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Previous: >>46545174
In his house at Activ8 dead Kizuna AI waits dreaming.
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Thought we graduated
If only we'd be that lucky.
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she should be eating a burger
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I hope Mark3 can keep going. I like her singing.
love collab.
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I want one
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they are literally cooming
What happened with Anon's fat wife?
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went from 2views to 1
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She's still around. She uploaded a video when there was no thread up the other day.
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Kohinata Ryuji 3D debut
6 years
love install date reminder, with announcements.
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Why did Nikke make a character that looks like Tomari Mari?
Have they done anything for her birthday ?
Last year, yes.

This year, nothing yet.
Nikke has a lot of characters that look like a lotta people. Goes with the whole "being unoriginal" thing. Still would.
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Love was the only one keeping the reminder of her alive
I love them
No one soundposts here, /vt/bro.
I just kinda prefer it over crosslinking /wsg/ posts.
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what happened
love new outfit tease with a friend.
Never mind, I figured it out. She wanted to become the Okinawa prefecture tourist ambassador, which she has been trying to become for the last 5 years. After passing the first round of selections, the board seemed to receive complaints about her, and she was not chosen.
Shouldn't have made that Hokkaido video
What complaint could anyone have against her? Unless they're against using anime characters.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY0lydIQJm8 Lumia
Birthday countdown.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZgdKmbvH7w lumia
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mea 3D
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj2V_doHZ2A namahoshi-chan
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love birthday, costume reveal and mini live.
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happyy birthday
why wont our cute goblin go live
Mito goes live all the time though.
what happened to "that" poster?
So niconico and other Kadokawa group websites got attacked?
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Yue 3D soon!
i want to empty my wallet for her
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her schizo streams r cute
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nO oNeS eVeR rEaLLy GoNe
She's come to reap more of Neru-chan's pubic hair for the shrine... no but seriously have they at least been talking or was this a first time in years meeting?
i think they mentioned talking last year?
They are distant cousins or something IRL.
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Yeah it was revealed in that very same stream as the shrine I'm pretty sure. Still, makes me happy.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ1_ftRZxlc lumia
Thought you typed Yua for a second
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love im@s.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WTxIxm5ATg Lumia
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But not now. Why?
Man, it's wild seeing the big two both shit their own pants explosively within the same week. It's almost like we're truly back in 2018.
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Not sure what this is, but I like AI-chan's voice provider.
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Next part.
Voice model formerly known as Kizuna Ai
No, AI-chan's voice model. It's like a Miku thing.
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One of Showcases already quit and they plan to reuse her model. Activ8's vtubing 2.0 isn't very different from what they did before.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gTglv0PmgQ uka-sama
Activ8 came back?
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My panda is acting weird again.
That desperate?
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https://live.fc2.com/47986601/ fairys
I didn't know the based artist came back. Thought he quit watching chuubas years ago.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjE0ED4FyvM Lumia
when i think of "vtuber artists" what comes to mind is that guy who drew YUA all the time so probably him
He constantly retweets vtubers though
Based artist is based artist. The YUAfag is a different one.
Damn. That’s rough.
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This looks like a prison.
love and OmeSis.
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That's because it is. These places are already rough enough in parts of the world where its taken semi-normally, but in most asian countries it's just as bad if not worse than prison. I feel fucking horrible for her.
is she still married? hope she has some kind of support in her life outside of internet people
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Kanzume and her got divorced like 2 years ago.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BIDd8781cE Lumia
I guess Pie Pie Lie Lie is still around if anyone remembers her.
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Is she going to do tomari?
No, next is this one:
What even are these videos? What prompted them? Is it her fighting back against her black company raping her characters name, or an official project from them?
KDDI metaverse promo. They want to awaken your V.
Kay, so its an extension of raping Ai's name. Thanks anon.
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Last one.

You can watch Non-chan's streams if you become a member of her channel, but she talked about how she decided to use AI-chan's name there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V_2a5TGRmE makanon mimi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSOaLmGaCYc Lumia
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Dead fad
Dead thread
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VirtuaHolic singing relay + bar event right now
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Neo-Neo-Neo-Neo-Neo Neo-Porte!
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I probably should post this here too
DotLive schedule for 24/06/2024
Why not?
Who the hell is the girl the lame socks is collabing with and Miriri? Or is that Milily?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOyOiDXqihc lumia
why didn’t she start doing porn like mirei
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Brave ended up releasing the full names, prefectures/addresses, phone numbers and internet accounts of over 10000 applicants across their various ventures due to a basic inability to read a Google form's settings. They also didn't take notice of people mentioning it a week prior to this statement.

Gotta say I'm impressed. I've held no respect for them for half a decade now but even I never imagined them capable of completely doxxing 5 digits worth of people.
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Part 2, compensating everyone affected by paying for number changes and all moving costs should the person in question have included their address as well.
A massive PR disaster, permanent black stain and burning of money that could have been avoided had people remembered to hold the Unlimited grudge like they should have and never allowed them to work in this field again.

There's also a temporary unofficial suspension of activities and their English group's debut will still go ahead.
Damn, that's next level compensation. When I got affected by a data leak, I was only offered 2 years of identity theft protection.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-nnHyInHoY Lumia
They kinda have to given how much of a slam dunk the case is against them. A lawsuit would cost 10x more if even a single persons address was leaked, which it was.
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Speaking of Brave's shittery another company of theirs is refusing to pay clippers who signed into their paid program of 1 dollar for every 1000 views which is a retarded program if you ask me.
It's english drama so nobody here cares about it but I figured the fact that Brave is both directly and indirectly burning for 3 days in a row to be something most people in this thread would enjoy.
nta but yeah that's Milily
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Anyone have an idea what the hell is happening with Strawberry Prince recently and why their hashtags are being heavily vandalized with random shit?

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