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Is the loss of SA operation worth the snag-free advantage/Is the chance of a hammer snagging worth having for more accurate shots in SA?
Hammer because then you can do cowboy mode which is cool
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fully concealed hammer is just one less thing to worry about
Depends if you prefer soul or function.
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It's personal preference. I went with the shrouded hammer on the LCR because it looks cooler and I almost never use single action outside of testing the point of impact of a new load. The double action isn't bad and I can usually keep 4/5 shots on an eight-inch target at 50 yards, so that's good enough for me. If you want an exposed hammer, get it, and don't worry about snagging. Even if you pocket carry, just get a pocket holster that covers the hammer and snagging on the hammer will be irrelevant.
I think the 638 is kind of ideal here, the option is there but won't affect the draw. But in reality if I'm pulling out a j-frame I'm blasting from like arm's reach so the single action option doesn't make a lot of sense
>more accurate shots in SA
It's not that much of a difference at self defense ranges. If a small equipment nuance makes that much of a difference, get some training for the love of God. Personally I don't like multiple trigger pull types and snaggy shit sticking off my gun. Then again I wouldn't rely on a revolver for pretty much anything on its own. Advance to the 20th century because we're kind of already well into the 21st...
Which is which?
Hammer for long barrels and shrouded for snubbies. That's just my two cents.
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In all seriousness shrouded hammers are better for EDC since 9/10 you are going to be firing DA from the draw. But that doesn't matter to me; I go DASA because I like it.

The better question is why are you carrying a revolver when you could get a modern, double-stacked autoloader like the Sig 365?
The P365, and even the original Shield and Glock 43, don't fit in the pants pocket as well as a revolver. And the revolver can be equiped with a fat grip that fills up the hand better than the thin polymer micro compact pistols, all while remaining concealable.
i like to eliminate as many things as possible going wrong. that being said, you can purchase low-profile hammers and get the best of both worlds, it's a little trickier to pull back on the range, but then if you need single action for some reason, you've got it, but no risk of a snag.
I used to be all in on concealed hammers, but I do think having a spur of some kind has its advantages.

My Taurus 327 has a small, rounded spur that doesn't snag, but still gives me something to touch and know if something managed to catch onto and start pulling the trigger.

I'm not worried about something pulling on the trigger like I would a Glock, but I don't think it hurts to have an extra safeguard nonetheless.
What about semi-concealed hammers like on S&W 638s and Charter On-Dutys?
Do these revolvers have some kind of saftey? Or would u just draw and pull the trigger?
Ideally there would be a hammer design like this. Just a snag free nub that you can push down if you want to take a single action shot.
The safety is the double action trigger
I wonder how much revolvers would benefit from electric priming.
Hammerless or you WILL die
Would definitely lighten the trigger.
Can you sneak your pinky onto that grip or is it solely a two finger grip?
hammerless this, hammerless that. when are they gonna make a hammermore revolver?
I have the smaller boot grip from hogueshit
Do something about those nasty ass nails.
Ill shove em up your ass faggot
Hammerless for my pocket carry (642) and hammer for my IWB (66-1).
Hammer is also vastly a
superior for firing without a draw.
So you can better eat up his shit? Cut your nails virgin
i wish the 327PC wasn't like two grand.
I find it hard to imagine a scenario where SA is a consideration if I'm pulling out my SD firearm.
What grips and do you like them? Good for pocket carry?
Only virgins sperg about nails, catboy
that's not my revolver, but mine is almost exactly the same. I have flat panel wood grips and a T-grip adapter.

regarding grips, I posted this:
DON'T use flat panel grips without also getting the t-grip adapter.
Girls will tell you they dont like them if you finger them
What if you're shooting at a distance behind cover? Plenty of officers switching to their backup have had to do that. Then again, it could also be solved by just practicing with the DA trigger pull till you can hit a target at range. I remember that Paul Harrell vid of shooting targets at range with you're carry gun, and he could hit a man sized target at 40yds offhand with a 638 in DA. I guess it's just up to personal preference.
>if you finger them
What are you, 16?
If I have distance and cover then I'm fucking off, get behind me Satan.
That's not a very fun larp
I need you on my jobsite, with fingernails like that we wouldnt need to bring any shovels
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Wtf did you just say? You better choose your next words wisely
Fucking kek I needed this
>why are you carrying a revolver when you could get a modern, double-stacked autoloader like the Sig 365?
Revolvers go bang at contact range. No out-of-battery failures because the slide hit something or was grabbed.
>why are you carrying a revolver when you could get a modern, double-stacked autoloader like the Sig 365?
Because they fucking suck to actually shoot and you should be shooting your EDC every week. Small is good, but 365 small is too small. Popular mostly with people who never shoot their guns, imo. Small and heavy with enough on the grip to get a good hold of it is optimal for CC.
>pants pocket carry
Fair enough, but at that point you are talking something like a 5shot shooting 38. The tradeoff may be worth it, but I'd recommend at least trying some ccw holsters before buying a pocket gun.

That's true; I suppose the real question comes down to probabilities. Is one more likely to die because their slide jammed during close combat, or because 5/6 bullets wasn't enough? I don't have the answer.

I disagree that it sucks to shoot. I've got bigger hands and it's not a trouble for me. Sure, a 226 is going to be much more pleasurable, but I still think blasting 10-12 rounds out of a micro-compact 9mm is way better than .357 out of a 2" snub.

For me, I just feel safer when the gun pointed at my nuts has a DA trigger pull. My secret fud habit is that striker fired pistols with no manual safeties scare me.

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