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AK General /akg/
Stock Mounted Optics Edition
>Thread #2032

Old thread here >>61909994
AK Buyer's Guides
I know there's precedent for mounting RPG sights to AKs but I don't think I've ever seen a stock mounted sight. Assuming you have a solid enough stock, could such a demeted optic placement actually hold zero?
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Wbp reporting in.
Your retarded. How unbelievably dumb, I actually lost iq points reading that.
they exist and they're retarded
I am going to post this the next time someone cries about a lengthened handguard on an AK.
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I've got a worse one somewhere on my drive. Give me a bit
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How important is a threaded barrel for you on a 7.62x39 rifle? I’ve got an old VZ58 (yeah not an AK) with a welded on barrel extension because the barrel is original and less than 16”. I’m thinking about removing the extension and permanently attaching some sort of flash hider or brake, and I’ve got an old MAK90 with a bare muzzle. Is having a bare muzzle that big of a deal? Is it worth all the hassle with threading and/or removing a pinned and welded extension and permanently attaching something else?
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Probably not worth it. I don't like having a bare muzzle because I don't wanna damage the crown accidently. If thats your go-to-rifle then by all means get something more practical like a flash hider but otherwise I couldn't be fucked to. Odds are whatever you have on there is doing fine unless you want to supress it or kill people IRL in which case a flash hider would be nice
how about a stockless AK, put rubber padding on receiver. now its as short as a bullpup
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What’s your bedside AK?
Try it and post results.
I have a SAM7sf and it's fun, but I'm thinking of selling it because AKs are on their way out in the US due to ammo prices and general availability of good quality imports. Or am I wrong? Should I keep it or get rid of it and put the money towards fleshlights or something?
That's a Somali pirate rifle, I plan to build one at some point.
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Got an AC Unity 60rd mag today. How do I load the thing? It's really difficult to push down after about 17 rounds or so. Is there some sort of technique I'm missing or do I just need more elbow grease?
Hit it with your purse
Well, if popularity wanes with this platform maybe prices will come down due to lack of demand. I go by the rule of never sell, but it's up to you.
Sam7sf? Hahahahshahahahah
Go back to redshit retard
I know it's incredibly retarded, but assuming the stock has additional reinforcement could the optic hold at least minute of man at 150 yards? What can I say I have a fetish for weird optic mounting solutions
Dear lord, I'm disgusted yet curious
Why are SAMs reddit?
This is a public notice that Pioneer AKs are good to go, anyone who says otherwise, is gay.
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What made you pick the AK over the AR?
I had ar's before ak, but I went shooting in the snow and my ak refused to stop firing unlike my ar15 that had light strikes from the snow. Despite the platform being "outdated" it still marches forward in being a good standard issued rifle. It's a piece of the old world refusing to die in the age of modernity, the ak is resilience personified in a gun platform.
Based. Price wise it is probably way better than a psa.
tism unironically
Clanky metal and the heavier recoil, ARs are made for Lil guys like Lucas.
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I have both like everyone else here but I enjoy shooting my AKs more despite being less “modern”
they just feel better to me, to shoulder and shoot and hold. Helps that they ooze comfy combloc looks
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Would an SVD bipod adapter be regulated under ITAR?
I'm an AR primary guy and always will be but AKs are fun and look cool. I'll always have a few in my collection
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7.62×39 goes through trees
You're clearly new
The reddit status of Arsenal owners depends entirely on how much they paid for it. If you bought one in the last 5 years you're probably reddit and thats being generous
Well, shit
I got into guns in the 00s and couldn't afford an AR then.
And now the roles are reversed.
wow, you know an awful lot about r*ddit, go back
how much did you pay?
yep. thats why you're mad at me
LMAO. Bruh if I am spending 3k on a kalashnikov it better be an actual galil or a valmet. You could have gotten a fucking rifle dynamics gun over an arsenal.
It's so fucking unfair the Fins won't make and import the rk62.
It's just an ak with finer tolerances and synthetic/steel parts in place of wood. Also superior iron sights.
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Why isn't the ZPAP M90 in the pastebin in the OP? Is it bad?

I'm specifically looking at the 5.56 version
It's not drippy.
The long story is
>yugo's never got Soviet TDP
>reverse engineer stuff
>don't even mass produce AK's until the 70's
>not so good but passable
>yugoslavia breaks up a couple of times
>what's left of Yugo MIC is largely in Serbia
>Serbia gets sanctions, bombed, etc plus brain drain
>Serbia/Zastava quality slips a bit
>5.56x45 pressure > 7.62x39
>make some changes to design
>still use slightly worse Serbshit steel and other processes
>Serbshit metal tends to be softer than Yugo metal tends to be softer than Warsaw Pact countries
>Serbshit bottom of the barrel of "made by a military factory" AK's

I'll just say this, there's a reason Saddam's Iraq factory licensed Yugo AK's and almost no one else did.

Also yugo AK's are heavier and mostly proprietary for parts outside of FCG, grip, and muzzle devices. Yugo AK's even have their own proprietary height side rail.
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>can't detect obvious bait
Yeah I think it's time to go back.
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Eurofag here.
One of my local stores are selling 720-round chink spam cans of surplus AK food.
Is this shit any good? I assume it's corrosively primed and uses mild steel core bullets, presumably with a copper plated steel jacket.
Anyone know if it uses Soviet m43 style projectiles, Yugo-style projectiles, or some other type of projectiles that the chinks made themselves out of tainted baby formula, lead paint, and asbestos.
I've had good experiences with Soviet surplus M43, but that shit has been unobtanium since putin and his dickriders started fucking around in ukraine.
How does the Chinese shit compare to Soviet M43?
i just like AKs. i'm not even going to pretend like i can quote (or even care about) ballistics comparisons or stopping power or gel penetration.
Also, on a much lesser note, there's the matter of the fanbases. The guys who are most die-hard AR guys seem to be all about the tacticool and MODSMODSMODS where the guys who are the most die-hard about the AK are "Nyet, rifle is fine.". Ignoring for the moment that i just think the AK looks better, and setting aside the usual argument that its reliabliltiy made it the #1 rifle in the world (7x as many AKs as ARs in the world), when group A tells me i need mods to maximize its potential and group B tells me not to fuck with it because it works as-is ... i kinda lean toward group B.
But the really really true reason is just that i think AKs are cooler.
Never selling or trading my cheap 00 and early 10s AKs. So much variety then. Only regret not getting a PSL. Only one I missed of the AKs I wanted.
Thanks for reminding me of the immense regret of not buying an SGL31-94 from JGsales for $1400 in 2016 when I had the money (still bought and SLR-104FR but I had the money to buy both at the time).
Billet trash
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You guys ready for hurricane Beryl
Dammit, I forgot to mention that when I saw the name earlier this morning.
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What the hell is this mag?
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I agreed with everything you said until rifle dynamics. Rifle Dynamics is the only AK company more overpirced than Arsenal and KVAR
exactly what it looks like you dumbass nigga
Is it supposed to bend like that

>Arsenal rifles are so reddit that its bait to suggest otherwise
Ah, limited aftermarket always makes me a bit nervous. Probably the main thing that draws me to an AK is reliability so that all makes it sound pretty bad.

Also, the magazine wiki says
>Other manufacturers, such as Zastava, manufacture AK pattern rifles and pistols that accept AR-15 Magazines from the factory, such as the M90NP and M85NP.
but doesn't list any other examples of anyone who does this. I know Poverty State Arms makes a 5.56 AK that takes AR mags, but are there any others or is it just Zastava/PSA?
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7.62x39 rounds are tapered. In order for the rounds to stack and feed correctly the magazine has to be curved
>but are there any others or is it just Zastava/PSA?
WBP has one off the top of my head. Theres also insanely expensive conversion parts that you can use to permenantly convert an existing rifle. kinda stupid. dont't do it

>limited after market
not a zastava shill but its really not that limited. Zastava is one of the biggest AK importers in the US currently, they've never been more popular. Compared to regular AKM spec stuff yeah theres less of it but you're not ever going to say "aw man I wanna put X on my rifle but nobody makes it for yugo" QC is a valid concern though
>Poland initiates special decartelization operation in the Yucatan
>I was only acting reddit hur dur ur stoopid
Sure bud, it's okay/ Your mistake only costed you 3k and getting called reddit for it. lol
Damn you're even dumber than I expected lmao
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-same combat effective accuracy, the inaccurate ak is a fudd myth
-exceedingly easier to maintain in just about every way
-doesn't need to be wet all the time
-fires a much more potent round in any given situation you can expect to use either rifle, which is inside of 300m, anything farther and you should move to a different caliber
-again, excels over 5.56 when barriers are introduced
-.30cal works far better with sbrs and suppressed in these ranges, ar people know this can adopted .300blk which is virtually 7.62x39 for ars
-piston guns are superior for a number of reasons, but notably the suppressed sbr role

the original concept showed you all what an assault rifle should be, and how it should be used, even down to the cartridge, yet somehow Americans fucked it all up with a turbo-charged varmint rifle
I took my little skinny twink cousin to the range. He complained about the AK recoil and preferred the AR-15. I guess the AR is for femboys and twinks.
Give him a 5.56 AK with adjustable gas and he won't complain about recoil because there isn't any.
>no ur dumb I was only acting retarded
>ur retarded for not knowing I was only acting retarded.
sure bud
My point is the cartridge is for pussies not the gun dumb nigger.
Why are you so mad?
Stupid people tend to get me mad
Ah, no wonder you're always mad then.
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Noguns nigger needlessly nagging
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when i was a skinny twink, i wanted to take powerlifter fren to the range with a couple of new aks and tons of ammo
that faggot scoffed at me, and started kvetching about gun crime and how guns were bad, and when i told him all that was fake and gay he started to include deaths by suicide as "gun violence" so i rolled my eyes and left him alone

all these years later, he owns guns now, but has taken the reddit path and is into pccs and other fudd shit
>WBP has one off the top of my head.
If it does I can't find it! Although it seems like it was a stupid thing to want to start with, I'll just have to accept buying AK mags if I want to use an AK. Which is reasonable.
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>What made you pick the AK over the AR?
It's designed like the M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, and other old style guns: big heavy piston driven wood and steel parts that just work and shoot .30 cal ammo. To me the AR15 just feels like it was designed to be such a space age light weight gun that it is always on the brink of mechanical failure.
Least homosexual AKG poster.
>yet somehow Americans fucked it all up with a turbo-charged varmint rifle
The American Military Industrial Complex somehow manages to do this with every weapon and concept.

>the virgin disposable M72 LAW or AT4
>the Chad infinitely reusable RPG-7 tank and blackhawk slayer


>the virgin M14 rifle debacle
>the Chad perfectly functional (and free courtesy of Belgium) FAL rifle

It makes me so angry bros.
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>tfw no American FAL
What M- designation would it have gotten?
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>My point is the cartridge is for pussies
proceeds to post a 9mm lol lmao
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That was my most recent AK picture
Everything else is of my handguns and SCAR 17S
I hate cops
change your shitty import laws first.
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AKs were cheaper when I got into them, and ARs unironically give you lead poisoning/cancer. I still own several ARs, but AKs are just more fun. Most ARfags today are just kids who never grew out of shooting 22s. It's babby's first rifle now that all the cheap milsurp has dried up and AKs are no longer affordable for college students.
Bosniak detected
Not imported into the US because of our shitty import laws.
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>yeah I'm white bros, I promise
>looks like a fucking eskimo
What AK grip is that?
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but why tho?
We really gonna do this again? I litteraly destroy you everytime, I'm gonna let it slide this time retard.
>and ARs unironically give you lead poisoning/cancer.
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>destroy you

Get back to us when you own an AK that isn't either Serbshit or PSA trash.
The amount of gas that is release into/out of the action is much worse than on an AK due to long stroke piston vs di/internal piston. Ideal AR is a short stroke piston rifle according to the current meta.
If it's not DI is it still an AR?
I hear some people say they get a lot of gas in the face from around the charging handle, but i think that's from their ar being overgassed, lol. As far as i know, those gas buster charging handles more or less fix this. I've never really experienced too much gas in the face from my ARs.
AK Shadow Crossover grip
Basado. How you doin fren? You making new vids or wat?
Best AK to LARP as Major Degtyarev with? The 74U is Hard to come by in the and the VSS Vintorez is just impossible.
I was thinking about buying an AK-103, I us it extensively in my Modded CoP playthroughs.
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forget AK. This
that's a wbp not a saiga
isn't rifle dynamics just romy kitbuilds with american barrels? why would anyone buy that dumb shit?
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the fuckin SAM7 spammers are hilarious. the only reason people think theyre worth the money is because somebody told them theyre worth the money so they went and bought one, and then to justify their purchase they go tell 4chan about how the SAM7 is the best rifle and such a GREAT DEAL at THREE-THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR AN FRANKENSTEIN ABORTION! So what if its just a spray painted ABORTION with mediocre build quality and folding stock tackwelded on the end, the had the TDP from RUSSIA! BULGARIANS ARE ALCOHOLIC JEWS TOO SO ITS LIKE THE EXACT SAME THING! Just admit that you got into the AK game too late and that youre paying $2000 more than you should be paying for literally no reason, REDDIT is jewing you but you dont want to admit it because you dont want to see like a retard for paying over $400 for a hideous rifle.
Forged billet trash
It would have been adopted after the M14 rifle and it's derivative, the M15, but before Stoner produced the AR-15. The American FAL would have been the M16.
>grunts in Nam get issued M16s (FAL)
>find it long and cumbersome for jungle fighting
>army issues the new M4 carbine (jungle carbine variant of the M16)
Good, No I haven't I'm too busy with work, gonna try though, have a 4 day weekend coming up
Damn, I paid less than that for my Tula kit and BlueJack barrel.
Back in 2009? Grandpa
I don't understand this.. or the apparent copium.. I'm new to AK.. I spent $650 on a wasr and I feel like I maybe overpaid a bit.. WHO TF dropping 3k on ANY ak pattern rifle?
Why are the people that run the akfiles such retarded fucking lobotomized boomers?
I've tried making an account now several times and theyve rejected it every time for no fucking good reason.
Has anyone made an account recently?
>WHO TF dropping 3k on ANY ak pattern rifle?
Quit being poor near me
I was looking at that earlier and was worried it was some invite-only high school girls clique. Why are they so determined to keep out buyers and sellers?
The thing is, I just want to research more about AKs. I dont mention buying or selling in the reason of joining

I hope they get ddos'd again or their server blows up
It'd be nice if they gave a reason of sorts so you could appeal
Why are you newfags afraid to type out fuck. Anyway to answer your question, AKs are more expensive now than ARs by a large margin.
settle tf down gramps fr
quit being retarded in my general direction
Is Riley defence still shit? I want a krink.
sneed more zoomie faggots
your dialysis machine is getting clogged
should lay off the soda
Gatekeeping is a good thing and I want to keep nigger zoomers such as yourself out. Fuck you I got mine but unironically
does the mlok Sport 4 clone or the quad rail clone have more soul?

is the original polymer folder unironically the best stock?
Basis is soul. Mlok is soulless. Don't make the rules. Gobbless.
>tacticool rails on an AK
Pick ONE.
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It goes bang every time anon, ya it's corrosive. Sale price up here is 450 leaf bucks for a full crate of 1440
Mlock for full length, quad for combo block rifles.
>is the original polymer folder unironically the best stock?
for aesthetics, yes. but if you are a lanklet an adjustable stock will be much more comfortable.
>Only the MLOK is camouflaged
what that?

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I like to use different set ups for different LARPs.
Very based and exceptionally redpilled.
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Seemed pretty sovlfvl to me tbqh
for my own edification, pls tell what ak that is
Looks like either a Bulgarian or Russian AKS-74. I think it's an SLR-104FR (I know this isn't technically an AKS-74 but it's close enough).
You remind me of this dog
How do you hit the light switch? With your thumb?
I cant make up my mind. Do I get both. doesnt seem theres much of a diff between 12.5 and 16. Why do they make this so hard
bulgarian 106f
it's the "I just rucked almost 20 miles in full kit and now want to lay down and die" stare
the two inches gives each rail a completely different look, if you are going for early 2010 alpha look, the quad is fine, but anything more modern uses the longer rail.
Word of warning the barwarus rail is so ridiculously out of spec that you need to do significant modifications to make it work, I'm having to mill my own front bayonet lug retainer because it was so out of spec it pushed the entire rail up at a 4 degree angle. It holds zero just fine but being 5 millimeters out of spec for instalation shouldn't happen on a $300 rail. Not sure if this is an endemic problem or if it was just mine.
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Vss isn't impossible if you know where to look
probably because your usename is Heckin_Pewpew_Chungus
WBP trannies coping and seething. That their trunnions are made in CNC machines and not hot die forged
i had an account on there for years that was Shekel_Sniffer and then the isreal loving faggot mods deleted it
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jesus christ I'm jelly. Does that PSO have the correct drop compensation marks for 9x39?
>no evidence of any of them failing
prior to 2022 yes
rent free
Because i live in a cucked country, i can't buy old full auto converted to semi but only original semi auto.
It leave me with this choice :
-cugir WUM1
-FeG SA 85m
Which one should i pick ?
i have an account there that's probably 10+ years old, haven't been there in 8, i'll give it to you if i can remember the log in credentials
very kind of you but thats alright
shouldnt be giving it out to random retards like me on here
I made one a few months ago without an issue and I'm not a burger and even used a burner email
>where the guys who are the most die-hard about the AK are "Nyet, rifle is fine.".
Rifle out of the box is fine for the most part, that said Chechen Jihadists on both the side of Holol's and the Vatniks tend to tacticool their rifles up with Zenitco stuff or whatever the Western European alternative to that is compared to say your average Russian grunt running stock AK12's with maybe a sling if he's lucky.

That does make me wonder though, is there a way t o mount a normal weapon light to the AK via the bayonet lug? Would be a pretty nice way to retain the classic wood furniture and at least somewhat modernize it at the same time.
I can only find ones for the M4
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posting ak
Wasn't MT Flora only in use for a very brief period? Any good operational photos from 2nd Chechen War or Georgia 08? God save the UP
Aren’t you supposed to take the yellow sticker off your eotech?
What’s the verdict on Tela Ammo 7.62x39? Just as good as Wolf or Tula? Better? Worse? Fucking shit?
Nice spaghet blaster.

Did you...offset your LPVO? That's interesting. And on the far side of the rifle?
I hate to talk bad about anyone who posts guns but that sling is some real reddit cringe. sorry bud. did you buy it off that retard who was always shilling here and selling a worse version of the vickers bfg for the same price?
thanks, satan
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Is 7.62x39 out of a 10.3inch barrel good for SHTF?
Good, I'm glad Nails denied you. Go back to your reddit hellhole, you fucking leech.
kek speaking of reddit, he's back
That's a SCAR 17S in the background
Malding lmao
Ah, I kinda see it now...that's too bad, I would've been interested to hear the reasoning for such a decision.
I remember I asked you a while back if you actually took that thing to the range ever. Forgot the answer you gave. Some excuse probably.
>Malding lmao
full, thick head of hair and a collection of clone correct rifles unlike your jewkraine abomination
Pretty sick kit bro where’d you get it?
we're all balding here. don't lie buddy.
was his tip creamy when you were done sucking it?
If it was the first week after I kitted it out, no. I didn't have time.
Since then, I've gone several times. Eotech hasn't lost zero and the dog leg rail has been solid on lockup after a few cleanings.
nta, but is your eokek marred? I have a dogleg gen 3 as well and I noticed that there’s some peening on the dust covers ejection port. I’m using a horoxhun AMES, it has a slimmer profile than the EXPS2/3, so it’s not getting hit by ejected casing. Jw if you have that problem. I want to replace the AEMS with an EXPS3-0 sometime in the future.
Not that I've noticed after a once over. There are a few dings on the part of the dust cover rail that is over the ejection port but that's it.
The ejection of my casings have all been consistently straight out to the right in a pretty tight radius
Happy Independence Day /akg/
mental illness
Is there a mount that will actually stay on it? I even bought an actual Russian mount, and even it walks off the rail.
I was stupid. I am 95% arfag now. Debating getting rid of my ak and all my ak shit.
>Debating getting rid of my ak and all my ak shit.
i'll give you tree fiddy for it
I'll pass. I got a sam7sf, like 45 mags of various makes and models and probably 2000+ rounds.
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Happy Independence day my dudes. I hope you guys are using this time to stock up on 5.56 and 7.62 at .42 and .47 cpr respectively. It won't get much better because ammo cabal faggots like Sam will fan the flakes of another panic in the next 60 days and the world's greatest gun salesman will probably try more executive orders
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Put a bootmat under your weights to protect your carpet.
Unless you're just a fag that moved those unimpressive weights to be in the pic
You have adjust the tension spring

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neat, I gues they didn't really expect soldiers to shoot it too far away. What kind of accuracy do you get?
its currently being rebuilt by a builder in FL. I will hopefully have it back before the end of the year.
May as well keep one for fun
Oil the springs retard
What do I do with my Draco
>A: Get a fixed trunnion put in, just use wood handguard and Romy wire folder I already have
>B: Get a folding trunnion put in, use a Zenitco B10 handguard I have already, and buy a turkshit Barwarus dust cover to use with it
>C: Go nuts, get folding trunnion, get a Sureshot 2.1
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New paint job
nice it looks like shit, shoulda just done all tan dummy
Wow, tHts a Lot of AK sTuFF!
What's the purpose of camo? Oh that's right to break up a Silhouette painting it one solid color doesn't do that RETARD
I would do go over the dark brown parts with a mesh pattern in the lighter color. Would look nice that way
Little bit of mesh and a little bit of wear will get it looking dece
Looks like a PSA, so not a big deal that you did a terrible job. You can always fix it or just strip it off with some acetone.
>I hope you guys are using this time to stock up on 5.56 and 7.62 at .42 and .47 cpr respectively.
Got any links brother? I’m too drunk to search rn
if you're too drunk to serach you're too drunk to spend money responsibly
thats a very feminine mindset anon
post bussy
You got called out BITCH lol
>too drunk to serach
Looks like the pot is calling the kettle black.
Having 45 magazines is pretty questionable

I don't think I've ever gotten over 8 for any rifle I own
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I got a Polish girls number bros. Things are looking up.
I haven't talked to a woman I was interested in for 10 years
Damn thats sad dude. I couldn't imagine not getting bitches
I hadn't either anon. Don't give up.
They're all overpriced because they use romy parts but at least they can be custom built. People have bought arsenals, to have them upgraded by rifle dynamics. Which is more hilarious the longer you think of it when you'd get more bang for your buck with a wasr, zpoop or berryl.
Because they want custom built cawadooty instagram larperator tier guns. It's the richflag flex equivalent of a psa pony putting a sureshot rail chassis on their gf3 or ak"103".
ikr. peak stupid
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this. Its the gun equivalent of buying yeezies or supreme
You get used to it
>Don't give up.
Too late
I'm considering putting a Sureshot chassis on a Draco
Are you obese? Women have never been easier than in 2024.
No. 5'9, 160 pounds. I'm in ok shape. Just socially retarded, wasted my 20s doing nothing in my free time, worked only blue collar jobs with guys, and now I'm left behind.
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You too, Anon.
>blue collar jobs with guys
Were you a day laborer with no skill? I'm a HS dropout with only my GED and I made $89k last year lol.
>having 45 magazines is questionable

I will post a pic when I get home, or in the next akg. Whatever comes first.
I will look good once it gets bangged up a bit
You act like that is a bad thing. Modern women are garbage. Mgtow had grown so much in recent years for a reason.
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>yeah bro just like don't do the thing that all life has evolved to engage in, its totally healthy and won't have any serious societal or personal consequences
serach this dick
>being a white knight for modern women.
I didn't say that
Show it when you do it. At least it's not psa.
This. If you don’t find a debt free virgin with tattoos and pump babies into her you’re gonna have a bad time in life
Its so small you have to serach to find it
>No hard R
Kill yourself, nigger
>same combat effective accuracy
At 300 yards a $500 AR puts a $1000 AK to shame
>fires a much more potent round
Kek. No.
Fucking retard
you're allowed to be wrong nigger, just do it in your retARd thread
>I'm in ok shape
that usually means fat
the whole
>the reason i can't have sex is because modern women suck
argument is always funny haha
Nah. Have been going to the gym but I'm not where I want to be yet
tHiS... oMg sO mUch tHiS!!!
>$1k ak
multiply by 10 and you starting to get close
>Having 45 magazines is pretty questionable
why not stock up lol i can't wait to sell my gazillion surplus mags to chumps for way more money than i paid in the future
>he thinks men aren't choosing it

Begone, boomer.
>reddit spacing
begone, redditor.
>he thinks being a white knight for modern women and tradthots isn't reddit-tier
no retard. I just hate redditors. I wasn't part of the prior discussion nor am I now.
Does anyone not hate them, white knight?
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mentally ill
probably brown too
youre projecting, mr reddit.
you seem to think an awful lot about reddit and being sexless
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Takes one to know one, friendo
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/tg/ /your dudes/ worldbuilding autism.
Prey eyes
Love the scancam my dude. That's basically Swiss vehicle camo that got modified for people, right?
aren't choosing what
Swedish, sir, Swedish. But yes, thats essentially what m90 is.
Ordered this with the july 4th discount. What am I in for?
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Should be fine, but MI should be ashamed for not fixing this.
4chan is reddit
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Will this take AKM furniture? The bottom handguard got a chunk taken out
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A tang sight on an AK, that's actually fucking brilliant. Assuming the stock tang is square with the receiver and doesn't flex, it'll hold zero just fine. Hell, in the era before optics, long-range rifles used adjustable folding tang sights and were hitting out to 1000 yards in competition.
Not the same anon you're talking to, but as someone who ran the gauntlet in his military service, can confirm women are trash.
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bro good news

finally managed to find an ACR stock

took hell of a long time
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>ran the gauntlet in his military service,
okay? So did I. Wouldn't touch any military women with a 10 foot pole because there is genuinely something wrong with all of them

this is retarded and we should be talking about guns instead of seething over sex
a bootleg sport rail without the sovl, would rather go the barwarus route if i had to
What was the end goal here you absolute gravitational force, a fucking tiramisu camo ?
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Who said it was military women? The surrounding area was more than rife with the pickings.

Speaking of guns. Here's the 45+ ak mags someone said I didn't have. I have more in my range bag, and I don't feel like digging them out. Assorted European and a few Chinese flat back mags.
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Never let it be said that that bolt hold open mags aren't a gimmick. After enough times it stops working. Like this mag only locks the bolt back 50% of the time at most.

>own a milled arsenal ak
someone tell me a better option for a folding stock on an AKM tang
Zip the tang off.
A Romainian side folder. Bolts onto fixed stock trunnions
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What do I do then?
Doesn't look like 45 to me, half are shit
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>Put a bootmat under your weights to protect your carpet.
>Unless you're just a fag that moved those unimpressive weights to be in the pic
No. I will swing a 25 lb kettlebell in the morning like a retard and there’s nothing you can do to stop me
You get the akm ones and just file them to fit.
It's more than you have, and you'll still pay top dollar for the shit ones once they're banned like people did in 94
When I got my sam7 it was $1450. Truth be told, I agree with you. The accuracy is mediocre, the finish sucks, and the front sight is just as canted as anything else.

I had a vska I sold to buy the sam, and the vska was more accurate, slightly less smooth, and actually had straight sights and a concentric barrel.
My nigger I was buying east German mags in 2002 for nothing that were brand new lol.
>Why are you newfags afraid to type out fuck.
Probably because it gets them banned from tikslop. Same reason they censor s*x, d*e, r*pe, etc. zoomies have been mind broken by social media, but thankfully most of them don’t believe in the holocaust.
>It's more than you have, and you'll still pay top dollar for the shit ones once they're banned like people did in 94
Why are newfags like this? Having some humility when you’re brand new to something is much more respectable than jumping in with a massive ego.
Bonesteel Arms
A as long as you also put a dovetail joint optics rail on the receiver.
>he thinks im new.
>doesn't remember the awb of 94-04

I can remember a time here when the Mosin nagant and sks was the crux of every joke and thread here. Sandy hoax is when the first wave of newfags came and started killing /k/
The awb didn't do shit, mags were plentiful and I still bought a WASR-10 during. If you're retarded enough to think a magazine investment is going to pay dividends then you're pitifully mistaken.
>it didn't? Is that why at the gun shop I used to work at in CT people were paying thousands for a pre ban mak90 or pre ban colt? And people in Massachusetts pay hundreds for pre ban magazines?

The whole country isn't texas. Or Colorado like we see now where the police even in Denver don't care about the bans. Some people are stuck in East or west coast shitholes. That's where the markets will be. And if they're not, cool. I have a bunch of mags.
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Other than getting bullied online, someone give me one reason not to buy this (don't even plan to put the optic on it)

What do you want to mount on it? You can get something better for the same price if not cheaper
You're also not gonna have to buy mlok 1913 sections for this so its cheaper. better for a LAM and/or optic if you go with that later

this isn't the only option you have but its better than what you want
just trying to mount a light and foregrip, which are already M-Lok compatible, so a pic rail won't actually work for me
All the KPYK crap looks like dog shit, why do you redditbois insist on this shit?
why don't you shut up, bitch
Looks better than UTG. Also have sex and stop thinking about reddit
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>using boi
>calling others reddit
Its almost as if you're trolling
I'm old enough to have molested your mother in middle school, but keep playing AK legos
Are you thinking straight?
knock yourself out then
mega projection
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>When will Arsenal learn to make stamped
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I have never met a white Bulgarian in my life
Shouldn't WBP be a picture of Kasia?
Yes, do you have a reading comp disability? >>62018404
Is PSA basically the best option for a 12.5" barrel AK 104-like? (Besides dealing with any kind of SBR beurostic BS)
Thank you retard thumbs, very cool
lol overpriced shit
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New word just dropped
I would do the opposite tbqh
either way he needs to use some mesh
New thread

>not new to aks
>pmag flex
Nigga u gay

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