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>Image Limit Reached
>Last Thread >>61995083
happy 4th of july anons
>America day
>Posts Japanese character
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rahhhhh let's go Americhads
op here
i'm Polish
She's American in spirit.
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fuck yeah!
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Chwała bohaterom
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>Japanese draw a hot and chill american themed girl
she even has her own song
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Happy birthday, American bros!
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Japan is an American colony
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Are American tiddies good for you?
Yes, they’ll even prolong your life
Of course.
and guns are boys, yet this general persists
I thought it was only against flag code if it was originally a flag
They're not though. Guns, ships, and planes are all female in nature
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be the american the japanese think you are
Tools and hand implements of all sorts are generally boys, always have been. Bitches you sit on to be gettin places (mechanized slaves) are generally girls, always have been. Pretty simple stuff.
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>Hey Anon, have you seen my American flag bikini? I can't find it anywhere.
I’m wearing it.
i understand bikini, but why are there American flag trousers? those, those look bad
Skinny dipping it is
>this is what americans believe
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This guy thinks of men when hes using tools, what a faggot
Depends. Vechiles are always women but big, crew-served weapons like arty or MG can be women too. Hammers and wrenches are totally dudes though

why can't i get a sloppy handjob form autistic femcel in a back alley
life is so unfair bros
Well Japan is currently occupied by american soldiers
No we're tenants
of sorts. They pay for some of the amenities though but thats fine cause most of the Japense public is squemish about war
>three fireflies
>only one US 76
Really activates my almonds, desu.
iowa and cynthia gave me a milf fetish
That's not what a colony is
You could make a case for it being a vassal state but it's not a colony
Freeaboos are welcome, especially on the 4th.
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I don't know enough about her to render a verdict. But if she's really a russaboo zigger, corrective rape might just make it worse.
you silly-billy
Just because the average person doesn't give a shit about something doesn't mean they shouldn't.
Okay, the other shit I don't care about, but how can anyone "admire Molotov"? The guy was borderline retarded like most Soviet leaders and the only things he did that could be seen as good for Russia were either accidents, dumb luck, or extremely double-edged.
This image got me thinking, if more slope = more good for a tank, wouldn't it have made sense for the Sherman's hull configuration to be the reverse of what it is now? As in, what's now the rear would be the front and vice versa, or would that not have fit with the interior?
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Tons a fun
And have like 15-20mm of armor? Plus there's giant unsloped armor plate.
>Her favourite politician is Vyacheslav Molotov, her favorite manga and anime characters are Chirico Cuvie, Duke Tougou and Rudolf von Stroheim. Her favorite tank is the BT-5 produced by the Soviet Union."
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Doesn't seem particularly admirable to me either
So not only is she retarded, but she's also got shit tastes as well.
why are you like this?
it seems so
Well, probably for a reason. Not like I'd expect nu-/ak/ know at least some history on Soviet-Japanese relations.
>Rudolf von Stroheim
Oh no, shes based
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what's rent free? I got asked a question and I answered it.
>And have like 15-20mm of armor? Plus there's giant unsloped armor plate.
I didn't mean just turn the hull around, but of course also uparmoring what would be the new front side, while lightening the armor at the new rear.
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>tons of fun
I once heard a story from a former Marine turned ANG about a guy named "Tons of fun Tommy"

>Tommy is a fatass Marine dude
>Deployed on some ship
>In locker room/showers on ship
>for some reason Tommy starts shoving bars of soap up his ass
>everyone else in the room cheers him on
>Tommy manages to squeeze 4-5 up his ass when some Gunny comes in to yell at them
>Everyone stands up straight and tries to contain laughter
>Tommy can't hold the soap in anymore and shits them out
>Gunny calls them faggots and walks out without finishing his verbal abuse

I have never met a Marine I would consdier "normal"
>what's rent free? I got asked a question and I answered it.
Someone being obsessed with "ziggers" and some other nuspeak from reddit.
>but of course also uparmoring what would be the new front side, while lightening the armor at the new rear.
You won't be able to put the engine in new rear. - not enough space. Plus still unsloped plate in new front. So with all that we got Tigered Sherman.
so, you want to say that you support russia?
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Are you a real American anon?
he is considered a criminal in Poland. but i guess you being history buff, what does Poland has to do with 4th of july anyways amirite
I'm saying that nigga is obsessed with Russians for some reason, and is speaking newspeak from reddit. Probably nafoid of some sorts. Probably still don't even know where the fuck Ukraine is and what's difference from Okraina.
no, i'm Polish, but i do like dr pepper
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>Someone being obsessed with "ziggers" and some other nuspeak from reddit.
how is it an obsession when you're asked a question about it?
And why then, are you obsessed with "reddit"?
>You won't be able to put the engine in new rear. - not enough space.
Yeah that's what I was asking about.
>Plus still unsloped plate in new front
could you attatch a sloped module to the front to break the profile, or would that add too much weight and unbalance the tank?
why are you obsessed with twitter dogs?
I want more girls to look like South Dakota
Real Americans support racemixing
Now that's an ass that you can use as a pillow.
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>Real Americans support racemixing
how about girls from georgia
Wrong type of brown, these threads are 90% SEAmonkeys.
>could you attatch a sloped module to the front to break the profile, or would that add too much weight and unbalance the tank?
Which is still without the proper armour? It's a waste of space and weight. It would probably fuck up transmission too
>And why then, are you obsessed with "reddit"?
Fucked up those threads.
but you're ok with russians doing psy ops here talking shit abot "poolacks"
No, this shit is fucking annoying too. Post anime girls.
Love this smug brat.
yep and thats why I hate my parents.
dirty racemixers, both of em
And what do we do with smug brats?
give them headpats
i believe in impregnating as many ethnic cuties as possible in order to assist in the creation of the melungeon master-race, so yes.
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Sure, but only after correcting them.
engineering integration / machine complexity / maintenance overhead is what makes them girls.

get your T levels fixed and you'll grok. guns are for functional. girls are for sexual. small arms aren't girls unless they're especially gracile / elegant / ornate.
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Where was this level of fanfare during Canada Day?
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What should I do for 4th of July today?

I just got back from a trip yesterday and am very tired.
Shoot guns
It's not like Americans draw cute girls anymore, so...
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shoot gun, eat burger
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fuck you
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stop posting anime, get real women
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I don't feel like going to the range though


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>I don't feel like going to the range though
If you wait for fireworks to start, the entire world is your range
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>needy, delicate things are women
sounds right
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Ordered a Remington 870 police surplus and I cant wait to get it,
Why go to the range? Load up some blanks, open a window and keep the rent low
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Make sure to show it off to any cops you see on the street.
I need to lick a vagina and suck on boobies
kinda gay
>lick a vagina
Fucking gross dude.
>suck on boobies
Pretty good.
My sexual awakening was caused by this sexo piece of ship called Iowa
Oh and Kay

I definitely have a thing for the big fat tiddy blonde stereotype the Japanese make about Americans, though far too many 3d blondes are too crazy for me
I'm American by heart. We need another Just Cause
(I'll trade some brown hotties for those willing to come)
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will do the next time I get pulled over I'm sure they will love it
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Real women suck
real women don't want me
I think I’m blind I only just now noticed the bush.
In any case, SEXOOOOOO
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Get me a real woman who's good as Kay or Iowa or Hornet.
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>wastes an image slot in the general HE likes
>gets mad when i explain that he'll see the error of his ways if he gets his life right
>continues short circuiting
mhm. all the signs.
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She is a JAP (Jewish Anerican Princess)
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I choose all of them
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Basedo. Ostwind is /ourguy/ (at least when we aren't defiling his girls.)

Could be worse, I have duty today.
Chwała wielkiej Polski jest wieczna
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>t. kike
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For a taste of the wieght of thier decision, I give you the vote :


Pic not related.
i really really hope that’s a boy
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bad news anon, you're straight
>a woman will never rest her bountiful bosom on your head
H'why must life be so cruel?
We made their constitution lul
>Didn’t implement the right to keep and bear arms
Why would you want your vassal state armed independently?
with sound
God Bless America
m200 wifeo and sexo
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she is a closeted slut, and should be treated as one.
no, not a slut. Holy xwedodah can never be slutty.
she's only lewd for (You) and you should cherish her
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How did/are you gonna celebrate the 4th anons? Once it gets dark out I'm gonna walk down the street and watch the fireworks they'll be setting off at the football field (for free lmao).
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already had the usual burger meal, and my brother friends brought fireworks to set off so I am also going to watch that
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Hope the cops don’t show up and ruin that. Have fun anon
Do not
new cowgirl Iowa acquired
Never enough
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>American character
>They make them white
I don't get it
Statistically, Uruguay is the whitest country on earth I think.
Just like Buenos Aires... anyway, here's a couple of the audio files that've been posted so far in case any other anons are without browser extensions

sauce? saucenao gave nothing
use google you FUCK
do the mom.
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Make the daughter a mom!
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Daughters are for hugs not fugs.
Give the mom a daughter. (and sons)
>Verification not required.
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>black lives still matter
They're still worth less than fecal matter
>Just use the big corp tracking botnet ads engine
Garand is such an underappreciated raifu


Somewhere in here; girl in the picture is Nadeshiko Yamato.
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>name character Nadeshiko Yamato
>make them an Ameriboo
peak writing right there
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Who commission art of Springfield Schizo?
>inb4 it's revealed in a few years that Ostwind is SS
Why is her left shoulder patch missing?
You're supposed to have your MAJCOM or wing on your left shoulder.
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I dunno, ask Ostwind.
Eh it's okay he wasn't in the Airforce, He may not have known being in the Finnish army and all.
It's a gook name
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I see. What kind of gook is that, exactly? Indonesian or something?
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Filipino name
And there's my answer.

Pinoys run like half of the military. It tracks.
Why is there a burger behind her?
It's no longer July 4th.
She's African American
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It’s still July 4th in the heartland of America.
>eastern time
get a load of this cocksmoker
We got Hawaii holding the line.
Doesn't the Navy have a Pinoy mafia?

Yep, they run basically every shipboard mess. Everybody aboard ship would more or less starve without them.
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gyaru Kei a cute
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Darj clearly thinking "just wait until the evening when I give you your present Kei"
(pic related)
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>"repeat after me; Rule, Britannia, Britannia rule the waves..."
Do the daughter
Do the mom

Maybe Hegel was onto something after all...
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God I don't know what it is about oyakodon that I like so much more than regular threesomes, but it just makes me go HHNNNGGG
I don't get it? is the shopkeeper a murderer or something?
Read more hentai.
is this some creampie joke?
what's the point of translating it, if you're going to leave parts of it out? you expect me know that japanese word?
why would I need a translation if I already understand japanese?
You could have googled but open wide for the spoon.
Oyakodon literally means "parent-child-pot" and is a meal with chicken meat and egg, hence the name. Hentai slang ran with the literal meaning for mother-daughter threesomes.
>Shinichi reaching to pet the kitty
No feeling quite like giving your girlfriends children, siblings and grandchildren all at once. Very efficient.
Truly the Factorio of sex.
i prefer the freaky friday scenario
special relationship is special
Kay's only 5 2, so how short is darj?
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wiki says 5'2
Kay is standing on Alisa for intimidation reasons.
The fireworks are so lovely!
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I'm telling you, Darj is tiny
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that would be pekoe
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Watching black lagoon season 3 and saw these. They're shotguns but I don't know what they're called, look neat
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>He never played Black Ops
Zoomer alert
They weren't in Black Ops tho.
>He never played CS:GO
Zoomer alert.
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I went to go see my stepdad, had a couple of homemade burgers and cheese fries (granted, we had to use cheez whiz) and watched the fireworks from his roof.
Have Children and you can call your wife mommy without looking like a weirdo.
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Mini Pekoe my beloved
yup. protect her at all costs
File deleted.
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I wonder how far that shell could fit up Kays ass?
Sounds fun anon
idk, in her song she has clinton doing sax solos so she probably went to epstein's island
Inside every gook there is an American trying to get out.
i love this movie so much
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It's my favorite!
me so honey, me rove you very good
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>Rule, Britannia, Britannia
And then came the sinking of Force Z.
Ha ha, imagine the /ss/.
F/ss/B Alpha Group.
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I believe this one is more appropriate considering the Japanese came through, as they say, "Back Door"
Kys pedo faggot
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Chihatan favors frontal totsugekis, anon.
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well, in Singapore a frontal totsugeki (i.e. through the harbor-) would have required help from the Navy & IJA and IJN were about as likely to shoot at each other as they were to shoot at the British.
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It was
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phoneposting took to long and I couldn't get off the last 3 images
I respectfully demand a Daughteru thread
I respectfully demand this archives before a Daughteru thread happens
Fuck you lol.
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>15 images purged
Let's reach the limit again, properly
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Complete the mission, you're the only one left
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I'm on it, only 2 more to go
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That's done. Happy 4th of July again America

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