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>Music Channels

Sakura Gakuin: (dead)



Latest @onefive live


Muto Ayami

>SG Graduate Projects
Yuzumi ASMR (Wed, every two weeks):
Neo Sato in Repipi: (Intermittent)

Oshibudo episodes:

Oshibudo movie:

BM Pro-shots (up to date)
BM Pro-shots (old version)

Previously on /bmsg/ >>47274807
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Instagram Live from the festival

Part 1

Part 2
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New song KAGUYA will be released on 2024.08.14, described as "Neo Tokyo Ondo"
why doesn't monke show off bare skin?
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Kano said she grew up copying her older brother
Gumi grew up as a relaxed older sister, now sexy older sister
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She knows she harnesses too much power and doesn’t want to mog her OF sisters.
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Same as Kokona >>47297187
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Thank you GOAT
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Also on YouTube
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SUensual as fuck

God damn Gumi! Take it easy!
The sexiest
So how much longer do you think babymetal will last? They’ve had a great run
The deranged look Su gets sometimes is just pure power.
I really want her to peg me....
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Would you go into bankruptcy for her?
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When the West has devoured the East, and when the Chosen Ones have forgotten their mission and from whence they descended, then shall the wrath of the Fox God be kindled against them.
Any day now.
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20+ years. But maybe not with the current lineup. Amuse will definitely atleast try to bring up new girls if and when Su, Moa and Momo want to quit babymetal. With this current line up I would give them around 10 more years let's say 11 so Su and Moa will hit the 25 year mark
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Hard not to love Gumi
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she sold her soul to satan to play budokan. now she's literally possessed by demons.
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99% will ignore Babymetal's sacrifice. True Babymetal believers will reply "Amen" to this post.
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Sexy SUatan.
Nice edit. Did you notice her left handedness? I also noticed Momo switched to a handheld mic because her headworn mic failed
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It also hard not to get hard for Gumi
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She know she fine
Edging to Soyo!!
Hi cutemetal
I want to dominate her
I want her to dominate me
Nigga got taste
Explain each in detail
his name is Koba

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Deep cleavage
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Big head.
Big brain.
Big heart.
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Nothing brings me more joy in life than Moaposting.
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big beautiful eyes
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Perfect for her big beautiful head.
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I can see it
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Su "Snakes Have Hands" Metal
Is Babymetal really gonna collab with Slipknot? Would be really cool if they do!
Damn, she is so sexy indeed!
Futa Metal
Only collab I want to see is Babymetal and BLACKED
You have a porn addiction.
New live of old songs seem to have more delivery than early recordings. In the case of ROR's "is the time" or Syncopation's "suki kirai," I couldn't hear what they were saying before.
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They will open for Slipknot in South America so it would make sense to release a collab song with them and then they could play the song together there. But ofcourse only the fox god knows if something like that is even in the plans
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They're playing with Slipknot in Mexico City. Not South America.
you always ruin the mood trying to prove people wrong man
Idiots still don't know basic geography lol
Babymetal also plays at knotfest in brazil which is literally a festival hosted by Slipknot so get fucked you "AKSHUALLY" cunt
Knotfest? What is that? Some kind of femboy orgy party? Su should fit right in.
>I got fucked while trying to falsely and annoyingly correct other people so now I'll divert attention away from my retardness by posting some futa Su nonsense.
Yeah absolutely genius there mate.
BM fags never stop arguing
Brazil is in South America retard.
>fags never stop arguing
Fixed that for you
Brazil is in South America though.
And you don't know that BM is actually performing at Knotfest
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do you guys ever post about miko
Tick tock Granny Su.
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Is it true that she's going to replace Su?
Koba's hiding Miko, Metalverse has no plans, what should post?
No because she's a talentless nobody and Metalverse is just a watered down copy of Babymetal for pedophiles.
I refuse to believe that the granny Su miko poster is even a miko fan since it's literally always the same webm or a screenshot of that same webm he posts with his baits. Ofcourse now that I pointed this out he will google more pics of Miko to prove me wrong
Miko is better dancer and prettier than Su though
They only have two videos out as MV and the crossovers with BM so there's not much out there outside of SG stuff.
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Paranoid Granny Su Schizo with the latest conspiracy theory
Mentally illness and autism: the general
Lol your thread got archived and now you're trying with another unpopular "real" band which will archive soon too
Stfu you jerk off to lame Jpop idol nobodies. Simp music for horny weebs.
Come back when your "real" bands sellout the same stadiums and arenas that BabyMetal does
Kind of ironic to call me paranoid while you are the one being paranoid here.
Then why not post the SG stuff aswell? Atleast I would get pretty bored if I had to post literally same stuff in every thread.
Hanabie literally caters to otakus and gamers. They are WAAAAY more simp music than babymetal will ever be. Ofcourse I'm pretty dumb myself when I expect something less than absolute retardation from you
Hanabie and Otoboke Beaver both have more followers than Onefive. The only good thing to ever come out of Amuse and Sakura Gakuin is Babymetal and they're still pretty shallow and fake compared to real Japanese bands like Hanabie and Otoboke Beaver and Band-Maid and and Nemophila.
All those bands are as constructed and as artificially made as anything Amuse has produced
you sound like an angsty preteen who just read The Catcher in the Rye
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Ayaka has more followers than all of those bands combined
It's always funny when you always jump to onefive when you get absolutely fucked when you try to compare your shit bands to babymetal. Absolute bully mentality
Constructed by who? Hanabie was formed while the members were in high school. Otoboke Beaver was formed when the members were in university. Nemophila was formed by a few former members of other Japanese rock bands. Band-Maid was formed by Miku Kobato who, while working at a maid cafe, had the original idea of starting a rock band with a maid aesthetic. She recruited guitarist Kanami Tono through the internet. Kanami then suggested drummer Akane Hirose whom she previously played with as a singer-songwriter. Akane then in turn recruited bassist Misa who she went to music school with. And then they found lead vocalist Saiki Atsumi during auditions. So all these bands was formed organically by real musicians. The only member of Band-Maid who has any connection to the idol industry is Miku who had been in a small underground idol group before starting Band-Maid.
Fucking who? I don't even know who this is. Looks like your typical, stuck-up, narcissistic, fake Japanese idol girl who has no real personality and whose only quality is her appearance.
My man sounds exactly like a fucking wikipedia article. Either you are copying this shit straight from wikipedia or you are a bot
10x more famous than your shit bands combined that's who. Now go cry elsewhere faggot
Please just report the offtopic retard
No, I'm just a fan of those bands so I know their history. I'm making a point here and the point is that all those bands are authentic and make real, honest music. They have more artistic integrity and substance than any idol group that was formed by a soulless corporation/talent agency to cater to a bunch of simps, dumb horny weebs, and borderline pedophiles.
What about going back to le reddit?
Thanks for proving my point that you're all a bunch of horny weirdos and idiots with shit taste in music.
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What about the fact that I don't even use reddit? Have you ever considered that?
>Hanabie and Otoboke Beaver both have more followers than Onefive.
Do you have dementia. Did you actually forgot that you used literally the same argument that followers are important 40minutes ago? Jesus dude go get your brain checked up
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They looked and sounded great
Brain rot. Idol music is the equivalent of fast food.
Babymetal is a mixture of idol and metal music
BM too, besides visually boring
Also, all the members of those bands actually have their own social media accounts and post more content than Babymetal ever have in the past ten years of their entire existence. And those bands show more skin than Babymetal does nowadays. I mean, have you seen the thighs of Hettsu and Matsuri from Hanabie? Or Accorinrin from Otoboke Beaver? Just look up some live photos of those bands on Instagram or Google and you'll see what I mean.
BM is a metal church idol.
fuckin fans who agree that being sociable is allowed for all groups, even other women metal bands, but never for bm.
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Bootleg Babymetal.
Miki already is asking for rough fucking, she saw it done to maaya when her boyfriend was visiting her in the dorms. Now she's itching for it, any whiteheads up for the challenge
I'm here only for sexy onefive pics, something Babymetal will never going to do. Who told them that metal can't be sexy?
Babymetal isn't supposed to be overtly sexy like 99% of other idol groups. In the music industry, especially in the over saturated idol industry, you have to be able to stand out and be unique in some way, either in appearance or sound. Babymetal manages to do that while relying mostly on their music and vibes to be popular and maintain their popularity for over 10 years. They don't have to dress in a suggestive or provocative way. The music speaks for itself.
I'm here for Sakura Gakuin and Onefive and I don't like heavy metal
babymetal only sell out when they curtain off half the venue lmao
Once again proving my point. This general is just horny weebs with shitty taste in music.
This is why I've been saying that Onefive and Sakura Gakuin should have their own general and Babymetal should have it's own general too. I mean, Sakura Gakuin doesn't even exist anymore and Onefive is only loosely associated with Babymetal because Kano was a temporary live backup dancer for Babymetal for a short period of time. She was never even a full fledged or full time member of Babymetal. So there's barely any connection between Babymetal and Onefive and their sound isn't even similar. They're basically on opposite sides of the spectrum musically. And Babymetal is the more popular group of the two and the most popular group to ever come out of Sakura Gakuin and Amuse. They deserve their own general dedicated solely to them.
Good idea. All the dumb horny Onefive and SG simps can be contained in a separate general and the real Babymetal fans can continue to post in this general, without any toxic/negative insane schizo bullshit arguments and infighting or any degenerate cringy horny weeb behavior. Only good vibes and Babymetal allowed.
Well, Babymetal entered the legal right of being sexier half a decade ago. They can't act like little girls forever, the more years that pass, the less credible it is.

They also explore certain sexy dance steps such as kagerou, shanti, bmc. The interest is there, suzuka said it. But since they do not have creative control of anything, they go straight to crashing into wall of monotony. The only new thing is featuring artists but a normal group doesn't live just by featuring artists.
We love Kano Metal
I like bm and onefive though... and let's be honest bm is not that popular in 4chan
We're literally like 15 anons at most
We should stick together in these trying times
Sure but you can't split a general that has 10 to 15 people
Amuse general
Onefive posters are chill as fuck, babymetal posters are always starting fights, like the guy who likes to prove everyone wrong
I think almost everyone who likes Sakura Gakuin and Onefive also likes Babymetal, but not necessarily for the music
sorry but sg gave birth to bm, sg is older so the bm fans have to leave for a new thread and good luck with your 4, 5 news per year.
Mostly true
Facts! Babymetal boredom uber alles, the fan base who vomit worried against any other more modern and sociable group
> babymetal posters are always starting fights
It feels more like other people bait babymetal fans into fights and they (actually we since I'm part of it) are too fucking stupid to not take the bait. Rarely see genuine babymetal posters starting shit
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I think Moa
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my favorite Momoko expression. during interviews, Momoko still makes this face sometimes.
>actually we
don't let paul know. his whole reality construct would collapse if he ever found out.
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Beautiful Basedoka
tl;dr run along and schizo post in your soon to be archived containment thread now
>admits to recognizing bait
>still falls for it and gives him attention
You're part of the problem retard
Yes anon thanks for repeating exactly what I said and admitted already. Difference between you and I is that I admit being retarded sometimes while you act like you are any better while also being a fucking dumbass
We need Hinata gravure
>proceeds to do it again
Are you actually autistic?
Why are you shouting at me for being part of the problem while you are the baiting bastard who actually starts the problems in the first place?
>through text
I'm not even typing in caps lmao just shut the fuck up and stop speaking for everyone retard, stop falling for bait
Nice nitpicking about one word I used. Really tells me you have so much interesting things to say and you aren't just grasping at straws to keep that snarky persona of yours alive
Momos face when she sees these cringe faggots fighting again.
Stop saying retarded shit and you won't be called out on being a retard, simple. Maybe you missed the rest of the comment too so you're retarded by your own standard
Seems to be the same autistic guys who always do too.
Yes I literally admitted being a retard myself in the very first post of this convo. It's just funny to me that you just keep calling me the same thing over and over again while thinking that you are somehow "owning" me while doing it. You are the kind of guy who just keeps saying the sameshit over and over again just to so you can have the last word. Which is funny especially coming from you who thinks people taking the bait are retards while getting roped into a stupid argument like a retard himself.
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Sana thought so too
You constantly own yourself by being so low IQ you always derail a thread. You're clearly autistic but don't expect people to treat you with safety gloves like your irl handlers do. Simple as simple can be, don't be a retard and people won't treat you like a retard, got it retard?
You realize you are also derailing the thread just as much as I do? I guess not. As I said earlier the only difference between you and me is that I realize I'm retarded while you are too fucking thick to even realize that you are also retarded
Continue yapping retard everyone is sick of your autistic shit. What's worse that you realize your actions and are self aware enough yet continue to do it lmao. Absolute brain rot whattaboutism.
Yeah I am self aware unlike your golem ass.
>stop speaking for everyone retard
>everyone is sick of your autistic shit.
It's so funny how you can't even see your own retarded shit. Maybe you should take your own advice and stop speaking for everyone
I'm confident in saying that because I've seen people time and time again argue with your autistic dumbass while you tie yourself in knots arguing and falling for bait you schizo. All while you make retard comments time and time again knowing they're retarded and cowering when you get confronted for them.
Arguing with cunts like you is literally impossible because you don't even abide by your own rules because "you know better". However I'm in a cuntry mood so won't let you have the last word you so dearly desire.
>cunty mood
You've made yourself look like an absolute fool and will continue to do so lmao and now you're admiting you have nothing to say and are just reeeeeeeeeing like the autistic retard you are loooool. Imagine admiting you're a retard and admitting to derailing threads with your retarded shit and continuing to do it because you're too autistic.
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Imagine not realizing that you are derailing the thread just as much eventhough you have been told that couple of times already. Like I'm retarded but you are like super retarded or something. If derailing of the thread hurts your ass so much then literally walk away from the computer and it will stop. But ofcourse you can't do that because you literally need to have the last word.
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Can you guys wrap this up? My canned cake is almost finished
Lol says the one who keeps yapping even though all his points were btfod even by his own standards. You're so fucking autistic that you don't even realize how shitty you come since you made a point of calling yourself a retard for the exact same thing you're doing right now lol. I'll let you have the last word since I don't want to give your handler any grief when you start kicking and screaming irl. Don't worry I won't shout at you through text anymore lmao.
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HAHA it's so funny how you still just can't shut the fuck up eventhough derailing the thread is such a sin according to you. And you have the gall to call me autistic
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>says the one who keeps yapping even though all his points were btfod even by his own standards.
What fucking points? I merely called myself retard and you started preaching like a autistic monk. I literally didn't even have any point. Only one making any points in here is you but you keep contradicting your own points which is pretty funny
Then get the fuck out.
PS: Hanabie are heavily influenced by Babymetal and people follow them also thanks to Babymetal
Post Yui and Kokona to make le redditor go away
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Will Kokona replace Moa or Momoko?
Why is metalverse 5 girls instead of 3 or 4?
It's 3 girls now since 2 of the girls left
Yeah Miki and Yume weren't part of Metalverse when they last performed at Fox Fest couple of months ago. And pretty sure atleast one of them left amuse as a whole or something like that.
This is a pic taken after that Fox Fest concert and as you can see it's only Miko, Sakia and Kokona. The other people are amuse band called Asterism who played the instruments for them
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prettier than babymetal?
xamn they mog hard
Moa mogs them easily. Su and Momo on the other hand might get mogged
Keep the negativity down, ignore the flame wars and stay metal \m/ \m/ \m/

I think they're all beautiful but it's no surprise Moa is also my pick.
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A few for the Momobros
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Cutest rapper alive

Cutest in Babymetal
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She really is and as someone who's seen them live and up close; the pictures don't do her any justice. Same goes for Su and Momo.
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>Same goes for Su and Momo.
yep Su is super pretty (and surprisingly tiny) irl but for some reason, she's not very photogenic, she looks great in videos but photos can't capture her beauty, maybe because she's always making funny and weird expressions
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I think it's part of the job since it's hard to keep a straight and photogenic face at all times when you're singing let alone when you're dancing. I mean there's a reason Beyoncé tried to get her Super Bowl photos taken down haha.I don't think it's as bad as some people say it is when it comes to Su since I think she's extremely beautiful but her cardio and conditioning is insane given she hast to belt out the songs they perform.

Like you said it's actually surprising how tiny they all are. I mean, I knew they were small but they are a lot shorter than I thought. I was three or four rows away from the stage initially and managed to push my way to the front and was just astounded that Su's powerful voice is coming from her tiny frame. Though I was not disappointed at how big Moa's big beautiful head was, that was exactly as advertised.
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The Empress reigns SUpreme!
Imagine having sex with Su-Metal, she is so skinny that you would have to be very careful not to break her, the good thing is that she is hyper-lax but you would have to be very delicate and control your emotions because if you get too excited you could break her in two.
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New Amazon sex

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Lady Gumi
But I'm just as skinny and short as Su is though
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>We've known each other since we were teens... Thank you for teaching grandma the length of the finger heart
What does that even mean?
BTW, Japan does not directly translate to English very well. So a lot of times you're getting the wrong meaning, especially if you're using some automated thing like Google translate.
It means exactly what it says, but it was written by Ayaka's friend Ayami Nakajo
Thank you (Ayaka) for teaching (me, who is like a) grandma (for not knowing,) the (proper) length of the finger heart (sign)
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Moa money.
Moa problems.
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Everything is going to be okay anon.
Damn I'm so sorry for you
I know this is the end of the world
I love this bitch so fucking much goddammmit I need her
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Even if it is then we should all be so lucky that we got to witness Babymetal before the apocalypse.

The world needs Moa. Luckily there is enough of her head to go around.
so much lipstick...

Hell nah to that Gumi dress. Looks like a mennonite
Will I get in trouble if I download this webm?
Well I think that 3 is a more appropriate number for a group similar to Babymetal. I thought there was too much entropy with a lead singer and 4 dancers.
Metalverse already crumbling down...
You could just not post. Yet here you are.
Being a contrarian gremlin-like little waste of space.
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Cheese bread is her favorite
>"We will focus today on the relativistic methods for molecular calculations discussing relativistic two component theory, density functional theory, pseudopotentials and correlations..."
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Onefive x Givenchy
Gumi's legs...
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Is Okada Megumi doing anything of note? Been OOTL for a while now.
Please Koba let the girls do a short livestream every 3 months, or maybe post a pic with a little text every 3 weeks... something... anything....
That's a shame. You'd think she'd get into acting at least. Oh well.
she hasn't posted anything for a year. probably making her studies a priority like yume
Good on them desu and it tracks since she was one of the smartest girls for whatever those nendo tests count for.
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It gets me in trouble at least once a day.
my TikTok feed is all Moa edits
yes, tiktok is cringe but that's what the lack of bm content does to a man
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Sexy Su Supremacy.
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We have to make do \m/ \m/ \m/
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>option 1: help Moa
>option 2: rape her
explain in detail how you would do each
I would NEVER hurt Moa or do anything against her wishes
I would try to convince her to have sex with me though, consensual sex

Would never happen. You’re better off trying to stick your peepee in her ear while she sleeps.
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Fuck that chair >>47330571
Made this for (You)
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Koba personally asphyxiated this koala straight after this photo was taken.
cute and dorky!
The poor koala has nothing to hold on to
>Would never happen
I don't know my mom says I'm good-looking
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Manager-san on the left, last pic in this video
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That's a man
Me in the middle
Imagine funny instagram shorts of Moa trying to play the drums or cute tiktok livstreams of Momoko sending kisses and hearts to the fans or a twitter space where Su explains the meaning of a song for like 2 hours and you get to fall asleep listening to her beautiful voice
Koba is stupid
I kek'd
That kind of actions would confirm that they like what they do. because videos where they salutes overactingly for a few seconds a handful of times a year, are not convincing
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The schedule for TIF was released and Marina will be on the Sky Stage right before @onefive on 8/2!
They just uploaded a looot more pics now, too many!
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Sana entered a competition to go to the TIF, hope she makes it too
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My beloved.
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I'd kill Willy Wonka and take over his whole factory for her.
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My mom said the same to me. They lied to us anon.
So... uh... Where is Yui???
you know where she is
we all know
I'm so glad her mouth is open in this pic
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Not him but this is not even close to being true and if you thought about it for less than five seconds you could have avoided posting this. Not too late to delete tho
>Not too late to delete tho
Fucking newfag doesn't even know that you can't delete posts that are that old.
I've never said anything so wrong, so haven't needed to know it
Go back to cuckddit you insufferable faggot
no, I dont think I will
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The amount of content they have been giving us is insane
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Poor Moeho. God save her from boobs hell...
backless panties
<entitled brat noises>
god she's hot
Anyone else think their manager is really cute?
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Kokona tries to speak English
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Half a drink and she's already face down? That's the girl for me. Let the morning bring its own regret. Tonight we rumble.
>Do you happy?

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