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Will weapons that are 1000 times more dangerous and deadly than nuclear weapons ever really be invented? If so, what will be their working principle? Some sort of mini-Death Star capable of wiping out entire countries or regions? Will it make nukes obsolete or just less threatening?
the only way to make more energy than a h bomb is an antimatter bomb but nobody has ever found antimatter. there's some to be found inside protons/neutrons but it's minuscule. neutron star matter would be another type of fission source material but we already have that here on earth with uranium+ anything bigger than that has disintegrated by now. if you need bigger destruction that isn't scifi then you must use moons and planets and hurl them at the enemy planet.
Hbomb is as bad as it gets until you get to relativistic weapons.
>Beam that travels
Looks retarded and gay
>Will weapons that are 1000 times more dangerous and deadly than nuclear weapons ever really be invented? If so, what will be their working principle?
You push a rock to move very fast.

We've had more dangerous stuff than nukes since like the late 80s
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>an antimatter bomb but nobody has ever found antimatter.
Uh, we've found Antimatter, the problem is you need several miles of Super Collider to even generate it, and THEN you have to prevent it from colliding with regular Matter and going off on you.

>We've had more dangerous stuff than nukes since like the late 80s
Can we just settle things with Giant Robot fights?
Like what?

Can't tell you or the tech will propagate.
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>Can't tell you or the tech will propagate.

Tiny robots are more dangerous than giant ones anon
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>Tiny robots are more dangerous than giant ones anon
Well DUH, but if you are going NANOMACHINES, SON, it will be about as much of a genie as germ warfare...
Meanwhile big robots could be suplexing tanks!
I think you can argue that bioweapons are already worse than nukes. You can at least theoretically deploy nukes in a relatively precise, targeted way (whether you could avoid escalation is another story) but one release of a particularly bad virus could kill billions.
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Planet Crackers.
How about a Nadion Buzzsaw instead?
>Goofy ass wobbly cam like it's some dude floating in space filming this shit with his phone
lets settle on giant robots, cyborgs, and nanomachine enhanced politicians.
Is at at least fun? Or another buzz-killer like drones, that ruin interesting warfare.

it is not fun. just frightening.
I was hoping you'd give me hope and sci-fi fantasies. Now I'm sad for future. U sure it cant be used for space dogfights, stargates, powering a dynamo for entire planet or something....?
While not exactly more "devastating" I wonder how world would change if governments had the technology to vaporize a very specific area (in few meters radius at best) with something like a powerful space laser. Let's say its able to penetrate through any bunker/shielding, so together with proper intel on the current location of a target - be it human or otherwise - anything can be moments away from being "removed"
Yeah, bioweapons (specifically virulent ones) already have the capability to be way worse. Even now, something like covid with a lethality rate more in line with MERS is within the realm of possibility and would be devastating.

But shit gets real when it's possible to make the more sophisticated stuff. Imagine a virus that, for example, has:
>multiple distinct ways of bypassing the immune system (3 or 4 is enough to make it so that innate immunity is unlikely to occur naturally)
>asymptomatic transmission period of 3 years (good luck containing this lol)
>symptomatic period marked by body producing large amounts of a nerve agent (hardly impossible, as anyone with decent organic chem knowledge could tell you)
The only real defense against such a weapon would be having your entire population pre-inoculated (which only the deployer can do, obviously) or artificially increase the genetic diversity of your population so much that transmission becomes unlikely (50/50 on this even being possible before sophisticated bioweapons, and that's not including the hurdles of implementing such a program).
>The only real defense against such a weapon would be having your entire population pre-inoculated (which only the deployer can do, obviously)
also would get you glassed if you were caught doing it
>artificially increase the genetic diversity of your population so much that transmission becomes unlikely
unfortunately too many people are faggots about human genetic alteration for this to ever happen. bioethicists are going to get us all killed
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Humanities first and last weapon will be rogg
You will only live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension.
They all laughed when I invested all my research points into the grugg tree. Now grugg is the one laughing.
The television is more dangerous than the nuke.
Edward Teller's "Skyburner" nuke was capable of some destruction on truly immense scales. Idea was thermonuclear weapons can be scaled arbitrarily by adding more and more secondaries around the fission core, going up into the gigaton range.

So what you do is build a multi-gigaton nuclear weapon and detonate it in the upper atmosphere or low orbit over the target area. But it's not the traditional blastwave or ionizing radiation that does the damage here, superheating the atmosphere over the target with intense X-ray flux does. We're talking spontaneously combusting countries here.
>nanomachine enhanced politicians.
>okay guys we have nukes now, what are we going to use them for?
>idk man just make a bigger nuke
>but anon that's not an ans-

this has always been such a dumb thing and probably the least dangerous, least efficient way of torching the planet. with the same or less energy and a bit of creativity you can probably do something way cooler like connecting a flux tube directly from earth's ionosphere to the sun or generate global ultrasound of the correct frequency and intensity to kill hemoglobin or ... or... or...
The chixculub crater was formed by an asteroid carrying multi-TERATON kinetic energy. It still took years for dinosaurs to die from the lack of sunlight, and ultimately, plenty of life survived, even on land. A "mere" gigaton-level weapon will not be wiping out more than a single state or small country.
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>It still took years for dinosaurs to die
And it didn't get all of them...
Many years ago there was a conquer an alien planet roleplaying thread on Spacebattles. The premise is a hard-science fiction setting in which humanity had sent out a starship manned by the uploaded minds of the players to check out a planet discovered with intelligent life on it. Long story short they developed a pretty awful bio-weapon and named it "Little Boy"…anyway it’s a very fun read: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/lets-conquer-an-alien-planet-summary-thread.28/
Gray goo would make a good extinction candidate. Just cover all land areas with meters of silicon solar detritus. if it flies for a bit large ships will also be sunk.
In Galaxy's Edge there's something called a trigger nuke. It somehow causes a self propagating chain reaction that ignites all oxygen in a planets atmosphere. Dunno if it's theoretically possible tho, but the series is prime operator kino.
Could be filmed from an observation deck.
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I created Bitcoin and DARPA has plans to meet with me for a few of my ideas when they time comes. They are most definitely stronger than nuclear weapons.
probably only when we go beyond planetary warfare, even today nukes are often overkill for most situations
It sounds as if you've never heard of a neutron bomb. Everything within a certain radius dies from radiation, after a couple miles it drops off to around a 50/50 chance for another couple miles, then it drops off significantly after that, rather than destroying any infrastructure it leaves it intact and just kills the inhabitants. It's considered a bit more insidious.
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a kinetic energy did 100 million megatons a little while ago

you can use any energy to change an orbit, doesn't have to be nuclear
The only feasible "weapon" that would offer vastly larger yields than nuclear weapons would be space rogg. That being said, it would take a shit ton of delta-V to move large asteroids with huge amounts of mass compared to just deorbiting nukes from ships performing flyby orbits near a planet who refused to pay taxes and are about to find out why that was a mistake.

It's also the same principle as to why modern day nukes or not multi megaton behemoths. It's more economical and more effective to load a single ICBM with multiple lower yield warheads that can detonate over a larger area rather than just having one big ass warhead. 250kt - 500kt has been the sweet spot for yields and I doubt that if we are to ever wage wars in space against each other that that would change.
Anything with 3 year lead times before death is going to have a cure pretty quick, because it's going to kill the weak before the young.
This is only true of "heavy" anti particles. You can generate light anti-matter with high powered lasers.
>"I will not Zapper post, I have to work"
>"I will not Zapper post, I have to work"
>"I will not Zapper post, I have to work"
I will probably Zapper post after I get back from work...
And you wouldn't need a shitload of it either, just enough to generate a positron cascade from the initial gamma release in free air
Maybe the benefit is you get 90% of a nuclear weapon, and as a bonus...
>Launch on warning detection because no missile
>Relativistic strike speeds
>Short lived gamma activation only
>No airborne radionuclides to determine who the culprit is
>Scalability you don't get with a nuclear weapon
Bonus points for it essentially appearing to be a gigantic fucking lighting strike on orbital x-ray/gamma ray monitoring platforms
it would take less dv if you're willing to take it slow. Just nudge a rock in from the belt such that it collides with Earth at the desired time in a few months. Or stage it in orbit first.
Bioweapons. The theoretical limit of a bioweapon's potential is astounding. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, complete eradication of humans and salting of the earth if a few survivors in an antarctic bunker ever try to come back. If you're trying to wipe out the world, a bioweapon is where it's at. There are even multiple ways to do it. You can go with a human-affecting virus, or you could engineer a plant virus with extremely high mutagenicity and very low selectivity, which essentially defoliates the world and wipes out 99% of terrestrial life as a result of nearly the entire plant kingdom being destroyed.
Not true at all if we're talking about a DNA virus btw. You can also counter vaccine development by intentionally making the strain highly mutagenic. Or an influenza-style recombination of antigens. Obviously, nobody would do that unless they were trying to kill everyone including themselves, and it takes a lot more investment than your average hypothetical terror biolab in a suburban garage. But still.
>Will weapons that are 1000 times more dangerous and deadly than nuclear weapons ever really be invented?
Micro/nano tech kill bots.
Niggers. We should develop orbital drop pods just to rain niggers down on our enemies
>The release of Spooklear weapons has been authorized

Nukes are actually the least scary of all the current wmds
>extremely high mutagenicity and very low selectivity, which essentially defoliates the world and wipes out 99% of terrestrial life as a result of nearly the entire plant kingdom being destroyed
I'm not sure selectivity that low is even physically possible. Maybe with a giant virus that has as many bypass methods as possible packed into it. High mutagenicity helps, but is undesirable to rely on for omnicidal purposes, since jumping to being effective in a new species would still take time.
>You can also counter vaccine development by intentionally making the strain highly mutagenic
The other reason high mutagenicity is undesirable for omnicide is that, since you're relying on asymptomatic transmission for spread (since you want to avoid detection entirely before it's too late), mutation could easily render your kill method inert.

Something a bit more hypothetical, if you could somehow program in a genetic 'countdown' that doesn't reset upon reproduction, you could make it so that symptoms occur in all infected at roughly the same time.
The chixculub impactor also actually did light the atmosphere on fire as it entered and then threw up ejecta that also re entered
Air transmitted prion disease?

But IMHO if it takes years its not really suitable as weapon. Enemy might decide to come en masse for whatever reason today and then its useless.
Prions are too rare and too restricted in function for real weaponization. Like 10% of all proteins misfold when produced, and yet prion diseases are still extremely rare, to give a sense of perspective.
>I'm not sure selectivity that low is even physically possible.
It's certainly not seen in nature, but with bioengineering and especially with the new AI-powered chemistry simulations (by far the most important and high-investment AI use, btw) I bet it's possible. Maybe engineering something that forces the virus to create multiple discrete types of virions, each containing full genetic code but with different proteins? Evolution would never do this naturally, but with intentional design...

Also, another theoretical method would be a symbiotic fungal vector. The fungus handles the transmission, and the virus handles internal invasion. It could benefit the fungus by degrading host defenses, perhaps. Much easier to encode multiple transmission methods into a eukaryotic pathogen, after all (probably the only benefit of bioengineering eukaryotes over other pathogens desu)

>since you're relying on asymptomatic transmission for spread
I wasn't clear sorry, I was suggesting that mutagenicity could be an alternative to asymptomatic transmission. Making symptoms visible, but the virus itself could be very hard to immunize against.

>you could somehow program in a genetic 'countdown' that doesn't reset upon reproduction
The bioengineering tech isn't there yet (at least publicly) but plants already do this, as evidenced by studies where they still exhibit seasonal behavior even when in a fully climate controlled lab with exactly 16 hours of sunshine every day. This, at the very least, suggests that a DNA virus could be augmented with some similar mechanics that are time-based.

You could also rely on predictable endocrine signaling, such as a cumulative threshold system (accomplished via multiple stages of promoters before reaching the actual gene that would reactivate the virus) based on ie insulin, or preferably something more obscure and less disease-prone.
Correct, not suitable for military use due to that delay, but more importantly it's not even viable for terrorism because there's no way to make them transmissible via anything other than blood or cannibalism or mayyybe fecal-oral (doubtful that this is even possible), even in theory. To compare to a computer, it's a cascading error, not a virus. It will crash the system in due time, but it lacks the fundamentals that would be required to jump to another PC.
>Drone huge rock on earth
>New dinosaur level event
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Nothing can match the long term destructive power of a Spooklear weapon. Now they even have gas boosted ones
>deflect rock with other drone
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I think we can do bigger than that
What for?
Even if you could build it, what do you want to do with it?
jesus christ
what is that thing
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Ultra Mega Chicken!
Nah, just accelerate a meteor or comet down on a planet.
I respect the bio weapons posters but I’ve got to stand my ground and say Cobalt bombs. Or really any “salted” nuclear weapon. Instead of a massive detonation you simply scour a huge area with highly radioactive debris with a purposefully long half life. Wouldn’t take much to render the world’s surface uninhabitable to mankind, and unlike a bio weapon there’s no chance for multicellular life to evolve fast enough in a high radiation environment. With enough motivation the US or Russia could easily do this (again assuming they had motivation to). I’m fairly certain even an apocalyptically successful bio weapon would leave some species unharmed.
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I already said Ultra Mega Chicken!
>blow up entire continent
>now you can't take their resources or subjective amd exploit them
>just ejected a ton of dust into the atmosphere that will fuck you for years
it's a weapon of terror
Brahma chicken, bred to meet growing demand for chicken meat in the 1800s I think it was? They can get pretty big.
The moon is just a big rock.

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