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How would you improve it?

>A Case Deflector
>Grease Gun Flap
>SLR Charging Handle

What else?
bayonet lug
Canted 8x scope.
A transfer bar
wouldn't this just gas you out
Where? Show me.

Visually it is too skinny, especially in the receiver area.
Shorten the gun by either
>moving the bolt section significantly farther forward
>deleting the part above the pistol grip and replacing it with even more barrel length (that is an extremely short barrel btw which defeats the purpose of a bullpup), and then shifting the part where the gun narrows into the barrel dramatically closer to where the bolt is (which is the more realistic option)
In summary, the start of the barrel and the bolt being over a foot away from each other makes no sense because you habe to push the bullet from over there ALLLLLLLLLLL the way to where the barrel begins. The part above the pistol grip isn't doing anything for the gun right now

The gun has no second tube above or below the barrel, so it implies the gun is delayed blowback like a FAMAS for example. If you are doing that just make sure there is a way to indicate that to the player like a much more widened and bulky region where the bolt is (where locking recesses for extra parts for delaying the bolt and all the feeding mechanisms would be). If it is just one barrel with no other tube, then that section would probably not look tubular

The fluting pattern in the metal is fine and cool, but typically you use that for the barrel not the receiver section which does not get very hot.

This is all very Groza and Thompson inspired. Make sure you understand whether this gun you are designing will be an open-bolt (fires when the open bolt flies toward the front after trigger is pulled) or closed-bolt (bolt is already closed and the trigger immediately causes it to fire). You might want to add a small stamped metal rectangle or just an exposed moving hinged bar on the bottom of the tube to connect the trigger somehow to the striker/linear hammer way in the rear end of the gun

When you fire the gun the brake on the end of the barrel should visually cause two fireballs to flash out on both sides where they are open
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have the bayonet lug on top of the barrel, same place as any other rifle, just on the top or to the side
Grenade launcher atop the barrel.
He could put the bayonet lug in front of the vertical grip, it would add a lot of character if you needed the grip to install a bayonet
>start of the barrel and the bolt being over a foot away from each other
Are you genuinely retarded?
Are you? Explain to me how a cartridge gets to the beginning of this gun's barrel, and why this section of the gun in the picture needs to exist (besides giving you someplace to hold the gun)
Although this brings up a good point.
OP what does the transfer bar from trigger to hammer look like? You might need to connect your grip and trigger housing block to your receiver block.
Otherwise you need to explain how it runs down the tube and then around the mag.
The barrel start at the front of the closed bolt. Can you not visualize that the barrel continues back through the tube body?
Show wireframe.
That is not the bayonet lug. The one in front of it is.
Bro, do you think M16 barrels start at the end of the handguards?
I know you are obsessed with the Lewis gun but that is not a cooling shroud for a barrel. That is a fluted receiver made by an artist who does not understand firearms development very well. The barrel is only about 9 inches at most, it does not "disappear" underneath the receiver"
The fucking state of this board
That's a nice parallel except that is metal fluting not a plastic hand guard
Just admit you overlooked the obvious.
Otherwise you are trolling or clinically retarded.
You are an imbecile

You are fucking retarded in the brain, yes I am aware you don't know how guns work. Firstly, a cooling shroud covers the whole barrel, secondly it has no way of getting air onto the barrel because it is solidly connected to the fucking thing.
Gun looks super duper long. And is that open bolt? So the bolt is going to be right up against your face when you're aiming?
Cheek rests are for pussies. Real men wield bullpups lefthanded only and tank the concussions
sorry, i forgot where the front is
isn't that the grenade launcher mount then?
i'm not an AK guy
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Anon said in the last thread It's a modified AK-45 blended with a STG45 and a GROZA OTS14
I knew I recognized it from somewhere, that makes sense
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Sorry bro. Gamers aren't interested in anything without a quadrail these days.
Needs diagonal rails, and rails on its rails so its rails can have rails
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Say no more friend.
Omni rail.
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>Omni rail.

Now mount 8 strobe flashlights on it.

Why fire a single shot when you can just induce seizures in everyone you sweep?
redesign the foregrip
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By god, we've done it.
Fix the muzzle break
Jesus, that LOP looks awful to use. Mechanically everything looks perfectly fine though and it's mostly gtg.
I only really have one recommendation, the Groza sight's sight radius is super short but with a longer gun you have the opportunity to make it better. Just add a front sight post to the end of the barrel, maybe make it a folding sight you can fold down for use with an optic.
This would be cool, also I remember a decent number of real firearms do indeed have fucked up bayonet lug mount positions
This deserved digits
Hotchkiss machine gun?
what's the firing action? Just direct blowback? I don't see a gas tube or piston
that's not how sights work. You need a front and a rear sight that line up.
Is this moron serious?
He has them. His sight radius is garbage though. Look again at the bottom view in OP's pic. That weird not-a-collimator has a channel in its mount for the irons.
I think he wanted an annular gas piston, hence why there isn't a piston immediately discernible from the barrel. If not, then this design could probably work fine with roller-delayed blowback or a recoil-operated action.
If i recall correctly the STG-45 was rollar delayed.
And ak 45 was gas piston
-WTF is that light colored thing under the stock shaped sorta like a number 9 supposed to be? It looks entirely pointless, what the fuck is it and why is it there?
-Ejection port is too small/short to eject a dud cartridge
-Fire control selector is in a really un-ergonomic place, it should be accessible from a normal shooting grip
-What the FUCK is going on with the carry handle/sight. At first it looks like you ripped the design off the OTs-14, but it has this extra thing on top?
-How the fuck is the trigger linkage supposed to connect to the mechanism behind the magazine?
-Where is the hammer, etc, supposed to fit?
-carry handle looks useless with most of the weight being towards the rear of the gun
-why the fuck does the front part of the carry handle resemble a typical front sight when it's clearly not being used as one?

The aesthetics don't really make sense either, there's no consistent theme, it's like some rando picked different parts from IRL guns they thought were cool and sorta smashed them together even though the styles don't match. The back part of the receiver, stock, etc, look like cheap stamped construction but that totally clashes with the finned feature above the handgrip, and the carry handle/front sight assembly on top if of it.

You didn't mention anything about the game world so I can't really comment on if it makes sense for that or not.
What time peroid is it set in?
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I second all of this, I'd also add some metal that the front grip mounts onto (right now it looks glued on). Or even better have the grip extend from the brown receiver cover thing (generally you don't want a grip directly mounted to the barrel since it hurts accuracy). And what's with that add on rear sight? It looks flimsy and it wouldn't do anything without a front sight. Looks like you've already got functioning irons if you take that off.
>SLR Charging Handle
I sort of disagree with this, your handle fits the rugged simple design.
Oh and one more thing, a visible lever on the bolt like on the Famas would look super cool. Otherwise I assume it's roller delayed which is fine too.
Debullup and make it side fed. Sidefed is pure sex.
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How about this? idk how the sight works...
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There's no space for a connection (transfer bar) between the trigger and the actual firing mechanism.
Length of pull (distance from stock to trigger) is ridiculous and most people probably couldn't even reach the forward grip.
Sight doesn't make any sense, looks like you've got a front sight on top of another front sight, also way too high up. (I know that's a flaw shared by the real OTs-14 you based it on though.)
No protection for the user's cheek (or chin with that sight).

The whole thing would work much better with a shorter bolt so that you can shorten the whole gun and move the buttplate to the back of the lower receiver.

Rough shop but this is about what I'd do with it.
Holy shit you're retarded.
Doubt you could still rock in an AK mag with the grip proximity.
Arguably not enough space in the rear for recoil spring since the tube reciever dimensions preclude one being front mounted.
Sights seem too low to shoulder correctly.
Magazine retention will be weak, not inserted far enough into receiver.
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>how the sight works
Red explains how the sight is supposed to work. I have no idea what the thing I circled in green is supposed to be, that's not supposed to be there and it doesn't make any sense.

The ejection port is still too small.
OP just proved me right retard. The barrel is 9 inches at most, the receiver above the pistol grip exists for no reason. Get fucked

I assumed green was either a red dot or leaf/ladder sight
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Leonardo Da Vinci was famous for telling his art students that in order to really be able to draw or paint the human form they needed to understand the very basics of anatomy--bones and muscles--and to this end he himself dissected over 30 bodies to study their inner workings. It's no different with guns. Unless you start thinking about how they actually work internally you end up drawing things that just don't look right or make any logical sense.

You want to model good guns for your game? Do what Da Vinci did. Start with their inner workings. Also keep a purpose in mind. "imma draw a cool looking gun" doesn't really get you anywhere. Have a purpose in mind for the gun you're creating. Before you draw a single pixel describe what the gun is supposed to be, and use that theme to unify the design.
It looks kinda like a leaf/ladder sight, but there's only one of them. It can't work without a matching front sight. And if it IS meant to be a leaf/ladder sight, then why are the other iron sights present?
Sorry, meant to reply to >>62904833
You are the most persistent troll I have seen in years. I can't even hate at this point. Good job, tiger.
Idiot. See;
this looks fucking stupid and no one should help you improve it. the only real answer is to scrub this crap and just model up a groza 1:1 or take someone else's model and reskin it a slightly offcolor of black/grey and call it a day ffs.
That gap is fine, unless you mean for aesthetics. Your ejection port does not need to match your feed ramp or throat for extraction and obviously the bolt protrudes father forward than the charging handle. It certainly looks big enough for a x39 case to egress.
And the mag continues its front line back into the receiver with the non visible inserted top section
i'm not op...

It looks like ots-14's scope mount with some kinda ring thingy put on it.
Bretty much this
>It certainly looks big enough for a x39 case to egress.
It has to be large enough, and far enough forward, to eject a loaded round, not just empty brass. You need to be able to clear the gun, extract duds, etc.

Yes. And the ring thingy doesn't need to be there.
I completely overlooked that. Mea culpa.
I think it'd work, AKs manage to get their recoil spring into a similar space. Might have to make the receiver a little taller, more of an egg profile to clear a high-mounted one though.

Yeah I realized that after doing it and didn't want to redo the photoshop. OP seems to be using it mostly as a mount for an additional optic though and that'd end up at about the right height.
cursed chauchat
man i love guns that are kinda just a tube, keep it up OP
front sight block or move the sights back and and a front post on the end of the handle
also the ears are supposed to protect the sight
not sit below it

barrel changes profile too sharply
add some beveling like in the m4 barrel

it's hard for me to believe forward grip mounting
especially assuming the pins go through the barrel
Certainly an improvement
Replace foregrip with DONG
Looks really cool. Nothing wrong with the rule of cool for fictional weapons in my opinion.

I agree with the poster that said bayonet lug, but I'd put it to where the bayonet is mounted horizontally on one side. I think that'd look cool.

I don't agree with the canted 8x sight. You seem to be going for a retrofuturistic cold war prototype kind of look. This idea might not match with that, but an offset scope a la WW1 M1903 scope or maybe one of those old long thin telescopic sights canted to the side would look cool on a different weapon design that loads via stripper clips from the top. If you do that, then make sure the gun actually loads via stripper clips from the top, else there would be no reason to offset/cant the scope.
this thing would get super hot 5 rounds in. needs a gas system as well.
Looks very heavy. So being roller delayed would this get hotter than if it was gas piston and what would it look like if it had a gas system?
I wonder if like the g3 it would have a smaller cylinder above for gas system
I don't even know what or how a rollar delay works in bullpup
It doesn't change anything. A roller delay is a roller delay. Bullpups only change where you activate the striker or hammer from. There are even conversions that let you strap new triggers onto the front of the gun.
How would op gun trigger the striker?
Some sort of connecting rod spanning under the tube
And this is why designing your own guns for art doesn't make any sense. Just copy the shit that already exists.
No, just make sure you know what all the parts do so you don't add something that doesn't make sense or remove something that absolutely needs to be there. There is an animation out there on the internet for free for almost every type of firearm showing what is happening inside the firearm. Ian McCollum has short overviews quickly explaining the most common types of bolt action types and operating systems and how they work and why they do what they do.

Here is a must watch series before designing anything gun-related (also surprisingly difficult to search for on youtube apparently):

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Play with an actual bullpup and see what actually makes them tick
Watch forgotten weapons, all of them and you will have no issies at all in thsi department.
What software do I need to learn to create my own guns?

E1 and the AK-45 Korovin both have a connection between the trigger group and the magzine housing, even G3 bullpup conversions have this.
It makes plenty of sense to design guns yourself, you just have to start with the mindset of how they *work* rather than how they *look*.
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What about this? It means the gun can still be rollar delayed extends the sheet metal below for the transfer bar and shortens the gun.
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Upper tube and then add an AK gas piston onto it?
The change to the sheet metal is good. But there are still other issues.
1) That silly "9" thing under the stock came back. Why? What's it supposed to be?
2) Your fire control selector is in an incredibly stupid place. Move it near the grip so the shooter can activate it without having to take their hand off the grip.
3) Ejection port is still too small
Your 'upper tube' is too small to contain an AK style piston.
What software do you use?
Create how? Just draw shit for fun? Or are you talking real engineering design?
Use photoshop and edit in what you mean or worse paint..
Wtf is the bakelite under the carry handle for?
How do you use the sights? Put a front sight on the end of the gun, like an AK or an M16
You put the bayonet lug under the front sight base
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I presume it's a hand guard like the rollar delayed STG45
Anon, why are you even attempting to draw guns if you don't understand basic terminology? If you don't know what the words mean you don't know how the gun works, and that's why your design is facing so much criticism.

I already drew the ejection port issue back in >>62904781
Note what I marked in yellow.
OP drew it that way because it looks neat. He obviously has no idea what any of the things he's drawing actually do.
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picrel explains the issue with the fire control selector and the mystery object under the stock.
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Kek. That's exactly what it is, lol
That design needs a brace because the butt is weak aluminum and there's a cross-pin going through its weakest point. Your design doesn't need a brace there because the butt is thick enough to be strong without it.

Also, if felt the design really needed a brace there the one you drew doesn't look very functional. Why does it bend back around on itself instead of terminating at the toe of the stock? It doesn't appear to join into the rest of the stock, it looks like a separate part that someone stuck in there for no reason.
Foregrip either needs to be straight, like the ak-45, or further forward, like the Grozna. Even if you could theoretically get those mags in, it would be rough. It would also use STANAG mags, which would eliminate the issue
I want to make something like OP did.
Photoshop, 3DMax, Blender.
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I have seen this in person it's very thin and it looks like OP just made his longer and not a soild piece.
That's a good point, and I'm pissed it took me so long to notice it, there's no way you're getting an AK-style rock-n-lock mag into that gun as it is drawn.
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What function would the brace provide outside of a brace?
Hold on (NTA obviously) how does the magazine insert? That's a little cramped for rock in
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I'm not OP but it looks like he has just got rid of the 7.62×39mm and replaced it with 5.45×39mm as the taper on the magazine is different from the AK-47.

It's logical leap since the 7.62 is considerably larger than 5.45 which would mean that it could fit.

I posted a picture here.
The AK45 has a straight grip, which leaves a bit more room. It's cramped, but probably works
Likely explains why OP moved his grip foward.
So unbelievably retarded that I assume it must be an available attachment in Call of Duty.
So OP is just bullpupping a 45 and using AK grip and mags.
I don't hate it.
It kinda looks like a STG45 had a one night stand with an AK45 and the result was a bastasd child that has the clear GERMAN LINAGE with SLAVIC FEATURES.
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If you are changing it into a piston gun then the tube doesn't need to go that far back. It just has to connect (long-stroke AK style) or contact (Gewehr 43 short-stroke style) the bolt. Being behind the bolt does nothing. Look

People talking about the pistol grip needing to be straight or farther forward are lying. All you need to do is cut a magazine-sized groove into the inside of the grip so the mag can more easily tilt and slide through freely like many old soviet prototype bullpups did during their development. No point in painting this since you would only be able to see it from a 90 degree rotated camera view toward the buttstock or onto the barrel

Also you are going to want to put a semi-auto/full-auto selector at some point someplace above the pistol grip where your thumb would be. Then you can make the safety some sort of late MP40 or M3 Grease Gun style basic safety where some pin somewhere comes in to block the bolt, or some cam groove that can be pulled up around the bolt handle to hold it farther back from where the cartridge sits. It is a closed-bolt gun so doing it this way is a little awkward but it is the easiest safety to understand and would physically prevent the bolt from moving far enough to hit the primer and setting off a round accidentally if you press the trigger while not thinking
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>Also you are going to want to put a semi-auto/full-auto selector at some point someplace above the pistol grip where your thumb would be. Then you can make the safety some sort of late MP40 or M3 Grease Gun style basic safety where some pin somewhere comes in to block the bolt, or some cam groove that can be pulled up around the bolt handle to hold it farther back from where the cartridge sits. It is a closed-bolt gun so doing it this way is a little awkward but it is the easiest safety to understand and would physically prevent the bolt from moving far enough to hit the primer and setting off a round accidentally if you press the trigger while not thinking
Made a rough sketch of these other changes for you
That looks proper terrible, No bullpup AK that i am aware of moves it's controls for bullpup converison not even the groza.
>you are going to want to put a semi-auto/full-auto selector at some point someplace
does he? That could be left out and just leave the gun as full auto only. It's a video game so it will probably be locked to full auto anyway after all.
It looks like it has one near the magazine
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Here fixed it.
Certainly an improvement but removing the barrel shroud gives you nowhere to hold it.
Why does every game dev just default to making their gay ass fictional guns bullpups? Do they think it makes them look futuristic? Because it feels like only retards that have never fired a gun think bullpups are cool.
Then unbullpup it and post the results.. ..if we like the results then OP will be forced to use the unbullpup verison of his gun.
Because in the future people will realize that bullpups are objectively better than their standard rifle counterparts if you actually design around the configuration properly, so they’ll stop clinging to their retarded Luddite gun designs
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>bullpups have been around since 1901
If they haven't figured a worthwhile design by now they never will.
You’re right making a rifle with an objectively more efficient design is impossible because… the trigger is just bad ok???!! You can’t fix that it’s just bad!! I can’t use a bullpup because it’s different and I’m just not used to it ok!!!???
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Honestly, I think it should be more like a Vepra.

Show more of the heat shroud.
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And? They only do not because they are incompetent/sucking Kalash tradition/poor.
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Dis slaps, fr fr. Str8 bussing, on God, no cap. One hunnind
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This is so cool here is some changes got rid of the goofy handle and whatever the fuck was the double charging handle you've got.
Add a forward assist, you can't have a rifle without one these days. To make it fantasy-like, you can have it on a retarded spot like above the grip.
>Add a forward assist
?? on a rollar delayed gun?
Now you just have a kind of generic rifle silhouette. You may not like the original but it’s more visually interesting. These wouldn’t be out of place in a Bethesda fallout game.
Then fix the bullpup.
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this little guy is so neat-looking
is that a PPS AK-74 hybrid?
Someone should bullpup this and then use that to fix OPs gun.
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Look upon my works ye mighty, and despair!
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Nogunz here, how do you aim with this?
What's the random piece of wood on the tube?

Looks like hipfiring
>What's the random piece of wood on the tube?
Cheek rest. Skin will freeze to bare steel in cold conditions.
Did I stutter?
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H&K G41 has entered the chat.
This. I'm curious about the setting of your fictional gun too >>62900565
Also, what modeling software are you using? I want to try Blender but i heard it's a nightmare to work with.
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Did you make it longer? I didn't.
Stock replaced.
Sights moved.
Barrel shortened.
Grip and firing mechanism moved.
Upper receiver extended forwards.
Cheekrest added.
Additional foregrip.
That's pretty much it.
You've got three major choices.
>3D Max

Two of those require money and the third is quickly becoming the industry standard because it's free.
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There are bullpups like the VZ58
every shooter game has the same guns, same attachments, same gunplay
all require you to unlock pieces through gameplay
very boring
come up with something unique
>come up with something unique


>make my game for me
I really want a PTR 63. No need, but much want.
That is nice wood.

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