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Previous Thread: >>46951386
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I NEED to have sexual intercourse with married hags (waki included).
Why does she look so different here compared to the OP?
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What did they mean by this?
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Ayappe looking like Noh mask nowadays.
Even the teeth look different, not just the eyes,.
So much better here than in the OP
This is a top tier cute, give more.
You will not sin to married hags
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I will keep sinning to hags and there is nothing you can do about it
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I'm so glad that Pyon does all the getting married so that Mocho doesn't have to.
Correct me if I am wrong but aren't all the ML girls standing there not married?
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>inviting Yukiyo and Mingosu to your wedding
lmao this lady's a hoot
They need to marry ME
Did she not invite all the ML cast? Or are these her only friends?
Why the fuck does Aimi look preggers????
I imagine there's a real reason for it but from that picture it unironically looks like she only invited the popular/attractive ones.
Yeah strange to see Mocho there without Nansu or Sora.
What does that mean
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She looks like pic related.
I'm gonna keep telling myself she's still cute
yumi and eriko?
Yep, and Nu's behind Harami.
Pyon is the heart and soul of ML
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>POV: You're French nobleman in 19th century who just brought your new oriental wife to Paris.
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damn married seiyuu seducing nihonjin and gaijin fans need correction
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That mullet is really making her look like a dyke
Who's the girl standing at the rightmost and why is she dressed the same as Yukiyo? Are they secretly twins?
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That's karaage chan.
I didn't notice they were wearing the same clothes, I was too distracted by the suggestion of Aimin's breasts
Were they the bridesmaids?
You barely see any bulge in her chest area.
That would be what makes it a suggestion
So you like the idea there's not much there?
Pyon always felt a bit arrogant.
I don't know about her being arrogant particularly but there is just something about her that I've never liked. Maybe there was something concrete she did like a decade ago that rubbed me the wrong way and I don't remember it but now I have a weird irrational dislike of her.
For me it's not really one event, but sometimes her interaction have an air of spoiled braggart tendencies. Like her replying to some rando about how she totally had a Mercedes or just announcing to everyone that she had a boyfriend.
She got caught lol and was forced to announce it
The Mercedes thing was probably her trying to preempt speculation of having a sugar daddy, as the person was questioning how she could afford it without appearing in anime.
Obviously she did it the wrong way but I don't think she intended to brag about it.
Would anyone really care if she got caught? She's pretty much D-list and she doesn't have much of an idol-seiyuu image, unlike say Trysail.
She has her radio show with Aimi

She did some solo music a few years ago.
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Very good look.
See even this bitch dresses normal unlike Machico
I'm starting to think anon just wants Machico to be naked.
Too beautiful....
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>see a completely unrelated seiyuu
>mind immediately goes to Machico
I think he just has a crush and is being tsundere about it
the bottoms literally ruin the prefect dress
Of all the possible options in ML, why would anyone simp for Machico though?
Her voice is cute and high pitch unlike the others
She's a farm girl at heart so she's a trad wife and she also dresses like that so she's a tard wife
She's a two-in-one deal
She's pretty, has sexy tight body, and seems like an easy lay.
But her voice sounds prettier on the Konosuba OP than when she's dubbing a character.
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cute edgy gnome
Might be the best she's ever looked
idk, I really like her previous loo
*look, i mean
Was really not to my taste, unlucky for me I guess.
Looks less mentally ill
the stack!!
imho she looks the same but with extra points on traditional goth instead of jiraikei.
like many im@s seiyuu I need to know, are her feet cute or ugly? no pics
So Luca is her permanent gimmick now...
she was more luca-like before, even had the die. if anything this is her branching out

no clue about feet but her thighs are nice. good girth to them
>thighs are nice. good girth to them
I am now interested. She has a nice looking bust but I don't recall seeing her thighs.
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I could swear there was a pic of her with the SC 6th Anni dress, which was very leggy.
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nice, more thighs as well
speaking of thighs... miyu...
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I've enjoyed the series Meg has been doing with the LL girl. Was awkward at first but they are cute.
Koroazu my love
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Mogged by best friend
Nice bait
Who's her best friend?
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Bros, what the absolute fuck happened to her?
Her bf didn't use a rubber
I chose not to use one, sorry.
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Don't you mean machico
Don't you mean Pyon?
holy sexo
Brutal mogging
Yeah hasshi mogged her hard.
Yeah koroazu mogged her hard.
>best friends

Didn't they say that they don't see each other outside of work?
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RIP BlooDye
That's like most work related friendships. You see them enough on the job and usually go out enough after work.
Good riddance
>Machico wants chinese dick
Her voice is so annoying I want to throat punch her.
Her face is so annoying I want to throat punch her.
Her pussy is so tight I want to dick punch her.
It's crazy how much better she is over Koro
absolute madman bait
>Her pussy is so tight
Is it though?
What's a dick punch?
When you punch someone in the dick
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I'd imagine she'd put effort into kegel exercises.
nice bulge
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>tfw no more sexy Halloween outfits from her
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Both of the Hisakawa seiyuu look like shit these days. I don't even think she could pull it off anymore
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>I don't even think she could pull it off anymore
They were way prettier and literally the Hisakawa twins themselves back then...
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old and busted
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both age hiders as well
Any educated guesses how old they are?
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I see both as being within the range of the 2019 debuts:
Kaoru Sakura (Chitose's) - 33
Sayaka Kitahara (Mei's) - 30
Risa Sekiguchi (Chiyo's) - 28
Yuki Tanaka (Asahi's) - 26 (Happy birthday btw, please hit me up)
Hana Tamegai (Risa's) - 26
Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko's) -25
Personally I think 31 or 32.
Forgot to quote >>47177869
How old is Mocho?
Same age as the amount of producers she's fucked
Mocho is an octogenarian?
What are you implying?
Happy birthday to Asahi's VA!

I remember seeing a user doing a special kind of tribute to her regularly, but that person has disappeared...
It's kind of hard to keep track of those kinds of users because they get banned a lot, for what I imagine would be considered rather understandable reasons. A lot of it seems behind private discords and chatrooms these days if not just on 5ch
I remember a guy who did that to Maaya ended up blocking me for a while for some reason but then unblocked me later.
She also just announced her solo music debut.
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Pretty gal.

Actually, all Straylights are pretty (cool) girls.
Is she popular?
Lantis and Columbia pretty much give anyone in im@s solo music debut.
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I don't watch Shiny stuff much but I hope they give her some actual decent music instead of the usual stock J-pop slop they give seiyuu because from what I've heard she's actually a really strong vocalist by iM@S standards.
>>47178041 is weirdly hypnotizing as well
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Here's some samples of her singing in im@s.
And this is her solo, where her character dances like the webm, though it's one where she tries singing more in-character (higher pitched).
I think a lot of the "new" SC VAs (Straylight VAs, Rio, Shio, Yaya, Nari, etc) are pretty good but yeah, I particularly hope Yukkii's debut goes well.
Sayanee can also hit me up.
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why anisong DJ event?
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Machico you aren't 16 anymore stop dressing like that and start dressing like a 30yo.
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Sexy little minx.
What should a 30yo be wearing?
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Comfy granny clothes
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>49 years old

God can she pick me to be used for her rejuvenation sacrifices
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Also >>47183049
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Those are not appropriate dress code for 30yo. They leave too much skin exposed.
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This picture would have been 100x hotter if she at least faked a smile
I like that post nut clarity looks on her face.
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smile is hot though
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God imagine just fucking this slampig from behind in this position
She's quite small and I'm quite tall so I'm not sure I actually could
Bruh I'm 6'2 all you do is just pop a little squat
She needs to get on the bed at the very least
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I'd have also accepted
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Cumdumpster body.
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Family making body*
I still have my Suwa PB and it kinda feels like I wasted money since it wasn't that good and she is married now.
It was okay for a last hurrah
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I'm talking about her 1st PB. I didn't get the 2nd and don't think anyone scanned it.
I grabbed a few pictures from it from a chinese blogging site ages ago, I guess I should have just gotten the full thing. She has a nice belly.
Yeah 1st one she didn't really do any risky poses or anything besides that one buttshot and that was it. Did she get more risky in the 2nd?
Bikini. A couple butts, some cleavage.
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Shit sounds way better than the 1st.
If I see it in the future I'll make sure to save it and post it here, unless someone else already has it.
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Thanks bro
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Didn't I upload and share the 2nd PB here when she got married?
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I don't know?
If that is what you were describing as a risky pose then you will love 2nd pb
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That was the only risky pose she did in her 1st PB.
Damn, you missed out boy
Can you reupload it?
Are you implying that Mocho is fat?
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God I wish.
Who is more a bitch, Ten or Momo?
>bitch (English)
>bitch (Japanese)
What's the difference?
Bitch in English means woman (but sometimes man) with an unpleasant, disproportionately combative, or just plain whiny attitude.
Bitch in Japanese (ビッチ) is different; it's slang for slut.
she's lewder than she should be
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I was looking at her legs (as one does with a Tomita picture) and I thought this was insane skindentation going on before I realized it was her right leg raised in front of her left
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She peaked at 20
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What's in it for me?
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Nao ain't looking too good these days.
What about Tane?
I don't like Tane so I don't care
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I'm so glad Reina is back. I was honestly worried about her for a while there.
I don't know, she's been gone for almost the same amount of time, only with no updates or appearances. I'm hoping she's doing alright and is back soon.
blinding ugly teeth
made for licking
Happy for you bro
Who are they? Left kinda looks like Rio mixed with Enako the cosplayer.
Why do they look like they've been stuck in my basement?
I don't know that Chiyo's VA is really pretty...
Because you and I have similar basements.
When it comes to her, it's either qt or train wreck, nothing in between
Sayanee is only like 2 and half years older than me but she feels like she could be my mom...
which im@s seiyuu could I call mommy and she would like it?
Thanks, brother.
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Wanna rest my head there
I want the milk.
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No lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell dissolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, Devil's tango ever.
Thank you for your contribution.
She is a lovely woman.
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No problem.
Can't even argue against that.
My Tane
Does anyone still have the clip of Runrun calling the horsefuckers "producers"?
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Need sumata from Miyu
>Miyu with well known exec cumdumpsters at Disneyland (the place where execs go to fill their cumdumpsters up)
Bros... is it over?
Gabu no...
There are more than 1 cumdumpster in that photo?
Mikku and Rie, that's two
Who would use Rie as a cumdumpster?
I would
No wonder you're not an exec
You don't think she's pretty?
There are prettier seiyuu to use as cumdumps. Cum isn't an endless resource.
Maybe it's just her outward persona, but I find her to have a really attractive personality. She seems very sweet and genuine and it makes me more attracted to her than I would be just by her appearance. Not that I don't think she's pretty but you're correct that there are prettier seiyuu.
Post QRD on Rie because that stuff makes me horny
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This should speak for itself.
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I was hoping for something like the nee-san photo though...
Nothing worse than losing our girls to g**ks and ch*nks
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I would.
>they sent Hego to Korea
>then Machico to China
>now they're planning on sending Koroazu to Korea
Horipro International MUST be stopped
More like hornipro
The c list trifecta
Machico is more like D-list.
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Machico is weird because I feel like literally everyone knows her as "oh, she does the Konosuba songs" but her voice acting role is really pitiful. iM@S was unironically probably her biggest role until Uma and even then she has practically nothing outside of those. Perhaps this means she is pure and refuses to sleep with execs.
It really makes you think she likes singing more than voice acting.
On a more serious note. I think she just likes singing more than actually voice acting.
Ugly face
>No exec wants to cumdumpster Shimabukuro
Based Okinawan manface
Koro sleeps with a lot of Ojisans?
She does a lot of Precure songs too.
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the most sex aimin ever been
She looks so airbrushed here so that plus her extremely dark eyes makes her look like an alien or a doll
I could barely recognize her.
Thankfully her sister is still cute
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she is an alien but yaya aren't
Just google her twitter or whatever
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Thanks. She's normal cute.
meant for >>47192449

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