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Is this really a good one on one weapon like in the Bible?
It's a lethal ranged weapon. David unironically had the advantage against Goliath.
No. It requires an absurd amount of practice to get any good with a sling. And even then it's not particularly accurate.
It is however a decently powerful weapon.
it was the sick trickshot god will allow you to have if you're holy enough

Go watch some videos and realize all the shit u said was your truth and no THEE truth.
It's cheap to make, concealable, and lethal.
Downsides are its absurdly high learning curve, and it takes a lot of space to use. Those are pretty major downsides unless you're an ancient shepherd with nothing to do all day but practice flinging rocks while gazing at sheep ass.
Yeah, BUT you need practice.

>Decently powerful
You, sir, are vastly underestimating how fucking dead you'll be if one hits you.
Supposedly Goliath's gigantism both make him ponderously slow due to joint issues, since there was no real arthritis medicine then besides maybe cannabis.
Some Biblical scholars argue that 1 Samuel 17:49
>"Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?"
Implies Goliath suffered from double vision and saw 2 skinny boys approaching. Or, mistook a slack hanging sling as a stick.
Vision issues are a common sideffect of pituitary tumors.
>your truth and not THEE truth
Let's no fucking normalize this kind of talk
Who has the webm of that guy smoking a watermelon?
unless you have a large shield to hide behind you are instantly dead. Slings are still accurate enough to hit your legs and feet even if you are advancing with a shield which would be agonizingly painful. I would almost rather be shot

Thank you, anon. That may be a different guy but it is a superior watch.
All weapons require practice. What's your point?
It's useful, but not as a dueling weapon.
You'd need to stand still to 'spool up'. And for less practice than a sling, a duelist could throw a spear into the person while they were standing there.
Unless David just Trebuchet-d that shit into Goliath's face, it was Goliath giving him a freebie out of arrogance, or congenital gigantism plus old fight wounds had caught up to him and he was genuinely that slow.
It’s so good that its function was replaced by bows.
Slings are relatively unknown by normies and massively overrated by contrarians.
Not really. Slings remained in use right up to the gunpowder era.
You have to keep it in perspective. Slings get mogged by .380 pocket guns in terms of power.
Not a good one on one weapon, but it's far better to have a sling and backup melee in an open field than just a melee weapon. It depends on the mass of the projectile, but a sling can potentially hit harder than a 22 LR bullet. Difference is it is far less easy to penetrate so the force will spread out more. It will still fracture skulls, ribs, limbs etc. A good slinger can be very accurate, so closing the distance can be very dangerous if they are aware you are there. There's a reason why shepherds confidently carried a sling and staff for protections against wolves and bandits for a very long time.
The sling was a weapon of war in the ancient world. A big theme in the Bible is "don't be stupid, pay attention to what's going on and use the advantages you have"
>David unironically had the advantage against Goliath.
Only because Goliath removed his helm.
Holy crap you are stupid. Nigga go figure it out.
Are there any examples in real life though?
That's not true at all. Both of them are truly ancient stone age weapons, and both of them remained in use until gunpowder weapons.
Guy hits a soup can at 60 meters @ 02:40 and he is just a hobbyist.
That's nonsense, Goliath was a literal giant, not some guy with a hormone problem. He's what the Romans would've called a cyclops, how can he have double vision when he only has one eye?
retard lol
Read a history book you retarded gorilla nigger.
Holy shit imagine being on /k/ and not knowing SHIT about the romans.
Dumb monkey tourist jackoff.
Slings require A LOT of fucking practice. It takes way, way longer to become proficient with a sling compared to a bow or gun.
You know you can just make a sling and test it out, right? Go do that, then buy a bow and practice with it for an hour.

See which one you can hit shit with first.
No, Goliath was just an Aryan white dude, which made him basically a giant compared to a Jewish teenager.
Whatever the reason he was a giant, if he was man-shaped, he would have all the same problems as Robert Pershing Wadlow, who also died from a single wound.
>sick trickshot god will allow you
Unless the enemy has a chariot or some iron. Or was it both?
>he would have all the same problems as Robert Pershing Wadlow, who also died from a single wound.
Because it got infected and his immune system was fucked, not because someone hit his weak point for massive damage.
David was only able to hit Goliath because God blessed his aim. Without divine intervention, there is no way a random 5' sheepherder could one-off headshot a trained warrior who stood over 9' tall.
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What's more dangerous in the hands of a master: A sling or a blowgun?
A sling is the ultimate improvised weapon. Find a rope and a rock and you can one-shot elk.
Without qualification, the sling. In a dense jungle or anywhere else without the space to swing, obviously the blow gun.
I wish it was normal to dress like this
There is no law that says you can't. Stop being a pussy and put on a toga.
OP pic is not a toga
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It is hard to use and can be fashioned out of all kinds of stuff, including paracord or an extension cord and a bit of leather or cloth. The logistics of projectiles get tricky and is largely determined by how many rocks you can carry/stage.
Good thread OP.
A sling. Blowguns are awful as weapons.
Not very? They could do a lot of damage but it generally wasn't outright lethal. It would bludgeon you hard enough that you couldn't really fight or defend yourself. Even in the case of David and Goliath, according to the story, the hit to the head knocked Goliath silly but David still took his sword to cut his head off and actually kill him
nigger its a rock flying at your head at 70m/s. It turned Goliath into a fucking vegetable. The energy transfer into your skull is the same as car crash without a seatbelt

you clearly never went outside much as a kid as you should know that throwing a rock with just your hand by itself is enough to seriously hurt someone
Anon it is both a matter of historical record (Antiquity) and experimental archaeology (The Seleucid Army of Antiochus the great & Light Infantry of the Greek and Roman World by By Jean Charl du Plessis) is fucking lethal to unarmoured and armored opponents.
>getting this triggered
Lead bullets to the dome would crack your skull, sure. I'm saying it's not what that retard suggested of instant death like a gun shot to the heart. And definitely not going to kill instantly from a body or limb shot.
Well a limb shot with a bullet probably won't kill either. A'jus'sayin'.
>more lethal than a bow
>more range than a bow
>more accurate than a bow
Good slingers like those of the Balearics and Rhodes could do all of this. Rhodian hoplites would even carry slings in addition to the rest of their panoply and could fight in a phalanx or as a slinger depending on what was required of them (as seen in the Anabasis).
That said, a bad slinger couldn't do any of this. I bought a sling recently and I can't even hit my building with regularity yet.
None of that is true if you're proficient with a bow. The only real advantage to a sling is ease of access; you can make a sling fast out of plants and garbage. But if you have a bow... use a bow.
If Goliath was an ethnic Philistine and not some type of mercenary he would have been arguably Greek.
Blow gun is only good for close range stealth with poisoned dart.
I wouldn't want to have to carry a bow and quiver in addition to Hoplite loadout. A sling on the other hand is negligible weight and space and you can get ammo when you stop for water.
>is this a good one on one weapon
hell no, that is why god was on David's side, because he didnt stand a chance otherwise
God hates jews. Read the old Testament, he curses and tries to genocide them over and over again. Even David was a murdering adulterous piece of shit.
Imagine creating something you hate and being incapable of erasing that mistake. God either doesn't exist or is wildly incompetent.
God has to stick by their word. They are a cosmic A.I. created to oppose chaos.
All of that was true.
A sling bullet is more lethal because a well slung one can crack your skull through your helmet or break bones through your armor. An arrow can't.
As for range, slingers were always said to have more range than bows by every ancient writer I've read.
Accuracy might be a bit of hyperbole on my part, but a good slinger could hit knees or heads at mid range with accuracy that could at least match a bow.
You said the magic word though. Proficient. While bows do require a lot of practice to get good, slings require even more. It's kinda like how crossbows largely replaced bows later on. The easier to use weapon is always going to be the one that wins out in the end.
It's the opposite actually. God picked the most despicable people on the planet to show us that even the worst of people aren't beyond His love.
I would say it is like a sling shot, but without waving it around like crazy
As a Christian I can appreciate this, but we have to admit the jews are lying pieces of shit
>Book of Esther
Of course, but my point remains.
David didn't even have a sling. He had a staff sling or "shepherds sling". Basically a handheld catapult. Goliath even says to him "Do I mean so little to you, boy, that you would come at me with only a stick?" David was a shepherd. Probably spent all day, every day practicing with his sling, using it to hunt while he tended his flock. A sling can produce incredible force on its own but the additional leverage of the staff will allow you to hurl an even heavier stone at an even greater momentum. Goliath's brass helmet wouldn't have done much to protect him against a concussion from a 6oz golf ball sized rock traveling about 400fps into his noggin. David brought a gun to a knife fight and nothing about David's victory over Goliath is miraculous at all. David unironically held a huge advantage in that fight.
A "shepherd's sling" IS a regular sling you utter retard. The first mention of staff slings doesn't come until Vegetius, over 1000 years after David is supposed to have lived.
Slingers were used alongside bowmen until guns replaced them all. A sling bullet made of lead could kill a man just like an arrow.
It’s about the same as a longbowman. They had to build up massive core strength to draw English war bows and started practicing when they were young.
Crossbows and guns dramatically changed the amount of time it took to train and equip a soldier.

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