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>You are now aware that Sweden has 24 Gripen A/B in storage
>You are now aware that the Gripen is designed to be maintained by low-skill conscripts
>A complete refuel and rearm can be done in 10min by these conscripts
>Everything you need to refueled and rearm is contained in one standard size shipping container, one fuel truck and one transport truck
>Startup protocols and systems diagnostics are handled by the plane itself (unlike other NATO fighters which require ground based equipment)
>You are now aware it can be operated from austere airfields
>You are now aware that all a Gripen needs is 600m (1,970ft) land and can take off in 500m
>Deep maintenance? Engine issues?
>The engine can be detached from the airframe by removing just a few bolts, disconnecting the fuel, hydraulic lines and gearbox, and lowering it using hand-cranked fishing rod-like winches, a tool that also can be used to hoist missiles into their pylons. “That kind of thinking has dominated the design process from the beginning,”

Why the fuck have we not seen any movement on Gripen being sent to Ukraine? Its literally perfect for the conflict. A handful of dipshit conscripts can be trained to maintain it, you can operate them from random dispersed bases and maintain a high sortie rate.
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Pic related, all you need to achieve turn around in austere conditions.
Gripen A sucks. It's nowhere near as capable as Gripen C. It's a pretty basic fighter, comparable to baseline F-16s. The C model adds the modern radar and meteor. Except there aren't any available. E is even better an has AESA. None of those on the market either.
Its a late 90's platform, surely its an improvement over anything Ukraine currently has and will lessen the logistical burden the UAF faces in operating their older platforms.
Biden cockblocks everything. He wants total control over how much Ukraine can damage russia. Rumor is even though UK and France OK SCALPs to be used in russian territory they can't do it as Biden threatens to pull aid if any western weapon is used against RU airfields.
>the Gripen is designed to be maintained by low-skill conscripts
No. It's designed to be wrenched by low skill conscripts when you need them refueled, rearmed and turned around to fly against the Russians again.
Once it actually needs maintenance it will need skilled maintainers.
Changing a tire doesn't make you a car mechanic.
Its a short range light fighter interceptor. What precisely would the Gripen do for Ukraine?
Hate to break it to you but 'skilled maintainers' and low-skill conscripts are the same thing, this might be difficult to understand but take your time
more missile/ bomb trucking capacity
The old faggot has got to go
More like early 90's in terms of systems. The radar in the A model is based on the one from the Sea Harrier. The C was a massive upgrade and the definitive version. The A's went out of service quickly for a good reason. Kind of like the first tranche Eurofighters, the airframe was done but the systems were a work in progress. The Cs and Es are nice. Their main problem is they came to market with a 4th and 4.5th gen after most customers already bought something else.
Who is going to pay for them? Who will provide the airframes? If manufactured, will they ever appear in time for the conflict?
>why the fuck have we not seen any movement on Gripen being sent to Ukraine?
Because Sweden says they need them for themselves. They have fuselages but don't have any fully built, extra Gripens just lying around for other countries to use. They have just enough Gripens in case NATO goes south so they don't want to let go of them or they will literally not have an airforce or will be forced to adopt boring Americans F-35s like the rest of the eurocucks
I like the word Austere.
>Gripen A/B
it would be like giving Ukraine Mig-21s except they wouldn't be familiar with it so they would have to expend effort and resources training air and ground crews for it, and politicians would be saying SEE WE'VE DONE OUR PART WE DON'T NEED TO GIVE THEM ANY MORE NATO COMBAT JETS
all in all, Ukraine would hold out for proper modern fighters and they'd be right to do so
A model is early 90s. It’s basically comparable to the mid 90s updated euro f16s capability wise, with a fancier cockpit and less thrust
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>Because Sweden says they need them for themselves.
Nordic countries have a joint Airforce, they could just ask any other Nordic country or NATO to help them
Putin and puccian oligarchs. Sweden. Maybe.
The F-16 is designed to be maintained by 18 year old high school graduates after 8 weeks of basic military training and 11 weeks of AIT. That’s less than three months of maintenance knowledge. It’s not some arcane technology, it’s a standardized, mass-produced fighter aircraft. Gripen shills PLEASE shut up or buy up and send your shitty airframe to Ukraine
>The F-16 is designed to be maintained by 18 year old high school graduates
from NATO countries
the UkeAF general has said that this in effect means finding Uke engineering graduates to be F-16 pit crew
>you are now aware that sweden is a tiny country and expecting to hand over billions of dollars of jets to another nation is fucking insane
>>You are now aware that all a Gripen needs is 600m (1,970ft) land and can take off in 500m
And that compromise is why its airframe sucks.
Yeah remember when the Germans had conscripts as mechanics and this ended up being a contributing factor to the F-104s bad reputation?
A stint as a conscript doesn't allow you to become proficient in aircraft maintenance, especially modern ones. There's not enough time on a reasonable conscription period to become a certified aircraft mechanic.
Well, in theory they'd be worn through so they're essentially free.
Who the fuck is going to buy A variant Gripens?
>a contributing factor to the F-104s bad reputation
Gripen doesn't have this issue.
As long as it’s someone else’s time, money, resources and bodies going to the Ukie side show, then why not? It’s not like the Russoids could handle even basic A models, they’re so fucking incompetant, and Slavs don’t deserve nicer toys anyway.
>Biden cockblocks everything. He wants total control over how much Ukraine can damage russia. Rumor is even though UK and France OK SCALPs to be used in russian territory they can't do it as Biden threatens to pull aid if any western weapon is used against RU airfields.
Source is his ass.
Read what's currently being said at the NATO Washington summit if you care about reality.
You are now aware that gr*pen shills desperately need a way to demonstrate the hype for the plane to generate sales and them not giving it to the Ukrainians shows it sucks and it's all lies.
>more missile/ bomb trucking capacity
The one thing Gripen A/B is ill suited for lmao. It's puny F404 engine and lack of targeting pod meant it's barely any better than the migs hoholAF have currently
Gipen is great looking and versatile, but it needs about 3,000 - 4,000 lbs more thrust to be a truly capable airframe. It can't maintain speed through maneuvers like an F-16 can. Just quite not enough thrust.
>demonstrate the hype for the plane to generate sales

>American plane arrives
>punches above its weight
>generate sales for US
>Grippen once again has no combat history
>generates no sales
Lol, lmao
That's all you need for an F-16 to gas, load muns etc and go.
The USAF constantly does quick turn exercises and brings useful things like fuel bladders which feed external pumps either to refuel jets via the single point receptacle or to fill fuel trucks.

Of course you'll still need other support for major repairs, X-ray NDI, wheel and tire buildup, engine back shop, avionics back shop etc but those can remain at the parent location or work at whatever their equivalent of an FOL is.
Finland is also going to use their F-35s the same way. Dispersed operations from innawoods highways.

You don't need some mystical swedish flugtriangel magic to land on a highway.
That's correct for most aircraft maintenance. It takes from four to six years IME in comm/nav known today as various avionics AFSC, crossed to engines and crew chief who may or may not do fightline engine work.

BTW where to put motor troops varies by generation because every SecAF wants to mark his tree. After years as part of Specialist Flight I was merged with the crew chiefs but was already CUT-trained on their tasks so that just lowered my promotion cutoff.
>You don't need some mystical swedish flugtriangel magic to land on a highway.

Any 3/4 or one-ton pickup can tow an F-16 at low flightline speeds and many purpose-built tugs are based on truck parts.

The USAF uses dedicated tugs including bobtail (shortened) pickups with
weight added (and sometime custom portal axles but they were chosen to two a wide variety of aircraft).

Norwegian bobtail Dodge pictured. The USAF buy these too:

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Yeah because relying entirely on others for your defense is a great idea, especially when others also rely on you. It's a JOINT airforce, not a "cover our asses for us lols" airforce. Should be glad sweden is trying to pull It's own weight, unlike some other nations.
can you clarify what should we pay our attention to? nothing new seems to have been said.
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>Pull it's own wieghehtheh haha.
You Swedes pull your own dicks too much.
In an actual war against pidorassia you're either part of an alliance, or ineffective and getting hit by shit ass cruise missiles every day.
Having 20 more planes or not won't make a difference for you.
Who are you going to fight outside of that alliance, your neighbors ?
Are going colonizing african nations that you need this much firepower

Pussy ass yellow blue bitches.
You're completely safe and you are still bitches.

Send the Flanker killer let us see it work

But you won't.
Because it doesn't work.
Seethe and suck my gripenis subhuman
It turns out that Sweden has actually offered Gripens and Ukraine has turned them down
my dad works at nintendo
>incoherent headcanon shizobable
>Combat Range: 500 Miles.
Yeah... Nope.
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>Why the fuck have we not seen any movement on Gripen being sent to Ukraine?
There was a lot of talk about it here inside sweden, but ultimately the military decided against it and the question died
>ultimately the military decided against it
>You are now aware that Sweden has 24 Gripen A/B in storage
All A/B were converted to C/D so no
>You are now aware that the Gripen is designed to be maintained by low-skill conscripts
which are coordinated/overseen by a trained technician.
Because the maintenance is done by actual maintenance personnel. Not retarded conscripts.
Saab marketing sold you the idea of an aircraft which is tailor made to operate off a FARP for a certain period of time and you brainlets extrapolated it to mean that the Gripen doesn't need real mechanics.
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That's classified for obvious reasons. The media speculated if it was ukraine saying no to them so they could mold their supply pipeline to serve more F-16's, others think it might simply be a case of sweden not being able to afford giving away fighters since the saab production line in sweden isn't active at the moment
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Sweden offered, Ukraine turned it down. They have their hands full with F-16 integration for the moment, and integrating logistics and training for 2 types of fighter jets at the same time is insane for almost any airforce
Not me. I picture a set of sparkling purple stairs every time I hear or see that word.
>You are now aware that Sweden has 24 Gripen A/B in storage

You are talking out of your ass anon, those were all converted into C/Ds or scrapped

t. worked on Gripens for 5 years
Absolutely based and would buy you a stor stark vilken dag som helst-pillrad.
The man shits himself on live tv on a regular basis
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Tack, plockade en ur kylen istället
They are getting mirage2K though
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cool info but you are an absolute coal black gorilla nigger for linking to a stock image website instead of just posting the image
lol, im in this pic (the guy replacing countermesure pods in the lower right of the fuselage)
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>classified for obvious reasons.
I don't know about obvious. They could've had the balls to publicly say why. But maybe that's not the Swedish way.

Finnish catgirl PM also wanted to look into giving Finnish F-18s to Ukraine after they get their F-35s, but FDF publicly told the dumb kot off.
Because Trump would do SO much more to strengthen Ukraine and NATO…
Gripen is the perfect jet for Ukraine's requirements, but there's not really enough of them. But you are correct, 24 Gripen a/b wouldn't hurt at all.
>Gripen is the perfect jet for Ukraine's requirements
Not really.
Ukes also refused the Australian F/A-18s

F/A-18s and Gripen are both better suited to Ukraine's needs than f-16 so obviously something happened. Like imagine if they had both the Australian and Finnish jets, we would have seen some shit months ago.
>obviously something happened
The real world is a lot more boring than conspiratard mind...
Finland isn't stupid enough to give away its airforce. They're already a top supporter of Ukraine when adjusted for GDP but they're not crippling their own defense for it.
ja jäsiken
Your pic's broken, it's not animating :(
If the maintenance load is such an issue, why is France sending a bunch of old Mirages?
Because that's just journalists presenting their wild-ass guesses as facts.
>A stint as a conscript doesn't allow you to become proficient in aircraft maintenance
finns do it
and don't cope with any exception that proves the rule bullshit
No, they dont. Most finnish air force maintenance staff is fulltime, atleast in the units I have worked with. Sure, much like here in Sweden they have conscripts doing basic tasks like refueling/rearming/helping out with basic maintenance etc, but doing heavy maintenance or any desicions related to is full time staff in both countries.
>austere conditions.
on the ramp at an airfield? That's how it looks every time my 206 gets gas, unless I'm doing it myself.
>conscript service as an assistant mechanic...
Why do you lie?
They don't train conscripts to become full-fledged aircraft mechanics.
Biden doesn't even know who's shit is in his nappy. someone else is pulling the strings.
hard to know who though when you look at his cabinet.
It is well known that Malaysia is facing issues with maintaining Russian-made Su-30MKM and is trying to get donation of ex-Kuwaiti F-18s to keep their 8 F-18D operasional because of insufficient budget. Yet Australia, which is Malaysia's ally in FPDA, refuses to provide Legacy Hornet despite the threat to Malaysia from China, and instead prefers to transfer to Canada and Ukraine.

If Australia is serious about strengthening regional defense capabilities - which is their excuse for AUKUS - against China, it should provide these aircraft to Malaysia
Sweden is sending their awacs first, then Gripens later once the UkAF gets used to having that capability
>Australian F/A-18s
Because they are almost scrap metal, but F-18 from Finland could be useful because they are in the better condition.
anon look at a fucking map
sweden can afford to give away land equipment because it cannot be invaded over land
sweden can not afford to give away its airforce because their entire defence plan hinges upon them
why the fuck would sweden donate away its entire defences and leave itself completely open to russian retaliation in the middle of an ongoing war where they have repeatedly threatened they are gonna attack sweden too?
The topic was Sweden's inactive old Gripens in storage, no?
Not anything from currently active airforce inventory.
real life isnt a video game
you cannot just do away with all your reserves and have a functioning anything
Nice ass
Holy shit that’s funny. Swedish gear is not having a good time in Ukraine
Their neighbor Finland, for a comparatively sized and relevant example, also has roughly 60 combat aircraft in active service but they don't have/need 24 outdated variants rotting away in storage.
Why would Sweden?
reserves are important anon its not something you can responsibly do away with
especially not when your opponent is genocidal russia
sweden and finland are not ruskies and none of their stuff is "rotting away" while in storage, its all maintained

they will not compromise their security, the only way sweden is giving away airframes is if the US swoops in with replacements
That's not happening.
Sweden doesn't operate American fighters, even if you offered a 1:1 trade for F-35s it would be difficult for Sweden to accept, they don't have training on the F-35 and they would need tons of ground support equipment, maintanance training, pilot training, simulators, new American munitions, etc.

They fly Gripens, it's what their airforce is built around, you can't just replace them with American jets, even if there were some available. They sure as shit aren't going to want F-16s and again they're wholly unprepared for operating F-35s at the moment.
No, it is not, because such a storage doesnt exist. There is no magical reserve of Gripens. There is 90 ish Gripen C/Ds in Swedish service and a bunch more exported. All of the old A/Bs were scrapped or converted to C/Ds a decade ago.
I'm for giving them gripen if/when they want them. well not every single gripen but still.
>tfw will never work for the military because epileptic.
Go for Pilsnar Urquell next time
literal sewage diluted with diesel and industrial waste
Not you again. Look you aren't reliably part of our human shield, okay? Indonesia, East Timor, PNG, Micronesia, Figi and the Philippines are.
They weren't. Some required some servicing, some were okay to fly. Either way, if Ukes took them they would then have an excuse to properly request Finland's so it compounds, and the point stands, they would have had them in the air eight months ago.

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