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>war hero
>lifelong hunting enthusiast, literally went deer hunting with his Vice President
>shot clays with Eisenhower
>NRA Life member
>personally owned a huge number of guns, including a CMP M1 and a custom-made New Colt Frontier revolver
>received one of the first AR-15s ever made
>threatened to nuke Russia
>gave us the /k/ino of the Vietnam War
>literally died from being shot in the head with a sniper rifle in an assassination that’s generated endless debate over firearms in their place in our society ever since
>>literally died from being shot in the head with a sniper rifle in an assassination
fomented by the Republicans (oil magnates)
also a devout /k/atholic
Probably him or Teddy I guess? My US history prewar is shit but he gives that vibe
His name isn't written in the book of life though.
That’s a funny way to say “so the us would stop holding back israel’s nuclear program”
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>was he a /k/ president


>was he a good president

>>threatened to nuke Russia
(Implicitly during the Berlin Crisis of 1961 and explicitly during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963)
>a custom-made New Colt Frontier revolver
>most /k/ president ever
Teddy Roosevelt frequently went innawoods on hunting trips as a form of escapism, and eventually formed and led his own military unit in combat even though he had literally zero formal military training or experience.

He's overmemed, but he genuinely lived a wild life and was somewhat of a living meme when he was alive as well.
US presidents? They were all poseurs. Maybe the only one with some proper combat experience was Ulysses Grant.
Roosevelt just nurtured a cult of personality and smoothbrained tards lurking here fall for the blandest, simplest propagandas they bump on, and think he was a chad.
Spanish hands typed this
Proof that shills roam this board. Now let's take a look at actual FACTS

>Kennedy wanted to halt Israels Nuclear program
>Kennedy spoke about abolishing the (((Federal Reserve)))
>Kennedy spoke about secret societies in Government and wanting to stop them
>Oswald denied killing Kennedy and said he was set up as a patsy
>Oswald was then murdered by Jack Ruby
>Real name (((Jacob Leon Rubenstein)))
>Who was Rubenstein? Oh no one special, just a known Jewish Mafia member
>When Rubenstein got interrogated he said he killed Oswald because he wanted to show the world Jewish people were "tough"
>Kennedy turned down Operation Northwoods
>An exact copy of operation Northwoods was then executed on September 11th
>Which greatly benefited Israel

Nothing to see here goyim! It was BIG OIL who did it.
TR. lead troops in battle. Was into guns, hunting, always innawoods. may have even encountered sasquatch.
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>Maybe the only one with some proper combat experience was Ulysses Grant.

Really nigga
He was the embodiment of the perfect American retard the elites at that time used to push their political and international agendas. Once they used him, they discarded him like trash. I always like to use Teddy as an example of the first documented beard oil masculinity retard. You can be the "tough" guy all you want, but if you're not cunning, the cowardly weasels will use you for their gain, and your loss.
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>Roosevelt just nurtured a cult of personality and smoothbrained tards lurking here fall for the blandest, simplest propagandas they bump on, and think he was a chad.

Which Roosevelt are we talking about again?
he was just about to make aipac have to register as foreign agents. they weren't called aipac then though. aipac is what they changed their name to afterwards.
George Washington slogged it out as a junior officer in the British army during the 7-years war. That's proper combat experience.
William McKinley was an infantry grunt in the civil war.
Teddy Roosevelt personally lead cavalry charges during the Spanish-American war.
Jimmy Carter and George W Bush both fought in WWII.
I'm a fucking eurofag and even I know this.
>Led troops in combat for over a decade
>Got into a shootout in the street because someone called his wife a whore after losing the promotion to milita commander to him
>shot multiple times, killed two men in pistol duels
>Beat an assassin unconscious with his cane
>ran guns to Texas
>spent most of his time either innawoods, fucking hot widows, or calling Congress anti-American faggots
>probably jizzed in a cake at some point
Definitely the most /k/-tarded president.
Yes bro it was BIG OIL and le greedy capitalists, don't ask who runs big oil companies though and where the profits go too please that would be problematic....
He contributed to many massive mistakes
But since his successor was even worse I can't hate him
>George W Bush both fought in WWII.
You mean HW
well, Republicans and the Evangelical Church of America are the most hardcore pro-Israel people on earth. so everything matches.
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>Kennedy wanted to halt Israels Nuclear program

Nuclear non-proliferation has been a standing US policy since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. JFK was neither the first nor the last US President who would have attempted to impede Israel's nuclear program.

>Kennedy spoke about abolishing the (((Federal Reserve)))

Executive Order 11110 was about smoothing the transition from the Gold/Silver standard to using Federal Reserve notes as the basis of American currency exclusively.

>Kennedy spoke about secret societies in Government and wanting to stop them
>was a Knights of Columbus member

Apart from that, he also came from virtually the same pedigree as your average Skull and Bones member (except for the fact that he was Catholic) and his own family life was shrouded in secrecy, with things like the fate of Rosemary Kennedy and his serial adultery not becoming public knowledge until years after his death.

For a man opposed to "secret societies", he sure did enjoy his privacy.

>Oswald denied killing Kennedy and said he was set up as a patsy

The most commonly uttered word in any prison is "innocent".

>An exact copy of operation Northwoods was then executed on September 11th

Incorrect, Northwoods called for staged hijackings after which the empty planes would be piloted and destroyed by remote control. Ramming planes into buildings is something that Algerian Islamists first came up with and attempted on Air France Flight 8969.


This, just about every societal disaster of the 1960s from desegregration, to Vietnam, to Hart-Cellar can be at least partially laid at Kennedy's feet.
You type like a faggot.
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The man was a combat veteran, yes he did it for political reasons but when push came to shove everyone agrees he was in the thick of the fighting with his men and most likely shot an enemy, to boot. He also, before this, served as a deputy to a sheriff in Montana whose claim to fame was that he had publicly beaten the mayor of a town in the dakotas to within an inch of his life, and then was prompty made a sheriff in the next state over.

In short, he was the real deal.

Also, his son was the only general officer to land on D-day in WW2, and in fact was in the first boat of the first wave. Just goes to show what that family was like, I suppose.
Juan is still seething
I always wonder what kind of panties she wore. I looked in the museum in Amsterdam but couldn't see any. I asked an attendant and they were a bit weird about it.
>Wins the Medal of Honor leading a bayonet charge up a hill under heavy fire
>Lol what a s-o-i-b-o-y
These 2
I mean, not really. Bobby was devout. John was a manwhore
TR is the most /k/, and it's not even close
Based if true
>>Also defended the " "right" to be a commie " while exchange letters with his BBF Stalin.
Based retard.
Teddy carried a revolver in his teens and shot a neighbor's dog that constantly harassed his horse. When he was a rancher he challenged a shit- talking neighbor to a duel too. Idk about "most /k/ president" but pretty based.
>Nuclear non-proliferation has been a standing US policy since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. JFK was neither the first nor the last US President who would have attempted to impede Israel's nuclear program.
No one has questioned it since him, lmao
Not a secret society at all, lol
>Defends freedom of (very unpopular) speech that he disagrees with
He was unironically the most American American ecer
George Washington
Andrew Jackson
Zachary Taylor
Rutherford Hayes
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
Teddy Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy
George H.W. Bush
Can't believe Jackson's only been mentioned once itt
Jackson was a badass. Some guy tried to kill him with two pistols. They both misfired and Jackson proceeded to beat the would be assassin with his cane so badly that bystanders had to pull him off before he killed the guy.
Jackson was 68 when it happened.
He also survived an assassination attempt while in office and is still the only Prez to have payed off national debt.
You know nothing of Theodore Roosevelt.
>his son was the only general officer to land on D-day in WW2
Not true. Off the top of my head Norm Cota, James Gavin, and Maxwell Taylor all saw combat on D-Day. Don Pratt was killed in a glider crash. I think it was standard policy for the assistant division commanders to land in the first wave.
>Also, his son was the only general officer to land on D-day in WW2
Norman Cota
I don't think Teddy Jr. deserved the MOH and political sway was the only reason he was allowed to land like that, but it is still a brass balls move.
Jackson was probably insane by contemporary standards, and not in a "what a badass" way.
>t. Pussy
Attempting to, or feeling compelled to, diminish the legacy of historically celebrated great men is a contemptible trait and reeks of insecurity.
Wrong, faggot
If you would not do the same in his position you are fucking disgusting
My bad, he was just the only general officer in the first wave. Wikipedia says he was also the oldest man in the landings, age 56 and walking with a cane. He had the good fortune of landing at Utah, not Omaha
He was a prisoner-of-war at 14 years old, he nearly died in captivity, lost his brother and mother shortly after being released, which almost certainly led to a case of PTSD. Killed at least four men in duels (and in truth, probably more than a dozen) which were often sparked by Jackson's blind rage over trivial matters. He illegally executed two British civilians during the Seminole War after court martialing them for "crimes" which weren't illegal under British, Spanish, or American law.

The principal legacies of his administration are the Trail or Tears and a decade-long economic depression. The man was a terrible president.
I like that the president responsible for the US Special Forces, the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Berlin Crisis, threatening to nuke the USSR and for being the first president who wanted to fight the Soviets through proxy warfare in the third world and was one of the first major zionist presidents gets lionized as this great pacifist figure murdered by THEM because he got shot in the head by a communist so all of his policies get blamed on his vice-president or just ignored.

Can you imagine if Trumpo actually had been killed? In 50 years brown people in the US will be lionizing the NYC democrat billionaire who gave Jared Kushner direct access to the White House as a martyr murdered by jewish bankers backed by Israel.

Really, goes to show how Kennedy conspiracies have less to do with politics and more with the US having a cult around the Kennedys and American civil religion.
As secret as freemasons and Skull & Bones...
>there's more than one retard in this thread who thinks Ted Roosevalt was Franklin Roosevelt
the absolute state of 4chan on weekends







None of that is indicative of insanity. Many historical figures had many similar experiences and took many similar actions. Would you call Caesar insane?
Well they are fairly alike, and not just by blood. FDR idolized Theodore and consciously tried to emulate him, even to the point of running the Navy.

Theodore turned a ramshackle squadron into a first-rate fleet (against orders btw) and poised it for success in thr Spanish-American War. Franklin continued that legacy during World War I and personally intervened to save naval aviation. In fact as president, he championed a number of proposals that the admiralty scoffed at, notably the creation of Independence-class light aircraft carriers which helped fill the gap in the beginning of the Pacific War.
>Well they are fairly alike
OK find me a pic of FDR leading a cavalry charge
It's the power of looking stylish and making memorable speeches in a country that values style over substance.
I can't. He was denied a chance to serve during World War I because Woodrow Wilson feared he was going to make a name for himself like Teddy did. Also, remember that Wilson denied Teddy's request to serve again and raise four divisions for the Army.
Wilson has got to be the least /k/ president, right?
Not at all, lol. They don't have any secret rituals or anything. Being a part of a secret society means excommunication for a catholic.
fuck that guy. However...Obama
What’s wrong with FDR? I thought he did fine
Obama at least has those pics of him shooting clays.
Get a load of mister "I love the NFA" over here
It's still Jackson
>What’s wrong with FDR? I thought he did fine
>turn in your gold, citizens, only the government can own gold
>you can't grow wheat, citizen, only the government can decide what you're allowed to grow on your land
>you better rule in favor of my illegal policies, supreme court, or there will be 19 of you instead of 9
>let's see if we can goad germany into attacking because there's 0 public support for another intervention in europe
etc etc
>Would you call Caesar insane?
Caesar almost certainly had a personality disorder of some sort. Caesar exhibited both a conspicuous bravery and incredible paranoia, sometimes seemingly at the same time. Normal people rarely do heroic things, if they did, then they wouldn't be considered heroic. Caesar on the other hand spent a large portion of his life habitually engaging in the sort of heroics that most people only would consider in extremis. I agree with the anon you are replying to that Andrew Jackson was probably insane by contemporary standards, although unlike that anon I'd say that doesn't diminish his badassery one bit.
They were Brits on rightful American clay in the early 1800s, they deserved it.
the only president to get a third term too
are you guys doing this on purpose?
They were very obviously not "normal" but that doesn't mean "they have a disorder" or "they are insane."
Modern psychology likes to pathologize everything. A modern mental health professional would almost certainly find a few things to diagnose him with. I don't think it's a useful way of thinking about things, but that's how they tend to operate.
In a wheelchair to boot.
>>let's see if we can goad germany into attacking because there's 0 public support for another intervention in europe
Maybe Germany shouldn’t sink merchant ships
>>turn in your gold, citizens, only the government can own gold
And yet citizens still own gold
>>you can't grow wheat, citizen, only the government can decide what you're allowed to grow on your land
Those were if they wanted to they didn’t force you to grow unless you took a subsidy
>you better rule in favor of my illegal policies, supreme court, or there will be 19 of you instead of 9
Was literally never going to happen
>>let's see if we can goad germany into attacking because there's 0 public support for another intervention in europe
You can’t be serious right?
It was pic rel, and it's not even close
>gun enthusiast
>hates commies
>wanted to restore the gold dollar
>was anti system to this extent he was killed
why the fuck was he was doing in democratic party? he obviosly didn't fit there
He loved niggers and deployed the National Guard to force desegregation on the states, that's why he was a Democrat
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it makes him even more republican
Switched in the 50s & 60s as part of the post-WW2 order but yeah didn't really go full speed ahead until that fag LBJ
they haven't changed a lot, just democrats get rid of racism and now they want to enslave everyone
in response to that, republicans have to protect the freedom of all, not only negros as before
I'm not going to judge an iron age warlord by modern standards. Judging one of my own countrymen by the standards of "murder is wrong"? Oh yeah.
Jackson executed them in 1818. Florida was Spanish until 1821.
Party switch never happened. Stop being retarded
Don't worry we ignore the yids trying to blame others for their evil
These are old democrats. They’re closer to the Republican ideals than now you can occasionally find them still around here and there but pretty rare nowadays
As the saying goes, today's progressives are tomorrow's conservatives
I didn't say "party switch," what switched was Republicans started to target southern white voters in the 50s and Democrats started to target the "civil rights" vote
democrats were basically a coalition until lbj cemented them as the civil rights party. republicans on the other hand have pretty much always been the big business party
They were part of it for sure.
Based Ike
That was Eisenhower
Yeah the federal government had to enforce the rights of black citizens because the state wasn't doing it. That's why we have a constitution.
>spoke out against Israel
>wanted to dismantle the CIA
>was a member of an actual mafia family who were bootlegging alcohol in the Prohibition
There's a whole fucking laundry list of who could've killed him before the GOP. Jews, CIA, rival families who didn't want one particular family running the entire goddamn country they do business in.
Oddly enough, there's ample ties to all of them. Jack Ruby had ties to the Jewish mafia, same one that turned Vegas into what it is today. Easily could've been a collaboration between multiple actors, including those within the government.
Or it's an autistic russaboo faggot everyone hated shot by a guy who wanted to be famous for shooting Kennedy's assassin.
He's the one that started gun control. The NFA in 1934. He also started Social Security, which is currently fucking everyone who isn't a boomer in the ass.
>My understanding of the modern world applies to the world literally half a century ago.
You're fucking retarded lmao
Reagan did worse
All Reagan did was expand on the legislation laid out by FDR and his cronies. He could only walk because FDR wheeled.
Teddy is def the most /out/ president
He liked shooting animals, that will get you banned on /out/.
I thought that would trigger /an/ more than /out/. Bunch of unironic zoophiles over there.
it's gotta be /k/ennedy

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