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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Thread theme for the day


Previous: >>61973209
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AB #1 for firearms ownership
Happy Dominion Day
There will be a FAL in every home
First for this country is an empty husk of what it used to be.

Prove me wrong.
Well, you're not first.
Fuck off. I see you nigger.
Happy Canada Day guys. Posting her flag during it's best years.
We're on the cusp of war. Are you signing up?

I Second the motion, FUCK canada
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Nothing will happen nothing ever happens
>FAL in every home
Unless I can buy bulk 7.62NATO right from IVI i think I'd opt for a cheapo T56 AK and a pallet of stinky chinky x39
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cant wait to see you drone footage of you on a webm
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Happy Dominion Day.
Make sure to go shooting today.
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is that tape on your optic
Is that real lol? if so what monument?
Wouldn’t want to ruin resale value
Cranbrook, BC apparently.

Why do you have such a wrinkly flag?
no they were all anti fascists
What, you don't wear your medals on a Canada Olympics bunnyhug when going to Remembrance Day events?
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It’s to bad he didn’t have a Timmy’s cup in hand.
Should I keep my x95 and slap an Eotech/mepro mor pro on it, or sell it and buy an ATRS upper/lower and build my own rifle?
Wait until the OIC is lifted an get a non cope gun
If the X95 does what you want it to do, I don't really see the point in switching especially since you can't afford both.

Both solid points. Cheers.
if you have an rpal then dont bother with atrs
Having a gun that’s not registered is never a bad thing
Unironically, don't buy an Eotech. They're too big, too heavy, they have shit battery life, and they have shit QC. My EXPS2, which I bought new in 2017, is delaminating.
I feel the same way about my Aimpoint PRO, desu. At this point, the PRO and Eotech are badly outdated designs and it's time to move on imo. It's not the early 2000s anymore, a Sig red dot that costs a fraction of the price is much smaller, much lighter, uses a common battery, has better battery life, and is literally just as good if you're not using your red dot for night vision. Even then, it's supposedly barely worse than a PRO.
well you can get a stag 10 and that should scratch your ar itch
>D&C Rhetoric with Big Seej to try and buy credibility
l m a o
arcees getting desperate
But that’s a large frame AR, it’s good but it’s not the same.
Eotech sucks, buy a ‘cog and keep the x95.
It went longer than the m4 in the IDF reliability testing, so hold onto it in case you need something that can go 20k rounds before a stoppage
Not him but I really like my x95. I still prefer my ar and my favorite will always be my m44.
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hold up
most based pic in months
plot twist, anon owns an acreage
>no officer it did not leave my property
Based. Owning both is the play
I think Canada is not a country
It’s kinda weird now days, aside from the odd “Canada Day sale” I would have no idea this was Canada Day walking around town. Nobody’s got flags flying or the usual Canada Day shit going I remember growing up with. There’s like a block where there’s like the city Canada Day event but it’s just immigrants looking all awkward.
Nobody even looks happy
Skill issue, my small town had a pageant, a parade, a huge party downtown, a free barbecue, food trucks, and fireworks tonight.
>mounted horse niggers post their service pistol in picture
LMAO, the absolute state
we are a post nation state
dude they wish they ran cz75s
Fuck off newfag. Lrn2google service guns
Sounds more like a cope then anything
wooow the government and banks should cut off your towns funding, fucking racists
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from earlier today at the range. hope you all had a chance to make it out, ive been spending the last 2-1/2 hours cleaning the fuck out of my svt , mosin, and type 81 because corrosive is cheap. happy canada day!
My bad the chrome had me shaken
Did you pay homage to the king?

Even the mass amounts of vehicles pulling campers out of town of Friday usually there would be tons of Canada flags flying, the acerages on the outskirts of towns don’t have any Canada decorations really. The odd person flying an Alberta flag is doing it year round anyway not as some protest on Canada Day.
I stoped by with a couple buddy’s who are out camping and like people are partying and shit but it’s because it’s a long weekend in the summer not “for Canada Day”
I know more than a few places having fireworks tonight but that’s just like in the budget.
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Need some advice.

Got myself an APC308 DMR. Right now, I have an ACOG TA33 on there.

Am I under scoped, frens? I thought to put a Trijicon RMR on top of it for a dual optic setup, or on the other hand abandon the ACOG and go to a LVPO

What is your intended use?
What distances do you typically shoot at and how small are the targets?
nice collection anon
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>Posting her flag during it's best years.
>dying leaves and no bosom
if you are fine running 3x then you have nothing to worry about
At least I haven’t seen any half mast flags for the heckin Indian holocaust
Looks comfy how’s the rail on the type 81 under folder?
Acogs are superior to LPVOs in every way. I run an acog 4x and have a RMR + Mount coming in in the next few weeks. I got it from RDSC so who knows - I think some of it were backordered but are now in stock.
Slap a stock onto that mare's leg and you'll have the funnest little 22 on the market.
Did not really enjoy mine as a mare.
Im running the elcan os4x on mine with rmr, but the ACOG will be lighter.

thats pretty good if you are intending it as a carryable battle rifle. but I find even with the 4x my groups suffer a little bit vs when I use a 10 scope.

ACOG is g2g though, youll be fine, if you want more accuracy out of the platform youll need to use better bullets and probably a heavier bipod, which is fun to have but annoying af to carry. Within 600 yards man sized targets are ez pz with 3x.
This titty flag is best flag. Careful though pajeet might see bobs and get overly excited.
Wayne Eyre is an absolute Yesman faggot. Fuck that guy I hope he dies of cancer.
>nooooo more whites have to die!
>tiny hats sat so
Count me and mine out
Love my 4-16 with piggy back for 308, I had a dot Cog combo before and it was pretty good also. I mainly wanted to be able to dial and parallax adjustments but that’s just me being a fancy bitch really.
His replacement is worse, she literally forced troops to stay behind as her carpets were evacuated to safety from Iraq during 2020.
What is wrong with people

I was talking about the Meprolight Mor Pro. Has a red dot with visible green laser and an IR later as well. Takes 2 AA batteries… the reviews seem pretty good. Honestly just trying to find a good optic for the x95 without going over 2k
aimpoint comp m5
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Shabbos Churl?
Just flicked on the (((cbc))) for a second to see what kind of faggotry they are broadcasting and they showed an aerial view of (((ottawa))), holy fuck what a shitty looking "capital" city lmao.
>t. never been East of torcongo
Same went to the nearby city Canada Day. It was nothing but Asian food trucks and those weird Chinese toys they sell at fairs. Only people wearing Canada jerseys and stuff was old people and my self. No one looked like they were having fun. Meanwhile my hometown it’s always legion pancakes, fish derby’s and fun games. Idk I think once we get a less gay government and less poos things will turn around.
Whos this guy?
Just checked cbc’s website because I hate myself, Canada Day shit isn’t even one of the main news topics. Fuckin 3 small articles on the front page .
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>nothing but Asian food trucks
Is he doing the chicken dance or is that some kind of indian ritual
lol, I had to check for myself, the main article was about US elections lol. Instead of (((canada day))) we should start making it Wexit Soon Day because this united "country" is a fuckin heap of dog shit
>Fuck trudeau
>Fuck niggers kikes and ragheads
>Fuck taxes
>Fuck work
>Fuck all those faggots in government
And signing off from East of the Rockies, FUCK CANADA
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cheers, will pop an RMR on top call it done
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Too many Negative Ned's in this thread.

Had myself a pretty stellar Dominion Day, how about you, /k/anucks?
I like the c7 look but i feel like i want heavier barrel on my AR15 like my maccabee
Fuck you, go pay some more taxes nigger lover
I want to hang out with you and shoot your ammo.
hbar or government barrel?
im guessing Hbar, im not too familiar with the barrel profiles but i just seen other C7A2 rifles with heaver looking barrels. It looked very nice. Not saying they need it, i shot about 11 mags full auto then i had to stop because my barrel was too hot. My Warrant kept feeding me mags. I jsut feel more comfy with a heavier barrel like i got on my maccabee defence
Yeah it looks like absolute dogshit tbqh
>t. Never been west of Labrador
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/cangen/ is healing
it’s solid but if you plan on shooting corrosive you’ll be removing 4 screws to access the gas system for cleaning, my red dot isn’t in yet so im not worried about losing zero or anything yet. all in all i can put a laser and whatever else id like on it now, i dont regret
it isn’t mine, a friend came along with me. wicked little peashooter though, his was in .22 but id love to have one in 44 or 357!
thanks! the 4 on the right are my own + the drum mag of course. lots of fun with that 10/22 though!
hbar are true heavy barrels while government/a2 barrels are only thicker ahead of the sight block
What does being "Canadian" even mean anymore?
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not sure, we completely erased our history because it was racist
Should be next op pic for sure
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Now what did I say about being a Negative Ned?
Hope you like blue box barnauls
Meant to reply to >>61989532
Seriously stop being a faggot

I know, I know… it’s just battle tested and literally made for the rifle I own. Suggest what you think is a good option.
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For me it’s exploring, fishing and shooting in our vast open wilderness. Having a drink in the many small town bars and hearing tales of just sending it. Reflecting on the history of my ancestors who survived mosquito hell to create a great land for my kids to call home. Yeah our leaders sold us out and have now flooded us with third worlders who are rapidly reverse colonizing us, but I believe soon the Canadian Spirit will push back just as it did in brutal, droughts, and cold winters.
Nah don’t listen to the naysayers. tavors are great. I love mine. Have had a macabee as well, and they’re great too
However I will say you should buy used if you can
It's not cowardice, its fighting for a different country. I wonder if America gives citizenship for service these days...
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You're right, why be negative, everything is fine. See pic related.

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Checked those quads
Let it be done
Not being America
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>at a canada day thing with my family
>decent local bank plying
>40 yr old looking faggot fan boys with purple beards in the audience
When's the mass extinction event guys?
Why is Ontario a chad, a king, and in the front? Fuck you faggot. I'll drop your ontario faggot ass in a second. Your province is the reason we're where we're at.
I've mostly just been training with my coc gripper on and off all day. I'm using the 165 one I wanna be using the 200 before I go home in August.
^ 2 U
of course not, you're in the pla
I want to go watch fireworks or celebrate.

instead i stayed home to study and now ill go to the gym.

but i hope everyones canada day was fun
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Also, why are the maritimers there? The East Coast retards gave the libs 24 seats vs 8 to cons. Actually, every province outside the prairies voted in more LPC than CPC, except nunavut, who put their trust in Suckmeat Singh.
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I went innawoods during the day and shot some guns, and watched fireworks with my white family after sunset. That will probably put me on a watch list at some point.
>anyone who doesn't want to fight for jews is a chink!
Kek, the only war that matters is what's happening here at home. We're in a fight for our existence and out way of life. And it's not looking good.
*our way of life
That's ok we get it, you're jewish.
>I was talking about the Meprolight Mor Pro
Yeah, I know lol. I was just ranting about the Aimpoint while I was on the topic of Eokeks
Went crownland shooting this Dominion Day, been out of the country for almost a few years now.
True and true.
>I was studying and lifting
Unless you have a family to provide for, this is what you should be doing.
>Did you pay homage to the king?
Cucked, I will never pay homage to a bong
Which one do you have? I'm setting up my PC for a carbine course at the end of the month and I haven't fully explored my options
>Your province is the reason we're where we're at
Kaybeck is the reason actually
Québec is not the reason the Liberals mass import jeets, anon.
Actually I take that back, but with a caveat; Québec not voting the way the Liberals want them to vote IS the reason they import jeets
Oh my bad, I thought you were talking about the gun laws
Not looking good lads. I just spent a couple grand of goy bucks on assorted non-sense this weekend and am gunna get robbed tomorrow through assorted kike taxes. Welfare? E.I? Alien to America? Start doing Fenty?
>Whats the goal here
>Made $1000 working on Canada Day because holiday
Can’t wait to see how much the government takes for their “share”.
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ngl I'm probably gonna be living in my car by the time this is over. I'm barely fucking making it boys.
If you had neither, then I would recommend an LPVO, but you already have an ACOG. Keep it and use it, it's perfectly fine for a DMR. Don't bother piggybacking a dot on it either, just shoot with both eyes open when you need to engage close. Your setup is already good to go
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Just a basic bitch KYWI placard, esstac I believe is where I bought, here’s my setup. Just simple and ez. Allows for prone shooting without getting in the way. Radio and IFAK are on the back, within reach.
The shitmobile life is the path of either an animal or a God, anon
Godspeed, modern diogenes
same and its only going to get worse
because we are being replaced with third worlders if you dont embrace the third world lifestyle (20 people to a house, street shitting, bug eating, etc) you will get priced out of a home
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Ok, nice. I don't need to bother with this particular carrier, it has a STANAG pouch for four mags built in (picrel circled), and I carry my IFAK on my belt. I was just throwing some pistol mag pouches on there because I might do the course with my PCC
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Embrace the suck and overcome it
Yeah my PC (LBT Slick) has a pouch built in as well, I just prefer the retention on the placard and it doesn't add much weight.
Since yours has the molle on the cummerbund, I'd recomned placing your mags there - keeps the front freed up and honestly probably easier to reach for your side than your chest rig, no?
Though at the same time, you do you. gear queer guys will all try and make their PCs look identical, but the reality of it is that what works best for you is going to be what you run the best.
>I'd recomned placing your mags there - keeps the front freed up and honestly probably easier to reach for your side than your chest rig, no?
I don't know desu, I'm still experimenting. You can probably tell from the pic that it's pretty much a brand new rig lol. My class at the end of the month is going to be my first real use of it. I'll try that out and see how it feels with some dry run reloads though
>the reality of it is that what works best for you is going to be what you run the best
Yep, 100%. I've asked some questions in gq before and honestly those guys seem mad as fuck all the time for no reason, and like you said, they all set their shit up the same. Makes you wonder if they ever actually use it
fair enough - but there isn't something to be said that battle-belts and cummerbunds are great places for pistol mags in particular - as often as possible you want to avoid placing magazines ontop of where other magazines go - so you wouldn't want your pistol mags in front of where your rifle mags go.
is something to be said*
Has the army ever looked this good anywhere else at any time in history?
Actually, I didn't consider putting them on my belt. That's probably the most efficient setup, I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Thanks for the tip
I actually think the current battle dress and kit looks cool as fuck, when it isn't worn by obese pinkhairs.
no prob, boss. try everything out, see what sticks!
Though R. Lee Ermey on the left there looks pretty based
Kaybec is a leach, but only because anglo faggots in Ontario let them. Basically Ottawa politicians,;voted in by ontariofags, take money from the west to pay quebec to remain.
Also, the maritime provinces should be based, but ontariofags voted for politicians who sucked those provinces dry and encumbered them with government largess, basically what turdos libs are attempting with Alberta.
Just look at canada in 1950 and imagine what could have been, with our resources and btitish culture.
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The lads
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>btitish culture
I take your point on everything else and agree with you, but I'm glad we Americanized and left the British culture behind tbqh. Those fags are so noguns they make us look like Texans in comparison. The fucking pajeets literally have more guns per capita than they do. Their culture failed them utterly
What's the context of this
the maritimes are based. They have so few seats that it doesn't even matter, but taking their last votes instead of their projected votes is retarded. Currently every single fucking seat looks blue, which is a massive loss for the libs.
Also worth noting that most maritimers don't vote at all, so it's really just the boomers who vote librul, and they're even switching to PC.
Anyways being that this is a gun thread, the maritimes are extremely gunpilled with the exception of Nova Scotia, which is best avoided nearly entirely.
By that logic toronto is based because that one riding that was 30 years liberal is now conservative.
where to lube type 81?
I literally spent the entire day in bed sleeping off the drinking I'd done the night before.
Fair enough
Reminder that before mass immigration into anglo countries no one thought it necessary to place regulations on firearms ownership.
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College kids are shooting off fireworks, I feel like this is the perfect time to pop some rounds off into the air to celebrate without being caught kek
Correlation, or causation, though? The white niggers that push gun control know it's primarily whites that own guns
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Hell yeah
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Have you seen the new Army DEU’s?
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It's for our own good, anon.
Just spray everything with ballistol
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Get this whore out of my cangen
And they use the behavior of niggers as their excuse. It's actually quite twisted how they appeal to the fairmindedness of the white midwit in order to disarm him.
I actually personally know brown people who have told me, nonchalantly, how another one of their brown family bought an illegal firearm and casually took it with them across the border for protection. Told me this without batting an eye at the irony of their thinking. These people are antigun and vote liberal.
And I thought about it and realized, with dawning horror, that if the brownie in question were ever caught with the gun, nothing would have happened to him.

Based. The bikers do this and they are drug dealing scum but this is where they're correct.
What do you have against sexy country girls anon
Someone needs to leash their dog.
No him anon but its coomer bait which it gay. Its fine if you got a granny fetish but please dont bring it here.
I'm only in my 30's anon, stop bullying me
Ew, her pheromones will rust the barrel
Im 33 shes atleast 45.
>white niggers
Odd way to say Jews.
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>Im 33
Kek so am I, until August. I'd plow that raw but maybe we're just getting too old for this place
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Remember anon were here forever. Only pictures of my guns on my phone are from a family range day here a 40mm pumpgun.
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This thing was an absolute disappointment.
He was talking about defensive situations if memory serves me correct.
There are no political solutions to
This issue.
Bummer dude. I remember growing up in Surrey everyone had American firecrackers even though they were illegal. Mom thought nothing of me going out with a bunch of friends, a brick of 3-stage bottle rockets, and a zippo halloween night. But then dad thought nothing of keeping guns and ammo unlocked. It was crazy how adults just assumed you weren't a total retard. Not like nowadays at all.
The least you could do would be to Swat their family members in Minecraft and claim it’s a armed hostage taking situation to make the authorities employ maximum levels of force with the hopes that their dipshitskin kin get slotted by an ERT unit.

A reminder that they probably would want the same for you and your loved ones, all is fair in love and war.
Too late the guy already anheroed with said gun. That's how the topic came up, I asked how/why he had a handgun.
Kek sounds like him owning a gun was a good thing. Pretty sure chugs smuggle tons of stuff access the boarder reserves. Its racist to stop them and it would be double racist to not trade them listerine for some of their product's.
Good point anon, if there's anything I need to avoid, it's being an racist.
>Get cold blue touch up pen for my tokarev pistol
>Touch up the little spots on the slide
>Good as new, very happy with the result
>Decide to see if it has enough in it to touch up really big patches on my SKS
>It looks amazing
>Use it all over the gun
>Decide to blue parts that were not even not blue before like the bolt, bolt carrier, even try to blue the knife (didn't work on the knife for some reason?)
>Put it back into my closet
>Open closet next day
>Entire SKS is rust
>Wipe it off
>It just comes right off easily
>Doesn't come off entirely on bottom of magazine, appears to have been stained a brown color
>It fucking rusts every day now
I did this to PREVENT rust
Please help me I'm retarded and way too poor for this to happen
What did I miss?
"A person living in Canada" -the government
Same for every previously white country
Middle looks fucking Chinese as fuck
If your chin strap is actually on your fucking chin and not under it you look like a fucking spastic retard
What goes up must come down
I pray you use blanks
What is this fucking made in China airsoft gear?!
Looks like fucking plastic
I wouldn't actually pop rounds off anon, I'm not actually that retarded
Bluing is rust, kind of.
Cold bluing almost or entirely cosmetic, it offers little to no corrosion resistance.
Remember to thoroughly rinse/wash any metal parts that you expose to bluing or blackening chemicals; these chemicals typically work by oxidizing the metal, you do not want to leave them on longer than they need to be.
you were supposed to coat the blued spots with oil afterwards or else it keeps rusting
just steel wool the rusted areas and try it again
this is legit the first non-chud post I have ever read in
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how to zero t81 underfolder?
is the battlesight good for an indoor range
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W2C full auto g3 and browning m2? Asking for a friend haha.
Ottawa is an ugly shithole. We should move capital to Edmonton just to fuck with laurentoids lol.
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why the fuck does cbc do this?
Are you asking why our national anti-white propaganda broadcaster is broadcasting anti-white propaganda?
Lmao, I remember they had a similar document about a year ago. These are actually a good read to catch up on all the new memes etc
What’s better in a scope bros, MRAD or MOA?
whichever has a better price
Can't even pass in the thumbnail, kek.
freshly mined gem
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>Forgot to post it Award
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For me, it's the Hurlimann H-488.
The company was founded by Hans Hürlimann in 1929.
what's pierre's position on firearms, again? i think he's kind of a fucking idiot and i doubt he'll do anything significant to help curb the cost of living crisis with his own policies, but it'd be a small mercy to know whether or not he intends to reverse the handgun ban/undo other firearm bans?
canada is in a death spiral, nothing can get us out of it unless we go full forth reich which isnt happening
the best we can realistically hope for is pp reversing what trudeau did
He's been vague but I believe he has said that he'd undo the OiC. No mention of handguns but I think he's also waved around the "simplified classification" idea, not that I'm expecting much from it. Frankly I'll vote for him as long as he doesn't pull an O'Toole and actually say that he's keeping the OiC in place. As for fixing the country, yeah it's over and no can or will fix it.
Went downtown with my parents in a car but shit was crowded, ended up driving home after a bit. What a waste
Put down the avocado toast, zoomer
He hasn’t been vague at all. He has named the May 1st OIC numerous times saying it will be scraped. He has also committed to scrapping every firearm law passed in the last 8 years with a long term goal of rewriting the firearms act so that an OIC can never happen again.
Christ you niggers have short attention spans we go over this every thread.

my bad. ive not been here in a while. havent had much of a reason to pay attention to politics seeing as both sides are often too busy drooling on themselves to make coherent and factual statements about policy and impacts
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You'll get priced out whatever you do. Abandon ship or sink with it, it won't get better as long as Canada's economy hinges on real estate. And it always will.
Anybody else here a hunting fudd? Recommendations for a scope on a 30-06. I’m leaning towards the new Vortex Viper HD’s but feel like 5-25 is a bit much.
We're also in a really horrible position where prices are so high that no one can afford to fund new construction, but housing demand keeps going up due to mass immigration. The problem will take decades to fix unless you go full Hitler.
I have a bushnell 3-9 and it's worked fine so far
3-9 is fine, some like 2-7 instead but less light transmission might be a problem at dusk
and when housing finally slips and our beloved banks are holding million dollar underwater mortgages for shitshacks the government will bail them all out with tax dollars and money printing
>government will bail them all out with tax dollars and money printing
That's already the case; pretty much all mortgages in Canada are packaged by the CMHC into Canada Mortgage Bonds, which are backed by the government. Commercial real estate which isn't government-backed is looking pretty shaky these days too.
handgat innawoods
How many fucking times do you faggots need to ask this instead of just searching or googling lol
Fucking thank you. Should be in the pastebin lmfao
Shut the fuck up faggot
You need to apply oil after cold bluing.

T. Cold blued some of my irons.
Someone buy this so I don’t have to explain to my wife where 1000$ went
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Words cannot describe my contempt
Same here. Fuck the CAF they can suck my ass
Out for refusing as well. Fuck the caf and fuck those still in.
Posted yesterday but wanted to ask again.
Is this what I need to do??
Steel wool to remove rust
Boil small parts to remove oils and dirt
Touch up with blue pen
Wipe off the rust caused by the blue pen
Smother it with a thick layer of oil

Pic related, my SKS
I blued everything even the bolt and carrier
Even tried to blue the knife but for some reason it doesn't work, it's coated or something idk
Also does anybody know why there's this white stripe in the middle of the dust cover?
I've watched YouTube videos of people reblueing the SKS and they all have this lighter stripe in the middle and it pisses me off
Almost makes me want to just rattle can the whole thing pink or something
The ghost of Ottawa just flew over my house and shot down six Chinese fighter jets.
You don’t need to reblue that anon that’s not rust that’s just what guns look like lmfao
Don’t fuck with it, stupid projects like that always make it worse
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You never saw the before pics
This SKS had very very bad pitting, rust all over, and the blue just peels right off at the softest touch, a fingernail can peel it off
It was owned by a Chinese shop and they were going out of business
It's a Russian SKS though
This is an attempted gun rescue
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I disagree entirely
It immediately looked much better
I'm saving this gun from the scrap heap
The chrome bore is flawless, it shoots straight, it just needs attention from somebody who actually gives a shit
Previous owner did not give a shit clearly
This was what it looked like when I bought it $600
I'm going to resell it for $1000, no lowball offers
I know what I got
Am i redarded, or is that paint, not bluing?
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I highly doubt I could make this any worse by accident
>it just needs attention from somebody who actually gives a shit
cold bluing is for people who only give approximately half of a shit. It does not hold up as a proper gun finish, should only be used for hiding scratches.
I CAN NOT wait to read their fuckin bullshit
It might be??
It's thick, appears to be layered
I just figured it was what hot blueing looked like after a few layers
It peels off to fingernail and also comes off in boiling water
Half a shit from a broke person is still better than no fucks given
I've read into hot blueing and it seems like too much effort and I don't have a heat gun and don't want to spend the money
I only bought the blue pen for my tokarev but decided to see what it would look like in large patches on the SKS and was very pleased with the results, before it started rusting
Pens are gay, if you want to do larger areas you should buy a bottle and use swabs.
it depends on the surface being cold blued, it either turns out really well or really shitty
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I bought the pen for a little speck on my pistol
Figured to see how it looks on large areas
Very pleased
Very poor
Not spending more than I need to
It doesn't have to be perfect, it's a fucking garbage rod
Look at the fucking pitting pictures

Sorry btw
This picture was after a bit of clean up

THIS PICTURE was when I bought it
So far, it's beautiful, everywhere, on all parts
I think it comes down to opinion
I've seen them with BBQ grill looking black paint and thought they looked great
I'm not picky
Anything is better than fucking rust
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You try to should stop being so poor.
Hell yeah, Heil Hitler, brother.
the carrier should be in the white
I don't like it
I think it's fucking retarded looking
I'm not an SKS purist
Idgaf what you think
In fact, I think your opinion is retarded, you're retarded
Are you saying, that the carrion should be aryan? not cool, brother..
Bro what the fuck did you do
Glad you disagree - you’re wrong though lmfao
>pays 600$ for a shitrod
That’s why you’re poor. Shoulda saved and bought an atrs faggot
Mine has that too. I can only guess it was their the wood touched it when stacked on a rack for 60 odd years.
Anons sks is the ultimate shit rod, well done, a true testament to simonovs genius
no way this is real kek
>happy Canada Day
Amen to that

What the fuck are you doing man. Read the god damn instructions; you degrease the surface, blue it with as much heat as you can get on it, then you neutralize the acid with water (damp cloth is fine), polish with 0000 steel wool (not fucking 000), repeat until satisfied with the darkness, then protect the finish with oil/barricade/ballistol. There's nothing you can do about pitting that bad, and it wouldn't be worth the cost anyway.
Why would he want to buy a cope gun?
Mrad all day
Noguns lol
you are just making it look worse
make it look nice, its completely in your power to
I need memes about the absolute state of cuckanda's armed farces to shitpost on their twatter page.
Please do the sneedful saaars.
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average CAF zoomer after they opened up hiring to fags with face tattoos and dyed hair
i heard that they just reversed that somewhat
Yeah to many people were showing up looking homeless or with coloured hair. Now it’s just normal length beards.
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>You only like the Red Ensign flag because it reminds you of when Canada had only white people!
ATRS's ARE cope guns and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. It's NR cope because actual AR-15s are restricted. Still isn't mil issue so no combat pedigree. Made by literallywho manufacturers instead of being a household name. I can go on
The look on sgtmajors face gets me everytime. Imagine training 25+ years to kill that gook then welcomeing them in for training.
I kinda want one so i can build a mk12 but really cant justify paying that much for a receiver set.
>showing up looking homeless
probably because they ARE homeless
Man I like the Montana peak hats the Mounties wear, too bad there is basically no situation where you could pull one off besides in uniform
Another video
2:37 he mentions how Canadians want to protect their firearms and should have that right.

they're neat but yea entirely overpriced in the current landscape
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Same wish they wore them more often.
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we've all seen the crusader arms templar, yes? what do we think of it? specifically the gen 2 one. wondering if it's worth the investment or if i should stick to the tried and true guns i.e. just a pump action and an SKS
just wait for the oic to be lifted and get an ar
Not worth the price and also has issues. If you want a decent semi auto there are better options. If you already have an SKS you could get a type 81. If you want something in 5.56 a sterling R18 would be better. Or blow a shit ton of money and a get an ATRS MS18 off CGN and be a God among men.
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>what do we think of it?
So many guys were ignoring the oic they made my club install camaras
Yeah I’ve also seen a few based lads straight up ignoring it as well. Though the unspoken rule of the range is you don’t fucking say anything.
this needs a edit with wkeks, templars, and our other domestic dogshit in the background
It came like that when I bought it
That's like, your opinion man
Lmao cope gun
I'll just pray for big PP to bring back ar-15 and save my money until then, thanks
I was thinking maybe I could weld some metal onto it and smooth it flat just so it sits better in the stock
Or I can use JB weld on the stock or something so that it fills into those holes for better fit
All black > black and silver
Cry more

Just finished cleaning it
Looks all good now
Gonna wait until tomorrow and then see if it rusted again
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>Dios mios...
>La creatura canadiana....
What a waste of an elcan
Hideous piece of shit. And the rifle is fucking ugly too.
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Having a baby has really put a damper on my hobbies. I've barely touched grass in weeks.
Pure fucking sex anon, absolute beauty
Lmfao Ontario is literally the best province get fucked faggot
> I will never pay homage to a bong
> celebrate Canada Day
Pick one and only one
You don't deserve anything you have it should have been me. I have o percent of what you have I am a beast under flesh of something less noble I am human skin pulled taut over a skull I wissh all of you had one throat I could throttle all at once. I hope you suffer, and I hope you never escape.
Time to lay off the Crown Royal and get to bed bud. Go knock up a nice girl and you too can have kids that occupy every moment of your time.
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jeez bud. i sincerely hope things get better for you.
will any canadian company ever make a decent ar180b clone?
they would have to buy a steel stamping machine instead of a CNC machine and that's just un-canadian
is this a lovecraft quote

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