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>burma rebels drone drop bombs on junta helicopter evacuating the families of their top generals

uh, is it a good idea to still try to fly that helicopter?
Depends. The boom was to the side. if the tail was ok, it should be fine. For now.
>junta helicopter evacuating the families of their top generals
How fucked must they be to even be in this situation
Probably a better idea than hanging around.
How's the situation there now? Rebellion big enough this time for the junta to not have any way to worm out of the situation anymore?
Dying in a chopper crash is probably better than the fate the rebels have in store for them
>read up on myanmar civil war
>still have no idea what the fuck is going on
Gemstones, anon

Russia encourages commies to take back control. Commie military takes back control and throw Aang in prison which is not very popular. Minorities get ethnic cleansing flashbacks and form anti-government factions. China says they want a piece of the action too and send SVDs. China realizes they fucked up as Chinese supported forces go rogue and China awkwardly backs out. Every faction agrees that they have their differences but mutually all want the new commie government to burn in hell so they work together to topple the government. Junta panicking because nobody not in the top 1% of the populace likes having murderous neo-nazi commies in control of the entire country. Is this accurate?
The thing you need to know that russia supports junta and the civilized world supports the rebels.
>evacuating the families of their top generals
Oh shit, it's that bad for them already? Can we go back to calling it Burma?
>junta happens
>country goes to shit
>junta goes, ok, you can have election, but we're still in charge
>fast forward, junta's party loses big
>junta flips table and coups, with china's blessing
>junta goes full pol pot, china washes its hands
>rebels everywhere
>junta losing big (you are here)
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>neo-nazi commies
like racist commies or what?
I think Myanmar is actually the based, independent name, and Burma is the old one iirc. I could be wrong
Like classic South-east asian pol pot genocide with thousands of childrens skulls buried in an open grave in a jungle and commies running through villages mowing families down type shit
Like one ethnicity of locals purging others. You wouldn't even be able to tell one from another. Think Hutu and Tutsi during Kongo wars.
I think it went a bit like this:
>British Empire left the place after WWII
>commie insurgents, ethnic conflict, instability everywhere
>junta coups government, sort of stabilizes country for a few decades by killing whoever they don't get along with
>eventually allows managed democracy with junta having various permanent special emergency powers
>genocide and assorted killings by military continue, elected government gets a lot of shit for that internationally but they can't do anything without getting couped
>junta and allies lose 2020 election badly
>junta arrests opponents, declares result invalid, basically pulling yet another coup anyways
>most of country's many ethnicities now very fucking done playing democracy with the junta
There's also all sorts of shady business going on with the neigboring countries, but basically it's in failed state mode right now. Some of the ethnic militias have allied with each other and are openly attacking the junta all over the country.
Don't forget China sending undercover police and junta torture/rape/killing them. Not necessarily in that order.
Do you think the copper will fly?
At first I though that the tail rotor is done, but it seems stable before the cut.
Fancy PoliSci legalese for warring monkey tribes
Like jewish nazi
Didnt they also do a cross border raid and enslave a couple thousand chinks?

Same, I still have no idea what the fuck the junta's endgame is supposed to be. Not even economic prosperity, just power for the sake of power??
So, israelis?
Roots in Decades-Long Ethnic Tensions: The war technically began in 1948, after gaining independence, with ethnic groups fighting for autonomy from the Bamar-dominated central government.
Military Rule and Missed Opportunities: A military coup in 1962 worsened the situation. Despite a 2011 shift towards democracy, the military retained power and committed human rights abuses against minorities like the Rohingya.
2021 Coup and Escalation: The February 2021 coup by the military junta, known as the State Administration Council (SAC), ignited widespread protests. A brutal crackdown forced the opposition to form a shadow government, the National Unity Government (NUG), and a militia, escalating the conflict.
The current situation involves the NUG, allied with major ethnic armed groups (EAOs), fighting the SAC. Millions are displaced due to the violence. There's no end in sight to this complex conflict.
>jewish nazi
its easier and shorter to just say "nazi".
As I see it, the majority Bamar ethnicity wants the junta to take over the country so they could protect them against the other Myanmar ethnicities.


This will never get old
Why does China not simply intervene and annex them? not like anyone would do anything about it, it would give them a new front to pressure india from, strengthen their claim to Arunachal Pradesh and it would give their utterly green army some actually combat experience.

It seems like the perfect practice war, dropped right onto their border.

Would ruin their image of not getting involved in other countries' conflicts (and even if they were invited, it'd be done by the junta which wouldn't look good). Also if they were to fuck up and get stuck like Russia in Ukraine it'd ruin their plans of invading Taiwan.
Because China's army is just as corrupt as Russia's.
yea exactly, that would be awesome
Image in the video of the Ukraine war, but instead of Ukraine and Russia its China and Burma and the conflict is utterly inhuman in nature.
>Would ruin their image of not getting involved in other countries' conflicts
How's that going on with Ukrainian war?
>the conflict is utterly inhuman in nature.
Can it get much worse?
>Not even economic prosperity, just power for the sake of power??
in non-democratic regimes, individual power is greater than the law, because there is no law; it's all feudal
people who want non-democratic regimes all think they can get more out of such a regime than if they had law and order
basically political anarcho-capitalism

that's why such regimes are popular with feckless turdies; they're uneducated and lazy and wouldn't be anything in a proper society
corollary: that's why such regimes keep the standards of education and prosperity minimal, because to educate and prosper the common folk would be to destroy the very thing that keeps the regime in power.

the movie Idiocracy is far more applicable to such regimes than to OECD countries. films like Idiocracy wouldn't be allowed in such regimes, because it cleaves too close to the truth!
>would give their utterly green army some actually combat experience.
I'd reckon they sent out some of their glowies for exactly that.
>what the fuck the junta's endgame is supposed to be

at this point, they're trying to not get killed. if they lose, they and their families are likely dead or imprisoned. so, they'll fight until the end unless a country gives them sancturary
All the Ukraine shit, nobody wants to talk about the war in Myanmar which has been going on for 5 years.
Seems like it would turn all the bumese against them and they would end up in an unpredictable and messy situation
Regimes like this end up existing just to keep the leaders alive. If the government somehow changes the old leaders will get killed.
I wonder if the rebels can go as far as Yangon, or Naypyidaw even with the way things going.
The situation in Myanmar was always very complicated because you've got Chinese, Russian, western coalition, Asian regular, irregular, ethnic, narco and trans national insurgents all packed in together. Oh and refugees, IDP, POW, political gulag etc
Burma is what the white people called it.
Feed me blood diamonds!
Aberknazi Jews
Where tf is Siam? I wish "people" would stop renaming shit.
How dare place names change, it's Unga Bunga forever
It's not an insurgency/ counter insurgency conflict. The border regions are dominated by narcotraffickers, many are ethic. It's the third of the golden triangle that the Americans couldn't beat.

The junta has support from the West because they oppose the Chinese. The Russians are the juntas soft option, a lot of the juntas heavy weapons are Russian origin, the UN just dumped a million refugee niggers in the west of Myanmar to fuck the place up. Thailand is also run by a junta (fun fact) and the Thai monarchy has close ties to ethnic groups who live between the regions. So Thailand and Myanmar are surprisingly OK.

Myanmar India, definitely not OK. And that's the part of India the Indians don't really control. Three ethnic cleansing on the Indian side, three on the Myanmar side. North West Myanmar is 8ball country, so remote that nobody is really able to do anything there. The Chinese are trying to build an invasion route into India, one of 6 the Chinese are building into India.

As a rule, what appears on the surface to by military conflict is often local politics done with AKs. Sometimes big uncle, the colonel, AKs. The history is so complex that if you want to know if violence is ideological or financially motivated you'd have to ask the individual guy with the AK
Siam was changed to Thailand before you were born (1939)
Burma was changed to Myanmar in 1989 (also before you were born)
>The junta has support from the West because they oppose the Chinese.
what motivates this claim
>The junta has support from the West because they oppose the Chinese
Nta but didn't the junta hire some Israeli-based lobbyist group to convince the US gov to support them during the coup fiasco? They certainly tried to reach out at one point at least. Though overall I have no idea what their allegiances are in terms of foreign entity atm.
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How long can the junta last? On every livemap they are getting rekt. And who does Russia and China support?
>civilized world supports the rebels
If only, the west was trading with Burma until 2018, I guess they figured the first 70 years were fine but 71 was just too much.
>who does Russia and China support?
Whoever is winning.
>who does Russia and China support
russia directly supports junta with military equipment and economical basis, but it's not going well as you can see. Also I think this whole junta thing is russian attempt at settling another puppet state.
Or, more likely, an attempt to fuck up Chinese plans in Myanmar.
All you need to know is Karens are based and bro-tier
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Because it's convoluted as hell. Beside Myanmar anon, no one here is brown enough to fully understand and actually follow the conflict. The rebels side alone involves hundreds of ethnic group and god knows how many armed group with different plan varying between "we're the good guys" Mandalay and "let's shoot bunch of teachers on the back of the head for supporting the junta" SAC and PDF. Look at the state of this thread, retards arguing which side supporting who when in reality all the major country did is just sending thought and prayers.
>>62052140 <- this

I live in the SEA and nobody knows what's going on
the junta is a hotbed for organised crime and drugs, and allowed the kidnapping of many people from surrounding countries to operate their scam call centers, this is a big reason why nobody supports them despite China being on the other side of the equation

get in line, the Ukraine was has been going on since 2014
>5 years
It has practically been going on for 5 decades.
China supports whoever controls the jade mines
Russia supports whoever controls the oil fields
chinks could bring cannibalism
Well, they did send Rambo back in 2007 or so.
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Syria vibes
Question to Myanmar anon:

Why the fuck did the junta and enslave thousands of ethnic Chinese in scam centers, did they think they would get away with it?
This does make me wonder, could China annex them with evil HATO wectoid's blessings? Like, go to the UN and give some impassioned speech about how the violence and the killing needs to stop, and China will stabilize the region and rebuild infrastructure etc, even throw the UN a bone in feeling relevant by saying "UN can help with peacekeeping after the annexation to make sure there's no funny business", or hell, even invite them into the initial invasion too and pinky promise "we totally won't displace native cultures deliberately" (but if they just so happen to get a 9000% increase in Chinese cultural propaganda it's purely in the name of rebuilding :^) honest ok China wants to help hehe)

Think Xi could keep the corruption and looting at western-approved levels until the area was stabilized? Or would it immediately just become another hotbed of insurgency because the country is effectively being looted by China?
Then theyd have to actually do it and thats a huge can of worms to open up on an untested army that youre trying to hype up.
no way
>some iraq/afghanistan tier police action
people wouldn't like it but probably won't give enough of a shit to do anything about it
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>go to the UN and give some impassioned speech about how the violence and the killing needs to stop
Myanmar is a ridiculously small prize for China to give up its current advantage of looking like the harmless guy defending the multipolar world against the evil Americans and their imperialist allies

every nation around the region and the US and its allies are just waiting for China to pull something like that so we can scream TOLD YOU THEY'RE EVIL CONQUERING BASTARDS
regardless of the truth, we're in a situation now where any kind of perceived annexation is regarded badly, for better and worse. mainly because for the past 20 years the world has been flooded with propaganda from all sides that attacking a country is le bad!!

>people wouldn't like it but probably won't give enough of a shit to do anything about it
not to the extent of sanctions, but it would destroy their credibility (such as it is)
The Chinese were asking for it.
>Can you please get rid of these scammers who've been scamming our people
>Also we saw you getting chummy with the Democratic Alliance Army so we're going to conscript them

How it started: easy coup against the undefended country popular president. Installed a military junta in her place.

How it went: got some half assed support from china and Russia while loads of people protested. They shot at protesters and the protests became armed rebellions.

How it is going: now former protestors and ethnic minorities have a bunch of rebel armies fighting the government, the government controls really barely half the country but they still have solid control over the main ports and bigger cities.
Military junta has Russian jets and much better equipment as well as it is now conscripting lots civilians.
Rebels are assassinating junta officers in their city strongholds and using guerrilla tactics in the countryside.
Russia is still supporting the junta but now china is heading it's bets and has created a Chinese ethnic rebel army near the Chinese border that is taking control of territory from both the junta and other rebels while also still sending some support to the junta.
Thailand is confused because they are also a military junta but don't want to piss off the west as they really need the tourism so they are just being neutral but still block weapons shipment to the rebels. However it is clear that they are afraid of a rebel victory bringing back democracy as they might be next.

Overall the junta control is quite stable over what they control now but the war is sapping their military power and the economy is ruined. The currency is shit and the banks are frozen.
I'm just going to say it, virtually everything punished by the irrawaddy is untrue. It's anti junta properganda written by refugees. Half the time they're lying, the other half the time they just don't know.
I like how the motion blur implies that the car is going sideways
>t's anti junta properganda
sounds like something junta propagandists would say
It is an absolute mess. From glancing through Wikipedia, seems there could be 100+ ethnicities involved, most of which can be grouped into eight larger peoples. Some northern ones have connections with ethnic groups in China, while some of the eastern ones are related to Thai peoples.
The remaining junta territory roughly matches the area inhabited by the Bamar ethnic group, which is (very) roughly the area once held by the old Kingdom of Pagan/Bagan (849–1297). They probably have more support there.
It might still survive as some sort of rump state if it doesn't fall to this shitshow, or internal problems.
Stop talking in meme speak, Westerners barely have an interest to begin with and when you layer obfuscation over top I just have to assume you're talking nonsense out of a lack of care to decode it.

The old junta was described as "astrological totalitarian Marxists" so you can imagine your calssic military dictator but he believes in the horoscope and fortune tellers way too much and he likes to pretend he is a commie to the poor people while also being hyper capitalist for himself and his cronies.
Civil wars inside the civil war?
>Chinland Council/Chin Brotherhood Alliance
>Shan State army North/South
>Kachin Indepedence Army/New Democratic Army Kachin
etc. Crazy shit.
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>And who does Russia and China support?
China supports the Wa state, another faction in the country about the size of Belgium. They make more meth than anyone else in the world and use it to fund their schools, roads ect. In exchange for making sure none of their meth makes it into China China gives them helicopters, anti air guns, cell towers and infrastructure. They have better plumming in Wa state than the Burmese capital has. This agreement has been going on for about 30 years or about 50 years depending on if you count the time the northern Wa state was occupied by communist China.

China also supports various other rebel groups on their border in order to maintain stability and shut down scam sites. There was a couple facilities on the border that had been luring Chinese, Lao, and Thai citizens in with offers of well paying call center jobs and then harvesting their blood and selling it. The Chinese media went APESHIT about this, and several ethnic militias saw an opprotunity to shut down the scam sites the Junta has allowed to opperate and get free guns and support from China.

If you want to learn more about Burma I would reccomend Narcotopia by Patrick Winn or for a deeper less sexy look into Burma and all the ethnic groups we still see fighting today check out Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency since 1948.
>"astrological totalitarian Marxists"
Like "We've got to kill all Scorpios because they're bourgeois class traitors" ?
>nobody wants to talk about the war in Myanmar
Because we know nothing about it
Based on what I've heard, that wouldn't even be completely unrealistic.
Sounds more like a white womanocracy
>If you want to learn more
sounds depressing enough as it is
This war is so fucking bizarre, I love it
Half of the things in this thread sound straight out of some bad fiction
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red guys = bad
this is the only necessary information
>Khmer Rouge but in Burma and led by a crazy white woman
Kino. Anyone here have a charismatic aunt we can send to Indochina?
>sending in crazies to destabilize countries like Krauts did with Lenin
Is this how WW3 starts?
>destabilize countries
Might be pissing in an ocean of piss in this case.
Narcotopia can be depressing at times, but learning about the Wa state is fascinating. They went from a headhunting tribe to the reason for the opioid epidemic in America for instance. All that heroin in Veitnam that GIs got hooked on? Grown by Wa on their hills. The "China white" that hit the streets in the 80s and made it into every cop flick and action movie at the time? Wa heroin, best in the world.

Where it gets crazy is when Wa state burns all their opium fields in order to get the DEA off their backs sometime in the 90s. Just sets the worlds opium supply up in smoke. The leaders of the Wa decided to produce meth pills instead, and lock down supply lines to ensure that meth never made it into China or the US. Good luck getting congressional funding for a massive opperation to shut down meth labs that have never sent a single spare ounce of meth to American soil.

This podcast with the author and two war journalist is a pretty great primer on both Burma, the drug trade that is motivating a lot of the factions in the civil war today, and the Wa state.
Gossip on Myanmar is like a swap, you just have to wade through it rather than examine it. It's a very strong feature of the culture, same as Nigeria
>the reason for the opioid epidemic in America
is that we just gave up on policing that shit

>The "China white" that hit the streets in the 80s and made it into every cop flick and action movie at the time? Wa heroin, best in the world.
I thought it was Thai
but nah, drugs is depressing shit for me
A lot of the posts here have focused on Chinese / Russian / Thai viewpoints on the conflict but how does India see it?
Wa state as far as I can tell from the murky reporting in that region has honored their agreements with the Junta. They are allowed to function as their own nation with their own roads, schools, flag and army and in exchange the junta gets to pretend like that area, which has never in history been controlled by Burma but the british mistakenly marked as Burmese, is still totally under their control and part of their sovereign nation.
Oh fuck someone said Wa
Thread over
British colonial country with dozens of ethnic groups. Minority groups eventually got sick of the majority group (Bamar) stepping over them and tried to become independent, army took over to stop this and brutally ruled the country for decades, they eventually let democracy come back in 2010s with some caveats that they expected would let them stay in control, these caveats ended up not being enough because the military has zero outside support so they decided to take back over and abolish democracy, mass rebellions broke out and after a few years of struggling now seem to be on track to kick the junta out of non-Bamar ethnic lands, if not take over the country.
>Didnt they also do a cross border raid and enslave a couple thousand chinks?
It's funnier than that; Chinese organized crime has a huge cross-border presence in the north where they operate, among the usual gangster things (gambling, sex trafficking, organ harvesting, etc.) HUGE call centers that they use to scam Chinese citizens, mostly the elderly. To staff these call centers they've abducted, tricked or trafficked literally hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens into showing up there and then enslave them. The local authorities are completely in their pocket and the CCP really, REALLY doesn't want to touch this shit-show with a ten-foot pole for a number of reasons so their approach to dealing with this has been both domestic and lackluster.
>I thought it was Thai
Before the Wa built their own refineries the opium was trafficked by Wa warlords and the Taiwanese KMT to Thailand where it was refined into heroin. That podcast I linked is fascinating and does a good job explaining most of the situation and telling a story that has deeply affected America but we have never heard.
There have been some cross-border spillover incidents, plenty of refugees, and at least once episode where a few hundred junta soldiers walked across, surrendered and demanded asylum.
India's been fencing off the border to prevent more spillover and to control the refugee flow.
I think they'd prefer to just stay out of this cluster fuck, especially as the Indian-held Manipur State near Burma already has its own stability issues.
>sex trafficking
aren't Thais and Viets far more numerous than either Chinese or Myanmarese?
Three ethnic cleansing on the Indian side, modi could lose the whole lot. Western forces doing OT to keep the Chinese from rolling manipur. That at least it's genuinely the Chinese doing. India concern is military, if the Chinese sneak through the Himalayas the US might not be there to repel them, Chinese could legitimately take the whole of East India.

Last time China invaded India (yes) it took a US carrier group, actually two and a strategic air wing in Korea to make the Chinese reconsider. The Chinese withdrew voluntarily. The Chinese have 6 different ways to invade India and 3 would tend to rely on moving assets through Myanmar
Pretty sound take. Similar story to India except the independent government was insular, regressive and ended up with a banana economy
>aren't Thais and Viets far more numerous than either Chinese or Myanmarese?
I was talking specifically about Chinese gangs trafficking Chinese citizens into Myanmar. From what I understand most of the sex trafficking is internet-related, webcam stuff.
Uh.... that bottom bit. And the grey bit. You know that's a really funny part of the world. Why is it the shape of waking?

Wasn't one of the cities where the scamming activities was concentrated on basically a modern day wild west?
Bamar girls are pixie cute
bet they'd do anything
but trying to keep one would be like keeping an orangutan
>who does Russia and China support?
Russia supports the Junta while China seems to be on the fence after they found out that the Junta kidnapped tens of thousands of Chinese citizens and forced them to work at scam call centers, one of the rebel groups fighting the junta is the MDNAA and they are basically a Chinese proxy.
Yep. Can't remember the name of it but it was basically Roanapur-tier.

>Western forces doing OT to keep the Chinese from rolling manipur

Wait I'm confused, you mean Western forces as in USA and friends? If yes, I have difficulty understanding how they'd fit into Indi's (justified) border insecurities.
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>how does India see it?
India has had a big issue with sepratist terrorist in the last decade or so, to the point where they assassinated that one Canadian Sikh sepratist on Canadian soil in front of a church. Nagaland has always been a difficult area for India to maintain control of as the people share nothing in common with the rest of India. Check out this photo of the ethnic people of Nagaland and you will understand what I mean by that. Nagaland sepratist have taken a lot of area on the burmese side of the border from the junta, and are likely using that as a base of opperations free of Indian scrutiny. This hasn't reached boiling point yet but is a very interesting talking point when it comes to the civil war.

The more interesting bit is if Bangladesh will get involved with the civil war. The Burmese Junta trafficed so much meth into their country that they basically started a drug epidemic in a muslim nation that previously had none. The Junta has also made it a habit of genociding the Rohingya muslims, which flee to Bangaldesh creating another crisis. How much longer will Bangladesh allow this? Who knows.

Wait nevermind, I was stupid and didn't read your post to the end before writing my stupid reply.

But still, I have an image that India relies on itself for its border security. Every now and then you see articles about India building infrastructure on the China-India Himalayan border regions, it gives a strong image that Western forces have no stake in it. The carrier groups you mentioned, I've never read of those hanging around India as a deterrent, at most I hear about multinational fleet exercises.

Also this is the best thread on /k/ right now, god bless Myanmar anon(s)
>Also this is the best thread on /k/ right now
The thread about the current round of gang wars in the outback is breddy gud as well. Literal stone-age warfare going on out there.
Bangladesh has its own problems
I used to work briefly with an overall decent expat from there who used to buy suitcases of Head n Shoulders on her trips home, because you can't buy actual shampoo (of that quality and quantity at that price) in Bangladesh
>Rohingya muslims
Speaking of them. How far did the genocide end up going? Are there really any of them left in Burma?

Also you mentioned the different routes that China could use to invade India, it made me think about India's relations with its neighboring countries like Tibet and Maldives (and Indian cultural sphere of influence in general). Maldives latest election turning from pro-Indian to pro-Chinese was widely written about in news, and while I hear about Nepal less often it gives me an image of a country that could (or already has) turn away from Indian influence to India's disadvantage. Is India afraid of things like Chinese military bases in nearby countries?

Isn't the junta literally conscripting the Rohingya right now?
>The thread about the current round of gang wars in the outback is breddy gud as well
>How far did the genocide end up going?
Almost impossible to know since nobody cares to keep track. We don't really know how many there was to start with, how many died, or how many have been scattered across the world as they don't have passports they can't legally enter countries to make it onto the official records.

The Junta is attempting to conscript everyone they can atm. I can't imagine giving guns to random folks and telling them to go fight will lead to anything but those people dropping their guns over to the rebels and fleeing at the first opprotunity but who knows.
>Slowly getting genocided by the very country you attempted to genocide
>Wannabe dictator you propped up getting BTFO by toys
>Your previous vessel states now own you
>Bring up the Jews as an attempt to divert attention from yourself
>Self replied with the most forced /pol/gressive talking point.
Within 50 years there will be a new field of study in biology dedicated to understand the physiology and psychology of homo erectus vatnikgeroid in order to be more effective at exterminating the remaining population in the wild.
And she keeps fit too! I hope she made it.
Where the stork picks up siamese twins.
This guy is correct, China's whole stance is 'we let everyone do whatever the fuck they want to do within their own borders because we don't believe in 'international laws and norms' (defined by filthy western propagandists who try to keep might China down since the 19th century). That's why they can lure such diverse bedfellows into their camp, and try to make Belt and Road and BRICS a thing: a China dominated world is one in which you can commit whatever crime against humanity you want to do in your country. And key to that is China being passive as fuck with its interventionism (Taiwan is different exactly BECAUSE they consider it a domestic affair, Taiwan is chinese clay and hence nobody else should be allowed to have any say in what happens with it).

China suddenly launching an invasion into Birma would basically out them as having the same foreign policy as the western block, namely trying to enforce its own norms outside of their own country and could potentially disrupt the ragtag alliance that is camp-China fundamentally. Fucking Birma isn't worth such a thing to China
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Seems weird. The Communist Party of Burma fought an insurgency against the Tatmadaw for years. A lot of them were wiped out and then fractured along ethnic lines once the USSR imploded and communism was on its way out worldwide. I think that's why a lot of the rebel groups have communist-looking flags, their origins were in splinter groups from the old CPB which then reactivated after the coup.

>The CPB had carved out this territory with direct support from Beijing, but this was eventually withdrawn and the group collapsed along ethnic lines in 1989, when ethnic minority foot soldiers revolted against their Bamar officers. The split gave birth to some of Myanmar’s most powerful ethnic armed groups still operating today, like the United Wa State Army and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army.


>The Karen nationalist movement has its own divisive history with communism. A leftist faction called the Karen National United Party, based in the Ayeyarwady delta, allied with the CPB and other likeminded groups in 1959, diverging from the more right-leaning Karen faction on the Thai border. But by the 1970s, the military had largely eradicated the Karen and communist insurgencies in Ayeyarwady, leaving the more right-wing Karen leaders in charge from then on ... The communist force was resurrected soon after the coup – on March 15, 2021 – by 32 young cadres with connections to pre-’89 CPB veterans, and these cadres received military training in Kachin Independence Army territory. Many of their early recruits were also young, educated university students, often drawn from leftist underground group the All Burma Federation of Student Unions.
>for the past 20 years the world has been flooded with propaganda from all sides that attacking a country is le bad!!

National borders should be a sacred and inviolable, just like private property. Invaders deserve a painful degrading dearth.
>National borders should be a sacred and inviolable
And we're just going to suddenly decide that now after millennia of conflict?
Yeah it should be noted that Nagaland has been in a semi state of civil since basically the 50s as well. India was during its foundation era really hellbent on being one big federal country and tried to keep the whole team of princely states together. They succeeded at that mostly, but some entities ended up being a headache. One of those was Kashmir and the other one is basically Nagaland. Long story short is indeed that the locals there never wanted to be part of India but rather become their own independent state. India was against this ehich already resulted in a civil war during the 50s. The Nagas actually survived partially because the britbongs had always been sympathetic to them (a huge part of the population is actually Christian due to active missionary efforts in the colonial era) so the Nagas were very good at PR in Westminster. The insurrection has basically never stopped
>neo-nazi commies
Sick oxymoron
i pray emp technology gets good enough to bring the battlefield back to irons and artillery
any good video about this?
>throw Aang in prison
The Avatar is in a Burmese prison?
There are articles that India has sold weapons to the junta, Israel as well.

Reading some comments about Myanmar on Guancha, a nationalistic Chinese website, is interesting because comments that are really unapproved get deleted, but the comments that are up are a big mess. Some commenters like to say all the trouble in Myanmar is caused by the CIA (that's typical), but there's a lot of criticism of the junta as well. Some say they are the descendents of Burmese who fought on the Japanese side in WWII then flipped to the Americans and British, and promote "Greater Myanmarism" which discriminates against minorities.

An artillery shell from the junta exploded in China in January and injured some Chinese which caused seethe. There were some who complained that China never does anything when it gets slapped. But there is a common belief, repeating the official line, that China shouldn't intervene, and other commenters were saying they shouldn't blow their top. Other commenters said China should build anti-artillery systems and bolster border security with technological solutions. There are some commenters who praise the MNDAA in Kokang driving out the "Black Burmese" (I think "black" here is an inherited political phrase that means "reactionary" but also "evildoer"). One comment that seemed to praise the junta was blocked and someone else replied that they were "a traitor.... trying to whitewash the Burmese military government."
yes, that's why the Fire Nation attacked, get with the fucking program

>the comments that are up are a big mess
from what you say, they all seem to pull in one direction, so how is it a mess?

you won't be far wrong if you take the attitude that Chinese forums are like chattering fishwives at the market in 1942 Berlin, or indeed Russian Telegrams and RT talk shows today; it will all be some variant of
>gaijin delenda est
>if only the Tsar knew
no comment that truly goes against the Party line will be allowed

t. chink
Fuck off you 12 year old
Beside OP?
There's dude shooting with AKs and there's another footage of dude shooting with AKs, sometimes a Galil
Rebels better not fuck with MY Thailand. The cheap prostitutes and weed must keep flowing
So normal gommunism
You're jewish
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>uh, is it a good idea to still try to fly that helicopter?
It's Russian, so probably not even before the explosion.
>is that we just gave up on policing that shit
He's correct tho. First world support freedom fighters and irrelevant shitholes support the backwards faggy government.
Just let em all slaughter each other
based ladyboy enjoyer
Helicopters are death traps in the best of times. Riding one that just got droned is on R*ssoid levels of retardation. Unless the alternative was CERTAIN doom, it'd be idiotic to try and get back into it.
Based Burmese. Sic semper tyrannis.

I hope to see them join NATO/the West in the medium- to long-term future. Democracy is non-negotiable.
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>There was a couple facilities on the border that had been luring Chinese, Lao, and Thai citizens in with offers of well paying call center jobs and then harvesting their blood and selling it.
Smells like apologia.

I mean once you're on the US's good side you can get away with lots of things as well. Back when the USSR still was around US backed dictators were brutal, and even today Saudi Arabia gets away with beheading the gays and slavery.

It's a problem inherent with empire building, you can't really be picky with your allies.
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I have no idea what's going on
The same podcast I had linked earlier had a couple of journalist on who talked about their existence finding some of these scam aires and purposefully being processed by them, to the point where they were being asked what their blood type was. It's a very interesting listen.
Scam centers*
>light red
Commie dictators
>reddish colors and gray
Good guys but want to be Chinese
Good guys but want to be Siamese
Normal guys who want real democracy and the junta to fuck off

China has already 2 border armies made by ethnic Chinese inside Myanmar and effectively has near total control over them and the border areas.

While supports the junta everywhere else near their borders they support these groups so regiof whom wins they can have a buffer and maintain influence.
Old video, but cool.
Damn, that is a fat bitch.

Anyone know what kind of helo that is?
The mi8?
I read some burmese news stories about rohingya doing just that - breaking and running as soon as they can. they usually mention that it's some institutionalized thing though, so it's hard to tell just how many are managing to escape.
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>Wa state
No, from my understanding of the situation a gentlemen's agreement is in place to focus on destroying the Junta. The country will, presumably and optimistically, draw their borders along ethnic lines once the dust settles.
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If we're posting Burmese rebel girls, the winner of Miss Grand Myanmar 2013 apparently joined the KNLA.
Not Myanmar anon but it's not the junta itself but junta-aligned militias called Border Guard Forces (BGFs) that are involved in these operations. These are generally former rebel groups that only subjected themselves to the junta because the junta promised to leave their criminal enterprises alone. Ultimately many of these BGFs found out that scams operated by forced labor are far more lucrative than gambling and switched to that. One good example is the Karen BGF. They briefly declared neutrality but only allied the junta again becuase they threatened to bomb their scam operations in KK Park. This is what swung the Battle of Myawaddy in their favour as almost all remaining troops in the city belonged to the Karen BGF. If the junta were to actually crack down on scam centres they would probably lose Myawaddy again as the Karen BGF would have no reason to stay allied with the junta. This would be devastating as Myawaddy is the main trade hub with Thailand.
In this case, brown is better.
>Can it get much worse?
Two words: centipede enema
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My eyes aren’t too good but in Chinland Council does that little yellow section say IRA?
Its name is Burma you bum
It's ZRA, the Zomi Revolutionary Army. They're allied with the junta and afaik actually an Indian insurgent group.
God don't tell me that's something that actually happened
Also, Burma is hard to invade
Jungles everywhere, few roads, and insurgent level threats coming from 10+ different authorities making diplomacy a mess
China succesfully controlls Wa State and they are happy like that
>Tatmadaw confirmed to be more powerful than the Fire Nation
Thank you Anon, at least I got two of the letters correct.

I made it up but considering that this is taking but a China vs jungle Asians situation that we are talking about there is a non-zero chance of it happening (I pray to God it does not)
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Holy mother of Reddit
holy brown
You mean.... the Chaos Emeralds....
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>There are articles that India has sold weapons to the junta, Israel as well.
Anything more in-depth than this? I'm trying to figure out what the Junta is actually equipped with
India would intervene directly to prevent the chinks establishing themselves south of the Himalayas, so you'd just wind up with a larger regional conflict
>Commie military
Way to out yourself as knowing nothing about Burma.
They're litterally anti-commies and some of the rebels are literal Maoists
>Didnt they also do a cross border raid
No, typical "foreign job" human trafficking slavery.
They went "willingly". Originally to Cambodia but got moved when the heat came down
It’s an absolute cluster fuck. Syria, the Congo wars and the balkans all are simple black and white conflicts in comparison.
Some examples from just one ethnic group in the region
>Arakan army, armed wing of the United League of Arakan
>Arakan army (another one), armed wing of the Arakan National Council
>Arakan Liberation Army, armed wing of the Arkan Liberation Party
>Arakan Rohingya Army, just doing their own thing
>Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, random islamists
Half of them are on the government side and the other side are on the rebel side making them mortal enemies.
It’s fucking insane, the list just keeps going on
The karenis have like 7 different national defense armies and peoples’ defense forces and every tribe and village does as well.
And these are just a small portion of the ones active right now, just imagine keeping track of all that shit during the decades long varying intensity civil war. There’s multiple communist parties with their own militias, Islamist separatists, full blown de-facto independent states with their own industry, military, equipment and camo patterns, right wing paramilitaries, BUDDHIST paramilitaries, college fraternity paramilitaries, at least one designated zoomer brigade, proxies from every country in the region and everyone is armed to the teeth, using child soldiers and selling heroin. And that’s just off the top of my head.

Don't forget mountains and hills:

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hengduan_Mountains

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arakan_Mountains

3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegu_Range

4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shan_Hills

5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenasserim_Hills

>>62051713 meant Aung Sang Suu Kyi.
she's stupid cute. is she still doing dances on twitch?
I'm chink, your owner.
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No one knows anon
The junta in thailand is very dead rn, replaced by corporatists. Thailand is, as with everyone else, confused and clueless as to wtf is going on. It is in it's national interest to see trade resumed but at the same time the instability benefits them in cheap migrant labour and opportunity to maybe, just maybe finally see the Wa dead somehow. Its just a weird state to be in, good if stopped good if not stopped.

Thailand does have a long, positively ancient tradition of supporting Karenni hill tribes along the border to weaken and destabilise myanmar, along with other prominent ethnic groups in laos and cambodia. Officially we've stopped doing that but my guess from this image >>62052202 is that maybe the glowies are still there, judging by how large the Karenni along the border seem to be.

t. thai
This is just the "Judean People's Front" skit from Life of Brian
>HUGE call centers that they use to scam Chinese citizens, mostly the elderly
Westerners too, they ruined a lot of dating sites if you liked Asian pussy.

Wechat pretty pushes news about flights of rescued Chinese and arrested gang bosses
>Can't remember the name of it but it was basically Roanapur-tier.
You probably thinking of a Cambodian resort town for Chinese called Sihanoukville which got fucked by covid. It was already pretty wild as a no-rules Chinese vegas but with closed borders it went full crime city and the gangsters took over.
Eventually they got kicked out and the operations moved to Burma
This. Anyone that doesn't get this or wants to read more, get a copy of Dictators Handbook and read it. It explains this entire dynamic.
Well the Nazi party was called NSDAP aka National Socialist German Workers' Party. So the jump to communism is not that far.

The nazi where quite strong on workers rights. You have specific stuff like Kdf Kraft durch Freude or just general rights/laws anti light capitalist stuff. The idea was you need a strong, happy, healthy, education( indoctrinated) population to to prosper. Instead of a ruling class of (((capital, debt lenders))) that bleeds every one dry.

So that is kinda like the children's book commies ideals too
>National borders should be a sacred and inviolable, just like private property. Invaders deserve a painful degrading dearth.
If you start shooting up your family, property rights won't stop SWAT from intervening.
Who's borders are they anyway?
Yours or the people you're shooting up?

Principles of sovereignty only make sense for representative governments. We let the arseholes pretend as an excuse not to be busy putting them all right all the time, because it's hard and difficult and usually fucks things up worse but it's not genuinely for moral and legal reasons.
Unironically why Eastern Finland is full of vatniks
>muh cheap prosties
>muh cheap gas
>muh cheap booze
>leave Putin alone,, whatabout CIA
The CIA should provide such elements cheap hookers and booze, just saying
>driving out the "Black Burmese" (I think "black" here is an inherited political phrase that means "reactionary" but also "evildoer")
Could be a spicey comment from a chinese edgelord referencing "sing red, smash black" from Chongqing politics before they pissed off Xi.
Isn't that just communism?
>Chinese forums are like chattering fishwives at the market in 1942 Berlin, or indeed Russian Telegrams and RT talk shows today
During covid, wd added the MiL to kid's class parent's wechat group because he "holidayed" with her but had to get her removed because she started forwarding wumao spam to it.
>the winner of Miss Grand Myanmar 2013 apparently joined the KNLA
That was the swimwear walk and now in the MOUT section the girls will show us who can clear a SEA commieblock the fastest and safest...
pol pots khmer rouge was like next level stalin purges. thinks went like:
>how do we destroy all the elites and >capitalists? is there any way to identify them?
>...glasses,... yeah they all wear glasses
so they wrent out and shot anybody who had glasses
Next time they should check male genital mutilations.
>so they wrent out and shot anybody who had glasses
Well Stalin turned on doctors, engineers and scientists one by one so really it was just Stalinism with less steps
I think drones are going to be a huge problem for thirdie dictatorships if there is any unrest.
Eastern Finland is funny like that. Some of them definitely are vatnik apologists, mostly because of money as you said. Or just because won't fit into society, and accept any worldview that opposes said society, as if it was an improvement. Guess there's plenty of room in their empty heads.
But then there are descendants of the Karelians who fled there, who won't trust a ryssä until it's dead, and even then they'd probably shoot or axe it again just to make sure. Must be close to a thousand years of wrath in that blood.
The Nazis definitely mixed in left wing rethoric in their propaganda, this is what allowed them to work electorally and build a new voter base.

In reality tough once they had achieved power they purged the left wing of the party. Yes capitalists were made to do the state's bidding but at the same time they had secretly supported Hitler and benefited immensely from Nazi policies. IIRC when the old man Krupp died Hitler had Germany's inheritance laws altered overnight so that his heir wouldn't have to pay the heavy succession taxes.
It's like Cargo cult communism lol. Stalin's purges almost destroyed the country but they made sense from a political perspective as steps toward his totalitarian projects.
It probably has ... in Nip porn.
much of Thailand is Roanapur-tier, so long as you have sufficient US dollars you can drink, snort and fuck anything you like

they were really hard hit by the coof however
friend of mine went on a road trip round Thailand last year and reported many former nightspots were practically abandoned

at times like these, nobody's spending on beer and hookers so people have no choice but to go back home and farm. back to the ol subsistence living.

life there is more like the actual boogaloo / apocalypse than anything American preppers dream of
Totalitarian oppression pretty much became the core tenet of Soviet Communism after Stalin started to take control. The idea was that the country was so broken that to gain strength, it had to be gotten under control first, by any means necessary. Maybe he wasn't entirely wrong about that, though the means he chose were still pretty crude. Basically made almost everyone a serf again, conscripted to work on some collective farm or factory that was mysteriously running pretty inefficiently after its previous owners were killed by the rabid masses.
Some of the older guard Bolsheviks didn't exactly like this and got purged, along with anyone suspected of working with them. And probably their relatives and neighbors, too.
If the Soviets hadn't ultimately been among the winners of WWII, not sure how many would have tried to emulate this shameful time in history, in Asia or elsewhere.
Dictator's Handbook should be a /k/ staple
>against minorities like the Rohingya.

If the Rohingya didn't want to be genocided, they shouldn't have invaded in the first place.
>It probably has ... in Nip porn
Not sure about an enema but I'm sure I've seen vaginal creepy crawlies in JAV
Seen anal eels of course, everyone has
>they were really hard hit by the coof however
>friend of mine went on a road trip round Thailand last year and reported many former nightspots were practically abandoned
I was there when the bars were mostly closed.
Former 11/10 gogo girls were 2k thb longtime outside the hilton. Excellent value.
Brits stitched together a Frankenstein country filled with mountains, jungles and a gorillion ethnic groups that obviously began killing each other as soon as the Brits left. They are the ultimate example of why multiculturalism and multi-ethnic states fail.
>that obviously began killing each other as soon as the Brits left
That's usually the point, same as Stalinist border gore

Burma is Romania/Moldova/Tranistria but worse and with more and different sides, banted into bloody chaos as only perfideous albion can
>You wouldn't even be able to tell one from another. Think Hutu and Tutsi during Kongo wars.
Hutu and Tutsi are very easy to tell apart... Hutus are the congoid gorillas, Tutsis are lightbulb-head Nilotics. Just compare pics of Tutsis like Kagame versus Hutus like Habyarymana. There is a clear racial distinction there
>warring monkey tribes
Ultimately, this is the fundamental reality of politics. Not just in Africa, it applies to us Westerners as well. This is why nobody can make a solid ideological definition of right and left, because the two are not defined by their ideology, but rather by their cui bono
>Western power leaves colony
>Colony goes to shit
wow never seen that happen before.
>KNU/KNLA Peace Council
>Not affiliated with the KNU or KNLA, despite its name
fucking kek
muslims in the country tried to turn country into an islamic shithole, the buddhists told them to fuck off, zog turned the muslims into "freedom fighters" and supports them destroying the homogenous nation of myanmar. npcs in /k/ who support israel and claim to hate muslims also support the muslims here because their masters programmed them to.
That's the joke.
yes, one would assume the rest of SEA would get involved too
Who are the Wa you want to see dead? Is that an ethnic group?
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>kek, it's all true.
Flying in a helicopter is never a good idea.
Hmmm not impressed- not a decent set of tits amongst them
As this anon says >>62051851 China's diplomatic line is that they don't "intervene in the internal affairs of other countries" because that's something that only evil imperialist western nations do. The way they try to get other third-world nations on their side is by telling them "we'll never invade you or criticize your human rights record like the West does". An invasion of Myanmar would destroy that image they're trying to cultivate.

Of course, in actuality, China intervenes in other countries' conflicts all the time. And the Chinese are pissed at the junta for a number of reasons such as this >>62051759. So at this point, they're throwing the junta under a bus like a Chinese motorcyclist on a liveleak video. But they're trying not to be too obvious about it.
>neo nazi commies
NAFO think tanks not sending their best
>Of course, in actuality, China intervenes in other countries' conflicts all the time.
Chink wife's university class reunion at spring festival had a semi-glowie who worked in Zimbabwe. He had a few tales about the pseudo-coup where the new guy came to Beijing to ask permission and bend the knee in advance.
Real General Diem moment.

>And the Chinese are pissed at the junta for a number of reasons such as this >>62051759 #. So at this point, they're throwing the junta under a bus like a Chinese motorcyclist on a liveleak video.
Relatable, really.

>But they're trying not to be too obvious about it.
Bless their shrivelled black little hearts
hate to be that guy but the Junta is hardly commies, they hardly have any politics.
>Kareni Resistance
>Karen National Liberation Army
there is no real reason to parse out authoritarians which is a reminder for the one authentically noble use for mass graves.
>you're not human anyways
Well it was corporatist. They didn't support strikes of any kind. If you read any of the speeches of Robert Ley of the German Labor Front, which was the Nazi party organization to handle that, he basically just says that Germany is like one big company, so each company is like a little "Germany" and workers have to obey their managers but the managers should go to workplace meetings and not be too aloof from them. The manager is the Fuhrer but the Fuhrer is looking after everyone. Stuff like that.

They seem just like a generic thirdie military junta.
I backpacked a bit in Myanmar in early 2020 (so just before it all went to hell) and I was impressed with how normal it was. I crossed overland from India and the border there was totally open to locals and no military presence on either side. Chin State was poor as fuck but when I got to Bagan and Mandalay you could have easily been in any other touristy Southeast Asian city. Crazy how much progress has been lost.
>you could have easily been in any other touristy Southeast Asian city
there are very big differences between Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok. Ho Chi Minh City, Manila... and Myanmar
The military mainly gets its support from ultranationalists but also has a history of enacting the most retarded leftist policies known to man (also known as leftist policies). Look up the "Burmese Way to Socialism". This economic program singlehandedly turned Burma from one of the richest countries in Asia to one of the poorest. The fact that military dictator Ne Win caused a financial crisis by trying to change the country's currency to base nine (literally only did it because it was his lucky number, no joke) certainly didn't help. Even now the military has enacted harsh price controls on rice which is already hurting rice traders.
>base 9 money
Those people are dumb and don't realize the hookers and gas only get cheaper the further into shambles the Russian economy goes.
>literally only did it because it was his lucky number, no joke
The absolute madman
in retrospect, hanging around might've been smarter
I'm reading this guy's wikipedia article and holy shit, he did the base 9 shit after having already caused an economic crisis and a rebellion by declaring a bunch of denominations no longer legal tender.
Did he just decide he might as well fuck his country the rest of the way through after getting partway there?
>the demonetization also rendered about 75% of the entire kyat reserves completely useless
>tfw they want to see your CO
No, the junta has been under western pressure since before China became invoved.
Didn't the junta leader decide on building the new capital in the middle of the jungle because his shaman said so?
The Nazis were never for the working-class. They tried to present themselves as a working-class movement, and borrowed leftist terminology and iconography, but Fascism/Nazism at its core was corporatism. Let me give a not-so-quick rundown. After WW1, Italy had a parliamentary government that couldn't solve the country's economic crisis. Profits were declining, banks were failing, unemployment was rising. So to ensure profits, the big industrial giants and landowners would have to slash wages and raise prices. The state in turn would have to provide them with tariff protections, along with massive subsidies and tax exemptions. To finance this, the population would have to be taxed more heavily, their wages rolled back, and social welfare expenditures drastically cut. It sounds like Reaganism, right? Well it is, only more extremely so. However, the government wasn't totally free to apply these harsh measures. 1/?
First of all, Italian workers and peasants had their own unions, political organizations, cooperatives, publications, and so on. And through the use of demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, factory takeovers, and forcible occupation of farmlands, they often won some very real concessions on wages, work conditions, unemployment benefits, and the right to organize. And even in the face of this worsening economic crisis, they were able to mount a troublesome defense of their standard of living. And I mean troublesome for those who own the land, the labor, the capital, the money, the banks, the farms, and the factories. So the only solution really was to smash the worker and peasant organizations. In effect destroying all political and civil liberties. Including the right to organize, agitate, and propagandize. The state would have to be more authoritarian and more subservient to the interests of capital.
>Italians are too lazy to get anything right, including being fascist
on brand
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Mussolini and his black shirts were around right after WW1, and for about 3-4 years the big landowners and industrialists gave them arms, and used them as kind of anti-labor militias and strike breakers. They styled themselves as a united front against Bolshevism. In 1922, the big capital interests in Italy decided to go for the whole thing. Representatives of the Federation of Industry, and the Federation of Agriculture (which was an agribusiness firm), and representatives of the National Banking Association, all met together with Mussolini and planned the Fascist march on Rome. Mussolini sat there and planned that with the leading capitalists of Italy. By the way, this is almost never mentioned in accounts of the march on Rome. These big capitalists contributed 20 million Lira toward that undertaking.
Okay that gave me a pretty good laugh lmao
In the words of senator Ettore Conti, himself a very loyal representative of monetary interests, “Mussolini was the candidate of the plutocracy”, that is of the wealthy, and the business associations. A very similar of coordination and compliance existed in Germany also, less than a decade later. German workers and farm laborers in the period following WW1 under the Weimar Republic won some very important economic concessions. They won an eight-hour day, they won unemployment insurance, they were able to elect shop committees, and they won the right to unionize. And again during the 1920s these paramilitary gangs, most notably Hitler’s brown shirts, were subsidized by business in a limited way and kept as a kind of reserve army, or a bodyguard for Germany's industrial elite. And their job was to strike-break, and to harass workers. The nearly total collapse of the German economy in 1929-30 presented the owning-class with a momentous crisis.
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>Didn't the junta leader decide on building the new capital in the middle of the jungle because his shaman said so?
That and by building a city in the middle of nowhere with no local population, it makes it so the rabble can't storm the center of power easily
They had very big capital investments, and these left them with very high fixed costs that had to be met even as their factories laid idle. Only massive state aid could revive their profits. Wages and social welfare, human service expenditures, all had to be cut. Union contracts had to be aggregated. In fact, human contracts had to be aggregated, too. Business would need new subsidies and tax exemptions. The crisis in agriculture was equally severe. The large land proprietors, the Junker-class demanded even higher subsidies, heavier duties on foreign agricultural import, and farm unions. These unions were holding wages up, and when wages were being sustained, you cut into profits. So by 1930, most of the influential landowners and big industrialists and bankers, especially the industrialists in steel, coal, and mining, had concluded that the Weimar Republic no longer served their interest and could no longer protect their class.
How were the sights anon? One of my regrets was not going to Myanmar back when I was living in Asia and before the country went to shit. I'm praying the country becomes somewhat stable again once the junta is gone. I still want to go to Bagan before I die.
It was too accommodating to the working-class and certain sectors of light industry. So they greatly increased their subsidies to Hitler, and they propelled the Nazi party onto the national stage. By 1930, most of the great industrialists and bankers were underwriting the Nazi party. And what happened in 1930 with this injection of hundreds of millions of Marks, was that Hitler was able to catapult his party onto the national stage. It went from a cult of brown shirt thugs, to a mobilized national party. In the election of 1930, the Nazi party gained 107 seats in the Reichstag, And in 1931 and 1932 the subsidies from big industrialists continued to rein in more abundantly. So the Nazis were projected onto the national stage and became an ever-larger presence in the Reichstag. Neither in Italy or Germany was revolution a real threat. The left was never strong enough to take state power in either of those countries.
>Ne Win caused a financial crisis by trying to change the country's currency to base nine
Literally a based retard
The threat was never really socialists or communists. The bourgeoisie resorted to Fascism less in response to disturbances in the street, and more in response to disturbances in the economic system. The threat wasn’t from the left, it was from their own economic system and its contradictions. And the fact that democratic forces had developed enough strength to resist the austerity and the rollback that the capitalists tried to impose to maintain their level of profit. Thanks for reading my effortpost.
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>the demonetization also rendered about 75% of the entire kyat reserves completely useless
Jesus Christ
That's kinda brilliant in its retardation.
It's not an uncommon concept. Egypt's doing something similar with their 'New Administrative Capital'.
Madrid and Tokyo are the prime historical examples
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You have clearly never heard of nazbols before
>It's not an uncommon concept. Egypt's doing something similar with their 'New Administrative Capital'.
Erdogan did it a few years back.
China did it repeatedly, I think Sukhodai did it, Australia baked it into their foundations.

There's a reason it's an option in every 4X/civ game
>You have clearly never heard of nazbols before
I have
they were nine great warrior-kings corrupted by Hitler
This anon >>62057378 mentioned Sihanoukville, but you might also be thinking of Kokang and/or Wa State.

These two areas are the where all the gangs in Sihanoukville moved their scam prisons to after Cambodia started cracking down on them. They're right across the border from China, and at least until recently, Chinese nationals would cross the border to go here and do stuff that's "officially" illegal in China (drugs, gambling, prostitution, eating endangered animal penis, etc.). They're as close to Roanapur as you can get.

They're also Chinese in all but name. The majority ethnic groups in both areas is Han, the working language is Mandarin, the local governments are modeled on the CCP, renminbi is the only currency accepted, and they use Chinese mobile networks.

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