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Ow my foot edition.
Old thread: >>61901993

Can anyone recommend a decent civilian Aid Bag?
First for luck infograohics
Is there a single reputable store/manufacturer that makes gear in UCP ?
I hate you all so much.
Surely not as much as I hate myself.
AWS Operator molle belts are still on sale for $150. Good pick up?
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Ahh you beat me to it.
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Anyone own these? LBT-2739Q, dual mag side plate pouches.
They look nice, but I’ve found zero information about how they secure onto the cummerbund. My guess is that they just slide over, and I’m curious if they’d ride well on a 2-band cummerbund.
What exactly are you looking for? I’m sure a maker like Kurmaz has UCP on hand or could get some, but you can also find some reputable gear manufacturers who at one point made stuff in UCP. Looking for pouches? A rig?
I haven’t personally tried them, and I will defer to someone who has. But from looking at it and where it would be positioned I feel like it would be a bit irritating having the mags there.
I personally dont like cummerbund mags pouches. Especially with side plates.
I agree, and had actually planned on running them with the magazine cells facing inwards, maybe never using them but at least having a few spots to quickly stow things.
>Can anyone recommend a decent civilian Aid Bag?
5.11 bail out bag is pretty well laid out for general use, with pockets in front which fit 2 TQs or 2 israeli bandages in each

Also discuss comms
>DMR is goat
Looks like it slides on cummerbund like in Crye AVS system, plate pouch against body and mags outside the cummerbund. No
Wut, isn't crye avs good?
>no infographics
Cursed thread
>DMR is goat
can you briefly summarize the advantages, I know literally little to nothing about radios other than basic shit. From my understanding the first responders use trunked systems like P2 Encrypted so I'm guessing the DMR in a civilian context just means better digital capabilities, more channels, AES encryption (transmitting would still require a business liocense m8?), and you can send/receive text messages?
oops i’m drunk AVS is gtg
it’s a good thread as long as that schizo won’t show up and people actually discuss gear..
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Looks pretty handy actually and I may get some as a sort of smaller grab bag. I’m looking for an actual ruck.
I don't like you either.
And cosplaying as a wookie is dumb.
it does look warm
probably great for late fall in a marsh
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Don’t kink shame me.
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Buy some UCP surplus Pants or clones.
What an oddly shaped dildo.
Are you in the army
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They’re my Dogs chew toys.
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Civilian, No never was in military.
Got it from this solder who was handing out the old logo shirts at my local st. Patrick’s Day parade this year.

>God I miss when they use to wear UCP
>old logo shirts
At least it's not the "Army of One" campaign tee. And yes, ucp Will RISE AGAIN!

>They’re my Dogs chew toys
That's what they all say...
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That’s what my Spare Electric toothbrushes are for dude. I respect my Teddy’s toys.

God Fucking Right UCP will have a Second Renaissance.
Iconic pattern of GWOT era.
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Amen Brother.
It just works.
Not this fag again
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Thumbs up for Carry Handles as well.
You're just mad he has the drippiest gear in this thread.
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>it just works
Todd is that you?
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factually incorrect
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Damn straight Skippy
I knew it was digital camfag. Thanks for the CamoHQ tip! Set upon the Red Dawn snow camo for my first order!
Also wondering if these local girls will wear UCP on the second date?
Yep that’s me.
God bless Camohq is where I got the affordable LATPAT even if it’s commercial cloth.
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>Can anyone recommend a decent civilian Aid Bag?
It depends on your skill level and your access to medical supplies and equipment. If you have good training and experience you can consider a CLS bag. My unit uses Chinook bags. Great quality but they’re not cheap, you’re looking at like $220. They used to be $125 but I guess they became greedy jews.
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I bet these dolts dated the Blackknights back when they wore the UCP pattern in games.

>football jerseys in UCP is a fucking touchdown In hotness
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Go ARMY! beat NAVY!
How do people feel about magazine count these days? Especially after we've seen Ukrainian soldiers going into a single assault with up to 18 magazines on their person.
Ukrainians are engaged in heavy battle so more mags are a good thing.
6 on body+1in rifle+3 in the assault pack is becoming standard
Same as it ever was, desu. Units in high combat areas of Iraq in the mid-2000s would often insist on 11+ mags per person, and that's really the primordial truth of what you should carry in heavy combat; as many as you can and thats never going to change. The notion of carrying a handful of mags stems from late-GWOT infantry where the surge had already pacified most areas and there were more like beat cops, and direct-action (which is to say, not FID) SOF who rarely had to worry about protracted firefights because they were flown directly to their targets and their raids were shielded by blocking units, so 4 mags per guy was a more than ample amount of mags to clear out a house or two. For a civilian in 2024, am I ever going to be in a Ukraine or Fallujah scenario? I dont think so, my expectation of a likely SHTF is katrina or kenosha, so I want extra mags but 6 on my person should be more than ample. But guys who expect to be getting in big protracted fights (civil war, chinese invasion, whatever) should be carrying an according amount.
I need a pair of sunglasses that obscure my eyes, but aren't so dark that I can't use them indoors. And I would appreciate if they were on the cheaper side. As in maybe I will be in and out of buildings and have to interact with people but I don't want them to see me eye ballin their goodies.

You need a gun. Get a Mossberg Maverick or something and build a urban/cqb gear loadout like I suggested in the other thread.

For accessible mags;
6+1 is minimum
8+1 is good
10+1 is great
12+1 is God tier
Honestly anything less then 120 mags and you aren't gonna make it.
Kinda wanna dye some tan dpm green. I think it'll work really well in my area and I really like the results these guys got with it. Says they used reactivate cotten dye but no details on brand or color. Should I just use some rit true green anyone here dyed dpm?
John Rambo tier
Hell yeah AUGCOG
Unironically harbor freight sunglasses. They used to cost like a buck 75 although bidenflation has probably pumped that up a bit
Are you retarded? That outfit looks nothing like your Star Wars bullshit.. That's clearly his Ohio Grassman larp kit. Learn your cryptids.
Are you in Ukraine or some other area experiencing heavy combat? If not, do you reasonably expect to be?

My plate carrier is for home/community defense in the event of a prolonged civil unrest situation. It has 4 mags, and I have 2 more on my belt. If shit really goes sideways and I have to move on foot a lot, I have a chest rig holds 6 mags. I keep an extra 6 mags in my pack, but I don't really wear that with my carrier (I have a zip-on back panel that holds a 3L bladder).
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All multicam kind of looks retarded.
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Where's the love for the fatty molle battle belts? These were all the rage ~12 years ago. Now it's all about the skinny velcro strap belts that go over a inner velcro belt. I can't keep up with all these changes.
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I look like this and therefor am in need of suspenders for my belt / pants. Reccomendations for tactical suspenders?
you can get the same/better setup with a slimmer double belt, simply replace the inner belt with a padded inner belt like HSGI or something and you have a lighter setup that can still accept MOLLE.
>pistol 4 inches off body
Christ that is retarded
lose weight first fatty
holy shit how much did you spend on that larp rig?
>he keeps a flag rolled up on his kit
>I keep a Panasonic camera in my pack

Hopefully we're in the same group when World War 6 breaks out and we can recreate the Iwo flag raising
Right? I can understand having a bit of a drop and whatnot for making sure body armor doesn't interfere with your pistol, but his shit's all fucked up. Has he never been in a vehicle?

Lose weight, but Unobtanium Gear makes nice suspenders.

If you think firearms and tactical kit is expensive, you should familiarize yourself with some other hobbies and their associated costs. I know a guy into videography who spent like $10k on a single camera. My brother is into lockpicking and collecting rare locks and he's easily spent upwards of $30k on his locks and various tools. Makes spending $10k on dual tubes seem downright reasonable for someone into tactical kit.

I won't even bring up the money pits some car guys get into.
just give him an answer nigger, it's a nice kit.
I'm not OP, so I can't give him an answer.
The big battle belts were design with carrying a lot of shit in mind, since they were the molle continuation of Alice belts. As time went on, people who had been using them to carry 2 mags and an ifak realized their belt didn't need to be so big and padded to hold so little, so they got smaller. Nowadays you're seeing the pendulum swing back hard in the other direction, with "muh recce rig", "muh jungle rig", etc, where people are piling all their shit on their waist and adding suspenders to compensate.
>Nowadays you're seeing the pendulum swing back hard in the other direction
Something I've noticed in my perusing of sub-1k subscriber guntubers is a certain number of zoomers into old school kit. Lots of belt kits, ALICE packs, etc. I'm not sure if they just find Vietnam larping fun or if it's simply a side effect of not having a lot of money to spend and surplus is cheap. In any case, it's nice to see young dudes not going straight for the high speed Botkin larp.
No one will see this but I still rock brit dpm webgear to carbine classes while the rest of the retards are running full kit.

I'm comfy and they dying in the heat.
or they're just poor and can't afford armor and a PC
That's what I said...
sorry I skim through a lot because you niggers post literal paragraphs of shit instead of summarizing in a sentence.
I'm sorry to hear that you have TikTok brain rot. Having a 3 second attention span must be awful.
it just works and looks better
yeah I have, but don't do it. it's one of the few remaining truly kino patterns. you'll regret it, I promise
Fuck off back to england, retarded faggot.
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I’ve got the Chinook CLS bag for my truck, very nice. Website says $221, but I got it new on eBay a year ago for maybe $
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Forgot le pic
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PC totalled about $300
Warrior DCS
Kywi triple mag
Hsgi blowout pouch and trouble stack pouch.
Random ass radio pouch

Belt $200-250
AWS SMU, I know I got that on sale
Kywi single mag
HSGI double pistol mag
Random dump pouch
BFG IFAK I got second hand from BBG.

Holster I didn’t include but that was about $70

Beretta APX $450

Steer AUG $2000
Acog $950
Upgraded internal sear $100
Sure fire flash hider $80
Suppressed gas plug $100
Sure fire suppressor $1100
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One can only hope.
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Webbing is comfy as fuck, I must see it.
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New pack
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Unfortunately due to a family emergency I had to. I still have the photos of my gear but I had to sell everything to get enough together to support my family.

I am now battling the asinine laws and loopholes over here so that I can once again enjoy my hobby.
Is shooting your AUG with the SF suppressor a bad time? I've heard it gets quite gassy. Some of the AUG fans I've watched on YT really prefer flow-through cans for their AUGs.
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I didn’t find it bad at all if I’m honest, but that may have been because I was using the correct gas plug. It was no worse than using it on my AR. The only thing I did notice was when the bolt locked back because the ejection port was right there sitting open.

It wasn’t something I was overly distracted by though.
Sorry to hear it. Having your kit in a final version takes a long time and money to lose it all sucks.
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Digital radios are just so much better in general than analog. There is not a lot of difference between DMR and P25 Phase II for the average consumer, except the choices in hardware. P25 radios are as you said first responder radios. which means they are rugged, waterproof, but rather large in size. They used to be had surplus for little money but since their popularity skyrocketed, it's hit or miss. DMR radios can be had for cheap with all bells and whistles, in many price ranges, sizes and manufacturers.
>being able to call a specific radio on a channel which isn't received by other radios on the same channel*
>DMR has 10% better range due to BEC
>if the distance is too large for reliable voice, sending text messages might just do the trick
>text messages in general for low-priority traffic and digital message dropbox when you're away from a radio (like at home or in your truck)
>Emergency button
>some advanced DMR radios support repeater functionality without needing anything but the radio and antenna, no duplexer nothing.

*= although private calls work like that, they're not protected against eavesdropping and someone with the right settings in their own (malicious) radio could still listen in by using what is called DMR monitoring mode or promiscuous mode, which lets you hear everything thats passing on that frequency regardless of talkgroup. But its great to call a specific person and ask them to move a channel up or down to have a continued 1-on-1 conversation. While you could do that on the original channel, that channel will now be occupied by your private call, which blocks group calls from coming through from the rest of the radios in the net, which isn't a good idea

Chinese/amateur DMR radios allow you to program/change/add channels from the keypad without a computer, commercial radios almost never allow you to do that, and are available dual band. But commercial DMR equipment is much much sturdier but single band (VHF *or* UHF).
>Unfortunately due to a family emergency I had to
kek did your newborn son whom you posted to this general turn out to be someone else's kid and now you pay $5k per month in child support to your ex-wife?
Best options for 1x prisms? My eyes don't work with red dots
>I can't keep up with all these changes.
Lufe is hard, then you die.
>the money pits some car guys get into.
He doesn't have a hole in the water to put money in.
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I appreciate it, it is what it is. At the end of the day I would sell all my kit 10x over if it meant taking care of my family.
Best you can do is gradient sunglasses with a light tint. I've tried transition sunglasses but the ones I've tried take a while to go clear and are never fully clear.
IMHO you should have two or three radios
>Baofeng or Quansheng
Great as a first radio to have for general receiving, scanning and exploring the frequency spectrum, even if you don't want to go in the full comms autism rabbit hole. Also acceptable babbies first analog FRS/MURS/GMRS two way radio. Buy it, program it, use it to get a feel for two way radio. Listen into analog amateur radio repeaters, explore the business band, check out NOAA weather broadcasts and such. I wouldn't advise to spend a lot of money on accessories with this radio, or spending a long time with it. After about 3 to 6 months you should be bored and done exploring. In an emergency this is the radio to give away to your neighbor.
>chinese DMR with AES
Buy it and incorporate it into your EDC, loadout, plate carrier or whatever with a PTT and a headset. Have analog FRS/MURS/GMRS channels for interoperability with your first radio, have digital FRS/MURS/GMRS channels to have the benefits of digital, and a bank of digital channels (on GMRS idc) with encryption set up. Make sure that you know how to enable/disable monitoring mode and such to eavesdrop on other unencrypted DMR users or radio nets to know what is going on around you. If you just want good teams comms and nothing more, you could skip this step and go directly to commercial equipment. Or keep it and have this as the radio for your wife or something
>Commercial DMR with AES
Eventually you could keep an eye out for a secondhand commercial DMR radio to upgrade your chinese DMR radio to something a bit more rugged and better quality.
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Anyone know a good place for info about British uniforms?
I want to know which DPM smocks had a "poacher's pocket" and which ones had a detachable hood?
I recently picked up a couple of these to learn with. They're my first radios. I went with the Quansheng over Baofeng because it's easily modded. I've been messing around with the firmware patches that are out there. Pretty fun so far.
anon just use google… smock combat temperate DPM 1994 pattern
Yeah although it will probably add to the learning curve for some, there is no reason anymore to buy a Baofeng.
your mum's diaries

I want a dog now
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If ya happen to buy a dog. Get a English Labrador since their cute.
>sipping an ice cold canned arizona tea
take me back to 2007 bros :(
u can still go back since their are stores that still sell the 23 oz green tea cans for 99 Cents.
almost like it's camouflage and not fashion
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>*On, Brave Old Army Team* plays intensely in the background
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I’d prefer fashionable digital camo.
Last night I got into a debate on VRchat with a current active duty Us army Texan and Finnish Veteran about UCP. They both hate digital camo. the Texan said OCP is better than UCP
and the Finn said M05 is also better than UCP.
I felt so attacked.
I'm glad you are unarmed, you are way too fucking autistic
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Then they destroyed me with the classic Grandmas couch joke.
You must ride the short bus to school huh?
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Oh, you’re THAT level of autistic
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My Dad agrees with you as do I. But I’m glad I can purchase UCP surplus on my own.

>yes I take Methylphenidate for my Autism.
I once pooped my pants on the short bus while I was in high school years ago, true story.
Man I wish that still worked for me
I hope you’re the happy and whimsical kind of autistic and not the r9k angry incel kind of autistic.
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I’m the Happy kind of Autism hence my Xtreme love for UCP.
I honestly prefer the Italian autist to the UCP underage autist that sticks toothbrushes up his ass
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Not a TrainsGenerator I just love Digital Camo and Ugandan Knuckles that’s why I use Vrchat.
>finnish veteran
>conscript service of 5.5-11 months
lmao to self promotion
also piss off
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/gq/ Need y'alls autistic knowledge base of fabric and all things gucci.
I'm working on a bespoken cloak/cape. Long story short I hate wearing a goretex jacket that to remove I'd have to remove kit, ruck and weapon for rain. I'd rather just have something I can take off and on at a whim. Like the poncho, but the USGI poncho sucks.
My plan is Goretex for the outer layer with 70d Nylon Ripstop as the inner layer. Maybe another layer of loft for winter that can be added via zipper?

And dual zippers down the front so you can adjust access to your gear/weapon vs keeping out the rain. Thoughts?
pic not related
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I know that M05 is a more Effective Camouflage than UCP but I just love UCP as in fashion sense less military wise.
Which puts it at odds with nature, the thing it's trying to blend in with.
Fair enough, I do have more normal dpm then I do desert dpm.
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in Vrchat in the picture of avatar on the left is named Maz Hatters.
What’s the company that makes that CBERN equipment?
>govt flag attached to kit
holy mother of cringe
Any opinions on tactical suspenders? I have a really bad back want something to carry loaded and empty mags at the range.
Toggles/buttons are easier to fix in the field than zippers.
You're not the first to give that feedback. Appreciate it.
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Neat idea similar to the spiritus JSTA but it’s gonna be hard as fuck to get mags back into those Pouches with the chest rig on.
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There can never be enough flags.
You need a swatstica and a hammer and sickle, side bt side
Degenerative disc disease, just a bunch of bulging discs that impinge on my sciatic nerves, like 9.4mm on my l5-s1 disc, smaller bulges on the l5-l4 and l4-l3.
Sorry to hear that. I herniated a lower disc while drunk and deadlifting 260 pounds at age 19.
what country are you from?
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UK, moved to the US and lived there for 8 or so years. Now back in the UK.
good job getting out borther. been stuck in this shit hole almost 12 years now. My ARs are a small comfort
UK PLCE or JayJays commanders webbing. unbeaten. good with under carrier harness also
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>Loves Merica
>is from the UK
tally ho’ old chap
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You are god damn right, I had the time of my life in the states.

Yeah, I would have liked to have stayed but family comes first. I also second the should for PLCE, that stuff is GOAT.
But why pmags when the rifle next to it is an aug that takes standard
Hell yeah brother from another mumther
Thanks guys, bought.
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What is this tool called?
Gerber strap cutter
ya mum dildo
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>digital cammo
>ug*ndan knuckles
Dude you are a closeted troon, in 1 year you will begin crossdressing "ironically", and after enother year you will begin taking hormones. Only way to stop it is to drop VRchat and finging Jesus.
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I bought one of these MTVs really cheap, but it’s bulky as a motherfucker. I want to get a different carrier for the soft armor, but I have no idea what the cut is, it’s not written on the armor. It isn’t BALCS,
Any minute now he'll start watching slice of life tranime shows
Pit vipers lol
You should follow your own advice you disgusting freak.
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lol lmao KEKEKEK LMAO!
I like the flags they are based
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I have some gray pants that I like but their shade is a smidge too light. You guys think I should just give 'em a misting of pic related and see how it turns out?
thanks for the summary, you basically confirmed my thoughts on everything
Hey, I think you're the same anon who responded to me when I posted about the Bang Hanger in a previous thread. I received it earlier this week, and it's great. Paired it with the Shaw Concepts thigh strap. Super nice.
whats the use case for a carinthia ISG jacket?
holy smokes that my ghost recon wildlands kit to the smallest detail
Moving when it's kind of wet and really cold.
Really putting the queer in /gear queer/
70d is a good idea. Echoing what that other guy said about snaps, far easier to just rip open in a hurry, however they will leak unless you seam tape behind them. Consider jersey mesh as well. Make it extremely long in the back so you can wear it over an assault pack
it's like a softshell with some padding on the torso
beautiful camo, what's it called? where did you get these?
It's an insulated softshell, which in my opinion remove some utility from the softshell concept as a weather resistance layer without serious insulation by making the two inseparable. This is fine if you're in a place where the ambient temperature won't get over 40, but if you are it'll force you to choose between having that weather resistance and not cooking yourself too much.
what about SOD gear vipera softshells
To make a good recommendation I think I need to know where/when you're going to be using the jacket. I'm in the Mid-south USA and my softshell is a Condor Summit Zero, which I often don't use.
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60 dollars?
Just why. I can buy a usgi FR balaclava made of the same material, in the same color off of ebay for 12$. I got excited and was going to immediately purchase one til i saw the price.
Just gonto a Harley shop and get one with a cool skull on it.
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55 dollars?
See >>61930226
PBI gold hood
mountains, can be either:
>hot and dry
>wet and cold
>cold as fuck and dry with snow

already got a patagonia pcu lvl5 btw
w2c this top?
Yeah, I'd go for an unlined level 5 and an insulation layer you can wear separately. You need the versatility. Something like the Beyond A5 rig light or the condor summit zero. If they mention insulation, you don't want it.
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I need more.
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anyone got experience with this?
it's the sod vipera softshell, it's got some pile insulation I think, dontbreally need it but it looks cool af
You need the blue Star of David. Shalom.
Is there a boot infographic? I have a pair of Salomon Quest 4s but they're kind of heavy and I'm wondering if I should get something different.
South African National Defence Force uniform top in Soldier 2000 camo. Unless you’re in South Africa your only option is probably to search EBay and pay out the ass because it’s somewhat rare
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Anyone used any Tasmanian Tiger gear? Is it G2G?
Their city daypack under the tatonka name is very nice
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If you're asking you don't have a Berry act requirement, nor do you have an IR signature requirement.

I have two backpacks, the modular 30 which I strap weights to for training rucks, and the modular 45+ which I do weekend camping trips with. The V2 harness is nice (which is borrowed from their parent company Tatonka), but they use unreinforced laser cut molle everywhere so I'm just kind of waiting for stuff to break. Further, the back panel in the modular packs isn't properly spaced across the centerline so you can't put wide pouches on it without an adapting layer like a loop2pals panel or a hydration carrier.

It's okay. Not stellar, just okay. I generally agree with their structural design and material choices, but the modularity has me a little confused.
I got a mystery ranch 3dap CL (the one with the daisy chain in the front instead of molle) is it possible to modify it to have molle in the front without shitting it up?

btw what are daisy chain for?
Does chopping an ACH helmet to be low cut ruin it? Should I buy one and leave it alone? Chop it? Just buy a bump helmet?
>low cut
High cut*
dont cut It It delaminates
I’m hesitating between them and Savotta to get a descent high capacity backpack when i take my telescope in the wild. That shit is big so I need the clearance.
mystery ranch
stone glacier
>dont cut It It delaminates
Would this happen to my Italian Sept2 project helmets?
Add Kuiu.
Even if you epoxy edges after?
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Anyone heard of PGD? I’m looking at some of their ballistic helmets.
What admin pouches are you guys running? Looking in the market for one now. I'm looking at Crye, but I'm seeing if anyone has underrated alternatives.
Marines admin from Venture.
the shell is made by pressing layers of aramid together while saturated in resin and then making the resin solidify, if you cut it you'll detach the various layers in the vicinity of the where you cut it making that zone weaker and with the possibility of it degrading over time, it'll still work toure just degrading it
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I made a microrig/placard.
i have one of those it's pretty cool. that style of balaclava doesnt fog glasses or nods. though just remember FR shit performs terribly if it gets wet, you need wool if its cold
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I put a flat pocket in the rear of it. Next time I'm going to sew in some elastic for organizing pens and markers, right now they are just loose inside the pocket. But it fits maps and small compasses great!
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I tried to make it so I can run it with both open and closed top pouches.

The shock cord for retention ended up overlapping the velcro. I think I can fix this by leaving the sides of the velcro unsewn and threading the shock cord behind the velcro. I have some GWOT-era pouches that do same thing but for elastic bands.
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Unfortunately when there is enough retention on the pouch to keep the mag in it ends up collapsing in on itself with the mag removed.
I'm wondering if I could use a piece of scuba webbing to keep it open enough to allow reindexing.
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Some minor fuckups, I screwed up sewing the zipper but didn't notice until it was already built and had to come back in with this big zig zag of thread to get it to stay closed.

Also I fucked up the placement of the top buckles so now it won't mate properly with a PC.

The rear buckle placement is also fucked up, I want to run the 2 top and top left and right buckets behind the placard velcro for a cleaning look and it will also let me sew a box to increase the strength of the assembly.
I don't frequent these threads, how much experience do you have making these? Looks really good regardless, any pics of you wearing it with the rest of your head?
Not bad. You can definitely do better with neatly handling the bias tape and clean stitching, but I've seen comparable work in Condor products.
>I don't frequent these threads, how much experience do you have making these?
Very little. I tried to make a PALS rig a while back and it looked like dogshit.
>Looks really good regardless, any pics of you wearing it with the rest of your head?
Nice try FBI.
I agree my stitching can be cleaner, look at
where I tried to put the webbing under the tape. Terrible idea and I had to end up going back over it to get the rear side covered.
Next time I'm going to sew those webbing pieces on top of the tape once I've bound the front, back, and pouches together.
italian anon is just a random poster like others, it just used to cause some guys to seethe over him and shit up the threads
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Hello friends, I am looking for a soft velcro outer belt like pic related, except I am looking for one that accepts a buckle on each side as I already have a cobra bucke purchased. All of the ones I see are like this with the buckle hard stitched into one side. Is there a velcro belt that uses velcro to attach the buckles on each side so I can use my own buckle?
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I found this thing called the Cop Lock Duty Belt from HSGI. It comes with a cheap buckle that it looks like I can replace it with the cobra buckle.
Get this one:

Really cool, anon!

Esstac makes belts that use velcro to keep the buckles on the belt, but the outer belts have hook liner and not loop. That HSGI belt might be your best bet. You can always email HSGI to confirm that the included buckles are removable.
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Bought my first proper LBV for like $40. how'd I do? Not super modern but holding 12 stanags is nice
Also I know I was kinda sloppy with putting on the utility pouch, but it is what it is
Looks comfy as fuck.
The cold weather ones seem to have the poachers pocket, that thing sounds good but I have a condor summit with a similar pocket and it sucks and I've never used it in five years because it's weird. Don't know about the removable hood.
what are the best base layers?

for hot and cold

for hot I'm thinking no base layer at all and just a bdu or combat shirt, but if I'm hiking I usually dont wear those but use a base layer as out or layer instead, in which case id use a short sleeved pcu lvl1 or equivalents like under armour shirts, or some brit fr base layer with the sleeves rolled up

for very cold a merino wool long sleeved shirt or the above, but I've heard about netted shirts being better for not getting drenched, never tried them tho.

I sweat more than most people so itd interesting to try it.
I've also read that base layers are better if loose fitting as that allows some of the sweat on your skin to evaporate instead of being absorbed by the shirt where it'll take longer to evaporate, but idk if that true, almost all my base layers are adherent
I need a dump pouch that can clip on/off a pistol belt quickly and thats deep enough for glock 33 rounder mags, any recs?
what are the best e tools?
found some on eBay, american and German ones, they seem to be identical just different pouch
I’m sure some people will argue but I think they are a much of a muchness.
gerber seems fine, haven't used it yet.
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Can someone explain wtf I'am looking at? I have a hard time picturing how this would look on a PC.
Looks good Anon.

Use one wrap.
It would go under the placard and cummerbund velcro and hang off each side of the plate bag. The bund would keep them tight to your body.
lvl7 + woobie


sleeping bag
What climate? would you be carrying the lvl 7 anyway? Ground pad and bivy?

Since moving to Carolinas from Maine my kit has shrunk to wooby, poncho and closed cell foam pad
get a USGI surplus one
what 2 point ar slings should i consider?
I like the Ferro Slingster.
sorry didnt specify, cold to very cold environment so I'd carry the lvl7 anyway for when I'm stationary, so I'd wear it to not have to pack a sleep bag too and reduce volume and weight, and plus up with a woobie to be warmer, either a swagman roll or a sarma blanket for colder temps (the heavier one)
Ferro Concepts or SOE. Blue Force Gear has a sling that has a quick adjustment system that seems pretty robust.
Ames e-tool or cold steel special forces shovel. I have both, honestly like them both a lot but have used the cold steel more.
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Is it worth it to buy a vickers if I already have a slingster? Pros/cons on a bullpup?
i already got a carinthia defence 4 in slocam but I want another one bc i saw varusteleka got one in Finnish camo with the fireproof bottom, cool as fuck.

their smock is also cool

btw what's the use case for a smock
i must CONSOOM
>Is it worth it to buy a vickers if I already have a slingster?
do you only own one rifle?
>Pros/cons on a bullpup?
if you're completely delusional you can act smug about its supposed "advantages" on the internet
literally everything
Chink aramid helmet shells for $40 with slightly better rails and shroud than usual. "Made in Denmark" because a few screws were tightened in Denmark. lol.
You'd unironically be better off with a MIlitech helmet.
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Based, ty anon i’ll look into em
Flatline Fiber or Ferro for me dawg
Pic related is a good thing to have BTW.
Still stops 9mm
>Flatline Fiber
I have a blueforce gear padded but would like to switch to this one. The BFG padding is a little too thicc
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Forgot pic lol.
Also faster to put on than any pc
Better for pfg than anything anon
If you feel a need to dawn armor its worth the extra second to put on something that can stop 556 or 7.62x39
>faster to put on
Bruh even my outdated lbt just goes over my head then Velcros closed, same as this.
I have started putting their padded slings on everything. I still run bfg unpadded on my aks, but they're pretty much the only game in town unless you want to modify shit or buy multiple items.
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My fav flag is my smallest flag.
Shells are pressed in Bulgaria not CHYNA, Sir Retard the IV
Hahaha, sure they are.
Also, I'm not sure what's worse!
PGD is, and always has been, bullshit.
Well then what do you recommend buying in Europe?
Bulgaria is suprerior than Chyna.
Chyna is full of incel chuds.


Pick one.
I didnt know china was based wtf
Military grade sucks ass. All the best shit comes from the private sector.
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Oh look, a retarded left wing reditor nogunz has come to enlighten us as to the upstanding quality of government procurement and acquisition standards.

Couldn't be further from the truth. But if you legitimately think private manufacturers can compete with American military grade equipment you're in the wrong place of the internet, kid.

>left wing

I hate commies just a much as you do. Actually, scratch that, I hate commies more than you you falseflagging Californicuck.
>But if you legitimately think private manufacturers can compete with American military grade equipment you're in the wrong place of the internet, kid.
Oh no, it's retarded
Fun fact, you can find private company logos on government issued gear and even buy it new in some cases from the manufacturer. The plus of military gear is its private gear on bulk contract order meaning you can get a better deal vs retail.
>But if you legitimately think private manufacturers can compete with American military grade equipment you're in the wrong place of the internet, kid.
Who makes the gear, retard?
ops core like everyone else you nigger
But does it cover as much as pasgt?
The ayys, clearly.
>f a prolonged civil unrest situation
smart. this is what you should be prepping for. Basically a 1-3 weeks where you cant get police/military help and need to get out of town through a dangerous area to a safe place. you cant bring everything with you but you need enough to make it through that initial chaos.
Are the ballistic helmets not blocked due to ITAR?
sites that sell a decent range of actually decent shit? Not sites like botach or similar that sell a ton of airshit/chinkshit, but sites that sell actually good stuff

I'm only aware of optactical, varusteleka, and skdtac (for only a handful of items). Any others?
CSAT lookin ah ah
e621.net is pretty good
>Clear aviator style
>z87 impact rated
>side plastic(?) to protect your eyes
I think I may just get eye protection for a workship. That impact rating should be more than enough for the shrapnel that safety glasses protect from right?
>I ain't clicking that shit nigger
That looks like it'll get me out on a lest
Yeah a list of good gear for reasonable prices
norgestar on eBay sells a bunch of crye precision stuff
they have okay pouches. ive ran em decently hard and no out of normal wear.
Is wtfidea decent or airsoft tier?
its always interesting to see how teenagers who dont own guns or gear react to people who do
Yet you own neither and if you do it's probably reddit trash.
Shill me a dress gun belt that would look good with a shirt and tie. I was gonna get the Magpul El Empresarrio but apparently its discontinued. Carrying a G19 and 2 spare mags OWB
>don't have boots
>have no frame of reference for what I would want
>small feet
Do I just buy a pair of rothco jungle boots since I can keep returning them if I get the sizing wrong and use them for a while to determine preferences?
hot weather? cold weather? hot and wet? cold and wet? where do you live climate-wise
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Are these plates any good? They’re a lot cheaper than other level IV plates, but they seem to hold up fine in all the videos I’ve seen.
Probably fine. Id still go with militech or LAPG or even botach since they've been out longer
it's good quality and berry compliant. I buy a lot of components from them.

buy one and shoot it.
I see their level IV plates are cheap as fuck, I’ll check them out. Are they legit, as in no cheat ring? I want to buy some for my dad, so I don’t want to get garbage, but I’m not spending 600 on a set of plates just for him to larp in his garage.
>in the wrong place of the internet
bro obviously you're ESL so what part of buttfuck east europe are you coming from?
I know the old model has a 1in cheat ring I think the new one doesn't but you'd have to check.
All of the above?
50F-100F dry to mostly dry, relatively short distances is going to be the the realistic range of use cases. Not going to walk 30 miles in a swap in them or in Siberia.
>is this cheap thing good? Is it just as good as something that costs more and is NIJ listed?
Who are you quoting? I’m not aware of whether or not they’re NIJ certified, that’s why I’m asking questions. I know this is gear queer, but you don’t actually have to be a faggot.
People lose their minds when they see china anything, that was pretty contained compared to the usual.
rothco is trash
just go to a boot store (workwear) and try shit on to find your size
I bought some. Evidently, they suffer pretty significant rear deformation under shit like m855a1 but moat stuff they will perform comparably to 3+ special threat plates except they stop .308. Additionally, they offer only reduced protection very close to the edge of the plate. I did a bunch of reading before I purchased and then did even more after because I'm autistic and need validation for my poorfag pplates.based on my research, the best plates a poorfag can buy are l210s if you save or these if you skimp.
optactical and skdtac are GOATD
>just get some garbage made in china heavy steel cap boot for tradies bro
No, retard. He should purchase either surplus military boots if he wants military boots or he should look at hiking boots.
Not airsoft tier at all. The guy who runs it is super specific about using mil-spec materials, makes his own 500D/500D Cordura laminate, and sews really well. That said, it's hardly a one man shop. WTF OEMs for a bunch of companies, which is where they make the large majority of their money. It's why they don't advertise their in-house stuff at all.

The guy who runs it either is or used to be really into paintball, so there's some paintball specific stuff they sell. I think that's where the confusion comes from about the target market for their products.
Something from Kore, probably.
For god's sake, if you're going to buy Chinese made plates, don't get anything other than Militech's black label level 4 or their new level 3+ (stops the usual plus M855A1). Maybe not all of LAPG's or Botach's plates are cheat ringed or poorly made, but Militech's plates are edge-to-edge and are made better than pretty much any of the other Chinese plates out there.

Also, for what it's worth, Militech actually has their plates tested at actual ballistics testing labs and posts the videos and tests results, which is a far cry from other companies saying "dude trust me" when it comes to whatever rebranded Chinese plates they're selling.
I bought some LAPG plates a few months ago, when they were offering them for $100 /w a coupon. Figured I'd use them for ammo testing. Size L, shooter's cut. They DO have a 1" cheat ring. It's shitty.
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Have we talked about this yet?
Its all good, i use it frequently, its got a good tag system for finding stuff. Strange home screen but pretty good otherwise.
I have Botach's lvl IV plates and they're edge to edge.
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Massad Ayoob is the only man in the world who can accurately dual wield 1911s
They are. Retailers often limit sales to mil/leo but some sell to civilians with ’end user certificate’. There are also lot of new/used ops cores for sale in social media marketplaces.
meant for
Rothco is made in china garbage, I just told him to try on boots to find his size
Some boot stores will have military styles as well but if there's nothing good at least he will know what size to order online
go ruck macv2
you can follow the sizing chart and use the what's my size program using footwear brands sizing that you already own.
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under armour shirt or pcu lvl1 short sleeved?
talk me out of buying the särma tst thermal cloak, I already got a swagman roll but I just like it and it would be more useful for colder situations
Is Helikon g2g?
what specifically? but yes.
>no u!
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I've added quarters to both sides of the arcade machine before
just washed my mr 3dap with a plastic brush and waterlogged it so I could spray it with nikwax dwr spray, first time trying I'll post results when it dries
It's higher end Chinese shit, so it's airsoft tier
some of their products like the swagman roll are legit and especially if you're in Europe there aren't many alternatives, theres the sarma tst cloak or surplus woobie, the kifaru or hpg ones are too expensive to import once you add 22% vat, shipping overseas and import duties
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What kind of BDUs are these? Is it a two piece flight suit?
It's European Condor
Which is to say, some of it is fine, a lot of it is garbage, and all of it costs more than it should.
So what options are available other than Nexus and PGD? Or do I just have to deal with those.
Guess we reached the bump limit, huh.
>couldn't prove me wrong

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