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Simon Polivar was such a hero...

previous: >>61937285
>image limit reached

>instructions for getting sound images to work
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First for seething
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What does a fresh polivian catgirl's crotch smell like?
cheap off brand shampoo
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SS please do not redeem beautiful Indian lady!!!
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please be patient
it was monday

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didn't get this in before last thread reached image limit
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Does anyone here remember an article or essay analyzing modern Japanese personification of wepaons and vehicles? The writing listed how ancient people used animism to imbue their weapons with achetypal concepts and sexuality then compared it to how modern Japan does so in media like GFL or Azure Lane, Strike Witches etc. IIRC there was supplementary evidence like how Europeans have a tendency to refer to vehicles and small arms as feminine or depict them with female charactures such as in WW1 / WW2

The whole thing might have been some faggot talking out of his ass on /lit/ or made up in my head. If it doesn't exist I might do it myself
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As we had pocky games last thread.
Is that Cirno with a red bow?
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No, but I'd read it if you wrote it
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>Ostwind is drawing Yukari
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booze stash
At least she has all her hair intact this time.
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>Ostwind is drawing Yukari decapitated
She appears to be whole in the original
Me too, sounds interesting
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Winter cabin is such a obvious choice it isnt even funny, no downsides at all
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Unfuck your shit 4 eared freaks
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love this guy
Unwinding after a mission with AK-15!
Flamberge best girl, I love haughty blondes
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they have 4 ears
Polivian catgirls are capable of highly accurate echolocation
My wife RPK-16







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keep going

uuuuh first problem I pick out on this one
you've drawn her feet parallel to one another
try to drawing them spread at more of an angle
that way her stance will look more natural
Nah its done
Also the feet are supposed to be parallel
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Military putsch underway in Bolivia. Anons have been given the choice to stop seething or be publicly labeled as retards. Those who insist on coping and seething will not be entitled to physical safety and are thus invited to leave the country at their earliest convenience
I miss Luna so much bros...
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this is sloppa isn't it...
I'd say so based on the poorly rendered background characters and the faxt that her firing hand has an extra finger.
Obviously. Fingers, nonsensical backpack, background character faces.
By default you should treat any 1024x1024 resolution image as AI generated these days.
>not coombait patrol
you had one job
I hope Polilla is well, he lives in Bolivia.
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>a coup
oh shit
>a bit more searching
>the government has been overthrown 200 times times since 1825
that's an average of at least 1 coup per year
so this is actually probably not that surprising for him

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>133rd most corrupt out of 180 ranked countries
>their score in 2023 is actually down from their score in 2022

good thing Polivia isn't like that
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Oh..It found the P-38.
Looks good. Time to pivot to niche furry porn and charge $1000 per commission.
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Who would win? I'm betting on the Russian cutie.
Me. Because they will both have sex with me
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Natalia has seen better days.
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We got us a stand off
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need-a more-a full-a gore-a
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Danger dog has the high ground here
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Kek. I was amazed how fast these sold out.
I'm guessing you're in on the Erica Komet-Chan?
I missed that one, actually.
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Maybe that is just their version of a peaceful transfer of governance
This image is just so ridiculously sensual, I'm going crazy honestly
I wish
everything but the face. His style is so ugly
shit taste desu

Meh, it failed. The leftists are still in power, general's been arrested. It's so ogre.
attempted coup, apparently the general didn't get enough support so it fell flat. Classic Polivian shenanigans
It's in the works, the first run got cancelled. Keep an eye out.
Need one to hang from my ceiling fan.
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what a kissable face
I hope they make a second run of Fulgora at some point. Dumb posties managed to lose mine.
Wearing tennis shoes into combat is the most gopnik shit I've ever seen.
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Me too. These modern vtubers can fuck off, bring back the awkward sketches.
chrono trigger vibes
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Theoretically speaking, what would happen if you applied car wax to a gun for those sweet hydrophobic properties? Would it just immediately burn off when you fired it?
Old fashioned wax or a ceramic coating? Wax should be fine for anything that you can touch with bare hands.
Good old fashion turtle wax
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is there a reason that the military doesn't wax guns? I know that depending on the weather different types of oil/ greases are used but I don't think I've heard of wax being applied to external metal surfaces
it's an old school trick for CC peices to stop the finish from rusting that works quite well, you can't get it on any internals or else it'll mix with the grease and oil and potentially gum up tho, also helps a little with reducing the appearance of fine scratches. I just do it on my airframe cylinder and barrel but honestly they don't really get that hot or have that much friction.
generally they have more aggressive cleaning regimens, they regularly oil their finishes and also they have armorers whos job it is to take care of the stuff they dont trust grunts with.
Are people really starting to "back in my day" about vtubers of all things
Heat is the death of wax. It’s good for use in hunting when you’ll carry all day in inclement weather but only shoot a handful of times. Sustained firing will burn it off anything that gets too hot to touch.
So basically good for cc, hunting, and long term storage, not great for guns you shoot often
God damn GFL is boring as shit to actually play, think I'll just stick to the pictures
Welcome to every gatcha out there.
I wonder how long before we see people getting their ears surgically removed for cat ears. I say 5 more years max.
Theres people who purposely freeze their own limbs to get them amputated, id be surprised if there wasn't people cutting off their ears
Holding out hope for GFL 2 being at least decent
Enough about your face
Because grunts clean their guns excessively every time it's taken out. Like a good chunk of the M4s we got a couple years ago look brand new on the inside because people obsessively scrub and scrape at everything. The also spend most of their time in a temperature and humidity controlled vault so it's not as big of a deal preserving things
i dont think shes happy doing that
Why are their legs 3 times longer than than their torso?
Long legs fetish?
I'm not complainig, just curious about the artstyle/proportions.
I would never ever let a woman dominate me, but maybe I'll make an exception for these two lovely ladies.

I think the asian chick would win their first bout, but that's because the russian cutie is the mai character and so would become stronger and go back and defeat the asia chick bcause she clealy looks like the antagonist.
Really need to see Polivians as POWs to Russia.
the general alleged that the current president told him to do it to shore-up support and increase his popularity. Think there's any truth to it, or is he just bullshitting to try to save his own hide?
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Japanese Coastguard botes confirmed to be shotacons?
That's the correct approach to dealing with timewaster gachas
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Today is my birthday. I am now officially and unironically a WIZARD.
lifting status?
muscle wizard?
Autism wizard.
begin exercise please
do it for me
if you don't I will think less of you
I'm so sorry anon...
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Give us some arcane knowledge
Pussy aint that great, you can do better with some gun oil lube and a hand. But yeah, lift and shower.
Start lifting, don’t be a fat slob when you reach your 40s
I don't even count Luna and Ai as "vtubers." The streamers are ewhores with a coat of paint.
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Happy Birthday anon, by yourself the gift of health and start today. It will increase your physical and autism powers.
>The streamers are ewhores with a coat of paint
So, vtubers.
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Long legs are just hot I guess
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Happy birthday! How strong are the suicidal urges? I got five years left
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greatly reduced from 5-10 years ago.
it is what it is. always has been, always will be.
>t. 30+2
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They're just random thoughts that come up once every other month. Something along the lines of:

>Hmm, maybe I should kill myself when I've got nothing else to occupy my time with.
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How do I get a RPK-16 girlfriend?
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nta but they get stronger every day.
Sink it, kill all the ships crew, burn the chinese flag, record the footage, send it to Beijing, and plant even bigger American flag, than contact the U.S. declare war on Communist China, and destroy the red menace. Total Communist Death.
*Plant an even bigger Japanese flag
But now that I think of it planting an American flag would be even better.
>yuri ntr was actively encouraged in the middle ages.
What the fuck.
>Be brave knight.
>Leave to go fight the saracens who are desecrating the holy land.
>Return to find your wife fucking a peasant girl.
>It was prescribed by a doctor.
>women needed to be penetrated regularly to not become hysterical
How did medieval doctors know more about women than modern day doctors do?
I dunno, I kinda just adapted to the loneliness so at this point it doesn't bug me much
Wife fucking a peasant girl>wife getting fucked by a peasant guy
ok ok DESU I have a yuri NTR fetish. I would want my wife to get fucked by a peasant girl.
pushing the "lesbian" meme and bundling it into the fag shit is one of the greatest disservices to women in the last 500 years

women touch on women
it is different from men touching men
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dude nobody asked. You could have kept that to yourself and spared yourself the embarrassment.
Any hentai recs, king?
I dunno, I've started to reconsider after hearing multiple women call the idea disgusting.
women's tongues cannot be trusted regarding their actual feelings
>ask a woman what type of guy she likes
>get nothing but lies, when in reality they all just want to KIDNAPPED and RAPED by Prince Charming The Barbarian King
women are lying faggots
muff craves muff
Women say a lot of things. They mean less than a quarter of what they say though.
What the fuck why are people justifying NTR in this thread? NTR is NTR and is abhorrent regardless of who’s involved you faggots
>spoken like someone thats never mindbroken a pure girl with his massive schlong
I’d love to mindbreak a pure girl if she’s my wife and we love each other.
Its how i met mine, married 4 years post mind break. Its a good life.
What's the fun in mindbreaking a woman that already loves you?
>You could have kept that to yourself and spared yourself the embarrassment.
Shame doesn't work on an anonymous image board.
>Verification not required.
Dont listen to what women say look at what they do, women being all touchy feely with each other is normal, thats literally 2 steps away from hot yuri action
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Guys, I have an idea.
Hatefucking a woman you hate until she's mindbroken, then her mindbroken love and affection eventually makes you love her back.
OR OR OR THIS! you guys can stop talking about yuri NTR, mind breaking, and other degenerate BS and find a loving and faithful wife to have a family with.
>won't nag nag nag
>can perform manual labor
>cozy location unlike the bug-ridden humid hellhole or dry boiling hellhole
[spoiler]desu I like the catgirl and birdgirl more aesthetically speaking and I don't even like jerky much but the overall package of the winter cabin is too fucking good[/spoiler]
Listen retards if a woman is a lesbian or has lesbian tendencies it means her dad wasn't present in her life or she was sexually abused. IT'S A GIANT RED FLAG! BIGGER RED FLAG THAN THE THE FLA GOF COMMUNIST CHINA! COMMUNIST CHINA MUST BE DESTROYED! DON'T TOUCH DAMAGED WOMEN!
I can fix them!
With my dick!
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deer are simply the patricians choice
>wife rapes a peasant girl
holy based, that's why I married this bitch. when I get home we can fuck her together.
Seems like a lot of work to loop back to a normal abusive relationship
Unrealistic scenario, if she cant handle my physical and mental abuse how do i know she really loves me and if shes not afraid of me how can i trust her with anything?
Also bruses and cuts are cute
Can't do that, you end up falling for what you believe love to be. If your formative years were fucked your idea of love is fucked. This is why by the time you realise how cursed you are, you have had children who are cursed.
>Seems like a lot of work to loop back to a normal abusive relationship
It's the journey that's important, not the destination.
The invention of the printing press led to a second great destruction of knowledge around women's health.
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Need wife who kidnaps young girls for me, now thats what you call love
just stop breathing if you're seriously this weak
>life is... le pain
you're like bratty teenagers
life is a precious gift, even with all the bad shit
there is ALWAYS something more to live for and if you can't see that you're probably a gaylord homosexual
That's not a very nice image
No bullying allowed
No suicidal thoughts, but I did have a minor mental breakdown a bit after I turned 24 last month. Doing a lot better now.
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Why? 24 is still super young.
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I also just turned 24
kinda transitional time
done with school
starting actual career
starting to feel like I'm actually close to being a "man" instead of a kid pretending to be a man
feels kinda spooky
but it's good
a good kinda spooky you know
i know how that feels bro, i just got my first "real" job and first apartment 1.5 years ago.
it feels nice having your own place to retreat to, and doing things the way you want to.
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Based as fuck
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Cute dog!
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about to turn 26 and I'm right there on the edge.
>flunked out of school twice
>lost two jobs in the trades
>person who supported me through all this kicked the bucket recently
>cancer diagnosis (not fatal but not great)
>can no longer afford to go shooting or other hobbies
>girlfriend has made it clear she wants to tie the knot but I can't support her like this
>she also gets on my nerves a lot and loves me a lot more than I love her
>mental health treatment/therapy/support place I was attending got shut down for reasons
>bills approaching savings drying up
>no car so I can't go outside the town for a job
Pic unrelated, but I'd take that over where I am now.
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I'd feed her my bone ifyaknowwhaddImsaying
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I wish I could have a breakdown again, I haven’t broken down and properly sobbed in like 3 years. I turned 21 this year. Attending online college after 2 years of hell going to community college. Feel as unaccomplished and futureless as I did 2 years ago and I’m stuck in a Poli Sci degree because I know I would drop out if I tried doing STEMshit. I wanna move out but I’m not eager to become a rentoid so I’m stuck living with my parents. Considering blowing through a lot of my savings by traveling the next few years since I won’t be able to get a home anyways. Sorry if it seems I’m blogposting it just seems that everyone else is also doing some venting
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I'm basically in the same situation as you (except I'm in STEM), but I had a breakdown and vented to my dad last week.
Talk to your pops. it helps.
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never before have I felt more compelled to, or more confident in telling someone "believe in yourself"
>have a lady that loves you
>still have all your limbs
I dunno man
frankly you only really need one of those, and even that's a point that can be argued one way or the other

>mental health
therapy is mostly confiding shit in someone to get it off your chest, and then maybe getting some advice
have you tried sharing your mental burdens with your gal?

>no car
there's plenty of affordable shitboxes

>flunked out of school twice
well let's not make it a third time then
college is a fucking scam for basically all but 10-15 specific majors
>lost two jobs in the trades?
which trades? how deep did you get before "losing" ?
honestly you'd probably be better off dipping your toes back into that arena

>loves me a lot more than I love her
what do you want out of a partner?
what do you want out of a relationship?
frankly someone who I can trust and is willing to do chores is really all I ask for
this sounds like it might be a self worth thing here pal

if you don't currently have a job, then get something to tie you over until you're able to get back into more rewarding employment

good luck dude
keep your head above the water
enhance your perspective
you have much more left to lose if you focus on what you already lack
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Violence :D
>poli sci
I'm sorry anon but you should just kill yourself now
I've given up on white supremacy, of course there's irredeemable groups like Jews, or blacks (maybe certain hispanics too). But Orthodoxy has made me realize that a lot of groups seem subhuman because they lack Christ, people hate on Arabs but Christian Arabs are just like you and me, they're great people, better than a lot of whites. Same with Indians, people mark them as street defecating subhuman pagans, yeah most of them behave that way but when they encounter the lord they become great people, I know first hand. Overall my focus has changed to obtaining salvation and preserving America. No Grandiose liquidation plans.
nobody cares faggot
I banged your mom.
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spoken like someone who really loves spicy curry

sounds like you have redeemed her so to speak
What exactly do you mean by redeemed?
untrue but I know for a fact your waifu is shit
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a redemption arc
an arc in which you do a little redeeming, even if it's not what Indian men would want
Well I mean if we're going by the literal definition, Christ Redeemed her before we met.
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A combination of too many shifts at work during the finals rush, and collapsing from heat exhaustion during a jog. Also fell down a minor internet rabbit hole that didn't help, (why the hell does pixiv not have a not interested option?). That caused a cycle of not eating, sleeping, or drinking enough. After a week and a half I got my shit together, though I haven't quite kicked the insomnia.
Sounds like your doing better than I am. I'm living in my parents basement, working a restaurant job and haven't started any higher education.
Damn, sorry to hear that. I know it sounds hollow, but can't do much else.
Happy birthday, but also bad news. Due to an unprecidented influx of candidates for Wizardship, the guild has upped the minimum age. You have until age 35 before you can reapply.

Good luck, and get your dick wet.
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>I've given up on white supremacy
>Orthodoxy has made me realize
You'll end up a communist in no time.
>I'll become the very thing which seeks to destroy America and Holy Orthodoxy.
Ok retard.
I'm going to say something which may offend many people, but I don't care.

Americans are incapable of being proper Orthodox Christians. Hell, they have massive problems being Catholic, what with their bizarre worship of a certain country.
Buddy Nationalism isn't "worshipping a nation" just because I love America doesn't mean I worship it.
It ain't America your Catholics are worshiping, pal.
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>because American Pentecostals love Israel, that means Catholics do too!

Anyway, Christ didn't say that and you are not a Christian.
I don’t trust my dad, he never taught me shit as a kid and has invalidated any concerns I’ve had of feeling like something is wrong with me


I dunno, "American civil religion" comes pretty close to worship of a state.
There are some people in this country who treat the US constitution very seriously to the point of a holy scripture.
Ohhhh he's talking about Israel, the only "Christians in Israel that worship Israel are Evangelical protestants, no other denomination does, not the Catholics and most certainly not the Orthodox.
Anons, when you're feeling down, just remember that you're not starving and freezing in a trench with the constant worry of an artillery barrage and mass wave of infantry coming right after. You do not have to deal with disease ridden corpses and lice infestations like those that came before us. You will find your purpose in this world. You will find a love that understands and supports you as you are. You will own a home and many firearms. You will find pursuits that bring joy. You just need to believe you're worthy of it. And if you don't think you're worthy of it now, better yourself into the image of you that you think is worthy of it. WAGMI
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dude this post was made for me. Shit got way too real in the last few months after I got my MA
fuck dude I'm sorry that's actually tough shit. What trade do you do?
PoliSci is a very rough degree for the current market, you need to be ready to get other skills and do internships. Do not be like me, where you just do school the entire time and that's it.
If your part time job isn't related to your field, ditch it. Simple as.
"just be thankful" isn't very helpful advice to people who are depressed or genuinely in a shitty situation, anon.
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>I've given up on racial and genetic realities and the natural, innate ethnic preference that allowed my people to flourish and maintain an actual identity throughout history for a much more egalitarian worldview based on spiritual trivialities for online clout
>but I would NEVER EVER naturally take this one step further and just conglomerate all people together based on faith even though we're all equal in the eyes of God anyway in the based type of globalist way for further online validation from my fellow terminally online Discord frens

I was just about to actually take you seriously and, point by point, prove how wrong you are and if you actually, say, engaged with Christian Arabs, even just observe them during Pascha, you would clearly see how they're the same goatfucking subhumans as their Mohammedan brothers, just instead of being very loud and obnoxious yelling Allahu Akbar!, they yell Al Maseeh Qam! and take you through how religion is downward of culture and culture is downward of ethnicity and genetics - which is what it all boils down to but seeing your braindead reaction, as well as rereading you actually saying Christian Arabs are better than a lot of whites, I concluded you're most likely some brown mystery meat to begin with, so Civic Nationalism is the best you would've amounted to anyway and with enough proletarian spite and resentment (since you'll never fit in among Whites for neither being White, nor being so welcoming to non-Whites for your little Tolstoevskian larp) you'll turn full NazBol Duginoid soon enough.
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>innate ethnic preference that allowed my people to flourish and maintain an actual identity throughout history
the existence of Indians in the first place proves that's not a thing. White people spread out in all directions and fucked everything that moved so hard it changed the course of human history numerous times and replaced the native populations of 3.5 continents.
4.5 continents if you believe Australia is real
Why does she have hotdogs?
>If your part time job isn't related to your field, ditch it. Simple as.
I don't have one, just live in a college town. Was taking a break from education when COVID hit and never picked up the pieces.
I think you need to calm down just a wee bit. Dude finally got a taste of pussy, he's ready to give up his old ways to keep it.
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he is weak and will create weak sons
>PoliSci is a very rough degree for the current market, you need to be ready to get other skills and do internships
I am looking around for those. I’m hoping to work for utilities in my city while I get my degree
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>noble lady fucking a peasant girl
sounds kinda hot, but on the other hand
utilities isn't going to help your resume with a polisci degree. I meant more like working for campaigns or think tanks.
I am an orthodox Christian I have observed them extensively because I've been to Antiochian churches, are you seriously implying yelling "al maseeh qam" is the same as allahhu ackbar? it means Christ is risen, EVERY group within the church yells Christ is risen on Pascha, I've observed them closely, when they aren't Muslims they're just like us, they follow the law, they're polite, they aren't inbred, they're intelligent, you my friend have never been around them. you're a newfag if you think I am brown, everyone here Know's I'm white, just a few threads ago I posted myself with my M1903 Springfield.
>your a toltsoy duganist nazbol.
a what? the only two things I hold to are the holy Orthodox church and the United States Constitution.
I have not nor will I fornicate, sexual union is nothing to take lightly, it must be down within holy matrimony.
Why is this bitch's pants down?
Nice sketch anon.
welcome, brother
Yeah yeah that's what I said to my high school teachers when they asked if I was being a good boy and treating my new gf properly. If only they knew.
I wish my high school teachers called me a good boy
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realistically I cannot expect you or anyone else to do anything over an anonymous image board.
>What trade do you do?
Automotive stuff and then computer assembly. Neither went well. Put about four years into it and hated the car shit and couldn't tolerate the corporate hellscape of the other company. Sucks because both companies were rated as top places to work in the state. I'm worried that my reputation has been ruined by not fitting in at these places.
I appreciate the well wishes. I know I should be more grateful for the woman, but I don't really feel much for her. It's been a year and a half and I just can't find interest in her. Which sucks because I've never felt this way about a woman before.
>this sounds like it might be a self worth thing here pal
yeah sounds about right on the nose. If I don't join the 27 Club I'll probably be fine.
>you have much more left to lose if you focus on what you already lack
It's what I lack and lost that bothers me. Either way, thanks.
excellent work
Would it be disrespectful and hurtful towards polivia to make a LORA of his art style for AI generated images?
mmmmmmm I don't know
frankly you might just ask him
send him a message on twitter or something
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haha stupid you messed up your post haha sirry amelican
>Fallout Beijing.
I'm a grown man not a highschooler I can control my impulses, also it takes two to tango, it's one thing to imply I'm a degenerate whether you mean it or not you're insulting her also.
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All tripfags are degenerates, it's best to just ignore them.
thanks i drew it 5 years ago
>white supremacist gets a wiff of brown girl poon and immediately starts going "w-well, they're really not THAT bad"
Like poetry
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A tale as old as time.
Would anyone happen to have the ostwind projekt edits? Those... edits if you know what I mean
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Why are americans like this? The cope when you have ugly brown children will be insane
I don't believe there is a single woman who this scene did not arouse
many in the comments
>425 million views
how many women i wonder
New or old?
Any edits, just have heard of em. I've scene the pier one and the Taival one but I've heard of others so.
kind of funny that you figure out that race isn't the end all bee all by going to a church made up of a bunch of nationalists that hate each other's guts
But hey, I guess burgers just love a good ol LARP.
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Thank you very much, if there's any others out there let me know.
Thanks bro, I owe you one
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>of course there's irredeemable groups like Jews, or blacks
How dare you slander my NVBIAN KWEENS in such a manner. Recant your insults, or i shall cut you down where you stand.
lol those comments
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Women being a bit gay makes a lot of sense evolutionarily, naturally we are a polygamist species where the alpha chads get all the bitches, so women getting off to seeing other women get pleasured would be evolutionarily advantages as it improves group cohesion with in harems
So basically evolution says yuri is based
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What's a Nvbian?
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Where can I go to support him?
Imagine Yukari's OnlyFans.
Fluff and tankservice.
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She's finally here bros
an inhabitant of NVBIA, the land of chocolate KWEENS.
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Thank you friend
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Congratulations Anon. What grade/caliber did you get?
>naturally we are a polygamist species where the alpha chads get all the bitches
Factually incorrect.
>yuri is based
Factually correct.
I have an announcement to make:
Please post evil women.
Thank you.
Both are incorrect. This is a hetero thread
Expert .308. I figured it would be cheaper to shoot. Turns out that was a lie, also had the bad luck that in March when I put my order in they had a run on .308 barrels. I love it so far and despite only having it for like 3 hours already gave myself Garand thumb when I was fucking with the action
Naturally, we do what we have to do. Polygamy where one man held many wives was mainly a thing in areas with constant bloody warfare, like the Middle East from the time people first started living there to the present day. It made sense, a lot of men were dying all the time, leaving there more women than men. It only made sense for men to have many wives in order to bring the birthrate back up. The problem is that if you go on like that forever, you will never build a functional nation. The Middle East doesn't see peace because a bunch of old faggots are hoarding all the women, and these sexually frustrated men are easily swayed by promises of women by extremist paramilitaries.
Monogamy is much more stable. It ensures the best chance that no one is left out so that every man is the most productive he can be.
Our species is naturally a species that adapts to survive, and group politics isn't any different. The Bible doesn't actually forbid polygamy per se, so I could be reasonably convinced in a time of hardship to take in many wives and do my part in repopulating. But I could never do such a thing in a time of peace.
Not Springy btw.
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Soumi and GF2 is now in the binland news
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nyt vittu oikeesti
>It is not the most traditional reference to Finland.
>Finland sways and wobbles in the trailer to such an extent that a little midsummer drink may also be consumed in honor of the summer theme.
God the Google translate of those are gold
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Cute! I want to patch her up and clean her wounds, get her a clean set of clothes and a new dust cover for her ak!
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I mean... evil is subjective. As long as she loves me then I don't care about how many war crimes she commits
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God why does webm always makes me sad
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cute girls looking at the camera like they actually like the viewer
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>cute girls looking at the camera like they actually like the viewer
>girls like the viewer
I wonder what that feels like, sounds nice
>cute girls looking at the camera like they actually like the viewer
this is my guilty pleasure
Suicide by sleeping pills isn't that painful is it?
3D girls are pretty overrated to be honest. Don't hate yourself, or the world in general, if 3D chicks aren't into you.
T. Had multiple GFs, left them all because I lose all interest in them after a week or two.
They don't even sell lethal sleeping pills anymore unless you're in some kind of 3rd world shithole country.
Taking a whole bottle of ambien and washing it down with a handle of bourbon won't kill you. You'll just wake up the next morning feeling like shit and lacking 10IQ points for the rest of your life.
will bake a new bread in a bit
if someone else wants to do it just say so
Well then, what are some pills that will 100% painlessly kill you the next day?

Fox friday?
man it feels like we JUST had a kitsune fox edition
can you think of another edition you'd like to see?
flight hs friday?
works for me






+1 to what the other poster said about applying to a local government position or to a campaign staffer job. It’s decent pay and a stable living; be honest and ambitions and help out with some local politician that you mostly agree with. My friends went polisci and worked for a few campaigns in undergrad, and they have no problems finding work. Good luck anon, and if you ever need a reminder of why work is important, ammo aint cheap
Research suggests the most common historical AND recent biological mating strategy for humans is/was polygyny (harem). Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/ecology-and-evolution/articles/10.3389/fevo.2019.00230/full

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