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>simulate schizophrenic audio hallucinations with the sound player plugin!
I promote rape!
It hasn't reached the bump or image limit retard.
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Still another excuse to post wee lil' cat daughters
>It hasn't reached the bump or image limit retard.
Yeah I realized that when the thread I was using as reference was the wrong thread from several days ago...

I have a tab hording problem.
Maids with guns.
>Winter War edition
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All things considered, the Finns came out WW2 pretty well, compared to other low populated countries sandwiched between Germany and the Soviets
Especially when you consider they were allied to the 3rd Reich. Militarily and politically, they played their cards pretty well
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>lose half your territory + become a vassal state
they didn't end up like Berlin but maybe their outcome was all they could ask for
around fins the ice is thin
>lose half your territory
>become a vassal state
Depends what you call a vassal state
around fins
your virginity ends up in the bins
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fuck, I thought the Great Fincel Republiq was bigger
that was the size finlandia should have been but not the real size, sadly.
The areas Finland lost were 90% marshes, bogs and poor forests. The only loss that was sad was Vyborg. A lot of effort was put into building that city, and after the Russians got it they just totally neglected it and it became a shithole.
>The only loss that was sad was Vyborg
And the ethnic Finns who lived there who became a minority in their own lands or, worse, were russified
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The Jakobselv patch triggers my autism so much. Forget Karelia, that little blob of land is unnatural and ugly. Finland not having a northern artic coastline is a sin that History needs to fix
>Finland not having a northern artic coastline is a sin
You know what, maybe Norway doesn't need so much arctic coastline...
Do Finnish girls make for good girlfriends irl?
>The only loss that was sad was Vyborg. A lot of effort was put into building that city, and after the Russians got it they just totally neglected it and it became a shithole.
The entire isthmus was a significant portion of our industrial base. And still the Russians are worse off than we are now
They're either basic thots or mentally ill leftists but worship foreigners so if you're foreign you're golden
Personally I'm going elsewhere
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It's a massive cockblock. Norway doesn't need it, in fact sharing a border with Russia is a geopolitical liability that should be handled by Finland naturally.
Always wondered how a full sclae russian invasion of Finland in 2022 would have played out
Would the Finns have fared better the the Ukrainians?
>basic thots or mentally ill leftists
Sad, and here I thought the Finns were somewhat immune to these kind of things
They truly are Westerners after all
My professional Finnish opinion is "no"
There are enough le let's not anger the Russian bear types here we would have been caught pants down like the Ukies partially were
Yes, but not because our army is better. The only reason is our geography, you can't really do mechanized warfare on the eastern border. We purposely turned it all into one big killbox.
>There are enough le let's not anger the Russian bear types here
You guys have vatniks and peaceniks in sufficient numbers to be a problem? In fucking Finland of all places? How's that possible?
You do know we were ruled by a near-dictator chosen by Moscow for 25 years, right? You couldn't even criticize the Soviets in media back then.
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I see, so Finland's greatest strength against a russian invasion has remained the same since 1939
Especially considering Russia's airforce seems to be gimped for some reason. They're not really using it.
>ROKA gear
what in the goddamn
I do, but I thought Kekkonen was just pragmatic, trying to maintain neutrality because is was the only way to avoid outright vassalization by the Soviets, and that the true internal feeling of the Finnish population was one of distrust for russia
I had no idea there were genuine liking for russia among the Finns, especially considerong what happened the previous century
Finland's defence has a massive, massive gaping hole in it and it's our AA
The one thing we should invest in besides artillery and our politicians herped and derped around for years thinking we can make do with Stingers, aging Crotales and a couple of NASAMS because there will never be another war
>The only reason is our geography
Geography is a part of it, but rivers and forests alone are not enough. If the russians are stopped it would be thanks to a combination of geography and readiness and quick mobilization of the population
Isn't that the whole point of the reserve/national guard thing?
>Russia's airforce
I'd be surprised if Finland didn't prepare for it in the last 70 years. If the land border was turned into a killbox, it would be stupid to not have done the same with the skies
>I had no idea there were genuine liking for russia among the Finns, especially considerong what happened the previous century
Is it any surprise that Communism festers when Moscow threatens annexation unless you let them do whatever they want?
Literally nobody stayed there.
>Russia's airforce
>I'd be surprised if Finland didn't prepare for it in the last 70 years
>Finland's defence has a massive, massive gaping hole in it and it's our AA
I didn't see your answer before posting. I stand corrected
Surely your politicians realized their mistake in 2022 and are correcting it now, right?
Good for them I guess, in a sad, twisted way
Around ostwind the style is ugly
>My sergeant saying I should kill Russian helicopters using the ITKK on the pasi.
Yeah I hope they've learned to invest more into this after seeing how Russia fights in Ukraine
>Surely your politicians realized their mistake in 2022 and are correcting it now, right?
Yes, but too little and too late if there's any real war. Note that the BUK-M1 went out of service by 2007. 2007! We haven't had a long range system since but are now procuring David's Sling, which will take a couple of years. 20 years without a long range air defence system just because le anger le bear
I'm probably retarded, but I'm not sure I get your point
What you mean is that the Finnish vatniks are paid shills/5th columnists and not representative of the majority of the population?
If that's the case that's a little less disturbing
>long range air defence system just because le anger le bear
We must not forget this too, one of the reasons why we haven't been focusing too much on our defence in general is because we've tried to remain neutral. But after 2022 that shifted real quick.
It's a bit complicated
Some of it was rebellion by the kids of the generation who fought the war who were fed Moscow's kool-aid about Finnish fascists who started it
Some of it was pre-war Soviet sympathizers coming back from under ground, remember that the Civil War was only fought in 1918 and Communism was essentially banned in the 1930s
>too little and too late if there's any real war
If the war begins tomorrow, sure. Since you seem to be knowledgeable on the subject : When do you think Finnish AA will be enough to deal with a full scale russian invasion, assuming that the current procurement programs continue as planned? 10 years, 20 years?
Never because it's mostly SHORAD when we should have bought a shitton of NASAMS back in the day instead
> When do you think Finnish AA will be enough to deal with a full scale russian invasion
Today, because all Russian cruise missiles can do is impotently strike the big cities. And the airforce is useless unless they can actually get boots on the ground and advance. We also have like 50 Hornets and ~700 Sidewinders so our skies aren't completely defenseless.
This. I wonder why Blömpf didn't just inform congress in 2020, that he won't be running if Democrats put forward a candidate. Then they would have had to make a law for his continued presidency.
Makes you think.
I plan on going to Finland for tourism someday, is Helsinki worth visiting?
Lapland looks beautiful, but quite wild. How dangerous is it?
Also, I'd love to visit historical and military related museums there, especially about the Civil War and WW2, do the anons here have any recommandations?
I recently learned there was an ambitious Franco-British plan to help Finland militarily during the Winter War. I had no idea
>The first intervention plan, approved on 4–5 February 1940 by the Allied High Command, consisted of 100,000 British and 35,000 French troops, which would disembark at the Norwegian port of Narvik and support Finland via Sweden while they secured supply routes along the way
>The initial plans were abandoned because Norway and Sweden declined transit through their land for fear that their countries would be drawn into the war
Oh what could have been
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>Lapland looks beautiful, but quite wild. How dangerous is it?
Feral Sami people wander and hunt in those wastelands and are ready to bite off your balls at a moment's notice.

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that's it, I'm making an office lady folder
>Norwegian port of Narvik and support Finland via Sweden while they secured supply routes along the way
It just so happens that those supply routes they'd secure carried 30+% of the iron ore Germany was using.
I'm sure the Brits and French would have let that continue. If by mistake those shipments got blocked any protests by the Norwegians and Swedes wouldn't have simply gotten "make us" as responce.
Germany on the other hand would have taken all of this without a complaint ofcourse. Letting an enemy control vital war resources is just the gentlemanly thing to do.
So the Norwegians and Swedes said no, we don't want to become your battle ground.
What ended happening was the Brits and French simply abandoning the pretense of helping the Fins and planning to take control off Narvik.
Which they did the germans beat them to the punch for the rest Norway and they had to retreat.
Finland was done dirty by everyone
From Trotter's Frozen Hell:
>The main points of the new plan were now these: Finland had to make an open appeal for assistance. The Allies would then ask Norway and Sweden for permission to move the expeditionary force across their territory. Technically the forces would be labeled “volunteers” for Finland, but in order to “secure their supply lines,” troops would have to be stationed at Narvik and at points along the rail line to the Finnish border. Finally, in order to protect this line from German action in the south, additional Allied units would have to be put ashore at Namsos, Bergen, and Trondheim. Narvik would get two brigades and the southern ports five battalions. At the narrow end of the funnel, Finland, for whose benefit all this was ostensibly being done, would get a single brigade group. It would be no small operation: 100,000 British troops, 50,000 French, and considerable naval and air resources. The supply convoys would sail on March 12, and the landings themselves would begin on March 20.
The lily-white cause of aiding brave little Finland had now assumed in truth the secondary role that was always implicit in these deliberations. As Ironside noted in his diary, “We are quite cynical about everything, except stopping the iron ore.”
15 minutes to go, get hype
Go to the lakes around Savonlinna, rent a cabin with a sauna. Then go with your rental car and drive around, it's incredibly beautiful during summer. You can also visit the old front line and see a bunch of cool stuff.
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Thanks anon!
>Lapland looks beautiful, but quite wild. How dangerous is it
Touristy as fuck where inhabited
It can only kill you if you do something stupid like wander into the wilderness without experience and proper gear
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Good morning, I hate women
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>I hate women
Good, more for me
Then why are you posting in an emasculation thread full of feminist pictures?
i hate finnland. they will be the first one to abandon NATO after drumpf pulls out
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Emotional support doll
I been wanting to try this for a few years now
This dork doesn’t know that what someone needs is a hug
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Yo, tokarev Anon found this for you
I can see that
You wouldn't have given her a CETME L if you didn't
That's like the exact opposite of what Finns are like
In reality we would stick to it even if it's just us and Sweden
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>cheap Cirno ripoff
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Turning Sweden and Finland from staunch neutralists to fully incorporated and motivated NATO members in 2 years will always be one of putin's greatest feat
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пидopbros how we holding up
I propose we rename all the Army National Guard Armories to Fort (SoandSo) and make them look like old west and 1800s army forts.
Because if you think about it, most forts of the Era are about the Size of a National Guard Armory.
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How Sci-Fi can we get in here?
about as SciFi as your mom
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That's no moon; it's Anon's mom.
Jokes on you. My Fat mom is Sci-fi as fuck.
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joeks on you I banged your mom.
And I'm the Emperor of Mars.
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highlighted in red + czechs are what is remaining of NATO right now
Wait NATO led an expedition into Russia and Belarus?
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they are women, take that as you will
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I like it
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I think women are pretty cute!
pretty gay dess sempai
you know what i ment
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Who is the artist?
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I can't help it! I even want to kiss them
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Daughter made for headpats and happy childhood!
official Nikke artwork
Sir, please wait until she gets out of space to breed her.

They are Nikke basic "Faceless" operators.
What can I buy from Fingolia in order to support their economy and military industrial compmlex other than a new Sako rifle or spicy licorice candy?
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Stop making me want kids more than I already do
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Tactical dork.
Told her she didn’t need the gun or straps at the beach.
The straps stay on during sex
please be nice to dork, she is doing her best
If I pulled those off would she die?
>spicy licorice
Ok this meme candy is good but unironically Finland has some amazing chocolates. If you get the chance try Fazer Sininen, or Pätkis. I've tried chocolate from all of Europe, from Norway to Switzerland, and NOTHING has been as good as Pätkis.
>Fazer Sininen
We stole the only Swiss dude that could make good chocolate
And /k/-related, he was an olympic shooter.
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You will want the cute little cat daughters
I already do. I want to cuddle with them and hug them
A friend drew Springfield for me.
Looks straight out of a WW2 enlistment poster. Based
truly the best guppie
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I still let her bring them.
What are you trying to accomplish by posting this? Why are you constantly thinking about other men? I’d be happy with a son or a daughter
I hate having no time
but I love money
and I love anime girls
please post more Suomi babes and/or catgirls with guns
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Dork milk!
Might only get an ounce lol.
She needs to be made pregnant to be a proper cow
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>I want to cuddle with them and hug them

Don't we all
These poor things will have lung cancer by the time they’re 30
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>Russians got it they just totally neglected it and it became a shithole.
Let's see, it couldn't be that bad as that is Europe
>Sees rusted buildings, grafittis, trash in the streets and paint falling off
>Compares it with finn localities
Holy shit it's true, no wonder why ukrainians are fighting to the death, the vatniggers reduced a good place to a brownoid neighborhood.
kiss tummy
And yet most of you faggots support the expansion of russian sphere of influence, and turning most of europe into similar shitholes. It's also nice you expect "yuropoors" to care about 2A and yet you support a country with absolutely dogshit gun laws that prohibits It's citizens from owning a gun
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season 2 soon
honestly I wouldn't know what to do with a daughter, I would want her to have friends but other girls are dumb whores but tomboys are almost always sluts. This isn't even like I want to have sex with the hypothetical daughter but I think it's important to value yourself and it's common for a girl to just not because it's easy.
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For self-defense purposes, the Hatcher scale recommends that the Relative Stopping Power (RSP) be between 50-55 for effective stopping power. Values of RSP beyond 55 lead to diminishing returns, as the increase in stopping power is offset by the extra recoil strength that must be managed by the user. By the Hatcher scale, values below 30 give a user a 30% chance of stopping the target in one shot. However, firing such a round three times at a weeaboo does not make the RSP 90%.
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need to get a proper milking sow dork
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>Yes, but not because our army is better.
I refuse to believe that
>only loss that was sad was Vyborg
You disgusting faggot,it doesn't fucking matter how poor those lands were,it's still a tragedy that they were lost,and you should kill yourself for downplaying it,you filthy rat.
>the areas Finland lost were 90% marshes, bogs and poor forests.
So what, finland is still probably the most forested country in europe and that's one of the things that makes it great.Are you a urbanite? Only an urbanite would not give a shit about nature,i hope you get killed by a nigger or muslim while taking a walk in your shitty concrete jungle,bitch.
>but tomboys are almost always sluts
Don’t let AK-15 squirt milk in your eye
incel-brain/coomer logic
pretty sure this was posted ironically but you never know
and yet you still support russia
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give it a rest already
i hate your collective hypocricy. just start spouting that you think russia is based and i'll leave. springfiled schizo seems to got with the program already
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The way you're spending days trying to court an autistic man is really *really* homosexual
Next time there’s a WFG there should be a fanfic of him simping for SS
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I will pay someone $10-20 to write me a 500 word gay love story about them and post it here
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Winter war with my comfy caribou gf in our winter cabin (My macros are going crazy from all the jerky but she’s still much stronger than me).
Does jerky actually help with build muscle?
>t. Skelly
too expensive for the amount of protein actually contained.
>not making your own jerky
Jesus why are you so heated up. I'm not an urbanite, I own plenty of acres of forests and I tend to them every year. My point is that we could've lost EVERYTHING. But we didn't. If the Soviets were mad enough they could've kept pushing. The deal we made guaranteed us peace and independence. If you can't understand the gravity of the situation we were in then you're just a zoomer with 0 concept of scale.
cool. you'll still pussy out when russians come knocking and leave NATO the nanosecond someone triggers article 5
Nah, I'm a proud coastal jaeger and a proud Finn. This country has given me everything I've asked for, I'd gladly fight for it.
you're country is still bitch made and the moment putin says "leave NATO or face the invasion" you'd leave NATO instantly. hell if Baltic countries got invaded you'd leave NATO to not be bound by article 5
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Anon, why do you post something like this when you know I can't help myself but to make a game of it
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Winter cabin here I come!
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You said that the only loss that was sad is Vyborg,it could have been even worse like you said,but what pissed me off is that you seemed to believe that the loss of the other lands isn't something worth being sad about.
Time to play the long dark.
>you are country still bitch made
i slept only 3h 2nd day in the row. doesn't change that finland is bitch made and they'll be the first to fold whenever putin looks at them funny
Ah yes. The brow will be raised and all will be made known.
So which oblast do you hail from?
Trollograd oblast, i assume.
True all land is sad to lose. But we must not forget the context here. Hardly anyone lived in those areas. We were a tiny country and our soldiers were mostly just regular joes, and we still managed to make an entire superpower shit themselves and run away. To me that's a win every time.
As tempting as the sweaty catgirl is, I don't think it's tempting enough to draw me to one of the worst environments on the planet

Also I'm not a big AK fan, especially chinesium ones
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That's the least of their worries
Hmmm, takoyaki.
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>PTSD Fr*nchie
How we fix her is getting her out of France.
We roll. Come on sweaty cat girl.
All sweaty cat girls.
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The waifu here is more heroic than Pat Tillman since she stand up against the system.
Sweaty cat would have been great if it was an island lookout post instead of nam jungle.
Causing car accidents is gay because it means you can't drive straight.
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what if I drive straight into a car?
that means you're a State Trooper.
We ball, chief.
what is the best weapon to defeat a giant semi terrestrial cephalopod? I feel like a shotgun would do a decent job of stunning it but won't have the penetration to actually reach anything important but a battle rifle with hunting ammo won't have enough penetration either but ball will just kinda poke holes through it.
>leave NATO the nanosecond someone triggers article 5
That's still not how Finland works, we take international commitments super seriously even if they're suicide for us
I can't guarantee our military being in any sort of readiness though because we're inundated with vatniks
A 40mm grenade.
>Hardly anyone lived in those areas.
Uhh more than 300k did even if you don't count Viipuri
That's like 1/10 of the prewar population
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>we're inundated with vatniks
I still can't believe a country who had to deal with russian bullshit so much and so recently too has such a big vatnik problem
Current extant vatniks are just 1970s commie kids or old fudds who made a living doing forestry/construction/trade in the Soviet Union and liked the cheap hookers, gas and booze Russia provided after Communism
The problem is that the former group has real political power and the latter votes more than younger generations do
I don't think that would work well in an enclosed area they seem to be fighting in but I guess it can't really be worse than the belted magnums I was thinking of and end up being lower recoil and hopefully loaded so it doesn't cause too much damage if they manage to get far away enough. I imagine they're like semi outdoor cats, they occasionally come inside but they have a yearning for adventure and murderous intent that cannot be stifled so you just equip them as best you can and hope for their safe return.
I see. Let's hope they won't do too much damage and that the younger generations won't ever become as brain dead
Punching little holes in a giant cephalopod is not going to cause enough damage to subdue the beast quickly enough to survive. You need to blast it into pieces. Pick your terrain better so you don't frag yourself too.
The Russians will forever just be "the enemy" for us. But damn if we didn't try to make good trading partners with them in the modern age. We had a good thing going too, but now it's all fucked up.
The Japs keep giving female characters male names so I'm sure it's on purpose
Strangely enough the younger crop of leftists is super pro-Ukraine so maybe there's hope
it just occurred to me that in the half-life universe when the combine took over nothing changed for North Koreans and Chinese.
>Adrian shepherd.>>>>Forgan Greeman.
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they are pretty squishy so the effects of a large and traumatic enough temporary cavity might work.
you're a zigger
Oh yeah sweaty cat girl time
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>see this
how fast do you marry her?
After I knock her up
>sweaty cat girl mad and annoyed with her type 56
>sweaty cat girl happy and calm with an m16
She's just like me frfr
Worse, he's a neo-liberal
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Including me, I'm subject to my own shitty rules for the sake of fairness
Enjoy those eggs, anon

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You know, mainland eastern asia was pretty kino back in the late mid 1800-early 1900s with thier weird mishmash of modern and preindustrial.
sweaty cat pls
Gonna end up fertilizing those eggs, if you know what I mean.
Why specify mainland when Japan at the time was kino too
They got their shit together for the most part and a success story is a lot less interesting than a perpetual shitshow.
I simply don’t care in the slightest about Slavic untermenschen and their bloodfeuds. And I’m tired of everyone making a big fuss out of what is essentially a bunch of monkeys flinging their shit at each other.
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The only one I've ever met was ferociously ugly, I was so fucking disappointed.
I wasn't prepared for hi res SOP
Always be prepared
Perhaps we should be flattered if you thought we don't have ugly chicks
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I want to impregnate SAPS12!
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Ostwind lied to me
>Image 2 in that set
Holy fuck
Plenty of hotties in this country thoughever
The hottest woman I have seen in Finland was unfortunately also my distant cousin
What's the problem? You can marry your first cousin if you want. Gotta keep those good genes in the family.
>distant cousin
You realize there's no genetic risk from 3rd cousins and cousins removed right?
Genetic risk is one thing and being seen as a cousin fucker is another
We have an incredibly low rate of incest here
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>We have an incredibly low rate of incest here
I must admit I thought you guys had one of the highest in Europe, given how few you are. that's impressive
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Too bad
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Remember that ukraine is what separates you from getting conscripted, and fighting at the eastern flank of NATO
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Never shoot a weeberino.
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So whats the verdict on the new Stalker?
if your a console scrub or got a shit pc dont bother, its fun tho
Piece of shit without A-life, which they promised. Enemies spawn right in front of you.
Also badly optimized and fanfic-tier story.
It's been great so far. There's a few gripes but the firefights fucking slap. Mutant health values are gay. The fact they don't drop loot anymore makes them just a bullet and medkit toll.
If you remember the blackrock spammer who was screeching about how the game will be woke and shit, the first black person I ever encountered in the zone I fucking murdered for payment from Sidorovich.
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It's good
No daughter unfortunately

What if more VTubers started playing and getting into GFL 2?
GFL 2 fucks up the gun details so why should we care
you have vtuber playing stalker
Given Russia’s performance in the war, I’d say I’m safe from conscription regardless of the outcome. Like I said, I don’t care about Slavic untermenschen and their blood feuds. The more slavs this war kills, the better off the world will be.
why then should we, the slavic untermenschen, care about all the woes of your country?
No need to. You are simply irrelevant. You will never be called on to help defend my nation, because we will never become desperate enough to require your help in the contemporary geopolitical climate.
No one said you had to care
>You will never be called on to help defend my nation
we already did faggot
>This is one of the most realistic depictions of a shootout in anime
Fight me
You have never defended America in the entire history of your nation’s existence.
yeah? then who's monument is standing in DC
Martin Luther King Jr
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The se/k/ret Santa thread is getting emergency bumps but has nowhere close the amount of derailment /ak/ is suffering.
We've got multiple resident schizos, se/k/ret Santa (probably) does not.
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>what is the best weapon to defeat a giant semi terrestrial cephalopod?
These threads have been suffering for the past 6 years at least
I want her to give ME free meat. IT’S NOT FAIR
True but lately there’s been more efforts to derail from the Russian baiter than anyone else. I’d rather have a thread full of IL4DD making a fool of himself wanting to fertilize HK416
SS what are your thoughts on turning career-focused virgin hags into Moms?
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wat type of meat?
what cut
what breed of cattle?
As an Older woman Enjoyer and a Mom enjoyer. This would be extremely based.
18th century military outfits are sexier than suits
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Someone obviously told Nogami...
the mother version of this is kinda hot
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He literally gave Skadovsk to bandits, you cuck.
>Avatarnig shitting up the thread with all caps spam
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Where TF do you think, you goober.
You mean truthed to you because his style is so ugly
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>whiny faggot who contributes nothing whining again
This thread is mostly just porn and the same 100 images being reposted and people blogposting
Its no different from /vg/ thats why i stopped posting my art here
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but you stuck around to whine, uhuh sure.
This, these threads are lost. You know it's beyond over when you start getting people defending tripfags/avatarfags and 'thread personalities'.
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You know it's good when the people who don't post anime are whining. If you're comfortable, this would be a very bad place.
While I certainly agree, Springfield usually wears a continental army coat, the Anon seemed to be asking about office women types.
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>not a big AK fan, especially chinesium
The very same, but it's objectively the best weapon of the three and picking up an AK makes me feel like Charlie Sheen's character at the end of Platoon (1986) every single time
why is there a death counter in stalker 2?
le heckin epic hardcore
just like the global death counter in DS2
embracing the meme of being a "hard game"
Are you…gonna buy me meat?
worked in a meat processing industry, just curious
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Those complaining about the quality if the thread, about posting pics are the lowest from life. Thread discourse is almost entirely set by three to four posters, and it ain't any of the trip/avatar. If you actually want to "improve the thread" just start posting more of what you want, eventually others will follow.
why is everyone complaining about optimalisation of stalker? it's running good on my 2yo laptop
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I'm sorry anon
I've been working too much to contribute and maintain a higher thread quality
Try running it without upscaling crutches of ue5, in native resolution.
>and it ain't any of the trip/avatar
It's couple of faggots who keep giving trip the attention and endorse his blogposting.
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well i'm running it on msi katana gf66 11ue
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Finns are based
Me personally I'll take a few cuts of flat iron steaks. Then I'll lightly seer it and make them into a big pot of beef stew with all sorts of yummy stew things for us all to enjoy together.
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I cannot motivate myself to finish my PhD writing sample to save my life. I hate ADHD so much its unreal
ADHD isn't real just pay attention lmao.
Sounds cozy. I hope you can cook for me someday
Have some fucking discipline you puke. You are on third base, just run home and take the win.
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that's not Soppo
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ballistic shields are pretty cool!
2 Soppos for the price of one? Is that legal?
We need more chubby girls posted
Try some sort of combination of exercise, changing your medication, and hiring a tard wrangler. I feel ya, been trying to get back into creative writing, but keep getting bogged down with my cognitive issues.
they are
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The government doesn't want you to know this, but the Soppos at brownells are free. You can take them home. I have three Soppos in my bed.
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Ive only got one. I need more and an mk12
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Correct me if I'm wrong with this assessment, but if you want leftists and normies to stay away from your anime art. Put Noootzeee and Fooocist symbols and markings on the art and make your anime characters white blonde hair blue eyed authoritarians.

Best I can do is choke semitic sluts.
>they love it.
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Ehhhh what if I heckin <3 LibertAryanism and the Ron Paul rEVOlution? People might get the wrong idea and think I'm actually a Natsoc.
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Is Indian Waifu the new Japanese Waifu? Is Vice President Vance already having that much of an impact?
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And yet you've returned here every single day for the past year almost
>There's only one person who complains
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I for one gave up and stopped complaining after more than a year
well there's only like two, maybe three people who post here max. All the rest is schizophrenic delusions and samefagging
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The fact that you have this saved or at least remember the date well enough to find it in the archive says you have not moved on.

Oh I know. per capita we have the most schizos for generals on /k/
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No. I've met /ak/ posters on /a/ and /m/
Also the watch part had about 20 at its peak
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These delusions are dangerous, take the meds and don't listen to the voices
I'm just here out of inertia. /wfg/ is long dead, and I hang out here for the extremely rare scraps of their particular brand of writefaggorty, and the hopes that one day Construct will return and finish Damaged goods
>inb4 go to /lit/
Nobody ever writes
most writing is trash and the result of people too lazy to learn how to draw.
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I didn't claim to have moved on, just stopped complaining
most drawing is trash and the result of people wanting to sell commissions to furries.
/lit/ sucks. Its all pseuds and secondaries
for some reason i got back into reading FoZ crossovers. That stalker one is pretty good

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