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>Marine Corps Small Wars Manual (1940)

“The mule is the ideal pack animal for supply trains, pack trains with foot patrols, and pack trains with detachments mounted on mules. The mule has certain advantages over the horse, which fit him for this work, namely:

The mule withstands hot weather better, and is less susceptible to colic and founder than the horse. [“Colic” describes various digestive disorders that can be fatal to horses; “founder” is a crippling inflammation of the hooves typically caused by overeating].
A mule takes better care of himself, in the hands of an incompetent driver, than the horse.
The foot of the mule is less subject to disorders.
The mule is invariably a good walker.
Age and infirmity count less against a mule than a horse.”

are Mules obsolete?
>marine corps manual
>are Mules obsolete?
What bar did the army lose a brawl in this time?
Mules are cool. Donkeys, too. In fact, all animals are nice.
Gonna visit the petting zoo near me and feed carrots to some goats today.
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Based and cavalry pilled
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We all know why Marines love their burros
Based. I love animals to. I don't even hurt bugs. Picrel are a couple street cats I rescued.
Bros I don't want some stinky ass mule. When are we gonna be able to tame ostriches so we can ride them into battle?
Good luck, even Australia couldn't do it
emus and ostriches are two different birds
>are Mules obsolete?
how would you use them in the ukraine war?
Mules are cool. Donkeys are sometimes used to guard other animals. They also need friends or they get big sad. Both are more useful than a big dumb horse that will kill itself the moment it sees something resembling a snake or something.
drones would fuck up horses and mules pretty bad. you couldnt keep them anywhere near the frontline.
as opposed to infantry?
A bit late to the party are we? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y1N0LvR-u8
yeah, good luck hiding your donkey or horse in a trench.
Horses are finicky as hell, yeah.
not obsolete. The main reason Japan lost to China, Britain and the USA during WW2 on land was that they did not make use of mules. China later defeated the United States during Korean War in large part to their huge numbers of mules, including many that the US had given away or sold to China after World War II.

probably better if your opponent is using drones to blow up mules rather than people
>yeah, good luck hiding your donkey or horse in a trench.
The earth's one real military isn't threatened by RC planes and doesn't need to use "trenches"
Horses scare me. They're huge and could fuck you up so easily. Riding them at day camp when I was younger was always tense for me.
>China later defeated the United States during Korean War
>not obsolete
dirt bikes are superior
>longer range
>higher speed
>way superior endurance
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Are there still American troops on the Korean peninsula? Yes.

The same cannot be said for the Chinese.
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>able to tame ostriches

Bird brains. They're too retarded. Horses are gigabrains in comparison.
>We all know why Marines love their burros
I dun get it. Just reading your post I imagine that they fugg them. But the image attached makes me think the yeat them? Is it both?

Also I took a year of Spanish in 5th grade and all I remember is "nosotros somos" because it sounds latin, but isn't "burro" a type of smol adobe house?

Burro means donkey.
One on the right got into the 'za and is zoinkered out big time
I wrote a letter (longhand, pen to paper) to the under SECDEF for acquisition a decade ago saying we should divert animals from the mustang and burro BLM program to the Infantry and as rewards to semi loyal afghans. Got a nice handwritten blowoff letter back from the woman. Still seems like a good idea to me, and I appreciate her professionalism but wish more would have come of it. Was a tough war sitting on the sidelines as a sailor watching guys you got commissioned with in the Army and Marine Corps getting hurt and losing troops.
>>62042678 (wow. that was grim. poor fella.)
Bros stop demoralizing me. We need to breed ostriches so I can just!
So I can joust!*
Burrito means little donkey.
Then super burrito just means "super little donkey"?
Animals are still used by high altitude specialized infantry across the world. They are simply supreme in getting stuff up places with very basic or no infrastructure.
Found the Marine. Como estas Juan
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lol, in your romantic dreams maybe. in reality everyone uses helicopters.
>The main reason Japan lost to China, Britain and the USA during WW2 on land was that they did not make use of mules.
This. Germany was also a horse-based, not mule-based army, hence their defeat.
Trench warfare hasn't been a thing for a century at least but sure go off
Careful anon, if you post anything /k/at related the tranny jannies might just send you out on a nice and relaxing vacation.
Even if you mention supporting trans rights and Ukraine??
This game was so fucking kino
>Trench warfare hasn't been a thing for a century at least

*looks at ukraine*
You are part of the problem, you waste of human space.
Russian commieniggers can suck my fat nuts until I nut a hakenkreuz on their sister and mother's faces.
Go ahead, report me for racism. You are not human, you are mere machines that further our descent into a hopeless void.
If not culled by the billions like the parasites that you are, Earth has no hope of progressing any further.

Remember lads, you are not talking to people. They are here to kill the site from the inside out, their last target was infinity and we are next in line.
Their number one goal is to disrupt and make the site uninteresting to the user.
There's less than 150 million Russians.
>150 million Russians
>He thinks only proto-soviets are the issue here
Reddit niggers are about as annoying to deal with as PsyOp'd retards online, must be all of that indoctrination you kids go through these days.
Lmao the eternal seethe of the NAFO faggot
horsesissies, our response?
Churka moskals hiding in holes getting droned?
The Marine Corps has been referred to as the Mariachi Corps for about a half-century.
?? both sides make use of extensive trench networks all along the frontline. there are hundreds of pictures of them and everyone writes about them, but you say there hasnt been trench warfare for over 100 years now.
>Why SSG gotta watch my portions like that? fr
Just give them a nice rifle to cuddle with and the issue is resolved.
Well you know, it isn't really real trench warfare unless it's from the te'Rench region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling mud.
It's a little sad seeing how fast mindless retards can get PsyOp'd into seeing things that aren't there.
On the plus side this means we'd absolutely dominate Mexico in a land war
>he thinks mexifats won't turncoat and sabotage everything that they can get their hands on
Yea, I'm sure Mexico will welcome an American invasion with flowers and open arms /s
The USAF uses horses for patrol work.
Ostriches are kinda giga nigga retarded, and aggressive, in line with the webm.
Whereas the emu is noble.
Many vids of emus wobbling and jump-dancing when their human shows up.
Whereas ostrich just tries to nip everyone.

Emus also defeated the Commonwealth of Australia. Which even the kangaroos couldn't swing.
>Burrito means little donkey.
lmao, really?
Is that Civ Div?
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>Civ Div?
I don't speak muh-reen so I don't get this reference. That was unironically an Azov Mexican in the first days of the war. He was not stationed in Mariupol. Don't know what happened to him.
yeah, but we were talking abou thauling stuff up a mountain when there are no roads. and not even in ww1 did they use mules or horses for this because there simply werent that many horses and mules around to carry stuff for entire battalions up a mountain.
Are there even any White people left in the military
Intentionally sabotage or just wreck with their 85 iq and third world driving skills
Why do you care, Ranjeesh? You should be complaining about da jooice over in >>>/pol/
They wanted to turn Reckless into glue postwar and it almost caused a marine led lynching.
If you don't have a mule for SHTF and innawoods YOU WILL DIE
>The people who have to be dragged kicking and screaming and fighting back to Mexico will be ok with Mexico coming to them
Nigger, of all the shit to worry about in this world Mexican fifth columnists are the thing you don't need to worry about.
Many swarthy bean-eating men and women of the south I've had dealings with regularly go back to their old country, not always Mexico, to see their family and friends. Usually this is in the summer.
My experience with immigrants is that first generation immigrants can go either way, but mostly are very definitively citizens of their new country in how they want to think of themselves. Some of the most aggressively American people you'll ever meet are first generation immigrants. Then you fall into this weird dip with 2nd and 3rd generations, who have an insecurity complex about their home country and are particularly vulnerable to leftist mind rot and consider themselves diaspora.
And then 4th generation onwards they are pretty much 100% assimilated and frequently the only thing different about them is darker/curlier hair and a strange name.
Este pendejo cree que sabe como funciona la mente de un mexicano jajajaja.
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>you wake in the night
>it's the dream about the cannon ball again
>but worst of all, the mexican mules were there too
Considering they're actively making their new country worse...
>uses /s
you're trying to rile me up, aren't you?
>waaaaaa! even the horsie is brown! billions must die!
Burro = donkey
-ito = diminutive suffix
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Ano, we have tons of ESLs (Frogs, Slavs, Bongs) here as well as jarheads who had their jar rattled one too many times. You must not be subtle with sarcasm because it WILL go over more than one head.
You can always hire local
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All I've learned from this post is that I need to crossbreed ostriches and emus in order to get the ridable loyal bird I need to just joust.
Hell yeah brother let's stomp some other riders, get their eggs, and spear some dragons in the face.
But that is a Mule US Marines.
I've played this game as a kid, but in all these years I've never seen this official artwork. This is fucking amazing. It's exactly how it should look.
Pterodactyls, but yeah
Good thing I've been mulemaxxing lately.
You misspelled ‘bra’ and it was the Marine mommy that got a beating from some Army cock (black).
>This is fucking amazing. It's exactly how it should look.
Truly. This is probably my favorite 1980's arcade game. Admittedly, I was born in 89 and didn't play it until I saw it on shockwave.com back in 1999.
>Whereas the emu is noble.
3-toed feet typed this post.
You are not part of the problem. You are the entire problem.
I would not play Joust with you. Put a quarter in the same machine as me and I'm gonna snipe you while the lava hand grips your unskilled ass.
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Due to their adaptability, mules worked exceptionally well in all theatres. Where the horse struggled with for example, the wet and mud of Flanders or the arid conditions of the Middle East, the mule faired much better. As Lt Graham McKay of the Royal Artillery wrote from Mesopotamia:

"There is not one artillery officer who would ever again prefer horses to mules after this"

The practical benefits the mule provided were obvious – they needed less fodder and were more reliable than the horse, the correspondence of one transport officer claiming the mule to be the ‘most valuable and useful beast‘ substantiated by one estimate that 3/4 of ammunition used during the 3rd Battle of Ypres was delivered by mule, yet only 1 mule for every 4.5 horses was invalided. It was not just their physical superiority that endeared the mule to the soldier. Their intelligence and personality was also well documented,

"If a horse gets his leg over a rope or chain, he will struggle and kick until he has lamed himself.. your mule, however, stands perfectly still until a picket, in passing, notices his trouble and puts the chain in place, and does himself no harm whatever if left entangled"
If they are trained right they are frens, just dont let it step on your feet. A few weeks ago a neighbor's belgian got loose near a highway and when i jumped out to get it back home it was meek and very happy a human was there to comfort it. Now that she knows me she brays whenever i drive by and wave
horses are also kind of retarded though, they freak out and panic over minor things that mules do not. They are also less intelligent and much less durable and hardy. A mule can put up with a lot more neglect and abuse


The horse is really only better for maximum speed
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This is my Donkey, Robby. He doesn’t seem to mind the sound of guns when I shoot, I think he’s just happy to hang out. He’s not a mule, but I think he would excel in combat because he doesn’t seem to fear much, the only exception being our barn cat.
I think he’d really dig his own set of armor. I often contemplate making him some when I have downtime. I just can’t justify turning my Robby into a weapon of war. Seeing as he’s already pretty unstoppable, giving him armor would make him borderline invincible. Idk, what do you guys think?
I think Robby's a good boy and should only have to fight off coyotes and other pests. Let people do the fighting against people.
What a cutie, treat him well.
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Based protectiveinstincts having man of /k/
This, I hear they make great guard dogs unironically
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>They also need friends or they get big sad
Luckily all of our animals, with the exception of Keith the barn cat, love Robby. All the horses, cows, and goats post up with him in the fields. He’s definitely a big chiller.
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Joustposter here. Still shitposting in favor of winged mounts. If emus are too retarded I'm down for mechanical birds.
>type of smol adobe house
Casa or casita.
That's nice. I hope you have a pleasant day, anon.

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