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>they removed the SG 550
>replaced it with some zogslop assault rifle from 2019
>fucking Sightmark collimator as the Western holographic sight model
>LR-300 is gone, replaced by generic HK416 clone that doesn't even have the cool drum sight
What were they thinking?
Don't worry, they'll add it back on some expensive DLC that's no doubt already somewhere in the game files.
That's a really gay lineup. Only 3 handguns as well?
I'll miss the L85 as well. Regardless of real life performance, I love using it in games. No 7.62 AK, or an AN-94 either? Criminal.
Aw, no SA80
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>no Mosin
I get it wasn't in the original games but it's THE quintessential shitstick you'd expect to see some drunken Slav bandit carrying around, and unlike something like the SKS at least the calibre is in game to begin with.
>kind of look forward to game
>fucking sucks
every time
start the economic meltdown plz
Honestly a severe let down. I mean I'm happy we now get some real fucking NATO and a revolver but where's muh steppe eagle? Where's muh sks? Really a 1 step forward 2 back on the arsenal. I hear the game isn't much better, I remember hearing someone say it's like if ubisoft made STALKER, at least in the opening hour before it starts to be good again
It's in anomaly, so you'll have to wait for mods to get it
>Beretta 92 (Martha)
>Mossberg 500
>SG 550
>1911 (Kora)
>Hi power (HPS)

Not going to include the FS2000, goofy ass looking space gun
Also why the fuck is there an M14 in the zone but no SKS/M1891/SVT-38/40
They never knew how to make a good game, it's just that whatever they bumrushed past the finish line was good because it's not what they wanted to make. Clear Sky was closer to their vision and sucked, with everyone pushed them to go back from it.

I'm not even touching the game until there's at least 3-4 large patches. But anyone who expected a Stalker game to be good from the start is a moron.
It's definitely more cutscenes than what I remember from playing CoP. But afterwards, felt free form. Though I think I may have encountered a weird bug at the central checkpoint where an the military faction just kept spawning more and more. Killed maybe 2 dozen and they kept coming. Then I died trying to make a break for it.
Also how's the soundtrack, i assume we will never get the original atmosphere of Shadow of Chernobyl of gems like this again
Wasn't literally every stalker game a mess when they first released? Did anyone really expect this to release in a good state?
I was worried because being invaded during development can't help and the lead dev being KIA isn't great.
I still held out hope and I'm having fun ~3 hours in but I turned off a lot of stock hand-hold options.
I brough SOC on release, it was months until I could go half an hour without crashing.
All were a mess on release, but the first one was beyond broken. Then they released a large patch that corrupted all saves.
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There's a couple of guns missing off here I think, I know at the very least the M870 is in game and I think another 9x18 pistol I spotted at some point, there's definitely stuff missing but it's not quite as dire as the image shows
The opening sequence is shiiiiit but it does seem like the actual main game is pretty much what you'd expect from STALKER.
My only real hope is that they add like another 10-12 guns with DLC, bring back the classics missing from the first few games and a couple of new faces (M16A2 maybe, RPK-74, M249, Mosin or SV-98, some other .45ACP gun? I think the only SMGs chambered in it are the M10 and a converted MP5)
I think they wanted to avoid adding more calibres with either too little usage or too much overlap, I'm honestly a little surprised we got .308 as is considering
I mean really what could they do with 7.62 other than the SKS that isn't literally just 'existing gun but more damage/less pen'? That's fine for guntism simulators we enjoy like Analmeme/Gamma, Stinkkov, but a more mainstream casual game like this I think people would be confused. I think I spotted the RPD as a prop actually so I might have to eat my words assuming it isn't chambered in 5.45 for some reason
>no 9x19 handgun
For what purpose? The caliber is already in the game unless the PM and usp can be modified to use those
After so much time in the making I expected this to look like forgotten weapons playlist of sovshit, pactshit with tasteful mix of western designs.
>After so much time in the making
2 years were basically lost to the war.
I don't care about the nostalgia guns. But adding the HK416 and two Jew rifles, but no AR-15 or CZ Bren/Bren 2 is retarded.
How do you guys feel about the use of UE5 for Stalker 2? Ive played about 2hrs so far and like the game okay, although ill say its way better playing with Ukrainian dialog and English subtitles
Does anyone know how modding will work what with the cross platform stuff? I assume there will be some kind of in game mod workshop similar to skyrim eventually
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Fuck you nigger, STALKER is /k/ and youre a faggot
There's no clear release for most of the tracks yet but there's some stuff they've already released like this.
>Wasteland 1
This was an unknown track for most of its existence.
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Guns in unmodded STALKER are unironically whatever, even in SoC you only really used like 5 guns through the whole game and pistols were a meme so good riddance. You download the mods for the wank. I also don't care about bugs, I played SoC in 1.0000 and I have the X-Ray Engine prompt burned into my retina.

Now how's the optimisation? I have an old 1070 but I want to stalk.
>seething over vidya
Holy fuck youre a fag
A-Life being gone is the bigger problem than the arsenal for me. Vanilla STALKER was never the best for weapons, but A-Life made you able to really soak the atmosphere, which you can't now since the dice roll determined that bandits and pseudodogs now exist the next bush over, with no rhyme or reason.
Also everything feels like it soaks way more bullets. Good for the player at least since the stealth is also broken and you can't escape into the fog of war during an active firefight or reasonably sneak up on someone even in the middle of the night with your flashlight off.
I had task manager up on my second screen to check what was causing issues, and while I couldn't figure out why it decided to throttle down the CPU causing massive lag at points, I can at least say that it didn't seem too harsh on the GPU while in motion. CPU and RAM seems to be the bottleneck, at least on my machine.
Why remove familiar guns tho? Is there a lore reason or they just forgot/plan to add them as dlcs?
Thanks for saying "zogslop" 10 words in so I could skip the rest of the post.
Anon the 1070 is like 10 years out of date at this point, even with diminishing returns.
Bandits all have MP5s now. It's honestly weird how many MP5s there are in earlygame. I always thought that 9x19 guns were more like curios in the previous games, since they were rarer and usually in a very transitional part of the game. You'd survive with a 9x18 pistol and a shotgun until you get your hands on an AKS-74U or similar, but now I'm finding several times more 9x19 than 9x18 in the Zone and asking myself why bandits splurged on a more expensive gun that needs more bullets to put down a mutant and uses ammo that should be in short supply.
>pistols were a meme so good riddance
Fuck you, Big Ben was good and pistols were objectively superior to any unupgraded weapon in Clear Sky because that game's balancing was fucked.
Full auto USP was in CoP was pretty kino too.
That being said I am sad they went with CS/CoP balancing with upgrades and repairs rather than the superior SoC, what's the point of half the guns in the game if I'm given a full-size AK and AR with optics within first hour.
This graph isnt even correct. We KNOW there are other pistols like the APS, and the first pump action you find is a tactical remington.
shits farcry 2 instantly respawning checkpoints bad. leave an area go back and its already repopulated.
Just wait until modders rip the guns from Tarkov and put them in the game.
I'm just glad they didn't go through with the whole NFT thing.
Arguably realistic now that Zone isn't just Ukie Specnaz proxying for Russia where broadly understood "West" proxies through mercenaries, but there's actual international groups dedicated to containing and researching the Zone. Stalker's alternate Ukraine probably went through a similar path as the real one.
Why so many MP5A3s will forever remain a mystery.
It was a very misguided attempt to jump onto a NFT train and peddle something they've done before with NFT tag attached. CoP had character faces based off random real people who won a cosplay contest or something on Russian/Ukie internets.
Mods will fix it.
Also, does anyone know if /v/ had a meltdown over the game yet? I've been avoiding looking at that board since its unironically full of /pol/niggers who've been obsessively seething and doomposting about the game before it even came out, for like over a year.
have yet to look into it more but I've never looked up to this game as it's a AAA game, it's got mods so maybe it can become cooler
in the meantime I'll play anomaly
Hate the random mutants. Since you can't loot them they just feel like a tax on bullets and durability at this point. Even if you had to do it based just on RNG at this point, they'd have to be less frequent.
My PC is 8 years old and it wasn't even new when I bought it.
Runs Cyberpunk 2077? Runs.
Runs Mechwarrior 5? Runs.
Runs Left 4 Dead 2? Runs.
Runs Star Wars Racer? Runs.
Runs Thief1/2/3? Runs.
The GPU cartel doesn't want you to know that I don't care about memetracing(tm) or Ultra Graphix(tm).
/v/ has a meltdown over anything but that's a part of the shtick, so if anything it got drowned with the every other meltdown happening at the same time.
Stalker Gamma and True Stalker have over 200 guns.
Just play free games.
The visuals feel rather bland and I don't see why they take so much computer power to process. Don't know if that's an engine issue of them just drag-and-dropping shaders and effects or just a lack of vision and programming talent though. While SoC suffered from the aesthetic trappings of the late naughts (IE thinking that brown and grey is a palette) and has worse texture fidelity, it has the better visuals than what I've seen thus far of 2.
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Me btw
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My shit box had it's gpu die just in time to get a free copy of starfield with a new amd gpu. Fuck starfield but my bitch runs spehsss muhreen 2 GOOD and also got my lazy ass to get 2tb ssd now I'm sold on them shits and emulating PS triple games no problem. Thanks Todd. Fuck you nvidia.
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>go to pirate this game since money is tight right now due to the holidays (will buy it later for multiplayer and because i was planning on buying it anyway)
>every comment on uploads of the game are either "pirating this game because i am not funding nazis" or "pirating this game because i am not funding the WOKEkraine"
These people somehow made pirating something gay as fuck, christ.
My main issue with Stalker 2 looks-wise is that they went with memetracing (Lumen) over old style dynamic lighting + prebaked global illumination.
Lumen sucks fucking ass because changes in brightness linger on stuff (close a door to a dark room during the day and it'll glow for a solid second more) and there's no shadows cast from your flashlight which feels really fucking weird.
The zone never feels lonely anymore because there are stalkers everywhere. How the loners can call themselves that at this point is beyond me.
Bro, do also you read comments under porn videos?
rule34 comments are funny sometimes
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>Newest AAA instalment of the famous franchinse doesn't deliver on realease.
Y'all can go bother the Wishgranter
LR-300 is not a common rifle. Sucks but makes sense.
Don't know how it is nowadays, but when I pirated a lot the comments were usually quite useful to suss out torrents that were good or torrents that would give you popups leading to porn sites on computer startup. You don't exactly see that type of virus nowadays, but I can't see how comments would be completely useless.
Do you not?
I fucking hate how politics, especially of the braindead /pol/ variety, has seeped into every facet of the internet.
it was like that in soc too, even the bandits when you're leaving cordon have MP5s.
including the vector is actual mental illness though
Why is AA doing nothing? Do they have no actual AA and rely on the upscaling shit to get rid of jaggies?
Yeah, there will be full mod support later after release. Plus some multiplayer mode

It's really bizzare hearing this talking point because the country and society is so conservative.
Blame Amerimutt "conservatives" that make ragebait youtube videos to fool retards.
Anyways, back on topic. Has anyone tried it on hardware that is consideted lower than the minimum requirements? I'd be happy to get at least 720p30 on my GTX 980.
I have a decent CPU and a 1070, I get ~40 fps on the lowest settings @1440p.

The 1070 has been a prick of a place to upgrade from
>2000 series offer marginal gains
>3000 series was the start of covid with covid pricing
>4000 series was just greedy as fuck continuing covid pricing
I'm hoping 4000 series sales were low enough to force a price drop for the 5000 series at the start of next year but at this point they might not care about gaymen at all with how much AI money they are making.
I hate the Unreal engine. Every game made on unreal doesn't play nicely with my graphics card, and I've never figured out why.
UE5 lacks SOVL
t. currently learning UE5 so I can stay in employment in the cancer that is the gaming industry
>good news: can still carry the backup MAC-10 to panic-magdump a bloodsucker when it decloaks in front of my face
>bad news: bloodsucker is now in 4K on my 4090
USP chads can't stop winning in 2024
I dunno how you've come this far without understanding that the left v right divide is just identity politics and not based on any kind of ideals. Either side's opinions are complete formed around combating what they think the otherside thinks.
>funding nazis
I wish
>UE5 lacks SOVL
I remeber hearing this about Unity constantly until devs learnt how to use custom shaders.
There is nothing wrong with the engines, the issue is devs using the standard shaders so much every game feels the same.
>left v right divide is just identity politics
Leftist here, the working class largely like leftist economic policies so IDpol is used to make everything left look stupid by billionares that hate us all.
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UE5 rapes visual clarity and hurts to look at, I wish they'd stuck with X-Ray engine even if it would've meant releasing the game in 2030
This is especially bad when entering buildings, everything turns pitch black.
other leftist here
Worthless Democrats took the same corporate money as Republicans, but unlike Republicans they have to pretend to be for the working class.
>take money from corporations
>can't criticize them and bite the hand that feeds you
>stuck with ID pol faggotry and "DRUMPH!" as campaign platforms
The kicker for me was when Republicans, not Democratd's, were the ones to first suggest not taxing tips. Fucking worthless, all of them. If every retarded rich boomer on the Dem leadership and consulting are not violently removed from all positions in the next 60 days they'll be out of power until 2036 (or later).
>Bad news: bloodsucker takes 150 rounds of 9x19 to drop
Oh yeah, anyone that cosiders the Dems "left" is fucking retarded.
The western political range goes from center right neoliberalism to far right economic libertarianism.
At least shotguns are still good for mutants. Just the starter O/U and S/S are terrible due to 2 round capacity.
Vanilla SoC has a lot of MP5s too.
I can't find the screencap but there was a pornhub comment a decade ago that was like "Now this is the Russia we know and love. Please make more videos like these and cease your illegal occupation of Crimea."
> This is especially bad when entering buildings, everything turns pitch black.
Nigger did you ever look inside of dark rooms while being outside?
Irl we can see depth, silhouettes, and movement. In a lot of these games everything just turns into flat black because the black levels are so fucked up.
Stalker is an alt universe, how common a gun is IRL is irrelevant and boring.
In my experience its pretty fun after you leave the lesser zone, the anomalies and mutants are wayyy better. Theyre harder to see and the mutants have more abilities to screw with you so they really feel otherworldly and dangerous like they really should.

Performance is fine for me and the bulk of the glitches are nothing worse than what the originals had, just funny little bugs that dont effect gameplay that much. My game crashed one time (not like CoP didnt crash on me if I breathed wrong though) so far.

The only shit I realllyy dislike are UI and control related. I want a little mini map like in the original games and I dont want the compass. I wish the dialogue boxes were the same as the originals too. Then I also cant change my controls and they set the quick use items to dogshit keys. I cant manually lean and I keep drinking my energy drinks and using medkits when I dont mean to
I think I'm going to play the game in a year or two after modders have fixed most of the slavjank.
M-14s in the chernobyl exclusion zone but no fucking SKS

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Genuinely surprised there's not more futuretech stuff. We have advanced military exoskeletons, guass rifles, and that's it, that's the tech, those have been the only advancements in infantry warfare.
tbf I doubt a bunch of hobos dying for 50$ hell rocks would be getting their hands on the latest stuff. Exos are already pretty rare in the zone and gauss rifles even rarer
having both 5.45 and 7.62 AKs in the game is excessive item variety when things are so scarce and if you're not having 7.62 AKs why the fuck would you have SKS?
What were you expecting to see? Stalker has always had advanced shit, but it was often out of sight and only really referenced in descriptions; like the artifact detectors and the weird shit that got integrated into suits like the liquid layer in freedom suits that heals wounds. The Exos and Sevas appear because they're pertinent to the survival of stalkers and allow them to go deeper into the zone, so its the first thing people would buy when they get a decent payout. More esoteric shit just isn't pertinent to stalkers, so you're not likely to see it. Also the zone regularly fucks with complex electronics, knocking drones and choppers out of the sky and interfering with radios and computers, so a lot of future shit probably isn't worth the trouble as the zone will just brick it.

Incidentally, it always impresses me that SoC gave its better armors blue NVGs. White phosphor is mainstream nowadays, but it was unheard of in 2007, so they really did their research there.
>having both 5.45 and 7.62 AKs in the game is excessive item variety when things are so scarce
Scarce how? None of the stalker games throttle you for ammo for the main guns after the first hour or so.
You don't get that much ammo in Stalker 2, you spend a LOT of ammo per encounter too because mutants are tanky as fuck
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Twitter is the worst offender. Even when I’m looking at college football scores
>Krink has an underfolding stock
>MP5 still has the fucked up frontsight
These annoy me more than anything else. I miss the LR-300 too but considering how things played out it'd be weird as shit if it was there.
Good post, specifically I forgot about how
>the zone regularly fucks with complex electronics, knocking drones and choppers out of the sky and interfering with radios and computers, so a lot of future shit probably isn't worth the trouble as the zone will just brick it.
>What were you expecting to see?
More stuff that wasn't strictly grounded in reality, maybe something that was primarily a tool but could be used as a weapon in certain situations, or a gun that was jerry-rigged to benefit from artefacts somehow.
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You think this is the biggest problem?

Shit, how do you get wonkier than A-Life? Jesus fucking christ.
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the problem is encumbrance
mid game is swapping between the AK-74 and TRs-301 depending on where you are headed
later on its best to start hoarding 9x39 ammo, carry only a BIG BEN and VSS.
the 5.56 and 7.62x39 rifles are not worth carrying as they are in accurate and do little damage, I only carry the scopes and silencers for them, use till ammo runs out then throw away.
7.62x54r ammo is almost more rare than the Gauss gun ammo, carrying either is too much weight.
at least call of pypriat has the option of full auto pistols in .45, 9x19 and 9x18, saves having to carry around an SMG
CoP also lets you equip any two weapons at once, rendering pistols utterly obsolete.
One word: consoles. The Xbox release is cyberpunk tier, the bugs you see on PC arent even close to how fucked it is on console.

Most issues in the game pertain to spawning NPCs right on top of you to save up on memory and GPU load. The LODs are fucked up too.
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the pistols are still handy when out of main ammo types, and for endlessly slaughtering rats and bandits
can you not double shot and dodge while reloading with the sawn off ?
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they have the RPD in the game, there's no reason not to have an SKS
If you're worried about 7.62 AKs not being visually distinct they could have something like a Beryl or a Galil or a Sako as the 7.62 AK
>SVD uses ugly green polymer furniture
Buncha no fun faggots ITT, Ive got 15 hours already in and it feels like Stalker. So many of you zoomers are used to years old mega content mods on an almost 20 year old game.
The Mac 10 can fit in the pistol slot
stalker 2 fun af when you havent got a miserable nigger in your ear telling you its bad because there isnt a mosin
off my board tourist faggots
They don't have the RPD, the RPD has never been in any stalker game
pretty disappointing lineup, especially handguns. really hope there are more additions in the future
>can see it on the first trader's shelf
>seen GSC devs pick up 7.62x39 in WIP material
It's in the game, anon
It's not available for use, you can't grab it and no NPC uses it

People already ripped up the game code to look for hidden shit, there's no more guns than what you see here
The starter handgun really invalidates most handguns because its very durable, headshots kill most low level humans and ammo is cheap. Unfortunately vanilla Stalker games railroad you onto a handful of guns anyways, mods really polished up that fact.
My major complaint is there should be more options for durability buffs. If I like a gun I should be able to make it not shit the bed in 200 rounds
I just got to the hub in Garbage. Game is pretty alright so far and I can't wait for mods.
Insane to me that this game basically does not run for me. i7 8700k, GTX1080, 32gb ram and it can't even manage a consistent 30fps on lowest settings, 1080p, with upscaling and shit. Obviously my system is aged at this point but it makes no sense to me that I can run games like Cyberpunk, Red Dead 2, Tarkov, basically any modern spectacle game without issue but this one just falls apart.
why does my 2016 gpu not run 2024 games running on a notoriously demanding game engine?
stop being poor and buy a 4070 for like $400
Fuck you, I will remain poor just to spite the likes of you.
What site did you use?
It's on rutracker
No wonder it was filled with ziggers imao
I enjoy that Russian is the very last language after Chinese and Thai and all that, also the one drone video montage song from early in the war is on the radio in the game.
I'm nta, just telling you it's on Rutracker.
>can you not
You can but sprinting cancels actions which you might need to do.
You think that's bad? Muzzle flash no longer makes shadows, same with flashlights.
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What the actual fuck dude? How the flying fuck did they mess up spawns this badly?
>no Mosin
>no SKS
It’s like they don’t even know they’re audience
Those guns have never been in Stalker
pls forgive him he only played analmeme
Based, I still read the sadpanda comments.

Fucking hell that's atrocious.
Yeah but the community has been begging for it forever. It’s a super common mod. And it fits perfectly into the theme.
No it doesnt, the zone isnt a broke bitch slav deathmatch playground like Tarkov, its a superscience sci-fi exploration and action game like Half Life. We should have more weird experimental guns like the An-94, not more poverty sticks. The AK74 is already the only poverty stick you need.
it has the dragunov, it's nuff for me. I'll pirate the game or buy it on sale a year from now when all the bugs are fixed
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>SVD uses ugly green polymer furniture
I wouldn't mind it if they at least let us swap the furniture. At least this is an easy fix with mods
it's like a wack a mole but they shoot back
Green furniture is OG Stalker kino, they even put it in the 74S, literally the same as it was all the way back in 2004.

The only thing missing is a glossy plum bakelite 74N.
Modded OTS-02 is the best SMG in the game.
>eats cheapest/lightest ammo
>DPS so high it burns anything lighter than a hog in seconds
Fuck the GayRs, fuck intermediate cartridges, all I need is an SVD and a OTS.
The base animations are good, so all sorts of mods will be easy. I'm looking forward to AR-15, Bren, Scar, and large frame ARs. Crazy that those aren't in the game.
The unique one is my current driver, then penetration value on it is nuts, just aim at chest and shots 3-6 are headshots.
There's one mode but iirc it's a USP in 9mm.
You get it from one of the nerds in the institute.
>There is nothing wrong with the engines, the issue is devs using the standard shaders so much every game feels the same.
You're mostly right, UE5 also just chugs most of the time unless you kill most of the custom visual effects and not using an upscaler makes the game look pretty awful.
>It's realistic!
And it looks like shit, why the fuck do you think I'm NOT walking around outside right now appreciating how good everything looks?
Because it looks like shit, the sun gets in my eyes, I have to squint to see shit far off, my eyes have to adjust to different light levels and half the time I have to fuck around with the headlights on my car to get a good view in the rain.
Real life looks like dogshit and I don't want my games looking that way.
Was gonna say this - up to and including the raid on the first x-lab iirc theyre all packing the Viper 5
That's not the worst part, a chimera ate 300 rounds of 9x18, 30 rounds from a VSS, 90 5.56, and 6 grenades.
Mutant health pools are almost as fucked as they were in gamma.
Shitbox S has basically no memory compared to a standard desktop as it's memory is shared between GPU and CPU, meaning you've got 16GB total for both to share.
End result is everything popping out and in from reality because micropeen's shitbox can't handle a real workload that isn't exclusively about pretty visuals.
This shit is why I installed a 1/4 mutant health mod for the basic shitters. Fuck that one part where you're stuck in a room with a bloodsucker I cheesed that shit with grenades in the staircase.
ate bullet sponges, simple as.
Thus in anomigay i very much enjoyed tweaking the damage settings, to give myself, and the enemies, a big damage boost, to make it more like cowadoody, everyone dies fast. No more dickin around.
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Stalker 2 is far inferior to stalker anomaly in weapons variety and gameplay.

Prove me wrong
Anomaly is less game, and more sandbox.
You have to find your own entertainment, it doesn't just come naturally, you have to try and force it to be fun.
Cant argue with the weapons variety though.
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I've had this exact situation happen to me back when I modded the shit out of Arma DRO to be not!Stalker with anomalies, stalker voices, emergent firefights and mutants and shit. Good fucking times.
>50 reskins of the same 9mm pistol with non-interchangeable parts and varying durability levels, mostly with the same states.
It has the opposite problem, shit all feels the same and the ak/ar variants are interchangeable.
Man LR300 was so kino. And it's shame they removed AN94, 2 shot mode could be an interesting gameplay gimmick.
They have everything from PPK (mostly used to shoot dogs) to 44 revolvers. There’s a big variety in gameplay
Oh boy more handguns Ill never use. The point of those mods is that you can play with what you want, you sell everything else. Million AK variants means little when they all do the same.
Stalker 1 and 2 vanilla also have trash removal handgun and beeg peestol.
>shit all feels the same
Personally do not have an issue with that, if 2 guns only differ in looks, it allows mme to pick the one i like, based on looks, either the guns finnish, the wood color, maybe the iron sights.
If they then tried to narrow that down to get rid of the redundancy, they would potentially remove the one i liked more, making the game worse in my eyes.
The worst thing I've run into on pc so far is the key bindings. Some will let you re-map them in the menu and not actually remove it's original function. Want to make ammo switching Y like the originals? Now you can switch ammo types and switch to your last weapon at the same time! Want to switch your headlamp to anything but L? No. It honestly feels like they went full console pleb between that and the whole radial menu nonsense
>why bandits splurged on a more expensive gun that needs more bullets to put down a mutant and uses ammo that should be in short supply.
lmao, wait until you run into the mac 10 .45 sprayers
>wait another 15 years for gunslinger: stalker 2 edition
pls no
That's more an issue with anomaly modpack and not nonaly itself, although misery had issues with it too.
it's on UE5, and devs are releasing mod support. there will probably be steam workshop integration next year.
I forget the details but Azov is affiliated with GSC
Enfield rifles, K98’s, Tokarevs, Skorpions and revolvers are variety
I’m using a mini 14 as a start weapon and I’ve learned it sucks for anything worse than bandits. Ditto for PPK.
At least the weapons upgrade gave both select fire
There's also mouse acceleration and X/Y mouse sensitivity. It's like they didn't play test the PC version at all.
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>mouse acceleration and X/Y mouse sensitivity
Underrated view.
the one about "loving like first time"
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So are Poltergeists are now indestructible and hit for like 80% of HP or am I doing something wrong?
I think I'll stick with Into the Radius for now until the kinks get worked out. I still haven't gotten to try out the MP412 yet.
The whole internet is basically dead now. Almost all the threads here are about the wars, one sentence low effort bot posts, or both. The other chans are dead or even worse with the political crap. Bots have been running the show on Reddit for years with low effort political spam, and Twitter is still just Twitter. The forums I used to go to are still there, but even more dead than they were 10 years ago. It's sad to see everywhere go down that hole, but I think site owners purposely don't crack down on it because the nonstop political shitslinging drives up site traffic.
>Illiterate ramble about muh ZOG
Don't forget to do some review bombing, too. Maybe you'll spared during the next wave of limited and planned conscription xaxaxaxa
>am I doing something wrong?
Yes. You haven't installed a mutant health mod.
Not sure, it’s a guitar/pop song in Ukrainian, it’s catchy and I definitely laughed at the inclusion.

Use a shotgun, the doubles suck but once you get to the 870 and SPAS it becomes much easier to kill those assholes.
I’m upset there isn’t any NVGs in the game or that you can’t modify the AK to take western optics.
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I always forget to this day, where this gif is from.
Saucenao gives me a very interesting option though
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>7.62x39 is in the game
>not even a VZ58
>with a new amd gpu
uninitiated think it's still 2010 outside and cling to Nvidia for their dear life, but AMD been ahead in quality for a good decade already, they've been ahead of Nvidia pretty much forever actually but couldn't compete in production, now they can.
Also on the same note DON'T FUCKING TOUCH INTEL GPU's EVER.
I'm Ukrainian and I'm still gonna pirate this game (after I steal new pc parts from somewhere)
It's the bayraktar or some shit ainnit?
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get to the front you fucking traitor
Nobody uses 7.62 in the zone because there are already a shit ton of 5.45 and 5.56 guns available, they cut guns with unique ammo like the P90 and rechamber the ones that are kept in, like how the deagle is fucking 45ACP.
Unity always fucking sucks for me no matter what, it's a single worst thing to happen with gamedev. It just actively makes any game worse for no apparent fucking reason.
But U4 was great, I don't remember having problems with U4 at all, no matter if the game was a random garbage from some random jam or a AAA, it always run flawlessly on both low and high end hardware.
And then U5 added lumen or whatever else memetrasing that guaranteed to clog the processing and WILL completely break with older hardware while offering no solid benefit from it. So I have to manually turn that shit off in th files, which then makes it just a slightly worse U4.
Well use google, instead.
Lel I'd have to watch that digimon mobie if it had that scene.
Iirc it's from a youtube vid called "The Real suicide Squad", with them all committing suicide.
the main problem nowadays is, that people do not "learn" their engines properly or are allowed to work long enough on them to actually makem them workable. triple A games industry just churns trough the roster. leading to fucked up unoptimized shit games
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But do the guns sound and feel good? Trepang 2 and Fear have a smaller arsenal but just about every gun animates and sounds fantastic
Someone post the IRL STALKER challenge, I want to do it now
They look wonderful with very detailed animations, sound varies but shotguns are punchy as hell. Rifles are a bit more generic and feel a little weak.
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Wish it was more optimized so it didnt turn my CPU Nuclear but it is fun and feels like STALKER enough
stalker 2 was never going to be good. too many original people left to do their own thing. the metro series, tarkov, dayz, even modded SoC/CoP all these games stole the thunder of stalker 2, which was never going to live up to the hype.
>zogslop assault rifle from 2019
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stalker 2 looks badass but i dont have money to buy right now, am fixing tactical stolen dirt bike for zone cheeki breeki. I would pirate it, but I dont want another letter from the internet company. desu most of this thread should belong on /v/ or /vg/ but right now I'll allow it. No side by side and post mortem rectal rape today.

this is now a bandit thread and if you dont innawoods im gonna be innyourass. post real challenges and go outside. dont whine your little bitch ass about it being cold. put on trench coat and addidas and getting tresspassing

im not the autisit that runs the site and is always in these threads linking it, but I believe this is the most recent rules https://innazone.neocities.org

unpopular opinion but my favorite xray engine stalker game version is anomaly mod standalone. all guns are punishing in anomaly
Isn't one of the first guns you can get an AKM with an optic? Don't see that on the list.
I guess its just another AK variant and I'm not /k/ultured enough to identify most sub-variants at a glance so I could just be wrong.
>but i dont have money to buy right now,

its on gamepass
PM feels anemic. Ak and mp5 feel a bit underwhelming. Shotguns feel like BFGs. Seeing a bandit fire a shotty at the wall I'm behind and seeing a bunch of dust makes me think they just fired a grenade launcher into it. Recoil on the m870 tactical seems absurd as hell but since it can two shot boars and flesh, I think it's fitting.
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>jew pass
I have an n64 and a game cube and the sploodge dosed pc im shitposting on
it barely fucking runs and doesn't even have working a-life, wait a while at best.
oh you're the special needs child.
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All's I know is that with my trusty Ak74 I'm gonna make it
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>barely fucking runs
youre lucky you live in the world of patching and it will get better. thats just the original games. it looks like a faithful sequel to me. But youre right the best mods are yet to come.
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durr durr im retarded (just kidding) but ironically
It makes sense in-universe to me as
>MP5 getting old, phased out
>The Zone is basically a black hole that sucks in guns and turns them into suitcases full of money
>A few crates of MP5s fall off a truck in the Zone, probably originally meant for some security company or something
>As others pointed out, 9x19 hits like a wet noodle when fighting bear-size mutant dogs, draculas, guys in power armor, or mindfucked cultists who ignore pain and need to be outright killed to stop
>But they're still good guns, and excellent for shaking down rookies, so while most of them get replaced for actual soldiers, they end up trickle down economic-ing to being used by bandits and rookies who mostly fight bandits and dogs, where it's still plenty effective
CIA glowniggers are arming the bandits with western weapons to mess with the stalkers
classic CIA glownigger shit
I played SoC day one and it ran better than this, it was just riddled with constant crashes and game breaking bugs. Also A-Life, the entire point of why the open world was fun, actually worked.

This has constant crashes and game breaking bugs AND runs like dogshit. And there's no A-Life.
>60 bucks makes or breaks the monthly budget

grim. not hating on your bro, it just reminds me of the time I was broke as shit too
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I budget and save and penny pinch like a mother fucker. I make a lot of money, and make myself live like a miser. I do indulge every once in a while on things like vehicles, guns, and modifying said vehicles and guns. plus tools i spend a lot on tools and tool truck payments. But mostly i save all of my money in case I need shit for my family. $60 for a video game isnt important for me right now and isnt in the budget i set for myself. I am severly autistic
what is a tool truck
Not being a retard with money isn't an autism sign anon, it's a sign of being based.
The rape van.
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not sure if this is b8 but the snap-on, cornwell, mack, matco tool trucks show up at work site or mechanic shops etc. very expensive and often over priced tools that you can pay on payment plans if you have bad credit, or if its 10k dollars. the one big benefit of tool trucks is the warranties. if you buy something from snap on or cornwell, matco. and you ever fucking break it ever in your lifetime. some dude in a truck will show up and replace or fix it for you no quesitons asked. usually you get to know the truck dude pretty well too and he hooks you up. i pretty much only buy snap on and cornwell stuff when i know i am going to break the tool and i want it replaced forever. or if its a diagnostic or gauging tool that I really want to know im using the best possible equipment available. again if you get some 1500 dollar torque wrench from snap on, theyll give you some deal or plan on yearly calibration and adjusments and shit. >>62915183
but this anon is right if you let the guy, he'll fucking rape you and try to sell you the whole truck and you wont have a pay check anymore
IIRC this was why the original games had a bunch of L85s, because in universe bongland just straight up dumped them for G36s so they all ended up in the zone.
Kind of funny since g36 are now showing up in the zone. Wonder what the lore is for them now
cannot WAIT for them to nickle and dime with dlc weapon packs. the president of GSC is a turbojew.
Is the plot good?
Western aid for freedom, and Nimbles ones are picked off of dead UN forces.
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Out of the complaints I've seen here, the mutant health is the only one I really agree with, other than shit binding support to cater for console plebs. (Like, why does this game somehow use more of my keyboard than most simulation games I've played. What the actual fuck.)
That being said, the barrage of winging anomalmeme players has been surprising.. sort of.

What surprises me more is nobody noting that they removed the database function of the PDA. Cutting down a lot of A-Life is annoying, but not being able to at least understand what anomalies will give what artifacts, or even just a name for a given anomaly is so, so retarded. Game plays great so far, but that, and mutants being pure bullet sponges sticks in the back of my mind whenever I encounter either or.
>what jewish twinks bedrooms actually look like
I feel you I'm just saying 60 bucks one a one-time purchase shouldn't be something that makes a noticeable impact on your budget either way. Maybe 60 bucks a week or month but not a one time thing.
>no best assault rifle
>unpopular opinion
>posts the most popular mod
It's unpopular in here in the cool kids club, where everyone is the bestest and they totally enjoy playing <abandoned russian mod that needs 12 patches and 3 other mods to work> and no, all the retarded shit and crashes are a part of the intended, Trve Stalker Experience (tm). You're just a scrub so go back to Anomaly.
I bought the game pass for this and MSFS 2024. It's digital only anyway so I don't care about muh ownership and with prices like these I can cover the pass for 2 years with how much these unfinished pieces of shit cost. I'll get Stalker 2 on sale once decent mods are out.
The database was only in ShoC, its been gone a long time.
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i beat coc and soc without mods or walkthroughs. i love the original games. clear skys is luke warm to me, it hits like dark souls 2. but i like anomaly just because of azazel mode and the built in world modifications, warfare mode, etc. I like just hopping in, survival mode, im a bandit shoot everyone with a shotgun cheeki breeki. thats just my favorite part of the game
also forgot about the lost alpha, holy fuck do i love lost alpha, its a buggy masterpiece
when you play warfare mode in anomaly and your trying to keep control of all of the camps and shit in the zone youre in is so much fun. its like a big world ukrainian swbf2 2005 mod
All I want out of the stalker modding community:
>russo-ukrainian war mod
>azovstal (including cum pits), hotel chornobaivka time anomaly, piss key hyperfortress, bakhmut wagner corpse storage and seething prighozin rants, black sea coast (with hidden moskva underwater feature), and chernobyl trench positions as playable maps
>infamous zigger incidents included as easter eggs or anomalies
>slav jank
>a billion playable weapons to simulate the clusterfuck inventory of the ukrainian armed forces
>playable armored vehicles including white bradley of vatnik terror and exploding BMPs
>wish granter shaped like banan
YOU get to the front! Lol.
Oh cool, glad my money went to a good cause after all.
Sounds about right, the PM isn't exactly renown as a powerful gun. Sucks that the MP5 doesn't feel "slappy", you know not super punchy and bassy like you expect from a shotgun but more lighter thumping al la the MP5 from COD 4. AK also sucks because BaS has such kick ass AKs and I hoped GSC had taken notes. It sounds fine though, any game with satisfying shotguns has a good arsenal
Of course, like half of the uploaders on Rutracker are Ukrainian. Piracy is embedded within the East Euro spirit.
I hate everything to do with media and coverage, plus both sides of the conflict in general. But I think of all franchises a faithful and really well done rus-ukr war mod in stalker would be awesome
What do you think bros, is A life actually coming back?
Yeah database was fun, sometimes after killing new mutant i open PDA to check for the extra information out of habit..
Also, who the fuck though that turning fleshes into comically large, bullet spongy, spiders was good idea? Same with the rest, i don't even use tactics while fighting bloodsuckers most of the time, just camp in the corner and pay the bullet tax.
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>no G3
>no SKS
>no Bizon
fuck this game
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Find me and post your own screen if you are a real STALKER...
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Have /k/tards ever organized a group STALKER challenge campout before?
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I'm literally talking about a gay IWI AR-18 derived M-LOK design, retard. It IS zogslop
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Nah it's an AKS-74 if you mean the one from the water tower
Makes me wish we saw proper L85A2s in the sequel, like 'a bunch of Zone gunsmiths decided to retool these shitty rifles to the GWOT era version to make them a bit more usable while being profitable enough to resell'
Bizon is in the game, not sure when but it showed up in promotional material a bunch
But yeah no G3 or SKS is gay as fuck
Hopefully weapon mods spring up by the end of the year to augment some of the weaker weapon categories, especially pistols, going from having like 4 9x19mm handguns in the originals to none is CRIMINAL, justice for 92FS/Hi-Powerbros
So SKS food is Stalker 2's equivalent to "bread"?
would have made way more sense for them to put the Grot in the game than that if they wanted a cool ACR looking gun
>Makes me wish we saw proper L85A2s in the sequel
I dont. If the bongs adopted the G36, then the A2 never existed outside of maybe some pattern room prototypes. I resent that stalker has become ashamed of its eccentricities and timeline divergences.
he buys from a tool truck, he's not smart
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SHoC makes it out to be the G36 that replaced the L85A1 but then CS/CoP makes reference to a newer model which is meant to be the L85A2 replacing it instead, so I wouldn't be that bothered if it was kept retconned like that and it could be a subtle way of showing the passage of time
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>all these people upset about guns that were never in STALKER not being in STALKER 2
They look good but none of them feel good cause everything is a bullet sponge. Enemy reaction s to getting shot lacking too.
I am also upset when more, different guns are added in a sequel.
They removed the grenade launchers
I understand being upset about something not being there that was there before but I don't get the complaining about guns that weren't there before not being in the game
I don't really care about new guns personally, but its not like Stalker 2 exists in a vacuum. Its been 17 years since the first game came out, there are people able to consent to sex that weren't even conceived when Shadow of Chernobyl released, and expectations have changed since then.
Only the standalone revolver, not the underslung ones. But yes, any omission is shitty.
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Can you name one good reason for them not being there, other than that they were not there before?
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While I get being annoyed at Gamma/Tarkovfags I think it makes sense that some guns that are common requests like the SKS and Mosin probably SHOULD be in the game considering that
a) they're chambered in calibres that exist in game (7.62x39 is in now but it's only for the fucking PKM for some reason, never mind the fact that they had the RPD in-dev)
b) they fit the setting in terms of geological position and timeframe, and it makes sense you'd see shitsticks like those found cheaply
c) we need more early game gear variety. right now 90% of bandits and such use a Makarov, TOZ-66 or MP5
>7.62x39 is in now but it's only for the fucking PKM
lmao wtf. you'd think that having devs literally on the front lines would stop them from doing retarded shit like this
>triple A games industry just churns trough the roster
Rant time though I suspect it's related to Stalker 2. I work as a games designer and while our devs are good dudes, out of our entire team only two leads know how Unity works and one of them is leaving because of shitty work conditions and nobody really knows what's happening if they can't google it. Brain drain has become really bad, not just people moving companies, but experienced people leaving this industry entirely before they get to share it.

That and our deadlines are so short that we just release a turd after a turd with no time to learn and improve because bossmen just signed another yet contract with the sleasiest niggers alive so the company can stay afloat. Said niggers will immediately wipe their asses with our contract, intentionally demand a lot more work and constantly interfere fucking up things already done while cutting deadlines even further to cover up their own mismanagement in the face of our mutual perpetually angry publisher (angry over our shit games not selling).

Also oh boy oh boy nobody in the CEO mob and the investor mob demand we make the least appealing shit just because they think it's a good idea and we are explicitly told not to question their ideas just work on them. Easily solvable problems are never fixed because it'll challenge the wisdom of someone who doesn't play games. The funniest thing is that every company I know has this particular problem, so here's the ultimate answer as to why AA and AAA games have been so shit recently and why Indies have been booming.
The only reason I can think of is that maybe they wanted 54r to be expensive for the SVD/SVU but thought people wouldn't run the PKM if it cost like 150k coupons to fill a belt
Perhaps, but the PKM in COP already had its own cheaper bulk version of 54r, I don't think you could even use the sniper ammo in it.
Shit, no clue then.
One last reason I can think of is that they wanted the RPD to fill this role but couldn't get the assets finished before release so just moved the PKM to fill its role. Literally the last reason I can think of. Otherwise it's just totally arbitrary.
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some deal between 3 different factions went sour in some swamp hut, came upon a scene with a full on fire fight going on, swooped in and killed the last survivor and looted all.

here's a selection of guns youll come upon in the early game, also had to leave behind a G36 and HK416 because they were broken and im at max weight
desu, a part of me dislikes how little the UI has changed. Certainly its familiar, but it also feels regressive, like they couldn't think of any refinements in 14 years?
>they might not care about gaymen at all with how much AI money they are making.
Already confirmed. Latest report from Nvidia warned of a gaming GPU shortage (40XX) as they switched more production to Blackwell.
Expect the exact same thing on the 50XX
hadn't really thought about it until you mentioned it now, it works fine imo because you very seldom get to fill up the whole inventory window like this so most of its easily available.

but yeah, maybe a Deus Ex: HR style would've been better,
I've played the game a few hours and unless they're shooting at each other, I never manage to spot enemies before they shoot at me. I get that white "you're about to be detected" thingy but still can't spot them unless I see some muzzle flash.

I think I might need new glasses.
I had half of it downloaded then I read just how much content is missing and I refunded. Playing anomaly now
>I never manage to spot enemies before they shoot at me. I get that white "you're about to be detected" thingy but still can't spot them unless I see some muzzle flash.

No you don't need glasses this fucking game always spawns them out of your FOV
first mod installed after 18 hours of play. reduced repair cost because the current system of it being equal to full price is completely retarded
they also have fucking hitscan aimbot guns, they literally hit you dead center at any distance when they shoot at you
another thing I don't like is that you can't use irons when you have a PSO on your AK
>anyone who expected a Stalker game to be good from the start is a moron.
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>like how the deagle is fucking 45ACP.
Objectively an upgrade though
1. Is it moddable?

2. How many hours until turbo-zigger mod drops to paste everything with vdv and dnr flags?
There is a 9x19 handgun in the game (I have it)
>because they were broken and im at max weight
when will you dipshits stop doing this?
you can sell broken guns for like 15% less than when they are yellow and the G36 and 416 are worth seven times the fucking shotgun and AKS you carried out
>Bandits all have MP5s now

...you mean just like in vanilla SoC?
Is there? You sure you're not thinking of 9x18 or 9x39? I had a look and I didn't see a calibre conversion for any of the handguns so far
patch it and implement it as anomaly
Instead of the HK they should have use the UAR15 and instead of another jew gun they should have added the Bren 2 or a Scar-L. I would have been cool if they add another ak bullpup conversion kit like the black storm BS-4, it would really fit into the Stalker aesthetic.
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yeah nigger
>it's a tan frame USP
hell yeah anon where'd you pick it up?
surprised they didn't let you convert standard USPs to 9mm desu
i like how the most popular russian torrent tracker bans all stalker 2 releases on sight lmao
spoiler possibly, dont read below if you haven't gotten very far

you get a guaranteed one from sircca facility in the main quest line, literally gets autoslotted to your inventory
also I have realistic bullet mods on, so don't expect yours to have a damage stat that high
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Does anyone else feel like the firearms are losing muzzle energy over distance way too fast?
Having a firefight with the MP5 at 25+ yards is an exercise in frustration, and even the rifles aren't doing too hot, I repeatedly scored a sneak headshot on a guy from ~100yd away, I heard the "splat" sound effect of a headshot too, but he just staggered and lived.
That's every Stalker game basically, I've downloaded a mod that ups damage received for regular humans with headshots almost killing anyone if it penetrates
So has anyone found a suppressor that can fit an MP5 yet? Was hoping maybe they'd put a proper MP5SD into the game, but not certain.
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Which way, slavic man?
I found a drum magged MP5 called Shah’s Mate, I’m still holding out hope for other variants, found the Predator and Lynx already.
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yeah, found that, strolled up to ol mate's base without realising, found out I could show the gun to his goons and then walk into his office and kill him. fun interaction
real siggers choose the 550
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I'll wait until it's patched
Yeah getting to take out bandit hideout is always a good time, I cleared that place with the 870 and MP5, mozambique’d the Shah with my USP .45.
Patch soon fellow Stalker!
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I'm home, bros...
>the Bar was taken over by Bloodsucker fuckers
It's over
It seems like all the worse choices or at least middling ones, were taken by the previous game’s protagonist’s as to have more options for how you want to deal with stuff now.
Can we just have the AI bubble burst already? Investors are throwing money at it hoping for AGI but no one even knows if it's possible.
i hate that it's not like the old games ENOUGH. There's not enough status bars telling you important info like your levels of protection, your hunger, thirst and exhaustion, how irradiated you are and how bad your bleeding is. You can't even tell if you got brain damage from psy-mutants and anomalies now.
this game is not very fun. the shooting feels worse than basically every other stalker-adjacent game on the market and practically every building feels like a reused asset from stalker.
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love anomaly warfare mode

started with one bandit outpost in the great swamp. duty and freedom occupying and fighting for the south. have slowly spread our influence throughout the entire north, now freedom and duty are teaming up to stop us while we have at least 60 bandits all scrambling south over running them.

its cheeki breeki poetry
Go play Tarkov if you want gunplay zoomer
really, thats the best fucking defense you could come up with? ok well the game certainly doesn't have roleplaying going for it either.
>walk up to machine yard
>bandits say to stop sneaking and come talk
>talk to them, get some info, need to pay if i want more info
>game gives me no options other than pay (i cant) or kill the bandits.
>the squad of dogs that chased me into the building is sitting right outside, they wont come in because im in a hallowed rpg choice area
>kill the bandits cause i cant simply exit the convo
>dogs immediately rush the building now that rpg time is over
>the dogs only aggro me, they run past all the bandits

stop defending mediocrity
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>Go play Tarkov if you want gunplay
no anon is right youre playing the wrong game. this might sound the way people defend bethesda games. but stalker games are at their best and funniest when theyre at their buggiest and most unplayable. thats part of the game, has been since call of chernobyl. for this franchise and this franchise alone i defend all the bugs
I’m also pissed off at no Nods. All three original stalker games had NVGs but not in stalker 2. It’s funny because NPCs have them on their heads.
lmao skill issue
I've seen fucking vtubers doing this encounter from a first try
get filtered retard
i hate tarkov for it's predatory buisness model
Bad game design choices =/= bugs
Mutants in the original stalker have personality, and self preservation instincts.
Dogs only attack in packs or if attacked first, and will run away when wounded or if you kill the alpha pack leader, fleshes don't attack unless you get too close and scare easily, bloodsuckers will try to limp away when wounded, etc.

From what I've seen so far the mutants in stalker 2 follow the skyrim AI trend of just making every animal mindlessly zerg rush you with zero concern for self preservation, it's mindless, tedious and boring.
i've only seen matara play stalker. what other vtubers were playing it?
Why the DP-12, it's a complete meme. The KSG actually sees some use
I haven't seen that at all, you can jump onto rocks and stuff and dogs will hide from your LOS
nigga whatre you talking about most npcs in the original games barely know what direciton their looking or if theyre even alive or dead. sure bloodsuckers would run away, but in my experience usually outside of the map and get stuck in walls becasue their collision physics was fucked up.
Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.
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Nope just a shitty flashlight
Sig through Jupiter and the first half of the plot in Pripyat outskirts, then AS VAL to finish the game.

At least, that's how I did it in my original CoP playthrough.
>the shooting feels worse than basically every other stalker-adjacent game on the market

It's hilariously obvious you haven't played vanilla of any of the OG trilogy.
You're a Misery/Anomaly kid at best, a GAMMA/Tarkoover at worst.
>oh no the game is a broken mess on release
>the following hilariously retarded situation has happened to me

Sounds like Stalker to me all right kek
Zoomers weren't there when SoC or CS came out and it shows
By slavjank standards HoC is actually relatively polished
they could just like have like regular 54r for machine guns and rifles and precision 54r for marksman rifles. it has been know to happen in like, reality.
I kinda hate how aggressive and tanky fleshes are now.
Dogs were always opportunistic cunts but fleshes were wimpy scaredy cats that almost seemed more afraid of you than the other way around.
nah its pretty bad because you dont have ranged fights, shit just spawns in behind you. stuff like the svd is useless. that + the spongyness just makes it feel horrible.
in the older games bullets felt like they worked. you died fast but so did they.
in this its you get shot qte q or die then try to figure out where the 3-6 guys that just spawned in shot you to fire back.
you dont have binoculars and cant scout. the freind or foe shit is only known after you get shot.
its not like oh theres a group of bandits or mutants over there i will walk around. its im walking through an empty area and sudenly 6 dogs jump you. or you just finished a fight go to loot and stuff spawns right in an area you just cleared and kills you.
Yeah the A-life quantum spawn thing sucks but the firefights themselves are fine.
>so did they
The old games literally had injured enemies go through a stagger animation during which they were nearly invulnerable, you had to headshot them or pump most of a mag into them to make them die, and the MP5 and Krinkov had a minute of truck spread at 25m, stop making shit up.
you cant sell red broken guns at all you fucking retard
Yeah, I just finished one last weekend and am making a youtube video out of it now
>and the MP5 and Krinkov had a minute of truck spread at 25m, stop making shit u
yeah those early game guns were shit, in this one everything even the endgame ones dont feel good
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I don't mind the furniture, it brings back memories.
Also you saved the smol res of my SVD Anon have a better one.

>Green furniture is OG Stalker kino

This. I have no idea why they went with the underfolder for the AKS-74u though, unless it's tradition (as in: there HAS to be random shit wrong with the guns, like SoC having the AKS-74u with a 7.62 mag for no reason in particular).
why did devs put death counter in the game?
>This. I have no idea why they went with the underfolder for the AKS-74u though, unless it's tradition (as in: there HAS to be random shit wrong with the guns, like SoC having the AKS-74u with a 7.62 mag for no reason in particular).
its 100% they had used airsoft as reference
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That's nonsense though, they got it 80% right but for some reason included the wood pistol grip (found on 0 suchkas recorded history that weren't burger abominations) and the AKMS underfolder.
Shitty downgraded flashlight at that. In the leaked beta, the light casted dynamic shadows but in release it is a very dim projection that raises the brightness in a circle in fron of you with no shadows. The NPCs still have dynamic flashlights, so its not even for the sake of lower specs, they just wanted the player to be blind as fuck in the dark.

If you ask me i think they intended flashlights to be upgradeable weapon addons or items that consume batteries but they ran out of time/couldnt code it right.
>stalker is supposed to be bad, its supposed to be about the bugs!

jesus what worthless, god-awful opinions.
to make it seem hardcore like dark souls
yes you can, in Rostok you absolutely retarded fucking nigger.
Quit perpetuation this fucking lie.
I've been known for oftenly saying this...

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