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Cyber Warfare Edition

Lying about medical history: YMMV
Lying about criminal history: Bad

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide

For all Army SF info.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS, as well study guides for ASTB-E

Airforce Pilot guide - just do AFROTC, political science major, 4.0 with athletics is auto-acceptance

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole.
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries, you never get to leave your boat, zero job prospects.


>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing

>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
Fatass here. Is it possible to lose 60lbs in 3 months?

Damn lol so the reason SEALs commit sudoku is the training they do not even enemy combat lmfao
No criminial history
No medical history
Very healthy BMI
no tattoos
no drug use
young adult

How soon can I shop off to basic if I just take any job after swearing in at MEPs? I got a date for MEPs but idk i want to ship ASAP. been running. doing a dayjob. really want to ship. itch. itch
army btw
Probably pretty quick, like within a week or 2 after MEPS. But seriously, don’t rush it. Take an MOS that you are genuinely interested in, even if it means waiting a month or 2, and make sure it is in writing in the contract before you sign.
Stop eating so fucking much. Do some type of cardio for an hour a day; even walking for an hour at a brisk pace will burn around 650 cals.
The eating is the most important part. If you can't control your cals, you'll stay fat forever.
What will marines be doing in a war with China??
Forting up in the Philippines guarding HIMARS and hunting PLA SOF.
Sounds like a better time than Ukraine.
sweeping the sunlight off the pavement in Shenzhen
Piglike animal, disgusting. 2lbs/wk is optimal, so about 8lbs a month. You'd have to lose more than double that, which I doubt you will since being a fatty in the first place suggests you are lazy and weak-willed. Go whine to your doctor for Ozempic.
>Air/Space Force comm/cyber veteran
>Quit job I hated (feels good man) to grind WGU
>About to go to Costco
>Mild headache

Is the NFO community shrinking with the adoption of more single-seat jets? I would like to go this route, but NUPOC seems like a more stable job whether I stay in as a sub/SWO-N or get out in the private industry after 5 years
Good thing nobody here is tough enough to be the collateral damage of the government

We cooks here
Is it realistic to do some certs and do remote help desk type work on the side while active duty?
Why should anyone die for Israel? ~2000 marines are deploying there now. Is this what y’all signed up for?
Gotta die sometime
ZOG pays me money and benefits to do something I like. There's even a pension for the true believers. Are you gonna pay me, bubba?
I've never heard of anyone doing that but I guess it's doable if you find a job that fits into your schedule. A lot of people do online school (which I would consider to be a better use of your time), and I've met someone who was an instructor on the side.
They pay better than the non-zionist occupied governments and soldiering is a fun ancient tradition
Maybe if the United Atab Emirates made a foreign legion I'd go there and fight for Islamic aristocracy
How fucked am I /k/?

High ankle sprain on right ankle. Runners knee on left knee. Going to PT and slowly recovering but I can still feel pain on my right ankle in certain positions. Can walk at a brisk pace, swim, and bike. Haven’t ran yet.

I have a Marines OCS slot in first week of September, am I going to make it? Will I recover in time? I can’t fucking run right now and it’s killing me. Some people are saying I should fully heal and just cancel my slot but I don’t know if I should because it’s a waste of an opportunity and someone else fought just as hard to get it
80% fucked
If you can't recover from this before then, your body wasn't going to make it through a military career anyway. Do not cancel your slot!
Give up running for 2 or 3 weeks and stick to gentle lifts and upperbody. Then get back in the game. You'll be fine.
Damn it I guess I’ll just have to cancel my slot then fuck me that’s really disheartening to hear. Busted my ass to get selected and this shit happens
Ok I’ll wait it out for two more weeks and see where things stand and then call my OSO if pain persists
That's a good plan.
If I cook Chinese food in the dorms will I be labeled a traitor? I make biang biang noodles regularly as comfort food
If you're a chink you're going to get knocked out regularly so it doesn't matter
Properly fucked. You will run everywhere all day, every day you are there. Marine OCS is notoriously easy to get into but damn they sure do send a high percentage home due to injury.

t. going to Navy ODS in September
You got a slot for either Naval Reactors or medical?
No I'm white I just really like xi'an food
Burn the rice, pay the price
the militarys my last hope.

i have nothing but baggage. keeping my abusive mother afloat (like legit everything, incl/ rent she doesnt have a house). no friends. fuck you'd my father. i have nothing else. a single friend that ill practically be entirely flaking on.
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OOF I hope none of you were planning on doing 20.
>Do three-year contract
>"m-muh back, knees, various other joints, depression, sleep apnea, and erectile dysfunction"
>Make more money off VA bucks at 22 than a dude who did 20 years and retired as E-9 makes in retirement pay
nah they'd have to be batshit insane to push that through. Not to mention the political suicide that is taking away benefits from disabled veterans. This looks like a low-hanging fruit they "consider" every year to pretend they're trying to cut the budget.
DO NOT RUSH IT. Quick ship IS NOT worth the bonus if you are not physically fit and completely prepared for Army Basic Training. I met too many guys who spent months in med-hold because they did a quick ship option and then ended up booking a job they hated. Milk the future soldier program for everything it's worth.
>months in med-hold
Good lord, that's depressing enough in the Air Force (never ended up there, just heard horror stories). The Army equivalent must be legitimately suicide-inducing.
That's the way it was pre-2003, lose $1 DoD for every $1 from the VA. They're also trying to make BAH "use it or lose it". I've got nothing against Biden, but he has no chance of winning. He's too old. If Trump wins they're going to push Project 2025 through, which both of these proposals are a part of.
Will my depression diagnosis during pandemic and asthma as a kid have any effect on my ability to enlist
What are some tips to get more disability?
I’ve heard of hearing loss being a good way to finesse 10-20%.
Theoretically, if I had old sports injuries pre military, and my medical paperwork before joining indicated that I was now totally fine post surgery, would I be able to leverage that by claiming my service damaged the affected body or made it worse, especially if I went to medical often for pain and issues while in? This wouldn’t be a lie either it’s just I can see them saying “not service related you got that injury way before you even joined go fuck yourself we don’t care if service made it go from functional to fucked up lol”
I want to see this type of recruiter work his magic IRL
Why tf are u doing this ? Don't you love your country u fag

Are u just another nigger
>only a minor fuckup
>decently fit, despise running
>team player
>have tech-related associates
>on wellbutrin
>planning to leave the US eventually to be with qt online gf in another western country but don't hate 'murca by any means

whenever i end up talking to a random oldfag vet out in the wild, he always says i should consider enlisting and that the 18yos will naturally look to me as a leader (the most recent guy suggested space force kek)

been flip flopping for a while now over if i should join. an old friend who was a combat vet jokingly said he'd kill me if i ever enlisted, though i know it's because he wants better for me.

is it worth it to try and get a cushy cyber desk job in the chair force or something similar? i haven't been keeping up with the incentives so i have no idea how good the bonuses are these days or if you actually get to choose where you're stationed.
>nooo just become another homeless vet no one cares about until you an hero
I can do a lot more for my country if all my bills are paid :)
Stopped reading there. Instant disqualification.
Either get off the buproprion for two years and then try or just move now, get your dick wet in that foreign pussy, and decide whether it's worth going in for four years as a grunt. The security clearance is great, cyber's a good job, but good fucking luck booking it right now, especially on SSRIs.
This will surely solve the recruiting crisis and retain useful skills and information
Should I enlist at 23? I have no post-highschool graduation and I’m living with family working a dead end job. I don’t know much about the process, is 23 considered old to be enlisting?
Hey anons, since its the Summer, I was wondering if the Military has any Programs or anything. And what is the least amount of Time I can get in the Military, I've heard of 2yr-Contracts and that would be great or even a 3yr-Countract just to get out of my ComfortZone and stop being a NEET so much. I know I won't get Paid good, but thats alright, I am mainly looking for Training and Building Discipline along with any Benefits that come with it.
I was thinking of just doing the National Guard, or possibly Coast. Also how is BootCamp bros, am I allowed to use my Phone? I know this sounds bad bros but it kinda bothers me, like bro I can just use it for EBooks or something but yes I alao want to Talk to my Frens.
>Graduated Highschool
>Underweight @ 5'8 100ibs
>Somewhat Fit, Couch To 5K [Noodle Arms]
>GOAL? Train & Build Discipline
Wtf is their problems? Seriously why does it seem like
>you give up X amount of years of your life
>you get these comparatively low pays while doing it
>we give you table scraps in return
>we thing you’ve had too many scraps let’s reduce that
When in reality it should be, and I don’t think this is anything too damn crazy
>you give up these years of your life for us and your country
>in return you get GI bill that doesn’t start reducing at all all expenses covered until degree is obtained, a free house, and disability to any even slightly impactful issue you got while or after serving unless it’s blatant retardation related like running into traffic while not active obviously, automatic pension past 10 years
I realize what some of the flaws in these are, such as someone dicking around in school to finesse, but those are easily avoided. Other than maybe free house in this current housing market, are thing along these lines really that much to ask? I don’t think even a pension past 10 years is anything crazy. It would only be like $15k/year for most. And they wanna cut instead?
Yes but you have to do what David Goggins did and eat a chocolate bar per day while doing 8 hours of cardio
How hard/long is it to enlist for Space Force? I have a 98 ASVAB and a transfers degree in Math with 3.4 GPA. I’m considering joining military to pay for college and security clearance but if enlistment is too long id rather just go back to school for engineering
*enlistment waiting time is too long i mean
Highly doubt I’m going to get serious answers on a Ghanaian gold mining wiki, but I could ask redditors and / or family about this later if no one responds.

Closet tranny here. What’s the current USM position on trans people, both legally and culturally? I know that stuff like hormones and bottom surgery is covered (for now), and I can budget for those types of things in case conservatives do something stupid, but I’m worried that officers would absolutely chuck the book at me, and I’ve heard of cases of people physically assaulting trans people for being trans and getting away with it because the officers don’t really care. Would joining up be actually viable, or should I just stay away from the military?

Want to go in to do something medical, currently in community college to be a nurse. I’ve heard from my family (most members of my family are some type of former military) that the army is the main runner of the hospitals and they only recruit nurses that have degrees already. If I get an associates here, will the army pay for me to get my bachelors + specializations without having to use the GI bill or similar? Do I even need to get the associates?
>What’s the current USM position on trans people
legally you're an annoyance to everyone. culturally you're mentally ill predatory fragile dogshit. stay away. It'll be better for everyone.
Got it, that’s what I figured. Thanks for the response. Sucks because I want to serve and help my country, but eh, what can you do.
>no post-highschool graduation (education?)
>living with family working a dead end job
>Should I enlist?

>is 23 considered old to be enlisting?
Nah, older than average but nothing crazy. *Too* old, absolutely not.

>transfers (that's basically an associate, right?) degree in Math
>I’m considering joining military to pay for college and security clearance
>go back to school for engineering
My brother in Christ, you're so close. Please attempt to get an ROTC slot before settling on enlisting. Also ask a recruiter about the Air/Space Force Technical Degree Sponsorship Program. I have never heard of anyone doing it but it sounds god-tier.
Space force requires an application and interview with a panel with limited slots a year and interviews a year. You're too late for 2024 they're doing the last interview round in a few weeks, but you're early enough for 2025. Recruiter will hate you
Should be able to get 1/3 pension at 10, 2/3 at 20 and full at 30, also instead of free house give BAH as part of the pension with same reductions
That'd encourage people a ton
Is this SOP?
anon you won't make it in the military
How was the application process? I might be leaving active duty soon and thinking of putting in a few packages for reserve officer.
I'm leaving for my country's military in about 2 weeks

Can anybody recommend a cheap but decent red-light head torch?
And as for gloves I'm assuming mechanix?
Whatever gets issued.
They despise military. The veteran suicide rate isn't high enough and we don't currently have a major war to kill enough, so they've got to cut back on the benefits. They're specifically targeting lifers that get DoD, VA, and SSDI. As already mentioned lose $1 DoD for every $1 from the VA, but they also want to count VA as income to lower SSDI payments.
They say the ones that get issued are shit though
you should seek genuine psychiatric care that isn't "yeah you go trannoid!"
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Can I still join the USA military, if I have self-harm marks, they're old but can be seen if you look hard enough

2. question how do I pass 100% of the time?
>Can I still join the USA military, if I have self-harm marks, they're old but can be seen if you look hard enough
You scraped yourself climbing a fence to retrieve a soccer ball.
>2. question how do I pass 100% of the time?
What the fuck does this mean? If it's some tranny shit just accept that ywnbaw and don't attempt to join the military.
Yes to depression, maybe to asthma depending on how long it’s been. Have a doctor put in writing that you are no longer depressed or have asthma.
I think anon means the ASVAB. The key is just studying, most of the shit is easy and is stuff you would’ve learned in high school if you didn’t sleep through it or is just general common sense shit. Just refresh your memory with a few hours of studying and you’ll make high marks.
ODS guy here. Surprisingly super easy. You'll get the standard forms to fill out. Since you are active, it may just be that you sit through an officer board. The board not bad. I had 3 officers (2 LTs and a Commander). They just went over my resume and asked hypothetical questions like....how do you get the enlisted to respect you? What was your biggest mistake? etc...Took about 45 minutes.

The interesting part so far was the SCI clearance phone interview I had. The security officer literally asked me polygraph questions over the phone; recorded. Stuff like "has any foreign national ever offered you a job for their government?"
They are a Woman :3
Alright, question for you guys. What the fuck does HRC actually do in the Army? I submit a packet but I have a probable disqualifying mark on my record for the job. The packet is going through HRC.

Basically, job requires no alcohol abuse, and I have a flag initiation and then removal in ippsa for alcohol abuse (not dui but dumb barracks shit). The recruiter didn’t give a fuck because he liked me anyways and sent it up with approval on his side and the proponent.

Does HRC check for this stuff or just your info on ETS window, that all the dates line up, boxes filled correctly, etc? I’m hoping they just process paperwork and make sure it looks right, but don’t try to act as a vetting/approval authority. Thanks for any info if you know for sure.
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>married man and soon-to-be father of 2
>love my country and want to commission
>juvenile felony gta at 16
>misdemeanor dui 4 years ago
>BS in CS next month
>6'3 307 lbs, down from 333 lbs 2 months ago

Is there any hope for an air force or army commission? Should I do graduate ROTC or put in an OTS/OCS packet? I would prefer Air Force due to the possibility of being stationed in Spain and seeing my family more frequently, but at the same time I'm interested in Airborne and Ranger school and want a military experience. I'm sure they'd never let me near a cockpit, so it's either Cyber Effect Operations/Cyber Capabilities Development Officer or Infantry Officer. I would also consider Intel.

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