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DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Previous thread: >>47167200
is 月姫 ok for beginners?
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How am I doing? After a long long time I decided to study the Core2k/6k deck again. I had previously given up at about 600 cards. I'm trying to do 150 new cards per day and I've been at it for 8 days already. It seems the count rises by 100 additional reviews each day that passes and the time I spend studying seems to grow 1 additional hour per day as well. How much until I collapse from it?
Just get into Cure Dolly for grammar and then immerse, at this point, which is a good time for it
You won't recall everything you anki-grinded when you'll see it in the wild
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don't read hanahira
What's a good VN with furigana?
>with furigana
you're in the wrong medium pal
>Im trying to do 150 new cards per day

Well, what ever has furigana that is fun to read? I don't know how to use japanese dictionaries, and taking pictures of every word is even more of a hassle.
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You're doing great if your goal is to give up again.
>150 new cards per day
Based, gmi energy
more like high bmi energy
Don’t eat your flash cards
Jazz energy!! うわ~~~!!!
true true
what website is that
pokemon black
you didn't read it
True, same applies if you used Google, a digital dictionary or radical search.
What does he feel at fault for?
what the fuck lol
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let's get all the djt gods in here
I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
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>game has an obvious choice along with 2 filler choices
bro i hope you blog about your experiences a little when you get there
i want to hear some funny shit
kill marry sex
im sure there's enough info to dox bongshart in the archives already if anybody cared about him
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I've just got back into learning Japanese after years of procrastinating on it, it seems there's a lot of new stuff around now.
Can anyone tell me if Imabi has completely superceded Tae Kim's as the go-to grammar guide or are they about as good as each other/up to personal preference?
1 is the best by far
matto sensei crippling newbies like tonpa is hella based but kinda cringe that he is taking it back

speaking jp should be gatekept by iq and independent thinking cuz i dont wanna share this space with low iq sheep
matto's college fund depleted so now he's gotta get back on the grind and sell a new course to gullible retards

don't, it makes mustard gas
>I feel responsible
>-Matt and Ken
Wait, so does Matt feel responsible or Ken? You guys can't both sign it and then write "I."
he's right. ankiddos btfo
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its not like his course is gonna make a difference come on now
Imabi's guide is probably best one on the market. Everything he teaches is grammatically sound, whereas Tae Kim teaches incorrect concepts like Japanese not having a subject or ~たい not being an inflectional suffix.
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ne? we drive you craaaaazeeeeeeh- haaaaa
They need to scan the brains of people who fall for this shit.
this explains why /djt/ is so shit at learning japanese
does no one proof-read these they're literally ads for language courses
also love how they capitalize all the words that are supposed to create fomo lol
as long as matt cripples 1 retard or anti-loli or whatever, i will defend him to my death
imabi is padded with useless shit that only wastes your time and kills your learning drive
classic uppercaser post
i lost faith in premade decks and just use jqdb to give me the words that Ill actually use. i dont know why making a premade deck that just had the most common words to be so hard but I have to do it myself.
True, but his info is solid at least. Think about how many people come in here asking about the crepe sentence because Dolly taught it wrong.
Thanks, I try keep them high quality. I don't want our reputation to get tarnished.
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>True, but his info is solid at least.
just read tae kim and feel out the rest
>Think about how many people come in here asking about the crepe sentence because Dolly taught it wrong.
... not that many
>i lost faith in premade decks
anki is a literal religion to these faggots lmfao hold on guys let me worship my glass of sparkling water because i lost faith in plastic cups
You must be new.
point to where the flash cards hurt you
No, you're exaggerating.
man can you nibbas not randomly reply to me
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Oops, wrong quote.

grammar guide literally doesn't matter as long as the most important stuff is covered
read tae kim to get a quick primer, then start reading manga or watching jp-subbed anime while googling the shit you come across
nah, that's too much effort. i'd rather do core30k for the next 10 years
dw will do
might even do a vlog for the bros to laugh at
do some flashcards? nah i'd rather whitenoise for the rest of my life than learn the language
quitting flashcards made my life better
my deck only took 5 minutes a day to rep but i rarely spend close to that looking things up after stopping
and even if i do its more fun than doing cards
explains why you're so bad at the language
>learning words is the same as learning the language
yeah everyone knows more flashcards directly equals being better at japanese
its a sacrifice im willing to make
>he thinks not learning words means he learned the language
well seeing as you're the living embodiment of that principle, yeah i'd say it's true
Interesting. How many years did you use Anki before you stopped? And how many words did you have in your collection?
i probably have the most hours on anki out of anyone on djt and bunko is way better than me at japanese
uh okay but not sure what this proves
fake anki user right here >>47174725
fuck off ciaran don't you have work or something
lil c...
i dont know like 4 years or so? probably had something like 15k cards mined total
maybe more maybe less i honestly dont remember
depends on what you care about
i cant read nearly as many kanjs or understand jidaigekis very well
>understand jidaigekis very well
neither can ciaran
i've watched fuwamoco for the first time today (exit 8 stream)
the way they talk sounds like they are making content for literal toddlers with erections






your transcription was really good bro im so very proud of you
l-lil c?!
im doing kaishi 1.5k am i gonna make it?
no idea what that is so probably not
damn man just activated 秘伝call everyobe ciaranの術 its over
why are u using unko's name?
was unko queeran the whole time? dame
crazy turn of events *stretches and rolls over in bed*
i should be working on my game but here i am reading shitty throwaway vns for breadcrumbs of nihongo xp big dame moment if u ask me
damn changed my hello talk profile pic and have gotten 3 new people pop up in the last 10 mins
wanna bet they are all crazy
yeah asked why one of them wanted to learn english and the reason was 国際恋愛 either mental or a bot
>i should be working on my game
i too am working on a game hope to see some of you there
damn theres bots on there? guess the market here isnt big enough
i installed hellotalk a couple of times but i never got any messages so being white isn't enough
Nigga, just say "Nigger" nigga
Racism on 4chan is against the rules tho
occasionally although this person doesnt seem to be one
most of the bots are "white women"
actually i thought about it and im pretty sure the flag is the most important part of hellotalk. all japanese people recognize and have a great admiration for the union jack
true true *decapitates a gorilla nigger baby in front of its mother while fortnite dancing*
Thankfully more civilized nations just spit on it
this is the /djt/ autonomous region, you can say nigger here, as long as it's actually an insult
maybe thats the case if uve not got stars and stripes or the union jack u probs have way less chance
might experiment by reinstalling and using the uk flag to see if i get messages but it'll make me feel very sick
mad lad
hello talk is based if you live in a smaller country that has its own language because you dont need to pay for premium to find people nearby
denmark is a bit too small tho theres only like 10 active japs at a time
started learning くずし字 because of the rtk meme lord... け is a motherfucker, as are a few others, i want be able to at least read all the kana reliably
imagine being peer pressured by random shit post on 4chan
stopped reading
it's not so i can answer his stupid posts correctly, but they made me think it's a sort of cool skill to have and not that much of a time investment if i do kana only for now. pretty much got the ア and カ行 down in one quick session. ofc with handwritten material it's not quite that simple but you know...
24:15 damn theres qveens in osaka
>it's not
stopped reading
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reminder that the desperate masses are coming to take your job unless you make
ppl dont make it in japanese cuz they dont need japanese
unless i make WHAT, anon? TELL ME! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE MY JOB!
true I need it for lolige
bro watch the real japanese tv not their attempt at also being on youtube
what if i told u i do
yeah im almost impressed by someone being able to chug gaynin youtube diarrhea that's worse than modern anime and vtumors
i used to watch the female ones a lot on youtube but i dont need to anymore
simply not the case though is it
youre misunderstanding the essence of kuzushiji unfortunately. it's not something you can just go through and learn like you learn standard kana. it's about understanding how the 字 are 崩す




second wife potential tho
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no amount of money in the world could be enough to keep me awake reading these
dunno how people can watch this stuff
anyone have any entertaining japanese ppl that play horror games on youtube im bored asf right now
that's not a thing
Just finished this today can't believe they actually kissed I thought it was just going to be flirting the whole time
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yosh able to make jap puns
>boomer joke
i thought of a potential pun recently while listening to a ww2 audiobook. something relating バターン死の行進 to バタンキュー
i just got denied disability. dont know what im going to do i cant hold down a job
blog about it to 4chan
Never forget the day our Queen destroyed Ankishitters.

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id learn jap too if the 'conversation practice' was getting humped by the opposite gender
damn if a fat ugly woman can find conversation partners then anyone can learn japanese
Not only is she bad at reading, but she's also a serial liar who claimed to be fluent in 3 months.
what did you apply with
haha i get it. they're joking about the fear of investors to put money into internet based companies after the dot-com crash at the start of the millennium
>fat ugly woman

What? She's pretty cute if you ignore her nose.
i hope you can afford your transition soon so your dreams can come true and you can finally start learning japanese
how many hours do I need to spend listening until I can finally understand a full sentence
助けて is a full sentence
rise and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nmF9KxxWPw squiddos :D
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you'd never see pic like that with a female mangaka
idk if this is the right place to ask this but is dic.nicovideo.jp gone? Every dic.nicovideo.jp link redirects to blog.nicovideo.jp
recompiling the japanese ime yet again because it updated and isnt in the official arch repos (*_*)
dragon ball is the only good one here and also that looks ai generated as fuck
thanks to whoever posted the animecards linux vn guide cuz i would be going nuts rn otherwise
I tried themoegay guide using wine first but holy fucking shit was it terrible
launched ore_tuba and the intro lagged to fuck and then crashed when the op played, then i tried some other games and they wouldnt even launch
linux users loving having an unusable machine for random days of the month
all windows and mac machines are unusable out of the box doe
i mean takes like 10 minutes to recompile it and i can do it whenever i want
unlike windows where it will rape my computer and start up updates and a virus scan and the same time without asking me if i havent used my computer for a few days
and then it starts asking to be reset so you can wait some more before it boots you into an ad
yea cause you need to input your license key
only applies if you have a pentium 2
ironically windows sucks for bad hardware but linux sucks if you have good hardware because it's all brazilians writing the driver code for spare parts they shot some guy in the head fo r
>dragon ball is the only good one here
the fuck? why didn't you like berserk?
berserk was boring for like 20 years besides a couple cool moments and right as it started to get interesting again miura fucking died
well yea berserk went from seinen to soft shounen after conviction but it's still better than dragon ball for cryin out loud. it really is.
i dunno dragon balls is one of the most popular and influential titles ever and inspires millions of brown people every day
berserk is cringe and meant for self insert
i own all the physical volumes of berserk and i can't get rid of them because nobody wants to read that stuff
alright someone here who is an expert please recommend me a derivative of arch for noobs so i can settle into it.
just use mint or some shit goofy nigga
nope no way. the thing about arch is that you can refer to the "aur" or something like that and it makes you sound cool. mint can't reproduce that.
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bro, there's an app. it shows you the different ways the characters are written and what their 字母 are it's not rocket science
currently in the namek arc of dbz and its pretty epic good pacing too compared to anime
I've been doing anki core 2k/6k for six months and I'm somewhat disappointed with how little I can actually speak. I'm satisfied with my reading ability and I definitely can understand more than I can speak. My listening isn't too bad.

I've learned how to use te and ta forms along with what all the different stems can be used for but everything seems to go out the window when I try to speak. I forget words and bumble on my own dick.
nah i updated a windows 11 laptop with a new i7 recently that hadnt been used in about a year and it literally took 2 hours to get it updated
at least half an hour of that was spent waiting for it on the 再起動ています screen
bro i would love for the ime to be part of official repos
its just the cost you have to pay to not have terrible mismatched old buggy versions of shit like you always get on fixed release distros unless you are willing to live with debian stable
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ngl i didnt really like berserk when i was younger but i rly dont like it now cuz of the cringoids however ill never not like dragonballs (except everything post gt)
which distro does jamal use
knoppix live cd-rom
Ask yourself what you want to say in advance and figure out how to say it. It’s kind of like playing a solo on an instrument. At first you’re just memorizing and copying other people’s solos, but eventually you’ll be improvising your own after a couple thousand hours of practice.
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start with writing preferably chatting with japanese people
no chatgpt thank you
chatgpt is better than a person
at that point why learn japanese just wait a few years until ai gets better and can produce slop in more formats
eventually you are gonna have vr slop generated exactly to your tastes
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me and the gnu/linux bros
laughing at systemdtards
bonus points for anyone who can tell what those distros have in common
i still use systemd
unit files never failed me
unit fails
they have nothing to do with japanese
this right?
dont know anything about void but assume its a runit one
can't believe bonglard is the only real linux nigga here
what's systemd and why is it bad
whats wrong with systemd
crazy huh
also the pfp gains
if you gotta ask you dont need to know
good luck
yeah i just use the basic shit if it works
are they even trying to not make that site look like it's for dating
miniyoga could outlinux the entire thread like kirito going into fairy kingdom online ir w/e it was called
mokuro is taking forever, Does switching to gpu instead of cpu helps?
sometimes men click too its not a dating app surely just buy tind... uh i mean hellotalk gold to see the goods goy
miniyoga's iq has to be 130 and it's devoted entirely to linux and linux guides
remember talking to this jap bitch on hellotalk who was 16 years older than me and i was like damn shes so old but now that seems like nothing
so she was like 36? yea that's not that old. you'd just have to impregnate her immediately since she's starting her fertility decline.
30s seems way too young for me now
would be crazy if all this unko stuff was an act and he was actually banging a hot danish girl instead
doing my 肝試し (talking to a woman)
bing bing wahoo systemd is bad because.... IT JUST IS OKAY!?
cool. but dragon ball only goes up to 34...
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Jared Taylor's accent when speaking Japanese sounds so aristocratic and good.
oh wait they must be volumes and not just chapters. sweet.
there are two versions
one goes to 42, the other has more content in each volume and goes to 34
other than that it's the exact same
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>starting her fertility decline.
white people are just better.
That's wild that 12 is the peak.
groomers be out already sheesh
forgot how funny the buu arc was like goten and trunks vs buu in the hyperbolic time chamber
Where do you get LNs? I thought these threads used to have a link with a bunch of them.
it is missing keion volume 5 I guess I'll have to make that one myself
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Why you learn Japanese?
Who says I am?
who says he is?
lotta gall to argue with nature
i want to read that takimoto tatuhiko novel with rei on the cover
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got no choice but give a tenant a brief but stern talking to with implicit threat of termination of rental contract
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rip anime (again)
why bother with linux when it's just going to be a hassle for installing vns and the like? im pretty sure ciaran even learned to program on windows. linux is pointless.
rip ranma's tiddies this is gonna be urusei yatsura remake 2.0
made a sweet potato gratin today with some peanut butter, garlic, chili and lemon juice in it but couldn't eat it as it began to instantly upset my stomach after just a few bites. not because it didn't taste good but because it was just way too heavy. had to throw it out
im p sure its impossible to program or develop on windows the framework just isnt there and the entire os is working against the user
we will be pausing our immersion for this
house did the stoic badass remorseful doctor breakdown better. even finally got with the hot milf cuddy.
cool mattos gonna try to create another fake problem to try to sell u the solution to

will the nonlearning community who was misled by him and never learned japanese fall for it again or have they grown into their own men willing to stand up against this bite size jew only time will tell
if they have grown into their own men they wont be apart of said community its all fresh blood
need to find myself a 枯れ専
stfu every community has its whales and i'd rather matt be the japanese learning community's ahab than some african or pakistani.
if getting milked by matt is what it takes to learn japanese i will gladly let him milk me
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>how do I learn the age of peak fertility
just feel it out
the top percent of whales in the nonlearning community will fall for it of course
thankfully djt is immune to matto's trickery
DJT's goat is a filipino man
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never said i was filipino
we know where he is

follow matt's japanese account so you can immerse and get more matt at the same time
is gambs tweeting from korean prison
i only follow vtubers and hentai artists
i use windows now im an adult
what did they mean by this
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gambs is literally jesus
>hentai artists
Any recommendations?

I treat this guy like an aggregator, because he retweets a lot of artists on his timeline.
I saw a black version of matty in an ad but couldnt get a pic because theres no rewind on ads
you don't really need furigana when texthookers exist.
i did that with https://x.com/IllustOgre but now that likes are private its not the same
u don't really need a gf when hookers exist
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>he's not a neet
tough luck
it just so happens that im a dame neeto but last night i slept at 10 pm so this is gonna be a toughie...
yosh time for sotaiseiriron and 2 days worth of anki because I'm retarded
do u think a hooker would do my laundry?
anki is self-slavery
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if u pay her enough sure
yeah but if I do 50 words a day theoretically I'll only have to do it for 2 years then put it in maintenance mode
stopped reading

anyway, fuwamoco is the most childish vtuber in hololive global
like ive seen minecraft roleplay stories with cutesy voices for small children that were more mature than these 2 bitches
i feel like i was transported back to kindergarten whenever i click on their videos as they make childish animal noises and speak in the simplest english/japanese possible
at least fuuzoku is bonus conversation practice but hookers in the usa feels like a waste of money
twitter privatizing likes is unforgivable
>i feel like i was transported back to kindergarten whenever i click on their videos
thats the best part
admitting to using twitter should lead to a perma ip range ban idgaf what happens on your brainrot plattform
591 oh shut up who cares
i don't really like vtubers but if you do that's fine I guess
didn't they used to be private a long time ago? before they changed it to 'like'
i only use twitter to search for オフパコ videos
what's the girth on those dicks? 5 inches?
i care, twitter is literally designed to rob nuance out of discussions
so when people use twitter as a conversation plattform, their brains start rotting because you have to keep removing characters from your posts to be able to post

it also encourages extreme outrage culture where people get famous off of having the most retarded or inflammatory opinions (who then get company by actual retards and the opinion becomes a social circle)

remember that 4chan has rules against shitposting, twitter does not
hm good points
twitter is not for discussion its for lewd art
god i wish that was me
thats not what its all about
okay loser lol
what did i lose
your nihongo license
not your virginity
jamal fucks
honestly getting a whore is the ultimate defeat
i lost that before u were born most likely lol
u gotta use the past tense there
i really want to know what the emergency japanese learning perversion is but I don't want to be tricked
>vtumors pushing for whores
just ate some homemade stir fry noodles and now i feel bloated as fuck probably because of all the oil
how do japs get away with eating fatty shit all the time
lmfao he spelled permanent wrong.

this nigga is writing this shit in one go in notepad or some shit without a spell check
yet he's making big stacks of cash with his grammar while you're stuck seething endlessly
you can eat as much fat as you want but oils are out of the question
luv me seed oils
seed oils ftw
i really like this image, dont care if it is ai
name a single good thing about oils
easy to use
high smoke point, no flavor, cheap, will kill you eventually if you wanna die.
>qm wins again
qm is such a good guy
i love qm.. *strokes clitty*
It's a bit of a meme because I enjoy spending time setting things up than actually immersing but
I have a Raspberry Pi 4 running CasaOS with a 4TB portable hard drive. Jellyfin for watching anime and movies, and Kogma for reading manga.

On my Pixel Tablet with GrapheneOS, I use the Jellyfin client with MPV for media and Mihon with a Kogma extension for manga.

I still use my laptop for looking up definitions and creating Anki cards.
shut the hell up
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we dont support her kind here
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lolicon-positive vtubers are hella based but im gonna be honest gawr is so fucking boring so im just going to wish her the best and feed my dogs instead
sasuga jlpt
wish i could feed all vtubers to the dogs
true true, feedem to korone fuwawa and mococo
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yosh! i am ready to visit japan
japan defeated by logic and facts
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here's why you wouldn't
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japs dont have guns
thats what abe thought too but then he found out
im not a jap
damn hes literally watasi
She can keep her shoes on outside my shoeless home where she belongs
nah abe was shot by a cataclysm dark days ahead home made makeshift hand cannon it only proves my point that you need level 13 fabrication which is hard to do without looting several libraries for fabrication books
you only need a pipe and something to make the gunpowder go boom lol
investment for tools to make a functional black powder firearm without access to primers is prohibitively expensive
for ur average schizo that is
205 and 215

bizarre posts
If you're fine with making an arquebus it's really not. Just a pipe with an arm and place to put a slow match
a milling machine will get you 300 m/s
oh true actually
i thought papi faggot was supposed to leave djt for a few threads. what happened to that. i actually hate your presence here fyi

gacha has gone too far
wjhat reason do u have to be mad and full of hate 255
dno about him but what is your reason
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wrong picture ffs
djt has serious resentment issues
hodo is the answer
That's fucked up...
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whats ur reason ??
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his reason for not leaving? simple
picked up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFCojRJiOnY
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wtf is japan's problem?
371 *nods sagely*
because wasting money on a tripcode just to be recognized runs counter to the whole point of interacting with this fucking website. you're an attention whore and attention whores are a benefit to no one but themselves. hike tf off this site and go to reddit where your type it welcomed. whats hilarious is that you probably couldn't fit in over there either because all you do is shit post with one liners, gifs and """""sage"""""memberberry garbage. at least redditards put in some kind of effort to write those essays.. at least theyre on topic. you're a joke here, and you'd be ignored over there because just here, you contribute nothing that could even be seen as value. i have you filtered and just seeing your trip throws me. i don't want to anonymize all posts because then i would be reading your trash without even knowing it, and thats not what i want to waste my time doing. best case scenario is you leaving this site desu.
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nothing personal but you were asking for a knob there
holy moly 382s poppin off
>As envisioned by Kanzaka, Lina has a petite body type and is 147 cm (4 feet 10 inches) tall.

>Although she is an adolescent (between 15 and 17 years old in most stories), she is an extremely powerful mage
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405 trying to link jamal to pedophilia
i dont hate but ive seen you and that other anon do it in todays thread
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416 pretending he isn't jamal
knobbed myself not long ago
normal ppl arent thinking about boning lina inverse and just enjoy the hijinxs and fun a series like the slayers offers
weak pussy antis lowering the hater stock
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Why is typing Japanese on phone so hard?
i thought about boning naga though
the grooming is out of control
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thinking about boning naga is more indicative of being a healthy boy
congrats, now translate it
aint boning no niga
shits wild
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meanwhile in reality
linas whole gimmick is having no tidds and no ass hence naga who may not be as powerful as her in the world of 魔力 completely trounces her in terms of 女子力
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No, fuckers. You can't do that. You can't just reuse the same word for two completely different meanings.
japan is a fundamentally sick country ive usually been the first to point it out u cant blame me for their language
Uhhh out of all that I only got Ningen and Rorikon. Am I gonna make it?
>why yes i have been exposing myself to japanese otaku media for almost 40 years
>i'm sure it has had no effect on my sexual preferences
it certainly has

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Doesn't really count since it's two different words written the same way. There's plenty of examples of words that actually hold 2 basically opposite meanings. Also when you see 華奢 きゃしゃ 99% the one you're encountering, very often used to describe little girls' bodies. かしゃ basically doesn't exist
yeah its had no effect on my sexual preference
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if i cant have a alien from outer space sensei wife whats even the point of 3d
i was dualbooting linux because that's what they told me to do but i don't think it matters that much
my preference as a boy
my preference as a man

crazy how that works
endeavouros wants to create a "mount point" on the usb drive i'm using to install it. but i'm just trying to have it replace some empty space i made for it on my ssd. wtf is this.
u grew twisted somewhere along the way :\
ive seen the light
uh those r police lights bro they are comin for u
stop procrastinating with this distro nonsense
choosing the right distro is like doing rtk before you get input. it explosively accelerates your progress.
oh nvm i see now there's an option at the bottom to set up a "new" efi on the ssd or it defaults to my usb stick.
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this is like a guy who just installed duolingo trying to explain how he's learning japanese
he's only saying that because he doesn't think most people can handle rtk. but i aced rtk.
but can u ace https://vocaroo.com/
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Good riddance Sylphie! Welcome Mylfie!
sigh do i really have to do it again
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Hmmm? Do I have to read past volume 14 to get this
Watch the next episode of Mushoku Tensei.
someones having some issues rn lol
Why is that j guy such an attention whore?
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I don't like him either but going for cringe someone posted when they were a child is unfair
that jewish guy?
lmfao https://vocaroo.com/1nCBBQRPEXh1 >>33114819 not bad yung jamal not bad
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cringe+didnt click
not bad yung jamal not bad
that trip was leaked by then
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>He lived in Japan until he was 16 years old
it can't be replicated
archive guy needs to get stuffed in a locker
is every female written romance so awful or they just butchered adaptation
760 eating out of the djt dumpster is already a bad enough fate for them
*harlequinn smoking a cig and laughing.jpg*
you wouldnt get it
Everybody who says this was NOT one of the 'cool kids' in high school
yeah not bad yung jamal
need 中学生 manko
not one guy
my school didn't even have lockers
they all need to be stuffed in the same locker then
779 desu i was just saying this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxsx4027djE#t=106 but i made it slightly less worse cuz japan is a fucked up country
i dont even use the archive i just remember the post numbers
yh i was disappointed when i found out where you stole it from
i think it was an obvious nod to it but only a select few of djters would get it
Me too
big ask from a retard
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me on the right
The sad part is that you know this wasn't actually improvised.
why does 注意を払う literally mean 'to pay attention' in the same way that we use it?
cuz instead of 払うing 注意 u つける ur 気 in japanese
The trojan refugees split off in two directions, one group landed on the italian peninsula the other went passed gibraltar, around africa and all the way to japan
compromised trip
doesnt prove anything
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uncheck show stubs like in pic and you wont see your filters at all bro. letting 4channers stress you out is cringe
idk the one in 879 doesnt seem to be a compromised shirt but i dont see the problem with boobs those are fairly nice
having "no ass" is also not a thing niggers think some women actually don't have an ass but it's just pelvic tilt
nah some ppl got cardboard pancake ass its all bone no meat
Look at the John Lennon Yoko Ono pic, John has the better ass
wish I had an ass so sitting down on hard surfaces would be more comfy
yeah lolis
i think my ass is big
932 thirsty for some fatboy ass
after i payed my 15 quid for this trip gotta make m moneys worth sadly 382
im not fat
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i didnt even try to engage him on the pay4trip thing he seemed too far gone to have any kind of reasonable やり取り with
think its a copypaste deal so just poking a little fun at him
doesnt seem like it i think he was a live one
everyone in this thread is so annoying
i heard 4chan is gonna start making trips into EFTs
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i haven't been posting much today so that means i'm not the one who makes this thread annoying. thank goodness.
THat’s not what 女子力 is, I sentence you to a thousand hours of untranslated japanese media
go easy on him, not much blood left in his brain for nihongo after edging all day
071 its a p chill day today so ill let u delete that before anyone sees and u can pretend u didnt do that
dude we get it you're better than us. you don't have to rub it in our faces.
better at sucking cock
lil c...
common ciaran loss
u hate to see it
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Your sentence is in effect immediately, download a VN and close 4chan
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dame... so this is what he meant
just let me post in peace
Dame Jamel getting owned hard by a thread rando
Wish QM was here to see this
ciaran is this true?
big l for analcream
anacreon posted recently. for real.
i already replied to that
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3 years ago is not recent
last call for the nihongo noose ne1 else got any opinions on joshi-ryoku before i hang these suckers lol
ciaran apparently doesn’t even know how to change file dates
mafia movies suck
*sigh* *sticks jamal’s head in noose* you just don’t know when to quit
whatever meaning your thinking of is not the mainstream one. check any reference, image search it, kotobank, wiki etc.
chill man. i can feel the vitriol.
even ciaran dabbing on lil j
yeah we know he did, cuz he's you
He probably just didn't comprehend any of the sentences he encountered that used it
156 ur dictionary level "knowledge" is what got u into trouble here and ur going to regret engaging me with such a low level
don't like it when jamal doesn't commit to a hard stance so no matter the outcome he can pretend he was right
jamal’s a notorious whitenoiser
some say he’s nuke-tier
jamel going pretty hard stance on 女子力 meaning bigger tits and ass
He got called out by dictionary anon, so this time he’s really in a pickle, unless he can somehow contact kotobank to make them change the definition or something lol
jamals right and i say this as a beyond native n0
im staying out of this since you never know what jamal has up his sleeve
i have no reason to know how to do that
why is the midget replying out of order
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sorry squiddos ur gonna have to leave ur dictionary to defeat me またチャレンジしてね
you’re supposed to be a computer whiz lil c...
because i was previously phone posting while watching the footy and now i switched to my pc so i had to scroll up to see old posts
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u left me no choice sorry low level upper bro nothing personnel heh
jamal btfo yet again lmao
This is so sad, just have some self-respect and thank everyone for helping you
being a computer whiz means i can google it and find out in 2 secs if i need to
google whiz
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>jamal lost because... he just did okay
wiz is team lead for victoria 3 and it's why victoria 3 is not so good.
not sure if lil j is trolling or if he cant read the site he linked
its ok let them be they just witnessed two posters including that cringe uppercaser get publicly sXecuted
jamal is ultimately right since it's true in this case. men are attracted to big tits and ass.
and with that another tuesday is in the books
Yeah but any time you encounter it in the wild it refers to girls who have good domestic skills
and some type of men are more attracted to one or the either.
concession accepted

so not only did he grab a random quote from a 45yo guy on a page that dehumanizes women, but it doesn't even say anything about breast or ass size. we all know what japs are attracted to.
It was the classic american rhetorical yeah, but and I'm not proud of it
if you say "in the wild" your opinion is automatically null and void
self own
That's convenient
so is the cope that jamal has the same misconception as native japanese man about the meaning of a japanese word?
This whole article is yikes.
>using an entirely subjective word in the way you personally like to interpret it
>Actually, that's not how it's usually used in the wild.
jabum has been owned no re
The cope is that he couldn't find a better example than that but he's still rolling with it anyway
you definitely are coping all right
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yea we won
if u know u know
you lost just by virtue of digging up w/e that shit is
uhh actually i think you mean the guy i was making fun of above me
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Updated DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.
you don't know japanese. stfu
is there a thread like djt where people dont talk about japanese at all
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DJT recommends against cure dolly. It's the worst thing you can ever try.
Read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/should-i-trust-cure-dolly-and-organic-japanese
>don't read hanahira
Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary.
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she's literally dead you fucking freak. her patreon doesn't even exist anymore. show some respect
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minishart wrestled into submission
No. You need https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/jp1k-anki-deck
never seen dragonball but what's hot about an android
Did he ACK himself?
>she's literally dead
This is great. but unfortunately he's not "gone" yet.
>her patreon doesn't even exist anymore.
but the people he scammed didn't get the refunds.
> show some respect
I hate people who mislead others and make learning japanese harder for everybody.
i use arch because it's easy and user-friendly. and i'm bad at dealing with computers, I need something simple that just works.
any other system is horrible to use, especially wingblows
cure dolly is good, nigger.
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cure dolly is the reason you don't know japanese
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race me to n1 then u won't
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>whats hot about an android
pov: you're his gf

that dude had loli statues in his house that his dad tried to talk him into getting rid of
howard won
thats like racing to the start line
true true
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noo you cant sex the heckin aralerino
yet u still aren't there despite being here for years. curious.
in my personal interactions with howard it was always very clear to me that his quotient is on the lower side
and he won in spite of that
is that the jewchin guy
says who
is tardmoto still chasing analcream's ghost? he must be incredibly mind broken to still be trying to "win" the game of best idiot deck, useless guide and ngmi scripts
you will never make me wanna play gacha ever
I respect gacha cucks for playing the games for us so the rest of us can watch the dialogue and loredumps in youtube clips and enjoy the doujins. They're heroes in a way
why are you learning japanese? if you really wanted to go to japan, you'd be learning indian.
gacha lore? come on now
I’ve quit Japanese for awhile now. Seeing big J impale himself on his own link just reconfirms to me that the white man wasn’t meant to learn it.
we call him big L around here
>wojak + greentext means im right
never seen jamal take an l in my 8 years of djt
weird way to say you’re blind
You'd be surprised. Just find a cute gacha girl, watch all of her individual character-focused subquests/dialogue and there’s a ton of 妄想 fuel to work with
homer really was living the dream... dame...
Marge doesn't quite have the same appeal as ライスシャワー
for me its misae
just realized gaming while lying on your side isn't actually comfortable because its somwhow impossible to rotate your monitor in such a way that it feels right
just realized my nutzack is too big to lie on my side comfortably
big if true
would definitely rather upgrade my sack than my cahwk
lil bro is packing peanuts :skull:
your nuts shrink when you take roids
stop shitposting queef
bro who wouldnt want some proper ankle chafers
in the winter my shit is like a fucking pokeball
not on roids i just have decent bicep genes
the rest is not very good
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how? lay on the edge of your bed. turn the monitor sideways and lower it so you're looking it right in the middle.
pokeballs are huge though
you cant catch a charizard with no bitch ball
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settled on ubuntu
linux for niggers
kids be one handing that shit
ive had comfy experiences on ubuntu i think its pretty ok but also buggy depending on the hardware it seems
settle on this *unzips*
took more than a week but the hunger pains are going away.
only death awaits
its hot out today
sucks to be morbeso lmao
why do they use the adjective to say they like something when they have the same word as a verb aswell? my feeling is because suki is much shorter than saying Aをこのむ
好き is a verb
did not click
you dont have to you can just read the embed title
calling someone a の is p rude
thats a case of を + adjective btw
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this but its honestly pointless to label it
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me when i try battling nihongo
を marks the object of a verb not an adjective
both are correct
if 好き isnt a verb then why can you say 虫が好かない
you can also say だいじょばない
really why should you care about what labels these words could have unless you are writing grammar material or doing homework
>you can also say だいじょばない
it's not in the dictionary unlike 虫が好かない
i care because im an alphemist
> だいじょばない
cute saying
dictionaries are not the be all and end all of really anything
languages predate jishos
not sure why but i remember 果物 being a word that took me the longest to get the reading right
they're the thing you are using to decide if it's an adjective or a verb though?
yeah that's another form of the verb 好き
bros help! so きまる can mean that a fight is concluded or that any thing has had a lot of effect?
no you're wrong. 好く is listed as a verb in dictionaries but 好き is not
i noticed when it means the second thing its often written using katakana like キマる. ty btw
dictionaries are not the be all and end all of really anything
stfu jamal
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ai won
well you aren't going based on usage since you can use 好き the same as any other verb with を so you must just be accepting what the dictionary tells you it is
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yeah it was concluded 好き guy was wrong before we even started. i'm just enjoying rubbing his L in his retarded face by proving he is wrong according to the very source he cited as authority
what dah heck is this
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/djt/ at home
i wish 2.5D games were still being developed nowadays. i love them so much
you didnt prove anything and the dictionary is only an authority for proving a word is actually used or has been used not what it is
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why say something so stupid?
that's also a verb though

is this how you justify ため息をはく?
i'm gonna be honest. the disconnect of art style between sprites and environment is a bit too cringe to me, but yea i know these games exist
i just don't really regard them as 2.5D
no i proved everything namely that you are wrong and retarded. you already got brutally slam dunked into the toilet bowl before bringing up dictionaries so i'm not sure you want to go back to that and lose what's left of your set of teeth with another dunk
where exactly did you prove that 好き is an adjective without mentioning the dictionary says so? if we go based on usage alone it is a verb
kinda wild that the most argumentative and angry posters here dont speak japanese but have these opinions about a language they dont even know and will argue them for hours
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this guy is a future murderer wtf
you consider stuff like octopath, for example, 2.5? seems to me like its the evolution of the niche style.
no need to attack flood guy like that he's trying his best
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right here *repeatedly slams your head against the toilet bowl*
in their mind its better than "whitenoising" lmfao
once again matt has revolutionized the entire field of language learning
i literally just turned on my pc
i'm >>47180111 and so sorry for what i've done
yikes, your first mistake. turn it back off
i will, it's almost 3am here
i like this new guy he cute
fucking knew flood guy was an autistic german
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>germany is the only gmt+1 country in the world
amerimutt's education
he's a slav living in Italy
He's Russian but he lives in Italy
はらきり 腹切り
せっぷく 切腹
sometimes when im bored i just pick ridiculous positions to see if i can wrestle anyone into submission on pure bullshit.
and every time you get owned so hard you spray liquid shit everywhere
spoiler: he cant
raw manga scans are so fucking low quality holy shit
not true
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>imagine there's no kanji
nobody knows what tf you're babbling about most of the time. you're a sad schizo
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grifters are getting replaced by ai
just buy them
you can get second hand manga from any book off for 100y per book
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yeah fortunately manga is shit
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minute apart
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rtk has been deboonked
ive notched up wins against 160 iq guy too many times to count
yeah i doubt he knows what tf you're babbling about either
ai is not funny bro
rtk is pretty good for learning keywords so you can easily look up things before you know readings for them
also good for getting used to telling kanji apart
its not something you should spend that much time on or expect more from though
im 常勝無敗 in my djt career
not sure why you're taking it so personally
aren't you the guy who mixed up 毛 and 手
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@ all the trolls
don't y'all ever stop and wonder "is this the best use of my one chance at human existence"
i'm just saying it's sad but you think i'm taking it personally. more proof you're a poor schizo disconnected from reality who has no idea what people are thinking or meaning. the world must be such a confusing place for you i pity you
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just do radical search
even michael jordan missed some dunks
this sounds so stupid
4bc ahh post
whats the AI generator called bro
well we don't have free will, so yes by definition
you actually recommend whitenoising? wtf
quite a pain if you literally start from zero
but i guess you could just read things with furigana for the first long while
have you tried turning off your mic
you should try getting a gf and having sex lil bro
you should be reading stuff like that either way
what do you mean
calm down dude jesus
i believe that whitenoising eventually gets you somewhere as long as you keep reading
oh if combined with a lot of reading then yea it'd probably get you somewhere
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read that as え
trolling autistic dekinai djters never gets old
LOL >>>/v/680860919
filthy crossboarder
crossboarder phrase
That's how you get Koreans.
imagine you're rooming with ciaran showing him a cool new anime but he puts you to sleep in a headlock and you never wake up
how are you making these
ai content is truly slop for npcs
there won't even be anything worthwhile in 30 years just this kind of soulless stuff
read that as grooming (which is how faggots reproduce)
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dawning kroger
dawn of the niggularity
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i think ai has a point
i would read muv luv but its a nukige
luckily there's an all ages version
man i wish this was remotely accurate. sadly none of us will live to see AI that is smarter than humans and making ground breaking scientific discoveries that will cure aging.
we're getting the anti-singularity because of all these fucking jeets
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if hiroyuki was cool he would ban all ai content apart from on a dedicated board
instead hes busy being a fucking pseud god he is so annoying and full of himself
why bring it here
it's not a nukige it's an utsuge with some porn
your lifes a nakige with no sex scenes
im literally mamiya takuji irl
>sign in to use app
no idea who that is
yikes npc hours ok ill leave u to it then
did you guys see 上を下へ before?
dont think so but its kinda like 後先になる
i guessed the meaning right at least
you've got 30 minutes to turn this thread around before you go to sleep

Does anyone know what the (ᐡ ˙༥˙ ᐡ ) means in this tweet? doesn't seem to be in any dictionaries
what a retarded kanji
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this is the best i can do gl *flies off on jetpack*
mlen got a new special interest
weird seing creators that usually sell their stuff on fanza/dlsite post screen caps of their purchase history of the same platform
for some reason i thought h artists don't buy stuff but that doesn't make any sense in hindsight
why wouldn't they be just as horny as everyone else
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the rest is up to u now make me proud
I'm gmi and ur all gonna kneel before me as ur god.
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bruh fuck off
kek n1 bunko mimic
what i wouldn't do for a cute trans girlfriend like this.
damn bruh everyone was chillin until the half black one showed up
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fake bunko. bunko wouldn't post a woman with an actually hot face.
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きちゃない :(
do we actually have any info at all on how old she was? couldn't she have been 17.
it was just a minor fucking mistake, man
먹방 the korean culture
So, we could break down 仕事があるのです like this:
仕事がある: "have work"
の: nominalizes to "[the fact/situation of having work]"
です: asserts that this nominalized situation "is" (the case)
i am a grammar god
when adding words to my deck, should I add every word I'm unfamiliar with? i recently finished a grammar guide
I recommend you wait at least a month so you don't waste too much time making cards for super common words you soak up for free anyway
japanesetest4you has shitty questions

marshallyin lists words in the wrong levels, putting n2 and n1 words in n3-n5
This is n1? I'm surprised it's that easy

it's happening so fucking soon bros. so soon.
omg pausing my immersion in advance for this
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the way matt talks in this video is so fucking funny lmao how does anyone fall for these scams
its...not a scam?
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Is there a good source of JLPT mock/past exams?
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Seems just kike rikaichan/rikaikun? What if any benefit is there to it over rikai?
shut the fuck up tardmoto.
what happened to the /bant/ thread? but anyways what are some long japanese videos on youtube i can fall asleep to? i usually watch murder cases or drug trafficking videos but want to do the dexter method.
A 17 year old is still a toddler according to Americans, so it wouldn't matter.
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For those of you have missed the important transmission,

can anyone teach me how to create higher quality cards?
right now i just slap shit onto the expression meaning and reading fields but the sizes aren't consistent, it's just plain white text on black, and i have no idea how to add pics and sound
there's also this
>Version has been released alongside this fork. It resolves a bug that was introduced by a recent AJTJapanese update, which resulted in an Unexpected flattened.childNode error and prevented pitch accent information from being displayed correctly. Note that some user actions are required after this update. Click here for instructions on updating.

wtf does any of this shit mean. we're in the daily JAPANESE thread, get lost nerd. dont need this linux crap
when are the matto pedophilia accusations dropping? no way he's not considering he's a jew and all
you don't pics and sound.
how much is matts course gonna cost this time
i kinda wanna play a game with this style
it means the really old version got broke by a dude updating an addon if people updated their addons, once its all installed just stop updating shit and it will stay fine, he could just remove that note at this point
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It's over bros. >>47179419 was right. Once company terminology kicked in I couldn't do it anymore.

What should I do now then? Watch hidamari sketch? Read school manga? Or should I list all the words that describe the world from being a baby to working as an adult, and look them all up?
just do dolly and start reading/mining with your own deck
gmi starter pack
>core 2.3k (with fsrs) + dolly at the same time
>start mining and play nekopara whenever you finish 2.3k and are at least 30 videos into dolly
cure dolly is dead???!???
Who's this dolly and what's wrong with Tae Kim which is recommended in the guide?
search her on youtube. it's functionally the same as tae kim just depends on the format you prefer. both guides will be forgotten over time as you immerse and actually acquire the grammar.
last time I went down the rabbit hole the prevailing theory was that it was an elderly women who ran a purity cult and faked her death because she got tired of dealing with the degenerates that learn Japanese
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I'd die on the spot if I ever got jouzu'd.
luckily I'll probably never actually speak anyway.
Uhhh Where the fuck do I read manga in japanese? I wasn't aware of it, it looks as if it has disappeared from everywhere.
i get jouzu'd all the time here
most of them tell me how amazing i am considering i just moved here but i'm just like i've been studying japanese forever man this is the 50th time i have this conversation


How come I can remember a rare english word like forever after one look up but a rare Japanese word takes an assload of flashcard reps/lookups?
Cause the rest of the language surrounding the word is so effortless for you. It gets easier with time in Japanese too
>Find fun manga about managing a candy shop, has furigana even
>Have to learn to read downwards in addition to not knowing the meaning of words.
>Take half an hour to read one page, feel like I did nothing

>>Have to learn to read downwards
>>Take half an hour to read one page, feel like I did nothing
go learn how to play an instrument or something, japanese is not for you
try looking up words you don't know bro
the good thing about vtubers is that whenever they do something boring you can pull down your pants and play with your cock while staring at her live2D jiggle oppai they thought of everything dame
null is pretty based
damn what a fat fuck even ai cant save my man richee
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まだ26日19時なんですけど? :3
14 hours to go so hyped
Holy NGMI trinity
hopefully after i go in ill be able to read kokan
this guide explains really well how to get everything for VNs to work
how is learning japanese on linux bros?
cant tell whats actual advertising and whats miniyoga falseflagging anymore
people make fun of texthookers yet never say anything about mokuro
its one guy and he doesnt care about manga
Why would anyone make fun of learning tools?
i just use wine to run nekoproject 2 and get me vinnies reading
because you want to feel superior to learners but you dkj just like them so instead you have to make it about feeling superior because you abstain from convenient learning methods
Because convenience bad.
strong desire to 凸 a ロリ's 腹
convenience is undeniably bad for learning. the more effort you put into something the more memorable it will be. people remember climbing a mountain but they wouldn't remember a random cable car journey to the top.
depends, having sex on the unmanned cable car would be pretty memorable
If you pay for something, you'll remember even better, so be sure to sign up for your local community college class!
i didnt want to use text hookers or hover decks so i didnt
the weight of the world is not on my shoulders so i honestly dont care if someone else does but im allowed to laugh right
you're mixing up the thing you're learning with other stuff you must do to facilitate learning. it's like saying that spending half of your soccer shooting training collecting balls is better for learning shooting than spending all of your training shooting because and having someone else get the balls for you. it's true that the effort spent on the language must be maximized, but you do that by minimizing the effort spent on other things
And I'm allowed to laugh at your stupidity.
>but im allowed to laugh right
laugh at your own stupidity for not knowing how to set up yomichan?
hovering and hooking is the tiktok of dictionary methods
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Shift + L
bongtardo not using yomitan or texthooking explains a lot about his reading level
i wanted to read things like super famicom games on real hardware on my crt
real comfy かまいたちの夜 on a dark winter night
rise and shine squiddos lets all have a genki day :D

*dropkicks you in the face* back into the trashcan you go, oscar
im the babby shark
*casually evades and frontside smith grinds a rail*
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bunkos fave shark
they should have made it have hair this is nukenai
first time bunko posted a cute girl
just use an emulator. bsnes is cycle-accurate and かまいたち has only been ported like a million times. i think they just announced a modern release of it during the nintendo direct
i had the game physically and was playing it completely blind because it was cheap as fuck
much better experience than it just being a rom in a folder
i'm not sure what you playing it blind as to do with using an emulator but it's definitely a better and more convenient experience to play it on your computer. makes lookups easy and doesn't interrupt the experience
youre part of the problem
how so?
that reminds me im gonna do the Big Shit mods to a ps1 one of these days soon (xstation and ps1 digital and put in a new psup while im at it)

the guys that made the dreamcast hdmi board made a ps1 version and while its not that much better than how ps3 handles ps1 games (generally speaking) its still looks like it has some fun things to mess around with

then i cna play the ps1 version of tokimeki memorial in glorious true 1080p (not upscaled)
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Immersion doesn't work. Matt proved it.
i honestly like how the composite looks even on a relatively modern flatscreen
hope the other mod becomes easier and cheaper eventually though im worried about mines disc motor
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xstation (sd card instead of discs mod) really isnt that hard to do but yeah u do have to lift 8 specific pins off of this bad boy aside from the solder job
why he crying
because hes so guilty and regretful for causing this emergency
feels so
he should pay every1 repatriations
i dont feel comfortable with that
only thing i ever soldered was some gameboy game batts
this course is gonna cost even more lol
its getting crazy now
emergency rice shortage
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i hope the nonlearning community can see through mattos latest jew attempt
will be recording the zoom session for de lads
ill lol @ the clips yall post
ate sausage, an egg, and a hashbrown patty
thank you for your service
bought a rad2x for my n64 not as good as if i had an rbg mod but it's pretty based
nothing wrong with these classes. the people who pay feel motivated when they talk to online figures they know like matt. they want to give him money.
some poeple like rad2x cables for other consoles but i think they are dogwater but idk all the n64 mod options
if matt is still doing this, it has to be pretty profitable. and he's on a permanent vacation in japan. dude is living the djt dream.
dude has 3 rich parents bro
spending money isnt enough for motivation, thats just self absorption
you need to fall in love with nihongo, preferrably through eroge
if hes reaching out for more suckers hes prolly worried about money ppl dont usually try to sell things unless they need money
rice you would know about this if you watched matt's content, but matt released many videos years ago talking about how his dad wanted him to move out and make it on his own. his dad is a jewish entrepreneur. matt probably doesn't get financial assistance from his parents any more.
what's bad about them it's basically just a retrotink unless you take issue with that for some reason
crazy that unko realised the parent hack and acquired another parent without any of the gay dad stuff
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if theres no better option its better than nothing but doubling 240p versus just getting real 1080p is like lol

feel like it looks 逆に weird when it's that sharp
yeah theres always gonna be some elements that are just jarring because the pixels dont got that low rez blur i mean the console was designed for a low rez crt to begin with

but theres some options to play around with to help depending on if its a 3d or 2d game
>preferrably through eroge
that's immoral so no

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