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Canadian Firearms General

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Last thread >>61918371
Based siege poster
Yo V&nd annon what happened?
RCMP came up to me and gave me a special mission to lay some pipe on ur mom
Berta chuds it's ogre
kys waste of digits
That's a dangerous mission anon. God speed.
Retoasting from previous bread

>hunting people for their canned beans and spare socks
>PVP with other NODs users
The only trve pvrpose of NODs is night-time navigation and maybe ranging, for whatever reason youd be doing that.
The people who use NV professionally, like ZOGbot deathsquads, have much more than just a piece of a gear that costs a maxxed out credit card; like access to med-evac and a line of supply. Spending used car-levels of money just so (You) can LARP harder is foolish.
Doing any kind of firefight-ing at night is silly and you're only going to be realistically facing off with other anons with and without NODs, not so much aforementioned spooks which wouldn't be poking around innawoods unless there's strawman-able reason for them to exterminate aforementioned LARPers somehow being a problem for them.
Using NV innacity/urban environments gives you the leg up, same with thermals, in my dogshit opinion than using them innawoods where getting dronefucked is now a real possibility.
>inb4 poorfag cope
I'd rather buy more ammo, or a helmet that makes me less-dead when hit than "buy a superpower" costing many loonies, that most anons dont have or care to spend on such things, outside of their main rifle from the options we have left to choose from, and setting it up.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the NDP wins the next provincial election.
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who be stockin' vz61s?
looking to get a 5.56 semi, Was leaning towards a t97 gen 3 but stories of keyholing put me off. How is the keltec RFB? Would have liked a SG-540 but stupidly pricey for Chilean pot metal quality.
for the same budget as an rfb i think the benelli mr1 would be a better choice or pay a little extra and get an sl8
The rfb is 308, but I know this is b8.
Just start shitposting so I can abandon ship and go to bed, you faggot
Wasn't there a sharp rise in crime during his tenure as Calgary mayor?
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Based muzzie. Smooth sailing from here on.
Yes and he's a gross piece of shit. Nevermind his race. If he's installed successfully as premier by globohomo, it'll be a humiliating ritual.
If you guys want some bad SKS porn watch land of the bad on goyflex.
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>8100 for this shit
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>I had to pay $166 for fucking groceries today.
You've taken the garden pill, right anon?
It's fuckin $5 a tomato here, but a tomato plant is only $6. Not too hard to do the math on that one.
Get some chickens, rabbit, or goats or somthing too, while your at it.
Shit, fucked up my (You)
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are you suppose to loctite the windage retaining screw for the t81m/lmg?
That thick barrel is nasty.
All guns are shit. Buy what looks cool and run it till it breaks.
Yeah these shit atrs builds come up pretty frequently.
I have three garden boxes at my parent's house.
Its nice to have a victory garden, but a man's gotta eat to get energized.
They keyholing stuff is bullshit. One guy posted a picture of keyholes, and he was shooting shitty tula ammo
It’s not bullshit it keyholes with 55gr ammo
saw some guy with camo quadding down a dirt road with a hunting rifle on his back. was pretty based ngl to lie. this was also 15 years ago but I won't forget it
Just watched. Not a bad movie overall. No faggot shit but plenty of nwo propaganda. They must want white guys to start signing up again. Hard to believe fatfuck crowe played Maximus Decimus Meridius. The sks-d was pure kino.
At what range because I've never seen that and all i shoot is 55g winchester white box 223. Find an instance of it keyholing besides the tulatard. If you are going to fault it, fault it for having a shitty safety, or poor mag compatibility
No just tighten it snug
Wait a year for pp to nuke the oic lol
>recommending the mr1
Lol. Lmao even.
>Don't you want to buy my overpriced ATRS build done in the ugliest way possible.
What convinces people to do this, who the hell wants multicolor parts on their gun or stupid carbon fiber.
Speaking of that isn't this some anons
There's a lot of people out there that have zero taste when it comes to guns or gun builds. Toss on a bunch of tacticool parts for a bubba special hyuck
To "look good" most of the time you gotta copy something iconic, here's an example
He's a condescending leftwing woke racebaiter. He also signals unity with Ottawa. He's undoubtedly antigun. He's a big government spender. He's Tides and government Unions. Also he's sweaty.l and fat.
no unfortunately our atrs anon is too broke to afford an elcan
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hows everyones clipizine stashes doing
Some of those powers that Mrs smith brought in for the provincial government would be disastrous under the NDP.
>all those sg-542 mags
Ah so you’re the reason I can’t find any lol
Is he going to change NDP name to national designated party?
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my only regret was not buying even more
I thought you can't own guns in canada now
salt weapons but only certain salt weapons which were primarily the affordable ones because the government knows to fuck poors
QRD on him being a pedo
Are you the fat guy with the PS90 from a few years ago
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No our options are just limited.
Did you get mostly pinned mags or the ones with the stupid block welded in? I don’t care that they’re limited I just find the welded ones are more prone to the spring sticking
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Looks like you were wrong about that then, concern troll lol
Should I get a real garand or an italian one in 308?
Get an Italian one in .30-06
Both are fun. I sold my 30-06 Garand but definitely enjoyed it. Buy whatever you can find cheaper
308, ammo cheaper. but thats just my opinion
same reason i got a 22lr vz61
they have some kind of welded nub inside, never actually seen a pinned one
>22lr vz61
I'd prob pick .22lr as well if I was gonna buy one. Full mag cap and cheap ammo, I'd only be mag dumping it anyway lmao
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>Likely the same time his father resigned feb 29th
>The next Feb 29th is 2028
fuck yeah man, dumped 40 in my backyard this weekend, very fun. I wanna see about getting a upgraded side charging handle and maybe a RDS mount. But stock is fun
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Based backyard blaster. The meme guns are what keep things interesting. Can't wait to rattle fudds with pic related come small game season
so is this an acceptable SKS mod or is there no acceptable SKS mods? does this lad still post and can provide an update on the 5.56 SKS?
It was technically the 29th but the decision to step down was the 28th
Damn! I’ve got a few pinned ones thankfully, that came with my original export 542
Dude where’d you get that stock?
That absolutely slays
hmm i will investigate if the weld can be removed and replaced with a pin
nta but regular airsoft mp5 stocks and accessories fit gsg as they based their guns off airsoft instead of a real one
good price for used acog?
ideally one for a 20 incher
Magpul MBUS usually go for around $100
anyone used the snugpak ponchos? Looking to get one but not sure if theres anything better or not. I used to have a shitty poncho that i just re-waterproofed until it ripped.
I want the .308 SRV2 to be good, or at least better than not-shit, so I can trade my expensive auto loading fudd rifle for something with a proper form factor to what I want
I think the wisest course of action would be to let people alpha test it for a while, unless you like getting shrapnel in your face.
It will not be good, black creek labs went on about how they fired all the old guys, brought in new tooling and how the SRV2 Siberian will be sooooooooo good. They didn't fix shit, they never will and should not be trusted.
>went on about how they fired all the old guys, brought in new tooling
Did they really say that? Frankly that just makes them look even more ridiculous..
how do I train to shoot?'
right now I just go to an indoor range to shoot standing up and try to keep my groupings under 2 inches
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who did this
What are you shooting?
Anon it does still have the pin on the spine....right
Your mom does stuff like that
an intermediate cal rifle
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kek it does now
check ur mags frens, i dont think a wooden stick counts as semi permanently blocked
*knock knock*
Mind showing me your PAL? And I'm just checking to make sure all your guns are locked up with the ammo stored seperately. You didn't remove any magazine pins did you?
Gonna need some form of source on that. One thing I've heard from my gunsmiths is that since BCL does the OEM for all the other 180 rifles made in Canada, which explains some things and leaves others unanswered
anyone rocking a TNW ASR, have you swapped out the recoil spring/buffer? deciding if its worth dropping 50-70$ for an H3 buffer.
It just depends on the range you're going to. Does it have shooting benches? If not, you're stuck with standing. Ideally you can find a spot outdoors on crown land and set up your own portable little range. It isn't hard to do.
I’ll have to find it but the new CEO of BCL went on a podcast around 2019 saying how they understand their reputation is shitty and they want to fix it. I think this is the article anyways

>I was a soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces
Ah, that explains it. Every single long-term CAFnigger I've ever had the misfortune of encountering has been effectively brain-dead. It's like they spend their time huffing leaded diesel fumes from the motor pool and then black mold in barracks.
“Fuck off come back with a warrant”
uh why does it have a tube if it uses box mags
Why does it still have a bottom mag tube?
>look guise new turkshit just dropped
>More wierd garbadge at a quality spec you can actually afford!
Are the turks collaborating with leltek now?
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For the same reason their inspiration does.
had that as a kid but the bolt action one. Sniping my dad in the kitchen when he came home from work. Good times
Those seemed always better then nerf ones
>Those seemed always better then nerf ones
Probably because they (some of the models, at least) had more in common with the real thing than Nerf guns did. The break-action coach gun in particular was the coolest goddam thing ever when I was ten.
The build quality I felt was a bit shitter and cheaper than Nerf, but at the same time I don't remember any of them breaking so, hey, gotta have been doing something right.
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MFW Trudeau spent 220k on food for a plane ride. Probably should have earmarked that money for firearm confiscations.
Did you hear about the military students in Halifax? Rumour has it they are living in tents.
lol I had one of these
when are we going to drag that fucker out of his house
I assume aesthetics / to blend in with the non-turkshit levers
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brownings not that retarded
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I know henry has one too, they have a new one coming as well which we probably wont see until 2025 ( the supreme?)
>Could you guys elaborate on why you like or dislike him? He seems like a nothingburger
He's a huge libtard and moneywaster. The current Calgary water main situation is largely his fault for ignoring the city's aging infrastructure in pursuit of retarded public art projects and virtue signaling issues like pride etc. Also soft on crime and anti-oil and gas.
I still got mine, aint giving it away. Gonna give it to my kids. Got me into guns, soon there gonna probably ban those from stores too. plus i always just liked the army. thats why i joined the reserves and did a 4 year contract out of high school. Anyone got some retarded ass storys?
>be me
>at the end of infantry training (mod 2)
>jungle lanes (side by side moving while someones covering)
>get paired up with the course shit pump because i finished first with my fireteam partner
>bound a few times
>dude moves with his finger on the trigger pointing it at me somehow and my SGT
>SGT grabs his rifle and flings it like 25 meters yelling at him to get the FUCK off his range
>dude fails less then 24 hours from grad
to be fair they where keeping him on course so he didnt have a chance to take another course that summer
guys name was Brown, dude failed off a few mod 2's after before he got dishonourably discharged for sexual harassment
i hope someone knows who im talking about here, i have tons of dumb shit this guy did
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what the fuck is this ad bros
jsut check it out, there just weird pictures and stuff
A Wk180c chambered in 7.62x59 is easily worth a F-150 Shelby
Eh i traded an old volvo for a type 81 a few years ago lel
did the guy have to pay taxes on the trade?
They get you when you transfer the vehicle title in most provinces. They'll use Red Book values for taxes on the car if you say you traded or whatever.
I always loved those Brownings. One day in 300wm.
Henry isn't as bad as turkshit but Henry will never be as good as Marlin or Winchester. Or even Rossi.
i like henry lever 22s but the rest are pretty meh
Hell I'd give that guy a beater that runs for a wk. Why not? About the same thing.
well the mr1 is fugly af but its not going to break like other stuff in that price range
The only Henry I had was the lever 17hmr. Thought that would be cool. Nope, the tube mag pushes the bullets into their brass cases. Super disappointed. I'd still go for a 22 tho.
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How do you guys feel about the Leltec SUB-2000 compared to the S&W M&P FPC folding guns?
The SUB-2000 has a rather unfortunate reputation now.
Just buy an intermediate rifle
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I put the new Forgis on the Jeep
I don't want to kek at this but I did
I never liked the plastic parts on the kektec. Haven't handled the sw but it looks better idk
Buy an ATRS and do a CAR-15 build
This opinion is almost as bad as "My SKS is just as good as an AR-15!" that I've seen thrown around these threads now and then.
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No he won’t, him and freeland will get some comfy job at the UN or some other WEF org and retire into the sunset. They will write books and then Justin’s son will run for PM and the cycle carry’s on, just enjoy the the fact the libs will only have 20 some seats next election.
Henry quality/QC was considered superior to marlin not tooo long ago. ofc, that was before marlin changed hands, idk now.
Winchesters have almost always been good, their old shit, and their new japcrap too if you can stand all the safteys.
I have no experience with rossi but didnt think they were considered that good?
Word is henry quality has been slipping over the last somthing years. but idk. i really like my lever 22's, just wish the paint didnt scratch so easily.
It's not just as good as an AR or AK, I mean that's why the AK47 succeeded the SKS, but it's the best choice in Canada. Even better imo than the sl8 or the tavor, just because those rifles are expensive and over engineered. But as far as something in 5.56 goes, tavor and sl8 are the best choice. I have spoken with my internet wisdom.
Saw creeds lead singer last night in Sarnia, sad that ineos is shutting down
Yeah i'm sure all the workers must love the Canadian government.
Henry is trash for scalping boomers and nons who only shop at Cabela's. Their receivers are made of zinc alloy. Rossi makes their's with steel. New marlin is ruger,
The finish is my biggest issue.
Here's what happened with marlin. Best quality until the remington takeover. Everything, fit, finish, and function. JM stamped marlins are right on par or better than Winchester quality. Highly sought after and valuable. Marlin company levers were still being manufactured in the original shop with the original machines with processes being passed down from one craftsman to the next. So much so they barely had blueprints. This is a fact and this is gunlore you need to know. The blued guns were beautifully blued. (My henry was some kind of painted on aluminum reciever that chipped. Garbage). Herein lay the problem for Remington. When they took over, they wanted to keep costs down and craftsmen working in 1920s shops are expensive. They didn't have good blueprints for programming their CNC machines and so early gremlington Marlins had issues. I think about 2010 to to 2015 or thereabouts. This hurt the reputation of Marlin guns. However, they eventually sorted out the issues and later gremlingtons are great. I have an 1894 and it's absolutely flawless. The action is slick as babyshit. The stainless steel is beautiful. The laminated stock supreme. I'm sure the Ruglins will be great based on Rugers rep.
They are gonna destroy this town, hundreds of full time jobs gone when you include the contractors, gonna be a billionaire plant just mothballed there. MP and MPP did nothing, and the mayor supported it. What plants next?
Yeah gotta ensure we destroy all the domestic industry in this country so were a completely service based economy. Also we have extreme unemployment and we need to import another 50 million jeets.
Wow everything you said is retarded
Tell us more then
Will someone please explain to me how Canadians from Ontario can be so utterly retarded beyond all comprehension. I'll give an example from when I was growing up: my dad had this good friend from Northern Ontario. This guy was a based old dude who liked white people things like hockey and collecting guns. He had a cool profession that relyed on typically Canadian resource extraction. Anyways, election time comes around and my dad tells his friend that he's excited to vote Reform expecting his based gun owning Canada loving friend to do the same. Nope, he's not voting for some dumb racist western hicks, he's voting LIBERAL like all good Canadians do. Next year Liberals brought in their expansive gun control bill prohibiting the FNs and AKs, restricting ARs, limiting barrel lengths, and limiting mags.
At least in Ontario you have the Laurentian and oversocialized/overeducated post secondary graduates who are completely detached from the reality of how most people in this country live. They are self serving virtue signallers.
That sounds like the fagtards in Vancouver. God I hate that place.
I tried my friend's new marlin classic and honestly it's pretty nice. It's a shame the shipping speed / demand is terrible right now; I know a few guys have been camped out for new marlins but they disappear so fast.
>Their receivers are made of zinc alloy
Thats only true of their 22's. And unfortunatly even the golden boy, despite costing nearly a grand now and looking brass.
Their larger guns are real metal, either steel or brass, depending on model.
>(My henry was some kind of painted on aluminum reciever that chipped. Garbage)
It gets worse when you realize you cant make it look new again with cold bluing or alumin blackening chemicals. Im yet to chip down to bare metal so not sure if it would work then, but the medium depth scratches i have, into the snamel paint, appear bright, almost white, and do not respond to chemicals.

Love the gun though, and ofc scratches are just cosmetic, it just werks.
>kid goes up to the oldest guy in our platoon (dude was 43)
>asks him to buy smokes for him
>dude was a cop for like 15 years
Nobody here is proud to be a zogbot
My “retarded ass story” is that I ever beleived this country was worth fighting for. Now i’ve got a fucked up back and bad ears for my cervix
Cafaggots suck
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>Look up what henry 22 rifle reciever covers are made of
>apperently its an alloy called Zamak 5, which is mostly zinc
>wiki article says it was used for US&Cad made lee enfield buttplates
>See also
>Pot Metal

I bought my henry inpart because, at the time, it was the only way i could see to make a short barreled 22 rifle, which i did by buying a mares leg and a full length and merging them together.
But now, it seems there is another way to do the same thing;
>Heritage Settler .22lr, avaailable as a 12.5" mare, a 16.5" compact or a 20" full length
>Frame material; aluminum alloy with a simulated case hardened finnish

Question now is, would a Heritage made aluminum potmetal 22 with simulated finnish be better than a Henry made zinc potmetal 22 with an enemal paint finnish (or plated finnish, in the case of their golden bois)
They cost just as much as henry's do...
My henry functions flawlessly and is smooth as butter, (it didnt really like 22shorts when it was new, but eats them flawlessly now after a bit of break in) I wouldnt want to trade that functionality for just a better finish..
My county has voted conservative the last 40 years, everywhere east of here is filled with shit skins and office working liberals from London to Toronto
I should have listened about going to Army Navy in halifax. What a shitshow.
Halifax in general fucking sucks.
Neither, buy a chiappa or rossi mare's leg in 357
A revolver caliber lever is unfortunately rather low on my list of priorities. (despiter really liking them)
Got the henry because i needed a good 22lr (a must-have) but don't like 10-22's (ugh, i know, i just hate their magazines and dont think semi 22 is very fun, or as versatile, is all)

Before i consider a proper calibered levergat, i am stilll short a shotgun (after selling my turkshit) and want a .308 that isnt semiauto, and a 300wm. oh and a different handgun, whenever those come back.
Then i will consider a 357 lever
So I just had a terrifying thought that I might be overthinking: What do you do if you physically lose your PAL?
Like if your wallet got stolen, it fell out of your pocket while boating/skiing/skydiving/riding a roller coaster/etc., or it got destroyed in a fire.

Is it easy to replace a lost PAL, or would the RCMP give you a hard time about it? For the record, I didn't lose my PAL, but I'm wondering what to do if that kind of thing ever does happen in the future.
depending what your funds are like, you might be waiting a hot minute on the handgun. .357 levers at the range are probably some of the most fun I've had.
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wtf are these dishwashing jobs paying 25+ real?
I see them pop up from time to time
That particular one appears to be legit:


The news articles are from 3 years ago though so their their wages have stagnated or it's a fake listing based on something real.
The job is located in Vancouver, so that's still not enough to buy you a house. Chances are you'll have to rent with roommates, or commute from a more affordable city.
The only thing that's more retarded is how they fleshed out the job posting.

Everyone fucking knows what a dishwasher does. I can't believe they have to break it down into multiple tasks.
I would never apply for a dishwashing job online. Just fucking walk in to the place. Goddamn this fucking dystopia IT'S A DISHWASHING POSITION WHY DO YOU NEED AN INDEED ACCOUNT FUCK YOU.
>Just fucking walk in to the place.
You and a hundred other jeets.
When I lost my PAL I think it cost me 20 bucks and I had a new one within 2 weeks. That was roughly 6 years ago.
I fuckin hate Vancouver so much
Junkies galore these days, HOLY FUCK. Almost stepped on a fenty rig last week
I would never apply for a dishwashing job at all. :)
Last time I was there I almost stepped in a turd. A human turd. Then I saw a dead rat. Also, no one was speaking English. Fuck that place.

>Form: RCMP 5515
>Firearms Documents Replacement Request
>Fee: $25.00
We just have to vote harder next time guys
The first time I visited Germany, I saw turds all over the sidewalk and part of a dead pigeon. Someone actually ripped its wings off and just tossed it aside. I only ever saw the wings. I'm a bit concerned about what they did with the rest of the pigeon, and what kind of drugs you'd have to be on to do that.
PP honestly kind of seems like a shoe-in. He's more charismatic than O'Toole and Scheer.
You never skinned a bird by stepping on its wings and pulling?
get a .30-30
It's a fat boomer fest lol. Did that milsurp tranny guy talk to you?
Most places now demand you apply online they won't even look at your resume
>At least that's what I tell the non-whites
>ripped the wings off
They ate it and then shit it out on the sidewalk.
Well he’s a homosexual for starters.
Isn't that strategy actually worse for you?

>pajeet applies online
>someone will at least see his resume, and it may not necessarily be you

>pajeet applies in-person
>you can throw away his resume without anyone ever knowing
>guise? what's wrong with nenshi
You don't belong here go back
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Well you see, he's a muslim, and in the qu'ran, the person they look up to most happens to be a pedo, and that's the justification they use.

Muslims: Not even once.
I have 18 30 rounders, 2 20 rounders for my AR.

Three mags for one of my pistols, 2 mags for my other mag fed pistol. About 50 stripper clips for my SKS’s. 3 mags for my mag fed .22

That said I prefer revolvers.

I live in Burgerreich so relax
That guy was a fucking weirdo, I said “thanks man” as I left and felt the whole energy shift and got a good scowl after paying a few hundo in ammo. Fucking weird vibes in there. Didn’t like it one bit jeeeeeeeeze.
Also there was one guy with weird tatted dreadlocks down to the floor. Whole place was fucked bud
Also I see a P90 mag

>street shit
>rats and pigeons
Maybe it's time to start talking guns again. Need a new, handier 300wm with Iron sights for protection/hunting. My 700 is big and long and a little cumbersome. Really into the Hawkeye Alaskan, but also getting wet over the BLR. Which one? I can only choose one
So who is the sorry sack of shit that will replace him as PM & party leader?

It would be funny if it was Freeland, just because the only other female PM became so under similar circumstances.
at least it's not that ugly tranny chick with the zoomer broccoli perm
You guys leave your clips loaded? I've always wondered how hard that is on the spring. Or are you just heading out to LA range?
she's deputy PM, if Trudeau dies of covid or AIDS she becomes PM
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Does anyone have a copy of CCFR's calendar? Do all the women look masculine the calendar, or just the one in the sample photos?
Military students living in tents in Halifax?

We’re they international students?
Probably never considering how faggy this country is and how the OPP, RCMP and Quebec jambon will gladly put down any popular uprising.
I cannot get over how the trigger lowers when the lever is cycled, it just looks wrong to me.
most of them looked like alcoholics you'd see at a dive bar in Edmonton before, so that chick is a major step up
Also, missing the only mag fed Browning lever design worth a damn.
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Yea that's the one
Never fired a Keltec, I did use the S&W folding carbine and honestly it was cool but also underwhelming being a PCC.
Are mossbreg shotguns really that bad? Thinking of getting this and getting rid of my church hill shotgun.

I miss the reform party, digits noted.
think for yourself
My understanding is that they suck when they're factory default, but they're a lot better after a few mods.
i think ur dad gay
The problem with the 1895 was head-space stretch with the intermediate cartridges it was intended for. My picrel '95 is chambered in the straight walled, lower pressure, 405 wcf. The BLR fixed this problem with a rotating multi lug bolt.
Most job ads are fake. Their creating the illusion of labour shortage to bring in more browns.
What kind of mods?
No im lazy
We tried to warn you.
>we're at the point where people are asking if Mossberg shotguns are shit
It's been fun guys but the IQ level is reaching freezing temp.
I paid 250 for my 500 in 2013 amd I've put thousands of rounds through it. Never had a single failure. Not one. And I don't care if it gets knocked around. Plus there are more accessories available than for your Barbie doll collection.
They don't need any mods. They work fine out of the box.
No almost every firearm manufacturer has dropped in quality. Maverick 88's use to be a staple of cheap but good but now they aren't as cheap as they used to be and aren't as good at all. The wood quality on the 500's/590's have dropped too.
damn i wish i had the 7.62x54r one
Zamak is also used in the construction of Hi-Points which is why the slides are so bulky.
first off you have to get a used maverick 88, dont buy new. the price of a new one could buy a used mossberg 500... price of a new 500 could buy a used 590
I love my Henry, I imagine that the Heritage ones are made by Rossi, who are known for making decent lever guns.

I regret not buying a Rossi 1892 in .454 Casull when I had the chance.
quality mags will not have a problem being loaded in the long term, same with the feed lips
Price of a new 590 could buy a...?
I stepped on a dead rat once near Dude Chilling Park.

I threw those shoes out before walking into my house.
umm a used benelli supernova tactical? but i dont really like those
Milspec tranny?

The 30/40 krag carbine for me. Pure sexo in the same sense as Lillian Russel.
A friend of mine moved to Edmonton to work as a mascot in the mall, he said the only thing people do for recreation in Edmonton is “drink rum & fuck”.
This. I've seen flimsier springs last decades in harsher applications.
I like drinking and fucking, sounds like Edmonton is calling for me.
>gunnie girl
That sounds way too close to cunnie
Another friend of mine who moved to Edmonton for a while went on a date with some girl who got the car she was driving stuck in the snow…the car she was driving also happened to be stolen.
the one in .30-06 sounds pretty dope
Fuck off
Edmonton is actually pretty good for things to do. People there are really into their hobbies. Great comic book stores, great model and miniature stores, and of course lots in the way of guns. Also, I find edmonton doesn't fuck around when it comes to dining out or enjoying sports. Probably making up for the fact it's such a shithole.
I already did with your mom
There's quite a few 303s floating around. Usually about 1200 or 1500 bucks on gunpost. I'm not willing to fork over that much for one tho.
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what optic for t81?
the pk-a venezuela
Irons sonny
Wasteland cities usually have to create their own forms of entertainment.

Poo in the Igloo
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen any mixed native people with other colors. I've only ever seen white-native mixes. I have never seen an Asian-native mix, a black-native mix, etc.

>dot Indians trying to larp as feather Indians
peak kek
sars we are 100% true indian
I remember the first time I went to the rippers in Alberta and saw the patrons flicking loonies at the dancers' twats. It wasn't long before I partook.
sars is a chinese disease
Apparently American groids have a high degree of Native American admixture.
>patrons flicking loonies at the dancers' twats
Apparently some patrons would heat them up with a lighter before flicking them. kek
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POSP 4x24V
In South America and the Caribbean, you can find negro-pajeet hybrids. They seem to be more common in Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago. Suriname even has Indian-Indonesian-Black hybrids.
There used to be this cheap hotel divebar in Aldergrove. My uncle took me there when I was 19. It was kinda weird but kinda based. I remember the dancer had flapjack tiddies and bruises on her bum.
Huh thought strip clubs were banned in Sask? Must have been a long time ago.
It's my understanding that "simulated case hardening" is ugly as sin and looks nothing like the real thing. It's also my understanding that many lesser known leverguns (especially cheap .22s) suck so you should usually stick with a popular model, like your Henry. If you really want a better finish consider a BL-22.
What I've heard was that strip clubs in combination with alcohol service is restricted, and that it's Canada-wide, not necessarily provincial.

>club serves drinks
>patrons can't touch dancers

>club doesn't serve drinks
>patrons can touch dancers
Yeah but you have to pay for that kind of class
>be me
>know a filipino-injun mix.
Shit's wild.
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das it mane
Ay me too, but it’s half flip, quarter white and quarter native.
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I lost my wallet, filed a lost or stolen report with local police. RCMP shipped me a new pal for free, without telling me. Made it easy to get all my other IDs back cause of it. One cool thing the feds ever did.
They're both used to living in garbage, so it makes sense.
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>can't even buy a pirate gun
gay nation
best way to hang a 10 inch steel target?
are carriage bolts/chain the way?
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You can make one using one of the cheap euro sxs's off great north guns and a hacksaw.
Use to see these martini action 12ga fairly regularly on gunpost. Decided a few weeks ago I'm gonna get one haven't seen a full wood one since.
I've met a mexi-chug mixed broad before growing up and her ass phat.
Theres lots of nig-chug mixed creaturas out there too, the only thing worse than that is a chug that acts like a nig (most do)
at what price is surplus 7.62x39 a steal for nowadays?
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So, this the year it comes home?
Last game tonight, been over three decades since a Canadian team won.
>inb4 muh US teams are mostly Canadian players
I don't wanna hear that cope anymore, if it's a yankee team, it's a yankee cup.
If we win, I'm going innawoods and spending my whole .22 stockpile to celebrate.
can you shoot modern shells out of this thing?
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>in Ontario you have the Laurentian and oversocialized/overeducated post secondary graduates who are completely detached from the reality
Most of the "laurentian elite" is not even educated. Majority of those trudeau types are low IQ nepo babies that simply inherited bank accounts and connections from their parents. So not only they are detached from reality in metaphorical sense, most of our ruling class doesn't even have a basic high-school education.
Yes modern 12ga works fine in it. Though I'd like to get some brass ones and reload my own.
I have top left, it's good.
Dude, Vancouver is Canada's nicest real estate. It's normal that a fucking dishwasher wouldn't be able to afford a house there. The ad is probably fake but $25/h is absolutely enough money to rent in Vancouver if you're not a retard if your expenses outside of rent.
lol bullshit
This. Niggers out here still believing vancouver is a real place.
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No it’s Alberta’s cup not Canada
Literally who gives a fuck about goysports
Sponsorships are all gay rights orgs and shit now. Look at the fuckin’ pride flags at the rinks
Hockey died in the 80s and if you still watch that shit you’rs the goodest of goys
This is fucking /k/ not /sp/ ffs
replaced the POSP scope my t81 came with for a different one made for x39 instead of 54r any recs on what to do with the leftover scope? my initial thought was bubba my mosin or svt to make it fit but no idea how you'd even go about mounting the side plate on either of those
Sell it and make a solid buck.
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This, they are literally singing the national anthem in punjabi for a team literally from Alberta. Any attention or money you give them if helping make this the norm. Use that money and time on something that isn't counter productive and if you really love hockey that much just play it yourself on a frozen lake with some friends.
>hey bob you see sportsball team 1 beat sportsball team 2 on the weekend, wild game
put it on a .308 valmet
If you have one of the early SVT-40's you can put a mount on it. The early SVT-40's had rails on the back of the receiver for conversion to snipers that never happened because the USSR went with the PU M91/30 instead and they make reproduction scope mounts for it so you don't have to bubbafuck it.
im still not sure why a bunch of 7.62x54r calibrated posp were imported into our market presumably to mount on type 81 sr
some retard did this and has still yet to be called out on it
posps use side rails
Hol up, did TI really sell x54r scopes with the SR?? Top kek
The t81 sr should of been a 54r rifle
If they make an x54r type 81 or any semi auto I'd buy immediately.
I believe their cope for not offering t81 in other calibers was that it would need a new frt application
>would rather lift, shoot, or train in real life than watch the government-approved surrogate
>would rather spend time outdoors than stuck on my ass watching a bunch of globohomo shit
>called fat
lol. lmao.
Fuck off faggot watching sports is gay as fuck and IS NOT /k/.
That doesn't make any sense, does the WS MCR have different FRT entries for the .223 and 7.62x39 versions. Did the AR-15/AR-10 have different FRT entries for whatever caliber they were chambered in.
Ar-10 and ar-15 had different frts yes because they’re functionally different gund.
probably because identical receivers
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How to adjust front sight on T81M?
AI truely was the worst thing ever given to brownoid shills
This isn't ai retard. Also why do you love fags?
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Ai is the best thing that could happen to a white man
What makes you think I'm brown?
I hate how incorrect AI is all the time, this one depicts Indians using a toilet.
with a fucking sight tool, AIslop moron
It got the rainbow wrong, you absolute mongoloid, its adjacent to orange on both sides and delineated with tire tracks.

Not that i love fags, but they teach rainbows fairly early on in education.
>he thinks the manager won't wipe his ass with his paper copy
How ironic of you to say that
Shot both. They're pretty much the same.
Don't own either.
Sub2k is cheaper and will run aluminum case ammo. Never tried alum in the S&W.
Folding mechanism is easy to use for both.
Really just comes down to wether you prefer side folder or top folder.
What's with your fucking attitude?
Yet created by albinoid negroids. Curious!
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Some guy is making MLOK handguards for the type 81 on gunpost. Gonna pick up a set this week to see if they're any good.
lol 3d print trash
I still told you what you need niggerfaggot
An SKS sight tool from amazog, 10$
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>Literally who gives a fuck about goysports
>Nooooo you can't enjoy our national sport when we're on the verge of actually winning for the first time in 30 years!
>Because- well because the jews or something, okay!
No, I will enjoy and partake in my national passtime because my country invented it and for all it's glaring faults, I still love my country.
>You can't talk about hockey in the dedicated Canada thread on the verge of such a momentous occasion!
You will never be a real Canadian.
Maybe talk about guns here fucktard or go to /pol/ if you must talk that stupid shit
No anon you can't enjoy things you gotta be demoralized 24/7.
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What about watching women's biathlon?
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Luv hockey
Luv guns
Luv crownland
Luv fishing
Hate libs
Hate NDP
Hate chinks
Simple as.

Seconded. My plain jane 500 its a truck/camp gun that has never failed to feed, failed to fire, nor failed to eject after thousands of rounds. It just works. I think this year ill end up getting a 590a1 to replace my 500, but theres litterally no rush.

Also i use a little bit of industrial bearing grease on the moving parts, not oil.
>BCL Siberian in 308 coming in 2 weeks
will it explode?
I read that as
>BCL Siberian exploding in 308 coming in 2 weeks
Would make more sense to be honest
>Just abandon the thing you like so jeets can take it over
It's an IED with a secondary feature of shooting bullets
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If you're ever feeling stupid and down, just remember there are "people" out there who willingly spent money on a BCL product.
Anyone have the
>tfw living in Edmonton meme
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>Continue giving money and attention to people who hate you
Goycattle. You'll say anything to justify watching the humiliation cuck ritual lel
>he doesn't know
Hockey is genuinely massive in the sikh community.
It's up there with wearing the funny hat thing, and blowing up Indians.
>Florida vs Edmonton
May the best crackheads win.
I dont know if thats supposed to make it better? I guess enjoy your sodomite conditioning with moments of other guys putting a puck in a net. I literally cant think of any gayer way to spend my time.
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>I dont know if thats supposed to make it better? I guess enjoy your sodomite conditioning with moments of other guys putting a puck in a net. I literally cant think of any gayer way to spend my time.
I don't understand schizo, the fuck does that mean in English?
He is saying that watching modern sports is a humiliation rituatual and you are giving them what they want by giving them your money and attention. If you actually like hockey do what i suggested in an earlier post and play with some friends. Better to be actually playing the sport in the cold than it is to be sitting on your couch stuffing your gut.
>He is saying that watching modern sports is a humiliation rituatual and you are giving them what they want by giving them your money and attention.
I usually just listen on the radio, never actually bought tickets and the only time I go to the game is when a friend's looking for someone to go with them.
>Better to be actually playing the sport in the cold than it is to be sitting on your couch stuffing your gut.
100% right, I'm just stuck doing 12 hours a day so I don't get a lot of time to get up to that sort of thing.
That logic could also apply to your guns, they're just consumer goods you collect, at the end of the day. Sounds like they win, either way.
I'll be watching the cup tonight because hockey is Canadian.
The dumbest post all day. Vancouver is a hellhole where brown people lord wealth over poor whites.
I'm just gonna watch hockey tonight with my family and then post on /k/. Guns and hockey are Canadian. Simple as.
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>hehe you're a frog poster
Still better than passively approving of fucking Nenshi.
Most anons counterposting the game are sullen faggots from Ontario. The rest are just faggots.
Also, you're made of the same stuff as sportsball goys. You can enjoy something without being gay over it just as, conversly, you can hate something without being gay over it.

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