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Previous >>61956520
"Ouch, my head."
Post gear. Discuss gear.
/bag/ chart attached
the other infographics are being revised and will be posted here for review and comment soon
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how bad could it be?
what revisions are you making?
Got anything for Zebra? South african
Isn't xl a reference to the plate, not the plate carrier?

botach is made in china and assembled in the US.
You size the plates to fit your body and buy the carrier to fit the plates. Most people are a medium. Ash is still a fat fuck.
looks legit enough. How come thats where your looking? You a safa?
Piggybacking off of you anyone know much about VestGuard, all meant to be made in the Uk.

Any reqs for soft concealable armor? I found some surplus dealer in Texas but they never got back to my inquiry.
Plate should be sized to vitals, those don't change even if you get fat as fuck. Its tied to the size of your frame which is constant.
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>morbidly obese incel looks in mirror and believes he's a shredded 7 1/2 foot tall Anunnaki, unironically thinks he needs XL plates to cover vitals
I don't know who makes gun ownership look gayer, SRA 41 percenters or fatbody militia retards.
Stealth Armor Systems is making a Hexar variant with (apparently) pure TiB2. The future is apongst us.
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Looks like the best way to run side plates I've waited for something like this for a while. Think Ill get the 6X8 but I wish they had a 6x12 or 6x10 lvl III. The T-shirt armor they have is also pretty cool.
I've got level 4s from them and they seem alright, though I haven't been shot in them yet.. they are indeed made in blighty so atleast there's that

also look into nexus armour, they do level 4 stand alones and can be purchased from uk tactical
I have seen nexus before, I remember mentioning it here some time but got shit on. I don’t remember why though.
they seem to be partnered with warrior assault systems given that they make soft armour for their vests so I'm sure the quality control is decent, I have nexus level 3a soft armour in my WAS hanger pouch
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I’ve never had an issue with WAS, I have used their shit for years. I may do a little digging into nexus, I’m not sure how the prices compare.
britbongs have limited options, if they want a vest with soft armour it's basically WAS + nexus, war journalist tier armour, or surplus BA vests
Pretty bad. It'll be thinner and flimsier than a comparable rig. The material may be comparable, but the stitching will be garbage. The buckles will be made of substandard plastic and it'll probably fit weird. Condor makes some ok stuff, like a pouch here and there from them won't be bad, but I wouldn't get anything load bearing from them.
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so I ordered a protec helmet but Im now noticing that they have 2 sites. I ordered from https://www.pthelmets.com/products.asp?cat=14
but I see that this site also exists https://www.protechelmet.com/products.asp?cat=14
Is one fake or did they forget to pull the plug on one of their old websites?
They're both legit, but only pthelmets.com has the A-Bravo helmets for sale. An anon recently posted here about ordering from one of these sites, but it seems Protec is extremely bad about shipping orders and responding to emails and phone calls. There are posts on arfcom from years ago about people waiting 8+ months with no response from Protec. I don't think it's gotten any better.
yeah i just got a team wendy helmet. if protec charges me when they send it out in 9 months ill just return it. ridiculous
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What is a good "outer" padded belt that has at least 3 rows of molle and can use suspenders?
best belt ifak to complement my butt?
No - an ILDU buddy knows a guy in Durban. Just a stray bit of yarn to chase.
The ATS war belt + war belt insert belt is a pretty affordable combo.

They also sell suspenders for it.
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nta but i'm tall with a long but thin torso so i wear a size large carrier, small-medium ones look like picrel on me

not everyone who wears large plates is fat, but someone who's ashamed of it probably is.
anyone have the belts pic?
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What sort of belt are you after?
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Is a Crye shirt for 60 a good steal?
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>the dreams about buying tactical gear are coming back
i don't even have the excuse of playing airsoft anymore, yet i want to go back at buying and collecting gear
>fucking jews at AWS have increased the price of their fannypack from 60 to 90 dollars
Daily reminder that the government is evil.
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Thinking of buying an LBE. Is RG or M81 preferred? I was thinking of contrasting it with the opposite camo. Live in Appalachia. Only other thing I can think of is possibly Finnish M05 camo.
you could always go with a the Crye AVS low pro, with their suspenders. $250 all in it looks like
The Snack Pack? I think it went up by $10 in the past couple months. I still think the Spiritus fanny packs are some of the most reasonably priced options on the market, which is strange to say. The standard fanny pack that Ex Umbris makes is only $50.

Fuck I wish I could edit this post. The Ex Umbris goes up to $80 on even some of the standard colorways. Might as well just buy one of the Spiritus options.
is atomic defence a good company to buy from? I just need something about IIIA for shrapnel
>put in order at O.P. Tactical on Saturday during their July 4th sale
>order ships out Monday afternoon
>already being delivered today
Thank you O.P. Tactical and USPS, very cool.

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