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>Yes, every innovation in firearms discovered through bloodshed and statistics from 1944 to 2020 was wrong and we must RETVRN to battle rifles
Did the largest military on earth really just compromise itself to satisfy fudd autism?
No, they just got overly concerned about rifle plates and designed something that could get through them only to realize that our likely peer opponents don't actually have rifle plates for conscripts beyond the initial attacking spearhead because of corruption and incompetence.
>that our likely peer opponents don't actually have rifle plates for conscripts beyond the initial attacking spearhead because of corruption and incompetence.
Russians issue cope plates to every soldier but its doesn't mater. Tiny cope plates aren't gonna save you.
Usually pouches where plates should be stuffed with cardboard but yes.

The good news is that development on the Spear started early enough where we should have something usable by the time Russia and China learn that corruption in the military degrades their effectiveness to the point where they can't even roll a neighboring country a fraction of their size/population/GDP. So we'll probably see an M16/M4 replacement just in time to get used against a genuinely threatening enemy sometime around the heat death of the universe.
The old adage "War never changes" is bullshit.
It wouldn't change a thing if they did issue plates because there isn't a non-tungsten or ceramic penetrator battle rifle cartridge that can bust a modern plate at even 100 yards.
They wanted plate penetration for dwot
None of you even own a firearm, not sure how you could have an opinion on this.
Too bad that's going out the window now with global tensions rising.
>The old adage
nigger it's from a videogame from 1997.
Why dont you write a letter to the military HR then, faggot
Let the faggot leftists fight and die in their war
>install trump to rise tensions
>make another event to light powder keg
>mass riots, everything shuts down
>national guard tries to make a presence and gets rejected because muh rights
>send in some special unit to take care of everyone that took matters into their own hands
>UN moves in to capture now that resistance is softened up
>NWO achieved
it could still happen, last i checked they ordered a pretty small batch like they were only planning on using them once
We went away from battle rifles in WW1 because the smaller rifles worked better in trench warfare.
That's not what that means.
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Given the direction the trend was headed, probably
>mass riots, everything shuts down
Only ever been achieved in demonrat shitholds
>national guard tries to make a presence and gets rejected because muh rights
No they would use conventional forces and kettle dissidents for arrest
>special units
Only happens to protect specific buildings/assets. No one cares about private property or civilians lives.
Will never ever be deployed on US soil.
Already in motion.
Isn't that slide nufudd lore? Like they are overstating the performance and not mentioning the risks.
>not fighting in WWIII
You're a huge fag lol. I couldn't imagine passing up the chance at war trophies. Have fun in [insert family member's basement] LMAO.
>democrat shitholes
so almost every major city
>conventional forces and kettles
national guard literally got deployed where i lived when he died
>nobody cares
they're still coming to do their job and prevent locals from capturing key assets, the ones who dig in where they are are still going to need to be dealt with before you can place a new society
>will never be deployed on us soil
that's why they need a special unit with a special rifle to make things doable for them
yeah one way or another they'll eventually go for it, what do you think the new rifles are for then?
which is retarded in itself because small arms account for a tiny amount of battlefield casualties
You sound like a guy who will swear the internment camps aren't real until he's in one.
>muh peer adversary
this meme needs to die. it doesn't exist. any country that's a worthy adversary isn't going to try to just copy the US tactics and field a bigger, more well-funded military. the "peer adversary" meme is a modern equivalent to the revolutionary war era line formations.
Going by statistics didn't play out well in real life battles. Many of our soldiers got sniped and couldn't outrange the sniper. That's a textbook failure of the weapons platform and textbook reason to upgrade it. You're not gonna win shilling this varmint shit anymore, it's lost us two wars against second and third worlders.
>noooo you don't understand every soldier MUST be able to outrange enemy snipers with his tiny carbine!!! It's not like we can have dedicated marksmen in our squads, that would be crazy!
>Going by statistics didn't play out well in real life battles.
If you base your firearms statistics solely on insurgency warfare where the defender has the advantage of ambushing you, often from elevated positions, you will inevitably come to these erroneous conclusions which directly contradict the lessons learned from large scale wars that employ maneuver warfare.

>Many of our soldiers got sniped and couldn't outrange the sniper.
The main problem with snipers is that you don't see them. Range has little to do with it.

>That's a textbook failure of the weapons platform and textbook reason to upgrade it. You're not gonna win shilling this varmint shit anymore, it's lost us two wars against second and third worlders.
Caliber fags are a textbook case of preparing for the last war.
Besides, the reasons for losing those wars are way outside the military domain.
6,5x55 Swede is still the best do it all cartridge up to this day. Best for competitions, best for hunting, best for war.
A military should have only two calibers, one calibers for every long gun and one caliber for handguns. Having 20 different calibers is retarded. How many does the US military have now? 9mm, .45acp, 5,56, 7,62x51, .300 win mag, .338 lapua magnum, .50bmg, now .277 fury. That's already eight different calibers. And how many others? Back in WW1 and WW2 there was only one caliber for everything, and it was perfect.
>The main problem with snipers is that you don't see them. Range has little to do with it
Fucking this. With Simo Hayha in the collective /k/onsciousness these days, you'd think more people would understand this.
That isn't the only reason they gave. They also wanted a more capable cartridge at longer ranges. The argument being that optics are rugged and cheap enough for battle so it's time to increase engagement range past 300m. Seems reasonable at first, but how many potential battlefields actually allow for uninterrupted sight lines past 300m?
I love how ingrained this myth has become.
NTA but statistically he has a higher chance of Jody'ing your girl in his family member's basement while you have a statistically higher chance of either doing fuckall in WWIII or dying unceremoniously.
Personally, I'd still go fight, but it's always important to understand the nature of what you're volunteering for.

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