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"Springtime is Here" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html
Gift Closet: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nuigurumi_costume/
Online Shop: http://giftshop.jz.shopserve.jp/

Fumo: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=ふもふも
Deka: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=でかふも

Fumo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=フモフモ ふもふも&lang=en
Deka: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=デカフモ でかふも&lang=en

Tokyo Otaku Mode-

Solaris Japan-

Fumo: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=ふもふも+東方ぬいぐるみ
Deka: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=でかふも+東方ぬいぐるみ

Amiami- Amiami is currently the only place for non-jp people to buy Fumos during official sales, check Gifts twitter for sale dates
Fumos: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=touhou%20plush&s_sortkey=releasedated
Gift Closet: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=gift%20closet&s_sortkey=releasedated

Proxy and Forwarding services-

Do not buy from JP Figures. They are a scam.

Where can you get Fumos in Tokyo?
Akiba Hobby, AmiAmi, Lashinbang, and K-Books in Akihabara. Animate in Ikebukuro. Mandarake and Surugaya have multiple locations.

#/fumo/ irc available on irc.rizon.net

link to the op text: https://pastebin.com/jJsKV0QJ

Previous thread:
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Almost forgot we've got a new chart!
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Sorry for the repost. I'd still love to know more from the people that might have the bag. my questions >>46639363
We need a new Koisheep thread too
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i got this one
had since august and had to get some fixing done to it twice
not good quality
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also I do hate how newer fumos from the preorders are so much more stiff and overstuffed, quite unhuggable
Poke a hole in the back of your fumo's head, like under a hair flap and on a stitch line. Then perform a lobotomy and remove some stuffing until her head pressure is relieved. Once you're done sew it back up.
Don't do this it creates fumo gas.
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I got severely disappointed when i got my first fumo (suika) and she turned out to be extremely stiff. I was under the impression that fumos were supposed to be sfot, but it turns out fumos aren't very fumo fumo.
v1 fumos are very soft, the newer ones are not.
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the older fumo ways are superior
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What is next for fumos?
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Fumes. Fumo fumes.
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For those that were fortunate enough to preorder her, the 1.5 Cirno fumofumo should be arriving this week,
I'm having Italian to celebrate.
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I choose air parcel shipping, i wonder how long it'll take. They shipped mine today though.
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She's up there.
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My regret was not getting the Scarlet sisters + migu
same, probably a few months. it is what it is
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thanks for using my pic :)
happy day
>black cirno
>smoking a joint
>holding a gun
what did anon mean by this
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The Scarlet Devil Mansion's new inhabitants: Patchley Norledge, Sakuya Suspecting Sunday Night, and Red Mimpie Mumps Friend.
Migu is still available
>Missing hats
A terrible fate.
These fumos are doomed. They cannot survive this for long.
why does this happen so much? how do people lose their hats?
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I can think of a lot of ways it can happen.
>evil friends/family/ex-bf or ex-gf that purposely messes up the fumo to fuck with you
>simply being a dirty and messy person
>moving, a lot can happen when you move
>children getting in reach
>pets getting in reach, both cats or dogs would be tempted by such a hat
>taking it outside to a con or other excursion and the hat falls off or gets stolen
Hat termites
No one believes Inu Sakuya.
No one believes Amazon or Ali Express sellers of Inu Sakuya
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No one is sure how it happens.
wtf Kaguya plays TF2?
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"I do."
What was the concept behind the Kourindou designs? Just alternate designs?
finally, my bootleg Rumia is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I will finally have a fumo-shaped object soon. and it only took 10 days, aliexpress really stepped up their game recently. and on friday i will pick up my mini alice, and thus i will finally have fumo in my life. i cant wait!
What do you mean?
He means he's a secondary.

Kourindou is the name of a series of short stories by ZUN, do yourself a favor and read a few.
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Does anyone have one of these? How big are they in comparison to regular fumos?
>He means he's a secondary.
I only got into the series a few months ago and I've just been focusing on the games, so I haven't tackled the print media at all. Thanks for the info+link anon.
Thanks dude, but what the fuck is a "implyingrigged"
Just some backwoods channel on the cytube or something that you just happened to store in?
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I don't have the exact ones in your picture but I do have a Flan that's the same size as those two (15 cm) She's almost as tall as a fumo, but still smaller overall.
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That's fine. I have actually been focusing on the games only, so far, but reading a little bit about what print materials exist and what they're about is pretty important, so that you're not left dumbfounded when they come up in a discussion. The touhou wiki is a good place for that, they're all in a single section.

It's mainly the server which hosts the wiki used by da 4chan cup (https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Main_Page), which I happen to have some minor admin rights over (limited to the cytube folder, which also contains a custom instance of cytube), so it was the simplest place on which to host this collection I've got from nyaa.
Yes, the games are great, but the have zero lore. The print works are insane. There's so much depth to gensokyo.
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First Fumo acquired
Life is good
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Congrats anon, enjoy.
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Congratulations on your new arrival.
How is Cirno settling in?
We should do a /jp/ poll to find out what is the most popular first fumo purchase. I have a feeling most people buy cirno as their first, for some reason.
My research indicates it's close to %
For me it was Sakuya followed by Chen from someone /here/
fuck I forgot 4chin removes special characters
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Love my little baka. She’s been here almost a week and I’m still alive
Is she warming up to her new home?
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Cirno has always been my daughter-fu so it was a no brainier, like her
I bought a Reimu when I visited Japan about 6 years ago. Almost got Sakuya instead but she was about 6 times more expensive.
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bros, something strange happened to my right hand today!!!!
it's terminal
>How is Cirno settling in?
I love her, she's smaller than some of my other plushies but very nice to gently hug nonetheless.
My only 'issue' is that I'm not sure how her top-row wings should be positioned, over or under the hair? Desu I thought it would make the most sense for the wings to be over the hair, but then it gets bent at like a 90 or so degree angle, so I'm currently keeping the wings under the hair like it arrived
>I have a feeling most people buy cirno as their first, for some reason.
I think she's one of the more recognizable characters + cute
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Finally my little baka arrived with a red frend, as a first time fumo owner, I have to say they're a bit stiff but a fumo is a fumo. Also the frend costed the same as Chiruno, take that as you will
Uhhhh is that based off of the Japanese anime show or is it Rooster Teeth's last gasp of air attempt to get cash?
aren't they owned by a major corporation?
Yes but they were ultimately axed to save money
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god has abandoned us
Fuck lost word. Fuck it t death. A gacha concept goes against everything that touhou stands for. I'm surprised ZUN gave them the OK.
Koishi’s whiteness hurts my eyes
Sakuya looks regal.
Not really related but is the anime any good? I really like RWBY's designs but hate basically everything else about it.
I don't think he has ever 'not' given something the OK, as long as they asked him for it before making the game.
I dropped it. I came into it expecting some sort of reboot (as someone who has never watched any rwby before), but for some reason the entire show was about Weiss' daddy issues and the rest of the cast were secondary. Instead of RWBY it was WWWW. Pretty pointless show.
How do u straighten out cirnos wings? The bottoms ones are pretty bent
I’m heading to Japan in three weeks. Does Akihabara have any places that sells fumo?
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>Where can you get Fumos in Tokyo?
>Akiba Hobby, AmiAmi, Lashinbang, and K-Books in Akihabara. Animate in Ikebukuro. Mandarake and Surugaya have multiple locations.
I have a preorder for Kasen, she will be my first when she arrives
fuck i was hoping there would be a yuyuko / pcb fumos rerun
i guess not until after this LW slop
Ohh, Kasen is a rare choice. Congrats anon. My first was Suika
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My first was a V1 Alice, who I brought halibut fishing in Alaska after less than a month with her
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my first was chen, and now i have chen still, eiki, tenshi, sanae, medium cirno, and i ordered pc-98 marisa and am prolly gonna order orin too. i also have a knockoff nazrin and tsukasa bc theyre my favorite 2hus
What heinous things should I do to my 20 dollar bootleg cirno?
I kind of want to ziptie her to the front of my car.
punished venom alice
Suicide is always an option.
You should leave her hanging from the rear of your car
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You should let her drive while you are ziptied to the front of your car
That's something you do with the real cirno, not with the bootleg fumo.
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Took my Patchy on a trip to Iceland. Here's she at the penis museum.
Anon... why is your v1 suwako missing her eyes?
My first was Suwako.
My first was Patchy
She seems unimpressed.
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what do you mean??
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I really wanted the Suika fumo but I couldn't get the money in time unfortunately. It's alright since she's my second favorite character but I still like her a lot. Now I've got a stash saved for Okuu when she finally releases, been tracking that one since the day after the twitter announcement.
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Flan took my first time.
Burnt Baka and Eirin

when will gift finally make a seiran and ringo fumo
Apparently I got Reimu, Marisa, Pache, Sakuya, and Yuyuko all at the same time.

Reimu and Marisa were 2,625 each and the others were 2,940 each.
my first was Junko
My first were both Komeiji sisters, back in 2015.
>2,625 each
damn. I paid 5,500 for Suika. Inflation...
I hope you've been sharing ice cream with her so you both have brain freeze
One of those legendary fumo relationships she will tell other fumos but they will never believe
I never let mine out of the house, is she still able to communicate?
mine was the yukari fumo that came recently, waiting for cirno to arrive.
They have a secret IRC network they talk to each other on. They think I'm not watching, but I know.
Hopefully you and Alice caught some big ones.
i've been on the spit a few times
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she has arrived
I bet you flipped your shit when she arrived
To other Fumos in your house yeah
Unless she's your first and only
Fumo is Fumo
Send her to someone who wants a baka
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mine was a bootleg reimu
then it was an actual yuuka
v1 cirno back in 2010
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Do you take your plush out on trips? What's the most recent place you went to?
gonna take my yukari fumo to a train museum if i have the time.
I plan to, as I've got mine recently. most I've taken her to was a park nearby and a few times in my car when I'm feeling anxious.
How's your Rumia? I ordered Remilia.
When you're anxious? Do you find it helps you?
I, too, remember Midori no Hibi.
I sometimes drive around when I'm not feeling well and want to get out of the house. I've taken marisa with me the last two or three times and I felt like I could ramble and talk to myself more naturally, amusingly.
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I only did once by accident but Im actually afraid of taking them out. I dont want anything bad happening to them like pollution or accidents like losing it.
However I might start to take one of them with me to complement my cosplay, but Im not entirely sure yet
Kinda cute. Where do you go for a drive and what do you talk about?
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extra photo of the one time I took Junko out
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I'm curious about bootleg fumos. Anons, post your bootlegs and thoughts, even regrets despite love, fumo is fumo and all.
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here's a pic related that I posted in the last thread.
I just drive aimlessly around the city, sometimes through a path I saw days before in my way to/from work.
random things. like venting, work or a project I'm working on, or explaining to her a concept because I think it's interesting and it crossed my mind at the time.
thanks for asking btw
Oh hey it's bootleg Marisa with the lewd leg from last thread!
Make a broom for her, anon.
What happened? Did GIFT got cheaper with the materials despite charging premium and in low batches?
>thanks for asking
No problem, anon. It sounds relaxing, so I'm glad you find it nice.
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Here is a Rumia I bought recently from fumoxfumo on Aliexpress. I am generally pretty happy about her as she looks pretty good, except the red ribbon under her face is kinda crooked, shifted a bit to the right and down from where it should be. It should be an easy fix, but Im afraid to tear it off and sew/glue it back on the right way. I might do it some day. Overall upon closer inspection shes not perfectly symmetrical and her left arm has slightly less plush in it, but I love her regardless. The stitching and fabric is well made though.
I've thought about it lol. I plan on doing it, I just don't know how, but I'll get to it when I have the time.
>It sounds relaxing
it is, you should unironically try it if you have the opportunity.
They fixed the fumo sitting problem, but the new material is not as soft.
Not worth it.
you know, I get the Clownpiece fumo was made by Yumeymey but with her vanished from the internet I'm surprised chinese pirates haven't capitalized on it like they did with Nazrin
Thanks! Suika is a great choice!
Don't die, Fumos.
It looks like she enjoyed it and had the perfectly colored companion
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New camera, Sony A6500. mightve been a better idea to buy a full-frame instead of another APS-C but,, ehhhhhhh too late
Looks really good, regardless
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cute. I also want orin
Is the fumo radioactive? Refund if no
My first was Reimu
Was it painful?
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really good one bro what lens

my best pics are either with 35mm or 56mm
though iirc sony E apsc mount doesnt name em to do the 1.5x like other brands do
https://twitter.com/gift_news/status/1786206834027847759 https://twitter.com/gift_news/status/1786207204451950974 https://twitter.com/gift_news/status/1786207384991588632 https://twitter.com/gift_news/status/1786207588876800252 https://twitter.com/gift_news/status/1786206616976777249
Hina, Hecatia, Chimata, Nazrin, Okina, Minis of dai and koakuma, AND menaka tan cirno and aya
Looks like I'm selling a kidney
Holy fuck! That Nazrin!!
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>Hina and Hecatia
I really fucking hope they dont go for pre order at the same time, I dont want to see myself in the position to go for one and letting the other go
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I’ve never seen a comfier fumo.
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I want her now!!!
I got excited for marisa and reimu but then noticed they're medium size.

I really wish they did normal fumos of those two more often.
was chimata really the pick for that game...
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If that Okina anon is around I'm really happy for him. I will buy her too. I hope more HSiFS characters get fumos.
she comes with the fucking chair lmao
nvm it fucking happened
Holy shit this a lot of good reveals. 100% getting Hina and hoping this means they’ll finish off the MOF cast soon, or at least finally put out Kanako.
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>*Marisa cannot be shipped to some areas due to the size.
Is it weird I like the ears of the bootleg Nazrin more?
They look nicer, sure, but my bootleg girl sheds her ear hair a bit.
i sincerely hope nothing but the worse things possible to happen to chimata fans i dont are if she's the stage 6 boss i wanted everyone but her and the fox to get fumos from UM
Anon I'm sure you can save up like 10 bucks a month from now on to finance your fumos
pretty much. I was going to get Parsee but Ill skip her for Hina and Hecatia.
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Hecatia looks like she has her brains sticking outside. Fumo too smart for her smol head!
hina love
Is Hina a re-release or new one? I ask because i notice the bootleg hinas are pricier than remilia or marisa or reimu
weren't they rereleased just less than a year ago?
A little more stuffing, and better/more-durable materials.

RIP wallet
Reimu and Marisa fumos have existed since 2008.
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Cute. What will you be cosplaying? I have taken my Patchy to a conference to increase her knowledge.
The first fumo I got was a bootleg Lily White, because the spring fairy is too cute and she will never have an "real", Gift-approved plushie. As for what will be my first official fumofumo, I am currently waiting to pay for PC-98 'mu and 'risa
For me it was Yuyuko. To this day I sometimes see the pics I took years ago of her next to food or inside a pringles can being reposted
>Due to high traffic on our website, the maximum number of simultaneous connections has been reached.
You love to see it, even hours later.

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