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Previous thread: >>47073989

(04/11-05/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical "Romeo & Juliet"
(06/28) Nogizaka46 Live in Hong Kong
(07/05) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour 2024
Cafe&Travel Bus, opens
(07/15) Sakaguchi Tamami & Seimiya Rei
Graduation Ceremony at 35th SG Mini Live
(07/20-09/04) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour
(07/23) Yumiki Nao 1st Photo Book
(10/18-27) Yoshida Ayano Christie stars in
"Fruits Basket -The Final"

Official site: https://www.nogizaka46.com/
Official X: https://twitter.com/nogizaka46
Official Showroom: https://www.showroom-live.com/campaign/nogizaka46_sr
Upcoming Nogizaka appearances/events/radio shows: https://www.nogizaka46.com/s/n46/media/list?ima=4035
Group subs masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
Subbed content: https://nogiarea.weebly.com/
Group live shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
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Would you eat Rei's mac and cheese?
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Lately I've been interested in Snek a lot. Post Snek.
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my Queeeeeeen
This a filter? She was never this hot before.
It's Korean makeup as in she actually went to Korea to get it.
wtf I love kpop now.
Tama asian parlor massage
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My eyes on Sakuchan.
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>you record me I record you faggot
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Imagine spending that much on a suitcase and you still have to put your stuff in it and pull it yourself.
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we love Yoda-chan here
God she's beautiful
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That's what I'm talking about
When the fuck are they announcing the summer single?
AKB and sakurazaka are both out already.
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Teresa Ikeda is a Whore
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I'm curious to hear when did Mukai arrive, she wasn't seen in either groups, so she either went separately or undercover I don't know.
I want that Riria Photobook
She is graduating
And? Sakaguchi is graduating and she was there with the others.
Her hus is jelly
She arrived yesterday with her boyfriend (me).
sexo with Inoue Sayuri
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capacity: 8000
attendance: 6000
#6 tried that and got BTFO'd quickly
Is she a gravura model now?
I don't think so, that's just from her PB
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Imagine celebrating your sister's birthday and get excited that you could get all the props cheap from Temu
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Kitano imouto very ROUND.
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Reno's soft round butt wrapped up in a Yukata
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My eyes on YAC's thighs
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I guess the Hong Kong trip got a little out of control? They need a bigger security detail!
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Ririan photobook now!
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Good God, Yanchan!
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Kazumin, no!
a cute!
and cool
oh Chima, my sex angel...
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only Japanese tourists would think about taking a picture there
comfy as fuck
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Kubo Kubo Kubo Shiori
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Yikes they aren't even trying to hide the blatant photoshop on these.
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