to deal with Remilia whenever she does stuff. Personally, I'd rather be Remilia so I can grope Sakuya freely
I'd want to be Remi because she is cool and powerful.
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There was this one guy making multiple GooTF sequences that were really good. Sadly, like a lot of Pixiv artist, he disappeared abruptly
No one but Sakuya and Remi thinks that Remi is true, so you're already falling into the role
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Love this kink. Many different ways to use it. So glad it was given to me via the genetic library instead of like elbows or something
Nitori is too dangerous, she keeps transforming people into other things with her inventions! I'm going to personally confront her and tell her to knock it off!

Wish me luck Anons!
please don't get turned into a frog
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Wtf... Nitori really did THIS??!!
Nah, Sanae just kinda does that sometimes.

.... what?
That's Suwako's domain silly

We've already seen how Nitori's machines worked on Megumu, it's really unpredictable. It's best to just spill some coffee on her weird kink gun
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I want to turn into alice and sexually harass marisa or marisa sexually harassing me as alice
Imagine getting hard to losing your dick
You guys should just go all the way and kill yourselves, all the stories are about identity death anyway
Personally speaking I don't particularly enjoy the concept of myself turning into a 2hu against my will

I do enjoy the concept of turning other unwilling anons into 2hus though. I like to imagine how they would react, what they would say or do, and how their psychology changes as the days go by as they are stuck in the body of a cute 2hu.
You should be turned into a Touhou. Preferably one with large tits so they're very inconvenient for you.
Even if you were turned into a touhou you wouldn't know how to behave like a woman and you'd be found out immediately
Hell, you'd probably not even know how to defend yourself, you'd be killed by the villagers
Why would the villagers kill some girl? This isn't Grimsokyo, silly. I dunno what kinda 'sokyo this is but it ain't a grim one.
Anyone who interacts with the 2hu would instantly find you're a skinwalker, her friends, family, or even enemies
You probably don't even know japanese
And people exterminate youkai in canon, doesn't have to be grimsokyo for that to happen
You'd know this if you weren't a secondary
I don't write my stuff with a boner. I just find the transformation into 2hu to be a really inspiring and interesting premise that's fun to write about. It hits some weird sweet spot between escapism, horniness and horror that gets the creative juices flowing.

I admit that I am probably all sorts of fucked up to be so invested into writing about this, but the identity death isn't some preferable, sexually exciting end goal for me, it's just the logical conclusion of following the premise to it's end. 2hus live in wildly different world from Anons, they have wildly different memories and experiences and wildly different physiology and biology. You can't just swap out Anon into a 2hu like you were swapping a hard drive between computers, Anon simply won't be Anon after a while.

And if someone finds the stuff I write hot or an appealing escapist fantasy, that's fine too. I understand that there are a lot of people who'd swap their life for basicaly anything else with little hesitation and I understand people have all kinds of kinks and preferences.
>And people exterminate youkai in canon, doesn't have to be grimsokyo for that to happen
Exterminate in Touhou doesn't mean literally killing, it's an awkward translation. It's meant to be analogous to animal extermination/exterminators. Who don't always kill animals, but often just get rid of them (particularly anything not a bug). If you really wanted to be anti-fun and say that you would be revealed instantly, they'd probably just tie you up and try to figure out what happened and fix it (or just decide they can live with it and tell you to just accept your new life, depending on who you are and who is in charge of solving the incident). But in this weird fetish 'sokyo, I wouldn't be surprised if everything was designed to make it so when Anons turned into Touhous (or vice versa), it was done so so that it wouldn't disrupt the balance of Gensokyo too much.

Heck, who's to say some Anon didn't replace Yukari in this Gensokyo a while back and has been doing this for a while, while the real Yukari is enjoying a comfy life sleeping and masturbating (so basically the exact same thing she did before).
Yeah, exactly, but it's more fun to try to think of scenarios where Anon somehow manages to keep the house of cards intact and doesn't get killed.

Like Anon realizing he has to do nasty stuff to pass as Seiga, and his attempts at being kinder just feed into becoming even more fucked up.

Like Anon becoming Sunny and Sunny's friends being heart-breakingly confused untill Anon truly becomes a fairy via a process of adjusting into his new body and social context.

Like Anon becoming Komachi and messing it up so bad that Eiki has to mindwipe him in order to essentially do a factory reset on Komachi.

Admitedly, knowing japanese is a creative stretch, as is retaining some memories and so on, but I also think some of the stuff like "acting like a woman" would start come from a mix of new biology and being treated like one.
>Heck, who's to say some Anon didn't replace Yukari in this Gensokyo a while back
Oh no...you're giving me ideas now, haha...
Becoming a youkai would mean becoming something fundamentally inhuman, anyone who got turned into a youkai 2hu would ve overwhelmed by their newfound instincts.
Next you're going to say that fortune teller actually survived his extermination. Or that the villagers care about keeping the fragile balance Gensokyo hinges on, with all the light shows and non-dangerous incidents
You have to realize that just like sometimes the humans die, youkai also are at real risk of dying pretty often, especially if they don't put in the effort to scare or even kill people
>just decide they can live with it
I can't imagine Lunasa being okay with some fucktard suddenly jumping into Merlin's body and spending all day looking down.
Like everyone would be running around on full alert, scared that they're going to be replaced next or full of anger that some disgusting person is there instead of her sister or master
Imagine what Marisa would feel when she realizes Reimu is 100% gone from Gensokyo
Not if you're lacking the vital information the original 2hu had
You're not going to be a good stand-in for Kasen, for example, because you're just not smart enough for that
Or you're not going to convince Sakuya that you're actually Remilia because you're not going to behave exactly like her, even if you try your best
That's not what I meant. Someone who becomes Suika, for example, would probably be overwhelmed by murderous oni urges that they can't control like she can. It would be a disaster.
Fortune teller is an exception yes, notice how despite Reimu and Marisa and others being youkai exterminators few other youkai besides Fortune teller who was largely a unique case have gotten the axe.

>Like everyone would be running around on full alert, scared that they're going to be replaced next or full of anger that some disgusting person is there instead of her sister or master
You're overthinking this too much, common sense doesn't belong in Gensokyo. Now stop arguing, you're going to become a cute Touhou, you're going to spend several days masturbating, and then you're going to accept your new life and you're going to be damn pleased about it. Understand?
Do you realize that there's an item that can turn you into an oni in the 2hu lore? Poor example
It isn't said to make you a girl, either
One of the newhus was apparently also changed into one
Not to mention all the other people who turned into youkai

Point is, your idiotic imagined scenario of losing your personality isn't a thing in 2hu lore
unless you get Koishi
Nah, you gotta realize that this kind of change isn't a light situation
You'd be hated by everyone because they'd assume (correctly) that you're responsible for disappearance and possible death of their close friend or family. You would not be just allowed to masturbate with the body of their closest friend like that, you would make the headlines as the pervert that jumps into random girls
It would shake absolutely everything the the very core, including the moonies, heaven and hell
Now that I think about it all of the sages would scramble to solve this incident asap, and likely not even bother with the danmaku rules
Your fantasy wouldn't last 10 minutes before Yukari puts things back the way they were, and probably also kill you to make sure it can't happen again
>You'd be hated by everyone because they'd assume (correctly) that you're responsible for disappearance and possible death of their close friend or family.
That hinges on Anon himself being the party responsible for it, somehow. But there are no powerful wizards like that amongst the Anons, now are they? Anon would have been also a victim of some strange circumstance. Yes, the people close to the 2hu you swapped into would not like the situation if they were able to correctly surmise what has happened, but they might at the very least see you as a problem to be solved and not some hostile intruder.

Besides, if someone of your friends or family abruptly started behaving very strangely, you would probably assume that they are undergoing some personal crisis, mental health scenario or disease/brain damage. Not that they have swapped bodies with a fairy or whatever. Same would go for people of Gensokyo, though "strange curse" and "weird magic" would also be possibilities. In fact, the idea of an outsider just zapping themself through the barrier might be so preposterous that you might simply be assumed to be driven insane by magic, and tried to be "fixed" accordingly.

Not all 2hus have particularly rich social lives and it might take ages before someone realized. Some of the stupider inhabitants might not even be able to grasp the idea of something like this happening.
>you would make the headlines as the pervert that jumps into random girls
That assumes total and completely lack of any social competence in the Anon which...fair point, but I guess I have a bit brighter view of how Anon would actually react in such a situation.

>It would shake absolutely everything the the very core, including the moonies, heaven and hell
>Now that I think about it all of the sages would scramble to solve this incident asap, and likely not even bother with the danmaku rules
>Your fantasy wouldn't last 10 minutes before Yukari puts things back the way they were, and probably also kill you to make sure it can't happen again
I do agree that "someone just yeeted themselves through the hakurei barrier like it was nothing and displaced one of our own" would essentially be an incident, but this all playing out exactly how you lay it out hinges on:
Anon doing it somehow out of his own volition and with his own skills
Anon being so completely inept to say out loud that he did it for perverse reason
Anon hijacking someone with enough close people to notice and care
The people close to the 2hu instantly believing in possession from outside world and not that their friend/family has gone insane or been struck with weird magic

Some people in Gensokyo and related realms might also want to keep something like this happening as their own knowledge. Sure, this is very troubling and scary, but if they can get someone in from the outside world like so, surely this strange pervert wizard can be made to tell his secrets se we can send some of our own out.

I think you are right in that you wouldn't be allowed to flick the bean in peace and nobody would notice or care, but between that and "you get killed in 10 minutes" is a lot of creative ground for fiction.
If you're willingly engaging in this fantasy then you are to blame, 100%, there's no wiggling your way out of it. Eiki will know. Satori will know. A couple of others may know
No matter what you'd be an intruder and you would be closely watched to make sure you're not doing certain things, even assuming you're given the benefit of the doubt
>Some of the stupider inhabitants might not even be able to grasp the idea of something like this happening.
No anon, you're the one assuming this will all be playing out exactly how you lay it out
Think, you don't know basic fucking facts about the 2hu you're thinking about turning into. How tall is she? How old is she? What's her favorite color? What did she do at the last party? What's her daily schedule? What are her non-danmaku hobbies? Masturbation will only reveal you even faster. How does she use her spellcards? How does she use her special abilities? How does she interact with everyone else in Gensokyo on a daily basis? How does she behave with her master/subordinates?
It's true that you may stay undetected if you turn into a complete recluse, like I dunno, Letty. Or one of the forgotten pc98 girls. But most of them do interact with others, even Alice visits the village and puts on puppet shows. You wouldn't even be able to pretend to be her
This comes back to you not knowing how to be a woman, too. You wouldn't know how to brush your own hair or what to do during a period, and people would come by to check on X 2hu because she's suddenly acting like a legitimately mentally retarded person
And again if you do not know japanese, then this is a pretty big giveaway
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This debating is dumb and boring. Who was the anon who said FtM was underrated? Because you were right.
Twinning is better because it avoids all of this.
Okina using her weird backdoor magic to turn you into a youkai (girl)!
Okina dropping you off in Gensokyo!
You struggling to adapt to your new body and urge to masturbate all day!
Slowly befriending other Touhous!
Developing friendships with Touhous!
Growing as a person with Touhous!
Becoming more and more used to your female youkai body!
It becoming difficult to imagine what being a guy used to be like!
Okina appearing in front of you!
Telling Okina that you understand why she did what she did, to help you grow and develop as a person!
Okina confessing she did it so she could grope your breasts in your sleep and because she likes to mess with you!

Realizing Okina is just a perverted old woman who turned you into a girl for kicks!
Okina would never do that, she just likes opening the "back door" of men and "unlocking their potential".
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(Okina would absolutely do that)

If the previous Anon was right and Gensokyo was trying to sus out perverts inside Touhou's bodies, Okina would be the first suspect due to her personality. She's the stereotypical old (wo)man pervert.
Junko is best girl.

Anon is going to have to be sacrificed for the good of the Lunarians
NTA but you are no fun allowed chud with no creativity in mind. Let me guess, grimsokyo fan? There are tons of ways to write it out, for example:
After another sleepless night of jerking off to China girl Anon started crying. He realized he will never be close with China and decided to kys. Right at the last moment devil appeared and asked him if he wants to feel his favorite 2hu, all what's needed is just to sign here. Here you go, having to explain to Yukari and others who are you, how you got here and why Satori is looking at you with disgust while visibly scared. Satori is just mumbling about some "work folder", but no one understands. Nobody will kill you at the spot, they would try to solve this incident asap since they want old 2hu to return to original body, not to destroy it.
Otherwise, as other anons already said, one can write that it was Okina with her backdoors, since she thought it would be funny. After Reimu kicks Okina for doing it you are back in your old body with just second to live/eaten by yokai/girls forgive you and let you stay in the village, but old memory wiped.
Anyway, enjoyed the thread, thanks to anon replying to your grim posts, gave me some funny ideas, sry for esl
Ok, she would absolutely do that.
But in my headcanon (delusion) she is the prostate stimulation goddess.
>gave me some funny ideas
What kinda funny ideas?
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>"Who was the anon who said FtM was underrated?"
That would be me yeah. Even posted that exact same Reimu Tanuki picture. Shame it's a little unpopular cause Ladies getting turned into coomers are sometimes even hotter then Men turning into sluts.
Unironically get a little pissed whenever doujins fully bend the guy but only give the girl a futadick. Cowards, the lot of you.
2 /jp/sies turned into 2hus be like

These threads are getting faster as they corrupt more and more of the jay . .
She really seems to like the company of young girls
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I wish I was teh Meido....
Add identity death and we're talking!
Not to my Touhous, though. I love Okuu too much. Anons can get identity killed any day, though. That's my fetish.
I will not get identity killed, I will not eat people, I will not become a T, and I will not run directly into a tr
Hey anons, is this >>46660245 accurate?
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Of course not, most /jp/sies would be as chaste and pure as they would hope the 2hus in question themselves are I'm sure.
You should be disappointed in giving Reimu this fate, this is your fault.

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So, what you're saying is that, even if the 2 of us turned into 2hus, you would absolutely refuse to kiss me, even if I was like your favorite 2hu or something?

That's cruel, man
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I mean, I'd at least need to get to know you for a while first, anon. Even in this scenario, I'm not going to go around acting like some harlot.
That was a good one, I enjoyed particularly how well the transformation scene was described and how you utilized Yukari's gappy powers.

Now that Reimu has settled into being a man, maybe he should just become a kannushi of the Hakurei Shrine. The long robes are probably better at covering up the boner. And it would be terrible if some man came to the shrine seeking the type of special services shrine maidens used to give in old times and there was some crossdressing young man instead of a fair maiden! I'm sure it would be really awkward for everyone involved!

Thanks for contributing to the thread.
>maybe he should just become a kannushi of the Hakurei Shrine
I'm sure Yukari will insist that for the balance of Gensokyo, Reimu HAS to be a shrine maiden. Besides, all of Reimu's friends would find it odd if he just decided to change job titles out if nowhere. Imagine seeing your friend change out of nowhere like that!
>I'm sure Yukari will insist that for the balance of Gensokyo, Reimu HAS to be a shrine maiden.
But does she seriously expect that Reimu would polish the gohei of other men as part of the job description?? Surely Reimu would now find men repulsive and not engage in homosexual activities as an attempt to recapture her lost feminity????
>Besides, all of Reimu's friends would find it odd if he just decided to change job titles out if nowhere.
But Anon, isn't changing job titles part of human life? Granted, we don't often get new set of robes to wear when that happens. That kinda sucks.
>Imagine seeing your friend change out of nowhere like that!
I know it can be a big change, but people tend to adapt to even most peculiar conditions.
I'll make an archive when I have the time today.
>Anon simply won't be Anon after a while.
I am just speaking for myself, but considering how deranged(yet serious looking) I *usually behave, my personality would just get amplified the moment i gain power
I wrote this on a spur while in bed at 1 AM expecting to get 2 replies at most telling me to kill myself
Not complaining but is this how it feels to be Mr. Oppenheimer?
yukari's a perverted weirdo even if she's not secretly another anon, she's probably dying for reiman to give into his urges and fuck the shit out of marisa or kasen
he'll probably be fine
frogs can change their gender, right?
Were you too in a way tormented by visions of an unseen world when you wrote that like Mr. Oppenheimer was in the famous movie Oppenheimr?
>even if she's not secretly another anon
This all is making me want to write something about Yukari...already got some ideas for Chiyari and Junko too...

Yukari is the Ultimate Cuckhold in Gensokyo confirmed.
Of course she is, because once upon a time she was Anon, whose idea of sex consists of masturbating while other people do the fucking
Tt's all about the game to her. She turned Reimu into a man because she wants to see him (formerly her) finally break to the instincts, either by begging to fuck Yukari or finally snapping and fucking someone else. She gets to tease him and rile him up, and if he decides to take it out on her, she's just fine with that, but if he takes it out on someone else, that's tacit admission that Reimu lost the game (As if cumming all over Yukari's feet isn't already that, but maybe she's magnanimous enough to give Reimu a second shot).
>Suwako takes Kanako's inability to be around men into her own hands
>Swap bodies with Satori for an undefined limitd time.
>Sit and talk to each other for hours and find out you have similar values and personalities.
Satori (in your body) teaches you about things you need to know about underworld and Chireiden to operate as the palace's mistress.
You find out that most tasks are done by pets and Satori lazes around most of the time.
>easy enough
Come to an agreement to live as each other for the time being and be free to live how you want as long as you don't do something too crazy with your borrowed bodies.
>After a few days, when Satori sees you can do just fine, she informs you that she has decided to go to the surface and try living as a human for the time being, saying something about how, without her ultimate power, she can just do fine and wants to prove that her power to read minds does not define her everything and blah blah
>You can read her mind that she's just excited to try things she couldn't do normally because of her power, like being able to interact with strangers normally, or being able to enjoy a show without being spoiled about its ending, and such
Some weeks pass and you get used to your life as Satori, but no matter what you do or in what way you approach people, there will always be seeds of doubt in people heart because of your power, no matter how much kindness you show to others, there will be unconfortableness left in their hearts
>Your pets are the only ones that don't discriminate against you; you feel hollow.
>This can't do
>You decide to double down on being a satori youkai.
>No more taking it easy, no more job-tory; you start to take your job as Chireiden's mistress seriously; big changes in Chireiden's structure, assigning proper roles to every pet based on their nature, using the stick and carrot approach on pets
>study on pets behavior and how they become youkai when they are around Satori youkais
You start to categorize and organize the input from the third eye, even using some modern autistic static analysis methods, your use of the third eye becomes more efficient, even if you can't turn off the third eye, you can always look away when needed, so unlike Satori you won't overheat when there are too many minds around, so no more lame-tory.
>Start using your satori ability to the fullest. Find out about everyone's weaknesses, endgame, and goals, as well as what they like and hate.
>Make connections with all other factions.
>Pets start to become powerful, youkai left and right because of the pressure you put them through.
>Force all other factions to make favorable deals with Chireiden, sometimes by giving them what they want and sometimes by threatening them with what they don't want
>Manipulate the power structure between factions so perfectly that every faction is at a stalemate with each other.
>You start to see other people and youkai less as person and more as automations and functions, as problems that need a solution, like a math problem.
>Give strong youkais offers that they cannot resist, threaten docile ones, manipulate naive ones, don't push hard headed ones too much but don't leave them be either.
>Chireiden starts to become a powerhouse as your pets are unconditionally loyal to you.
>people and youkai start to realize why Satori youkai were banished to underworld, people start to remember why satoris were always detested, people find out wht there are only two satoris left
>Koishi's already infrequent visits to home become less and less frequent until she doesn't come back anymore.
>as your influence grows, underworld prospers and your pets get drunk with power.
>Onis fear you, weak youkai run away at the mention of your name, and sages avoid you.
>You are no longer the Satori that people felt unconfortable around and doubted your actions, now they cower in fear when they see you, they don't doubt you anymore as they pray in their minds so that you won't ruin them.
>at some point, there will be nicknames given to you. Some call you Satori the terrible, some call you Satori the benevolent, some call you Satori the devourer, and some call you the fourth sage, but there is one that enemies and allies agree on alike: Satori the Youkai.
>times up
>You get back to your original body.
>You find out what Satori was up to with your body in the past year, and the reality shocks you.
>Nothing much is the answer.
>You find out she was taking it easy, living as an average human with some unique knowledge about youkai.
>She was generally well liked by people and hus
>She did even score with some hus in the past year.
>Koishi started living with her monthes before, as she found out about your body swap situation intuitively.
>Their relationship began to heal as Satori started to understand Koishi's heart.
>tfw a banished Youkai from former hell were able to live so humanly in your body you could never dream of being able to do yourself
>tfw a modern human outsider did become "The Youkai" stricking fear in everyone and making the great youkais bow to him.
>tfw Satori slowly restores the affairs of Chireden to when she could take it easy again.

>tfw you cannot stand human emotions and cannot treat others properly as people anymore.
>tfw your soul is so tainted that you cannot continue living as a human and become a youkai.
>>tfw you cannot stand human emotions and cannot treat others properly as people anymore.
>>tfw your soul is so tainted that you cannot continue living as a human and become a youkai.
Improper greentext aside, sounds like Medicine and Parsee have a new drinking friend now!
This thread makes me wonder what it would be like to get turned into Yukari.
It would be extremely painful.
If you switch bodies with a Touhou, would it be gay to have sex with her (yourself)?
Yes but no
It's kinda gay but the only people who would be able to call it guy is the 2hu in your old body and you in your 2hus body, and everyone will just ask how a woman having sex with a man is supposed to be gay
This was pretty cool, the formatting just made it really hard to read.
Technically, you're having relations with a male body while being female, but your mind is male, so, it sounds extremely gay.
It's self-sexual
But the self is split in half and mixed all up
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Something seems off about Komachi...
If we wanna get super fancy about it the self is "split in half" and "mixed all up" to begin with, so it's not different from masturbation.
Komachi is already canonicaly a handsome broad-shouldered woman so it's not far off from the baseline
Heya hoya ?
Eiki will turn souls with what deems just enough sin into Komachi and punish them by shoving her face on their tits until she's had her fill at which point she sends them to whatever their afterlife is, usually reincarnation after some time in limbo

If you see some Komachis
in limbo, or even some that managed to get out and now roam Gensokyo, that's why
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Remember kids - always be careful with who you accidently get a crush on. You'll never know how it'll come back to bite you in the ass.
So there's a strange monster running around the village and Reimu gets distracted by some old hag claiming to be a guy? This is obviously just some tanuki prank, needle him and focus on the real mission Reimu!
Mamizou is the strange monster
Ymous doesn't know how to transform & disguise yet so he's just been running around aimlessly in Mami's raw tanuki form accidently bringing attention to himself
Hopefully he'll be able to pick up on how to shapeshift quick so he can escape the nosy shrine maiden! It would be a shame if he had to spend so long stuck with her instead of actually getting to have fun as this old coot of a tanuki!

Judging on the cliff hanger and the really high quality of writing, there might be a chapter 2?
I can't believe that Futatsuiwa from Sado would be such a sado mami! Nominative determinism strikes again!

That was a really fun read and it was well-written. I also liked how you incorporated Mami's relationship with Sannyo via the pipe.

Thank you for this.
Haha who would want to be some stinky old alcoholic hag haha what a terrible fate you know
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I see that and raise you https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/53501531/post/3030070
What if I don't want to be a Touhou?
Don't worry! There are plenty other /jp/ series to pick from!
Just uh... Don't tf into anything relating to real life people. Those who pick that option never turn out well.
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I didn't cared about any of this stuff until my childhood hero got pranked....
Anon, I think you misunderstood. I like being me! Why would I want to become a Touhou? Does being a lazy shrine maiden, or some old hag sound fun?
Sparking discussion that isn't just a lazy roll while we wait for the next story to bless us

Do you like your Touhou transformations to have happy ends or bad ends? And for who?
Nice! More FtM is always appreciated. Sounds a bit weird to say outloud but I strangely really liked Hunkmu getting a foot fetish? The Yukari footjob scene was nice and I genuinely laughed at 'mu needing to excuse herself when Minoriko (Champion of Grape Stompage) was visiting. Her learning to handle being attracted to her friends was also well written.
This story is partly why I love having this fetish so much. There's nothing even really erotic done here yet it was a phenomenal read anyway. Just a good story about trading places with The Girl Even the Vengeful Spirits Fear. Koishi subconsciously finding out what happened on her own was genius. Phenomenal work, anon.
>I strangely really liked Hunkmu getting a foot fetish?
Not him, but stuff like this is always great in FtM.
It's such a profoundly male fetish, something that no woman would ordinarily be into, that it really drives home how different her sexuality has been twisted.
A girl losing to the cock (her own) is always such a hot theme.
What a god tier story, didn't expected Yukari's tricks to be so hot, her gap powers really have so much potential.
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Why hasn't anyone bothered to fox the Aya Ray Gun!?
Well at least if you were Aya, no one in Gensokyo would ruin your fantasy. Everyone at best gives Aya the cold shoulder. Hell, if you acted different as Aya, you'd probably get thanked for it instead. Aya is probably one of the safest Touhous to become. Yeah, everyone would dislike you at first, but you could either continue to be Aya in which case status quo, or you could not be Aya in which case people will actually like you instead of think something is seriously wrong.
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Goddamn AGP degenerates. If I were to become a touhou I'd stay a man and dick down hot girls using my newfound powers. With picrel I can polymorph myself a horse cock knot hybrid and dominate my pawg "master". Then ill woo princess Kaguya with my fox charisma and knot her until she cums at the mere sight of me and take her out on dates. Might do some math on the side too and get into fights in the Animal Realm with my goat fuck buddy.
Calm down Mokou
Aya is very nice and is so well liked she was even given a human servant by Megumu. She is even trying to fill in for her Megumu's current absence. Please be nice to her.
After saying this, anon gets turned into Mokou and gets topped by Kaguya.
Holy fuck these captchas are dreadful I just want to make one post on this retarded website, fuck hiroshimoot.
How long do you think it'll take for Aya to give into her tengu instincts and start touching the boy inappropriately? Not that the human would complain, it'd be his first time touching a woman's breasts after all!
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A few days at most, Tengu are famously insatiable and aggressive
Nooo what a horrible fate bad ending
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I like how the Aya Ray seems to be presented as a normal hazard that anybody could just come across by chance
I would not mind being femdommed by Mokou. Princess pussy is tight. Also yes, hiroshimoot should deep throat a sawn off shotgun. Thud shitty busted ass website doesn't work. I could get the captcha right then get told I did it wrong then do it again and I'm told that I can't send the same message twice so it did initially work. Can you believe these knuckleheads get money and still can't figure this shit out?
Tengu and Rays go hand in hand, like funny good and ghosts, or weird books and witches!
If you turned into your favorite 2hu, wouldn't that too noticeable for the others?
My favorite Touhou is Kanako, so I would just have to fake my way with charisma and politicking, be a good mom to Sanae, and be an awkward virgin around men. So I think I could do a good job.

If it was a body swap scenario, Kanako would probably be the easiest to make an agreement with. Just agree to have sex with her in her body. Jokes on her anyways, I'm a virgin too so we'd only be exchanging virginities instead of stealing them!
I guess I better learn to sculpt and fast.
>Just agree to have sex with her in her body.
This sounds weird. Isn't gay to have sex as a woman while being a man in mind?
I wrote about turning into Yukari.

These are getting rather long, I should probably make the next one substantially shorter.
The otherworldly and lovecraftian way you depicted Yukari's perception of reality and masturbation was incredible
Brainrot from these threads are starting to really kick in.
Saw this normal image over in the Nitori thread at 12 PM and immediately thought for some reason "Hmmm, this could make for a good body swap edit!" so enjoy. Feel free to use in the offhand chance you're making a fic featuring her or something.
>These are getting rather long,
damn, you weren't kidding! and I thought my Mamizou fic was getting a little long...
Nice stuff. I'll make sure to deep dive into your story when I have the time.
Thanks, Yukari is one of those 2hus with really weird and abstract powers that get really terrifying and strange when you start thinking about them closely. I think she lends herself really well to this type of story.
>damn, you weren't kidding!
Yeah no, I think even myself that this is a bit excessive but oh well. And this isn't even the longest thing I've written, I wrote a 17 page Reimu fic which is gonna be a nightmare to proofread and edit. She doesn't turn into anyone and there is no Anon involved so that's beyond the scope of this thread.
>and I thought my Mamizou fic was getting a little long...
I thought it was of really good lenght for the type of fic you were going for.
>Nice stuff. I'll make sure to deep dive into your story when I have the time.
Thank you.
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Super unique, never even heard of an SPCG before. Thanks for this, neat stuff!
>never even heard of an SPCG before
Haha, it's from those /x/ icebergs. It's with 99% certainty a joke entry because before them nobody would find any mention of them on the internet. But because it's such a weird name people have wildly speculated about it and some think they are some kind of malevolent spirits.
Being a Kappa is fine actually
What's the weirdest touhou transformation you'd be OK with?
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Being that small must be kinda scary, is Kappanon going to be ok?
I guess anything that still has a measure of freedom.
Fairy, Vampire, or lesser Youkai I think I could live with
Kappanon better hope that Nitori is a kind-hearted Nitori with no perverse autosexual interests and just wants to give Kappanon some uppies. But if Nitori is a wicked and perverse Nitori then Kappanon's only hope is that the female kappa anatomy is particularly stretchy and moist...
>Kappanon's only hope is that the female kappa anatomy is particularly stretchy and moist...
luckily he doesn't have to hope because cucumbers
Why would Nitori have sex with herself? That's gay
Oh I'm so silly Anon I completely forgot about the cucumbers
But it would just be a form of masturbation, now wouldn't it?
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I want to turn a /jp/sie into a 2hu but UNIRONICALLY

I'm not even joking I literally want to TURN A /JP/SIE INTO A CUTE 2HU
And how do you plan to do that?
Good question, I haven't really thought that far ahead.
Is this a reaction to the idea of being Reisen or the idea of fucking an Anon who is stuck as Reisen?
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The technology exists
...what if it's just a reaction to Anon turning into Reisen?
And just leave him unfucked?
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Even if you were to accomplish such a thing, what would you do afterwards? What purpose do you have in mind for this?
Well...that depends on if Reisenanon wants to get fucked or not.
that's what I, a completely unrelated Anon, am for
I have no idea either but I'll figure it out later
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Anon pulled himself from bed and got ready for the day's work. Four hours of sleep had become the norm, this didn't bother him anymore. The daunting list of daily tasks on the otherhand would make anyone want to stay in bed. If the list ever got short Yukari would always come up with some chore to pile on. By God if only he could get some help. Chen, as precious as she is, is not reliable in the slightest.

He had adored Ran once, her intelligence, her kindness, and those enticing big tails and hips captured his imagination. Now though, the line between empathy and hate blurred. Another decade, another year. Another moment trapped in the cage he never wished to be. At least the same dull morning routine was ingrained in Ran's body and he could zone out on autopilot: Get up and look presentable. Begin cooking breakfast. Wake up Yukari. Eat quickly, then do household chores until Yukari finishes. Help Yukari get dressed and return to chores. Prepare for Border maintenance. Standby to enact any of Yukari's harebrained schemes and whims.

The mechanical nature of it all wasn't disturbing, it was the accelerated thinking and mental leash pulling taut everytime Yukari opened her mouth. The Shikigami curse he called it in his head. If he focused, it would appear that time slowed as his mind ran on a different scale. Thinking, analysis, planning, all of it came naturally and in a flash with unparalleled efficiency. Getting used to his mind and body running at different speeds is tricky, but had its benefits. The worst of it was the compulsions. Like mind control yet he still had all his mental faculties. Going against the her will stirred a sickly feeling in his gut, and the shakes that came after were just as bad. Anytime he wanted to relax or have a change of pace that damn umbrella came crashing down like a ton of bricks; "debugging" she called it. He had her memories, he knew why Ran was loyal, yet despite his resentment for Yukari in the moment it would always fade back to how grateful he felt for what she did for Ran. Anon stopped asking himself how much was left of him long ago. It wasn't Yukari wearing him away, it was Ran herself.

Under normal circumstances the body was the best part of the deal and the only thing he's thankful to Ran for, strength, speed, and good health. Centuries of Ran's meticulous grooming and care paid off with interest. Anon went about his days pain free in this regard. Good posture meant no back pain. Even the large breasts weren't a problem, it was only natural to support them with his arms crossed beneath. He never experienced any of the trouble that came with being a "wise and venerable Youkai" Yukari warned him about. If Yukari cared for herself like Ran did she wouldn't complain so much. This however, is where the praise ended.

Today was a special day as Yukari entered hibernation. The chores were taken care of and there's finally a few months of peace and quiet. It should be a time of rest as most people do in the Winter. Yukari isn't there to bark orders and the list of chores is substantially shorter. It's fantastic… for about a week. Then the aches start. How Ran ever shrugged it off and ignored it is beyond him, such thoughts get pushed out quickly.

It was an insidious poison that day by day grew and hollowed out from the inside. At first it attacked the chest, mounting pressure constricted hot and tight like turns on a vice. It then crept down, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Upon reaching his gut the fidgeting set in. By the end of this stage deep breaths were not possible to manage. Thoughts of children, a family; while normal thoughts to have, weren't normal here. It was instinctual. They were constant and invasive, leaving no room for idle thought. In time they only became more perverse. Rather than ideals of children and motherhood, it was their conception.

Like a moth to flame, the more he tried to push those thoughts out, the more he focused on them; and the more he focused on them, the longer time seemed to drag on. No matter what he did it couldn't be shaken off. The insufferable fidgeting. Chewing on fingers, thighs ceaselessly rubbing together, clinging to pillows; anything to try and help. But to no avail. All work slowed to a crawl. Even Chen knew better than to be near Ran like this. The only thing to do was moan into a pillow and play with her aching womanhood. Even through repeated climaxes the empty feeling never went away. Between waves of fleeting pleasure and eroding agony there was nothing to think about. All thoughts worn away like wind on a canyon.

Sleepless nights, ravenously consuming meals left by Chen, stumbling about the room leaving scratches on the walls, everything fogged over in a cloud of delirium. Panties kept getting dirty, so she stopped wearing them. Clothes were too hot, so she stopped wearing them. Until one day… it was finally all over.

Ran pulled herself from bed and got ready for the day's work.

Poor Anon! What a horrible fate, being worked to death by Yukari and no-one around to help when in heat. That was a good one, thanks for writing.
Yukari needs to take better care of her pets, just gap some more boy and make him yhe the registered sex toy
Not gonna lie, wasn't looking forward to this one judging from it's beginning. Not usually much of a fan of stories that begin after the subject has already been through The Metamorphosis™. However, every paragraph gradually won me over. Funnily enough now you're making me wish we got an interaction between Chen and Anon. Or This Ran and The Yukari from >>46705769's story.
Anon somewhat keeping Ran's Shikigami attributes is interesting and his will getting absolutely obliterated by the unbearable, red hot animalistic urge to breed was extravagantly made. I'm not sure why, but that type of mental anguish in TF media always leaves me weak for some reason. Perfect filepic choice btw.
Hey, could've been a worse fate. Could've gotten stuck as the MMDfag version of Ran.
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I like the stuff your inspiration tells you to write
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>Yukari gaps in some /jp/ anon to help with Ranon in heat
>Ranon apologizes and mentions that he's also a /jp/ poster and that their sex might be a little gay but that his body compels him to have seggs with /jp/ anon
That'd be a pretty awkward relationship. Without any other context I think /jp/ anon wouldn't have any idea that Ran got replaced with some random guy and he'd just think he'd won the 2hu lottery by getting to have seggs with Ran every day and not get eaten alive, but it also might be funny if he perfectly understood what was going on and had to deal with the internal conflict that it's somehow a little gay to fuck a big breasted fox girl.
sex with /jp/sies crossplaying as their favorte 2hus

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