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>nothing personal kid

What would be the tactical implications of rocket delivered fighter aircraft anywhere in the world in <90 minutes?
It would be mistaken for a nuke and would start WW3.
How is it supposed to re-enter?
The tactical implication is that it would be fucking badass.
I have no idea but it would be awesome.
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Remember the PAK VTA?
I do.
Is this an official military concept?
it's officially a stupid concept.
Just drop one in from low orbit
>anywhere in the world
don't they have like 30 min of fuel
where it's gonna land?
Just launch one or two, and nobody will think it's a nuke. If someone wants to kick off WW3 they're not doing it with a single-digit first strike.
When the fuel runs out, simply point the aircraft at whatever is most valuable then eject.
the design proposals will end in 2026 anon i doubt anything we see is remotely close to reality

from what people say the initial thought was to make a wider tu 160 kinda what su 57 is to the su 35
>World's largest stealth aircraft
>Blatantly exposed turbine blades

Why are ziggers like this?
Your first mistake was assuming this wasn't a one-way trip.
>super duper futuristic stealth airliner
Somehow it gets even more absurd
>400 armatas
It gets funnier every time it is posted
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother
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No. They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
I would never crawl into that death trap of a contraption.
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Their shit is all futuristic renders or mockups until it's time to do actual war, then "tank is tank", "they're only issuing Mosin-Nagants to checkpoint guards" and "portyanki are better than socks".
At 1st when everyone started calling them vatniks I thought they were memeing the "ratnik" future load out bs russia was displaying (part of it was that centurion armor).
that's basically the plot for Tanya the evil when she broke the WW1 trench stalemate.
kek for me it was the opposite, when ratnik gear started getting issued I thought people were shitting on it by making it sound like "vatnik"
notice the COMPLETE lack of femoral artery protection there? that tells me vatnik designers are more concerned with looking cool than actually saving their troops, even for their prototype ratnik blunderwaffle (which admittedly is hella cool lookin')
Image ripped from another thread on another board with no context
Top men are working on this day and night using state of the art simulations (Kerbal Space Program)
>Femoral artery protection
Nobody has more than the groin kevlar flap because the strain it puts on walking exceeds its value.
WHAT seriously? maybe inner thigh armor would fuck up your walking if you're really obese, but I could easily add 10-15mm of crap to my inner thighs and still walk fine.

>t. 9% bodyfat
it fucking chafes, and if it shifts wrong and you start running it'll smack you in the fucking nuts. not to mention that it turns your crotch into the fucking amazon.
>that tells me vatnik designers are more concerned with looking cool
well, yeah, it was only ever a concept mockup for a trade show; nothing to do with ratnik. I dont think the nerds who made it could have ever anticipated it would be featured in every fearmongering clickbait article for a decade.
The trick to getting these into orbit is that they're very top-heavy, so you gotta use spaceplane tail fins as the rocket fins. The faring is gonna hit them if you don't do it all perfect, but that shouldn't matter if you stage the faring just before decoupling the spaceplane.
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To be fair, you can kinda cheat by using boosters to increase drag where the atmosphere is thick enough for it to matter, and brute-forcing high atmosphere manuevers with extra reaction wheels around the CoM of the orbital stage.
>t. never bothers with spaceplanes (don't 'ate 'em, just don't loike 'em), but regularly does superheavy payloads for stations etc.
……if Roscosmos can actually make that work I’ll unironically call them the greatest space company in the world.
>sub 3twr
Not enough booster. Also why not just clip your reaction wheels into your craft for aesthetics?
Personal preference is for ~1.5-2 twr for boost stages (don't remember why, it's a habit I picked up years ago), and I usually cap the reaction wheels with XL parachutes since I have StageRecovery installed. When I care enough to make them internal, I place them inside a structural tube with a battery and probe core since StageRecovery occasionally wants that, but it rarely matters enough for me to make the extra effort.
Lol. re-entry G-forces would kill the pilot and likely destroy the aircraft. This threat is a lost cause.
Ok now go on a patrol loaded with full combat kit
if your T/W is above 1.1 then you didn't bring enough fuel and are leaving performance on the table
The Russian MIC is not capable of stealth. They can do low-observable, but actual stealth takes production tools and material science they don’t have. You could give them a pristine F-35 with a full service manual and they still couldn’t make a stealth plane.

What the fuck does the pilot do then?
Qualify for refugee status.
Switch sides to the guys that didn't launch him into enemy territory with 20 minutes of fuel, 2 bombs, and a half empty bottle of vodka.
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The millions of dollars spent on making an ICBM to deliver a fighter jet/pilot that you won't get back could be better used, you know.
It's great if you want to kill all your test pilots and develop new and exciting ways to crash you military aircraft into civilian buildings. Russia should build this right away.
Pick one
did all the Russian design bureaus replace all their actual engineers with 12 year olds? The fucking BMP-3M *had* to have a gun that fires missiles, but the constraints to make the missile fire out of then gun made the missile suck ass, but it sounds cool to a 12 year old so of course they ran with it
>400 Armatas
The year is 2027
Somewhere deep within the Urals
>Sir I am afraid the unthinkable must be done, the 183rd pike and shot batallion has been routed at magnitogorsk
>Press ze button
Meanwhile in some American HQ
>My god I think Russia just launched a nuke
>no no it's only one, it's probably one of those retarded missiles that launches a single plane somewhere really fast
>do we know the trajectory
>how many planes do we have in range to intercept
>around 500
>ok cool if the guy parachutes out just tell no one to touch him, HIV rates in the Russian army hit 103% this year, don't want one of our guys getting it.
30 mins later
>Putin I have reports the plane was shot down and it hit a house in Estonian occupied Belarus
>Good, my master feint is complete, please someone fetch me my fake mustache, suitcase full of gold and the argentine airways ticket.
>B...but Putin we spent all that gold putting up AA for that one server we had rendering the 2027 May Parade
not how it works
I don't know if this is a shitpost or not these days with how the mean IQ of the board has dropped 30 points in 5 years. But, just in case you're serious: the size of an object doesn't dictate its average RCS, SHAPE does. You could have a plane the size of C-5 Galaxy with an RCS of 0.001m^s or -30dB with meticulous shaping, material used for load bearing structures and skin panels, and cleaver RAM application. Stealth is SHAPE, SHAPE, SHAPE, SHAPE, then shape again, finally add RAM and advanced materials, then think of shape, again.

The F-117 did rely on RAM for about ~50% of its reduction in RCS. This was a band-aid for the limited processing power of the computers at that time, along with the very basic Echo-1 program used to design and test the reduction theories. Echo-1 is probably still state of the art compared to what Russia uses, so, I agree in the end that for Russia stealth can't be big.
With a lot of vomit on the cockpit and a passed-out pilot
That's just a rapid reinforcements system for Admiral Kuznetsov.
>"Comrade Admiral, we are need of aircraft!"
>"Da, is incoming."
>Rocket launched, re-enters on time and at location
>Fairing fails to deploy
>Terminal guidance fails, rocket veers towards carrier rather than away
>Kuznetsov gets through-and-through'd by a fucking ICMB
>Hole breaches one of the sealed decks...
Kuznetsov is dead, anon
does it load into a comically large RPG-7?
"That is not dead which can eternal lie" etc.

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