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So I wanted the Nazi gun and have since I was a kid. Didn't have 30G for a full fun one so I bought a semi-auto rebuild instead. I did a lot of research and I everywhere I looked people said Ice House is a great company for rebuilds, so I found one that was built by them on gunbroker and bought the cunt. Now that I have it though the welds outside look "okay", there's parts welded inside that I'm pretty sure prevent the disassembly of parts of the gun, the bolt is cut and ground to fuck, the barrel will not go back in after quick changing it unless you hammer it in, and the recoil spring is so weak it will never, ever go fully into battery even after I heavily bent the belts to hold the rounds more loosely. I just want to know if THIS is the general quality of MG42 builds, if every single good review of Ice House was a lie, or if this particular gun was built on a day when they had an intern that decided to drink from the 98 octane pump before work building it.
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>every single good review of Ice House was a lie
Afraid so, auction sites are rackets
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Wasn't even just on gunbroker though, all over the internet people said they had great experiences with Ice House MFG for getting everything from 1919's to PPSH's to MG42's built. I'd contact the company but since I bought this gun from someone who had it built by them I'm not sure if they'd help me
That's unfortunate, anon. Perhaps have the guy you bought from warranty it out else you'll no choice but to negatively review him on GunBroker :\
I don't even think they knew it was fucked, from the outside it's a decent looking gun and they said they had it built for a ww2 collector who went broke and sold all his collection back to them. Guess I'll find help one way or another or just start fixing it myself. If anyone wants pics of the utterly fucked internals I'll post em.
Your options are either pay a stupid amount of money to have a gunsmith tinker with it to have a mediocre semiauto version of a machine gun (very gay) or continue the viscous life cycle and sell it to another foolish retard for most of what you bought it for.
If I am being honest with you anon, I think you really should reach out to the manufacturer and see if they can remedy the situation monetarily or otherwise. I am really sorry that this happened to you. In the past I have been burned by a shitty “gunsmith” for simple welding work on a cetme and let’s just say I was very displeased and upset, granted with that said I am sure that this doesn’t equate to the displeasure you’re experiencing with your unicorn. With that all said I think a call will go a long way, you’d be surprised how far someone may go to make it right. Wishing you luck on your journey friend.
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I'm okay with being very gay if I just had a gay gun that worked. I'm sure I could offload it for a profit at a gun show and buy a less fucked one I suppose. Have a pic of the "craftsmanship" on part of the bolt.
Hitler (PBUH) would be very disappointed.
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Thanks for the kind words Anon. I still might but I'm just not sure how much I want to be told to send my gun in for 8 weeks when I just got it last week. The guy who owns Lewman arms seems to do good work and apparently fucking hates Ice house guns so much he refuses to fix them now, so I'm just not sure how much I trust the company at this point. Then again maybe it's just some petty rivalry. Just pretty bumed that I finally got my "i will never get to own this" gun and it turned out totally fucked. Adding a pic of the inside of the receiver for more fun views of their work.
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damn dude those are some dogshit welds. If you dont mind me asking how much did the lemon cost you in the end? did you atleast get an alright deal on it?
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$8560, but it came with a lafette tripod too. Bout 10k after buying belts, a drum, a nice case, and a bunch of ammo. Brought my dad out to shoot it with me for the first time and the fucker would fire fine... by loading each round into the chamber manually.
If i bought something that was fucked to the point where i no longer want it i would simply return it for a refund or at least give them the chance to fix the shitty thing, should be the same with guns.
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I wish, but I bought it second hand so I wasn't the one who originally had it built. No refunds when you buy someone's second hand shitbox I suppose. Have some more excellent welds.
Not too terrible in all honesty price wise. On the bright side anon you currently you have a very cool piece of history with all the accoutrements to boot. Hopefully this situation will just be a bump in the road in your unicorn’s recovery. I am sure in due time she will be eating ammo, no problem. Heck maybe if the FRT case gets cleared by the supreme court you will be able to slap one into it and be fully able to larp as a man on the eastern front.
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Yeah, I figured with the tripod it was a decent deal, I'm probably going to stick with her and get this hot mess running good. Just a bit pissed I got a "some assembly required" gun. One of the lips on the feed tray was broken off too when I got it but my dad and I fixed that part already. Only have a shitty pic of what it looked like before.
A grinder and paint makes me the welder I ain't.

Trust and believe, from someone who has tried to salvage builds, life is too short for this. You're money ahead selling it for $1000 off and getting something that runs out of the box. That bolt is inexcuseable and represents the rest of the work done on this. Damn shame.

That tripod is sick and I'm totally jelly of owning this, though. Looks great in your living room. Goodluck.
I'm just gonna buy a new bolt. I won't attempt to salvage that mess.
Icehouse is a known thief and garbage “manufacturer”. His crap sucks, and he rips people off. Half of the RPD builds he’s done aren’t even legal. Maybe since they’re such crap quality the ATF won’t charge people that bought them
How are they illegal? Are they easily re-convertible to full auto, or just 922r non-compliant and nobody cares?
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>Bought from some literal-who company that's barely been around based off of gunbroker reviews.
They don’t have the denials required, so dropping in F/A parts will make it a machine gun. It’s like the whole Uzi bolt situation, where you have to prevent F/A bolts/triggers from dropping in
Wasn't based off of gunbroker reviews. There's people talking about them on a lot of forums and almost all of it is positive.
Oh, fun. So it's like building a G3 with the third pin hole unblocked and pinkie promising not to put a full auto trigger pack in it. kek
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Look up Lewman Arms on youtube. Hes fixed much worse shit and im sure you can send it off to him.
Nope. Talked to him on Faceberg, he doesn't take Ice House guns anymore. I have the tools and family with the skill to fix it so I'll do it myself I'm just fucking disappointed.
Rip. Guess thats the stupid tax you paid. Next time look it over at the FFL before you complete the paperwork. That is you opportunity to deny it and send it back
>he doesn't take Ice House guns anymore
that in itself is quite telling isnt it
Get it halfway running, sell it, and then keep saving for a real one. Even if this thing ran flawlessly, you'd never have been satisfied with it.
This is a work of art. So cool.
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>that fucking weld line across the entirety of shroud
what the fuck
Ice house brooo no, that pos steals people’s money and churns out dogshit if you actually get something back
I wasn't in the mood to disassemble the entire thing at my fucking lgs at lunch hour on a Thursday when I had only heard good things about the people who built it.
>I wasn't in the mood to disassemble the entire thing at my fucking lgs at lunch hour on a Thursday
It's a two minute process tops, even if retarded. You twist off rear stock and slide out internals and then pop barrel latch to eject the barrel out the side. It really is as simple as push a button and pop a latch. It's an $8500 purchase and seeing those weld lines all over it would have me inspecting every inch if that was my mg42.
Let me go out to my shed and check my mg42 to see if it's like yours
Based on plate on tripod and shroud, Yugo tripod and a Yugo m53?
I genuinely wish I was naïve enough to drop $8500 on a gun sight unseen and just blindly trust that nothing is fucked up because some anonymous fags online said the no-name manufacturer is A+ #1.
Oof sorry for your problems
I'm currently in wait (21 months) for my pkm m84 build over at m-14 industries and I'm really hoping that it doesn't come out to be a dud whenever I get mine in. Lasti called they were waiting on an order of wolf hammer springs for the current batch they are working on. I spent about 6700 for a parts lot with 2 barrels and winterbach receiver, 400 for parts to finisht he 2nd barrel.
Probably the most likely variant. I don't know enough to tell the difference between a real deal 42 and an M53.

There were pics. I sure as fuck am not going to spend as much as the gun to drive across the country and inspect it in person. Cant exactly just go out and find a local MG42 in a shitty town in Idaho either. I definitely should have asked for a lot closer and a lot more images but I'm not some abhuman dwelling in a large population center so to get anything more interesting than a basic FAL I have to rely on the good graces of my fellow man.

Hope your funs turn out great Anon.
Barrel wont go back in without a hammer and the bolt is retarded and gets stuck behind the hammer, making you have to jam something into the receiver and push said hammer all the way down to get it back in. So even if I did do this I couldn't have gotten it back together and it would have been a massive clusterfuck.
>shitty town in Idaho
If you live in the middle of nowhere you could just weld up a parts kit by yourself the easy way.
I was recommended them before for an RPD build but I won't be going with them now
Glad I could save you some suffering.
That's some Valkrye Arms grade work right there.
Dealt with a couple of their DeLisle carbines, and saw very similar "work". Including bits of brass JB Welded to the magazines to make them work.
A lot of these manufacturers are pure snake oil vendors.
yeah, the only thing you could fix that is turning it into an airsoft gun
Ok thats cool af ngl
>I don't know enough to tell the difference between a real deal 42 and an M53.
Do you drop $8500-10000 on something and not do your due diligence? That's all Yugo stuff. It's not a German WW2 mg42. It's still a type of mg42, it's just a Yugo m53. Same with the Yugo tripod. Those are like $700. You paid top dollar for the cheapest variant. Luckily the difference is only like $1000-2000 between all of the mg42 variants.
>So even if I did do this I couldn't have gotten it back together and it would have been a massive clusterfuck.
The barrel not going in without a hammer would have been enough to reject it. It's not your responsibility to put it back together if rejecting it because it's so fucked it can't go back together. Should probably take it as a lesson to research and look things over before signing off in the future.
Should have done what this anon said. These aren't that hard to reweld. There's a /k/ video on how to reweld these step-by-step. Even if can't weld, that video covers every single step that even a retard like myself could do it and have a properly working semi for about $6000 total.
Pop the trigger assembly off and get photo of that. Post photo of entire bolt. Curious how bad the trigger pack is. You might be able to salvage it with a grinder, bunch of files, and getting a good bolt. Most likely need new trigger assembly too. If the trigger assembly is in house hack job and not a proper AR trigger pack for a semi, going to be lots of filing and hand fitting to make it work.
>Did you drop $8500
I knew the M53 existed, I just didn't care. For all intents and purposes it looks and functions like an MG42 and that's enough for me. As for paying top dollar $8000 was the cheapest I could find anywhere and this was the only one that came with the tripod, I sure as hell didn't see any for $700 at all, let alone one that wasn't in completely ass shape.
>Not my responsibility to put it back together
Gotta be honest, I probably would have taken it anyways because I'm just used to having to do a little work on things, wouldn't have known truly how fucked it was till I could really look at it close which is what happened. I have literally not once paid more than $2500 for a car, only difference is usually those shitboxes aren't so thoroughly buttfucked. I also didn't know what a good build looked like so for the first few days I genuinely just wondered if they were all that shitty.
>Should have rewelded it
Anon I just wanted a working gun in 1-2 weeks and to be done with it. I didn't want another year long project, that's why I looked for a pre-built one. I found one I liked on GB, I googled every combination of "Is Ice House a shit company" saw virtually no bad reviews, and assumed they were alright.
Didn't get a pic of the whole bolt but everything behind the head is pretty fucked. BRP sells a nice kit with all the parts minus the head that I'm gonna pick up. Also didn't get one of the trigger pack because it's just a normal AR one, it's fine and has no issues. I have plenty of tools to get it fixed it'll just be more annoying than not having to work on it.
$600 for tripod and those are good to go.
> I also didn't know what a good build looked like so for the first few days I genuinely just wondered if they were all that shitty.
You got a shitty build. It's worse than a lot of century builds. Your bolt is covered in jb weld. I'd be concerned the front shroud isn't welded on straight if it takes a hammer to pop the barrel in. It should pop in and out smoothly and without effort. If it's not on straight, you might have issues with whatever bolt you put in. The barrel being able to move back and forth inside the shroud during operation is key to how mg42 functions and cycles. If it's taking a hammer to put it back in, it's way off and probably binding.
Guess I stand corrected. Wonder how much their shipping is.
It's not the shroud I know that much, it's the recuperator. They didn't bevel it hardly at all so the back of the barrel cant slide onto it easily. The spring pressure in it seems fine though as I tested that.
>It's not the shroud I know that much, it's the recuperator. They didn't bevel it hardly at all so the back of the barrel cant slide onto it easily
The recuperator isn't beveled. Don't fuck with your recuperator, that's a key piece. You obviously didn't research at all and don't know how your $8500 toy works and you're going to fuck it up even more than a jb weld covered bolt is already fucking it up. Read this, understand it, and figure out every part that builder fucked up on.
After reading it, sell it at slight loss, then build your own for $6000
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>Ice House
I have never heard of this place but one look at their jank ass website and I would run the fuck away.
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You took potato photos but those welds look like shit
The semi conversion he did was very oldschool and not as good as the new production BRP parts

Ive had semi guns that work better using those BRP parts. Those icehouse reviews are either a different product or absolutely something of the past because that looks like shit.
If I get rid of it at all I'm going to find a retard like me and charge them at least what I paid at a local gun show because they WILL buy overpriced garbage. Then I'll just find and buy a Lewman one.
>properly working semi
If you live in the middle of nowhere and want to do it the easy way, you won't wind up with a semi-auto.
The semi-auto conversion parts aren't even available today, everybody bought them up to sell with their partial kits on GB.
I see this image and can only imagine it to be the work of someone with callused fingers the size of sausages.
Any updates op?
HOLY Fuck I can weld better with my eyes closed and with a MIG Gun using no gas.
>porosity in the weld
Rupert moment
Op is going to be trying to find somebody dumber than himself and find any excuse to not make it work. He's stuck with a $8500 paper weight that's a m63

Meanwhile can buy $2500 mg42 WW2 kit and that parts to finish it as a semi build for another $2500. Have a working semi mg42 for $5000-$6000.


Center-fire is posting their kits up in batches and sell out in few hours since start of the week. Keep an eye out if want to build own.
*M53 fat fingered that
>links to website with no MG42 kits in stock
good yob
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You legit could have bought a transferrable Mac11 for a little more and had a wide array of easy and cheap to replace parts, not to mention the fact you could have easily sold it off in the future for a guaranteed profit. But instead you decide to buy a $9k 20lb paperweight because your wehraboo ass fell for some shills and like >>61948251 said your only chance at getting any money back is finding someone just as retarded as yourself to buy it.
They're posting kits in batches of ten everyday in afternoon since last Friday. You have a three hour window to snag one. Don't be a nigger faggot because you're an impatient zoomer. Go buy an icehouse broken mg42 (m53) for 3x a kit price if you're that impatient.
>Today Anon found out about cheap online guerilla marketing.

Dumb Gorilla!
What the fuck are you talking about? I literally just ordered parts from BRP to fix the thing. I'm not making excuses, nor am I getting rid of it. I'm going to fix this hunk of shit.
Mac10/11 might be the single most boring firearm ever designed. Call me a wehraboo if you want but I really just like big stupid guns with a lot of moving parts.
>with a lot of moving parts.
Bruh, what moving parts? It's literally a big ass bolt with two springs. An AR or AK is more complex mechanically and in terms of machining. You thought the recuperator is supposed to be beveled. You have no idea how your paper weight is supposed to work. You're going to fuck it up more than ice house did. Please post in /msg/ or /brg/ with updates so some of us can keep laughing at your failures.
calm down ya goob
Top cover has a fair number of moving parts Anon and yeah I'll post updates.
This dude probably knew about that and thought he could just drop full auto parts into one of their semi auto MG42 builds. Only to get stuck with a 10k dollar hunk of shit that barely even functions as a single shot lmao.
Nope, had no idea. Even if that was my plan I couldn't afford to feed a full auto one.
It’s the work of a Fiver ESL
MACs are dogshit and the fun goes away after a couple mags. Plus all the aftermarket kits trying to turn it into something it’s not are gigacope for people who couldn’t afford a proper WW2 era subgun or transferable M16
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I'm sure you meant well Anon but that's not from the rebuild, that's just how the Germans (or Yugos) made it.
I mean that's a pretty based gamble if it were true

>Dial this number for discount illegal machine guns
Maybe I was just accidentally cherry picking or something, but a lot of the pictures of all original German MG42's I could find didn't have the weld line so painfully obvious.
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All Yugos have it this bad, Germans did a better job of grinding the weld smooth before bluing the barrel jacket.
The vast majority of parts kits available are Yugo M53s.
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I really shouldn't buy one. They're cut through the receiver on the manufacturer markings. I can flip one for sure and make at least $1k in a few weeks.
>a working semi MG42
What’s the point? Cucked belt feds are so fucking lame. Bigass heavy belt fed Hakim
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Arguably more retarded than people buying semi subguns.
>all over the internet people said they had great experiences with Ice House MFG for getting everything from 1919's to PPSH's to MG42's built
what is marketing. Semi auto parts kids machine guns are shit by design. A heavy cumbersome awkward rifle that is so modified it has no bearing or relationship with the original full auto.
>So I wanted the Nazi gun
?Wot? Dickhead.
I prefer cannon.
This looks like modern Russian manufacturing quality, christ.
I can’t wait for boomers to die so this level of BSing is no longer possible, Indians will be too stupid and anyone under 55 won’t have enough money to invest in scams that require this much machinery
Royal Tiger MG42
Wow, lmao
Is that grey smear JB weld???
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> I just want to know if THIS is the general quality of MG42 builds
>JB weld
>Welds even a noob can do better on
>Another builder stopped repairing builds by that specific builder
No. I think it's just ice house mg42 builds. Mine is fine, cycles everything semi without issue, and disassembles/reassembles smoothly. Sounds like you got hosed, why I decided to just build my own after reading reviews of other builders and wait times to get back something that may still need tweaking.
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The cope feels so good though
I'm duomo drum? 9mm? How ya like it?
What a time to be poor. I want one of these so bad, but I have nowhere to put it. I’m afraid one day the kits are gonna dry up and we’ll see them for 12k on Jewbroker.
Fuck me. I don’t want to sell any crypto
Same boat as ya. Especially since it's a down market. I'm willing to wait and get a 5x or 10x. Then I can buy a better kit for boomer premium off fuddbroker.
>no bearing or relationship with the original full auto
Anon, I buy guns almost exclusively based on how cool I think they look. This is why the closest thing to a functional carry gun I have is a 92FS instead of something actually easy to live with.
Nazi guns look cool, faggot. No one's selling a semi auto Lewis gun or I probably would have gotten one of those instead. Again, it isn't about which gay nation it came from, it's purely about my opinion on it's aesthetics.
Big ass weld lines on it, means it is a yugo?
No weld lines, these are German then? Or they just did a good job welding and cleaning?
Looks worse then my centuryarms aes-10b
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I can't speak for your gun in particular, but I have an Ice House build that runs like a well oiled sewing machine. Now granted, I got it built directly from them and was SUPER specific about parts procurement. My kit came from a single gun and I made sure to use all the good shit (namely, BRP) for everything I could. I know for a fact that Ice House DOES NOT use the new two piece BRP bolt for whatever reason unless you supply them with one, and said bolt alleviates a shitton of issues since it uses the original MG42 bolt head and rollers.

Personally I'd never buy one pre-made, and I'd go full autism on ensuring everything is done just right. Unfortunately the MG42 being changed to closed bolt semi is a goofy process. You should absolutely reach out to Jim at Ice House though. He's a good guy and will definitely help you.
Anon you bought a gun that costs as much as a used car, you should absolutely have spent 10 minutes looking it over. The FFL transfer process is specifically designed to avoid you getting fucked over like this by allowing you to deny it up front if it isn't what you thought you were getting, which this clearly isn't.
That said I hope you learn from your mistake and get it running. There's a range ~2 hours from me with several full auto MG42s and a dual mount tripod, one of these days I want to scrape together a few hundred bucks and shoot em for 3 seconds.
What is this chambered in? Original 7mm?
7mm or 6.5 Swede MG42 would be pretty cool.
Original 8mm mauser.
I spent a few days searching every combination of "does Ice House fucking suck" I could think of and only ever saw one negative review when I did. I may not have looked hard enough but I didn't forgo looking at all.
Boompa to kill Ukraine threads
Slava mg42
That's a MG3 tho.
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Stfu migger3 and respect the pronouns. It's a valid mg42. Slava mg42. All migger3 need to be droned in their cope cartridges for migger3 banan.

Those Finnish Suomi drums are the best high capacity magazine ever made. It was a stroke of genius for Lage to design his uppers to accept them.

I have four of them that were modified for Uzis by Vector. I've never had a misfeed with my full auto Uzi.
Hey! Sorry to hear about the problems you've had with one of our builds. Sometimes we get behind schedule and can't afford to give each build the care and attention it deserves. Would you be so kind as to take down this post and the one you made on Reddit? We would be happy to sort you out afterwards!

- Jim
>that porosity
Jesus Christ, I would actually be fired if I turned that in.
>My recuperator that shouldn't be beveled isn't beveled so the barrel doesn't go back and forth
>If I bevel a part that shouldn't be beveled, it'll totally fix this!
Top KeK. The reddit post has even more retardation by OP. You deserve your paperweight at this point for dropping $8.5k on it and not even spending the thirty seconds to check it before taking ownership. A job welded bolt and bubbly welds is enough reason to reject that chunk of useless slag. It's just a non-firing mg42 without a denial in it. You have admitted to having a MG.

Adding photo so OP can never delete this from the 4chan archival sites.
the government doesn't give a shit about some retard spending 10k on a mg42 that can take a full auto trigger pack they dont even care about people making full auto glocks
OP should at least try contacting Ice House to see what they say. There might still be some hope to salvage this shitfest.

That however needs to be thrown out ASAP. BRP two piece bolt bodies are the way to go.
it's a giant 10k paperweight anon, it's not cool, it's a constant reminder of shit house
>The government doesn't care about a white redditor
Only one way to find out if feds like white redditors.
According to arfcom posters with issues for ice house builds, they get ghosted and their "fix" just broke again.
Lol, prepare your anus for manufacturing machine guns Jim. See >>61960787
That's not what I meant, retard. It doesn't matter if all of your research tells you that a Honda Civic is an incredibly reliable car if the specific one that you're buying is a flood-damaged rental fleet cast-off with 600,000 miles on it. I'm surprised your FFL didn't talk you out of accepting the purchase themselves, I've had several that have all notified me of flaws with used guns I had transferred before I picked them up.
This is the funniest fucking thread on here in a long time and OP is one of the dumbest people I've ever seen.
Big oof. I'd still throw a message to them as a Haily Mary attempt.
I have a feeling we'll see Jim at icehouse arrested by the ATF for manufacturing machine guns in a few months. There's lots of people posting about it all across the web with photos as if it's common knowledge. This thread will keep providing months from now.
Lol lmao
Fuck off outta here you wanna-be boomer, the ATF is fucking useless
Snitch ass nigger
>Unregistered machine gun
Based. Fuck you snitch.
Based. Carry on.
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>readily restored
This is unconstitutionally vague and the cuck block rule will not hold up in court. Only reason the ATF even secured the DEI judges' votes was because of their defacto amnesty (zero pending convictions for negro Americans of colour)
Aint my problem if he gets got for it. If I get shit for it oh well I guess. Just another symptom this board has gone to shit if I get V& by a random Anon despite being one of the few people here who will actually post their guns. Shit happens. I've bought the correct denial part, I've disassembled the gun till I can install it. If that aint enough tough shit I guess. Now go post in another thread how much you hate gun laws and the ATF after that shit.
Already bought a BRP two piece bolt.
Looked beveled when I did a cursory look at it on google images, on second viewing, yes it is not. I am not an expert in firearms I've never held Anon, I had a gun I thought was cool for a long time and then I had the chance to buy one so I did. Reddit lives so goddamn rent free in your head that my posting on it made you seethe hard enough to report me to the most hated authority on this entire board, yeah mate, I wanted advice on my broken gun and figured this post would hit page 10 instantly with the Ukraine focus going on so I posted elsewhere.
>4chan disliking reddit more than the atf
In an attempt to help you unfuck your shit, can you explain in VERY specific detail what's wrong? As in, do a cycle/function check.
>is the top cover feeding ammo correctly
>is ammo ejecting correctly
>is the bolt cycling
Also, you need a "regular" spring that BRP sells for their bolt. This is unlike the wire coil spring some converted bolts use.
The 2 piece bolt I bought from BRP comes with a mainspring so I'm guessing that's the one you mean. I'm pretty sure the only problem was the spring not being strong enough as even with extremely loose belts it wouldn't have enough strength to fully chamber a round. Only when I let it slide home, pulled it back, then let it close again with the round held in the extractor would it close fully. The few rounds I did fire out of it went fine and ejected fine.
What ammo are you using? You need stuff that's strong enough to cycle it, but not pissin hot stuff like Turk surplus.
The Romanian stuff that everyone said was explicitly good for the 42 and 53. Spam cans from the 80's. It cycles back fine, it just doesn't have enough spring strength to chamber the next one once it's aligned.
Damn if I sell some of the following I can afford one
>SIG 556
>RC K98
>Two SKSes
>An AK
But I'll be hustling for a bit to come up with the cash.
Then the bolt should fix your problem. That stuff runs flawlessly in mine.
I wonder how such a moron gets $10k in disposable income.
Gets here tomorrow so I guess I'll find out.
You have people going to the hospital with remshit up their ass and getting leprosy from milsurp and I'm the funniest moron? God damn the board must be slow lately. Hopefully I'll get my own screen cap.
Uncle had a coin collection he was planning on selling but he died before he could.
Bump to see if OP manages to fix his flaming trainwreck
You live in Texas? I can help you offload
Might be. What ya interested in if we were both in the Republic?
Maybe the century C93 and/or SG556

I’m in San Antonio
Trade you a c93 and sg556 for a mg42 kit.
Nta, over in Houston. Want any of the mg42 kits listed for the following c93, SIG 556, and a SKS?
>Bump to see if OP manages to fix his flaming trainwreck
nta, but ditto or big larp page 8 bamp
It's probably not going to be fixed this thread, USPS are being faggots and probably delayed my parts but we'll see. I will make a new thread when I have updates if this one dies though.
I swear I could have done a better job drunk and blindfolded.
Yeah I thought it was supposed to be a non-firing replica at first.
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Parts here, work starts tomorrow.
>actual bolt instead of the JBWeld nightmare
Hopefully that fixes it. I'm still baffled about how shoddy the interior is. I can take a Pic of the interior of mine, which Jim personally made while I breathed down his neck. The difference is night and day.
Here's a shit photo I took with my phone's terrible flash. This (>>61955145) is the exterior on mine. I used a one piece (NOT clamshell) BRP receiver that was prepared by BRP. The only thing Ice House did was install the denial. The only "rough" part I'd say is the recuperator string catch (bottom center-ish bent piece), and that came that way since it was surplus. Mine also has literally zero goopy porous welds since I actually had Jim redo two of them since I asked for progress pics. He was polite and did them, but I fear if I didn't point them out, he'd leave them.
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And of course I fucking forget the pic. This is what I get for posting without coffee.
>... be praised, Heinrich has come to see us!
Maybe he is polite however IF it was him earlier in this thread he absolutely destroyed any respect or patience I would have had by asking me to delete evidence of his workmanship on my gun as well as pointing out I had a reddit post about it on here like some smug faggot making a personal army request.
Thanks a ton for this pic btw, was looking for one that showed more accurately where the bolt blocker goes, if you have a chance could you get one from the top down looking into the receiver?
I seriously doubt it was him, as this place is rife with shitposting. I can grab a Pic of how the denial fits from above. Let me know if you need pics of any other spots.
Ukraine got a lot of the modern NATO version, check darknet if u want one.
Bowman had Italian MG3s but I think only got one shipment chopped up and shipped over before the Italians presumably took them back and sent them to Ukraine. Very inconvenient timing.
Thanks, I'm not too sure what else I'd need. There seems to be some kind of stud welded in mine that blocks the recuperator from coming out that I have to deal with.
There's supposed to be a folded piece of metal welded to hold it in (as seen on mine). Also, tye reason yours looks so rough inside is because that's a torch cut receiver that got welded back together. Presumably he cleaned up the welds on the outside but then left it a mess on the inside.
Yeah, I see the folded piece in your but mine is a bit different, it has a piece bent up to hold the back of the recuperator parts but also one that holds the flat part of it down to the receiver that yours does not have.
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Here's from the top. Notice the denial is riveted in just after the recuperator catch and just before the safety on the grip stick.
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Well it's in, the bolt clears it, and the trigger pack fits, I'm assuming and hoping it's in right.
Don't forget to file the back of the BCG a little for the hammer clears it and check the spacers for the firing pin so don't have a slam fire or light primer strike.
How would I check that?
>Doesn't check his 8.5k for issues at gun shop
>Doesn't understand how his gun is supposed to work
>Doesn't read instructions on brp website that are spammed everywhere and probably includes in the order
Have you tried reading the instructions on the brp website?
Reading is kinda gay tho
I actually did look at that guide but for some reason it was from another site's pdf file with shit low res images. This one is much better. Also yes, I impulse bought it because I was excited and didn't want to take it apart at the time, I was in the store for 2 minutes and had two people ask about it as well as a lengthy conversation with an actual baby boomer about it, I've never bought a gun online up to this point. I am trying to learn and fix it, don't be such an angry faggot, gayer men would be driven away from the hobby and it cannot afford that right now. I was just asking how to know if the spacers were right.
Are you even sure it's all welded together straight and true? If its crooked and fucked up nothing short of chopping it up and rewelding the whole thing is going to fix it.
It's straight enough for the new bolt to slide nice and go fully into battery so I think it's fine.
But it's not straight enough for the barrel to go in without a hammer. I'll laugh if you can't zero it because barrel is canted.
After getting the recuperator out the bolt was in backwards so I'm fairly sure that's why my barrel wouldn't go in.
Only one way to find out. Have to get your recuperator back together and installed. This should be good.
Tomorrow with any luck, I guess if I stop posting then the cunt blew up and killed me.
Wear eye protection for it and same for anybody in same room as you
All the German machine gunners with cool scars on their faces are from them trying to reinstall the recuperator rod.
I already put it back together then back in the gun just to see if it fit so I know good and well how much that thing wants to absolutely explode at all times.
Waiting for updates.
Man a Beretta MG3 would be pretty cool.
Did he died?
No, just having small parts that were welded like shit break when I try to put them back together, have to do more cleaning up of this fucking asshole's work.
Fuck the assholes
I want to see you blasting away with your dream gun...
Thanks Anon, I'm trying very hard to make that happen.
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You can fix her Anon or you'll die trying. We believe in you :)
Hi Anon - I feel sorry for you having to,put up with some of these sarcastic ass hole’s commenting on your experience with you desire to have this weapon that you’ve clearly lusted after since you were a kid. I was the same with German MP 40, I used to watch Clint Eastwood blasting Nazis all over the place with an MP40. I live in Australia and our gun laws are extremely strict, even non- firing versions are banned simply because these look alike guns can be used in everyday situations. I sneakily imported my MP40 from the US into Queensland to a mates home address as where I live in NSW we are banned from importing replicas. My replica MP 40 is superbly well made and I’m extremely happy with it. I wish I could import a live firing replica but it’s just impossible here.
That said here in Australia I do have a legitimate firearms licence & a hunting licence.
I’ve just bought from the US a Henry .22 magnum octagonal barrel lever action rifle - it’s a superb weapon with no kick back whatsoever
Ben / Australia
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>Anon can do a cleaner install than an alleged "professional" builder
I find this funny.
OP was not a faggot. I hope your luck stays up.
I'm one of the asshole anons, but I'm providing info how to fix it. I'll keep bullying OP until he makes it work. The cycle of abuse must continue.
Seriously think you'll have problems cycling it because the barrel shroud might not be on straight with needing a hammer to get barrel in. Take everything out of the receiver, bolt, trigger pack, and charging handle. Leave the recuperator in. Take out charging handle assembly, make sure no slag or shitty welds preventing it from fully going forward. Run charging handle a few times. Put bolt in, make sure it's not binding anywhere, put spring and stock on. Same thing, check nothing is binding. Nice and slow. Finally add trigger pack in. Do all of that without ammo.

When you take it out to test it, do every other chain on the belt empty. So it'll be round, empty, round, empty, round. May have to tug on empty belt as Cycle it. Cycle it manually between testing, see if it ejects out the bottom properly and tries to load up next link. Check ejected rounds to make sure not piercing primers. If soft primer hits, remove spacer washers inside the firing ping. Brp bolt shouldn't have had any ship with it.

If it cycles find you're good. You just can't swap out barrels quickly. Just bring a mallet with you. If it doesn't cycle fine and your barrels still take a mallet to jam in, your front shroud might be on too tight or at an angle. If it shoots close to straight at 100 yards, then your barrel shroud is on but shrunk from welding heat and they didn't leave enough space to account for shrinkage. That's going to be can file a little off recuperator front end until your barrel can go in or you can take off front trunnion (the lock the barrel latch locked on to) and cut it off and try to reweld it back on properly. This was honestly the most pita part to reweld. Took me like five tries for my build. Watch that kommamdo vid a few times on how to reweld a mg53. Might have to Google for the vid.
Check around for that video. It's super informative and how I learned to put the mg42 together. The dweeb that did the kommamdo article on how to do it, made a video on the whole process. Old /k/ was /k/ino. Nu/k/ would never be able to do it because such a topic would kill a Ukraine/Russia thread and 41% would ACK or have a mental melt down.
>sold uncle's coin collection
>impulse spent all of it
>on a broken gun that you don't know enough about to tell is broken
>which is the first gun you ever bought online
How old are you, anon?
It seemed to cycle fine the couple of times it actually managed to slide back forward after the first round. I genuinely think the only issue stopping it from running was the utter lack of mainspring pressure. The spring that came in it could be permanently stretched or squished with almost zero effort. The BRP one is way, way better and I'm certain has the power I need. Nothing was binding before but I'll make sure I check it.
I'm all for TZD but yeah, you cant have anything but *CURRENT WAR* threads or the three generals where everyone knows each other. Somehow my thread seems to be an exception and is not drawing the hordes of /pol/ transplants.
27. I just fall victim to FOMO irl. I saw what happened to the SPAS 12 and now I am permanently paranoid that any gun I like is going to quintuple in price over the next five years.
Utter faggotry, kill yourself OP.
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First time assembled since unfucking the internals. It cycles great, the barrel now slips right in, it goes into battery, so far I think it's in much better shape. Still gotta clean it, pretty it up, and do a few minor things.
You first.
Weld literally cracked lmao why did they send this out
Let the man have his thread you sour grapes nigger.

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