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>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous: >>61999610
I have burned by ballot for the past 2 elections fuck you faggot, democracy is a hoax. There is only the Uni-Party here run by kikes. Go make some more mortgage payments to (((bank))) good goy
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Reminder; that opening fire (with consent) on the people you love, with a (potentially full auto) airsoft of paintball gun; will always be wayy more fun, and better practical training; than clearing malfunctions on an p.o.s. 22 cope and then lying on the internet about yours having zero issues.
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Basd gorka chud
How many seats max how your enjoying that beach home you built using PPC dollars.
you will never vote yourself out of the problems you find yourself in, toss that notion away. instead, acquire firearms because you will be directly empowering your offspring in a way that the invaders wont be able to.
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I also want to add to your point anon. Some places in Canada have long fallen with jeets making up 60% of the population replacing street signs for ones in their gibberish and more. Now there is a white pill many Canadians are waking up and pushing back. Hell even the maritimes refused to cuck out to the jeets demands and told them to leave. It’s not all hopeless, get armed, train and remember to go touch grass once in a while.
>Have a bunch of unpinned mags and prohib ammo
> Drop your spaghetti at the LGS and tell the fudd cashier that you're going to shoot up a school and that you unpin your mags
>Boomer red flags you
>Cops find your shit
>Lose all of your huge fun collection and cop a ten year weapons ban
Imagine being such a fucking sperg. "Dark sense of humor" doesn't explain this combination of autism and niggerish idiocy

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meh I think the economy will collapse first and then ppc will get elected or PP will have to get more conservative. No one cares about tranny shit when a loaf of bread is 9$
>prohibited .50 calibre "armour-piercing" rounds
That's weird, I thought AP ammo was totally legal.
What is it with gun owners in Canada and absolutely spilling their spaghetti? That same kind of retarded behaviour got us R v Felawka.
>The conditional discharge sentence means Sollid will not have a criminal record. He also is banned from possessing firearms for 10 years and restricted firearms for life
Eh he got off pretty light, he can at least own NRs in 10 years and can keep his job as he won’t have a record.
>t. 5'2"
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All firearm owners are pretty anti gunner and autistic, comes with the Feds attacking us for the last 60 plus years.
From what I remember and what I can find, it's only supposed to be pistol AP ammo that's illegal. But wasn't there also a fairly recent case of some store accidentally selling crates of chink black tip 7.62x39 and having to recall it? Maybe it's in a different regulation I'm overlooking
>He got off pretty light
As he should, if he's an otherwise good citizen and just had overcap mags. But I can't fathom how stupid you'd have to be to basically beg for a red flag when you know you have them
Small town Saskatchewan, you know how often I hear people say they’re going to shoot a politician. People here have no filter and he’s not the first person out west here to get fucked over not learning to shut up.
>Sollid purchased 50 magazines and ammunition for "assault-style" rifles
journos first.
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I think PALs themselves might have at least something to do with it. It's like those embarrassing "CCW badges" some spergs wear in the States; there's a certain kind of autist that, if they "earn" some kind of license or credential, doesn't know when to shut the fuck up about it
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Now you listen here sonny, I earned this badge.
Can you fucking imagine
Kek, this is exactly what I was thinking about that article at the end of the last thread, where the journo called the Arisaka "one of the deadliest rifles of WW2"
What is this from
>t. Anime fag zogbot rimmer
Fuck i love my gorka
They’re stupid expensive now though
>tfw I have to settle for bars because I missed the SSO Leto train
I think that x39 was incendiary ap?
We can have ap and tracers (though feds still like to ban their import) and thats about the limit of what fun ammo we can buy; no incendiary, no explosive, no fletchettes, dragonsbreath etc etc.
>complaining about anime on an anime site
Post guns and gear, PPCuck.
That's fucking gay af
Morons like these will cost us our guns.
Expect liberals and Poly to screech about this 24/7
It was probably a mistake by the cops then, wouldn't be surprised if that charge ended up getting dropped and the article just didn't mention it
Lmao, I should have known these exist. That's exactly what I'm talking about, every single retard who would buy something like this is socially defective and it's literally just a matter of time before they make some stupid comment in public that bites them in the ass
Yeah poly will definitely make a Twitter post about how easy it is to unpin mags
Good soi, keep bitching and moaning, and maybe guns will come back in time for you to suck start one, faggot. If you're not going to use your ballot how about giving it to me, I will vote for Big PP twice.
You can't shoot your way out of a problem either, without running out of rounds causing 10 more. What is caused by a pen is only resolved by another pen, guns can't destroy institutions, policies or systems.
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What's the cheapest 7.62x39 besides Norinco Red Box, that's non-corrosive in Canada?
The only people that follow poly's twitter are people that hate them, and Justin Trudeau.
Wendy cukier is a jew.
That is all
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>nogunz ppc shill still hasn't posted guns
>seethes over based janitor
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>no timestamp
>still seething
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>socially defective
You sound like a woman.
I read some blog article some days ago, and it convinced me that a sovereign debt crisis here is actually far more likely than I thought.

Tbh I consider this a white pill. People will only relearn the fragility (and beauty) of human life, and the material realities of ethno-religious tribalism when the going gets really tough.
dont worry, bug eating will be much cheaper than bread
You sound like someone who can’t get laid. Incel.

every time i see this ad i end up having a bad day. what a cursed fucking gun. what is the appeal of this heavy piece of shit?
As long as you are not a social democrat or a liberal, you are not socially defective.
Laurentian elites are the main enemy. If PPC wants to make a difference, they should create some sort of populist coalition with Conservatives. Aggressive PPC campaigning in traditionally leftoid urban zones could be effective.
PP once again saying the May 1st OIC will go out the window.

>what is the appeal of this heavy piece of shit?
Mall Ninja-like need for *all* the accessories possible all at once, wherever there's real estate for them. Personally I think the big goofy tank brakes on shotguns are just that, big and goofy, but if you're using slugs primarily then sure it kinda has purpose.
Some pajeet or newguns-nofrens idiot with more money than brains is gonna buy this and quickly realize the hype behind it is not real
im buying a gm6 lynx
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Kek post your badge
I could just say "autistic" for the millionth time, what's the fuckin difference
Say autistic. Or better yet, a retard/dork.
Im not showin it to you
U an me can change that bbgrl ;)
>Everyone with a job is back at work
>Cangen is now just kids on summer break, obnoxious hikineets, and cops.
Post your unpinned mags anon
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>obnoxious hikineets
That's me!
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I work shift work but I'm on parental leave for the whole summer. I can shitpost 24/7 and I'm awake all night sometimes because of the newborn.
Nightshift niggas… its over…
Yo based me too lmao
Paternal leave is the SHIT
SO happy I’m spending the summer with my wife and baby instead of buying a new yacht for Mr Shekelberg
Im working Im just pooping right now.
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And so then Paul, risen from his deathbed; tossed aside his crutch, and used one of his last remaining mortal breaths;
to provide a favourable review of the henry ar-7.

idk, mine was kinda a piece of fuckin shit.
Did you have the Henry one? They've been made by different manufacturers
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(and no, i'm not judging it by its reliability with these 15rd mags,it sucked with the oem mags, too)
Based Paul. I hope he sees it through. That’s one tough motherfucker.
I pray that I’ll have the strength to die as well as him. Don’t ever give a fucking inch
To add though; maybe i'm being a bit unfair; expecting too much for what the gun was.
If kept clean, lubricated, and with proper ammo selection, the gun could run fine.
But, i expect more from a gun.
>i expect more from a gun
Me too, I would never buy one personally, except as a cheap interest piece to round out the collection. I just give more weight to Paul's words than most guntubers, so I give him the benefit of the doubt
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Sorta on topic I guess because of our shared hate of poos. Russia is tricking east Indians to come to Moscow for mall cop jobs and then sending the fuckers to the Ukraine front as canon fodder kek.

Fucking lol

omg no sirs please
I want a revolver.
I would say that got scammed and redeemed.
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get a rough rider
So as long as a non-restricted stored with a trigger lock and unloaded it can be stored in an unlocked closet?

Storage of Non-Restricted Firearms

5 (1) An individual may store a non-restricted firearm only if

(a) it is unloaded;

(b) it is

(i) rendered inoperable by means of a secure locking device,

(ii) rendered inoperable by the removal of the bolt or bolt-carrier, or

(iii) stored in a container, receptacle or room that is kept securely locked and that is constructed so that it cannot readily be broken open or into; and

(c) it is not readily accessible to ammunition, unless the ammunition is stored, together with or separately from the firearm, in a container or receptacle that is kept securely locked and that is constructed so that it cannot readily be broken open or into.
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yes or you can even display it
Yes but if they get you for anything they'll probably charge you for unsafe storage anyway cause they're fags.
if RCMP are you in your house and see guns, you're going to get some sort of charge.
if it's local police in small town AB, probably not.
Yep. You can just take the bolt out too, if that's easier.
>Yep. You can just take the bolt out too, if that's easier.
*Rather than putting a lock on it, I mean
Here’s a nice video for you, yes you can store a firearm under the bed with a trigger lock however it can’t be easily accessible to ammo. RCMP will always find a reason to slap an unsafe storage charge on you so best to buy a safe and be overcautious.

Oh here’s restricted firearms as well
I just use a Stack On cabinet. The key is always either in my pocket or on the nightstand. All my guns and loaded mags are only a few seconds away
Like Rod said gun safe is the ultimate card as with the safe as long as the gun isn’t loaded your good.
Yeah. I've got a small handgun safe with a fingerprint scanner, too. Inexpensive on Amazon and you can have your pistol + loaded mags near-instantly without even needing keys
>if RCMP are you in your house and see guns, you're going to get some sort of charge.
That's because we're on /k/, lol. If they're in our houses they're looking for guns and our post history
I just use incognito mode so nothing to worry about
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Pee Pee Poo Poo nigger kike faggot
Now you've done it
Ignoring R/NR designations what is the best general purpose barrel length for ar15 platform rifles? My research landed me on 14.5" (good balance of range and handling) but curious what your thoughts are.
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>cousin in town
>he's from the GTA, no crown land or ranges near him that don't have a years-long wait list
>take him to the local range
>been a member here for a decade
>we have the 25-yard range all to ourselves
>boomer RO drives up after us
>"Where are your glasses, sonny"
>Point to the bench
>"No, they need to be on your face! This is a shooting range! They do no good on the bench"
>Look around
>No one else on the line
>Our guns are not even unpacked
Why are boomers like this?
whatever the length of your cock is.
>go shooting at the range
>range is declared cold
>rifles are secured
>my brother decides to look downrange through his binoculars at his target rather than walk over to have a look
>range officer throws a fit because that is unsafe
And I never went to a range again.
I always shoot on crown land however local range had a free range day as apart of national range day so went,
>bunch of young guys and I are shooting
>good time
>everyone stops shooing
>I ask everyone if I am good to go down range and reset my target and everyone gives the thumbs up.
>as I am walking back this fat boomer waddles up to everyone
>starts yelling and asking where is the range safety officer.
>We shrug as say there isn’t one we just don’t be retards
>he has a complete meltdown and says how can you be safe without a RSO?!?
>we shrug and he he waddles away face red
>young guys and I keep shooting.
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thats for 1911's.
How can you be such dumb cattle? Yes, the pro gay, pro tranny, zionist, high immigration cuckservatives will save your guns instead of just acting like the liberals they are
Youll soon learn why the Cuckservatives in Britain got demolished
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>he thinks Canadian politics and Yuro politics are the same
>has no self awareness
okay little guy
Yeah I don’t care I just want to shoot my fucking AR again.
Between 16 and 20 inches
Yes you do care because thats what I wrote about
Imagine trusting cuckservatives to help you. They wont just like they never helped on any other issue ever because they are liberals.

>b-but they said
Politicians are psychopathic liars
Shouldn't you be autistically screeching on /pol/, PPCuck?
Nigga who gives a fuck you can’t vote your way out of this shit lmfao
Like you’re telling us shit we already know.
>it’s over!
>da jooz
>muh israel
>muh russia
This doesn’t effect me. Literally the only positive change I can reasonably contribute towards is a reasonably forseeable conservative government. we still gotta live our lives and I’d rather live my life with a VZ innawoods, which is in the cards and is enough of an illusion of control over the uncontroable leviathan of demoncracy that i’ll be happy enough to cast my vote and not care much about the global politics.
I’d rather volunteer for my church and care deeply where our finances go than care deeply about muh zionists muh palestine muh russia whatever. At least I can enact real change on mu local parish and community
>At least I can enact real change on mu local parish and community
Based, do you have a Filipina wife aswell?
So you're throwing a massive bitch fit because you're expected to treat people like people?
Grow the fuck up, you're like a whiny, edgy, angsty 14 year old.
The PPC is cuckservative. Why are you such a docile cow?

They arent conservative. They will not give you your gun rights back. Potential new gun owners wont get guns.
Pierre rocking the techbro musk-bezos drip need it or sneed it?
Also what was that shit about red flag laws in effect in September i got an email about
Post 1 round of ammunition lol
See >>62035273
>Also what was that shit about red flag laws in effect in September i got an email about
Literally nothing, red flag laws have existed since the introduction of the PAL. It's just liberal sophistry, nothing actually changed.
You’re “him” though,
Why the fuck you samefagging lol
Obviously you retard
Don't respond to the PPCuck, just report. You're not "stifling free speech" by cleaning up his "CPC won't do shit" spam, we've all heard it a million times
Based. I really should build something to display my milsurp
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The PPCuck is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a faggot, nigger, kike shill, schizo, it all runs off him like rain off a raincoat. But call him a nogunz and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".
I've seen your rifle a bunch, but what is that optic?
Aimpoint CompM4
Can you like shut the fuck up.
You're honestly annoying.
>Aimpoint CompM4
Nice. Is the wrap to colour match it to the furniture, or is there some other purpose
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Bold of you to assume that I'm a boomer. When as a matter of fact, I am 23 years old.
I don't think you understand thing, retard.
Freedom of speech like you screeched so autistically in your previous post doesn't give to immunity to criticism and scrutiny from others, who also equally have the very freedom of speech to sound their disagreement with you, especially on /cangen/ where there are armed /k/ommandos who care about shooting and fucking their guns and 2d waifu.

However, you clearly showed that you cannot uphold your end of the argument, as shown by your outburst in this thread when posters here aren't swayed by your attack-arguments and character assassination attempt like you're used to doing when shilling for your no-seats meme party on /pol/, causing disruption in this thread.
>tl;dr sincerely, shut the fuck up retard
Its the camp wrap I got at my legs.
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its tape
>Its the camp wrap I got at my legs.
Ok fair enough, I'm just curious why
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at least gunpill the greens anon had proof they wanted to let people use NRs for home defense, and limit RCMP data collection
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>it somehow autocorrected to legs
Fuck, I hate having to phonepost like some pleb
I meant LGS
But yeah. I mostly bought it because I didn't feel like rattlecanning it and potentially fucking up the process, and because you can take the wrap off, should any debris get inside.
why dont you get an elcan already
>they wanted to let people use NRs for home defense
I don't want to be pedantic, but you can absolutely use NRs for home defence. Now if they wanted home defence to be an officially endorsed by the feds, then that's based.
Ok, so it's for the colour then. Looks cool anon
Hard to track down these days.
I know there's one on gunpost currently, but I need to set my funds for more important shit at the moment.
neither of those parties matter.
Stop feeding
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thx bb
>None of this happened
Expect it did happen, and it is happening right now. You having a crybaby-bitch meltdown because nobody is getting swoon by your evident crying, that is.
>They will ban guns
Pierre specifically said he's going to unfuck the May 2020 OIC and other shit.
Even Steve repealed the LGB many years back.

Either you are deliberately lying or poorly baiting for (You)s or you're an underaged newfag moron who parrots whatever /pol/ tells him to parrot.
>You did report me though
I did not report you though.
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stupid range toys
I love the Sub2K in principle, but the execution is just not there. The lockup on the hinge is so sloppy and when you put an optic on it, it's so obvious how crooked the rail is
tight on mine
yeah should have got the skorpion in .380
>tight on mine
Give it time, it's polymer on polymer. It won't be long before the surfaces wear and it gets floppy
You can if you use an aftermarket mount designed for the gun, or you don't fold it often. Even if you decide that you can't, then what's even the point of the rail, y'know?
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Now imagine in the were skorpions in .50 AE
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>what's even the point of the rail
stupid kel-tec shit
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damn this retard got digits
i need to get a shoulder holster for my python
>Yes and what did that do?
I don't know, I kind of like not having my guns in a government database, you fucking turbococksucker
they wanted home defense as a valid PAL application reason for owning a firearm.
see attached nigger
ive told you this a million times but the current political state was fully entrenched back in 1945
they arent confiscating shit so theres that
Compare your gun laws from 1990 and today
What did conservatives do when they were in government. Is it way, way worse overall or not?
Do you really believe they arent tracking your guns illegally like how they spy on you in general?
Why do you think that cuckservatives will help at all given this pattern and how they always lie?
An actual greens shill
Good going cangen
>they wanted home defense as a valid PAL application reason
From what I can tell, they don't even ask for a reason on the PAL paperwork anymore. They did way back when I got mine, but it's no longer on the form. So that's kind of a moot point, but if they were going to do meaningful things like exempt your HD gun from storage regs, then I'd be all for that
>your gun laws
Where are you from?
The Conservative Part of Canada has literally only been in government once, under Stephen Harper. They were newly formed under Harper, from the various right-wing parties that existed prior. The conservatives of the 90's were a completely different party. The only term we can use as reference is the one CPC majority term from 2011 to 2015, where they repealed registration, repealed bans on several assault rifles, and repealed the permits needed to take restricted firearms like handguns to the range. Again, what country are you from
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>PPCnigger still hasn't posted a single timestamped gun
>still having a full blown spergout
You didnt answer me
You refuse to
>Nigger nigger!
I did, but I'll entertain your autism
>What did conservatives do when they were in government. Is it way, way worse overall or not?
See my other post. It was way, way better.
>Do you really believe they arent tracking your guns illegally like how they spy on you in general?
If they are using clandestine means to do so, then it literally doesn't matter who wins.
>Why do you think that cuckservatives will help at all given this pattern and how they always lie?
See my other post for where they helped
Also answer me
Where are you from. This matters.
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He's still going at it, huh?
So things are way worse and they trend towards getting worse because what they do is futile or too minor but somehow voting cuckservative will help?
That doesnt make any sense
Where. Are. You. From? If you don't answer, I'm going to assume you're a bong/roofucker, and your opinion is fucking worthless.
>implying it isn't a shitjeet getting paid by the post
Imagine it's a bong jeet
Youll do anything to deflect and change the subject
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What do you guys run on your 10/22 for sights? The factory sights are unusable for me
>accusing others of what you're guilty of
The only deflect I'm seeing is from you, ppctroon.

Once again guns & timestamp.
This thread is a total write-off. See y'all next week.
go back to your pol brainrot basement no one cares retard-kun
Leupold 2-7 rimfire on a dlask reciever. I find it's the perfect autoloading 22. I use my henry for 22 short and rat shot. Most likely going to put a compact rds on it though as the irons are ass.
You refuse to answer because you honestly can't
Nice. I like having unmagnified sights personally, but I agree, the 10/22 is the perfect 22 semiauto
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Saar you will vote for one million indians into canada ok?
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You refuse to post guns because you honestly don't own any.
If beekeeper anon is around, I took your advice and bought a 5.56 placard for my PC. It's supposed tom arrive tomorrow, I'll post a pic then
Things are only worse because of Trudeau. Under Harper things were better than they were under Chretien and the other Libs that followed. What do you even suggest be done? The big bans in the 90s happened under liberal rule because of natives protesting a golf course expansion and some algerian fag shooting up a feminist college class.
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>I use my henry for 22 short and rat shot. Most likely going to put a compact rds on it though as the irons are ass.
yeh lots of people don't like buckhorn sights, they take some getting used to, and even then its hard to be accurate with them without regular practice.
I'm thinking of putting picrel on mine, eventually, as a set it and forget it solution (not having to worry about batteries, always ready when i need it; just like irons, but better)
Good plan anon. I'm >>62035837, the buckhorn sights aren't just hard for me, they're literally impossible to use thanks to my astigmatism. I've got a Bushnell First Strike RDS on my gun as an experiment, a red dot is generally the best solution
Based as fuck anon, enjoy it! You picked a great option too gucci af
Trijicon fucks. The rmr series are tough as nails.
should have went esstac
British police is the lowest form of life on earth.
This. PP will reverse OUI and the 1990s anti-gun shit.
Voting conservative is a clear path to obtaining cool funz in the forseeable future.
PPC seems like a false opposition, probably sponsored by trudeau and other laurentian pedos. But if they make a coalition with CPC, I'll change my mind.
A coalition only matters if they get seats at all lol
Velocity systems are great too but esstac’s KYWI placards are GOAT for minimalist shit
Why not the 4-mag placard instead? I have one of those from that company.
Anyone ever sold an NR online? Do I just ask the guy for a picture of his drivers license and pal and he’s just gotta trust me to not steal his identity?
Send pics of pal, drivers license and social insurance number
my g3 magazine followers arrive today but its not as interesting as it may sound
I haven’t since the new rules however my understanding is yeah you get him to send you a pal number and then you verify his pal online or over the phone.

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>But if they make a coalition with CPC, I'll change my mind.
They haven't during the previous two. That tells me enough about them and the fag that sperged out in this thread yesterday night.
>guns can't destroy institutions, policies or systems.

My nigga in Christ you must be a fed
You do not need a pic of their pal or other id, that is just somthing some stores are doing.

What you need is their;
first & last name
PAL number
Date of birth
Email address

I called the cfo, rather than doijng the online, because i cannot seem to sign into the web services.
I can't wait to tell my kids I used to buy guns from chugs in parking lots
damn i didn't realize the owner of that gun was a milqtoast conservative faggot. that's dissapointing.
but what else could i expect from /cfg/- conservative fellatio general?
why is speaking about the merits of any political party other than the CPC "shilling"
“I won’t sell to you unless you have a minimum of 50 positive ratings on the outdoors trader, a WCL, no I won’t accept pictures of your wife, girlfriend or dog in lieu of payment. Only cold hard cash or silver bullion, I know what I got Sonny.

Billy Williams
USN retired 1978-1978
These colors don’t run
The only time I take a knee is to show my appreciation for our boys in blue
Consider donating money to Israel today
Desantis 2024
I only carry a .45 cuz they don’t make a .46”
Not him but usually 3 mags on the front is plenty. Mags 4 and 5 should be on belts or sides, and mag 6 should be in the gun. 6 magazines is a combat patrol load for most militaries
Trying to make some homebrew 542 mags?
Based Tone poster
>6 magazines is a combat patrol load for most militaries
Sure but my point would be that we aren't "most militaries", we're just individuals with guns for whatever reason and the use cases are different (and therefore number of mags may vary).
Anyone else find it weird that to use the rcmp web services, you have to sign in with your online banking account? and also that the rcmp website has a banner warning of a massive security breach?
idk doesnt seem very safe to me bros
>the use cases are different (and therefore number of mags may vary).
nta, but this is a fair point, iv'e always carried ~200rds with me when i go out, because ive been told thats the standard mil loadout. But that is actually kind of heavy for hiking, we dont have fullauto, and with the cost of ammos these days i don't ever end up shooting that much when im out. (unless its .22lr, but thats a different story)
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>he thinks i'm a "conservative"
topkek m8
Sub-100 IQs can’t fathom not 100% supporting the party you’re voting for, boss.
They don’t understand that you can realize the advantages to your local group of voting one way, while in fact holding quite different views in your personal life and amongst friends.
As much as people bitch about you ITT, I really think you and I would get along
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Much like many posters ITT, I only voted CPC solely because they have a greater chance of winning and are more widely known (plus actually having seats in parliament, unlike you know who). This is especially important because most normalfags have had enough of the turd's reign and his vast and endless list of fuck-ups.
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Exactly. You can’t shift the overton window overnight.
Those who have understanding know exactly where we are in the cycle, and know how BRIGHT the future will be
Many such cases for noguns. They NEVER post guns.
My coworker who was in Afghanistan carried 9 magazines.
for me its 3 in the front, 1 in the belt, 1 on the right (because my knife is in the left), 1 horizontally mounted on my lower back, and of course 1 in the gun
close, modding m14 mags to fit a valmet require the followers to be replaced since m14 mags have a bolt stop and g3 doesnt
oh that explains why a guy posting a skeleton dressed like an SS officer is going to vote for a neocon with an israeli flag on his bookshelf
absolutely based my man
Hey ther goyim, Israel is currently one of canadian civilian's greatest arms suppliers, alongside China and turkey, during the trying times. except unlike those two, Israel isnt deliberately trying to sabotage us with low quality arms.
I highly suggest hanging an Israeli flag, alongside the Nazi flag, and the gunrack with your tavor on it, above your bed in your room, to show your support for both struggles, both allies.
>can't form an counter-argument
>doesn't realize max is also pro-kike
Do you even own guns?
I'm guessing no, since you certainly seem to be eager to have another term of king turd because your fellow brownoids on /pol/ parrot it.
wtf happened to all the Norinco 7.62x39. I swear last month I saw it in stock everywhere now it’s all gone.
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They legitimately believe that coming here and screaming buzzwords is going change minds here.
you did stack, right anon?
Bros is this a good price? Considering it for my first shotgun.

save some more money and get a used one
The price is fine, but why? You can't do much with it.
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nta, but obv he is going to slap a stock on it and therefore become incredibly based and also not gay, with his new bear/brush/tent gun.
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i'll sell you the stock from my A1, cheap
Yeah but I like picking up some when it goes on sale for $10 to top off the stack.
why not semi?
I believe that model has the metallic trigger group, and it is more costly to get a version with plastic trigger group parts, and replace it with a metal one, so I'd say it's good value for money.
Hot as fuck
wheres the bayonet lug
I'm pretty sure that's the 590A1 model, not the 590.
Ah I think you're right. It will still be a good gun, but try for a cheaper used one.
regular 590s are built to be lighter, or a1 are built to be heavier.. idk but i like regular 590s better
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God bless Vladimir Putin
we must commit more forces to this worthy cause, we must send every single pajeet to Ukraine as part of the Jeet Expeditionary Force

do it nao
the trenches... imagine the smell...
>Ugghh what's that smell Boris? Dead bodies?
>No Vlad that's the pajeet regiment
it's too short to have a bayonet lug/mount, the hilt/collar needs to come over the barrel but the handle would hit the forend

590a1 with the 14 inch barrel is kind of a meme, better off just getting a shockwave for half the price and slapping a regular stock on it

ghost ring sights on a shotgun with a 14" barrel is fucking retarded too.
would probably qualify as biological warfare honestly, I bet the Hague introduces a law prohibiting the use of jeets in trenches due to the bubonic plague and cholera outbreaks
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They're also immune to opposing bio-warfare
>Jeet Expeditionary Force
WW3 is gonna be great when it's our Jeets sent fight their Jeets and we're all at home watching the drone footage.
>the current political state was fully entrenched back in 1945
You spelled 1867 wrong, because when Canada was born, it didnt come with a constitution with rights. Are you baiting or just retarded?
it will basically be neo-fuedalism, a few nation states and a shitload of PMCs controlled or paid by wealthy aristocrats all jockeying for land and resources in a never-ending game of RISK

>tfw jeet mercs will be traded on RobinHood like Gamestop shares
>tfw you can buy in to wars to reap the spoils of conquered lands
>real time corporate sponsorship means jeets wear hologram-projecting helmets displaying PepsiCola adverts right before a zoomer flies an RPG drone into them
>RedBull introduces the Redbull Rapage where jeets are unleashed on cities to rape and pillage without consequence, real time wagers supported by BoDog

people complain about this timeline a lot but there's a silver lining to everything if you just look for it.
>couldnt conserve Germany
Yeah no wonder
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Feds just emailed me to say they now accept license applications online, in this modern year of 2024. What a time to be alive.
They also made a point of reminding me about all the new things C21 makes illegal and how there's more laws incoming to curtail freedoms.
I don't see any option to unsubscribe from this passive aggressive spam tho.
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file a CANSPAM act notice with the RCMP cyber team to arrest the RCMP firearms team.
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They're just trying to demoralize us with this shite anyways. I am immune to their propaganda at this point. It's inspiring to know they've had to introduce online application services due to the OVERWHELMING FUCKLOAD OF NEW FIREARMS LICENSE APPLICANTS.

Thanks Trudeau, you've singlehandedly increase gun ownership in this country by untold proportions.
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>Hey jagpoo you wanna do drywall piece work in beautiful Moscow?
>Ok just get on this flight
okay shlomo
>The new C-71 regs coming into force

Bros...it's fucking over
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I keep thinking of getting an SL8 and converting it into a G36 cope since I’m not rich enough for a proper TI G36. I see RDSC has a conversion kit already ready for sale. /cangen/s thoughts on it?

lol don't do it, just keep saving if you are intent on a Goy36
QRD? Haven't followed any of this non-sense for years.
Prof of pal for pretty much anything
More gun bans
Red flag laws are still there but beefed up
Criminal check goes back for life not the 5 years or whatever it used to be, unclear how that effects people renewing license that had something in their past.
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Sounds pretty fuckin gay and communist. Expected in this faggot commie multi culti gay disco
Troon cope gun
It'll get repealed once PP gets in.
Don't get demoralized.
Go get blown up by a drone, tankie
kys demoralization shill
look at the chinweld with all that eotech, north americans cant into euro style optic height
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>Redbull Rapage
>pay so you can follow your favourite shooters gopro stream
>combination of random robots and mercs fighting over collapsed states
metal gear 5 wasn't a good game but it made some cool predictions about the future
Right an FAL in every home or whatever the current cope is
will Poilievre actually unfuck the last few years? I'm voting for him anyways but what are the chances he renegs on his promises
hopefully he renegs on his promise to keep immigrating 'jeets
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what's the verdict on the GSG-16 for a plinker? worth dressing up for larping?
It's okay, if you're gay.
Wouldn't recommend it to heterosexuals.
Based for larping
Gross pic. It's a good meme
He will do whatever the zionist jew tells him to do.
>can't form an counter-argument
no argument to be formed, im just pointing out your goofiness
>Do you even own guns?
likely more than you. i get youre only 24 so you wont have as much disposable income as a 30 something year old, though
dont browse it. funny you use browsing /pol/ as a pejorative while posting SS skeletons.
i never mentioned PPC
I may have comprehensively fixed the issues regarding the PU scope mount on an SVT 40
Fedor Tokarev is a retarded nigger
>mount originally held on by a cross pin through a notch in the back of the receiver
>upon firing the mount moves forward under recoil AND THEN FUCKING RETURNS TO ZERO BY A SPRING BUFFER ARE YOU RETARDED
>force from the pin being slammed into the back of the notch damages the receiver over time
>holds zero like shit because the zero return is literally spring loaded
Fixed by
>CNC’d a larger than original cross pin out of brass (machinist lol)
>sized to just barely clear through the pin hole in the mount
>file the part where the pin contacts the receiver notch so it fits, but very tightly and must be pressed into place
>mount no longer is able to move at all, now positively locked to the receiver

I’ll have to test it this weekend to see if it works as intended but this may be a possible fix for Tokarev’s retardation
its just going to deform again
seriously a brass pin is going to hold it all together? tokarev is laughing from his grave
>mount moves under recoil
>fix problem
>mount no longer moves
Its *solid* brass, retard. It's not a buffer taking any brunt of actual recoil, I cant see it deforming very much or at all unless the rifle itself is improperly gassed, then maybe it'll wear a bit more than it should
Alright, which one of you faggots ordered parts across the border?
the SVT is just not a great gun overall. in my opinion it's more of a collector piece/novelty than a reliable "woods gun"
>t. bought one for $350 back in the day
yeah dude just make a bigger pin, certainly the soviets would have never conceived the idea
the svt just has a shitty scope mounting system and its time to come to terms before you bubbafuck it further
The fuck it is! I'd fuckin wear it
Yeah I remember back in the day shooting them. I never liked how they balanced or shot. Very cumbersome.
I’m guessing the design of spring buffer and floating retention pin has something to do with the effort required to accurately fit the pin to both the notch and mount wasn’t realistic for mass production (and especially WW2 Soviet production). In order to work properly all 3 pieces would have to be within .0005 of each other unless they were gonna hand fit each one like I did (which took nearly 4 hours)
>Hurr Lurr just vote for this or that kike run "politician" he's better than nothing for muhhh gunnnns
>If you don't vote you are a good goy
LMAO, bunch of boomer 2.0 cucks ITT
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>good at trap
>try sporting clays
>cant hit shit

I cant let the ducks win
Sounds like my rifle range. Cant approach the bench if range is green even if you left your phone or keys on it.

Sucks but people are also fucking retards so i dunno
Going to look at a Henry 44 later, anything to keep my open for?
My range is set up so there’s no RSO but the first guy on the range is meant to act as one and give commands but since most guys there aren’t powertripping faggots it’s usually just
>”hey mind if I change my target”
>unload/ clear guns
>”range is clear”
>”alright I’m done”
>”ok range is hot”
Just make sure everyone knows what’s going on and there’s never been a safety issue. Usually it’s just me and one other guy there anyway.
New or used?
If new;
Get the side-gate version if you can.
Also, according to their website, the brass versions are 8.68lbs, which seems kinda ridiculous. the steel versions say just 7lbs. Something to consider.
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>I...I totally own more than y..you
>doesn't post them
Not even him, but you're a fucking faggot ass nigger.
>Tbh I consider this a white pill. People will only relearn the fragility (and beauty) of human life, and the material realities of ethno-religious tribalism when the going gets really tough.
That's actually really nice and uplifting. Thanks for that.
yeah one in .357 would make more sense
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Fucking shit it's hot out. Canadians ain't made for this kinda weather.
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i was working on my truck and i swear i got heat exhaustion after about 90 mins
Post results but meh theres probably a reason the soviets ditched the svt sniper model for basic irons
It was like 37 here yesterday. I couldn't do anything.
They stopped using them as sniper rifles and snipers favored them less because of the weight requirements for the design leading to a thin barrel profile. Someday I'm gonna get one of those sporterized abomination SVTs and save it as a gunsmithing project for future me
That's why they're importing so many Indians
The GlobohomoCo mohawk? Why? Its literally the la abomination rifle
If we could still buy revolvers.
Wear a long sleeve shirt and keep it wet.
Because until the FA rewrite happens I want a x54R rifle that's not a Mosin to fuck around and tinker with; p sure most of the GlobCo rifles are from Finn captured surplus rifles meaning they're more likely to have the receiver rails for the scope mount too, just need to find one in x54R as opposed to the .303 model
practically new condition, it’s a brass tube fed one but im getting a pretty good deal on it, hex barrel but i think all brass .44s are like that
suck me off
lol well good luck, only ones I've seen are in 303. Fuckin boomers thinking 303 was worth it to rechamber from cheap x54 commie ammo
what province? im trying to unload a numbers matching tula svt
The cheap commie ammo didnt exist at that time or was even around in the west, .303 was once cheap which is why they were rebarreled
MB, and its prolly gonna be out of my price range even for a fren deal. GriftPost sellers all think theirs is worth $1500+ because their glue huffing addiction is getting expensive
Really? So you're saying we got the svt40 but not the ammo? I thought commie stuff was super cheap and plentiful when it first got imported to the west
I mean eventually over time; if you look through old reloading guides you can find a recipe for forming brass for x39/SKSs since the ammo didnt get surp'd. One old fart at the gun club I frequent never fails to remind me that SKSs were cheap for a long while because nobody could get ammo for them. I guess at one point the same was for the SVT. So importing SVTs cheaply and adapting them to use a widely available cartridge (at the time being .303) was a smart move for whoever it was that actually did it back in the 60s and sold them as hunting carbines. Not all were rebarreled, Switzers gets them at auction every now and then but retards always bid them up to and over $1K even though they usually have pitted barrels (still definitely shootable tho, esp for my purposes)
interesting, thats kinda funny desu
Dam that Unabomber wasn’t kidding, the industrial revolution sure did have its consequences.
It’s global boiling now
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I'm a zogbot. I begged a buddy of mine to take me to the range. He takes me. Older fellahs shooting clays. Ok, we're shooting clays. I've never shot a shotgun before. Have a lot of fun. I only hit 1/8 clays. Old fellahs want everyone to move over to be a concentrated group. My shitty military training tells me to stay loaded, keep the rifle pointed in a safe direction (down range), and move while keeping my finger off the trigger.
I was told that I wouldn't be warned again. Never move with a loaded rifle. This really fucked with me. Was it pointed in a safe direction? yes. Was the "rifle" kept under control? yes This isn't an important or fun story, it's just what happened.... So the next time I had to move... I unloaded the shotgun spilling my shells all over the ground. "OK AM I SAFE?" I didn't want to get kicked out and cause (extra) shame for my friend. Picked up the shells and reloaded them to shoot. True story. Terrible story.
Thank you for your service

What trade you in?
i would have kicked you off the range for being a zogbot
you wanna shoot guns? go to ukraine, nigga
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Here's an anonymous survey about the quality of the RCMP in Nova Scotia, surely cangen can provide some quality feedback for them to reflect on.
Sigs. One of them. If there are any anons here considering the military. Don't. If you are dead set on doing it? Go refrigeration tech. It is the _only_ trade worth doing in the military. Get deployments. Leave and make bank. Want to go special forces? I shit you not. Be in shape and be a refrigeration tech. They offer you anything else? DO NOT JOIN. Understand that the following is your leader:
Fuck off zogbot FAGGOT.
Gunless piece of fucking shit.
You own no guns, daddy trudeau holds them for you until it’s time for you to shoot your 20 rounds you nigger
I’m in the last stage of my application. I have no delusions of what I’m getting into but I want to do it so fuck it.
Fuck off. This isn’t the thread for that BULLSHIT. Go to /meg/ you fucking soulless drone faggot
Gonna come get my guns? You fucking nigger?
Fuck the nation of Canada.
Correct. TCD
>Gonna come get my guns?
No one is coming for your guns there boomer. Canada post won’t do it, RCMP and CF won’t do it, your mini 14 will sing again.
What's the deal with the Chico ? Is it the same as the Jakl or something else? I'm so confused
>Canada post won’t do it, RCMP and CF won’t do it,
Having a weak military and pig force is good for the FreeMan.
>I hope Russia and China bombs this fuckhole just for the lulz at this point
holy kek. anon hates CAF bigly
Fuck you faggot, I hope to see you as KIA when they send you to fight the Russians
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Seems to be that the JAKL goes on a Chico lower, but they’re also making a Chico Upper. It’ll basically be just a nodak spud.
TL;DR on them is they’re similar to the brownells BRN-180 - a 180 copy that’s actually good, as it’s made by Americans and actually has AR-18 reliability instead of canadian 180cope “reliability”
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Here’s a BRN-180/ Nodak lower combo - basically what we can hope for from the Chico I hope - they make good little Piston-AR-style PDW guns, though they’ll be loong with our nr barrels
try welding in this weather
>try welding
Enjoy your popcorn lung at 40 lmao. Also your little p-95 pancake filters dont stop the heavy metal smoke
well i'll be welding patch panels soon, so...
>poking fun at a tradesman because he's making sacrifices for a living
shut up, faggot
I am a tradesman aswell you slack jaw
Who tf uses 95 pancakes, for anything other than dust?
Welders. I see you retards daily welding new metal to decades old plate wearing a half mask with those pink pancakes. You fuckers absolutely destroy the shitters with your metal dust all over the place too. You are just a step above drywallers and roofers IMO
Pink filters are p-100, not 95.
You're all gay and enjoy cock and nuts and penis and dicks in your ass, mouth, eyes and soul.

>t. Millwright
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nobody cares one iota about your trade here.
Dying breed lmao. Computer machines are gunna take you out of work
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All my niggas exclusively use p-100+carbon(blackring) filters.
It's the only way to maintain atleast 99.97% protection from homosexual particulates along with 'nuisance level' transgender gasses protection, while still being able to maintain some semblance of a cheekweld in a 2 filter mask.
Get appropriate accoutrements
My bro in law is a millwright. He just drives around maintaining oilfield production equipment.
>My bro in law
How does it feel knowing he fucks your brother nightly?
>How does it feel knowing he fucks your brother nightly
shameful but at the same time happy for my loser brother
lol speaking of ranges has anyone gotten shit for bringing grey area guns like atrs or slr


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