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>2/3rds of the confirmed kills in Ukraine are from sharpshooters
Is this the Age of the DMR?
>crap pellet gun optic with the cheapest mounts you can get
>still puts people down and gets used in actual warfare

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Mosin never dies
>b-but i was told I NEEDED my KAC/LMT, ATACR, and scalarworks mount or I was NGMI
Source? I makes sense DMRs would do well at static trench fronts but there is constant trench raids by both sides using AKs.
Well, part of it is that it's pretty hard to confirm kills if you're a PKM gunner blasting rounds at targets you can barely see. But those do end up getting plenty of kills.

Also, for the tards out there, this thread is obviously talking about infantry kills. Is it also ignoring grenade kills? Ukies use a lot of grenades.
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The word "confirmed" is important here.
People die when killed.
>>crap pellet gun
They're all battle rifle calibers. The intermediate cartridges and those smaller than them are underperfoming in the conflict.
I understand that arty is still king with fuck all "confirmed" but you can't tell me that 30 guys raiding a trench and there being 20 dead defenders at the end doesn't count as "confirmed".
Turns out fieldcraft and marksmanship fundamentals are important when you're trying to kill someone with a gun in a peer conflict.
You anons should've been listening to your weird neighbor who ground hunts with an iron-sighted Model 70 instead of the GWOT kids who spent their early 20s blasting illiterate dirt farmers and calling in hundreds of millions of dollars of air support when said dirt farmers started shooting back.

Also, sharpshooter/sniper kills are far easier to officially confirm than kills by arty, machine guns, drones, grenades, etc. etc.
It does, but that's just less casualties overall than the DMR guys who pick off mobiks nonstop. If you watch interviews with frontline russian snipers it's actually a huge complaint of theirs, that the ukrainian snipers have much better optics and rifles than they do.

Like, realistically, there have probably been thousands of russians killed in this war just because they happened to leave the trench to take a shit while someone was watching with a thermal and a rifle.
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The intermediate cartridge rifle, AK or AR, cannot even reach at the ranges of a basic fully cartridge rifle. Including an M14 from the 1960s.

You need the firepower and the skill to fight beyond the effective range of most infantry rifles. They can shoot back, but their bullets literally cannot reach you. It's basically a very deadly turkey shoot.

Yet fitness standards are slackened, marksmanship standards are slackened. People will not hold themselves to a personal fitness standard even, and lie about qualifying at 500 yards.

>Fighting war with guns
>Be more skilled and trained with guns
>Be more fit and carry a stronger rifle, slightly heavier
>Be better at fighting war, survive and kill many enemies

Does this not make common sense to you? The numbers tell the story, the casualty reports. Now if your infantry is trained and equipped to this level, from 1 yard to 1,000 yards, they have to deal with 10 or more fighters of this caliber and are basically fucked. Work smart and work hard.
True, also Slavs love to do stupid shit to show how tough they are so wouldn't be surprised if retards just standing with their head above the trench in common.
Neither hohol nor vatnik grunts can hit SHIT with their AK's.
>They can shoot back, but their bullets literally cannot reach you
Effective range and balistic range or not the same, the odds of being hit by an aimed intermidiate shot are low after ~600m but getting hit at 1,500m will still suck.
Even in my dumpster fire national guard infantry battalion (we're talking m16a2s still in service when deployed in the late 2010s) had real standards for the scout snipers. Nobody was bullshitting anyone when it came to that platoon. Squad-level marksmen (if we had them) were guys who actually shot well, not the ones with fake expert rifle badges.
>Nah bro, you don't understand, I'm giving up my full-power rifle for an intermediate cartridge because a single report from the ETO of WW2 said nothing ever happens™ past 300 yards.
>Wow, this field is pretty big, I guess we better get across it as soon as-ACK!
permanent and everlasting battle rifle W
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That thermal scope pic is not Bubba's coyote gun, same scope.

It's footage of a Taliban sniper killing an armored soldier in Afghanistan. Multiple, in a row, with one magazine.

Marksmanship and firepower is a severe advantage in a firefight, this is a physical reality. Snipers report high casualties, basic math.

Do you think we are meant to line up with muskets and shoot at each other at close ranges? No? Then why do we have to fight with carbines WWIIIl ranges?

We don't, and snipers slaughter them for this reason. We have better and more precise rifles now as well. Why give a bolt action .308 to a scout sniper when he can carry a semi-auto AR-10 based rifle and infantry is now carrying a stronger NGSW.

That is why physical training and marksmanship are so important for Jihad.
I mean it depends. If you're doing room clearing and urban combat shit, intermediate caliber is what you want. If you're slinging rounds across a field, you want a battle rifle.

Sig's rifle is very heavy on the recoil, but I wonder if the future is something that is a bit smaller than that round but has significantly reduced recoil. Such that blasting some hajji from 10ft away with his wife and kids in the room, would still be easy to control
All you can do is make the recoil impulse longer or make the bullet more lethal at the same energy.
Yawing / fragmenting bullets are a workaround of the Hague Convention so some creative engineer might find another workaround or we might just stop caring about Declaration III.
Anon, he said "crap pellet gun optic", referring to the Optic on the Rifle, not the Rifle itself
That's a lotta gun
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the round it fires, vs .50 BMG
looks like the thing I found in my mums drawer once
Is that a 14.5?
That case is so girthy that it almost looks like it could be a necked-down 20mm
iirc it is 14.5
Is this a time traveling post from 2008 or something? M855a1/m80a1 have been a thing for years now
And how many kills are confirmed kills of estimated kills?
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He killed him with a pellet gun!!??
Audible kek
>>2/3rds of the confirmed kills in Ukraine are from sharpshooters

Bullshit. I know a Polish medic who is in Ukraine, and she stated that 80% of injuries are from shrapnell, be it from arty, rockets or drones.
I love that theres always this one anon in a good /k/ thread that will just dramatically, but simply explain OPs main point
>80% of injuries are from shrapnell, be it from arty, rockets or drones
Survivor bias at its finest. Russia should work on making artillery, rockets, and drones that kill people instead of wounding them.
This is the most Metro 2033 picture Ive ever seen
Injuries aren't kills, retard
why does he look like willem dafoe
looks more like willem dafriend to me
>Bullshit. I know a Polish medic who is in Ukraine, and she stated that 80% of injuries are from shrapnell, be it from arty, rockets or drones.

Sounds about right, in WW2 this number was 70%.

While 70% is a big number, the small killers formed 42% of the total - that's basically mortars. The small, quickly available HE/FRAG has always played a huge part in warfare and now we're seeing this category get a precision option in the form of drones.

Fun fact: in WW2 only about 10% of people who got taken out got shot. Disease and hunger killed a huge number of people too, especially japs.
It has always been the age of the DMR...
>80% of injuries are from shrapnell
when sniper rifle punches hole through your chest you're not going to be injured
14.5 might be a cut and necked 20mm case.
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1. Proofs?
2. So is it good idea?
NTA, but probably not a good idea as a universal fighting rifle. In a scenario where fighting has stagnated to levels of trench warfare over wide open fields, it would be ideal, but in any other situation, only a squad designated marksman could be considered viable.
>In a scenario where fighting has stagnated to levels of trench warfare over wide open fields, it would be ideal,
Sig should send a few to Ukraine for marketing purpose
It is a .50 on a necked down 14.5mm case.
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>but I wonder if the future is something that is a bit smaller than that round but has significantly reduced recoil
I will always shill for the weird aluminum CETME .30 cal round, even if it will never again be considered because it probably doesn't meet muh near-peer body armour penetration requirements
i dont belive you

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