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How to defend home and car without guns?

I'm thinking of buying a bowie knife.
What country/local laws are stopping you? Because if you CAN get a gun, you SHOULD get a gun.
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Brazil and it's shitty macaco laws. I could get a sixshooter eventually, maybe, but I still have a case pending for running over a poc marauder who tried to rob me fug :----D
Brazil Anon, you have already mastered a deadly weapon- the car. You used one to run over an opponent. You've felt the thud and the crunch. You have harnessed gasoline and steel to wreck your will upon the criminal.
While we were foolishly buying guns, you studied the car.
Use what you know. Sleep in the car, spend the rent money on car accessories and mad max style improvements.
if you're in a country that doesn't allow you to defend yourself with a gun, you are fucked if you use any force to protect yourself. Best idea would be to have something inconspicuous and logical next to your bed for plausible deniability, that way you can at least claim you just grabbed the first thing you saw.
Hire me. I will kill or rape anyone that tries to enter your domicile or automobile. I mean everyone.
Actually, you know what? I'm going to do it for FREE
Go to your nearest hardware store, get a machete and an axe.
Then go to a supermarket and get a butcher knife.
There you go, you are all set.
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Not really since I have defended myself before and it's okay so far like I said (acquitted and all, just a gay appeal pending with the limitation having already run out), the vibrant youth was just roughed up a little, not even hurt.

Carrying isn't really possible, but having one at home depends on the faggot chief of federal police of the area authorizing one, which is a step back on the previous executive order in place.

Anyway, I keep a big kitchen knife by the bed in a shelf, but I should at least upgrade to a combat knife to keep at the car I think (it's legal to carry). At home, I could use something else. I've thought of importing a mean amerilard baseball bat or fashioning a kind of a lance with a knife, hence why I'm asking the mean badasses at 4chan.
unironically practice punting so the second someone tries to walk down your hallway, you can kick a soccer ball at their face
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>machete and an axe.
I'm torn up between those two. I mean, I have used both tools before, I machete swings better I think but an axe is a lot stronger.

I'm also thinking of a crossbow, those are fine and unregulated (just need to be 18+).
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This is what you want.
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you can construct a makeshift spear using a broomhandle and a a large kitchen knife and duct tape
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Am I doing it right?
that's electrical tape you nonce
>craptcha: xwisd0m
lol you can't make this shit up
Obviously you should be going through the process of getting a gun no matter what.

Besides that, you can get an airgun. There have been some recent improvements to air-pistol design, as I recall Huben makes a fairly powerful 22 caliber air pistol, that should be legal with no license in your country.
Fair, but I wasn't going to waste T-Rex for a shitpost.
Are .43 cal air pistols legal for you?
This anon is also correct.
But in the meantime a Walther/M&P CO2 Umarex clone loaded with alternating ball bearings and pepper balls is going to deter most attackers if you mag dump in their face, throat and clavicle.
>Hammer grip
>Not modified saber
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Will intruders have guns?
If yes then you are fucked, get in submissive and breedable position fast.
If no then mace spray, even biggest niggas will fold when hit with this shit.
This works even against nogs with guns if you hit them at ingress.
I was going to say pepper spray to blind them and any weapon you want if they don't run after getting sprayed, but I think the spray is also restricted in your country.
If I couldn't have a gun to defend my home with, I'd go for one of those small flamethrowers.
>I'm torn up between those two.
Buy both
Folding tacticool pocket knife, then bowie
You don't. If there are intruders, go away from their path. They have nothing to steal from you anyway.
Wut, faggot?
>if you're in a country that doesn't allow you to defend yourself with a gun, you are fucked if you use any force to protect yourself. Best idea would be to have something inconspicuous and logical next to your bed for plausible deniability, that way you can at least claim you just grabbed the first thing you saw.

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