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taso delighted enough with lamy's reasoning that her eyes lit up
taso thinks azki is the most yandere among them
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With her husband, right..?
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I love Towa!
She's currently reading SCs!
Checkout her latest cover!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRtOWI6Lut0 「White Noise」
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too big
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taso is representing usatan today
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I will destroy the Riot servers
Why does Aqua insist on using this shit ass weapon
It's slow as fuck
Yeah Pekora, nobody going to believe that you pussy
terrorist taso blew lamy up
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Death to Greatsword antis
>say goodbye to the greatsword
fuck off
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Chasing lunaito
Stat efficient and high stagger
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pubes suityan!
Because it deletes bosses really fast and it is easily accessible.
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!!!
Towa is such a girl
Lots of rta use this weapon though, one of the famous rta versus also used this one.
so did towa
>”I am going to graduate from greatsword this time”
>said Pekora before she going to pussy out and go back to her aow spam when she meet Bayle
>aqua love suisei
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towa sex
usagitaso is too strong
Miko sex!
Hey Miko!
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>i'm big mio
Miosha is amogus...
obakataso is too strong for her own good
thumbnail looks like there is a bug on her ass..
>she's actually going to reroll her stats
Greatsword bros... it's over...
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azuazu removed taso's pacifier...
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We are Gamers MV! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UATaOzzxq_0
June bride voice pack https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_junebridevoice2024

>Aqua 15k viewers
>Suisei 13k viewers
>Subaru 11k viewers
>Pekora 7k viewers
It's over for the first army... only Marine and Miko can save us...
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I do not like the texan accent for this mech
2nd army...
*goes to VSPOpure houses irl*
*sees that they still have their hymens intact*
Epic "own" holofags
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wamy and azuazu planning on taking down akachan taso
Nice Miko!
Suisei isn't even talking how is she getting over 10k
First stage, Miosha
But last thread just said one has 2 kids. .
That bitch Towa is holding 192k viewers hostage on her stream
taso taunting wamy and azuazu to fight her 2v1
Someone asked Towa to collab with Suisei and she said that they hang out so often offstream she doesn't realize that they don't actually collab much.
Suityanlose.... no more resets....
is she gonna do pvp? I wanna see if she can get to red S kek
Probably just uhi
The second baby restored her hymen on his way out
Suisei lost
>maybe i will use the greatsword later
so you will use it again
I still get confused when holos talk about street fighter because crapcom decided to fuck up all the names of the characters
No Towapi don't go...
ER is a debuff
ojou azuazu laughing at beating taso for her seat
Just doing holo stages for now.
This meteor sword is actually pretty good but I bet Pekora is still going to whine somehow
my poor poor amanekanatach...
What about with Akua?
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Otsumachi!! The latter overtime days are way too hard solo without proper Automatizations...
Can't believe she streamed for 4 hours
They just collabed...
rude azuazu kicking taso off when she was talking to lamy
We are finally free from Towa, at least for now...
Towa's going to yap herself to sleep tonight
None of them is beating Biboo
there are crazy ppl combing thu the 7k googlesheet and going thru them one by one to locate the vspo girls.. they are all gonna get raped in a week anyway..
>towa ending
>suisei ending
taso wants to finish azuzu off the rooftop
Baited by Mio twice but got a clear. Okayu time
Going on a date with each other
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More like Bibot
Blue woman complaining about controller again
wtf lamy's controller has a life of its own
>bot cope
only just tuned in, i thought aqua already did this
taso has no patience towards outsiders
This time she'll complete the challenge!
Making a stone wall a foot high feels redundant when you have a mech walking around
that's a proof of YouTube culling her numbers live
Jesus Christ, ENfags are still botting her?
taso and azuazu laughing at wamy for not knowing how to swim
No need to reply twice, Tumek.
Subaru shouldn't be acting so smug when she took a bit to figure out Okayu's simple trick
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drink more water taso
taso's click power is shining through
Pools closed hime
now pekora can't buff herself anymore
taso teasing lamy for being weak... lamy blaming her controls...
It'll be a miracle if aqua pulls this off, she's not playing very well
What kind of witchcraft did Subaru just chant?
proof next thread?
I kinda miss the mario maker arc now...
Aqua is not very good at this game
Careless Azki, there was no password after all and here I thought Lamy wasn't joking when her controller came to life.
azuazu representing for taso's species
can't wait for pekora to get to a boss again and change her weapon again
sasuga goriazu noticing the banana peel
sexy bebber
What did she mean by this?
taso noticing azuazu powering up after turning into a gorilla
Oh shit is this the martial arts monk?
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lamy coughed so taso wants her to rest by beating her up
hey man!!
Time for dryleaf arts
haachama went to finland? any watamates spot her?
Aqua fell off.
Aqua almost died there
every chama has a finns...
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I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko Among Us collab in 1.5 hours! https://youtu.be/IjSHukH_IlQ
taso with the sucker punch
Cmon fatty
Should've taken Watame with her
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taso and lamy experiencing how strong gorillas are
Chunky boi defeated
akuacrew will never recover from this
tensaitaso didn't know how to shoot so she just threw the weapon away
What the fuck is that thumbnail? Among Us thumbnails tend to be pretty cool
Umm, that's cheating from akwa.
stuck under that cart
The dryleaf and the beast claw are my favourite addition in the dlc
Aqua sounds like a country bumpkin when she's angry
Azugori strong
So ReGLOSS organized the collab?
kalaz wondering if there is a gorilla buff
Only when someone cool is involved and makes one
It's almost like she's...
Don’t worry Pekora, nobody expect you to stick with the martial arts weapon anyway
taso saved lamy bu t she shows no mercy towards her savior
taso wants to beat the gorilla before the blackhole shows up
>bleed on martial arts
Uhh…is that going to work?
pekora misses so many hits...
KALAZ likes grabbing each other
Pekora is loving the DBZ fighting style
Pekora doesn't need a weapon anymore
obakataso your plan didn't work...
Even the passage of time slips past Subaru
taso laughing at azuazu calling lamy heavy
Regloss organized this collab so it has shit thumbnails
taso and lamy want to harness the power of gorilla too
Itchy duck
draconic tree sentinel time
taso getting too cocky and wants to know lamy's last words
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I choose Kanade.
stop spamming aow
Pekora is so fucking shit kek
holy shit, akwa bullied that sentinel this time
Holy shit, Aqua absolutely demolished the Draconic Tree Sentinel!
parfait game
azuazu warning of a taso reverse sweep
Aqua is too strong, pls nerf
Fucking invisible rami
Why did she do it
the gorilla buff is over
>leyndall in 1h30
That's a really good time isn't it
Yeah, it's much better than last time and she actually never died
Shooting in plants is pretty cool
>starts the stream resetting her stats to build for her new giant sword with arcane scaling
>immediately drops the sword for an unarmed weapon that her new stats are awful for
Why is Pekora like this?
taso wants someone to test out how to die in this map
I almost jinxed it...
Time for Zabimaru!
good one friend
>every VSPO cancelled their streams
It's over
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She's actually playing around, trying new things and having fun in the game. Something foreign to most fromsoft players.
azuazu and taso want lamy to join them beating each other up
KALAZ evenly matched for this map
>dragon-slaying weapon
>has no buff whatsoever against dragon
Thanks fromsoft
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I wish i could do it but my retarded ass refuses to try out different weapons. Im still rocking the Greatsword from base game in DLC
>both get hit by the bomb
>lamy wins
wtf this game is rigged
Time for the real test
If she can beat morgott I think it'll be smooth sailing
yes, yes, you get your information from watching guides instead of learning on your own, no problem with that though.
You really should, new weapons are fun and the dlc showers you with smithing stones
Sticking for one weapon is lame. It not like she even fighting any boss at the moment.
taso is too stupid for the mechanics...
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She should have joined hololive directly instead of that crack house...
taso will write lamy in her dying message
aow are too op, pekora just wants to spam it all the time
5 bosses left after morgot?
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lmao lamy
Cute pure virgin lesbian saint bebber
too easy for gayming meido
Morgot felled! No deaths!!!
She probably has 3 ex husbands and 4 kids
Aqua coming in hot!
What did you expect Subaru, thwomps go down then back up...
Aqua is a godly gamer
1 minute of ora'ing and not one of KALAZ punches hit...
do I get to keep my soul today akwacrew? no fuck stop jinxing it
She's a bit too young for that
You never know
>and 4 kids
All Towa's.
taso wtf was that throw...
Fire giant, foreskin duo, maliketh, Godfrey and then radagon+elden beast
Management are massive retards, they basically let everyone have access to all the data of their application form
azuazu wants taso to unleash her true form next time
that was a bad fight
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check the cover song out!
Everyone who has ever applied to VSPO has been doxxed, including current talents, because some retard posted the application link with editing enabled, so anyone could view past entries.
oh whoops forgot I had that mio image queued
pekora really loves to RP with her greatsword
I thought Mio shaved?
smart move desu, all their chat are gonna be flooded with questions and spam and the girls are just gonna make things worse
>I thought Mio shaved?
Said nobody ever
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Don't forget Gideon
Why would you think something so outrageous?
Ah right, so technically 6 but I wouldn't be surprised if he's oneshot during his longass speech
Wickerman too strong
Kanata's eyes in this MV are lovelier than usual.
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wonderful cover song
Pekora is going to fight the golden hippo next?
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What are they doing?
nobody asked micomet clown
keep using filtered terms so i dont have to see you
Suffocating an enclosed space with limited oxygen
>Radahn is not going to come back right?
I wish Aqua would beat the shit out of me.
>radahn won't return
oh my sweet summer child
the retardation of that is amazing
mikomet won
What's the deal with kakage? He seems kind of gay when around his artist bros even though he draws girls.
First death on the Fire Giant
Yeah Aqua's about to die 2 more times to Fire Giant
noufaggy seething
unleash your inner gorilla next time taso
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>Pekora likes Moore
>picked the choice that forces her to kill him later
Looking forward to it, she knows it's coming
Well, friendship = gay is the natural next step from being nice = flirting
so when is hime's robot gonna get funnels?
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Chiroru-Izumi-Kakage are just really close friends
>might hv breast cancer
>your company doxxes you
sucks to be benis
This is a western mech aka slow and shit at least it can farm
Why is she oozing purple from the horns?
Koro-san took a while to clear her own level. Subaru did well just skipping over hers...
shit game...
pekor doesnt want moore to die...
Yes Pekora, thats Messmer right there
I feel bad for these women even if I hate beggars
You don't make gay jokes with your bros?
Summer sweats
fire giant is such a shitty gay boss fight lol
kek pektard
it's over for aqua
its over for onyan
it's over.
Fuck fire giant
She's tilted now, it's over
Second death, and she was so close...
>folding to the giant after 2 hours only
Washed up gaymer meido...
>3k damage
Damn thats even more beefy than the greatsword, though not as spammable
nice grab hitbox fromsoft
post her tits while she still has 'em
The golden hippo turned into hedgehog…
Pekora just swing normally for once…
pekora is being extra retarded today
She's going to fall or die to enemies in faram azula.
>hitting him in the balls
just realized fire giant looks like hiroyuki
that was so close..... If she just stayed on the ground....
it requires too much setup imo.
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This is a weapon art only challenge run, always has been
Pekora is not going to like Gayus
With the new fp generating talisman you can probably do something like that
Is she finally graduating?
this hippo is way too fast for its size
You just know Aqua is raging the fuck out of her mind right now, she's probably calling Muu-chan slurs.
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what slurs
Wouldn’t the backhanded blade with bleed would make this hippo fight easier?
You just know Aqua is slurping the fuck out of her mind right now, she's probably licking Muu-chan's fur.
if anything she's calling miyazaki slurs for even making fire giant to begin with
This has to be a top 5 worst from boss
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This stream has been a wonderful breakdown of Izumi-papa's art
Yeah just go straight into the mouth Pekotyan
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She's calling Muu-tan a tamanegi
the hitboxes suck for this one
Personally I found the hippo the easiest main(?) boss of the dlc
>wake up
>haachama went alone to finland
they do, the entire head is basically a spear
I am surprised this hippo grab is not an instant kill somehow
Whatever Luna is playing looks pretty cool.
Aqua is probably furiously masturbating to calm herself down
how does she keep getting caught by that hungry hungry hippo attack?
>big opening=aow
>small opening=normal hit
Why is this concept so hard to understand for Pekora
pekora the greatsword is calling your name
Mech farming sim honestly doesn't look too bad for early access but I'm not into farming type games
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I for one am glad she didn't go there with her best friend.
too bad pekora
Why finns would rather kill themselves than talk to anyone let alone a slutty girl like hoshikawa
>get downed
>head hidden in the wall
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Damn, Sora got them moves!
No remembrance and gets reused as mob.
i think i heard pekoras stomach growling when it was loading
>dodge properly
>fight is easier
I wonder why Pekora
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Why does she sit like this?
towa is a slur
What is this about Towa doxxing the VSPOslut?
Subaru is getting railed by Shion.
Subaru is never going to beat Shion's level
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You guys WISH your oshi could dance like this!
Like jagger?
the new vspo girls didnt show up to lick
towa’s clit clean so she doxxed them all
Greatsword is calling you pekora
I just wish my oshi had as much iwara videos as soda does
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Looks like she's just standing still
she brute forced it in the end
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GS bros?
is she ng only? that is kinda overleveled..
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I'm too retarded for webms, please understand.
It's both a blessing and a curse. I can't listen to some of those vocaloid songs without naked Sora popping up in my mind anymore.
Cute Miko bebber
hecking bebber
Our time will come.
DLC scales so it's fine, the Scadutree fragments are more relevant
I have never seen an iwara video that was even half decent.
Those are babies
I was lvl 200 by the end...
lmao another streamer i was watching play this took like 30 tries on this hippo, is pekochan just a god gamer?
Pekora didn't know Messmer was Marika's son somehow
Most streamers are actually dogshit at this game, Pekora is pretty ok, she also did the dancing lion guy pretty quickly while a lot of people already started getting mad at that boss
I wish pekora do that to me
her brute forcing transcends fromsofts attempts to make their games skill based.
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>Pekora is pretty ok
Okay that is nice and all, but how does she compare to my oshi?
that's true, even during her original ER run before she stopped playing due to her break she was easily beating a lot of bosses that were filtering people
Nobody keeps track of the nonsense lore of souls games
Pekora does, she just didn't pick it up from the trailers
They should have another FT10 in Elden Ring pvp...
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Here's Raden's frame for the ReglossxHolosenpai Amongus! Get in here!
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Subaru is 1000 years too early to be doing mario maker courses
i still cant help gushing over Luna's new taisho outfit. i'm a sucker for those
III has grown on me
pekora is nothing without FP
I missed the mic peaking in discord when everyone talks at the same time...
Don't kill the baby Senchou
Will Pekotyan find Marika's village
You can play on ng+10 and the dlc would still scale appropriately because of the scadu system
nobody cares desofaggots
Who's this?
started flaunting her senior status...
nyahello miko miko miko miko miko
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Pekora was filthy mimic tear summon+magic on her first run
>shirakami desu
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a win's a win
put this shit on pekopedia
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I've never seen a collab that I both want to watch and don't want to watch at the same time
too loud...
my beloved...
jesus who the fuck is so loud
I don't watch regloss
so this is the power of miko's clique...
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>akupeko elden ring segment in the next pekora h24
Believe in the plan.
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just fell out of my chair as soon as they said unko
these whores still got it.
Shadow Keep is probably one of the best dungeons From has ever made.
yes very original and unique of her
Blue whores of hololive
Giga whore pekora
Blue saints of hololive
>all of regloss(minus raden)
this is going to be one boring fucking collab
I need to masturbate to Iroher
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Flare's trainer
Raiden is right there
Miko started! Late nyahello~ https://youtu.be/IjSHukH_IlQ
I don't feel like watching any collab without Pekora, Aqua, Towa or NePoLaBo isn't
I just realized both of the holos in the hysteric baba incident is in this
Kanade is smart enough for amongus right??
Who isn’t Marika/Radagon child at this point, literally a gigamanwhore
Trans Flag
Marine's clique > Miko's clique
What do you mean? Korone is not in this collab.
Must watch
remove Marine from this and you get the most boring large collab of the year
Fuck you miyazaki where is the item
same clique
ao doesn't have enough brain
>minus raden
Glad they removed the blue leeching whore pekora. Its already 100x more entertaining
Miko's clit > Marine's clit
I'm saying raden isn't boring. read the entire thing.
I doubt she actually went there alone
Remove Miko* she's the only entertaining one in the collab, that's why she got the most viewers.
wait, wasn't it fubuki and marine
Marine is really boring now. She literally only talks about Ao.
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Pekoras clique
Why is Deso not talking
why is Gozalu even here roru
the fact that ao still lives is sus enough
kys desofucks
She's the most boringest of the group.
Pekora still can’t avoid the jump attack…
Come on pekora you already defeat this guy
No one cares retarded nousagis
the grab being a sure kill is pretty annoying
miko is a hardworker
pekora still doesn't know that she can attack the other side when she is on horseback
the wickermans are way too generous
they shouldve just made them more than just a gimmick fight
anyways its way too easy for pekor
who the fuck is the imposter
Damn Pregora that's some riveting gameplay...
Roboco rubs me the wrong way, like she's hiding something like rushia was.
baka rabbit
even if she does, no one cares lmao
well pekora is retarded
red flag miko
miko's zako clit...
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the grace...
kek nice one wickerman
That wickerman want to fight this bunny
just vote some ao off
Marine is going to scare Hajime
I can’t believe I miss erdtree avatar for the crystal tears
miko's taunting the imposters...
>miko still using the trans background
shes doing it on purpose at this point
Fucking bitch
This literally only has one person capable of playing Amogus competently. Ganbatte, friend.
impostors fucking sucks
this entire dlc area just reminds me of dark souls 1
miyazaki is a hack
marine saved someone
of course
Senchou is a targeted individual
it's just a pink flag my nigga
name one holo that has never been in a amongus collab (no side shit)
Pekora has to use a pot here?
babies together strong
>one guys says no one cares
>proceeds to spam posts on a 1m cooldown about the stream he's watching trying to simulate conversation
Holy shit this guy is pathetic
ayame and shion have never been in a stream at all.
>ao dies first
as it should be
>doesn’t have the recipe
miko supports trans
She shouldn't even have the sword.
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the kaiju wickerman fight...
marine roboco for sure
Ayame been in plenty of amogus collab though
is this actually a thing, what pekora is trying to do?
Yeah, she can't make the correct pot though
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lapu don't do it...
Does Subaru not know how to use the run button?
marine might not be an impostor after all.
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Imagine the kino when the old trio goes back together. If nose doesn't get cancelled and graduated before that, i mean...
miko is the trans holo
Pekora really overestimated that guy…
pekochan tsuyoi...
speak up, ririka
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that looks like one of the BB bosses
poppy head sus miko
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speak up ririka
Miko is a pure virgin lesbian saint bebber
Everyone just hates Raden because she hasn't integrated into hololive.
damn, I don't know shit about regloss to know who's lying
She just relearned it half an hour ago or so. She just can't use it well enough.
and pro trans
This legacy dungeon sure is huge
The run button shouldn't be something you need to relearn in any videogame.
raden's white
This impostor I'm watching is very cute
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yeah the inside of pot people really is disgusting
Pretty sure she's Japanese.
i believe in pekor one shotting mesmer
shut the fuck up, roboser
>gonna be a task win again
roboco sucks
kill the child pot pekora
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Remind me of kiwis
She's just following the laws of robotics.
Roboco hates regloss
>if you don't like miko you have to be a nousagi
This is 100% a huehue mentality
the poorfag monkeys did it with consoles back in my day
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Didn't FBK say Raden vented in front of her? Is FBK the imposter?
Subaru is special. And she just did it!
when the fuck did they make a club...
also 2 imposters in the club...
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pekora will never treat alexander the same again...
Getting a lot of dark souls vibes from this dark souls game
marine need to suck my dick
Miko using that flag only because it’s pink is funny as fuck. You get to see how innocent she is about everything.
Korone's level is still there for you to clear, Subaru.
>no post about fanbase shit in 30 posts
>b-but what about 35p and nousagi
go back to your shithole
why would you self-report you dumb bitch
Well I mean the earlier area where she throws the pot into the wickerman felt like a 1:1 recreation of the butterfly area from ds1
ririka might not be so smart
Literally none of these Holos know how to actually play Amogus besides Fubuki.
>aqua stops streaming
>the shitposts start
get fucked by 3 senpais
why are you leaving out the ichimi
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Korosan doesn't remember mario maker...
really carrying...
So is Ririka actually retarded?
to be fair, she doesn't know that everyone's waiting at the button...
What the fuck is this bullshit magic
time for pekor to experience the second shittiest enemy
bitches are half dead
You can't just shorten every single mario title into one word, Subaru...
Gacha is a blight
Gozaru too stupid to figure out the power room task. This is a game for children by the way.
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fubuki's too good, must kill her first
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KoroSuba no kizuna...
the shart is probably a better Souls player than Aqua after all. her Messmer fight was so clean
F for Benis boobs in the chat
Fauna is so cute
really cute pekor
I don't know this map
what is this amogus map
Yet another new place
Remember, statistically, likely half the Holos are below or at least around 100 IQ.
>spammed Moonveil ashes of war
low spec robot... do your job...
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>ao still lives
she's imposter for sure.
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miko supports trans rights
marine's not known for her good judgment
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mohg ojisan...
Is ao doing anythig? lmao
roboco you fuck
Ao is a dumb little girl
Pekora is so lost…
marine can smell roboco's bullshit
damn, hajime does actual baby talk
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Cleared courses today: Mio, Okayu, Fubuki (both levels), Shion (1)
Next time: Korone, Aqua, Shion (2)
fuck babies
It's fucking over
low spec...
Raden was muted the whole meeting lmao
Regloss are dumb as fuck
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Is this the reason why nousagis are having a meltdown right now? oof
>the only living senpai is marine
this is a revolt
senchou is the leader of regloss
Half the holos are dumber than the average holo.
>no shit about fanbase for more 50 posts
>enwhore numberbegging
Baaaaaaaaased you show them king
get bent. aokuyu
Fungus puncher ao...
Anon doesn't know the difference between median and average...
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Watame please build us a liveable street with good access to amenities...
why does someone come to /jp/ and talk about shitty enwhores so much
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Mayor Watame has returned to turn this city into chaos for all its citizens.
>0 replies on the number thread so he has to post it here
jesas that's sad...
the best cover ever
dumb bunny
it's over, marine hates her
pektard...jump properly
illiteracy at least.
Korone said luna's cover was nice
Raden you retard
the entire thread is enshits but none of the posts are about the streams
so this is the power of our EOP thread shitters... sugoi...
shirokaku bomber is actually black...
Marine is too suspicious...
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Start spreadin' the news, I'm leavin' today
I want to be a part of it
New Do Do Do!
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raden is stupid
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Only sex and smoking in her brain
Marine is having a meltdown
Based Sentyo
Cute mayor
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ano ko no waishatsu
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curse you miyazaki making this platform
she got the cool armor
Marine sus
sex with who?
Marine is making fun of the JSL...
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messmer knight armor looks really cool
>giving up
kek pekora
Watame should build DoDoDo City in Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 instead.
I'm a moron and had to go rewatch the haiku
Go beg somewhere else
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Marine is too troublesome...
Around elves...
Lol Marine is BM
How did Raden not see that?
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so this was the reason huh
Yeah I'm thinking crew wins again
black male?!
Touch yourself?
so cute. cant decided where to go
Aqua crew camp on this thread
haha, remember that time roboco gets imposter all the time?
Why does this city skyline music have to be so epic
I don't remember a single thing about roboco
pekora that was a joke...
she is not even looking at the direction the messages are facing
roboco's trying to defend herself too quickly...
pekora is way too fucking lucky
robochi sus
robochi, just take the L
never trust a shutgun user
hahahaha your general died
vt numbersharts in shambles
rbc and ao are the complete opposite at playing impostor
More like Ao doesn't know how to play the game so she just ends up doing nothing all game lmao
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35piss seething
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pekor is almost at the great filter
i dont think you can spam ashes of war at messmer so she'll be in for a ride
be afraid, aokuyu
do something aokuyu...
aokuyu fucking sucks!
yeah marine's clit
What's the point
She'll find a way. And great sword will always be there for her.
there's no imposter win today
wait you get to fight him this early?
yeah, it's right after this fire knight she's fighting
jesus christ roboco is rigging
Pekora need to stop spoiling herself with the message
*Pretends not to know
She has overcommitted to her village idiot role.
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hysteric baba is here
There are no greatsword antis, only greatsword tsundere.
Yes Subaru, bring back zundamon
with bots is easy
restart restart
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Fubuki is collabing? I guess I'll just stream alone...
pekora actually just said she was starting to leak piss while sitting there before going to the bathroom
Fuck that close up with Raden was too cute...
migger is out for blood
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why are you having a meltdown
with bots is easy
Why would they spoiled the last boss all over the promotion Pektard
Messmer is so fucking cool
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Dare dare
get fubuki next, mikochi. she's dangerous.
Collab tomorrow and maybe a short game stream too
pekora please stop spamming aow, they leave you open for so long...
>fight once
Fuck off Pekora
Koyori is going insane from no stream.
It's what the pros do
marine's too silent...
shut up temari
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all these years and she's still saying TRANS RIGHTS slay queen
fubuki's gonna push marine's button now...
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He's a twink
That word has lost all meaning here
Didn't she say that she wanted to use her Greatsword because she thought this guy is the final boss and she wanted her final to be with the Greatsword?

It's not because she thinks her previous sword was too weak or anything.
wtf messmer
>3-4 tries.. p2
greatsword my beloved
Yeah, she genuinely think it's the final boss
Looool first try to get to second phase with the GS
This is the DLC that is causing people to shit their pants due to difficulty btw
marine... sussed out for no reason...
>Brave Group leaked info of 10k applicants
My poor Senchou...
shut up cat
Is this guy related to Rykard
lol instant dead
Greatsword might be the most boring weapon created
no hes just like that
They're half brothers probably, since I think Radagon is his dad
Miko is retarded
migo... you tried...
either way, they already sussed gozaru...
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Where's hurea when you need her...
Regloss kizuna will prevail
She's making out with her cat... She's really Italian Towa...
no imposter win today...
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Yes there was
hol up, kanade is retarded
gozaru might still win
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she need to timing her dodge
Messmer was honestly one of the easier main bosses. He has a lot of openings for you and the attacks are not that annoying to dodge.
The phase 2 snake spam is more of a problem.
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marine is seething
which tho?
poor heckin' marisoso...
death: 10
kuyapi pekora
Marine and someone it was the 2nd or 3rd game
Last one
He doesnt actually look that bad, rellana is way fucking harder with all the projectile waves
Pekora is getting progressively worse
must have been a quick one while I was getting my food
good job, kill friend first
>The phase 2 snake spam is more of a problem.
You can actually hit the snakes during several points of his snake combo attacks
It's just enough time to sneak a hit and recover
that's how it always goes. it usually goes like this.
>has no clue of the fight -> makes good progress -> in a slump for 20 tries -> makes some progress
repeat until boss dies
fbk is the problem, good job impostors, whoever you are
dumb bunny missed the riposte
It's me.
death: 15
dont panic pekora
I give Pekora 30 more minutes
That must depend on the weapon right?
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Huh. I guess I was too chicken shit to attack the snakes, I instead snuck in an attack when he transformed back.
i really love this pattern of her
Yeah, but I'm fairly sure Pekora can jump R2 once
What a cutie
Another failure of Regloss shill stream
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Botan should cover Neko Kaburina
big mioshas...
Wtf Pekora accidentally got really close
That was a super lucky down then bleed
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Pekora WILL bruteforce every single fucking boss
she WILL beat the rest of the holos to the end
pekora should get her old stats back
that timing and damage. if only she had some healing left from that bad p1.
impostors are pussies...
Toire hime
hajime's baby talk is kinda weird
death: 20
hajime was either very smart or very dumb
kanadeso hecking kawaii
Korone Lego Star Wars
It should be criminal how something like greatsword somehow can proc bleed/frost so easily on bosses
>double kill
so bold.
also hajime totally didn't do her "navigachon" task. she's sus as fuck
She should do JOI
pekochan isn't learning his attack patterns
If fromsoft didn't want it as a possibility they would patch iit.
riritard you can't just accuse everyone...
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pekora needs to impliment normal attacks as well
trying to divide the pon duo? shame on you ririka
no need. all you need is greatsword.
Me unga bunga me no understand
task win again lmao
who's the other imposter? banchou?
>JOI in that baby voice of hers
Honestly I'd pay just for the novelty of it
death: 25
messmer is trash
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mongas without paradise is soulless
grab your tin tin
called it.
but she didn't dig her own grave like ririka...
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I love my wife Choco!
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I love Aki's huge milkers.
pekora like you have monkey as your friend
I wouldn't even be able to get hard but it'd be worth every damn cent.
wonder why raden's volume is so low
no one cares
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How many skadutree buffs does Pekochan have?
oh shit the kool kats klub
pektard... it was looking very good
death: 30
The COOL gozaru senpai...
8 I think.
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Pektarded, go back to the reverse grip swords if you're having this much trouble
Or jump R2 more
gozaru gets called kakkoii so much more now that she's senpai. it's going to her head.
haha pekora...
Just go respecc your stat, you are going to stick to greatsword anyway Pekora
Pekora will report Messmer to from-san
really cute pekora panic
Pekora is seething.
death: 35
she so angry lol
kind senpai
duh, it's literally "regloss and senpai amogus" instead of the usual "holoamogus"
Messmer is a dumbass gaijin and doesn't know Japanese
Pekora thinks he's nihonjin...
>does this guy not understand japanese?
Pekora stop you're letting your racism leak...
>”give me my turn to attack”
>said the bruteforcing monkey ignoring attack so she can do her aow spam
i dont think that snake boy is japanese pekora
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pekora is in a slump
Pekora has abandoned her initial strategy and wants to trade with the boss when that trade is clearly not in her favor
Cam on Pekora, Rellana was way more relentless than Messmer…
keep trying pekora
Pekora is the type of person who thought only Japan existed until she was 30
Pekora is so bad when going against any form of delayed attacks…
if only she was able to buff herself
Raora still can't believe she got hired and when she was recording at Cover's office..
Yeah but she has way less health so she could just get lucky with hail mary giant hunts
does korone also like jango fett or is it just boba fett
Also people telling me about things I didn't ask.
Pekora you saw that string and delayed stab 50 times by now
I can't believe she got hired either
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Rude, Cover must hire any and all Towa's out there in the world.
really pekotyan? the move with 10 seconds of buildup?
She isn't towa at all, she's just some 60 year old italian with a horribly grating voice and accent
who's raora
Cam on Pekor, both phases open up with the exact same attack.
Her voice is very similar to Towa's, you just aren't hearing it.
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just because it was on the screen doesn't mean she saw it
one of the new holoENs
There could never be anyone like Towa
death: 50
come on pekora you can do this
Fubuchan found out Polka was killing the reject axolotls...
pekora really loves to get grabbed
She is so desperate to do her giant hunt spam that she forgot to take a moment to heal
finally some normal attacks, took only 50 times for her to do some
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>she's just some 60 year old italian with a horribly grating voice and accent
Enough about towa
nothing wrong with population control
I thought Towa was chinese
fuck that so close
cute desklam
If you say this every time you're bound to be correct eventually.
Get fucked Pekora
God I love it when she doesn't even try to dodge and then pounds the table when she dies.
*slams desk*
>greedy greatsword brain prevented her from healing when she could've won
That was the run...
>She isn't towa at all, she's just some 60 year old [korean] with a horribly grating voice and accent
You just described Towa...
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Towa will never be Korean.
She was out of healing
Cool Botan Lily...
>polka 11k
>korone 10k
Towa isn't nearly as grating, she just sounds dumb
She has no more healing
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she had no heals there, but she absolutely didn't think about dodging him
she didn't have any, but her greedy greatsword brain prevented her from just fucking rolling
Sub 80 deaths. All she needs is a good p1 and she'll manage. in before game crashed..
nice game fromsoft
Messmer just killed her game…
Towa is half japanese, half chinese, half korean, half indonesian, half canadian, half mexican, half hawaiian, half italian, half jew and half towa
She has korean citizenship from marrying tuna
death: 55
cute kid boba
Miyazaki just nerf Messmer with that crash earlier, now Pekora can win
>i think i understand now
and you will forgot about it after that pekroa
vspo whores doxxed keke
Messmer is kinda similar to Mohg, that explain Pekora struggles
Can't wait for Noel to meltdown after reading the patch notes.
There are probably some holomen who have applied to VSPO before getting into holo in the leak btw
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More NeneneTowawa soon
death: 60
i think this will be more death than her fight with rellana
Unironically they should nerf all bosses in this DLC, they went overboard with the difficulty in this DLC, it's literally impossible to beat.
Impromptu Raden utawaku
ching chong to you too
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she tends to be
nenechi a shit
Didn’t she fought Rellana for like 3 hours? This looking it will be done before she even reach 2 hours
nenechi a cute
the final boss is fucking driving me insane
2 of those 3 hours weren't with the greatsword.
>VSPO application form started in 2021
>played mostly fps before joining hololive
The only ones I could see that applied are Laplus and maybe Iroha. Someone like Botan would've already been accepted at Hololive at that point in time so I counted her out.
death: 65
greedy pekochan
damn it went downhill when she wanted to get 2 giant hunts in
>normal thrust
korosan is trying to kidnap her future husband from his dad
eroi tummy...
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Stupid things
She still learned some of the patterns and opening thanks to those 2 hours
This run looked pretty promising too..
damn the attack dont reach him
pekotyan's greedy anus puckered
i could smell it
death: 70
You shouldn't call Luna that...
>silent Pekora
oh no
Pekora stop making excuses, the goldsign doesn’t bother you in any form
it was a mistake for her to get to the 2nd phase so fast, she isn't thinking about changing up her build at all
She's worried about button mashing while near it and invalidating her entire playthrough by accidentally summoning.
wait count dooku was yoda's padawan?
you always learn something new about star wars with korosan
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Raden Guerilla singing stream! Raden's back!
korosan is above all, a teacher
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death: 75
come on pekora
Towa was drawn and animated insanely erotic in this short. I couldn't help but
about 3 times this morning alone.
I sincerely hope Gook M00t mans up for once and does something about this.
Towass at 1:24 was my favorite
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I think you're just too horny for hotpants.
Change your weapons or sleep on it Pekotyan, this ain't happening today
You only said that because Towa is half-naked
They're called hot pants for a reason
That doesn't change what he said
Thank Christ, you're right. I was afraid I was starting to actually think Towa was sexy.
No need for weapon change, she just need to tweak her stats back
death: 80
again so close
Challenge me again and I will
in you and on you.
what did she sing in other stream?
dammit, my prediction is off.
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There is nothing wrong about thinking Towa is sexy.
I wanna creampie all three
what happened...
Their bodies are bodies of underage minors
Other stream? It's the same stream. I forgot the first song thougnh sorry. Too sleepy.
Pekora should try a build where she doesn't need to roll.
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nah it was my bad, I just saw something wrong sorry
Gura already gave birth though
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Greatshields actually trivialize Messmer, Rellana and the final DLC boss, it's pretty funny
She need to sacrifice her firepower for that which is not ideal for her dumb impatient brain
It's okay she can still spam her beloved Giant Hunt while hiding behind a greatshield, it'll just do a bit less damage that's all
>no manko
Nice high notes Raden
Time for an energy drink for me then. Really too tired that I almost missed the stream. I think I missed like 6 minutes in the start.
death: 90
Raora's said ''I'm happyyy!'' like dozen times in the past hour I've watched her.
She did much better with the rolling when she was counting. And it was cute. She should start with that again.
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she should cover this
And if you want to make it even more stupid, use Mohg's spear. Spears allow you to block with shield and attack at the same time and Mohg's spear has bleed.
Delicious sheep piss
Do Italians really lol
Towa might have my cum but she will never have my love
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how pungent
Watame did it!
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nanda kore
it's really over, isn't it
>that is already your AoW with how you spam it
Kek Pekora is completely right, that is indeed the aow for the impaler spear
pekora loves to bang her head against the wall
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death: 100
she really struggling with this boss
Why would a rich girl buy Xiaomi shit?
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jesus it looks ugly as shit
dont buy it nene
she's playing so poorly at the moment. but in the end she only needs that one god attempt.
planet taotao...
the camera is good sadly
>mutt tech knowledge
itoddlers already crying lol, japan is android's turf now sorry
Nene can’t escape her chink lineage
Pekora kinda sucks
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She should get Samsung at least. The one with the AI.
Maybe she doesn't like Apple? Xiaomi makes top of the line Android phones.
now show pekoleech's numbers today, cuckfaggy, yep that's her true numbers when she's not leeching Aqua and Marine. pekoleech literally only got to 20k today because she got the funnel after Aqua finished and got more from the funnel after Marine finished kek pathetic pekoleech always leeching Aqua and Marine
Oh well, thanks Youtube.
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She probably thinks the detachable camera hump is cool.
Bixby a fucking shit, I fucking hate it.
Whore plush
the "ai" what? search engine? image processing? translator?
MIUI is the single worst Android OS.
there was countdown?
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Realistically speaking, how often do Fuwamoco fuck?
they have been fucking their niichan for 10 years
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New Varium girl is very cute
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aomari is the power couple of 2024
death: 110
12 hour stream lets go
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There's so little automation for this she has to splash each one
So a nene-tier earns about as much as an average american wagie right
Pekora finally hit the 2 hours mark, I am glad Messmer actually pushing her shit in
how the fuck
could've sworn that boar fucker gaius was harder than messmer
pekora is losing it
name this group
I look forward to them adjusting the hitbox on that charge
taoling roots
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Fuck Jango Fett
>bunny has a preference to roll forward+right.
He's her anti pattern with his delayed spear thrusts.
the random shuffle
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hands down her best outfit
It's so random I can't even come up with a good joke...
she would have beaten him easily if she still had the stats from the start of the stream
She still didn’t fight Gayus
There's nothing wrong with it, I can dodge it consistently.
Yes, but it was more silly than eroi.
fbk and the shitters
That is the sad truth.
Were you light rolling? Mid roll felt inconsistent
korosan really wanted to see jango get beheaded...
Whenever they aren't streaming.
Mid rolling. Move slightly off center to the either side and at the last moment dodge in the opposite direction.
Well I already beat him but I'll try to keep that in mind for the ng+ run thanks
death: 120
I keep seeing holos in these outfits but have no idea where they are from. some current seasonal garbage?
roboco and the whos
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Purple'd her mech and now it's time to end
Lycoris Recoil aired like 2 years ago. You should have heard holos sing the ED for that show a couple times already.
With how she fight a stat change will only increase her AoW about 500 dmg more, thats it.The timing for poise break and bleed would stay mostly the same.
It would still be easier but only if she make a really good run that she had few times earlier.
she also would get her defence and attack buffs back
she just had a really good p1.. And then just flumped it in p2, doesn't matter if you have 10 heals if you get hit by everything. :|
Towa should shave only real women should have a bush
Towa would never make this face under any circumstances
It's weird how much seethe this DLC has caused considering there's really only 2 fights that are complete bullshit, Radahn and Gaius. Rest were either genuinely fantastic (Bayle, Messmer, Midra) or around the level of bullshit as the base game. I'd understand it if the seethe was just about those 2 but not the whole DLC.
Towa is safe for work
naked towa is not safe for work
Post the fanbox onegai…
so that is a yes then
is this real
Thinking about Nene's stinky feet
I've only watched the original trilogy and episode 1. A lot of crazy stuff is happening.
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Kiara's watchalong of Austria vs Netherlands started! Match starts in 7min
Most of the seethe is probably from people running into the dancing lion or Rellana without really exploring much and getting one-shotted. Also Pekora got greedy and died again.
lacks nipple piercings
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it is never then run.
Gaius really isn't that bad and I say that as someone who sucks
>Aired two years ago
>Current seasonal garbage
desu the bosses having so many combo extensions is pretty fucking cheap gameplay cuz you have to just sit around and see every variation until you know the moves that are safe to punish
also the damage scaling is pretty nonsensical
Honestly all memes aside this does nothing for me.
anon counts seasons by the decade
Me and Korone should get married too
Fubuki is hogging polpol
anyne retarded enough to play dark souls in 2024 deserves maximum suffering
Difficulty is subjective I guess, but I hated those 2 fights so much that I didn't even want to learn them. Like I died to Bayle and Messmer way more times but dying just made me want to go again, not give up like with the other 2.
I'm feeling pretty confident about this one
maybe not...
What a fucking throw, she panicked too much
fuck she healing at the wrong time. she almost got it
do we not hv a janny anymore?
Why did she just blindly start spamming her attack...
jesus christ pekora please think more
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Oyasumi hime
She would probably instant stomp it if she had like two more of the buff things.
Nkdtw is thread culture
Naked Towa is a creature too repulsive to be considered pornography
death: 140
they're busy cumming to naked towa
towa jackhammer syndrome
she really need some buff or something
>acolyte miyou
damn, that was some clean snake dodging. and then just got speared.
raden is still pretty sovl but I think she improved a lot since her debut
It's amusing how she keeps going full retard the moment he's at less than 40% HP and tries to attack even when she knows she shouldn't.
>plain ass own fucking goal from Netherlands
Did Kiara buff Austrian team or something?
I didn't know the entire world loved kiwawa!
>France, Netherlands and Poland are bottom, haha, get below me!
Yes Kiwawa..
execute... order 563...
she'll be even more insufferable if austria goes far
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red eyes blue robot fox
Austria already scored.
>Netherlands wearing orange obviously for me
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me me me!
Don’t get tilted just because you can’t get poise break Pekora
I miss Koyori
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My bunny is mentally tired...
How does Korone even come up with this stuff for every stream ending lmao
fuck so close again
... she just has to realize how she survives that snake -> fire spear thing and she should have it.. but at this pace we're looking at 50 more deaths.
Watame this city doesn't look very convenient to live in...
I don't know but I'm happy risunasan won for once today
>get him 40% hp
>roll back instead of trying to force another aow
There, thats how you win Pekora
>france team
i thought it was an african team
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This one was going so good...
les browns
And she did the same fucking move again
there are some part where she should attack but instead she go for healing
She is going to hit 3 hours in a few minutes
I was going to write that
>at least she has p1 down now..
but then she just died to nothing again.
Dutch folks..
p2 doesn't really have a any good times for healing.
>it's always the bald men
finally I have a chance...
Flare's bare feet on my face and in my mouth
Do-do-don't leave me, Watame...
probably only koyori is worse than pekora
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Farewell, my beloved sheep Goddess...
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Watame I need you... I've been spoiled by days of 7 hour streams this isn't enough...
she's just rolling mindlessly w/o timing during the snake phase
no thoughts
only cum
I cleared all soulslike like this
>en concert scrappped
3 hours now, CAM ON PEKORA
when was the deadline? august?
death: 170
come on pekochan
She actually learn the timing in ds1, especially the dlc
i would say her skill is good, she is just dumb beyond believe
just noticed that i haven't subscribed to ririka out of all regloss
guess i'll give her a pity sub
subbed with my 10 accounts
dark souls, poverty ball and vtubers




poor kanade. she wont make it..
just noticed that i haven't subscribed to any of regloss
guess i'll keep it that way
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Oh wait she has the alex shard all along, fucking hell
pektard just respecc if you want to do more damage
Man I'm just watching this to see if Kiara drops the n word, football does that to you.
I do not care for Regloss. They insist upon themselves.
i know you are stubborn but we can continue it tomorrow
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Go back
Pekora knows this isn’t the final boss, she is going back to her other sword after this and then go back to greatsword when she found another big boss.
Make me.
she has 5, she can just change it afterwards again
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>watch Pekker fight Messmer for 2 hours
>sauna is ready
>go to sauna for an hour
>come back
>she's still at it
She's worse now than she was pre-sauna...
scrap & build!
What a fucking choke
oh the greed
biggest choke of the day...
too greedy pekora
remember when nips stole the edit and thought it was real, the numberbrowns stole it from the nips and also thought it was real
nah, she's been getting pretty consistent to p2 in the last hour. before that she just fucked about in p1.
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It's time for Pekora to stop pretending
which one has the banana
well. I have to go and do laundry so she's going to kill it now that I'm gone.
That's what I thought when I went to sauna...
Fucking pekora omg that was the run why greed you have million flaskas just roll backwards not in whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Holy shit Messmer really fucks her in the ass that time
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This is the run.
looking dangerously like the run
cam on pekkers
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Yeah I'd kms
actively throwing Pekora wtf
isnt that kinda bullshit? that fucking mili hp left
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R1? What's that?
Dying at 1hp and dying at full hp are both the same lack of skill. How low you get the boss doesn't matter until it dies.
Has Pekora banned the use of physick flask? Why isn't she using it?
she is already using 120% of her brain
Man you can really tell Pekora can only win this through getting a really lucky run
Pekotyan is trying to do psychological damage to him now
She uses it, but she only when she run out of all her healing items
She's using it as another heal like a dumbass.
If you watch Pekora play you'd forget there are buttons other than L2 in your controller
death: 200
let me sleep pekochan
>I'm winning because I'm white
Oh no Kiara you can't say that...
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She is tilted…
We are going 4 hours on Messmer boys
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Raden is really pretty
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>pekora read an aquacrews "ganbare~" out loud
akupeko love
Dolphin porn
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fuk did I just download dolphin porn??
and I missed it.. finally pekochan
How long did it take?
hoyl shit that's a lot of gifted subs
thanks for your sacrifice anon
im so pissed they did nothing with melina
Her ex Melimeli's big brother...
About 3h40m
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>read aquacrew "ganbare"
I am sure that not referring to Melina
Pekora: 3 hours 40 minutes
Biboo: 4 hours 45 minutes
Ahab quest next please
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The real gamer of hololive
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Kiara has done something to the teams, Netherlands can't help but score own goals lmao.
>in the end its alwasy greatsword
btfo greatsword anti
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Why do you think they are wearing orange.
>twitter slut I follow had even more work done on her tits and now they look terrible
I hate women
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now what
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Chatpost some pekora archive
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Smile and go to bed
So you like men
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Gura stream tonight!
I'm going to rewatch that archive from yesterday the chained up one because I got distracted by aquatits
Not how it works. Disliking one thing doesn't mean you like another.
find sexy picture of pekora then sleep
>He's a short man, tiny king!
Kiara belittling small men, I'm laughing.
Only Radahn and maybe Gaius can give Pekora a hard time now (depends on her scadu progress)
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So you like both
sorry, daughters...
many such cases, both breast enlargements and breast reductions end up looking like shit way too often
No, you can like neither. And for what it's worth nobody is talking about attraction. You can hate women but still love tits and vagenes
nene stop.. you are going down a very slippery slope..
Think about making dinner then watch Euros. Then watch Akutan archive I guess.
no, it really depends how retarded she wants to be in the moment
They were still fine enough when she first had some work done but now her new ones look so bad...
Time to continue myself so she doesn't stream a boss I haven't done yet.
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Too big
Does this work on a browser?
Kiara laughing how her poll has 26k votes and about zoomers opening shorts and leaving a vote.
I feel like hololive is too boring now.
Where are the yab.
It works for me, cute big face
Cute dummy
Didnt you have enough drama with the gta server, nijisister?
>netherlands ties
>austria instantly scores ahead
it's not porn, why did you upload to litter?
Raden's nose is really high quality
try vspo, they just doxxed a few thousand people
Cause it's temporary? You can reupload it if you want. I have the file stored anyway with the mkv earlier.
This is not /sp/
You're right I forgot to say Kiara can't believe how much Austrian team has caught up in skills to other teams.
Although I'd argue the opposition has just become worse.
This dude wasn't here for 2022
What happened? Was Yuuhi doxxed?
Few VSPO girls exposed for sharing the same boyfriend from another vtuber agency
ririka is playing grandia
Everyone who applied after a certain point had their applications leaked because the Google forms stuff was setup incorrectly and anyone with the link had editing privileges.
She has kind of the same issue as Irys. The artstyle is just too drastically different from other holo designs that it looks off next to them
Damn that's a really really stupid mistake to do. The applicants can probably sue right?
Remember when Towa leaked her google docs?
vspo owner should commit seppuku for this dishonor
I have no idea what laws apply, but probably. VSPO may also get fined for it. Honestly it's pretty impressive just how retarded it is.
I've loved Irys OG and Raden designs always, shitters who need some uniformal design are truly the worst.
Nene is a contrarian at heart. She literally got an Android so she can be chuuni and go "I'm not like the rest of you".
After that she actually found that she likes Android and has used a bunch of different phones (including Apple).
But Pekora and Lamy also use android (the galaxy folding one)
We only use open source software here
I'm using eMule
Every country loves kiwawa!
imagine using google forms
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Only on close up. She looks fine from a far/normal view. I mean look at Watame and Botan standing together. Watame has a big head while Botan is really long and slender.
free the titties!
But the shading, colouring, and linework are similar. People can have different physiques, that doesn't look off.
there are way too many spam replies on tweets now
what a fucking whore
The folding one looks cool though. I hope they don't crease after a few times of opening and closing the clamshell.
Kiara did it, Austria won, their fucking group too, France and Netherlands below.
sasuga elon
Nah, they are solid.
Japan greatest ally...
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sex with 2010 shion
That's a toddler!
The face an hair blends enough from a distance for Raden, which is the important part. It also kinda helps that Radn's hair is beige and black to so you can clearly see the line art.
I'll give you the clothes though. It's distracting sometimes how detailed it is. It looks pretty though.
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I miss my daughter...
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I just hate eyebags/thick lids, whatever you call them
they're called aegyo sal
you must hate japanese women then, bet you dislike brown nipples too
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Raden screaming at Zero distance from your ear ASMR.
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>Watame has a big head
Say that to my face and see what happens
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the only holo without brown nipples
My two enemies in life are Towa and whoever did Eimi Fukada's tits
Anon... Watame admitted that her head is big in a recent stream.
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Wataleaks strikes again
>Eimi Fukada's tits
i dont watch her because i cant stand her fake nosejob
what happened to her tits?
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Yeah right. Watame's face is small and cute and we all know that
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the virgin saint of hololive
What does elf milk taste like? Grass?
god damn that amongus stream was garbage
Well of course it was, with that lineup
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>by trying new challenges, they will paint the world anew"
What a load of tosh
You can easily tell a woman wrote this.
If it's so easy, surely you can write a point by point explanation
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that's old news
look at her hips now
1.You're a fag.
2. Look at point 1.
Oh Elizabeth doing another karaoke now
So am I a fag or a woman?
I like to think that you can be whatever you like, Anon. I hope you have a great day.
>there's a new update on her boobs
nvm, I take it back
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Jesus christ allmighty
>All I Want For Christmas Is You
>end of June
fuking disgusting
I was listening in the background but I had to turn it off when that came on, maybe next time.
blame the fukin chicken
jesus christ
Christ, she's like a deformed Ark character.
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Korone has taught me christmas is all year long
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All that sitting around is starting to finally catch up to her..
Kaela after 1 month in america.
Forging makes your forearms big, not your ass and tiddies
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>no one is live
That's clearly not fat, you can see the muscle definition on her side. That requires extremely low bodyfat. Which means the tits are fake and the ass is muscle
Elizabeth literally live at the moment.
no one is live
Suisei and Miko are having hot and sweaty lesbian sex right now.
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Misumi is live
but enough about pekoleech's ER stream it even got low numbers before she leeched off of Aqua's and Marine's funnels
I don't watch Pekora, why did you reply to me?
I guess I could watch her
>homoEN whore that was talking about dicks
Roru rumao
cuckfaggy deflection, nice try
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holy crap this ENwhore currently has more viewers than the garbage pekoleech's ER stream earlier lol very embarassing display for pekoleech
>raito whore
>who banned a fan
you now remember this exists
Do people really think this is good singing?
Why do you act like there is someone here who doesnt know youtube made up numbers are obviously fake? Wow you culled pekora. Now most of her views arent being registered by the system. Great own, you sure showed nousagi (sarcasm).
Has indie Ririka said why she's not playing ER DLC yet? She's obsessed with From Soft games and last I saw she was doing DaS2, did it traumatize her?
Why are you replying to spectrum
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How could I ever forget
Ah, so that's why the number of posts were going up but none were appearing.
Thinking about Botan's smile and laugh and happiness
I never forgot
please help us fubusan
what a random ass lineup
Not even Roboco could save that lineup
Why did management asked rbc to shill regloss
even cucksaggy got the same muh youtube cull cope like the ENfarts now lmao
Every hololive streamer gets their waiting room views culled when they start the stream. Why? No one else gets this weird treatment. You would know this if you watched at least one stream in your petty life.
post rbc's face
>more Ao collab
>another holo who cant stream solo to save her life
did Kanata finally have an apprentice?
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Don't you even dare to compare Kanata to Ao
With me!
rbc+3 shitters
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I need TowawaNenene
they're planning out their marathon sex session right now
is this real
No, Nene refuses to have sex without at least one beetle watching
They man the cameras.
Towa is actually licking the beetle
is that what they call it now?
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That's just YouTube verifying the viewers for authentication purpose
I am a helicopter.
Sakamata is so saggy that if she took off her top her nips would be at her hips
T for Towa
Misumi choke...
Big Trouble in Little Towa
Authentication purpose? And it does it only to vtubers? And the cull is different every time? What is authentified and how? Why do the views need to be culled for it? Also bots run rampant on the platform as seen with kpop and nijisanji. So there is no actual autentification.
File: Spoiler Image (2.69 MB, 1920x1080)
2.69 MB
2.69 MB WEBM
It happens to all livestreams
File: Spoiler Image (52 KB, 608x1080)
52 KB
Monty Python and the Holy Towa
The knights who say "Towa..."
Whore PoV
No it does not at all. Why lie? Only vtubers. Watch any other streamer on youtube. They dont get culled. Also answer all the other questions. If it is some authentication why arent all viewers culled from the waiting room to authentify? Why only some? How does youtube decide who gets culled? Sounds like a load of bullcrap.
You mean Twi
deso deso deso deso deso
kanata whore deso deso
they do get culled
why are enfags like this?
Why do you keep sprouting bullshit?

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