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>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous: >>62027164
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I have nothing helpful to give to Leaf bros.
But I hope your silly gob get their shit together and make you Syrup /k/ommando's lives a bit better again. The world is going to dogs, and restricting the rights of lawful gun owners is only going to make things worse.

best regards: Finn-bro
NR ARs when?
Third for disregulated sleep cycles and tomboy supremacy
Oh this gov is not getting its shit together. But they're historically unpopular and are going to get wrecked in the election next year, and the conservatives are running on repealing the gun laws. We just have to ride it out till then
This reminds me I've got a carbine class coming up soon, I've got to finish putting all my gear together
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Ty finn-bro. Buy the tooling and start making semi auto valmets again and you’d make bank in Canada. They sell for like 8000-12,000 each
Sleepin's like eatin' and shittin': I'll do it tomorrow
Seconding request for more valmets..
Every day that goes by is a day closer to the pistol thaw and ARs back on the shelves. I'm counting down till next October like an inmate counting down his sentence
What the FUCK is that plebbit mount
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is it from the same guy on gunpost?
Holy shit that’s comfy
The wild fire smoke makes me depressed
anyone else drinking yet?
that's called fog retard
luv me bolt shotguns. My Stevens 58 with the 30" barrel isn't as slick as that, but I luv it. Wish I could get my hands on a TOZ-106.
Liquor store is closed and I’m out of beer
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It was actually smoke from the fires near Fort Nelson.
Made the air taste pretty bad.
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I've been thinking about buying another Marlin55, cutting the barrel down to 18.1", and sticking an AK pistol grip + folding stock onto it to make a 12 gauge knockoff TOZ.
Its noon how the fuck is the LS closed?
I made a hard rule that I only drink on the weekends. Except for the occasional scotch, but that doesn't count because I only do it when being creative; drawing or writing.
It's fucking noon on a weekday you degenerate.
Workers went on strike
Workers at government-run liquor stores in Ontario are on strike because our premier is trying to privatise sales. Technically the strike is because the workers don't want convenience stores to be able to sell white claws and other pre-mixed drinks.
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Intersurplus just got a shipment of Swedish rifles, they've got some nice Mauser 96s in .30-06. Checked online and people say they're all dangerous and should never be fired. Are they right? I also read they were originally proofed to 100k PSI. Seems unlikely to me that big Swedish gun companies would sell exploding guns.
Just use Douggie's suspiciously-quickly-prepared liquor map:

They’re probably fine
I’ve got a Swedish mauser in .308 and the fuddlore is the same about how the action can’t handle it but it’s never been a problem
good for you anon
Ya ya, blew my shift today because i got pisstanked last night and forgot to set my alarm lol
motherfuckers eh
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Please get ahold of yourself anon
wtf is this real?
wtf is that real???????

swedish steel is absolute top tier. most of those guns are target and hunting rifles from swedish and nord country gun clubs updating and selling off rifles as a lot.
drawing and writing is for gays and women, anon.
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is it true?
anyone taken their atrs/SLR to the range and gotten in shit?
Drawing is for women, but women shouldn't even be allowed to write, thats for men and how civilized nations were formed.
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God i fuckin hate trannies, such an unhealthy lifest--
>alberta cfo heckin defends a gun righterino
I heard intersurplus ran out of the gun shit years ago and now its all scrappy poops
Theres really no way to tell though unless you buy it
It's tokenism.
He's useful like an uncle tom.
Don't quit your dayjob.
but i do get your point; men are better at basically everything, but, there are things we'd be better off not wasting our time on, that we should probably just leave to the women to do.
like making sandwiches.
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I guess it depends what anon was drawing
Why shouldnt men make sandwiches? In a relationship between a man and a woman both should be cooking and working. We wont survive as a society if we dont adopt this.
You sound like you get pegged
my mom makes me good sandwiches to take to the range
Women wouldn't need careers if they didnt crash the economy with their shit voting practices.
They would genuinely prefer to stay home raising children.
No normal well adjusted person talks about sexual fantasies of other people
Fuck off fanda
Wut? No intersurplus gets new guns all the time - you’re thinking of tradex surplus - but they did give most of their remaining inventory to intersurplus and GNG
Huh, neat. I wonder why it is that thousands of Swedish guns would come here, rather than another European country. Not that I'm complaining.
>rather than another European country
Swedish gun owners get rid of a lot of guns every year because they're limited to how many guns they can own at once. Other European countries have easy access to the same kinds of guns so there's no demand over there.
>they're limited to how many guns they can own at once.
Does this limit apply to illegal immigrants or just native born Swedes?
>they're limited to how many guns they can own at once
So we'll we, if Trudeau somehow wins/rigs the next election. They will run on limiting us to 10 guns each. Screenshot this
A picture of Krystal from StarFox lying down in a forest with a slice of cake on her bare ass.
It's in our best interest.
People will be less inclined to buy a mountain of turkshit and 22copes, and instead will want to put alot of thought into purchasing just a few high quality firearms.
There will be pseudo standardization amongst the arms of our militia.
*good shit
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>gov't regulation good
Ooooh. Yeah that makes sense in the sense that they don’t have svts and skses anymore
They do however semi frequently get finnish government surplus tikkas that were used as like police and fish cop guns
Fuck off bad bait lol
So Remington owners can actually shoot and not just take larp pics?
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How many non-registered antiques do you have /cangen/?
Should be a tallboy of 5.9% PBR but otherwise true and correct.
Like valmets, they're somthing i wish i got before all these bans, because they cost a fortune now.
having to pick only 10 guns would be absolutely soul crushing

You from the DC/Rolla area?
What? How many can you own then?
sell them and get an antique broomhandle
16 appears to be the maximum, but they seem to have some kind of weird points-based system where hunting rifles and pistols are worth a different number of points.
they probably couldnt handle spicy handloads being a mauser 93 two lug bolt with small ring receiver
GP. I just like visiting the only good part of BC.
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Showed my NR Bren 2 to some coworkers at coffee break one day. Some boomer freaked out because he thought it was a prohib and told me to hide it immediately.
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The president of Ukraine, Mr.Putin.....
>because they cost a fortune now.
the secret is to buy them in the states and import them
>told me to hide it immediately.
Hey, at least he didn't immediately call the cops on you. His heart is (probably) in the right place.
Fucking Biden lol guy is a walking corpse
Is it at least the converted 16 incher? Or the pistol one
Its my goal to do everything better than women

Gotcha! I'm one of those people sadly living in in the DC area.
A retired rcmp boomer saw my T81 and thought it was prohib but didn’t care and thought it was cool
The only thing men can't do better than women is carry babies etc.
And nagging/complaining/blaming others/avoiding responsibility, but why would a man want to?
>meanwhile our dictator is young enough to keep fucking us for decades
There's something to be said for electing declining geriatrics...
It's a converted 16 inch.
It's alot easier if your'e poor but also hate shitguns.
>nagging/complaining/blaming others/avoiding responsibility
oof, jfc does that get annoying.
I swear half the words out of my ____s mouth are just talking shit about her family and friends, and seldom is it entirely honest. she twists/adds words, changes tone, never gives anyone the benifit of the doubt.
Just straight up drags everyones names through the fuckin mudd, often seemingly just to feed some sort of victim complex, like everyone around her is dumb irrational monsters who are mistreating or oppressing her.
Is it that bad?
DC always seemed nice to me, like a smaller version of GP with more taxes.
How much should I sell my utas-15 for?
my coworkers dont even know i own a butterknife let alone guns, its only a matter of time until one of them "feels threatened" and calls the cops on your ass
my coworkers openly talk about semi-autos they've bought and what range is the best, and we discuss shooting on crown land. do you live in Vancouver, Montreal, or Toronto by chance?
you sweet summer child...
i'm 38 kek
Talking to much about shooting at work only increases the odd of you get absolutely ass blasted
based on your feelings?
my boss has a truck gun btw
yeah and how long have you had a license for?
i was like you once... all arrogant and careless but one way or another you will be humbled and learn to keep your gat discussion exclusive to your closest allies
feelings? its fucking obvious dipshit, coworkers should only know surface level shit
I've had my license since 2010
based on what?
>hiding gun culture under the surface pretending it's something bad.
i go shooting with coworkers and talk about ammo prices. i go hunting with some of them too
lol you guys are actually pretty gay
i sometimes open carry my NRs to my truck too
>coworkers should only know surface level shit
lmao watch out lads we got the bourne identity up in there
I just watch who I talk to about it but usually pretty open about it
Found out my neighbour owns guns and he showed me all of what he had. He bought $2000 worth of ammo off me the other day that I was selling for a family friend
New job has me getting my PAL/RPAL this weekend - employer recommended specifically focusing education on ammunition and mechanisms of handguns. Going through the ACT/PROVE + reading the manual now. Was an army cadet and a white trash kid, so I've meddled with firearms before, just not the official program, nor did I have any interest in any polymer guns (I like wood and manual action - mainly shot bolt rifles, double shotguns, and revolvers on crown + the farm). Beyond the basics, if anyone has any recommendations for knowledge resources for a gonk being given a company glock, it would be appreciated.
Should I strip down my p320 for parts and just sell it off that way, I really don’t like that gun
Unless it will be worth more as a full unit when the handy freeze is over?
My recomendation’s that you fuck off you newfag zogbot fudd FAGGOT
boohoo, you fool. Sorry that your job doesn't give you anything cool to do or learn. also fudd 4 lyfe - I'm browsing lever guns literally right now and you can't stop me.
>he was part of the cuckdets
Literally why?
This may sound like a retarded question but have anyone of you accidentally shot your proper centerfire rifle near a township or a city? Did you ever get caught? Asking for a friend
kek no i shot ratshot .22 in my city backyard once tho
I loved cadets man; it beat playing video games. Got yelled at a lot, learned half-assed drill, ran around crown land camping and doing field-craft shit with other teens, shot guns and fucked around at Bordon, learned history, marched in Remembrance Day parades. We weren't one of the wack groups that stood outside shoppers like a bunch of beggars and girl scouts (sorry, air cadets), we went off camping and hitting each other with sticks every weekend. Best thing I did as a teen by far. I feel bad for all the skinnyfats asking for donations in uniform outside the LCBO - hope they didn't fully pussify cadets too bad the last few years.
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yeah that sounds like a good time
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Howa AR18 converted to 180 and imported to the USA in the 60s
thought it was neat
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>shot guns
Those daisy air-rifles aren't real guns.
Now...if you happened to go to Spring Rifle, then sure you got to shot a .22 Anschutz.
>We weren't one of the wack groups that stood outside shoppers like a bunch of beggars and girl scouts
kek my corp did that despite being a "big corp". I stood at the entrance of fucking canadian tire in my quilt and glengarry during winter when it was -10. Might as well put on a clown costume instead.
>we went off camping and hitting each other with sticks every weekend
Mine only did that during seasonal FT-ex's

The only thing notable I got from Cuckdets was my DoE (Bronze and Silver)
>they didn't fully pussify cadets too bad the last few years.
I literally got RTU'd as a staff cadet in Whitehorse. Why?
Because you can't discipline the inuks (eskimoniggers) like a white cadet with PT or drill because it's "dey cultcha".
So for that reason, my base CO decided to waste taxpayer dollars to send me back because the alternative would mean having the inuks/chugs having to toughen up a bit and learn responsibility for their actions.
>tbf I did deny the authenticity of the whole residential school psyop because no bodies in the ground lel. So yeah that one's on me for showing my powerlevel

I wanted to do para badly, but because of that I decided to say fuck it, and found a part-time job instead. And it literally paid more in four days than what I got in two weeks as a staff cadet.
Damn, my condolences - I didn't see many of you quilt and glengarry types unless it was Remembrance parade. Doing fundie time looked like a shit deal. Always thought the quilt was a better pick for summertime drill for the nut breeze. And yeah, they gave everyone the daisy trainer, but I went for the marksmanship team and went to Bordon for the summer, they gave us some little .22 bolt trainers - they had some old FN's that got turned into single-shot .22's that my gf's dad remembered from when he was a cadet, which was cool. The capstone for the really good kids was you actually got to fuck on the range with a proper C7 with a 5 round pin - but again, you had to commit 2 months of your summer to it and be one of the really good kids. I wasn't quite there, I got in trouble for smuggling in Brisks I would sell for 5$/10$ a bottle to kids craving a sugar fix - I also horded the candy and good meals from the MREs and sold them for money. Some dumbfuck littered their tent and surrounding area with empty brisk bottles and sausage patty wrappers on exercise at Bordon and said he bought it from me; They didn't fucking like that hustle lol. The amount of shoulder to shoulder garbage marches we did for that was insane.
When did they stop using the C No. 7?
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That kind of makes me wonder as to when and why Cadets Canada became a civilian organization.
One rumor that I heard was some fag in Quebec mistook a live grenade for an dummy training model and fragged the classroom
The other one was because some shitlibs types found out about the organization and reeee'd "Hitler Youth" back during the Cold War era.

So yeah, I felt that I missed out on a lot and one of the reasons I said fuck it and quit, because it was just over-glorified boyscouts.
Holy shit lads, Grizzly hunts are back on the menu!
>if you suck enough government dick you'll get a license to hunt a grizzly
>oh but you have to arrive on location within 24 hours
Hope you boys don't have jobs and keep your kit together at all times, waiting by the phone for that call.
>the hunter can only pursue the bear if it is an area where hunting is already permitted.
Rip dreams of stalking maneater grizzlys in scenic banff national park.
None because I blow my money on stupid shit.
I sold my gun to a guy who paid slightly more than what I sold it for by parting it out. Still have the serialized part too. Those parts seem in high demand
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>Those parts seem in high demand

Hmmm, i wonder why?
Surely nothing wacky and uncharacteristic...
even the stripped serialized frame or whatever its called auctions off for $200 usd on gunbroker
Tweet it to estelle
Post it
any of you fags have experience carrying firearms over ferries
do they inspect your car or anything or can you just lock it up, store it somewhere where it can't be seen, and go about as usual?
Just open Carry what are they gonna do?
They only care about propane on ferries. you're good.
Okay because I still got a safe queen and I figure "it's still under amnesty" isn't going to cut it
Already did lol
Last time I took the ferry it was with my mav 88 under my seat they don’t gaf. Different if crossig a country border though of course
>Last time I took the ferry it was with my mav 88 under my seat
Something in the water we should know about?
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I work for BC Ferries. Nobody cares if they're stored safely.
Paranoia got the best of me in the end, I've got a secure location to bury it so I'm just gonna leave it there.
(the fun in question has been a safe queen since the OIC)
>She reposted it
I buried my ACR years ago, kinda wanna dig it back to sell it now lol
How is it actually? I hear some say it's trash, and other say it's amazing. Can't say I like the lack of caliberchanges when it has a heavy quick change system.
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What are these suppose to work with? They jam like crazy in my .308 rifle. Can't even squeeze out a full mag.
The fag who lost his gun in the mail and went to complain about "public safety threat" in the Toronto Star is crying about it on reddit

You’re all a bunch of filthy stinking pajeet retards. Go find a beach to shit on and stay away from the white man’s board.
What .308 rifle? Those worked fine in my Stag-10 back before the ban. Maybe they're only for AR-10 pattern rifles.
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PMAGs work just fine.
That faggot chink just fucked us big time
PMAGs are not exactly STANAG spec so sometimes one works but not the other.
Lost an arisaka in the mail lmfao
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Important question, is it still on display in Edmonton, or has it been locked away?
I've got a long weekend coming up and figure it'd be a good excuse to meet up with the m8s.
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Shitmags. Bullets easily become tilted inside the mag and that can obv cause issues with many guns.
Jam city in a Tavor7, i sold the mags. shame because 10rds of semi 308 sure sounded like alot of fun, and was fun, for the first and only outing they worked properly.

Also, to my understanding ST-25/ar-10 pattern mags are not very well standardized, so with such rifles it is common to have to test around to find out what your guns like.
Cut my foot on some glass..... FUCK
Making a Lee Enfield in .308
Pretty sure it’s locked away
Used to be at the Prince of Wales Armouries but it's been MIA for a few years.
Is that that one with the squires bingham 16 on it?
Polaks once more showing everyone else how it's done
>warning shots
I think we're well past that point now...
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You are right, hopefully they just start mowing those niggers down.
>Just imagine being on that border with a full giggle and a few dozen niggers start trying to cross and lethal force is an option. I CAN ONLY GET SO HARD
well if alberta falls, BC is next, especially as grizzly population is really becoming an issue .......
Surprised bc wasnt first (though, they havent had as newsworthy of an attack, recently) they are bretty baste as far as hunting regs go. can hunt a moose with a PCC. Only place im aware of that you can hunt bison still, too.
yeah BC hunting laws are pretty good, the grizzly ban was entirely emotional and not data or evidence driven at all, and they're already trying to walk back on it for a couple of years now, especially with a big lawsuit in the pipeline.
>It's in our best interest
>Gun controls
>Best interest
World biggest retard right here
Did you ask help everytime you use the computer or did yo do that all by yourself big boy?
Even if i had all the reaction images none would fit your stupidity, take a 3 month break from posting and reflect on your words
You are bellow redditor teir. Shut up and think
Some people have cool jobs and work with cool dudes, others not so much. Reading the room is key
Fucking chinks.
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wtf does this guy have 4 of the same LockShart rifle? Reseller? Dude is 100% stuck with those
still mad we can have guns shipped directly to our house, have fun filling out paperwork and transferring a gun at bubba's fudd shop.
Were they ever any goo
>the best solution is to murder illegals
Except they'd still just keep coming forever, because western nations bribe them. People don't risk everything crossing continents just to do menial labour somewhere else. They can often expect free or subsidized healthcare, food, and housing, plus direct financial support. They might even get to become citizens and access even more free shit. That sounds like a pretty good deal if you're starving in a mud hut.
>Except they'd still just keep coming forever, because western nations bribe them
I feel like the ethnic cleansing would stop most people from coming over.
anyone wearing a government uniform post 2020 deserves no respect
>lots of extras
its all just shit he checked the boxes for on the lockshart website, because those jews charge extra for everything, even bolthhold.
>Dude is 100% stuck with those
I am convinced there is nothing you can't move on gunpost, he will be able to sell them... if he is willing to accept a loss.
Ammo is cheap. Go back to whatever fuckhole you are from
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no, i'm not american. though i would gladly register and pay $20k for a M2 Carbine
Best rig for gen 2 pmags?
If someone took a trip to Russia and brought back a bunch of firearms, what would you buy? and for what price?
Why a chest rig? Do you not have or want plates? Anyway Velocity Systems chest rigs work just fine with gen 2s; I have a Gen V Split-Front. They're pretty damn expensive these days though.
VSS Vintorez, and i don't want to think about what i'd pay for it.
Does anyone have any recommendations for AR alternatives in leaf land? What's the closest you can get with our gay laws?
What's your budget?
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it's grim, we got a half a dozen dogshit 180 cope rifles and every else is 3k+
good morning sirs
I paid less than 2500 for my Tar-21. There’s one for 2500 on gunpost right now
Kill yourself. Now.
what did it say?
Was furry porn of some fuckong dog. You probably cant see it if youre not logged in.
you overpaid
Less than 2k ideally
This is also what I was looking for, couldn't find a concise list of stuff still available
>Less than 2k ideally
You're fucked.
Just get a Type 81 or SKS and wait for PP to get in and see if he unfucks the laws.
You can find SL8's for under 2k.
They are heavy, but they are excellent ie. not a cope gun, but a legitimate platform.
You are in Sks or bolt action territory with that budget especially if you are planning on putting anything on it like a sling
Imagine being such a faggot that you cannot make your own alcohol.

T. Has crafted mead, beer, wine, vodka & kilju before.
Only the one at this time, but I would like more.

I did move to Die Burgerreich so I can pretty much own and carry any pistol I want, that said I have a fondness for 19th century revolvers. Would like to get an aurhentic Remington New Model Army, Colt 1860 or a Starr “double action” at some point.

Kerr & Beaumont Addams revolvers are also very nice.
Thank you for your service in dealing with annoying overweight boomer tourists who clog up British Columbia’s only connection to the Island & remote coastal locales. Not to mention the services crossing Kootenay Lake.

I have brought guns on the ferry a lot actually, never had a problem. Not like it’s an airline.

That said Harbour Air is lax enough that someone could probably bring a gun on the plane without any issues.
Since moving here I have basically only done private sales where in many instances they don’t even ask to see my ID.
A Maxim

Price, I dunno, 1/16th of an acre of land.
They’re a cope gun lmao
cope for a g36 but how much are those like 8k?
The bud light is a little over the top
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>Liberal party shills and NPCs are claiming that the media is controlled by the Cons
You can't make this shit up. What fucking reality do these retards live in?
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odd question but does anybody know which gas station's premium gas is 100% gasoline w/ no ethanol? can you even get that anymore?
pic for guns
>not a cope gun
Even kingcobrajfs can make his own mead
No, it's federal law that gas must have a certain amount of ethanol. The actual percentage varies by province because the provinces mandate more than is federally required.
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Ethanol has very good anti-detonant qualities which makes it desirable in high octane fuel. That's why many tuners prefer E85 over gasoline for high power engines. Some dragsters run on pure alcohol.

You want ethanol in your gas if your car requires premium. I'd avoid any fuel that doesn't have ethanol in it.
What a fucking monster. The cheap costume and wig aren't helping much either.
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I know all that. Do you know why I would want ethanol free gas?
What can you buy in Canada that isn't a cope gun?
Armalite AR-180B although I guess some might consider that a cope
If you haven't already "got yours", you're going to have to cope. This applies to pretty much everything in Canada.
how deep are your pockets
ar-180b is the worst version of the ar-18 yet still lightyears ahead of any 180c made in canada
>This applies to pretty much everything in Canada.
I fuckin hate this "country"
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Smells amazing though
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turns out you can still get "E0" and it's available in AB at Co-op and Flying J.
vehicles were originally designed for leaded fuel. they had high compression engines, mechanical fuel pumps and carburetors. Ethanol doesn't play nice with carburetors and it evaporates at lower temperatures, leading to vapour lock.
>tin foil hat on
Gov't wants you to have computer controlled cars that can be remotely shut down and locationally limited.
Yeah i run e85 in my woods truck that i use to get to my shooting/camping spot
HCARs/BARs, precision bolt guns, Tavors, OG armalites, Stoner 63s (robinson expiditionary rifle), Famaes, Type 81s arguably if they’re straight, fs2000s, g36s, ACRs. Those are the guns as far as I’m aware that are modern enough military rifles to not be cope.
Anyone with a newer vehicle should look into where the telematics module is and disconnect power to it. This may or may not cause codes to pop up. There’s tons of information about how vulnerable modern vehicles are.
It's a civilian version of the g36 wtf is wrong with you people?
Poorfag noguns gtfo my general.
Shelf life?
Atleast, thats why i want it. Ethanol reduces the shelf life of gasoline.
But, if thats the concern you should be trying to switch over to diesel everything, its more efficient, more shelf stable(i think). and you can make your own biodiesel.
Yes, i am straight and not gay and my jerry cans are yellow.
>buys poorfag cope gun
>calls others poor
Lol. Lmao even.
You dumbass. You complete imbecile. You absolute baffoon.
If there are any gamers ITT who wanna play something free and decent look up Xdefiant
No way fag.
I'll stick to playan Quake II
I dont know what thats supposed to mean brother, its a fun game and its for free
Cope more
don’t forget belt feds
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Type 81
Bren 2
These are really helpful, thanks guys
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Does anyone knowwhat kind of gun Trump was shot with?
Nobody knows shit right now, but you can hear the cracks before the bangs in the video - extrapolate from that what you wish about the distance of the shooter from Trump.
There were also a second volley of shots after the initial ones from a different location
>There were also a second volley of shots after the initial ones from a different location
that was the shooter being neutralized
I'm guessing a suppressed .22 LR
Holy fuck Trump got shot, for real
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hello fren it was me who would always call your car a thunderbird and u were very patient with me
Shooter's position was from outside the rally, and a witness claims to have seen a rifle so it was probably a typical 5.56 or something.
A 5.56 would've domed him. The impact to his barely drew any blood, I'm guessing some kind .22 short or maybe 22 lr. Wouldn't be surprised if it's also one of those new air rifles
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It was bigger than .22lr some unlucky guy in the stands took the round and died another couple inches over and trump would have caught it in the Magic T. Is this a sign from God?
just the top of his ear
He really took it like a man. That was some real Teddy Roosevelt energy.

Also why are mods deleting all threads about it?
It just clipped his ear. You can’t draw any caliber conclusions.
I didn't know that it clipped him. Holy cow
When he raised his arm and started saying "fight, fight" that was some fuckin lengandary shit. Im voting Trump
But you're Canadian...

Or are you...?
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>those hips
confirmed trans
Sure seems suspicious
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Absolutely kino

I'm more of a Hulk Hogan appreciator.

.223/5.56 FMJ, still a .22 caliber and FMJ would just pass straight through his ear like it did.
Very true. I saw it on my phone and it sounded like a .22 to me. I got back home and watched it on my computer with better audio and it immediately sounded like a suppressed AR
I thought it was a 10/22 or some other 22lr
like a squires bingham 16
but for real, it was just probably because of the distance between the cameras and the shooters location
Interesting timeline we’re in. Inches the other way and electric boogaloo2 could of kicked off tonight.

Trump turned his head just as the shot was fired. It was the only thing that saved his life.
Good timeline restored
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If true this seems like more than incompetence
Shooter might have been on the bottom-left building, making it a much further shot.
Doesn't sound like .22. I'm guessing 5.56.
bottom left is allegedly around 270 yards vs the 150 yard distance above that. Shooter probably used 223 but he wouldn't have missed with 308
Yeah bottom left seems more likely from some of the pictures I’ve seen. The incompetence part is on the security planning, or at least the execution of the security, for the event.
Definately not .22lr if it yeeted the woman in the crowd center of mass
So, while this is going on, what would be the best calibre to minecraft Justin? My vote is .303 from a Long Branch Lee-Enfield. Would be poetic.
>wouldn't have missed with 308
The shooter's aim was pinpoint except Trump turned his head at the last second.
I doubt it was wind that caused the miss, windy app is calling 5-6 mph winds in the area. It’s not 100% accurate but that’s not much wind. 6.5 would of bucked the wind better then 308 anyway at the end of the day.
Broken tooth or what’s going on there?
They probably butt stroked him on approach
What’s that in Km/hr this is a Canada thread
Don't you have a burger to choke on, fatty?
Damn this made me think about reading storm of steel where Jünger's buddy gets shot by a sniper and he couldn’t help him. Jünger vowing to shave every day so he wouldn’t leave behind an unkempt corps when it’s his turn go like his buddy did.(paraphrased)
Distance in meters
Wind in miles
Turrets in MRAD
Sizes in mm

If you know you know, that’s just the way she goes man.
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Probably a .223 / 5.56mm
I'd say some regular ol chinky stinky from a VZ
That’s stupid
His head barely moved, there's no way that threw the shot off.
Dudes heart rate was probably going crazy not controlling breathing and having a massive adrenaline rush
How far was the shot to begin with?
We'll probably get the details in a few days to a couple weeks, I doubt we'll know before then
Though WAPO is saying the shooter was outside the rally venue, in an elevated position, so it was a decent distance. Piece of shit killed a rallygoer with his shots. Interested to know whether Secret Service counter-sniped him or assaulted his position
250ish meters if it’s the lower left building from >>62069842
40.8571487, -79.9707530 gets you closeish to the podium if you want to check out your favourite mapping app.
*Seems* like they counter-sniped. There's footage where you can see one of the snipers firing back almost the instant Trump is hit, and it seems like the shooter went down very quickly. (I've also seen alleged info from the sniper in question on Twitter but IDK if it's legit.)
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>When he raised his arm and started saying "fight, fight"
There are 100% going to be revenge killings for this, aren't there? I wonder if some magatard is going to try and pop Biden in retaliation
>mfw sitting here with my PC and rifle just waiting for the continent to descend into total war
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Keep your god damn face on the rifle
I mean this nigger has a kill, probably more than most of us can say. Historical kill too, imagine one of the notches on your rifle is for a presidential assassin
Maybe it was him, maybe it was the other guy in the rooftop, maybe it was one of the other counter snipers elsewhere. There was 2-3 shots that were likely the shooter then 2-3 shots that were likely the cops. Buddy on the tripod was not stable if he got off a shot and looks like he basically 360 no scoped him if he’s the shooter. The other guy on the roof doesn’t look like he cycles the bolt, can’t imagine him not having one in the chamber but i doubt he got more then one off before both of them were getting back into cover.
Were those guys up there the whole speech or did they move into position once they started getting reports of sketchy shit?
Looks to me like the police shooters were actively looking for a target, tripod dude was either talked on or found the other dude himself, questioned it and broke his position to get a better look with his eyeballs, is that a cop? Is that just a random dude on a roof for some reason? Is that the gunman i’m looking for? Shit those are incoming rounds!
Yeah maybe he’s the guy that shot the other dude in the neck
What's up fellow Canuckers. I'm Canadian like you guys. What's popping.
I'm pretty sure thats Chris Kyle.
Definatly got the kill then.
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shit, forgot pic
It's been confirmed the shooter was a trans individual who went by the name of "Blaze" Schneider.
>Canadians are talking about Americans
Whoa, holy fucking wow.
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Pic for comparison.
Loooks like he may have died his hair a bit darker and got a tattoo, but its 100% him.
>see's a white guy with a beard
OMG guys it's literally that one dead person!
You know he got blapped by a schizo, right
That was a coverup, he obv got a new identity when he became a presidential counter sniper.
It would have been a waste to let him die out in a desert somewhere, he had a higher calling.
I just noticed your file name now, I regret falling for your shenanigans
Yeah, it was a 1911 45 acp too
Only retards use jpgs do better next time
You do own a .300wm, right anon?
PNG is only worth the extra file size i(which can be as much as 10x or more) f you plan to edit a pic or move it around a bunch.
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>You do own a .300wm, right anon?
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If you dont own a 45 acp 1911 you are a fag
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chekd, but, nah
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>I did move to Die Burgerreich so I can pretty much own and carry any pistol I want,
did you follow pic related?
>Chekd but nah
You definitely got tricked into sucking your big brothers dick
He didn't trick me; he held his Colt, government model, 1911 in .45acp with a slick piano black finish, loaded with Buffalo Bore blue&yellowbox +P outdoorsman 255gr hardcasts; to my dick and tried to force me.
Thankfully, i knew of the historically poor reliability of such firearms and managed to sneak attack him with some fine grain pocket sand.
Confident the firearm was seized, i easily escaped to tell mom and he got took into child protective services.

Ever since then ive been a Beretta man
Loved him in American Sniper, great movie

i have a .22, a 9mm, and a 10mm 1911, but no .45.
Benelli MR1
Overheats easily and zero wanders a bit, but goddamn reliable and never breaks.
Buy the aftermarket tri-rail for the handguard.
expensive for what it is
Bienvenue au Canada.
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how did these digits occur
Why you put gun on shoes?
Is the carpet dirtier then than your shoes? Or do you just want to show off your shoes?
He intends on shooting himself in the foot.
i guess i'm avatar-fagging
anyone in need of a kitter? im making them
gotta at least post 1 piece of kit to get one made
yes i am a RCMP agent datamining retards that dont go outside
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Holy mother of God those digits
>just buy a time machine bro
Fuck off, I was months away from buy a 1911 and SAA before Trudeau ruined everything
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I got a Stiga M96 sporter in .30-06 and I just shoot the PPU M1 Garand non-spicy loads through it. No issues

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