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>'Imagine that you're a Russian conscript guarding munitions deep inside Russia. You've never been to the front; every so often you grab your rifle and pretend to patrol, but you know there's no serious threat.

>'But then one night while you're in your warm bed you hear a noise in the air and then your world suddenly explodes.'

>He pauses and grins. 'And at the moment we're hundreds of miles away drinking a cup of coffee.'


To get around the pay wall

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>Finally, the 'gadget' arrives. It's being pulled behind a vehicle in a large trailer. I walk over to inspect and find something I did not expect. The 'gadget' is in fact a small two-seater passenger plane about three metres long. Only something of this size can carry such a large payload. The plane has been converted so it can fly remotely and is now being assembled.
lmao, this is an article about Sasha.
We are going to find out some fucking fascinating shit when this war is over. Thanks OP. Good read.
A journalist accompanied a Ukrainian special forces unit while they launched a long-range drone strike from Ukraine on a target hundreds of miles inside Russia. The drone was a two-seater plane converted to a UAV carrying a 100 kg bomb, and the target was a "power facility" (substation, I assume) supplying a weapons factory. The drone dropped the bomb (with a video shown to the journalist but not published) and returned, but Russians claimed the plane was shot down and the attack was foiled.
Yeah there's some stuff that's happened we've only got the very small amount of info on which is going to be quite a story about how it was located and what it was hit with.
Plus the dollar value there is interesting in that they've knocked out about 200b worth of factories, refineries, stockpiles and other stuff. Its a big number but this is often long-standing infrastructure that doesn't get replaced very often and its usually very expensive to make completely new, so a final number on stuff in Russia is going to be interesting. Because with the shiftuckery they pulled on people like the energy industry and private sector construction by appropriating assets- they're going to have to sell Manchuria to China to pay for it
>this is an article about Sasha
>and returned
Kek the air defence got so cucked on this one
>Imagine that you're a Russian conscript
I would prefer not. Human mind can only comprehend so many horrors before breaking
Cmon anon, we have respectable news sources in the west and they're not one of them
But the factory DID explode.
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Our news in the west is held to rigorous integrity with the BEST MEN on the job
I mean I wouldn't doubt it. He looks the part.
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Russians hate western new for always publishing the truth.
I see that IncelSmegma is freelancing now
>bongistani sport & fap material tabloid featuring topless teenage girls and journalism indistinguishable from shitposting
I don't think even Russia can reach this level of trash.
>you're a Russian conscript guarding munitions deep inside Russia
not my problem
no, something exploding 100m away isn't my problem either
i haven't seen or heard anything
>tactical bombing on a budget
Putin's ex-wife and daughter who live in France later confirmed that Putin is a dirty cumslut. He would regularly invite Kadyrov and his Chechen goons to gay orgies.

What is the definition of this, for those of us who aren't Super Army Soldiers?
Strategic, anon. Strategic.
That journalist needs to never return to Russia unless he wants to learn 21 roses. You don't get journalism privilege when you ride along on saboteur operations in a hostile country.

This isn't a GWOT ride along.
Uhh, the bomb went into Russia, not the journo.
The idea of the UK working class' satire shitposts are alien to the Russians, as "discrediting" those in power is severely punishable. Here we can say that Rishi gobs off horses if we want. Our advanced society lets you say lots of stuff because what are we gonna do, actually cause the powerful harm?
Oh, I thought the whole team was in Russia. I still wouldn't visit Russia if I visited Ukraine at all recently.
>I still wouldn't visit Russia.
Never understood why they have to launch from Ukraine. Surely they sent a bunch of glowniggers into Russia every time Belgorod kicks off again, or when some Russian troops retreat across the border
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Whole thing reeks of bullshit to me tbqhwyf
>Never understood why they have to launch from Ukraine.
They sure as shit do, but no way is a bumbling Daily Fail reporter coming with a few glowies going behind enemy lines where capture means torture, murder and assrape.
yeah everyone knows those refineries and warehouse explosions were smoking accidents.
why can't they just switch to smokeless?
>they sure as shit do [launch from inside sparsely populated Russia]***
fixed, sorry
Anon meant that Daily Mail isn't going to risk a journalist going behind the Russian border, since if they get captured it's gonna result in an asshole best measured by shoe size
>The drone was a two-seater plane converted to a UAV

This, honestly.
Maybe shoot off a magazine or two in the air to claim i attempted to fire on the drone just in case someone starts asking questions.
>Never understood why they have to launch from Ukraine.
With the smaller drones they can launch them from inside Russia, but however useless Russian border security might be i do think they might notice someone trying to smuggle a light aircraft.
Also they don't really need to launch those from Russia.
However shit Russia's AD is, I'm gonna just boldly assume it's easier to launch 5 small drones (like the one that hit the Kremlin) from close up rather than flying 5 Cessnas all the way through Russia to a refinery
>Founded by David Sullivan, the Sunday Sport first appeared on newsstands on 14 September 1986.[7] It quickly became known for its outlandish and farcical content, with headlines such as "Adolf Hitler Was A Woman", "Aliens Turned Our Son Into A Fish Finger", and "Donkey Robs Bank".
I can't imagine anyone actually taking this paper seriously
Anyone reading it is surely doing so either to laugh at journalists shitposting or to fap to the topless models
Пиздeц Evade 'Em All 1987
I am Cessna man
410,757,864,530 DEAD BUKS
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Everyone probably assumed it was a piss take or wind up
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Just Americans on facebook doing American things
Say what you will about the paper, they get to write shit like
>mad vlad's killing spree is linked to his shandy shaming
Meant for >>61967434 obviously, one of the digits got eaten by a gremlin I think
Are they converting those scale model RC planes that boomers love into heavy payload drones? Top heh
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Your powers have no effect here Thirdy McBrownoid

Oh for sure, shitposting is not a new thing. But anyone who grew up in the UK or a Commonwealth country is basically given an advanced course in complete bullshit.
>xaxaxaxa foolish holols we didnt need the cornerstone of our economic exports
>I can't imagine anyone actually taking this paper seriously
Anyone reading it is surely doing so either to laugh at journalists shitposting or to fap to the topless models
I never thought anyone would see "globohomo is sacrificing children underneath Boston pizzashop to give Hilary eternal life" and decide to raid it either, but here we are...
sorry, i don't believe one man cradled a 100kg wibbly roundy object and put it down somewhere without crushing his fingers or doing himself some other manner of mischief
>So hungry I COOKED my SEX TOY for tea!
Lmao, i want to read this rag now
Bongs know its just shitposting lad, they wouldnt take it seriously
>and returned
Russian AD is a massive meme. Thanks Air Power Australia for over a decade of lies.
>we've agreed not to name our source, now living in exile in Crewe
Poor bastard actually ended up somewhere just as grim as Russia.
The S 500 was destroyed. A bunch of ad everywhere went up last night. Once Ukrainians batter it down they'll hit command posts, comms and depos. The S 500 being moved up then quickly hit means the Russians can't plug holes anymore. Things will get spicy check em
>S-500 couldn't protect itself from an atacms
Sounds like they already couldn't plug holes
Feeling blue balled over the numbers of F-16s provided given all this battlefield shaping with AD cucks getting their NTR doujinshi ends.
That is a hellacious headline.
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>lmao, this is an article about Sasha.

sexy pink C4
holhol bvll's fuse penetrates:
Sasha's breath quickens
Its weird to see CoD shit happen IRL and nobody cares
Carlo Kopp was fucking ALWAYS Carlo KOPE. His EM diagrams were complete fanfic.
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>an asshole best measured by shoe size
>we have video
>but we can’t show it
So basically Russia was telling the truth and the UAV was shot down.
>lol what does the ukrainian public think about meaningless shit like this when so fucking many of them are mutilated or killed?
They're probably thinking they ought to kill more Russians and destroy more Russian infrastructure.
He was peddled on turdie "defense analyst" forums for so fucking many years.
Yeah, and it's weird but there were people prepared to parrot his bullshit without ever bothering to ask themselves if maybe they should consider a source for someone claiming his BS approximations of RCS
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You can sometimes find some pretty obscure technical data there on some systems, but for the most part you need to be much more realistic about the claims and exaggerations.
I mean, no one's going to buy something that the manufacturer knows is hot trash and they're not going to put all the fuck ups in the brochure
You really ought to.
You've never seen a people with their backs to the wall, have you? The only option is to fight, and to take as many of those fascist fucks with you as possible.
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