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Sore Throat Edition

Post your favorite Japanese announcers and alt girls (athletes, race queens, youtubers, etc.) who don't fit anywhere else.
Follow up to /ww/ - Weather Waifus

前スレ >>47150002

>5ch Announcer Forum
https://agree.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/img8/1695243512/ -- /faaag/ outpost on the English (ghost town) side of 5ch
https://github.com/JDimproved/JDim -- desktop client (Linux native, Windows under WSL)
>Recent announcer gravure
https://ranking.net/rankings/maker-syelh8 -- WNL casters only
https://i.warosu.org/data/jp/img/0469/85/1717513390839664.jpg -- 2024 お天気キヤスター総選挙 from FLASH magazine
>Watch live
https://aqstream.com/jp -- TBS, NTV, NHK, Fuji TV, TV Asahi, TV Tokyo, etc. in browser
https://rentry.org/faaag_tv -- above channels and more for mpv/vlc users
https://weathernews.jp/wnl/timetable.html -- today's schedule
https://smtgvs.weathernews.jp/a/solive_timetable/timetable.json -- json version
https://rentry.org/faaaglookalikes -- AV, gravure, and idol lookalikes
https://civitai.com/user/shimesabaEX/models -- AI art models
https://getnavi.jp/category/entertainment/weathernews/ -- GetNavi interviews
>Weathernews schedule + sortable links to past streams. Find your favorite caster's past WNL and AU Pay streams
https://jsfiddle.net/ykh46jz5/ -- browse AU Pay stream thumbnails
>Put your favorite caster on a chocolate box!
Thank you for the new thread

Super Cute
I dreamed last night that I was in high school eating all-you-can-eat KFC and pistachios with my friends in the cafeteria, when we suddenly noticed Saya as our teacher standing in the corner wearing this but completely topless. She was facing the corner so we could only see her back and some sideboob.
mayu sex sex
I desperately need to make love with Mayu.
Momopin is sleeping next to her old boss from Nagoya after a long sex session last night.
wni boycott until non is back!!!
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I endorse this. Where can we file a petition???
>strategic phone placement to hide armpit
as bad as Yui hiding her feet
The next weeks WNI will see its lowest viewership numbers ever because of Non's absence.

Non fans, vote NOW!!!
no one should watch wni when non is not there
not even recorded, old shifts

lets make bashi and murata understand they cant let non go

if non's salary must be worth half of wni's payroll so be it!!!
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boobas in different shades of pink
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- WeatherNews #1 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1712705407
- Airi Yamagishi #3 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1701861297
- Akira Kawabata #1 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710467214
- Ayaka Matsuyuki #2 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1701791623
- Ayame Muto #9 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710278968
- Izumi Maie #4 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710376033
- Mayu Uozumi #4 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710245951
- Mizuki Tokita #19 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1718088548
- Momoka Aohara #5 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1714674111
* Nana Takayama #4 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1704094824
- Naoko Takayasu #6 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710375884
- Riena Kobayashi #6 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710282449
- Rinon Oshima #26 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1716008923
- Rinon Oshima F1 - https://mao.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/f1/1710479500
- Saya Hiyama #39 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1712778747
- Saya Hiyama #59 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1718098392
* Sayane Egawa #2 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1703939120
- Senna Ogawa #4 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710283388
- Takehisa Yamaguchi #5 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710243913
- Yui Komaki #29 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1717951713
- Yuiko Lisa Okamoto #3 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710248064
- Yukari Shirai #4 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1710252825
- Yuki Uchida #8 - https://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1711680049
nonchan and miichan sleeping, kissing and hugging each other right now after last night clandestine sex at miichan's small apartment
Did it so furiously to Mayu this morning I got too tired and went to sleep again. It felt really good.
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True Sex Goddess Ayaka Matsuyuki.
Meru... it's not fair
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My Queen
why the fuck are people watching???

hail non!!!
non supremacy!!!
wni with no non is useless!!!
This has to be some insane false flagging at this point. Do you hate Non that much?
Mayu right now doing a quickie with Bashi before a date with her bf since her sugar daddy is busy today with his wife.
no one hates non

non is the reason wni still exists, specially since ayame and saya left

non must be protected but must be on air too!!!
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If you hate Non (or Miichan or Mayu) you have a huge problem with the world.
Scorching hot summer in Japan but granny clothes is the trend. Non had to rest a while because of the AC they use there.

It's like they don't want people to watch WNI.
Yeah they should just make the casters report the weather naked.
Saya should've done an RCT-360 before she left.
naked would be the other extreme, very boring

a true middle ground would be elegant yet skimpy outfits, either short skirts, cleavages or tight clothes

leaving something to the imagination excites and arouses way more than anything else
She did, with the tennis guy lmao
prolly with bashi and/or murata too
I hope the non schizo goes away soon
In your opinion, when Non will be back to live streaming?
I think that, if everything will be fine, from July, 22th (so three whole weeks), every day might be the right one (clearly, we don't know what kind of medical treatment she will undergo, so my opinion is based on what she said on her Twitter)
Non wont be back anytime soon

Papanon forbid her to return and get sick again for some pocket change. lmao
22th July is pretty reasonable, since it's 2 weeks from Silverstone GP.
I bet she will have an overseas vacation during this break.
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Cuties are here!
Sista from anotha mutha.
They look straight from the '60s
Noooooo, Non didn't guess the hedgehog ww
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Watching Honoka stream alongside Non and Momo www.
It's Yuiover
Yui got married, she confirmed it in her twitter post:

To everyone who always supports me, I would like to announce that I have gotten married. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who supports me and continue to provide weather and seasonal information. Thank you for your continued support.
I was distracted by the AU pay stream and haven't been watching Yui's chat... My day is ruined:(
It's fucking over for WNI: Non hiatus and now Yui confirmed getting plowed by chad.
This is an awful year

Non is out and Yui is married. god damn
Yui is now part of the MILF group lmao
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Glad I already shorted my ¥YUI right after Hawaii and bought lots of ¥MAINE.
This weak man wants to kill himself.
Did she announce pregnancy too?
Yui talking about the rocket launch
Does not matter, shes now part of the MILF group with Ayaka and Airin. LMAOOOOO
I'll never have a Nana wife. I'll never have a Yui wife. why live?
Who is creampieing Yui?
idk probably some rich buff chad
Wrong tab gomen
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cute Non please help me get over Yuiiii
ASMR moment
Non is going on vacation leave to have honeymoon. Just like what Yui did. LMAOOOO
I'll give a month. Hopefully she'll be back earlier.
No arm strenght edition
Hopefully many of her so-called fans will start going out to the street, socializing with women they actually have a chance with, becoming the best version of themselves and stop being idiots and delulu.
Now ももぴんタイム
Mission accomplished
Not you and none of the regulars of this board for sure.
lets fucking jump ship elsewhere!!!
non is probably getting married soon too!!!
Well, I can still wank at Mayu, Yuiko, Ayame and Ayaka. Unlike you delulu guys I don't care who's married or not so I'm happy.
hot sexy yuiko on ig live now
non must remain single at least this fiscal year ending next march if wni wants to keep afloat and not go bankrupt; yuiko must grow fast if she wants to become an alternative ayame and miichan should be given more airtime and tighter clothing (and go back to skimpy shorts)

momopin must become the next saya and mayu the next ayame and given more specials and projects

or they should hire a former model who is really pretty (like ayame) and promote her instantly

everyone specially nonfags
buy momocoin now
They join her right now
I don't even feel like watching the AU pay stream.
Nah, dump all WNI coins except for good ol' reliable hags like Airin, Ayaka, Sayane, and Yukarin.
And Riena. She's too wholesome and no one is gonna die when she eventually marries (to a wealthy, good-hearted guy approved by Kobayashi house).
Mayu best and sexiest caster.
What a possessive cat
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michads we are finally redeemed
AuPAY streams schedule of July
Bye..... Non, come back as strong as ever!
PS: Now Austrian Gp qualifying for me
Thanks for taking screenshots of July's schedule.
plz au pay stylists, make mayu, yuiko and ayaka wear sexy and stylish skimpy outfits and also glossy pink lipstick!!! it's summer ffs!!!
nymphomaniac momopin is too boring and has no otaku appeal, though she's increasingly hot
How old are u, 12?
Any Weathermap caster recommendations??
mayu and even yuiko should be wni wild cards, else they're gonna make tse to crash
I wish Eriko would talk to the camera for 3 hours straight, 3-5 days a week instead of just a few minutes every weekday. She's the only round-face koala gf I have left ;_;
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I think 田中美都 is super cute, especially if Yui is your type.
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cutest weathermap caster imo

1. will never leave the company
2. is pretty, sexy, talented and funny as fuck
3. has the best lips and smile and the hottest body (the bj fantasy is hot)
4. cares about what fans say (even the stupidest stuff such as the mii-non delayed crosstalk)
5. would totally have awesome and endless sex with younger fans/employees

no one cares or notices she’s married because airin fans aren’t closeted fags always thinking of guys when jerking off at celebrity gals
Yuiko is so damn hot.
What a load of crap. Somebody tell these whores to just fucking QUIT when they get married. Go leave, get knocked up, and just disappear
The only load of crap is everything you have inside your fucking head instead of brain, sicko pillow rapist. Quit the internet, faggot cocksucker son of whores.
go back to the 11th century, dicklicker
ur mom never quit even though she had you before she started to suck and lick my cock, you creep wanker.

quit the society, faggot
so ur supposedly wanking at celebrity women but if they happen to have a bf/hb you can’t stop thinking about that guy???

get out of the closet, sissy jerk
i do it to momopin but this is true
>they should hire a former model who is really pretty (like ayame)

if non marries the money needed to keep her at wni should be invested in hiring kaede sato instead. just do a sham caster call and to keep appearances hire a hot, aristocratic aoyama non/yuiko kohai
quit your life, cuckold tosser
She rather coming to work everyday at 1 AM and have the chance to rub elbows with actors, musicians, and athletes than talking for 3 hours to lonely old men.
im not worried because im learning a little japanese and with an app i will migrate to japan, meet mayu and communicate through that app so she will become my gf, then my fiancee and finally my wife so ill take her to my first world country so she works and pays my bills while we live in our love nest on my mom's basement
I'm doing my last goon session to Yui's shift tonight before quitting WNI for good.
I'm quitting this bullshit too, I suggest you all do the same.
is a good plan
Saving my Aryan cum for tonight's Mayu's Sunshine. Please make her wear a very short skirt!!!

Do you guys think Yui allows her husband some anal sex, I mean she kinda looks submissive.
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Happy Birthday!!!
I've been slowly reading her 5ch all day. One guy so far says he just wants to know whether she does paizuri.
Lucky husbando, Yui's saggy yet huge tits make it good for paizuri. lmao
yui and non wouldnt marry losers for sure
id love eriko to rub my hard cock at 1 am as we french kiss until the next afternoon
I'd wank to Kaede Sato until I become 90.
5ch is worse than 4chan. Fucking jp incel creeps.
reluctant gay detected lmao
just jerked off to her gigantic tits to honor her birthday, it felt awesome when i cummed, thanks for the reminder
not only not short miniskirt but granny, curtain long skirt
why dont you goon right now (since it's sunday morning) with an old shift of hers and get a fucking life for once and for all??? dont fucking want your loser, cocksucker vibe while i watch her tonight before starting my damn week.
i wanna do the same but i cant find the senna ai pics with her round perfect breasts
the sexiest casters on the same pic

gonna save my precious jizz from now until those days and my only wank of the week will be to them
I've loved Airin since 2017 and will love her until the year 30,000.
yeah seeing that yui got married was surprising but honestly what a boss ass move dropping it out of nowhere without elaborating and keeping it private. avoided a lot of the hate saya got. I had a big crush on her for the past few years and was a little bit sad today but very happy for her as well. she seems to work very hard and has a positive energy. it was a wake up call for me to stop watching this shit too lol
super cute pic and all, but you know she's doing this same thing to her bf's cock. Ya'll Nonfags gonna get cucked harder than the Sayabros, mark my words.
i read the yui 5ch thread during the last hour and i feel like throwing up. In comparison this 4chan cesspool looks like the fucking house of lords, what a bunch of idiocy, conspiracy bs and incel loser tantrums and ridiculous entitlement. it's so fucking disgusting i dont feel sorry for any of the creeps posting there: i fucking hate them
entitled spoiled nonfags hold more hate inside them than all the cunts who started hating saya after "loving" her when the wimbledon thing happened
saya gave details simply because tennis boy is famous

all of the marriage announcements of the other married casters were quite similar to yui's, because all of them married non celebrity guys.

good for her and her actual fans, sorry for her simps and wacko wankers
i want those pics too
time to fully invest in Yuiko-coin during the boom times before stocks plummet in the near future
jumping ship halfheartedly to momopin
i wanted to jerk off at birthday girl's massive booba but i totally spent my cum on mayu's shift, her pretty face arouses me enough to get huge boners and quick, constant production of cum

maybe tomorrow, plz ai bros, post senchan tits here
another fucking closeted fag?? unprotected anal is gross and totally gay, wet pussy is the way to go even with a latex
Yui and Non are likely to leave next year and none of the younger casters have any charm, WNI is entering its dark ages
I can speak only on my behalf and not for any other Nonfag here (I'm not the OP, by the way), but to me, if she got married, I would be happy for her.... I'd be more sad at hearing her future WN retiring announcement (Speaking about Saya's Wimbledon situation, honestly I never understood all the backlash she went through after her relationship revelation)
Now time to get some sleep before watching Yuiko helping Gussan with his sismomether
less creeps and weirdos watching
go and wank to v-tubers
>I never understood all the backlash she went through after her relationship revelation

east asian fucking toxic idol "culture" nonsense

im not a yui or non fag but it's their call if they marry, ffs they're grownups and have a right to have a fucking emotional/sexual life with whoever they fucking wish

fucking backwards cunts
Made for blowbangs.
There's a lot of work to do but Momopin is Saya + Non in one gal. If done right her potential could be used to make her the new WNL ace before it's too late.
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Source: trust me bro, I watched the WNF clips when Non joined WNI and Yui is all I can watch after 12 hours sucking cock.

Many of the younger casters have huge charms, weirdo.
Yukari Shirai, a veteran, beautiful caster who's back from maternity leave; seems she's filling for Non-chan.
>Many of the younger casters have huge charms.
True, particularly Senna and her rack.
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Old image. Haven't generated new ones for a while
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i wish ayame came back to wni

i just did it to her cheerleading pics anyway
thank you, bro!!! you made my day!!
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Itasha Mayu
Yuiko will come later (the last time, Airin joined after 30 minutes)
Best Tits
Let me implement pagination first, and then I'll try to incorporate the backfilled data. I think I'm going to paginate in 1 year chunks, and see how that feels.
Damn, he was so much into it that he gasped when he heard Yuiko's voice ww... By the way, stunning Yuiko
Senchan arriving..... and it's HAHAHAHA all the way!
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Ready to watch some SOLiVE24 like it's 2015
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They've got bassist Mina on as a guest.
Is my wife Yukari back from maternity leave?? Imagine the mammaries.
>Ayaka & Yukari start lactating in unison during the crosstalk
That’s a thing, right?
Yes, she will never betray me.
>builds DIY weather contraptions and chats to cute girls all day
Pie-in-the-face gag, classic Gussan.
God I feel like such a cuck
I wish Yui's rich ikemen chad husband would end my misery.
I didn't watch it live, but I just watched this video with Mii and the bass
>Cutie Mii, let's do some funk!
Is this the same guy who did the Saya itasha?
This girl had the perfect face to fuck.
Thank you so much!! Been wanking to Senchan all night long and my cum is coming thick and perfectly white because of all the pleasure her massive tits and cutie face make me feel.

Great way to honor her 25th birthday!!!
I want Senna's ぱい in my face.
do y'all really gotta announce when you are jerking off?
I think it's just one guy.
I wrote a comment just one time when I wank to one of JAV Mayu's (pic related)
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I just deployed pagination by year. It should make the page sizes manageable again.
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I did a test import, and it looks like it imported cleanly (and quickly). I may switch it over in a few minutes. My only concern is how database replication will be affected. The database went from about 850KB to 3MB. I hope Unison (the synchronization tool I'm using) is doing some sort of binary diff.
5ch wackos are more dangerous since they actually live in Japan
ok virgin
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Morning with Mayu
m2 means no mini skirt for mayumayu nor momopin

i hate my life, worst monday in weeks

gonna ending up arriving too early for school
next marriage: saya, non or momopin
Probably Saya. I'm surprised Yui married first.
Nana's thread #5

Sayane's thread #3
of course, it’s useful to measure the popularity of each caster at this board, lmao

for example i did it to miichan very early before leaving for school and i intend to touch myself with an old yuiko shift tonight
i have a hope saya will leave tennis boy but that’s not gonna happen

next marriage chances from highest to lowest are saya, non, momopin/miichan, senchan, mayu, (and very low this year or the next) yuiko/riichan
dont we have ayame ai bikini or lingerie pics??? i suddenly felt like wanking at her
This board exists because incels and virgins wank at Asian middle-ground celebrities.
I accidentally posted the wrong link.
It should be:
Is this all the same person?
reddit-spacing, lower-case, diction, comma usage, ...all very similar.
ayaka chatting with a vtuber about a rocket launch
Keep in mind that Yukari is incredibly smol
I just realized that after seeing her pageant stats, shes like Yukki sized.
She's back on track!
It could perfectly be you.
M2 until when??? Fucking rainy season. I hate it.

Also no Mayu nor Non nor Momopin tomorrow. Horrible day.
Looking at this http://misscampus.jp/nichigei/2010/04/profile.html I wonder if she did the college president. She hasn't changed a bit and these pics are 14 years old.
i have a hunch: miichan will make a surprise wedding announcement in september
More likely tennis boy gonna dump Saya once he got bored or he somehow got an idol's phone number.
So salty about being cucked by someone infinitely more successful than you.
TV Asahi just got a promising rookie forecaster.
>Graduated from Science and Engineering Faculty of Seikei.
>Worked as System Engineer for a major electronic manufacturer company.
>Already passed Forecaster examination while working in her previous company.
田中裕理 announced her ((graduation)) just after 3 months working at Fuji TV.
Wonder if she'll somehow ended up in WNL lol, though it would be hard since she already signed to Centforce.
Don't know if it has been already posted on this general, but here are featured so many announcers (from our WN ladies to Seika, Eriko etc)

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In the WN schedule JSON, her name is "shirai". However, in the backfill, she was named "yukarin".
- https://gg.vern.cc/wn/caster/?n=shirai
- https://gg.vern.cc/wn/caster/?n=yukarin

I think I'm going to UPDATE all the yukarin schedule entries to be shirai instead to be consistent with WN's current naming.
yui glowing with pregnancy
Nice collection.
But her wardrobe choices went back to 2021 era
Moon with Yui (M2 is finally over)
Tinfoil 5ch weirdos claim her pregnancy (if true) should be evident by early September and she should go to maternity leave by late September (roughly at the same time Nana is expected to come back from hers). Everything with a grain of salt of course.

Cute Yui despite the boring clothing.
id love to have unprotected sex with non and cum inside her so much she'd get pregnant with twins thanks to my aryan seed, she'd be forced to marry me and enter maternity leave in time for the f1 season
Dream on.

i just felt like having a sex marathon with mayumayu here at my mom's basement

why wasnt i born in japan as a heir of a huge fortune of a nagoya tycoon? why mayu doesn't wear mini skirts and sexy clothing in private and posts the pics to her social media??
Get some help.
Finally, someone made new threads for them.
you all made my night after a hard monday with all your conspiracy theories and your wild imagination

you guys should write books or send drama/(adult) film treatments to studios since we need really compelling stories lmao

thanks for all the fun, fellow coomers!!!
I'm in my very late teens but the WNI casters who most turn me on are the veteran ones (Airin, Ayaka, Nana). What could this mean? I'm curious.
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did some lookup and only these two showed up:

seems ai bros werent into ayame, but anyway i just did it to her and it felt really cool
guys, who do you think among the wni casters (and other announcers too) actually does sexting?

i think airin, senchan and momopin are into it, sending lewd selfies to husband/boyfriend/sugar daddy

mayu seems unlikely, i think she's more prude than what we might think, it's not normal such a young, pretty woman *always* wears granny clothes even privately
>i think Mayu is more prude than what we might think

I agree. And Momopin would be the "anti-Mayu": we think she's prude/wholesome but she's probably a nympho.

I'd love to prompt lots of lewd, sexy Ayame AI pix (no "nudes", I actually find them boring) but I have no fucking idea on how to do it.
Great pics despite the ugly socks. Now I started liking [and doing it to] Yukarin.

>She hasn't changed a bit
Saya will dump him, not the other way around. She'll do it when she finds her cheating with some bimbo 5th rate idol or a "superfan" from his YT channel. But years could pass before that happens.
stfu, hentai weirdos!!

momopin is a virgin and im gonna marry her after i get to japan to attend college there!!!!1!!!!

shes pure, wholesome and saint, ill give her happiness!!!
Why would a rich, handsome athlete in his prime would settle with 30 yo hag who still needs her momma tailing her around?
sexy twintails
Our Chairwoman, beautiful as fuck
Riena is the best and I don't care if she's underrated. Less strange people simping her.

I'm so in love with this woman!
The guy has been in a losing streak since more than a year ago. He should be grateful to have Saya and her mom (who is the one who introduced her to tennis, which already was among her hobbies way before meeting that guy) by his side.
You indeed might give Momopin happiness... by never entering Japan.
thank u! great ai job and perfect for the last wank of the day before going to sleep

i wish i dream of ayame or senna tonight
non isnt into sexting but i think she and gussan send each other a lot of funny/cute pics on LINE the days one or both are off.
Senchan again on early shifts but no tight shirts not short skirts/pants. Why, why??

Honoka's segment on The Time today.
Delusional loser. Why are you so salty that a woman you absolutely have no chance with is in a relationship with someone more accomplished than you?
His bad luck was starting as soon as their relationship got revealed on Wimbledon lol.
Perfect for facefucking.
i need mayumayu to make love with me right now and later sleep together as lovedoves, but she seems off and spending her free time at a expensive hotel with a rich spoiled brat

the world’s young men need to earn the right the have at least one night stands with mayu
Now Non can do it on a regular basis.... She has plenty of spare time to do so lol
Non can now play with her tight pussy all day in her room.
Yuiko is pure hot sex. I want her and her wet pussy on my bed.
The glorious feeling of getting to crack open Non's legs after a long day of work and ripping her petite little pussy up and covering her face with cum.
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Perfect body Miichan. Instant and huge boner. Hopefully my cock enters her wet pussy.
wni should rehire ayame

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