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Last >>47136838

Dancing Oni Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
This ain't it.
I'm not feeling the energy in this one.
>no caramelldansen audio
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I really liked K Suika dialogue, there should be more of em
not even to carammeldansen
fucking shit OP
I'm just using the audio the creator of the image and gif used
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I've never seen this one before
You should have changed audio then.
>anon tw has ntr
how does that even work, I thought only your character could fuck? why would you even add this?
Japanese are obsessed with it and ATW refuses to remove it
>how does that even work, I thought only your character could fuck?
- Hatate has some bizarre NTR roleplay where she and you roleplay that she's cheating on you, and she talks shit about how much better roleplay you is at sex than non-roleplay you. I don't get it either.
- Toyohime has some NTR events, triggered by a scene where your character literally gets down on his hands and knees and begs her to fuck other men because it's so hot.
- Doremy has an event where she fucks your dream self in front of you. I think cocaine is involved somehow?
- Mai and Satono have involuntary brainwashed sex events.
- Yuuma has her minions run trains on her when she's horny.
>- Doremy has an event where she fucks your dream self in front of you. I think cocaine is involved somehow?
>EGO cucked by ID
If you're futa, are you able to turn the tables on her by turning it into a threesome, or even cuck her by deciding to selfcest instead?
I'm confused, what the fuck am I reading.

>ATW refuses to remove it
What decides whether you can rape Seija or not when she comes to blackmail you in K?
Eastern autism
Fucking Japan.
>I'm confused, what the fuck am I reading.
You toggle NTR in options and you can see that content the guy was talking about. What's confusing about this?
I think he's just baffled by the content anon, like what kind of person would make these events?
>what kind of person would make these events?
Someone that felt like writing something degenerate or someone who likes NTR, I guess.
I personally couldn't care less since it's not content I'll ever see. It's just a shame, since these events could've been more normal ones.
Wrong way to think about it. These events could not be normal ones because the writer didn't want to write that. Simple
Yeah, that >>47161784
Aaaand that's a wrap. Revue's questline finally completed; Banana's ending could've been expanded a wee bit more, but I can't really say it's bad or unsatisfying. Really wish it gives you an ending point and/or an item at the end though. Onwards to my Nightmare Fool challenge run now! Prolly gonna be easy since I've finished all combat related endings.
What is the deal with Revue's mod? I heard that you are supposed to clear it like ten times to get all the content?
Haven't run it myself but I think it's because one of the characters remembers your ng+ loops and due to that the loops are kind of central to the story.
In EraMetagen, can you get stands?
I mean, Personas are basically stands. Ignore Persona 2 where they can appear on their to start shit talking particular late game bosses.
Do you need to actually complete its ending multiple times or just start event chain every in NG+?
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>ten times to get all the content?
Could be more, but yeah.
The latter, though it has quite a strict unlock requirement, in addition to possibly permanently locking you out of all Revue content because the core mechanic is deeply tied to NG+. You must manually edit your savefile if you somehow messed up during the questchain. Full completion gives you 9 Shifter-Outsiders (at least Io-Lugh tier) that synergize well with each other, especially once you've gotten their final member. It's like Ehemann von Longinus, but much better in any way whatsoever.
No, your way to think about it is wrong, actually.
The time spent on those events could have gone into developing other things. Simple
How soon can you get them? I never really played SMT or Persona before
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You can start as one or to get Minato/Hakuno on a first day through Tartarus event. They are pretty good if you invest in them and later their persona evolves into literally Jesus. A lot of other persona users are available through events of their respective routes (but don't try Locapola for Persona 5 gang, it is not worth it. Just unlock Idunn and forget about its existence)
The cool thing about Persona users that they get elemental resistances from personas, not armor so it makes equipping them in the best gear very easy. Also, everyone has three slots for Personas so you technically have three sets of 8 skill slots for minmaxing.
Jack Frost is my favourite choice for Persona MC because Atomic Bufula fucking annihilates every bossfight with its absurd damage ouput in the late game.
I don't know what the hell I'm looking at but thanks anon, I wish metagen had a starters guide for leveling and such
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>Persona MC
Probably should mention that MC's persona can also evolve, though that's strictly limited to those with a Major Arcana in their name. Haven't actually played P-User yet though, so don't @ me.
You can also make Non-Combatants with the corresponding trait obtain their own Persona if you want to, though that's locked behind Training, like always. First-timers might be better off playing as vanilla Demon Summoner though, at least to familiarize themselves with Megaten's mechanics.
>Guide for leveling and such
There's a built-in guide for the stats, etc. in the game; you can just check the menu. Most of the time though, LUC is your dumpstat unless you're playing Shifters/Tuners. Physical skills scale off STR, MAG for Magical skills and MP, INT for debuffs/heals/Accuracy, VIT for HP, AGI for turn orders and gun damage (if you have Gunslinger). If you're confused, just pump VIT and your damage stats (STR/MAG), then proceed to Auto your way till the end.
>- Mai and Satono have involuntary brainwashed sex events.
How do you see these events anyway?
I've only seen the stage performances but Banana is best girl
It just runs basic comparison between your total stats and hers, plus some RNG bullshit to spice it up. In theory you can still nab her with vastly inferior stats, or flub it with maxed out twink.
If you never played Megaten it is going to be extremely overwhelming with all those systems and thousands of characters and dozens of story routes.
Start as Type A Demon Summoner to play through tutorial with Raidou, it will teach you the basics of exploration and combat.
Long story short:
>you already know how stats work from the alice poster
>there are two general types of characters: humans and demons
>humans have halved stats in battle formulas (fixable with Harmonizer COMP program) because they can use equipment and have more skill slots.
>demons are better in combat but have only a couple of skills learnable from level ups. It encourages you to fuse them to get a slightly better demon who will inherit some of the skills from fused demons. If you like some particular demon, it is possible to invest in them, powerlevel them and turn them in absolute destroyers of worlds with enough effort and MAG enchancement.
>MAG enchancement allows you to power up characters. You can give them more stats, teach/evolve/delete/recall skills and modify elemental resistances.
>you NEED to have a Demon Summoner in your party even if you don't play as one for COMP programs. Those are convinient, useful and sometimes even mandatory for mid/late game.
>Do not worry about optimization and time limits. The game is build around multiple NG+ playthroughs and unlocking stuff for future laps so just explore and have fun. You can also contract one of your favourite characters per playthrough and bring them with you through NG+. Also, you can have sex with anyone in this game but I sometimes forget about that part.
>There is a shit load of EXTRA content aka mods. You have everything here: Touhou, Madoka, Nasu-verse, Armored Core, FF7, Demon Roots, Samurai Showdown, Genshin Impact, 7th Dragon and so on.
You find an injured rabbit whose leg is stuck in a bear trap.
What do you do?
I R-word it :blushingemoji:
hey quick question but what happened to the anon writing parsee's dialogue and saying they could include fatty/wg nudges
NTA but I've played most of the games in the franchise and Era Megaten is a still a lot to take in. There are so many disparate things going on it's a lot to keep track of.
For the first run I would suggest ignoring all the different human types, the skill cards, extra content, and the organisation. Just get the hang of being a summoner recruiting and merging demons.
Firstly, we need to sterilize the wound. I pee on it.
Wasn't there an actual bad end for not paying organization or am I mismembering something?
I let it go, and then some random angry human hunter somehow overpowers my youkai MC and drags her into a cabin or cave or something to rape.

Mayone just threatens you and calls you a useless shit if you hit day 50 without paying a million yen in contribution. IIRC, there's a bad end if you go bankrupt and fall into the negative where you get called a leech and are captured to be experimented on if male or used as fuckmeat if female.
>(but don't try Locapola for Persona 5 gang, it is not worth it. Just unlock Idunn and forget about its existence)
Aren't Mitra-Buddha and Inanna also locked behind Lokapala stuff?
You can only Starlight (turn one of the Revue girls into an 'Outsider') once per run, and you can only Starlight the girls that come from the main Event itself. Or at least, I don't think you can Starlight the Revue girls that also show up in Rag's Jewelry Store as Slaves as even though they have '(Revue)' next to their name, they're not part of the event story in eraMegaten.

If you want to Starlight all the girls, there is all but a single, but important requirement that must be done prior to getting them all Starlight:
- You must NOT, at any point, Train any of them at all prior to performing Starlight. Or at least, prior to Nana getting Starlight? Not sure if you can start touching the girls if you managed to Starlight the Banana.

Then there is but an easier, but on a character-by-character basis subevent:
- Pick options that do not lead them to lose sight of their original goal to shine as a star on stage, and thus losing the ability to become a Starlight (though failure just 'locks them out' of achieving Starlight for that Run Cycle I think, unless you picked options that lead them to getting Trained?)

As to why these two requirements:
- One of the Starlight girls, Nana ('Banana'), remembers. With every NG+ run, she remembers what was done, including the very specific things you did with Banana on the first time you meet her in her subevents. Essentially you could say that with every NG+ cycle you do, she also 'isekai' with you but also retains her memory. So she will know, and remember, if you ever touched any of the other girls via Training.
- This is important, because knowing all this, Nana being everyone's dependable Banana, takes it upon herself to be the one who needs to protect the other Revue girls from this broken world that they've found themselves in. From the nasty characters and demons of this incomprehensible world, Including (You).
- In short, if you ever touch any of the girls prior to Starlighting them (or maybe just the Banana but I don't want to look through the code to see if it's 'fine' after Banana gets Starlight), a flag will be triggered in your save file that will carry onwards to every consequent NG+ game unless you manually edit it out yourself. The flag makes Banana, in all her subsequent subevents, offer her body to (You) in return for not touching the girls, and thus preventing her from achieving Starlight.

As for her specifics:
There's a bare minimum of doing at least 3 or so NG+ runs, getting Starlight on different girls before you can even attempt to Starlight Banana. In order to Starlight Banana, you, the player, must remember two things you specifically mentioned to her the first time you met her:
1. What you decided she should call you, and
2. Something about the Phantom of the Opera

Your character (You) also needs to actually say that they remember all this, because they've met before (aka (You) saying you have memories of the past NG+ run interactions with Banana). You as the player could enter what you said and did regarding Point 1 and 2 earlier, but if (You) do not say that they have past memories, it still fails.

You'll know you will fail if you get Banana's Starlight 'Normal Ending' subevent without meeting these goals, in which to save the other Revue girls from further 'suffering' (at least in this NG+ run), in the final Starlight Selection stage where Banana is picked, she will kill all the other Revue girls, and then herself, removing all the Revue girls from your character pool for this NG+ run..
The only time I can see NTR being a decent inclusion is as a punishment for failing to protect your woman. "You didn't see her events, keep a close eye on her, and help her at her lowest? Enjoy your 'scene' cuck."
Adopt the Rance mindset and this wont happen. It doesn't make shit like begging Toyo to cuck you any less retarded.
my eyes

You know my problem with Personas? You have to level them up manually, it's a pain in the ass.
Also still really surprised you can't get bonus personas per NG+ but whatever.

I got super hard at the idea of Trials of Mana Characters and the fact they implemented the class system from the original into them.
I think this is encouraging more ntr content, and thus I request that you reevaluate what you wish for.
Hisoutensoku implementation into EraTW.
Rance is a good example. Especially Sengoku Rance.
I got a few better.
>be me
>update tw
>go sex
>bellyjob option shows up
wtf anon?
i put my penids in there
A fucking what option?
Belly-related options, including caressing, is pretty much TW's way of allowing V to be trained without any penetration involved. As such, the 2hus tend to treat belly caressing as a much worse action than a butt caress if they're not in that sort of relationship and/or mood with you.
Considering the fatfag, it sounds real.
Disgusting fetish.
Bellyjob is fine but why is it a permanent option on all menus no matter what position you're in
I refuse to believe an obscure sex move I've never heard of is fine
Sounds like an addition fit more for pop's version.
In what world is rubbing it on an armpit or sticking it up the ass more acceptable than rubbing it on a stomach?
Because it sounds like a setup for full fledged fatfaggotry. You know that type of fetish.
Not gonna lie, my dude, that's your schizophrenia acting up. It's been in the game for weeks, nobody cared until you just so happened to seethe about it. You still upset about the Parsee update?
You speak about schizophrenia, then assume I'm the one who brought it up, and then you bring up Parsee's update.
I wonder how much money your family spends on your medication, and if it's even worth it. You're clearly not well. Maybe try to get a hold of another doc?
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>Maybe try to get a hold of another doc?
Maybe quit assuming every addition to the game is some nefarious conspiracy? It's pathetic. Belljobs are simply the non-muscular version of abjobs. Or are those also shit?
A fucking what job
don't corrupt this innocent child you weird pervert adult
Abjobs. Momoyo and Yuugi. You rub your dick on their muscles.
Vanilla is king but prudes need to fuck off
I think he should try a doctor that isn't from a fantasy land.
scifi doctors are even worse
My first megaten run was blind tourist run.
My second run is half-demon and I've done like 5 combat endings.
What should my third run be. Any recomendations? Kinda want to do worthless neet run, but I feel like it will just be very tedious.
>an obscure sex move I've never heard of
So, everything? you dumb virgin
Not at all, I've experienced anal several times with your dad. Sometimes he'd even take the condom off.
So I guess that's a no to the alaskan pipeline option.
So much potential dialogue...
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/egg/ would rather discuss gay sex than 2hus.
sexually training your MC is frustrating and difficult.
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>decide to re-play some K
>find Koichi and I rape her because I want to mindfuck Satori afterwards when I actually get her
>finally get Satori
>she turns into a lover (whoops) before I get to break her
>"oh well"
>get a 5+ part event where she helps me find a spy from another country and we just sexually abuse the spy and turn her into a sex pet while feeding her wrong info to her home country
>happy ending to boot after that
Holy basado. Best part was killing Millionaire for the 3494nd time after he asked to borrow Satori midway through the spy events.
At high Desire levels, the MC should have a Frustration gauge where if left too high because they haven't had any sexual relief in a while, other than it giving you boner pain or something it should cause the risk of (You) losing control and forcing (You)rself on a 2hu. If they don't have high sexual frustration or in a Lewd/Sex Friend state, then it's just conscious rape where you have no control. But also have a toggle for 'safe uncontrollable conscious rape mode' where the 'victim', while still experiencing Favour loss and possible Hate Marks, is not as bad since you were ackchually possessed by a sex-crazed demon and Reimu, either later on or after you raped her if she's the victim, successfully dispels your possession so it's not truly your fault.

If the 'victim' has high sexual frustration or is Lewd, then it turns into a sex battle instead that uses (Sexual) Technique instead of Danmaku to see who 'gets on top'. If the 'victim' here wins then it's reverse rape time, but if they lose then it's still conscious rape time but since they're also pent up, they don't care what you do to them.

If the 2hu is a Sex Friend or Love, then you have the option of asking them to help relieve you. Success leads to just a normal controlled sex session where the other party is bit more recipient to your actions (because they're sexually relieving you), whereas failure or 'losing control' on them still leads to normal controlled sex, but their arousal/wetness/etc. gem gains are halved because they're not in the mood but just halfheartedly putting up with your antics. If the Sex Friend(s)/Lover(s) were also sexually frustrated, then asking them for relief is a guaranteed success. Maybe success rate should scale off their sexual frustration?
No way, fag.
What if the MC doesn't have a penor
Who cares, the game is made for men.
Even as a FeMC, you can still get pushed down, so it'd just go by that logic, I suppose? Though hopefully with a lot less butt rubbing and some actual other actions. Even TohoReverse has a bigger variety of actions than TW's obsession with butt rubbing for some reason. I'm guessing that reverse rape was written entirely around F->M content, so butt rubbing gets significantly more priority because there's no penor involved and they generally don't breast caress males.

Even if they're futa, they'd rather just hump your butt like they're a dog in heat trying to masturbate off your butt without sticking it in anywhere. It'd probably require (You) to be a futa yourself for them to do anything much more than just constantly humping and rubbing your butt.
They love to pinch your nipples and suck them though, so females should be able to carress your man chest. Logically speaking of course.
Do Avatar Tuner
is there any horny suppressant in TW besides endure & orgasm denial (which seems like it only works half the time anyway)? i want to train 2hus to get lewd stats but everyone cums & runs out of energy too quickly.
wow, getting anal beads is a massive multiplier on favor/trust.
I remember an anon here saying bg there being a minor consequence of getting the phantom society pissed at you if you don't pay your debt at all during the first 10 days that locks you out of the standard non-storyline endings which also happens if you go down the revue starlight path.
Isn't that a hypnoses option? Also you can achieve a lot with the denial function, just saying.
I'm struggling to get any of my character's sensitivies up. Msens 4 in particular is starting to feel like a softcap. Continue Kissing doesn't build Mpleasure, Be Caressed seems like a significanly nerfed Caress, and you can't use tools on yourself.
>>47165683 (me)
I'm also preeeeettty sure Loves to Masturbate is impossible to get on MC? Haven't figured out how to masturbate during sex, which also completely gates exposure training.
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I think I might've downloaded the wrong era K
Looks fine to me Anon
Counterpoint: This is a game about fucking and the people playing it are likely looking to fuck and jerk it and will not be abstaining often if at all and forcing it when the player isn't interested at the moment is pointless.
give repo and download link now please
The Azur Lane girls really are made to exist in a K game. Too bad the dev has never fixed the issue of the shipgirls happily signing up to join the Special Factions to get raped during Wanderer Employment Phase. It's probably low on their priority list of stuff that needs fixing though.
>Translated by /hgg/
Oh boy...
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It's on the era wiki included in the op
Scroll down til you see this one
When it says that, what it really means is that most of the menu is translated enough that you can play it. Almost all the dialogue and clothing ('ship equipment') aren't translated at all, so you will need Sugoi if you want to know what's going on.
You... do realize that most eragames translations started on 8/hgg/, right? When that still existed years ago? It's probably an old ass version.
>You... do realize that most eragames translations started on 8/hgg/, right
And am I glad that's not the case anymore...
The only real difference is the people doing it moved to discord.
I visit the hgg board every now and again and it's kind of crazy how most of the "active" generals get like one post a month. I'm not sure why anyone pretends that certain communities exist there primarily when it's like 4 posters who are also posting on discord anyway.
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The more I read about eraMegaten, the more it seems like a strange fever dream rather than an actual game
You should try playing it, it makes even less sense
Pretty much, it's great.
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Given the fact that it's an amalgamation of nearly every notable entry in the Megami Tensei franchise including Persona, yeah it may as well be.
Especially when doing the events for games with conflicting worldbuilding back to back. Like the deadly sun in Digital Devil Saga 2 (for Lokapala dungeons) and the dome above Tokyo for Shin Megami Tensei IV when many other events don't mention anything on either.
It's a weird fucking game that's both extremely fun and extremely frustrating.
It would be more fun if routes were more open-ended. I want to be a good guy, god damn it.
Doing the Tower of Confinement dungeon in eraMegaten, jesus Druj is a fucking bitch if you don't have the DPS to take her Swarms of Flies quick enough (thankfully Zodiac and Mokou managed to pull through)
I've only been through a few storylines at this point but I thought Tokyo Tower being demon infested and abandoned is pretty consistent, with Mikado somehow existing despite the lack of a dome (which I've never seen mentioned). I.e the smt iv samurai somehow came down from there.
It's only a massive fever dream when extra content (read: crossover stuff) is included. For the most part it's pretty consistent at being a dungeon crawler in preapocalypse Japan with a dozen fucking end of the world plots all occurring in a world where everything SMT is roughly happening at the same time.
I adore the fact that the Sun was there all along and everyone just refuse to acknowledge its existence so it doesn't hurt them.
Schwarzwelt on the South Pole exists but doesn't grow that fast so everyone also ignore it. Does it make MC Captain Jack stand in? You also may be Alex's father from the future.
There is also Demikids Expanse which is allegedly its own universe with unique planets and shit
Also, Tokyo Tower is a forbidden zone because there is a crazy witch camping inside of it with a nuclear bomb and android gf. And the building is also warped and leads somewhere into the sky(SMT4) or space (7th Dragon).
This is a very cool thing. Thank you, I will check it out later.
Does this whole thing comes from the source material? Does Revue has all of this time-space warping stuff in canon or it is all made by the dev to spice things up?
Wait, how is contracting supposed to work here? Do girls retain the Starlight between laps? Or do you have a grace period to do it before the ending?
How in the world do you deal with stuns in eraGVT beyond just picking a race that's resistant to them? My vampire got knocked out the air and needed 5 turns to recover. You can't seriously be expected to eat 5 turns of free damage.
Nevermind. It looks like I had a fundamental misunderstanding of how the combat worked and how important prediction is.
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A... amala explains that...
There's -some- semblance of "canon", that being the TRPG Mato Tokyo with its descent into demon Brazil
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1fNolUcfTGe8lAHLcKTeRxKOFBbhGssqpZdAr8UXGnb8/htmlview# at 222/223
You can actually see how much was lifted from it. Candidates, outsiders, Kikue...
Where is Yamataika mod?
I remember it was a thing in eramegaten.
Purged some 2 years ago. It had severe balancing problems with stat gains and then, on top of that, it turned out it was directly plagiarized, iirc. Same reason the old Nagi events got booted out. Shame, it was well made.
>My first megaten run was blind tourist run.
What? How?
Red carpet fool with extra turned off.
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tw bug
The nudist/exhibitionist hypno feature that makes them forget clothes seems broke, not just komachi it did this with.
also theres like zero reaction to exhibitionism anyway so it doesn't matter
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It's the best kind of fever dream. A delicious hotpot that work somehow.
There's a lot of plausible deniability on what can exist because it's a big world, it legit feel like you are in one, instead of just Japan.
Different universes, underground world, skyworld, humanity not caring, why the fuck would people care about the Schwarzwelt, next to the usual things you do, it's tame.
Mikado can be explained by YHVH of someone else having made a literal heaven floating in the sky or fuck even the stars, so no one noticed it.
For DDS2 though, fuck that shit. It's the sun you can't ignore the Sun. It's why they should have shut up.
The Persona games can easily be explained, it's highschools, there are thousands of highschools in Japan and more in the world, there might be dozens of highschools with occult problems, and... that's exactly like in canon. One more, one less.

>Does it make MC Captain Jack stand in? You also may be Alex's father from the future.

You can be a good guy. And get fucked because of it since you sometime need a Fall State to advance a route, and the quickest way is to Train them.
I think the game in some routes do take note if you didn't picked or used slaves, but I'm not sure if it's the game noticing it, or being open minded. I've heard people talk about the Raidou Kuzunoha route and Nagi and how the dialogues differ if you picked Nagi as a slave and touched her or not.
>tw bug
>The nudist/exhibitionist hypno feature
Just how many Stands does the MC of TW have.
Doing a quick wiki walk, the time-space stuff is apparently from the actual anime because Nana keeping all of her classmates in a time loop was a mid-season twist from the show.
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The more I look into this character, the funnier the recent shitposting gets.
>he still thinks it was shitposting
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It was, and cherish this last (you) on the subject.
It wasn't. It was genuine criticism. This thread needs to reevaluate itself. If everything is shitposting, nothing is. Be better than this.
Your typing style gives you away immediately.
You're a pathetic man.
He's right, you know? If everything is shitposting, nothing is. How is anyone supposed to discuss things in the thread if EVERYTHING gets dismissed as shitposting?
It's very important and also I'm not a fan of the ingame explanation.
Since a 'full clear' of the Revue Starlight event requires you to not touch the girls at all, you should Contract them all through Blood Oath if you want to bring them across NG+ cycles.

I contracted them all from my first 'new' run pretty easily. All you need to do is to turn on Friendship (Trust) Fall, and Loyalty grind them until you can Blood Oath them. If (You) are Male, you might need to turn off the Affection Fall one because I'm not sure if they can get Trust Fall if they receive Affection Fall first (though they can have both Trust and Affection Fall if Trust Fall triggers first). It's fine to Blood Oath the Revue girls even if they have Affection Fall for you; it will not affect anything regarding the ability to full clear the event.

Note that being totally Untrained is a strict requirement of Trust Fall. As soon as you Train them, even if it's to immediately End Training without doing anything, Trust Fall is lost forever for that run. If they only had Trust Fall, then they become uncooperative like as if you started Training a non-Fallen human combatant character, but if they also had Affection Fall, Trust Fall goes away but Affection Fall remains ('their affection for you overpowers the friendzone they had imposed on themselves'). If you Blood Oath someone, they are removed from the list of characters you can select for Training for the rest of the run. You can try to cheat this by setting them as a Partner and do the Blood Oath Contract; they will still be selected as the Training Partner until you switch to someone else. But the moment you Train that Blood Oath character, they still lose the Trust Fall state, and thus their Blood Oath also goes away. No, you don't get a refund for the Contract fee.
I didn't understand a single thing of what you guys talked other than "NG+ loops"
- The World
- Bites the Dust
- Epitaph
- King Crimson
- Weather Report
- Survivor (as a debug command)
- Made in Heaven (as a debug command)
>This thread needs to reevaluate itself.
We needed to do that the day /egg/ was born which isn't going to change.
I forgot to include that yes, when you Starlight that character, they retain the Outsider status they achieved. Starlighting a character makes their alignment shift to Light as well. On that point:

Of all the Revue girls, only Nana starts out as Dark. But this actually has a big impact on the Starlight Selection Stage, as only 3 of the girls can be selected as choices to Starlight.

There's a bunch of formulas used that's available on the Japanese wiki page for the event, but essentially when you start the Final Starlight Selection event, it calculates points based on a variety of things, before multiplying them based on their Alignment. Light Alignment has a 125% modifier, Neutral has 100%, and Dark has 75%. The girls with the 3 highest points will be the three choices presented to you.

In other words, Nana will always have a significantly difficult time compared to all the other girls, because everyone else starts out either Light or Neutral, and since you have to Starlight a few of the other girls first, the number of Light alignment girls might grow, making it even more difficult for Nana to be in the top 3. That said, it's more 'sounds difficult' than 'actually difficult', because it's easily fixed by the following options:
1. One of the point contributors is character level. So if you only level Nana, she's much more likely to show up in the top 3.
2. Change Nana's alignment. The easiest, though RNG-ish, way to achieve this is via Concerts - high end Concerts in the fully upgraded Concert Stage can sometimes have fans give you Light Stones. Light Stones, when used on someone, shifts their alignment to Light. I 'cheated' by simply making Nana Light alignment this way without needing to overlevel her like mad.
3. For the other characters already Starlighted from previous runs, pick options in their character events that causes them to lose the ability to Starlight? I don't know if this actually removes their Starlight status, or cause issues with Nana specifically, so I didn't dare to risk going this route (and I play too nice as a Kind-Hearted Summoner (Light/Neutral MC), as a certain giraffe likes to call me, to even consider doing such a thing.
why is she doing that herself... she has people to do it for her
She wanted to make (You) breakfast in bed. But she failed.
also heavens door if you're a coder or can read erb files
It's just entirely about the way the author of the Revue Starlight wrote the entire event. Imagine, if you will, that the author of the Persona 3 event wrote it such that if you fought and kidnapped, or Trained any of the Persona 3 characters prior to grabbing them all, for some reason Mitsuru knows what you really are (a Dark Summoner) because Fuuka could somehow communicate what you've done through time dimensions, and thus none of the Persona 3 characters in Tartarus will treat you as an ally and will attack (You) on sight instead, and the only way you can reverse this is to either go back to a save before you kidnapped/Trained them, or edit your save file to remove the flag you triggered
On one hand it's cool thematically, on the other hand trustfall is grindy and aids and where ever I am I must rape.
about time tobey fox worked on a REAL game for once
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I had an ongoing run in 147 of Eramegaten and once I updated it to 153 I noticed that some events (Taimanin for instance) disappeared. Were they removed from the newer version?
Also apropos of nothing, what would you consider good aim/things to complete list for a first run? I think I will reach 3 star Michelin in this cycle but I was also wondering if some other stuff was worth doing.
Taimanin was merged into the jp side, it's possible something broke in the process there.
cheat engine goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRR
>but it's... cheating!
no shit, it's in the name
if the game isn't exactly perfect or if you're busy, why not fix it for yourself
>- The World
>- Bites the Dust
Make sense. Time Stop and NG+
>- Epitaph
Save and Reload?
>- King Crimson
Make sense too, it's a debug command too.

>- Survivor (as a debug command)
>- Made in Heaven (as a debug command)
...Huh. Survivor? Aggressiveness between people?
It got its own filter in the extra event settings when it was ported to the JP side, so that might be why it's not showing up for you.
I wanna write for Yukari unhinged, 4th wall breaking OC dialogue...
They took my Taimanins?
It was a guaranteed dodge, right?
I mean, I get that part. Not everything else. Anon look really autist in a good way about it.
Which mean I understand nothing about it.

>and will attack (You) on sight instead
Probably a very bad idea.
...Would be funny if the girls was so full of cock that she remain loyal to you even in the new timeline.

True that too sadly.

How do you take that off with the debug command?
>Also apropos of nothing, what would you consider good aim/things to complete list for a first run?
Demon/Fusion unlocks, also stuff you've fought before will show up at Sea Ark so make sure you fill that place for grinding in future runs
Some characters have some great Blood Oath Contract event dialogues. For instance, when (You) show Marfusha the Blood Oath Ring, she sighs, calls you a terrible person while taking the ring from you, before taking out a gun and shooting herself in her heart. Before she dies, she puts the Blood Oath Ring into the hole in her heart caused by the gunshot.

When (You) revive her shortly after with an item and demand why she did that, she tells you that she did exactly what she did because she trusted you enough to know that you would bring her back if she killed herself, and so that the Blood Oath Ring is within her heart, and thus cannot be taken away from her, nor can she ever lose it while she lives.
>Blood Oath Contract
Blood Oath what

Marfusha from Marfusha.
>Blood Oath what
Blood Oath Contract is a Contract exclusive to Trust Fall. So yes, if you're playing a Male MC, you can make your fellow Male characters able to be carried over in NG+ runs without turning them (or you) into a female and/or Training them.

Note that Trust Fall requirements are doubled for same sex, and Mysterious Charm bonus doesn't work for same sex. Same Sex Trust Fall grinding is if you don't want to train [Male]s.

Marfusha is from the game Marfusha: Sentinel Girls. If you want a dedicated gun user, Marfusha and the other girls from her game that you can grab through her Extra event are all pretty good at it. One of them even comes with Watchful so you don't even need to manually level grind her.
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nta, but she's an EXTRA character you can get from Rag's shop
Her route's also ball-bustingly hard because for the first three events you control only her
Ah the NG+ thing to import characters into the next playthrough. I'm a retard.

>Note that Trust Fall requirements are doubled for same sex, and Mysterious Charm bonus doesn't work for same sex.

>Marfusha is from the game Marfusha: Sentinel Girls
Never heard of it.

>Her route's also ball-bustingly hard because for the first three events you control only her
Sound... very... nice.
>Mysterious Charm bonus doesn't work for same sex
Is this right? I could swear the reason my bros gained Affection on top of their trust falls was Mysterious charm.
Or at least the timing for me made it seem like that's the case.
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As long as Dante and Vergil are OK I will be OK...
Well, it's not like Marfusha:Sentinel Girls is a big, long game or anything. But it did have a pretty sizable dedicated following for some time. The premise of the game is pretty much Marfusha, who lives in a Soviet-esque nation with its own Glorious Leader, was conscripted to defend against a democratic nation that is seen as humanitarian because their army is comprised almost entirely of robots.

The Marfusha in eraMegaten is based on Ending 7, I think, which is the 'good job' Ending but not the 'Best Ending'. The 'Best Ending' is that after countless days of being besieged in her squad's dorm (barracks), reinforcements arrived, but she alone was rescued because the Glorious Leader wanted to make use of her as his personal elite soldier. The other girls were deemed unworthy of this personal favour, and thus was left to die.

Ending 7 (or at least the eraMegaten Marfusha) is based on the Ending in which no reinforcements arrived, all the other girls were killed, but Marfusha was instead captured alive. It's the only time an enemy human shows up in the game, and a terrible truth is revealed: the reason why the 'humanitarian nation' doesn't need human boots on the ground, only a bunch of humans controlling the robots, is because they capture enemy soldiers they deem 'valuable' and turn them into those robots. So all the robots were actually all former humans, but only the top brass and human robot commanders of the 'humanitarian nation' knows that.
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I love Taimanins.

But if they took Dante and Vergil too I would die.
Judgment Cut feel so fucking weak holy shit
Sounds like a very dark place. Make EraMegaten like a paradise.
>Sound... very... nice
What I did when I did her route was MAG Enhancement her stats to ridiculous levels
But then, why does she remember the NG+?
NTA but no it couldn't. Writers are not resources in a game one can assign to tasks. They will write what they want, be it ntr or "normal events", otherwise they will write nothing and then no one will be happy.
Reading this makes me dread someone deciding to make a Blazblue mod and doing something similar but even more convoluted.
>otherwise they will write nothing and then no one will be happy.
That time would have been spent better procrastinating. There would be more happy people if the ntr parts weren't written in the first place.
>what would you consider good aim/things to complete list for a first run?
First run is just going as far as you can and unlocking as many demons as possible alongside with skill carding cool spells. And don't forget to beat Dante.There are numerous endings without 50 day time limit so you shouldn't worry much. Maybe go for Debisama ending?
Don't be obsessed with compendium filling without actually gaming the system (like starting as Armchair Detective to abuse Folklore skill) because you will burn out extremelly fast.
The Japanese aren't bothered by it, and they don't care that a bunch of gaijin are upset about it.
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She tells you the story of how she ended up in the eraMegaten world through her Character Event. She didn't die, so it's not like she isekai'd in that sense.

At the end of 'Arc 1', she reveals that she was in a prisoner cell waiting for her 'turn' to be turned into a robot, when for some mysterious reason, Rag shows up before her cell. Rag strikes a deal with the democratic nation and brings her from her world to the eraMegaten world, and she was only listed as a slave for sale in Rag's shop shortly before (You) show up and buy her. It's not made clear how Rag managed to travel into her 'dimension', other than that Rag is a very mysterious person.

In 'Arc 2' of her character event, when (You) alone are also able to 'travel' to her old dimension through her dreams in person (possibly due to being her Master), it's revealed what sort of deal Rag struck with the democratic nation - although Marfusha 'restarts' the 'dream' back to the start but with (You) alongside her instead of being alone, the 'robot bosses' are a bit different. It turns out Rag might've given them Demon Summoning technology, and the democratic nation was starting to experiment summoning Demons into Robots in a bid to later perform trans-dimensional war and invade the eraMegaten world after they finish taking over theirs.
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Then why do you care so much when someone expresses their dislike for it? You brought this up 18 hours later just to defend ntr.
I really wonder why.
He's japanese. Kill him!
This doesn't answer my question, but good to know.

I'm not sure if Rag's a shit, or a very good conman, because

> a bid to later perform trans-dimensional war and invade the eraMegaten world after they finish taking over theirs
What are the chances they would actually win if they actually invaded?
Original anon, it would never have been spent procrastinating. Like the other anon said, they're not resources, there's not a finite amount of writing to be allocated. Fact is that they wrote the NTR and I bet several of the Jap players enjoyed it. Our point of view is not even the main audience.
You can also bet that several of the jap players disliked it as well. Why are you trying to paint it in positive light?
Probably a very good conman, and a dangerous one at that, in that he knows exactly what he's doing. I think it was implied that the demon summoning technology given to them were incomplete, and thus why not all of their robots were fused with demons. When (You), Marfusha and all the other girls from her game (if you decided to bring some or all of them) escape that 'dimension' with Mayone's help (which (You) had enlisted beforehand as a 'in case shit hits the fan and I need immediate evac' plan), the portal you all went through closed behind you. Marfusha stopped having those dreams afterwards, so it could very well have been some rip in the dimensional walls that was allowing this interaction to happen, and had closed itself up after you all returned to the eraMegaten world, so they won't be invading in the foreseeable future. Or at least, it's a problem for someone else long after (You)'ve turned into dust, assuming the eraMegaten world doesn't finally die first when the Final Battle finally happens between Heaven and Hell.
I'm completely neutral on this. It's fetish content in a fetish game. I don't care for it nor do I care about its inclusion, I do care that people are trying to act like it's epitome of evil for them to include. Just don't interact with it, especially when there's a toggle to remove said content in the game for your sake. Though I think you've already done that, if you were the original person I replied to. I think trying to control what writing gets put in the game as someone who probably doesn't contribute to it is pointless. They could expand the game with several NTR scenes for characters tomorrow and you'd probably be powerless to stop it, sans for the actual English maintainers keeping up the NTR toggle.
Still doesn't answer my original question.

>the demon summoning technology given to them were incomplete
HA! Nice.
Well, which NG+ are you referring to? The game, or Marfusha in eraMegaten? I'm not sure what you exactly mean by 'why she remembers the NG+'. Are you referring to the Blood Oath Contract? [Blood Oath] is on the same tier as [Wife], in terms of carrying characters onto your future NG+ runs. In that you have to also pay 1million yen to do it - it is the Trust equivalent of a 'Tier 3 fall state', if you will.
In EraMegaten. What make her remember past loops?
Actually, tell me about the game too please, it sound interesting.
Oh, Marfusha doesn't remember her past loops. The way her character event is set up, is that (You) bought her from Rag's shop, brought her home, and then while she's sleeping in a bed nearby (or in your bed), for some reason (You) can see what she's dreaming. And she's dreaming about the events from her conscription up to what happened to her that lead to her being in the eraMegaten world.

As for her game, there's not that much to say, really. It's just a pretty arcade-y and simple sidescroller 'defend your base' shooting game. There are a bit of dialogue in between, but those are as a the game's version of a 'tutorial', or interaction between Marfusha and one of the girls (you can only have one of the girls help you at a time). The rest of the lorebuilding is based on the setting, the endings, any lore stuff provided by the developer at the time, and 'fan brainstorming'. Even the 'intro' has no dialogue or words, just pictures.
>I'm completely neutral on this
I strongly doubt that.
And you know why people act in this way. That's also the reason you don't see guro or snuff or certain other fetishes in TW.
Engaging with certain fetishes invites more people that have that fetish. It's, with certain people or fetishes, a bad thing. You said it yourself, someone like you or me cannot do anything about it if say, tomorrow a japanese Popsalot added an elaborate mechanic for shitting yourself complete with diapers or wrote a dialogue for your favorite 2hu that makes her into a trashy, hard drug addicted whore that randomly maims you. Or made every character regularly and inevitably cuck you.
My or anyone else's complaints can't change that. But for some reason complaining about a well-disliked fetish makes you defend it, despite the well-established futility of my posts. Why.

....But then why talikng about thos past loops or whatever?
I guess I find it tired? On the grand scheme of things, since it's a morality/mental fetish, I find it largely inoffensive compared to the more physical fetishes. Stuff like whatever the hell is happening in Pops' branch is much more offensive to the game's list of things than infidelity. Isn't there scat in the original TW as well IIRC? Something with one of the touwhos. Anyway, I wouldn't say I'm defending its inclusion so much as I'm pushing against your idea that the author's intent could be anything other than the events he wrote; he simply wouldn't have written anything if he wasn't writing what he wanted to.
Oh, are you referring to the discussion about the Revue Starlight extra event then? It's because of the way it's set up as mentioned - one of the girls, Nana, retains her memories when you NG+. So she knows what you've done, even if you don't. She knows what sort of horrible Dark person you can be, even if in the current run, demons would probably get purified upon gazing upon you because of how Light you are. Especially since she sees herself as the one who needs to protect the other Revue girls who don't know what awaits (You)r seemingly kind smile and gaze.

Discussion regarding Marfusha only happened because someone asked how to bring the Revue Starlight girls over in NG+ cycles if you can't Train them. The solution is to Trust grind for a Blood Oath Contract.
Ah probably my recent forced sleep schedule recalibration fucking up my comprehension. Sorry.
If only it could work like in fiction, you close you eyes, you sleep, but it's not like that.

So she see you as evil if you are nice? Rude.
If you haven't done anything, she'll just be wary of you. But if you've done something, she'll remember. Just like those 'suddenly I went back in time and I am 10 years old again' kind of isekai LN/manga. What she physically experienced, and saw, no longer 'exists', but she still clearly remembers them.
>That's also the reason you don't see guro or snuff or certain other fetishes in TW.
>he doesn't know
I think most people find the inclusion of ntr tired, and on a much greater scale than what you're discussing.
> I find it largely inoffensive compared to the more physical fetishes
You made that clear already. And it is offensive, because it goes against the notion of a laid-back dating simulator with 2hus.
There ARE 2hu ntr games already, I think there's two from what I've heard, and yet this kind of thing finds its way here, causing bad blood just by existing. First this is just some events you can "opt out" of, then it's a pseudo-mechanic for one girl, who knows what might come next. Get it yet? This is why some things should not be welcome, there's no need to add everything under the sun into a single game. Guy could have used an actual ntr game for ntr, but didn't, that warrants complaining about him.
>since it's a morality/mental fetish
Shitting yourself is also more of a mental fetish than a physical one.
>Isn't there scat in the original TW as well IIRC?
Far as I know it was meant to be written for Minoriko and had a toggle implemented pre-emptively but got abandoned. There was a time when chinese-made Waggy also had guro content for her, but the writing was bad and it got pulled.
There's also the ATW list of banned fetishes, it includes ntr. You're probably going to say it's a bad thing as well, right? Since it discourages certain additions from the western fans and all.
This revue starlight ng+ loop discussion is making me grateful that the Madoka crossover is just a standard crossover event and not a "meet Homura pre-contract + meet her on subsequent time loops + lead her to the standard Madoka ending or break her with your cock and lead her into thinking that the only way to save Madoka is to make her your slave too" thing.
Actually, you need NG+ for madoka too. You can't make the fusion you need for the route where Homulucifer joins you without at least one loop.
blah blah blah dialectics this right and wrong this, nietzsche this, morals and ethics that, blah blah blah

can you just write my school essays for me instead of debating the socratic and ontological merit of different types of simulated porn in a 2d pixel xitcoin malware miner
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God forbid people talk about era games in era games general.
Hello-hello, Poops-a-lot.
but this is pointless since nobody here has any sort of influence over the project, barring some snowflake writer getting bullied by a shitposter
I dunno, it actually sounds incredibly cool and hot.
Well you see, good sir, in the work of Wilhelm Wundt, who is oft considered the father of Experimental Psychology, a tout supporter of 'belly rubs' can often be associated with the often problematic nuances described in the fetishist of eatism, which attracts the wrong type of people to our EraGames.
John Stuart Mill puts this well in his often critique'd work, The Dichotony of Man in a World of Food, ergo, we should not engage in this fetish, for the betterkind of /egg/.

this is literally how you sound like you snobby dork
I don't like this meme, but there's no better time to say that I accept your concession.
Criticizing the idea that if authors were forbidden to write about some concepts they'd write an equivalent amount of content for more acceptable topics and that the Japanese generally don't concern themselves all that much with what foreigners get upset about is pretty reasonable, though.
The generally permissive attitudes towards writing and letting the players decide to use it ignore it is what draws a lot of people to projects like this; trying to push heavy restrictions would push a lot of people away, especially if you're not the original creator.
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I'm pretty sure, from what I've seen here for a few years, that people who complain about NTR are a few loudmouths; the average player toggles it off and doesn't post about it.
>Guy could have used an actual ntr game for ntr, but didn't, that warrants complaining about him.
I don't know if you've noticed or thought about it, but this is a Japanese game for Japanese players... you're technically in the wrong saying this because by definition, probably before we ever had our hands on it, this game had NTR and hardcore content (Anyone got a timeline for its inclusion? Genuinely curious about this)

>Shitting yourself is also more of a mental fetish than a physical one.
I don't know about that one chief. I think the fetish is about shit, though I'm not an expert.

And yeah, I know about the rulelist, though I feel that it's different; it's a content submission guideline and it explains its existence contra the hardcore toggle in the game. It's discouraging the inclusion of this from our side, obviously. Just means that if you're wily enough you could probably get more NTR content in the game by submitting through the Japanese side.

Anyway, I think its offensiveness is a perspective to here; the Japanese clearly do not think laid-back dating simulator is at odds/mutually exclusive with extreme fetishes. I understand where you're coming from, but you can't complain about the taste of eggs while eating an omelette.
The most offensive part of Pops' branch aren't the toggleable fetishes, but the untoggleable bugs and crashes he can't be fucked to fix

ok chatGPT, but as >>47170031 said who gives a fuck when the only branch dev who participates here is Pedy, whose every commit is now scrutinized because of his melty
Amazing how you expose yourself.
There was no way to toggle it off until a couple months back. "Few years", what a bozo.
I don't really scrutinize the commits because like I said before I don't care about their inclusion.
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Right, you only care if someone complains about ntr on a mongolian basket weaving forum...
It's not just NTR.
Read the reply chain again.
>the only branch dev who participates here is Pedy
He says, and yet we receive progress updates every Saturday...
the summer sale is in, like, three days.
Basically everything featuring NTR was already made opt-in by their authors from the get-go, excepting Doremy, which nobody even knew about until it was brought up here because it's not translated. The western toggle was redundant and added very little.
Shut up, evil falseflagger lying man. I want a toggle for the game's start button. I want there to be an option where there's no text and you get to write in the replies yourself. You know I'm right. This is evil if you don't listen to me. We're talking about Era Games. I am not shitposting. This is real. FUck you.
There are only a few differences between an emulated ps2 version and the PC remaster. Denuvo, the ability to choose your inherited skills on fusions instead of it being random, easy mode cheat DLC, and the ability to choose between raidou or dante(via dlc). Graphically it's pretty much the same game thanks to the art style aging very well. And even then you could just emulate the switch version for the exact same experience as the PC remaster, minus denuvo.
I don't talk like that. You are being disingenous. I am stroking my shit right now. I'm so fucking pissed off. I'm going to bust out of anger. I don't sound like that. Stop lying.
or i could just rawdog eramegaten if it's not on sale. i don't really give a shit about ps2 vs. remaster given I don't know anything about fusions and inheritances or raidous, but i do like being a consoomer with a satisfying list of my pretend possessions on steam.
top right of the image on rule 34
Too bad they don't draw much touhou
You mean the same Homu who in her lewd ending kidnaps Kyuubey, ties you to a bed and reveals her plan to revive her Madoka by having your soon-to-be conceived child make a contract once they reach puberty?
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Ok, we already have Persona 4 and Akatsuki Blitzkampf. We need Blazblue, RWBY and Under Night and we will get BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle aka one of the worst handled fighting games ever in the eramegaten.
What? You don't like back to back crossup high/low and strike/throw sandwhich mixups where you eat total shit if you pushblock at the wrong time but also can't simply block because many of them are unreactable and there are unblockable setups?
>If you haven't done anything, she'll just be wary of you

But you need to do it though?

More like Homolucifer
Punished Homura is the best Homura. Moe Homura is lame and Devil Homura is a tryhard edgelord with no style and grace.

Is that a Homeworld reference?
Punished Homura, a JK denied her
Her what? Can't be the Madoka, every Homura is denied that.
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>It's another "Demon who has been all about Magic gets a Physical signature skill" episode
The kicker is that it'd be a great skill if Veil didn't have 9 points of STR right now
Veil from Fire Emblem?
I mean to be fair, it's a shitty skill.
The griffon you get from the very first DemiKids route dungeon if you go for Mirai. It has 4 transformations and it's been a pretty solid member, but this being her final skill is a kick in the nuts
Like I said it's a pretty shitty skill.
Like what the hell, and you are saying it's the last one too?
>and you are saying it's the last one too?
Yeah, all the way to Level 60. To be fair, I'm pretty sure this is a VERY early character, so jank like this is to be expected.
Also I find it funny that even the japanese wiki calls the skill shit
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>Demon who has been all about Magic gets a Physical signature skill
Hate seeing that shit, even if it's with units I'll never use.
At least my wives don't do any of that... except for Junko kinda but MAG Enhancement and those plugins for extra stats on level up easily fixes that since she starts with an equalized Strength and Magic stat.
How many character are like that? Having their best skills being Mag based only for their strongest or final one being Str?
How much brainpower have they used?

My wife, Io, does that.
Well Lugh Io, still wondering how to unlock that for the next playthrough.
Madoka is the opposite, funnily enough
All Pierce skills scale off STR and that's all she gets alongside Support skills so you usually end up building her as a strength demon only for Finitoria Freccia being MAG-Based slapping you in the face
What does Finitoria Freccia does, so I can laugh?
Heavy Pierce-element damage to single target + chance to instantly kill (Light-element), and has above-average accuracy.
You can also turn it into a Skill Card despite it being a unique skill
>Heavy Pierce-element damage to single target + chance to instantly kill (Light-element)
Actually sound pretty good. What's the cost? It seems like you are expected to use it on foe with Light Weakness.

>You can also turn it into a Skill Card despite it being a unique skill
I always wanted Better God's Bow. Oh wait.
Haven't looked into here a hot minute, so uhm, Parsee?
>What's the cost?
Don't remember right now, but it's surprisingly not that high
Then it's probably one of the less "HAHA GOTCHA BITCH" skill of the game.
Please do
Baiting an idea for a rage inducing dialogue was in the last thread, and the previous one. Give it a rest already.
ok but i forgot to suggest adding vtubers to megaten, but excluding holos
>adding vtubers to megaten
I'm surprised the nips haven't done it yet, with their autism
The closest thing is the main character from Needy Streamer Overload
I dunno anon, that sounds like a lot of work for something I might just get hate over not that I care unless I made it for nothing
Is that rage-inducing? I didn't think of making it too obvious or meta, just very self-introspective and a more fanon interpretation that''ll get anons hooked on her.
I still wonder why they did it.
Because the authors liked it.
That's pretty much the answer for every crossover.
needy streamer guy is same guy that did demons roots I think
Yeah but, WTF. This is niche as fuck.
(and not translated, but that's no important)

>because of him I have to unlock the Sun over and over again for some shitty reasons
Thanks shithead.
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The mastermind behind it all...
Everything's fair game is eraMegaten, the only limit is your coding skill
I keep hearing terrible things about the Lokapala route, but I gotta do it since there's like 4 demon fusions locked behind it for some reason
>because of him I have to unlock the Sun over and over again for some shitty reasons
You no longer need the Sun unlocked for the final events if you have the Avatar Tuner ending.
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>but I gotta do it
Hate to break to ya, but yer doomed kid.

You mean the DDS2 ending? For all future NG+? Thank GOD a good design decision.
This thread moves way to fast, I can't follow it and play the game in the same day
Just [ Za Warudo ] ??
I usually stop lurking for a while when it gets so fast, but lately it's mostly just been megaten posting, which is easy to skip through.
(Even easier thanks to 4chan-x and the threading function)
newfag probably doesn't have that much TSP yet
I can freeze time irl but its only while i'm mid-sneeze
I really dislike how threading looks and feels unfortunately
The fact new replies stay at the bottom like normal makes it usable enough for me. It just makes catching up with unread stuff a little faster when opening a thread.
I'll try it for a few days and see if it bothers me I guess
Needy Streamer Overload is fine most likely because it's still a game and fictional. Allowing actual vtubers to be in eraMegaten would probably open up an entire can of worms on where the line for 'current reality' can be allowed into eraMegaten. Even pushing 'games with characters/people from current reality' is probably pushing the line a fir bit. No doubt there are probably some people who wants vtubers in an era game so that they can make their oshi waifus and turn the vtubers they don't like into slaves for the feels.
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what did anon mean by this
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>what did anon mean by this
anon meant this
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Over the course of the week i spent my majority of free time playing TW and finally hitting some major milestones.
Since Reimu, Marisa and Sakuya were all preggers already, i just needed two more race impregs. A trip to the bamboo forest turned lascivious and before i knew it, the night sparrow had an egg in the oven.
Then i randomly ring up one of my tengu sluts, Hatate, who despite having a safe day even, gets knocked up too. Crazy how probability works sometimes, hahaha!
So naturally i used my newfound almighty god power to knock up Parsee (after getting her all lovey dovey of course) and then, while at the same time i took her virginity, i also impregnated Kaguya on her first fuck. Eirin is going to have to explain that not every encounter results in babiez going ahead now.

So yeah, that's all in a weekend's worth. I'm pretty satisfied, next weekend I'll probably go for impregnating the other hourai, as well as fucking some of the tools and Tenshi.
See you next time, /egg/

>the night sparrow had an egg in the oven.
egg laying for the birdhus when
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The cutest
Just go into eramegaten. No matter how comprehensive your knowledge of SMT is you're going to get dicked by it at some point, if not for the particulars for the mechanics, then just when you run into non-SMT content and need to work that out.
Since vtubers are fictional entitites identities that are separate from the real person that pilots them, I wonder if Pekora or some shit COULD actually pop up in the expanse as a demon if they became prominent enough in the human collective consciousness. Hell, I wonder if a mythical figure could get supplanted or heavily influenced by a gacha version of themselves if humanity spent enough billions on PNGs.
Birdhus SHOULD lay eggs, but we don't really need to fetishize that.
It can just be her carrying and tending to her egg wherever she go, cuddling with it and all. It would be cute.
>we shouldn't fetishize things
>in a porn game
>where you fuck characters
No way Eirin would betray me.
...Anon... I can give you a billion different things we should not fetishize in this game. You already know and agrees that there's plenty of those, let's not get into that argument.
>anon has a domestic lifestyle fetish
Egglaying isn't something I agree shouldn't be fetishized.
egg needs more posts like this (of people talking about how they actually played the games)
Pretentious prudes need not apply
>anon has a domestic lifestyle fetish
I just think it would be cute for birdhus to be incredibly motherly towards their eggs is all.
Both that and fetishizing it can coexist.
Ok so let me try and guess. We are gonna have a Sex option where a hu lays an egg on your chest?
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Anyone got any tips on how to play eraBEMANI?
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>The next update:
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If the egg is fertilized, normal pregnancy. If she lays an unfertilized egg, the egg is expelled like that one harpy anime gif, and she gifts it to you, either in a meal or directly.
would that be so wrong
Just don't get hit lol
There's an indicator of where the enemy's next attack is going to be, use that.
in this economy it is simply cheaper to get a bird gf to lay you eggs than buying them at almost triple the price they were a few years ago
isn't that terrible?
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Little shits
As a birdlover, i'm down for this
Why does this game attract so many sick freaks and secondaries?
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You're a secondary if you can't accept even the worst traits about your wife.
2hus don't lay eggs, zoomer.
Sorry brother, but you're in what amounts to a Japanese /d/ thread. No hope for you at all
The Three Fairies manga confirmed that, at the very least, Tengu do, in fact, lay eggs.
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*casts a spell that makes anon angry about egg-laying for some reason*
I'd prefer if it was some stalkish behavior on the MC if you picked her romantic, sexual, or romantic and sexual interest. Which would lead to fun and "fun" interactions, and depending on the stats would range from
>what are you doing you little shit? you are MINE
>you are MINE yandere edition
>use gap so I can play with you
>aw yeah pound that bitch with you elephant cock
Anon we have canon confirmation that some youkai do. And you call people secondaries?
arghhhh secondaries grrrr you're not enjoying my hobby correctly pass me the controller here is what you should like
You fat bitch can't you cast a useful spell like "Anon gets up and does the dishes instead of arguing" or maybe "Stupid cocksucker stops crying in public about the game he actively plays"
I haven't found it 100% reliable though. Even with a dedicated full INT devoted noncombatant support using an intercom and the operator armor to get a consistent A/S-ranked prediction against bosses, there are still moments where I only get a prediction for one combat range. There's also stuff like the debuff that keep you from changing range or the change of tripping if you're on the ground and tired.
Can you cast a spell that makes Remi lay eggs in the middle of a dinner party?
Prove it, lying retard.
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if you have enough energy for dishes then you have enough energy for one more prostate-induced ejaculation
I complained the other day but that Koishi event basically bricked my run the other day
Just as I suspected, you secondary tourists don't have any proof.
Anon already gave you a source. >>47172601
I'm not gonna look for the specific page, I'll just revel in knowing that it pisses you off.
Fuck you hamburger slut you get no hamburger here comes my cock
At least be honest about being a secondary.

I happen to have it on hand as a tengu lover.
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I normally lurk in these threads but I decided to join the genocide against the same useless baby that complains all day, who is so utterly helpless that he can't solve any of the problems he's complaining about. It's like he's addicted to getting mentally NTR'd by based /egg/ chads telling him to shut up constantly and Mating Press-ing him down harder than the nuclear bombs fucked Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Though technically the egg in the manga itself wasn't a tengu egg, but in the note provided by the great tengu, they typically have "large eggs"

The real question is, does Mike lay eggs?
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>there are still moments where I only get a prediction for one combat range
Fly if your AGI is high enough and the anti-air rate is still low, otherwise just hold your ground and defend which might not be much if you have low DEF but it's better than gambling your chances.
>There's also stuff like the debuff that keep you from changing range or the change of tripping if you're on the ground and tired.
Again just defend and hope the effect wear off.
Just because it's canon doesn't mean it should be respected. Real fans remove bad additions to the lore.
provide a hotter fetish to be added as an alternative then
heeeelp anon tw devs!!! fix this game... make it how i want it... i can't do anything myself... but it's okay because... i'm so useless! haha. i want to be useless! i'm owning you by being a little pest! haha
don't you feel soooo owned haha
Your typing style gives you away immediately.
Continue to backpedal until you fall off a cliff.
Egg laying would be a good addition though. Maybe you could even get special items from it if they like you enough.
Anons should learn 2 code
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You're talking about the discussion above? You're not based for liking ntr though.
You can just tell his heart rate has risen and he is having a stress reaction right now. He will need magnesium supplements by the end of this thread for all the cortisol he's getting.
Nothing suggested by Citizen Kane is a good addition.
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Egglaying is in megaten, why not add it to TW?
Just don't engage with the guy who does nothing but start weird dumb arguments, he's never interesting enough for it to be fun.
This would be very erotic for the record.
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i was hoping for better bait, nevermind.
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this thread over the last hour
I want to fuck a CAW
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Self-inserting is cringe. So what if it's not you fucking the hoes, just jerk it. A woman losing herself to pleasure is hot.
eraDynasty Warriors soon.
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no, don't try and salvage it. your bait sucked because you went way too hard way too quick and it's not even worth shitposting about for a little bit of banter now.
Nobody who isn't a fragile fool hates NTR. The Japs should add more and more to thr game. Simp tears make me feel joy. If you think about it, every character wouldn't be a virgin. They're thousands of years old.
Your typing style continues to give you away immediately.
I wish the hoes would self-insert themselves
It's hotter to let an experienced woman take the lead. None of you here hasmve ever known the touch of a woman and it shows. There's no way Sanae isn't a gaping cunt.
114-kun really dislikes eggs AND harems...
Your hat sucks. You got no shirts without bad prints on em. Your cereal smells like steeped socks. You walk in a concerning and fragile gait. The forward stretch of your head makes you look weird. Your shoes got two different knots ied on em. You get no hoes ingame or anything. Reimu probably looks at you weird behind your back.
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At least the birdbros got eachothers' backs.
get it twisted you are a pawn in a universe chess match
you mean nothing
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Damn, I wonder what third world shithole uses such weird insults.
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>Smile Charge
I ball so hard you'd mistake me for a nutsack. I'm above this shit. This game? My idol is responsible for eveeyrhing good in it. Nothing you do will match his work. That will never change.
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I have no idea what either of these are but i'm confident this is an SMT post, never change.
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Silly magic build. Gods are for punching. WORLD OF STR.
Color flipped Reimu. Change my mind.
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sorry smt fans, in real life mothman gets the girl
Reimu smells less erotic.
Begone, smell fetishist.
Vanilla sex and NTR are the superior fetishes. I'm tries of armpits, bellies, fat, ass, and other suck shit. Quit being weirdos and make more porn that caters to what most people actually consume.
>I ball so hard you'd mistake me for a nutsack. I'm above this shit.
Who are the canonical self-insert 'hus?
Canonically, I insert myself into every toehoe.
Sad that there still isn't inchling spelunking
Size play is degenerate. No inchling sex allowed.
None of you will ever amount to anything for we are all the same. The mirror is both. Nobody is here will ever be as good as Pedy.
See? You can't even debate the facts. Fact the music kid. You lost.
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i kinda wish the achievement for impregnating a shrine maiden would be replaced with one for impregnating a human, and the perk associated with it changed to some lesser, more general buff. there are only two shrine maidens, meaning that the buff can only ever possibly useful for ONE character, which is just silly. even tsukumogami and hourai have more.
Yeah but it's hot so who cares
It's future-proofed for when ZUN decides to make more shrine maidens
I kinda wish the schism would end and people quit splitting development. We only need one branch.
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I called over my shimmyhole to try and prove you wrong but I can't find the "inchling onahole" command anymore, I think I blew past whatever stat requirements that had. But I did find out you can dunk her in chocolate which I didn't know about.
Sick freak. Food play is disgusting.
Waste of MP. Try Freikugel or Holy Dance.

The thing that came from hell, and would never be useable by any sane players. It's a skill made purely for the enemy to use.
Aren't there Mikos on the moon too?
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one of these will protect you, the other will kill you
Trap question, Joker should be remade and shouldn't exist, which leave only Tatsuya.
Tatsuya will protect you, but kill you accidentally.
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Oh yeah. Those portraits.
A for effort but could've been better, or simply had fanart used for them instead like most humans and demons.
I like them. They are very emotive even if the quality isn't the best.
Yeah I'll give it that. Not too fond of them but there's a charm to them due to that lower quality.
Meh, the quality isn't great, but I'm fine with them.
They got soul (ok, cool).
And desu, there's worse. Dante's anyone?
Demi-Fiend hits like a fucking truck at later levels, doing the Magatana unlocks was really worth it
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Wait I found it
You will never have more than that sick freakazoid looking ass motherfucker
If you really loved her you wouldn't fuck her lungs by ramming your cock through her uterus.
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Thanks to the power of the miracle mallet, I can sleeve anyone.
You will never have any of that freak shit Kane. I've seen what you posted. I know you want. You will never have text for that. Too niche and disgusting.
Who the fuck is kane
Rosebud was a sleigh.
How do I trade Charisma in TW?
Go to the SDM and enter the casino. You must play a bit before you're allowed to cash out, but as an upside the higher your rank the bigger your charisma wallet gets.
600 on the wake-up menu
Thank you
Can I buy Charisma or just exchange it?
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Anon, the Hapsburg Lip is in the family; that's not a nice thing to say, don't say that.
>Power Charge
>Donum Gladi
>Devil Trigger
Your move.
>Hell, I wonder if a mythical figure could get supplanted
That's literally just the plot of Mystiddies.
>Also apropos of nothing, what would you consider good aim/things to complete list for a first run
Minmaxing your ending point probably. You could get around 5~7 (battle-related/alignment) endings each for the first three runs even without turning Extra on. Other than unlockables, EP also gives you bonus stat to use depending on the amount. At 50 endings in NG+13, I've got like ~200 bonus stats to use, so my Nightmare Fool challenge is really not that much of an issue. You might want to opt to choose the "Can continue to play" endings instead, since that way you can prepare however you want for the next run, that's how I managed to [Wife] the entire Revue cast anyway. Also, some training items are locked behind achievements, like making 100 characters [Fall] for you in one run; that one unlocks the "Literally turns you into an extra pure virgin" drug in the shop.
>not touch the girls at all
Nah, just make sure you don't choose the red options in their mini event and not have them as Slave/Whore. I've got all of them as my [Wife], and boy did I press Clit Cap>Nipple Cap>Blowjob>Footjob>Forced Rimjob like hell.
Rimjobs are cringe
He look a tranny at best.
And this make me sad.
Oh, they have a soul alright. The tormented soul wishing for the release from this disgusting mortal coil.
Probably from the megaten ending in her game.
Especially Tatsuya in EP.
Joker has no soul.

There's an SMT ending? Whot?
Meshia-chan MOGS literally every single tuber.
Can of worms is generous.
You guys have time to play the games?
Actually, what are weapons in EraMegaten without a level requirements?
Cute egg
For the MC(and mirai/setsuna), key of norn stands out as far as level requirementless weapons go.
It's basically a fake crash ending referencing an urban legend that shin megami tensei would have a creepy glitch screen if you reset it at a certain time.
What is the Key of Norn?
Oh I know about it! Not as creepy as that Sonic screen.
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Reward for one of the devil children routes. Only the MC and the two MCs can use it but it's a pretty good weapon into the mid game. The newer manga route gives a alternative version but that one has a level requirement in exchange for more power and limits on who can use it.
I'll have to do the Devil Children routes, but I think I missed it with the Raidou one.
>manga route
what's the difference?
It follows the manga instead of the game/anime.
Game versions follow the games through dungeons. Manga version has events that about 1 to 1 mirror the manga's chapters. Read it, it's a fun peek at the raw edginess of the 90s.
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>it's a fun peek at the raw edginess of the 90s.
I could never take any anime seriously whent hey have retarded pets like pic related on it
at most they make me laugh or get pissed at how they ruin the mood on every single scene they're in.
Like how can I take that girl seriously when she walks around with ToHAT as her pet, no wonder the demon told her t fuck off
I'd do the same.
but women would absolutely have pets like those if they could IRL
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I really should head to bed
can't type for shit right now
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I'm seconding him. Read it anyway. It's fun.
Is this the pokespe of SMT?
Basically, yeah.
what does logging ability
Warp time and space sometimes.
I'm sensing kino
It helps make cutting down trees better and faster.
>Read it, it's a fun peek at the raw edginess of the 90s.
The best kind of edginess.
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Where the hell is the Dependency stat in the files of EraMegaten?
Please? Pretty pretty please?
Buy forbidden knowledge and third eye and it will show up. It's just a general measure of how nice you are to that person. If you need it as a value, it's CFLAG:依存度
Oh I can see it, that's not the problem. The problem is getting the thing to 1000 and there's no way I'm grinding this far.
I'm NOT fapping during the day.

Thank you for giving it to me, because I was really confused why it wasn't with loyalty and stress.

Tfw debuging legit teach you how to code, but why is it in CFLAG and not BASE?
It's pretty quick if you just kiss them a fuck ton.
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Define "quick".
I'm living for the RPG baby there. Not the grind of sex.
Which is weird since I have zero problem with grinding for exp. Guess I find one more fun and the other not.
Quick as in you set up a training menu and can burn through her stamina in a few repetitions of it. Training menus are great for grinding sex stats quickly.
>set up a training menu
A training menu. The game lets you set up a bunch of prebuilt training routines so you can do a bunch of actions without having to click them individually. Kissing is good for both love exp and dependency so having one set up for that even with the penalty for repeated actions is a fairly fast way to train both.
how do you set up those? I've been clicking non stop for weeks
Insert you are too slow, because it's still too slow for me.

Nta but you can make a set up of training moves with a menu.
It's VERY convenient.
It's an option on the training screen.
Alternate kissing, and caressing.
Set this up via the register training menu. It's at the very bottom when you're training and lets you automate when you just want to do repetitive actions. You should at least learn how to do this since even if you're fully committed to the rpg aspect, a lot of the day to day experience of this game kind of needs some engaging with the sex training aspect.
But I hate it.
Like, I really, really, really hate it and think it's awkward and break the flow of the game.
I tried, I gotten better, but I still hate it and would rather ignore it.
You can always go grind isoras for trust fall instead I guess.
That's true, but that's also boring in it's own way.
>I'd prefer if it was some stalkish behavior on the MC if you picked her romantic, sexual, or romantic and sexual interest.
I thought of something like that when you use the NG+ reset and dated her the previous game.
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But you instead what? Fucking hell.
I read a few threads ago that eraSQN was pretty good, what version do I download? Seems like they all last got updated over 5 years ago.
Eraschizos I come to you in a great time of need.
I've lost my ribbrosuke image and I need it so I can further mindbreak a chilean ape.
If one of you have it then I'd appreciate it if you sent it here so I could steal it like the thieving rat I am
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Could've sworn I had it, but I guess I got rid of all my memes and only got pic rel left.
I'm sure someone else has it though.
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Well worst case scenario I'll just have to find out where vinum lives and force him to recreate the image. Anyway since there's been a lot of talk about eggs in this thread I am going to contribute.
I hope hatater is doing okay.
I hope the artist is okay. He's cool, broken english or not.
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ITT: The usual suspects at work
>The usual suspects
My favorite character was Diavolo.
Seija my beloved
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How many years will it take for the fish to learn?
How many time will it take for Black Souls EXTRA to be added?
Please say never.
He made his delicious wife as tasty on the outside as she is on the inside.
Shinly huge booba...
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male demifiend ingame feels like pic related
I wish he would Null All.

How so?
Until someone makes it.
While not quite null everything, leveling with magatama equipped gives permanent resistance boosts.
Good. I'll NEVER make it. And I hope no one will.
Black Souls is too much of a beast.
>While not quite null everything
I've heard it's not quite Null everything, just a part of it. Which isn't The Demi Fiend Experience... even if it make perfect sense. There is no Gun or Water element in his game.

>leveling with magatama equipped gives permanent resistance boosts
Nothing There in anon-tw when?
Might as well make an eraPM
When you level up each magatama gives a permanent resistant boost depending on what resistances it gives and what tier it is. Fully maxed out, that ends up being 25% physical/ice/mind, 0% fire/electric/force/nerve/light/dark, and 75% almighty as natural resistances.
She should have given him a Life Stone.
Huh, you are actually right! His resistance are a more than what they should be.
Still sad he doesn't Null them all.
Why don't we have a Demi-Fiend class again?
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Thank you for nuking the baiting retard too this time. Usually I'm the only one getting the short end of the stick, haha.
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No problem.
Because this class would be absolutely similar to Demi-Fiend and any player would power level and contract Demi-Fiend anyway.
I guess you can make unique Magatamas for MC.
It just sound like a fun class is all.

>I guess you can make unique Magatamas for MC.
Don't tempt me into making a bitchfucker of a Magatama.
Actually would be a good idea for an Event Boss for an even better Magatama.
Not that I would code it. Null Phys. Abs Fire/Elec/Ice/For/Nerve/Mind/Light/Dark 50% Earth, Water, Wind, Gravity, Nuclear, 75% Almighty.

>25% physical/ice/mind
Great idea game. Letting Mind pass.
It's because there is no high tier magatama that resists mind, same as ice. The limit is decided by the tier of magatama.
I don't know how it would work on coding terms, but I guess the solution would be, make a Magatama that does those things..
Finally, a 2hu with the perfect size to perform paizuri on my dick
We're still at page 9
And? I do what I want, BITCH.
>meaning that the buff can only ever possibly useful for ONE character
I got it after impregnating reimu, and as you say it's indeed only been useful for impregnating reimu again and again.
plap sleigh simple as

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