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Unhoused Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing | This is currently empty, help to replace/rebuild this archive is deeply appreciated!

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Sunbathing
Previous Photo Challenge: Catching Bugs
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
Next Meetup: Doll Panel in Room 402AB @ 5:54PM July 5th | Unofficial Meetup 11am -9pm July 6th at Anime Expo, see >>47149459 for details.
Then After: Otakon Aug 2nd - 4th, Details TBA
Later: LA Dolpa Sep 7-8

Other Doll Threads:
Previous Thread: >>47098120
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/11041579
Azone Thread: >>>/toy/11032018 (but you can post here, too.)

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/
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I'm trying to build a replica of this doll, but it looks like most the parts and accessories are custom ;_;
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Got another smart doll. I didn't want to buy more of them because of Dannys antics but I couldn't stop myself, those semi-real faces they've been doing lately are just way too cute.
Spent all day yesterday sewing an outfit for her, I legit had a "wait, why is it dark outside?" moment.
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I get it, it's hard to resist. She's gorgeous anon! Also do you mind if I ask where one can get that jumper skirt?

Don't fret anon. Even if things are custom, you can probably find the original creator. I don't quite recognize this sculpt (it's on the tip of my tongue I swear) but that bust is probably a peach pai. Custom hands can be found all over, but yahoo japan auctions and booth are probably your best bet for ease of access (and keep an eye on mandarake, I've found them there from time to time.) The wig is a bit of a tricky color, but look around and you'll find something, Licht might have a similar option available. You might not be able to make an exact copy, but you can definitely get close. Good luck!
Is it supposed to be an anime character or just their doll? If the latter, why not just take elements/inspo instead?

The dress looks lovely!
I made the top and the skirt myself. For the skirt I drafted an A-Line circle skirt pattern, kitbashed it with the lower half of a blouse from one of the free smart doll patterns and added some halter straps.

Anon please open an e-store so I can give you money, these are really well-tailored. Very impressive work!
>I didn't want to buy more of them because of Dannys antics but I couldn't stop myself
I've met Danny on two separate occasions almost a decade apart and he was always as much of a prick in person as he seems to be online. Add in that the "Why a SmartDoll might not be for you" page is practically the HK "You suck and we hate you" copypasta, and that's all I needed to never buy one.
Positively gorgeous anon
I'm thinking about doing one of those 100 day challenges for my doll photography to get better at it. Only problem is I don't think I can come up with 100 unique poses and compositions in such a short time span, especially without the practice of doing it all the time. So question for the photographers here, how do you come up with your poses? Do you come up with them on your own or do you get inspiration from pose books, social media, etc?
Thanks! Maybe at some point in the future when I'm better and faster at sewing. Right now it takes me way too long to make anything, I'd have to charge outrageous prices.
I don't need a gyaru doll. I don't need a gyaru doll. I don't need a gyaru doll. If its custom you can probably go down a similar route that that doll went down. I don't need a gyaru doll.
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>I don't need a gyaru doll.
that's a shame anon, I think you'd really enjoy one
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>I don't need a gyaru doll.
Anon.... you're making her cry...
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1/3 nice day out

>I don't need a gyaru doll.
I do not believe you

nice looking doll, nice looking accessories.
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Very cute
I would recommend getting a reflector for backlit shots like the first two. You can do a makeshift one by putting some retroreflective tape on a piece of cardboard
now even the dolls are homeless
what is the world coming to
But I'm not ready to get a doll in a different size.

Cute photoshoot, is that a dress you made?
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I made a makeshift lightbox out of a cardboard box and an old work shirt, gave it a test and the results are promising

Thanks, yes I think that is going to be a next photo gear purchase. Along with a couple flashes and remote trigger, just because of this issue. The first one had some led panels illuminating the front but they aren't bright enough to really do the job.
Yeah, a couple progress pictures from last thread. One of the requiem art patterns.
>I had a bad dream
>can I sleep with you tonight?
whatever happened to this
Either the collab fell through or danny did something that killed it. Either is equally likely.
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Same thing that happened to this, I imagine. Things fell through in some way.
How would you go about suspending props above your doll? I was thinking wire, but I'm not quite sure where it would best be placed.
So this is where black rock shooter ended up
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did they just set a torso/propped head in the box?
I usually see people use fishing line, it's easy to photoshop out.
Trikt kinda screwed people over with his kickstarter, and deleted his twitter and fucked off. He probably got a new alias and has restarted somewhere as 'someone else/new.'
Whole thing was kinda weird.
Etsy is banning all nsfw products on their platform and I suspect it will hit doll things at random for having too many straps or looking "inappropriate" by westoid standards.
no, it won't; they are banning due to payment processor rules. It won't affect toys. Just adult products.
Also they may be planning to sell the company soon.
I support censorship but something I will never understand is why do payment processors give that much of a shit over pornography and other degeneracy. Don't they just love money? Like why exactly in this era where everyone's a mega degenerate openly and the media is trying to get everyone to be as much of a filthy swine as possible you still have banking companies go "did you pay for PRON with that?! B&!!"
Someone please explain it to me beacuse I legitimately don't understand. There is obviously no moral reason why they're doing this.
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if you genuinely want to know what, why, and how is going on, I suggest this article:
(remove the parentheses around the dots)

(I apologize for the off topic but people should understand who is making tumblr, etsy, patreon, etc, make decisions.)
You spray the doll with Mr. Super Flexible
>You mad fleshboi?
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I got a swimsuit coming for Momoko still but Mizuka is keeping cool in the heat.
I wonder what body that is...
Oh my fuck that's cute. I love how she's ready to go with the little towel in the bag.
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Got some new clothes in for Keiko
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Need a hat and sunglasses to fill out this tropical vacation/beach bum look
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And this dorky casual 80s vibe, threw in the F-91W since it's technically 80s
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and finally another shot like >>47210311
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Short trip with doll.
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What’s the opinion on imomodolls? Also where would you buy one from?

The skeleton looks like a smart doll’s only cheaper.

I’m looking to get a thicker bodied 40cm ish tall doll and mod it. Preferably something cheap.
My opinion on owning an Imomo is that I should have just bought a Dollbot instead. They did make a 2.0 release of the body a while back but from what I've gathered it still has its issues.
it’s alright i guess. can’t expect too much with what you paid for since posing and joints can be a bit of a pain. though i know they recently made a 2.0 body for 1/4 and 1/6 so it might be a lot better but not sure. i have the new 1/6 body coming in currently. you can also get them on taobao for fairly cheap.
Dollbot looks to be about 7x the cost for a full set? I’m sure they are worth it but I’m going to be playing with this pretty hard and prefer their sculpted hair for reasons

Yeah any links to guides from buying from Tao?
Cute top

Cute hat and really pretty locations
>I’m going to be playing with this pretty hard
....what are you going to do?
As someone who routinely plonks my dolls down on concrete and in mulch to take a photo, I'd still go with dollbot. I haven't handled on, but I have handled the original imomodoll body, and while their 75cm boys are incredibly solid, the first iteration of their 40cm body might be the worst one I've ever handled. It will not hold together. I have the entire frame- the ENTIRE internal skeleton- held together with tape because it cannot handle movement. Not even posing, just the rigors of putting on pants.

I will eventually get one of their upgraded bodies. Thee 75cm boys are, again, incredibly solid! So that gives me confidence that they are making improvements. But for something you intend to be traveling with, I'd recommend Dollfie Dream (easiest to replace parts, poses well, sturdy,) > Obitsu (affordable, the bodies have improved a lot over the years, also easy to replace parts) > Angel Philia (they are easily the best posers as far as vinyl goes, but they are a bit delicate and parts can be troublesome,) > Azone (they are lovely but harder to dress and find option parts for,) > Smart Doll (they don't pose the best and getting parts is a pain in the ass, but they hold up to being toted around in a backpack wonderfully these days,) other vinyl brands (which can be great but even I haven't handled all of them.) Anyone who disagrees, please feel free to offer your own perspective!
They don't take routine handling very well, mine loses its lower legs all the time. As a modding test bed? It is the cheapest option, and if you have the skill to create/print solutions to the Imomo's bigger flaws*, then by all means.

*That being there's zero integration of the inner frame and vinyl shell. The legs especially just wobble around, giving a very janky feeling.
To anyone that needs to hear it, it's ok to not do anything with your dolls for a while. It's okay if that interest and passion wanes. Life is cyclical and sometimes other things -- sometimes good, sometimes bad -- will take precedence. Dolls are ever-patient and watchful. They see what you are going through. They will wait for you. Be as kind to yourself as they would be, anons. And when you do feel the spark again, embrace it and share here. This thread, too, shall be waiting.
I’m thinking about those cheap knockoff hard plastic Dream fairy dolls that are 40cm full set for about $51 on AliExpress. has anyone seen what these dolls look like when disassembled? I think I have a torso that would work great replacing the legs at the rotational thigh joint.

Any doll in the 400-800 range is moot because there are purpose made doll brands that already have the function and look im after. (Mozu doll, nsfw)

I’m being vague for a reason. I would be posting to the ona thread but I wanted info on newer bjd then they know about.

You can buy a new frame for 22 bucks on AliExpress.

How is the quality of the vinyl parts on your imomodoll? I guess that’s all I’m after really. Having some loose joints would be okay so long as the limbs are not falling off.

Yeah I do 3D printing and I’m considering just using one of the STL BJD models already available but vyinl is a nicer feeling material then any of the resins I have. And I would need to paint the resins even if I used the flexible stuff.

The last mod to a hard doll I did was a “play date Rapunzel” I think about 80cm tall, I want something smaller to be a fairy, normally I mod fabric dolls.
What you want is produced by Six House Dolls.
Those don’t have the pear shaped body style and I’m sure buying clothes for them is a pita. Also mozu dolls have the pair shape but they are all too large.

Anyone know how well 18inch doll clothes (think American girl) fit on the 40cm imomodoll style bodies. I think the imomodolls are compatible with Dollfie Dream? Shoot I will just google it.
You could put like three 40cm dolls into one AG shirt.
>Six House Dolls.
I read that as the Sixth House and an imagine of a Dagoth Ur doll popped into my head.
1) nah, they fit DD clothes because they're basically plastic/silicone-hybrid bootleg DDs
2) If Six House is too small, I believe Irokebijin has 90cm dolls for the purpose you're seeking.
3) American Girl (and other 18" dolls) are FAR wider and chunkier than basically any 40cm doll because they (and their clothes/accessories) are made for the clumsy hands of a child to play with. 18" clothes are too big for 60cm dolls, they are more than 2x the width of any 60cm doll. You are overestimating the size of these dolls.
4) The vinyl is alright but prone to stains even by vinyl standards.

If you are set on Imomodoll for the price, bon mot -- but candidly anon, you are not going to be able to get even the average anon penis into a 40cm doll and even when you do, it's not going to be a pleasant feeling. If you are modding to make a DIY Dollho-esque creation using coat hangers and a mini onahole torso like the Lolinco, then this might be a more feasible route to choose.
They cost more, but silicone is a far friendlier material for your needs.
Thank you. I needed to hear this.
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>Dolls are ever-patient and watchful
I think mine are losing patience.
I hear the premade 40cm sex dolls are all kinda garbage for sex but I have two torsos that are the right size and measurements for 40 cm dolls. One is a toys heart fairy and the other is a generic torso that cost about $12 on Amazon but look and feel fantastic. That is why I want to Frankenstein something of my own I have good holes and torsos, just want a cute title fairy face and limbs complete the package.

Currently I stuff them inside of fabric dolls but these BJD’s are cute in a way those will never be.

Maybe a strategy would be to use a volks fabric body suit and let the parts sort of ragdoll inside of that. The fabric skin would keep it all together and flex.

How durable do you think the volks bodysuits are? They are cheap enough that I wouldn’t feel too bad if they don’t hold up too long.
Im barely following what youre talking about but my one volks suit at the neckline ripped just putting it on. No issues on my other one. Its got a good thickness to it that I think you have to try to put a hole in it normally. It’ll probably fail around the neck or end of arms. If youre making holes they’ll need reinforced somehow
Degens need degens advice so I'll chime in with my experience.

If you are dead set on a vinyl BJD for this, do not go do anything less than 58-60cm. As mentioned by >>47231578 40cm is far to small to fit into, even with a modded ona. It s also to small and doesn't have enough surface area for the average to comfortably fit *on*, if that is your plan of attack. A 1/3 scale has far more surface area and volume to fit right and is a far more pleasurable experience. Take the time to save the money to not cheap out on something that won't be the right thing.

>purpose made doll brands that already have the function and look im after
This will always always always be the better way to go for your own satisfaction. You already know about mozu, they make exactly the thing you want in a small size for less than 500. If you want bigger than that, Irokebijin makes 90cm TPE dolls for not too much more as previously mentioned. Again, take the time to save the money for the thing you will be more happy with.

>I’m being vague for a reason
I knew that. I hoped I would be the only one degenerate enough to do this.

>vyinl is a nicer feeling material
Yes, this is true, but silicone and TPE feel better. Don't use lubes on vinyl, it stains worse than you do.

Learn from my mistakes so you don't make them, too.
Now can we have some more wholesome content to offset this degeneracy?
Man I really fucked up those spoiler tags. Sorry, y'all.
This is becoming incomprehensible.
It’s Best that way, this will be my last post.

Is there some kinda place to buy second hand busted dolls?
I think doll parts+ ona torso + doll skin suit is a combo I haven’t seen tried. Removing the need for rigid skeleton in the torso would hopefully maintain the comfort of using the torsos I currently have.
If you mean second hand silicone dolls, don't. Any potential savings isn't worth catching a case of whatever is growing inside it. If you mean vinyl, ebay and mandarake? Facebook and discord groups?

If you're going to go as far as spending money to indulge these desires, at least get yourself something nice instead of doing a fucked up hackjob.
This thread took an unexpected turn
Are there any shops you guys know of that specialize in professional/military outfits? I'm all for dressing your dolls in a way that's cute/trendy, and that in such a niche market people will gravitate to making what they know sells, but I feel like there might be a gap in the market here.
The only shop I know that consistently sells military gear is an etsy shop selling helmets for the price of a dollfie from the US store.
From me!
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How much do you reckon a 1/4th scale G-8 WEP jacket would run?
It's a rather complex nylon jacket with shoulder gussets (action back) and fairly unique sleeve cuffs
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This is the full set doll that’s only 51 bucks on AliExpress right now. It’s a hard plastic knock off of the cute 40cm dolls on the market. Anyone try one of these out before? The reviews on YouTube are from toy doll/non BJD folks. Looks like something I wouldn’t feel too bad if I messed it up.
Look man, you're not going to find what you're looking for for the price you're looking for. Anything cheap is going to be too small and/or fragile and for anything that's big/strong enough you might as well go the full-sized route for how much it will cost.
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Making bread with shitty Texas anime doll
First time making bread and first doll
I've seen owner photos, they're constructed like and made of the material of those baby dolls you can get in the walmart toy aisle. If you haven't even seen what they're ripping off you might not notice but no, I would say they're not worth that. Spend a little tiny bit more and get an imomodoll fullset if you're on a budget, I know anons here have been negative about them but that's in comparison to MDDs and dollbot, which are 4x the price or more. I have one of their first gen 1/6 and she's perfectly lovely, I imagine their newer bodies are sturdier. Buying clothes from that shop is probably fine, but put in a little more love to the doll itself, you and her both deserve it
If you can't find an imomodoll set you like, save up a bit more and wait for a tinyfox fullset release you like, they're also a much lower price point than MDD or dollbot
Really way too cute.
That's a good first bread anon, good work! And cute doll, too.
I like these. It looks like she's holding a championship belt.
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bread your dolls
Those tinyfox dolls look amazing, no one has brought up that brand before, is there a good review showing how the body is constructed? I hope they do another 1/4 panda doll.
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As thanks to the thread for helping me find tiny fox here is a 1-12 30MS model kit wearing a princess dress made from a balloon and using accessories from a calico critter
Thanks, that was the idea
A few threads ago someone said to use horse shampoo for dolls. Is there any special reason? Is there something in people shampoo that's bad for dolls? Is it something about the plastics used for doll hair?
NADA but horse shampoo, specifically mane and tail, was traditionally known for being high quality and less expensive then human shampoo but i don't know how it is now
also a lot of human shampoo will have random fragrances and additives that a doll probably doesn't need
Do not use Mane and Tail on your human hair it will turn it into straw. I wouldn't use it on a doll either -- I don't know what Volks uses in their wig shampoo/conditioner, but it's a very mild product meant for synthetics. I'd assume something similar is best for doll hair.
good to know it's shit now, (or always was). i will mark this down both for me and for my future doll.
It's been an old wive's tale for years but mane and tail has never been good for people.
>a lot of human shampoo will have random fragrances and additives that a doll probably doesn't need
What if I want my doll to have a nice fragrance...
i feel like spraying your doll with a spritz of perfume would probably be more effective
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Is there any guides on how to make hair drills for dolls?
I've been tempted to make a doll based on a character, but every character I want to make has hair drills. Not sure what that says about me...
This pic is the closest example I could find.
Assuming that you can't find a wig that's exactly what you're looking for, you don't really need a doll-specific guide since you can style heat-resistant wigs like normal hair, as long as you don't do it too often. Definitely take it off the doll and use a wig stand though to avoid scorching your doll's face.
I think Jane's dollland has some video reviews or at least unboxings of some fullsets, I personally have one of their 1/4 and one of the 1/6 dolls and they feel very high quality and sturdy. They're solid PVC with a surface coating and embedded joints, so they're very heavy compared to other dolls of the same sizes. The face prints are very pretty and their clothes are lovely. Most fullsets don't include shoes, my 1/4 did but check the fullset description in case you need to buy some separately. For the 1/4, the knees bend about 90 degrees, the arms can do full 180 degrees but ONLY if you pull out the hidden second joint which is recessed in the upper arm (I would suggest doing this before you dress the doll right away, and warming up the arm with a hair dryer to soften the plastic first). The hip joint is also about 90 degrees of motion at full bend. Shoulders are free motion pretty much. I should mention that the second 1/4 body, MACOCO, is constructed slightly differently from the one I have but it's had good reviews too. The upper torso of all bodies is hollow to facilitate a chest joint. I would not suggest trying to pull out any joints except the for extending the hidden arm joint.
For their 1/6 bodies the double elbow joint is visible from the start and requires no pulling. Range of motion is 90 for knees and hips again. Also very sturdy.
Cute, I also have that 30MS!
Look into boil washing doll hair into curls! Just make sure you're using a wig that's made of heat resistant fibre like the other anon said. It can be done with any saran or similar fibre wig, all you need is some straws of appropriate diameter, bobby pins, and something to hold the wig! And hot water I guess
Cotton ball with your preferred scent in the torso.

Normally you can use regular wig styling products (Volks water wax, etc) but for something like that I'd look into cosplay wig tutorials and consider setting them with glue after they've been styled.
cute! from the cute barefeet messy hair doll to the sharp artifacts on the baseboard and door
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Happy forth of July everyone
she's the champion of time!
Omg cute
I wish i could bring mine with me but didn't want to discuss the hobby with the family just yet
How much does a 1/4 Tinyfox weigh? Would they be easy to carry around in a backpack, for example?
I've never held a Tinyfox personally, but I can say even my 1/3 girls don't weigh much at all. 1/4 is a great size for traveling with in my personal opinion!
Adorable! What a fun picture, Happy 4th!
I can't weight mine but a quick comparison I could make at the moment is that she feels about as heavy as a 24oz bottle of shampoo I have in my bathroom. She's about the weight of a medium sized water bottle, perfectly fine for carrying around
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The 1/4 imomo is here! Man I didn't even realize just how large these things are. Really the only things missing are a pair of undies and white tights. The latter should nicely go along with the yellow attire, I think. If anybody knows a good place to look let me know.
AZO2 and DD undies should fit.

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