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Previous thread: >>47135048

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
I personally haven't read anything by watanabe yet, but I'll reply to you in this thread so someone knowledgeable can give you their opinion
Thanks anon. Waiting for some guidance from Watanabe fans
>it does have 3 DLCs you should try to grab
2 voice dramas + append episode, from what I gather? Did you include them in >>47156613 already?
It would be nice to have the DDL just for the append, since the base game has a healthy torrent on sukebei which I've got already. Thank you.
New Toriko game trial is up

You didn't even read Aokana?
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Must be hard being on the spectrum when both your sisters are psychopaths.
Soulful neko shirt.
you should start with harumade kururu because that is what you should start with
if you cannot get past the frontloaded avalanche of porn then that is because you are weak and undeserving of his genius
she gets roasted so hard for her fashion sense though, lmao
>you are weak and undeserving of his genius
There are like only 50 people on the entire planet who have read all four
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>weak and undeserving of his genius
thank you for backing up my statement
Which route of secret love wrote watanabe
I've only read one of the four. It was my understanding that once you've read one, you've essentially read all of them, but I'm not sure how accurate that is.
I liked Akikuru the most but agree you should start with Harukuru.
Not really, but if you don't like the style then don't bother with the others.
in the sense that the same writer is going to have similar themes in a thematic quadrilogy, yes
but it's not an uchikoshi situation where the guy has exactly one twist in his arsenal and will keep repeating it until the day he dies or they gag him
>but it's not an uchikoshi situation where the guy has exactly one twist in his arsenal and will keep repeating it until the day he dies or they gag him
Aha, that's what I was alluding to. Nice, maybe I will bump those up my backlog some then.
>I liked Akikuru the most
not to be rude but why? everything interesting happened before the game even started, did you liked Kiss chan that much? I waited for Akikuru for almost 3 years, and was disappointed as fuck by it
>There are like only 50 people on the entire planet who have read all four
I recently read Harukuru and liked it.
I always thought this series of games was more popular.
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not that guy but i would put akikuru pretty high up there purely for the banter, comedy, and character interactions, though i will admit to being a little let down by the ending even if i understood what it was going for
as the novelty of his tweests wear off, the quality of everything else goes up. spring might've had the most impact on me but i'd be hard pressed to say it was the most consistently entertaining, while fall only got a little lame towards the end

take this ancient image what i saved from the threads back when it came out
>did you liked Kiss chan that much
I was also underwhelmed (apart from Kiss) when it first came out but when I played it a second time years later I loved the stupid comedy and interactions, it's peak ラブコメ
Kita e translation never ever ;_;
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Just put your phone on a selfie stick and point it at your monitor.
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Does anyone have a link to Shady Trial 日陰サバイバン(https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ244256.html)
Apparently one anon posted a link back in 2020 (https://warosu.org/jp/image/sIlR+uqKR3UGSzZJqyKOcg) but that link is long dead and I can't find it anywhere else.
Are you going to perpetually keep asking this? I don't know, maybe look into >>46820458
I didn't know some of those links and it's unfortunately not in any of those either, but thanks for sharing.
I simply want my friend to stop pestering me about it every week or so
i'm afraid you're gonna have to drop 5 bucks anon
I don't want to be that guy, but for a five-year-old game that is only ten bucks and has less than 500 sales on DLsite buying it should always be the most reasonable way to get it.
That's what I told him, but he can't be bothered to pay up even though he unironically earns 1.5x the money I do
Be a good friend and buy him a copy.
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that link includes the game, update patch, and 3 DLCS including a soundtrack, sofmap drama cd, and append episode which is all that was ever made public to my knowledge, there's still a few drama cds missing
pixeldrain /u/AEPmPQXu
here's just the DLCs
what giga vinnie is this
You have to go back.
we love vinnies here
What's a vinnie? VN? Gee why does everyone have to talk like a five-year-old nowadays
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any way to rotate vn windows? asking for a friend.
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I think there's no one clear best and it's a more down to your preferences.
If you like sports/moege go Aokana, if you like mystery/epic twists go Harukuru, if you like lolis and fight scenes go Natsukuru, if you like romcom fun go Akikuru, if you like raw soulful doujinge go Indigo
Thanks anon. I appreciate it a lot when people give details like this, I love you
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heh it make me chuckle
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Reminds me of the unending discussions over whether this was supposed to be a pun or not.
This is the first time I'm hearing about this append episode. Didn't think AsaPro make them. Do their other games have appends too?
>girl x girl romance
>lesbian sex
Weird for them to go for a yurige after 4 games with male protagonists.
I wouldn't exactly call Fuyukuru a yurige.
I know that it has girl x girl romance, but I suspect hardcore yuri fans would not like it. They'd probably be real dicks about it.
Just remembered this
it's complicated
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>Spends most of her route being down about a man that appeared one time
>Becomes a bitter bitch to everyone
>Last minute scene is her saying mb lol and the MC of course laps it up
>Game ends
??? Are the other Nursery Rhyme routes better cause I'm done otherwise
and that's off the backlog
You don't have to reply to every single post.
The thread is dead enough even with those replies. It's not wise to discourage activity here even further.
>thread is dead enough
this is /jp/, not whatever shithole board you came from
a thread going two days without a reply is normal
but that's my first reply in this thread
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WTF is that flag?
It's not a flag, it's the knitting club, they knit things, it's just a design.
Apparently they recently added black, brown, and some other colors, so it's a bit traumatic to see that, and a bit suspicious since it's a 2024 yurige. But I guess it's unlikely that they had any harmful intent.
>it's a 2024 yurige
It is neither of those things.
>man I love yurige
>wtf, is that a gay pride symbol in my yurige about turning girls into boys!?
>There is a fair amount of futa content in this game, and none of it is avoidable.
Yep, looks like a masterpiece.
I quite enjoyed it, and it's fairly short, so it's well worth a read.
It does switch from nonstop nukige -> serious murder mystery plot -> nonstop nukige, though.
Also that OP is so fucking good
I'll try it, mostly because of the brown girl and the english lyrics in the op.
no idea but you could look through this site to see if any are listed, though i don't know how accurate it is. i do know the mini fds they started selling for their most recent games are basically the same thing if longer, and they had voice dramas for as long as i can remember and most of the DLC for their newer games has probably been shared
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When will they make another moege like Itsusora?
Now I'm curious what kind of sex scenes this route has.
>It does switch from nonstop slop -> serious murder mystery slop -> nonstop slop, though.
Sounds riveting
So I'm confused, are they actually girls, they just grow dicks later on or something? Spoil me because I don't want to play it if any of them are traps.
Is the ps2 content worth it?
I only know that itt has some nice additional CGs and that the new routes weren't written by Shumon
I see. Well, I guess I'll just have to read both versions for the full experience just like with kazoku keikaku and musicus
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Speaking of content written by others, I will never forgive jackson
they undergo sex change surgery so they have neophaluses
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Is there recommended route order for playing memories off games? or can I just play which heroine I interested most?
>all-ages series
it was fun to note the amount of references
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I can't decide which one to read bros.
I haven't read it but
Apparently what most do is save the main girl for last
This reminds me that there was memories off switch edition. I guess it's time to read them
What are you in the mood for?
Is the title "Elfen king" a reference to Elden Ring or...
Speaking of elves.

Any eroge where girls of different fantasy races (or even just humans from different regions) have distinctive culture, customs and common sense?
The few I played that had this were fullblown nukige.
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...or what? What were you implying?
Isekai lovers where it's considered polite to stare at women's breasts.

3ping lovers and Mako Hunter too but those are nukige.
Or is it just a coincidence?
i know i sound like an idiot but i'm curious.
Huh, to me that "or..." felt ominous, like hiding an option that's negative in some way.
Well, I don't know. Was Elden Ring popular in Japan? If it was then it could be a reference since the names are so similar, but who knows, really.
>Was Elden Ring popular in Japan?
I really hope it wasn't. It seems that when you give players a sense of achievement through cheap memorization, the gameplay is considered good.
won the goty in japan in 2022, so....
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I just finished reading Atri My Dear Moments. First of all, that soulless Subahibian twist around the middle was negated, and it was confirmed that she does have 心・感情・意識 after all, so the infamous philosopher-artist's hands did not spoil this work fortunately..
Overall I enjoyed this VN. The normal end (starting from that rooftop fight scene until the rocket launch) was the best and most soulful section of the VN and it's where I cried a few times. The twist around the middle was disheartening, but spoilers came to save me and gave me the will to keep on reading and my expectations were met. To be honest I did feel like the anti-twist came a bit too late and thus was quite abrupt, but of course, it was much better than if it didn't happen. Though it does indeed not happen in the bad/alternative end... I don't know why anon said that it was the better end, it was just depressing and that's it.
Something controversial about this VN is the "True End". It did make me conflicted too. Cheating aside, I personally don't really like epilogues where the characters are shown as old people in general, but with all the technological advancements it even felt kind of creepy and bizarre... particularly the part where the MC uploads his consciousness into the "singularity" to spend time with Atri. And the reunion itself felt a bit cheap, to be honest, and didn't make me as happy as it should have. The story probably would've been better off concluding with the normal end.
Anyway, the art looked very pretty, though I felt like there could be more CGs. In terms of music there were many soulful tracks, my favorite being the main theme song along with the vocal version, though some tracks felt too "cinematic" (in a negative sense).
To conclude, I would recommend it you if you'd like a short nakigē, though don't expect it to be super "deep" and full of contrived novelties or whatever. Also, I'm looking forward to the anime adaptation.
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Nice to see that they're still active.
I'll ask the japanese on 2chan,just to be sure.
Thank you, I will move to Japan to be able to post from an unbanned, residential IP.
Yeah, I'm really hyped to see what Marutani will surprise us with next.
Kind of a weird question, do any of you ever come back to the same VN more than once or twice?
like, to fap, or to read?
Regarding the former, then yes dozens, maybe even hundreds of times.
The latter, well I always say I'm going to reread, but come to think of it, I have never gotten around to fully rereading a VN. There's stuff I read ten years ago that I've been meaning to reread for the past 9 and still haven't.
Yes of course just my favorites.
i read sukebei elf thrice.
Like a decade and a half ago when I was an EOP and there were basically no VNs translated I must've reread Tsukihime 20+ times.
Now that I can read Japanese and there's so many choices out there I can never find the time to go back and reread something when I could be reading something new or polishing off my backlog. It's hard to justifying reading something again, unless it's a re-release or a new version or the like.
Except going back to fap to h-scenes I like, but that doesn't count.
There are some games that I never uninstall and in which I make saves at the beginning of some scenes just to reread them later and say: yeah, this shit was really good.
I think I've reread CLANNAD more than twice, but I started with the English translation.
Yes. Both to fap again to some scenes or to even do a full reread.
Most of the time I just reread moments that I like. If I like the VN a lot I might reread it in at least 1 year after I finished reading it the first time.
Just like a book, rereading a vn is always a good experience.
>I must've reread Tsukihime 20+ times
Imagine if you did that but in Japanese, you could have gotten to a decent Japanese level back then just from doing that.
EOPs are truly miserable creatures that seek the most pathetic excuses to avoid learning Japanese, but the truth is that we all used to be EOPs, even me...
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Bros is there a romance recommendation you'd give for "I thought I would never meet you again" Like wa2 coda but with a good heroine this time around
>Apparently what most do is save the main girl for last
Isn't that what most galge players do, regardless of the game? Sometimes it's even forced. You're not going to romance the main girl on your first Tokimemo playthrough unless you want to lose hard.
I wonder... there are some who do the main girl route first and leave the one they really like for last. Something similar to the infamous koichoco experience I guess?
Same as this anon >>47170777
Sometimes I do a save in the middle of a dialogue because I find the voice acting or whatever's going on very hot and reread it.

Other than that I just don't reread VNs and don't replay games. Unless they have something that makes every playthrough unique or very different.
I have a bunch of games still saved that I want to replay eventually because I loved them, but I've only actually replayed a few since there's so many other new things I also want to read.
I've personally never heard of anyone doing that, but I guess it's reasonable when it doesn't mess up the reading order. Usually for me the childhood friend/girl who already likes the MC is first, girl I like is penultimate and the main girl goes last.
I guess it's because of this sentimentality of wanting the heroine you really like to be your last experience in a given game. The problem is that sometimes the route of said heroine can be disappointing, but oh well...
Personally not a fan of the "main girl = more quality and more content" approach.
I prefer it when each heroine is more or less equal and it's more about your preference rather than who the devs think should be in the spotlight.
Yeah, I guess that would be the right approach to respect the reader, since it's not uncommon for some girl to end up overshadowing the main heroine for some reason and being the favorite by far. In games with forced route order and true ending this becomes much, much more evident.
I think in games with a specific story or theme it's hard to present it fully without making one of the routes the "main" one.
There are certainly some games I love so much that I've replayed them again. But usually I only replay to read routes that I skipped before.
I don't like rereading or replaying games because there are so many to experience but there is one VN which I read multiple times. It was the biggest inspiration for me to properly learn Japanese. Going to read it again one of these days.
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Vendetta is one of the best examples of that. Her route is disproportionately and excessively good, but milli...
Read it again? No, load up a save and replay my favorite scenes? Yes.
Reading eroge takes a lot of time so i rather start something new instead of wasting time in something i already experienced, however i take pics of my favorite moments during my playthrough and later check it out when i want to remember stuff, and if that is not enough i just load up a save of those moments and experience it again.
I liked Chitose more than Vendetta, but her route was almost as bad as Chitose.
How...? the last Vendetta chapters are literally the best of the entire vn
Question on Puramai: Why give the protagonist a twin sister if you're just going to make him a generic black-haired self-insert anyway? Are they NBR twins or something?
>uploads his consciousness into the "singularity"
Thanks for the review, I might just watch the anime and hope it captures the good parts as this would make me not want to read it already.
I hope Tsui no Stella can get an anime.
Don't know why people don't like Chitose route. Even if Vendetta's was undoubtedly the best, Chitose's was pretty fun too.
I reread scenes, listen to the OSTs and try to find quality 実況 of games I loved.
I meant to wirite that Chitose route was almost as bad as Millie, what a brain fart, Vendettas route was amazing, I agree.
lol I see. I had to read your post 3 times, because it was the first time I saw someone say the Vendetta route was bad. That's probably the closest we've come to something written by Masada.
To be honest, I don't think it's bad, but milli route left me so mentally tired, I guess I just couldn't enjoy it. Vendetta is simply unbeatable.
It's a goethe reference
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What do we think about "Asuka-san wa Nabikanai"?
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Short and sweet, I liked it.
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Trinity did it much better
Is discussion of free games allowed here? I remember finding this VN a couple of years ago on vector where the protagonist was a pokemonfag who used 我 and spoke with ロジカル語法, I tried looking for it yesterday but couldn't find it. It was relatively high-quality for a free game and used a map system. Anyone have any idea of what I'm talking about?
>Is discussion of free games allowed here?
I guess so? Being on VNDB or EGS makes it more valid.
What is this?
If you love white haired kuudere and very cheesy poetry you will have a good time.
That's what i'm thinking.
That scene was so hype. I feel Trinity was a much more polished experience than Vendetta overall
>very cheesy poetry
Is it hard in terms of Japanese?
I loved them both, shame Takahama Ryou couldn't keep up the quality for his future games
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Love Kerberos, no homo
It's a kind of weird dialect they used on the 2ch pokemon board, everything ends with ~ですなwww ~ですぞwww and 我 is the first-person pronoun. Closest thing to it in western terms is leetspeak.
Nah dw it's one or two scene.
The whole game is very easy to read,you'll see as soon as you start it.
Lack of good romance in the true route made Trinity rank lower than Vendetta for me, plus Vendetta > Rain. Also the final upgrade in Vendetta was far more hype than anything in Trinity.
Huh, I thought that it had something to do with making the grammatical structure unambiguous and "logical" or something like that.
As a side note, Chinks use 我 as the common first-person pronoun.
this plus I also liked Zephyr way more than Ash
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The final fight in Vendetta was something else
I liked Ash more, his philosophy resonated much more with me and his scenes were insanely hype
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僕と恋するポンコツアクマ。is like that. Each of the girls is from a different fantasy society, and each of them is a misfit in their own culture for one reason or another.
The mummy girl hates wearing bandages.
The witch girl is flunking her magic tests.
The succubus girl is an omega-level turbovirgin who spills spaghetti out of her pockets whenever she imagines kissing you.
And so on.
It's a happy, sweet moege with very good H-scenes and a bunch of funny comedy scenes revolving around the heroines' different (or lack of) common sense. It's a personal favorite of mine. Whenever I'm having a cruddy day, reading it always makes me feel better.
If you decide to give it a shot, make sure you grab the version 1.1 update; it adds 776 MB of new videos. (Although it sadly does also fix the adorable "Japan Sales Onil" typo.)
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>You're not going to romance the main girl on your first Tokimemo playthrough unless you want to lose hard.
Not if you believe in yourself!
that witch hat is way too small
Once they have their first time it shift genres to nukige...
Many such cases.
Thats why moege sucks, in plotkino such thing doesnt happen.
Name 10 plotge with good romance.
As someone who reads primarily eroge because plot, this question has made me rethink my life.
Romance is a moebuta delusion. Women are not capable of love, so the only true romance is BL. The most realistic approach when you have women involved is NTR, that's why plotkino is so relevant.
For those of you who have read dies irae and kkk, can you remind me if the romance with rea was good? I mean, her relationship with ren takes on a much higher tone when you find out that despite everything, in kkk she's still the closest to him, but I don't quite remember what the more "romantic" scenes in dies irae were like
Kei has best romance in dies with Ren and it's not even close, really, Rea was as meh as any other heroine imo
Rea had the best romance and better dyamnic with Ren in common route, she really feels like the main heroine who wins
I also found Rea to have the best romance out of everyone.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Somehow I can see your point, that chemistry between tsundere was really good
In some ways I am ashamed of myself for not remembering many details in that regard, as rea was my favorite. Reading it so long ago really fucked up my memory. I guess I could reread her route just for nostalgia and because I really liked her
agreed with this
Honestly, I don't remember a ton either. The scene in the tower or whatever they called that place was nice though.
I thought it was a nice detail how in Acta est Fabula you could take her virginity two times.
>romance between two tsunderes
More like this?
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This scene really broke me the first time I read it
I'll definitely go for act est fabula first. It will be funny how much faster I will be able to read it now
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>it's actually true
I had no idea and now I'm dying of laughter.
wtf I love Bush now
Guess this is why the fear of broccoli is such a meme in some American cartoons?
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A rare movie reference I actually understand.
Very good movie. Another movie reference I always remember is the one in Phantom. It was unexpected and hilarious.
>continue my Yuzuge route
>absolutely fuck all happens
>writing style is not pleasant
>BGM gets on my nerves especially the heroine's chara theme
>sprite animations irk me
>keep looking up my position in the script file every so often
Have I grown out of Yuzusoft? Since last night I've "forced" myself to read from 5% to now 22% of the route. No confession, no sex, barely any comedy. The heroine loves MC and every other chara knows it. MC doesn't seem to love her like that but everyone is pushing him into it. This is not romance. I'm also sick of hearing about this dumb school festival. It sounds just as boring and generic as every other, but the characters talked it up as an improved one without really saying what is new. A café and a haunted house? How is that special? You're preparing that for an entire month? I can't.

Previously I've finished moege by Marmalade, August, feng, Clochette, Cube and from no-name devs, too. The writing was fun, the pacing didn't grind my gears and reading them went smoothly. That's exactly what Yuzusoft meant to me in the past. Now all I want is stop reading this and do something else.
Which Yuzu?
Did you read something similar just before? Personally I can't read two vns too similar in a row because I end up getting bored quickly.
Anon, I want to inform you that I was able to decipher the SOS message hidden in your post and am now sending a SWAT team to your coordinates. Don't give up, we're coming to free you.
> forcing yourself to read something you don't really like
top kek
Who are you quoting?
moebuhis do be like that, forcing the sloppa down their throats
Just ignore him.
Wait, are you reading a Nounai kanojo non-trapge?
Update to >>47173384: the first H-scene is over @43%.

Things got briefly interesting when MC protected the heroine from danger. Shortly after she tried to kiss him and like a harem anime faggot he pulled away. Later he embraced her and she got flustered, pulled away. Now I'm in the supernatural bullshit arc where she suffers keyaids and the cause is obvious even to MC who is the cause but he lets her suffer because he sucks. The other character who should know everything also does nothing. Still no confession but hey, heroine masturbated fantasizing about MC's touching her.

There's no hope for this route. Should be another 4 H-scenes that'll take up much of the other 57% once the supernatural bullshit drama is over. I'm afraid that there are other bullshit arcs in this route. Yuzusoft routes always have 3 arcs.

Tenshit Ranman

Other moege, yes. But I liked them. Thematically and story-wise there's not much overlap. I just can't into Yuzu anymore.

I'll end it. With the credits rolling over my grave.
just drop and stop whining baka moebuhi
Go read Dracu-Riot. At least there's some shit going on constantly in that game.
Are we being raided?
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Now the important questions. Does she have a まんこ? Also, what happens to the food she "eats"?
She has a cute little ちんぽ
Mostly a soulful story and both are probably that so I can't really decide.
Which one is it?
Kira Kira has a trap MC which is not something I'm particularly into but I'm curious on how that's handled..
(t. read neither)
Ever since late november
Who is raiding us and why?
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I really need to read this shit. It's somehow funny how most of the stuff I read is because I liked the OP.
Some memooff games have enforced order like in Yubikiri you're forced to read Lisa, Orihime and Shiina before moving onto main girls and Omokimi forces you to read all heroines before you start true route. Good suggestion is to leave main girl for last.
If you want order for memooff 2nd, I would reccomend:
1-2: Takano and Megumi
3: Shizuru
4: Tomoe
5: Tsubame
6: Hotaru
2nd is the one I want to read more. The problem is that I'm not entirely sure which platform to read them on. BGM is so much better on ps1.
Yes I'm reading memoff 2nd, Thanks.
discordfaggots who come here to get attention
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I did the same. Kaoru has my favorite design but the later parts of her route just didn't sit well with me.
There's one trap in it. It's actually surprisingly funny so far though.
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Considering what a meme they are(were?), I'm not sure if her Commando references even count as movie references.
Read kira kira now and leave bst for like september. Not a summer game
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who's the most manipulative imouto in エロゲ?
Sir, that's a 漫画.
I bet he wants some recommendations about manipulative imouto like that from eroge.
I'd bet there's some serious spillover shitposting from a certain thread that used to be on /a/ but that's just my pet theory.
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I love my witch onee-chan even if i can't see her cute hat properly half of the time!
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Any moege with more "unique" H scenes, like this one?
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i'll let you know when i've read every game with an imouto in it, but until then Ren currently holds the crown
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I guess 9-nine- Episode 2 can be classed as moege.
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>best girl
>has only a side route in a fandisk
every fucking time.
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We were robbed
Could anyone recommend a VN with a heroine similar to Rin from Katawa Shoujo in terms of motif or feel? Something with nice banter but ends up in a tragedy. Ayana from JQV or Youko from CC sort of hits that feeling but looking for other titles. Would appreciate any advice.
You got filtered, best girl in CC was Touko
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i've honestly always felt this rage about girls not having routes usually stems from some psychological reaction to not being able to have her more than anything else
Yeah same. A routeless girl usually just instantly shoots up in my list precisely because of that.
probably related to FOMO
Sounds like a self inserter problem who wants everything hopping on his dick.
Funny you mention this. I'm reading a route right now that feels completely unnecessary and out of place. I wouldn't mind if this was deleted from the game.
Routeless girls are often either slightly older, have some weird relationship with one of the heroines (or, god forbid, m-male characters), or are just so good they're used to test waters for a potential fandisk.
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Is there a moege vinnie that utilizes route system and a girl not having a route in a meta and subversive way to push a powerful message, like Muramasa?
What? Winnie the Pooh?
As a 炉裏コン, I'm a bit tired of seeing 大人っぽさ being tossed around as something good and 子供っぽさ as something bad (in the context of girls) by characters in VNs. It's especially bizarre when all the girls are neotenous (of course, since that's a requirement for Moe).
is Seishun Fragile any good?
Probably the worst purplege in the past decade. But the H is decent.
I'm finally reading Subahibi after years of ignoring it. I'm not sure what all this yuri is about but the philosophy stuff is interesting, I just hope it doesn't go full denpa.
Troll post
In terms of quality, how does Phantom Integration compare to Urobuchi's other works?
Is it true that the Angel Beats VN has homo routes (non- bad end/joke; count for completion)? In a way that would make the fact that it never got completed less sad.
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I'm reading it right now and enjoying it a whole lot, feels very movie-like and Urobuchi's signature, vivid third person writing style is as good in his first work as ever. I should mention that you need this patch to play it on modern Windows without crashing:
If the opening movie doesn't play, you might need to install K-Lite Codec Pack Basic.
I've only watched some Urobuchi anime so it's kind of hard to compare, but Phantom Integration was great. The last section of the story is amazing.
If you're actually serious then https://vndb.org/v11569
No one that posts that screenshot is serious.
Thanks. I was uncertain on reading it as I didn't like the anime but I'm sold
Can you describe it in more detail? How exactly is the meta shit performed? And what "message" is it supposed to push? Because from looking at it I like the art and may consider checking it out but if the meta shit is too retarded I'm not touching it.
Not sure if it counts, but I'm pretty sure I remember love rec having condom ntr in Nori's route.
Supposedly the later versions (anime and remake) are a lot different or something.
Yeah the remake is radically different, the anime original content is added in and none of that text is written by Urobuchi. The PS2/DVD person is also different because they rewrote the narration to work voiced.
I see, thx anon. What's the route order?
"person" version* holy shit I'm tired.
I don't think it particularly matters. Go for whoever you want.
WTF is that supposed to mean? Please elaborate.
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Madoka was so plain that I didn't even think she had a route. I didn't even save a screenshot of her alone. It turns out that there is sort of a route for here although it's pretty short, so I did it to get it out of the way. It was alright I guess, but I'm not sure why this needed to exist. All the plot stuff completely disappears so you're kind of wondering what actually happens in the background and if the bad guys actually win or not.
The elevens thought up the weirdest stuffs.
Never mind, looked it up in the archives myself. Much less bad than I expected, the image that "condom NTR" created for me was of the MC wearing some male character's or random man's used condom or some gay crazy shit like that.
From looking at the tags, I found something more ominous about Loverec, and even Nori specifically. Apparently she has an older brother with a "sister complex" tag... and he has a "video camera" tag and Nori has a "consensual porn acting" tag. What is this? Does her brother film her (having sex with MC)? That would be much more NTR-ish than just that condom shit. Otherwise, how much prominence is it given to his "sister complex"? Because that's still kind of NTR-like and kimoi.
In your defense, that condom ntr shit sounds like the wildest shit imaginable in a moege. Hilarious scene. Almost makes me want to read it if comedy in general is like that.
I remember that little クジラ looking asshole from that game.
That thing was a pro at making anyone mad.
I mean, if you compare her in design to all the rest of the cast, she's definitely the most "normal". Momiji looks like the absolute goddess of that game
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Not sure what I said to anger you but it's a true fact I'm doing a blind playthrough of Subahibi right now.
It would be better if you read the HD edition for the additional content probably.
HD edition fucks the UI. I didn't even consume the extra stuff, I didn't think it was necessary
I feel that in this case, and unlike games like cross channel at least, the new content is worth it.
Maybe you're a newfag but Subahibi is a very controversial game here and most posts mentioning it happen to be troll posts.
That's the HD version, look at the UI. It's just a messed up screenshot.
She felt like an obligatory "normal friend character" that a lot of chuuni games have except they bothered to write a whole scenario for her, which is standard moege fair, instead of the usual thing where they become irrelevant later.
Don't give a shit about that. Our "famous anon" here should already understand that there are a lot of people in this thread who really want to talk about eroge, and that is extremely beneficial to anyone who is actually interested in the medium. エロゲスレ is literally one of the last places where you can genuinely discuss eroge properly due to the fact that you don't have to give your opinion behind a fucking username.
I'm not a newfag, I genuinely just ignored it until now and don't really care about the recent shitposting. Anyway, I won't post it any more if it disturbs the thread.
I'm with the other guy. If you make genuine posts about eroge, then post whatever you want. I don't care about our resident mentally ill shitposter.
That guy is mentally ill for bring it up regardless. Anyone who brings up past shitposting unprovoked is as retarded as the shitposter(s) in question. Eroge is eroge. If people want to talk about it genuinely, whatever irrelevant bullshit associated shouldn't be in the conversation.
Post whatever you want. Seeing all the current situation with the censorship by the credit cards, it would be retarded if in this fucking thread we had to be self-censored as well. If someone wants to post loli shit, post loli shit. If someone wants to post ntr shit, post ntr shit. if someone wants to post moe shit, post moe shit. if someone wants to post chuuni shit, post chuuni shit. We all have our own poison in this shit and that's great.
kek he will destroy your blogposting with shitposts just for saying that, never underestimate the autists that frequent this place
Anything like swan song thats both dark and impressive?
sorry but it's against my religion to offer recommendations based off already translated visual novelge
But what untranslated visual novel is there thats like swan song?
i shan't betray my vows for you, demon
This shit is hard. Swan song setting is quite specific. You want something exactly like swan song or it can be something that's just pretty utsu
Well i can just take what you have. I was thinking of reading aster, j.q.v and that game where the protagonist suddenly starts growing a tail
>that game where the protagonist suddenly starts growing a tail
This is quite an interesting choice, although all three games are good options. The safest choice would definitely be ban'ya. You should consider mugen renkan especially, it may be what you are looking for. By the way, have you read cross channel? Ideally, you should read it before j.q.v
Wait what's that last one?
It explores the concept of (romantic) love and, by extension, various common tropes in romantic fiction/eroge. It asks what actually counts as love and questions the validity of each character's feelings but the game ultimately argues that you don't need a big reason to fall in love with someone as long as you're earnest in your feelings and make the choice to be with them. Fate vs. the choices we make is another theme that obviously plays into the eroge commentary and the choices are very important since you either accept a girl's confession and go on her route or reject her and the validity of her feelings and make her cry. The girl without a route is the best friend character who represents unconditional love that doesn't wish for reciprocation so she will never be a heroine but she supports MC a lot and wants to see him happy and plays a big role in the final route. She and the male "friend" provide most of the meta commentary on eroge tropes/cliches. They say stuff like "haha you can't actually date your br imouto this isn't an eroge that's gross" so you might find it annoying but I recommend at least trying it out because the romance theme is actually pretty interesting and unique. And the br imouto is good.
ringo remains one of the best no-route can't-have's and i respect that but also it does hurt a little
i do not want to fix her, i want us to enable each other but yes i know that's the part she doesn't want
Was that h-scene unique? It was fairly standard except for the little condom gag at the end.
Read Albatross Koukairoku,unironically it will let you experience Japanese purple prose.

Also, is there a tier above kamige? Because Metawo deserves to be elevated into it, dudes artwork is supreme, on par with Carnelian.
nta but futamata def did some unusual(by moege standards) h-scenes
So many of my problems with the VN would be fixed if Y*a was the one to get the chokefuck scene.
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i couldn't be more opposite in opinions, ruirui was a great girl who was ruiruined by how the mc treated her
the thing about futamata was that the mc and yua were made for each other but individually they were garbage human beings, and yet together they had enough chemistry to overcome all of that
but all the non-yua routes were awful because it was just him being a shit to ordinary girls who could not handle his shittiness; ruirui's was terrible because it was her letting herself get shit on by a guy who was by all accounts a piece of shit
yua even makes fun of her for this and it's probably the best part of the route
Are you still 8 and think that global self-deprecation is cool?
https://x.com/nitroplus_staff/status/1805851928569544964 It's over.
Will nitroshit even work as a gacha? Or is it just about milking previous fans?
Does anyone have these games? All the links seem to be dead.
Nitroplus already did a gacha in the past.

I played it for some time when it was still alive on DMM.
It wasn't anything outstanding and got boring pretty fast.
But I think it was better than an average DMM gacha. Way better than what Alicesoft is doing with their gachas in terms of quality.
>listen to insert song or other notable track 7 years after reading the VN
>instantly cry
Is this a sign of soul?
「piece of my heart」always does this to me: https://youtu.be/vkuYCJVc0NI
post examples
I get more feelings from BGMs desu
My windows laptop that I used for vns got toasted, ssd is unrecoverable. Just to confirm, there is still no reliable way to run games on linux right? I was in the middle of sakuuta and lost all my progress
it was over for over 6 years already, lol
What happened to it
there was a chance before core staff members started to leave one after another
Most of the time I can get them to run
more than likely they left because acquisition was happening and they saw writing on the wall
Aikotoba get H-scenes from a third person perspective and amakano get H-scenes from the perspective of the heroine, bot azarashi games.
>there is still no reliable way to run games on linux right?
use a windows VM with VMware, being able to switch to the most suited OS for an eroge on the fly is nice and you'll never have to waste a single second on trash like WINE
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>no reliable way to run games on linux
I don't know about that brother
>I was in the middle of sakuuta
Nothing was lost.
Almost anything I tried ran fine under Wine some years ago, only Muramasa had issues. But a VM might be the cleaner option if you have good hardware.
How long is the battery life approximately?
I have a switch, but I am considering buying a s deck as well
I have the old LCD 512 GB model so when running VNs its probably around 5-6 hours. Mind you that I run most VNs on desktop mode so you can getaway with longer battery in gaming mode if you limit the TDP. OLED model will have substantially better battery life.
Oh nice, I can definitely enjoy my reading sessions without any problems then. I'm a huge fan of handheld consoles, so the s deck is a purchase I've been putting off quite a bit. It will come in handy to read my vns more comfortably
What's that white cover(?) accessory around the Deck?
>only Muramasa had issues.
It works now, just a pain in the ass to make it work.
simple grip case that can make the deck stand on a table.
iktf, i was nearing the end of Princess Witches when my laptop completely died. it sucks since i was near the end of the game, and was enjoying it a lot.
I really dont know, the ssd just fucked itself up for no reason. I took it to the repair shop and the dude told me it is unrecoverable. Apparently only the ssd is the issue so I'm going to try and install a new one tomorrow to see if I can still use that laptop.

Cool! I really don't know how to do that. I'll look it up, but if you have a recommended guide or something I would appreciate it. Regarding Wine, I installed and it absolutely fucked my my whole os, I had to reinstall it. Yes, absolutely my fault but still.

you jest but I was really invested in the rin route, the toritani route was a bit dull though.

What does "good hardware" mean in this case? I have 32 ram and an I7.

Yes, I was really fucking pissed, came back from uni to play to find the computer was unusable and all the data was lost. I will have to skip forward a lot of shit now which will probably be time consuming.
If the game is very enjoyable then rereading it from the start shouldn't be that problematic.
This is definitely one of the stupidest fucking posts I've read in a while
i've had that shit happen to me before and it's still annoying in vns with gameplay
Do other girls in the game also have some unusual H scenes?
Why? I love rereading stuff. And it's a lot of times even more enjoyable during the second reading than the first because you notice a lot of new details.
you must be a complete neet if you have time for that
I like rereading things too, but years after finishing it, not in the middle of reading the VN.
>"you must be a complete neet" as something rare in this place
Irony weeb bro?
I don't remember any right away, but these two were the best girls and best routes anyway
Do you only mass-skim VNs to increase your VNDB numbers and internet clout? Re-experiencing something is not inherently "worse" than experiencing something "new".
I have too much good shit I haven't read yet, while my time is limited. I don't care about vndb numbers or clout.
This. It feels bad to know that I won't be able to read all the shit I want to read in this life.
I think this is only fair if you truly liked something and found it inspirational to yourself. Experiencing as much as you can, especially with different genres in this medium, pays off better especially if you're past the point of being a student or NEET.
even as neet I don't want to spend time rereading eroge, would rather use this time to read some manga or watch some anime
Moegē with a mentally ill hikikomori cutie you end up fixing?
>some manga
can you recommend some soulful ones? with manga I've found so many of it to suffer from the same problems as LNs or from just being too edgy
>too edgy
Just embrace your inner chuuni
You must understand that going back to the beginning of a book a chapter before finishing is a different experience from finishing a book, then revisiting it at your leisure.
He does. He just wanted to start a bunch of nonsensical shitposting.
>can you recommend some soulful ones
out of stuff I've read recently: golden kamuy, dungeon meshi
grand blue was alright, but
>from just being too edgy
I love edgy stuff, so not a problem for me
Nah. I never would've imagined that casually suggesting rereading something one enjoyed might cause such a violent shitstorm.
You are either retarded or just trolling.
Worth reading as an introduction to Watanabe's work? I heard people liking the second part more so, though.
Any VN where a guy is married and arranges for someone to seduce his wife to cheat on him (or i dunno maybe just rape her if she doesn't relent) and then pretend he finds out or she confesses and he pretends to get angry and leave her and she's all like "noooo noo don't go i'll do anything" and he says "anything?" and she's like yes yes and then he says "okay then, youre my slave from now on" and he burns all her clothes and doesn't allow her to wear clothes or go outside or anything anymore and he begins 調教
That's weirdly specific.

But you should try Atelier Sakura games for all kinds of married NTR stories.
Make a "hentai" doujin about that using AI art.
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Least deranged ntrfag:
Don't know why, but this seems like the manipulative bullshit otome could pull off.
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What effect do you guys like in Magpie to make blurry ass visual novel text easier on the eyes to read?
Especially old vns
I prefer beautiful art instead of soulless westernised algorithms.
My setup is at 1440p. Everything looks like trash for games at 800x600 or under from what I tried out. Unironically the CRT shader is decent at least.
The art is not the problem, text resolution is...
I don't use magpie, stable diffusion and lora already generate some pretty based graphics for me.
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I want a gyaru heroine who takes the lead during sex and isn't secretly shy and timid.
Will pic related fulfill my desires?
If you're the average windows user you'll probably struggle getting minesweep to run on Linux. Otherwise VNs are the easiest games to run out of the box with wine, but since you said it "fucked your OS" I'm already worried about you.
she's used good.
That's even better. Picked up.
Try installing the Google Translate app on your phone and pointing the camera at your monitor.
Pako ero and the new Tenioha are worth mentioning then.
I know, it's a mindblowing idea, but what about buying a new laptop? If all you need is being able to read VNs, any old laptop on Craigslist for 80$ should do the job.
A friend told me the same exact thing last week, it's not just a VN meme.
RAVU-Zoom-AR usually strikes quite good balance between performance, sharp text, possible artifacts like ghosting, and preservation of details.
Try it first.
It's one of the many lies/psyops fabricated to make Japan look like hell on earth.
Thanks, but I forgot to mention that I'm looking for a gyaru as a part of a non-nukige experience.
>Pako ero
>Sanagi Torajirou
I know he draws vanilla sometimes, but I was still half-expecting it to turn into an NTR or a gangbang any scene.
If you don't accept used goods heroines, why would you accept used goods laptops?
>buying another man's laptop
Basically equivalent to buying a used onahole. Could have jerked off/poo'd all over it, stored 3DPD pedocuck shit and live action gore videos on the hard drive for all we know.
Keep your cuckold fetish fantasies to yourself.
Thanks, I was also reading magpie's very terse description of the effects and it mentions that Cunny is meant to be used with VNs, so I'll try that one as well
Gyarus are not for ntr.
i think.
Have you read Gyaru x ota? someone here really liked it.
Because objects don't have feelings.
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Opinions on this game?
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holy fucking CUTE! perfect girl.
Too bad about the artstyle.
I love the artstyle.
Because it was mentioned earlier, for the linux bros: do you use wine or a vm? First game I tested on wine was oretuba, the intro lagged to fuck and then completely crashed at the op. VMs on the other hand seem to work great so far
NTA but I was thinking of switching to Mint. Do older Vns like https://vndb.org/v7650 work on wine? or do I have to downgrate to 11 next year?
Does she have a route though?
What's better? The stuff that one dude literally wanted western porn actress pics for NTRge?
It's not love, but so where near.
Wine kind of feels like russian roulette for me so far, so I have no idea. VMs on the other hand work great even on this thinkpad i got
I would strongly recommend mint as long as you are willing to spare a few days to change up your workflow and learn new stuff. I'm really surprised at how pleasant it is to use because memes would make you think every distro is like arch or something
I use Lutris and followed this guide https://www.visualnovelwiki.org/en/linux/wineprefix
>I would strongly recommend mint as long as you are willing to spare a few days to change up your workflow and learn new stuff.
I use my home computer for: using an online program I have to use for work which doesn't need to install anything watching videos, playing games (mostly indie and jrpgs) and reading visual novels. that's why I was thinking of just switching, and I use Open Office both at work and at home, it's not like it would be a big issue.Recall scares the shit out of me. I don't want to get my bank data stolen via a fucking snapshot.
Is koinaku any similar to wa2?
Sounds fine to me. If the games are through steam you'll probably have a good time, and if the jrpgs are switch both yuzu and ryujin work great. Cant comment on pirated stuff cuz i didnt try it yet. Dual boot it for a few weeks and see how you get on. I think the biggest mistake people make is trying to go cold turkey from day one without dipping your feet in first
Nice guide. Seems very retard friendly. WIll give it a try later, thanks
ffdshow and wmpquartz prefixes pretty much covers stuff that I want to read.
Maybe something like that was the problem I was having. The guide I used made no mention of any of that stuff for whatever reason
every moege
VNs will have problems running on vanilla WINE with no special setup and prefixes. That's why lutris is useful to set all of this shit up. Here is a another detailed guide https://learnjapanese.moe/vn-linux/
I just have an old laptop running Windows 7.
>every distro is like arch or something
I don't want to get offtopic but I have to say that arch being a high-maintenance hacker distro or something is just a dumb meme. It even comes with an auto-installer these days.
I personally prefer wine over VMs because the slight slowness of VMs annoys me. But I use both. Whatever works.
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Apparently Natsuzora Kanata needs 84GB free memory? What the fuck?

well my install folder is 1.64 GB
I don't think most people even had that much free disk space back in those days. It's definitely way smaller.
>33gb left
probably a calculation error
Is that the Unity remake?
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I couldn't resist.
I look forward to see some new madonipples today.
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My room looks like this but I don't have a table and you can't see my floor because it's covered in dirty clothes
Oh my god Haruka has so many CGs. How did the staff not lose their minds with this. Could have done without the one where fat men surround a bound Subaru and stuff her pussy with food until her abdomen bulges, though.
anime4k ul + restore m
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Kotonatsu is actually really funny sometimes.
acnet or lanczos
I remember some people bringing up kiminago as kamige. I hated it. The second half is superficial fun maybe since the girl's family consist of total schizos but the writing wasn't good in my opinion. Heroine is nice and attractive maybe but the narrative resembled that of a shitty drama manga.
I thought it was just okay. Definitely no kamige but I didn't hate reading it.
New thread:


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