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I live in Germany, specifically North Rhine-Westphalia, and Im thinking of getting the cheapest handgun possible.
This looks nice https://www.diewaffenbrüder.de/Marken/GLOCK/GLOCK-44-Kleinkaliber.html a GLOCK 44 - Kleinkaliber (small caliber), the cheapest pistol I could find. The bullets are .22 lfB AKA .22 LR.
That will be a total of 585,90 €

It would be cheaper if they sold singular bullet(s), oh well its just 6 extra bucks
>It would be cheaper if they sold singular bullet(s)
wtf are you trying to do op
wait, you can't have katanas?
i want a gun not a katana
just buy used? I have a 40$ Arminius revolver that's pretty good
'em on the 'uck
why would you need a gun?
>getting the cheapest handgun possible
Wer billig kauft, kauft zweimal.
i'll check on eBay
>and Im thinking of getting the cheapest handgun possible
Are you sure you're german and not dutch?
doesn't the government pay for it over there? you get a nice comfy pod and everything, with a gun you have a high chance of flinching and living your life out as an invalid.
I look like that and dress like that
>North Rhine-Westphalia
thats why.rural areas are okay but the bigger cities are full with arabs and turks
Meet the minimum free shipping requirement. Or actually on suicide and is okay with bleeding out for ~50 minutes by a single .22lr. Anyone's guess.
>Self Defense
Lol... Lmao'ing even
Germany has castle doctrine so at least you can blow them away in case of home invasion
Mein herzlichstes Beileid
I doubt you have any grasp of German self defense laws.
There's no such thing as "castle doctrine" and there is no need for it. Your Notwehr (self defense) just needs to be suitable and necessary (the latter is the case when there's no less drastic self defense measure means of equal effectiveness available and when there's no normative reason against it, for example if you intentionally provoked the attack to just have en excuse to "defend" yourself against it) to stop a present, illegal attack on a geschütztes Rechtsgut (legally protected good).
what is this gay meme of dropping the first letter of a word? You sound fucking retarded
Yes but essentially that translates to castle doctrine since you can't carry, no? Surely carrying a firearm around would get you fucked even if you had to stop a terrorist.
That should end up with your self defence deemed legal and separate prosecution for breaking the gun law.
We need to distinguish between two separate issues here. The first is the question of whether you were allowed to own and/or carry the weapon in the first place. The second is whether the defensive action carried out with the weapon was justified as self-defense. Just because the first question is answered in the negative does not automatically mean the same applies to the second. In that case, you would be punished for illegal possession of the weapon, but not for its use in this specific instance (depending on wether the way you used it was justified)
Noone who can afford getting a gun license and a safe needs to penny pinch when it comes to the gun.
Also Frankonia currently has a sale for a CZ P10 at 420€. Used guns can probably be had substantially cheaper on egun.
so you plan on killing people when you finally obtain a firearm?
commercial thread
>H-He.. he KNOWS?!!?
>I know, I'll simply lie about it!
You kill an assailant in Germany, your ass is grass
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might just go out and buy some piece of shit hi-point to just stunt of europoors today
Post gun and hand first
Isn't announcing a report against the rules?
Dumb niggermutt
Should swap the hand sizes between SS and Drumpf
Germany is so worried about being the good whites it looks like you'll need an activist firearm attorney to get a gun over there. They'd rather arrest your dead body than give you a funeral
Most people don't even have a grasp of their own legal system so yes, as a law grad in Germany, I'm fairly certain you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and most likely base your opinion on some vague cliché about le cucked socialist nogunz yuros
>Clueless americans
Self-defense is legal in germany, there's been numerous rulings where people defended themselves with guns and walked free.
Also legal:
>standing your ground
>preparing for self defense
>owning weapons
>carrying weapons in own rooms and enclosed properties
>brandishing weapons to deterr an attacker
>warning shots
Bonus: There's no jury that sentences you because your gun looks scary, or because you look scary, or even because you owned the gun illegally. Self-defense with an illegal gun is legal and if you prove that you had reason to prepare for self defense, the sentence for owning the gun usually gets lowered.
kys obsessed 4cuck boomer pedophile nigger
>le small hands
does anyone besides 45 year old childless women think this is funny
wow, okay so you just have brain damage. thanks for clearing that up
>BRAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP wow, okay so you just have brain damage. thanks for clearing that up

Have you considered getting a EAA Weihrauch Windicator in 38spl? Apparently they're made in Germany. If you can find a good one, apparently a batch of them has problems...?
But yeah otherwise just get a Glock or CZ because those are fine too. Also shouldn't Walther PP's be dirt cheap there given both the NDSP and the East German Soviet satellite state mass produced a fuck ton of them? Why not just get one of those?

Same here
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>stationed in europe as a ZOGbot
>check out hunting/gun store while off duty
>owner tells me germans are actually required to buy suppressors in some cases due to noise nuisance laws
>mfw thinking about the multi month waiting periods back home
I have all three of op pic weapons, what does that say about me?
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>so you plan on killing people when you finally obtain a firearm?
Only after baiting them into a "self defense" situation.

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