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File: klmk overralls.jpg (97 KB, 524x1020)
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Picture this:
>Standard uniform is olive drab/whatever instead of typical multicam
>On deployment get overralls to match enviroment while avoiding matching camo with enemy
>You now don't have worry about armbands and/or losing camo effectiveness
We already use over whites for snow so why not double down on the concept? Why are they not more popular?
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Enjoy heat stroke in summer
roll up the sleeves and unzip the heat vents you retard
They're really thin
>sleevless tamale
Ayh yay yah!
Its not without merit, but I don't see it being widespread. For regular forces, uniformity is more important than being totally concealed. For special units, they generally have the budget for guys to have full uniforms in patterns to match, like how SF in Africa use a lot of MC tropic; plus coveralls are way out of vogue in the west. Even in Russia, who kept the masking suit concept alive, I think the leaf suits have completely supplanted them since they're mesh and blend in better than a 6sh122. On that note, you will definitely see conventional militarys taking leaf suits more seriously in the next decade, idk if they will be a mass issued item but expect to see more of them.
Just wear the camo layer in summer lol.
>>On deployment get overralls to match enviroment while avoiding matching camo with enemy
So crazy it might just work! Btw, larping this look for '25. WOLVERINES!
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It's actually pretty nice in summer. Lightweight, breathable cotton that doesn't retain heat at all, plus you get protection from the sun. It's also reversible to be better in the snow, a trait that the OP didn't bring up but is another key point in camouflage that never really took off, and it's worth discussing. The downside is that it isn't durable, but they're so cheap they're basically disposable anyway.

>>On deployment get overralls to match enviroment while avoiding matching camo with enemy
This is the key problem. The 'perfect' camo for any area is the Pinnacle. Everyone normally is going to strive to get as close to the Pinnacle as possible. That means both you and the enemy wind up wearing similar uniforms. And with it blending into the surroundings... that leads to friendly fire.

One (and sometimes two) color uniforms remain distinct at long ranges, helping to reduce FF. 'The Pinnacle' camouflage is not one or two colors, it's more like four or five, and it is absolutely NOT always beneficial. Actual war-fighters know this. Look at pictures of the Ukrainian-Russo war, the Ukies wear tan-dominant uniforms, despite most European armies fielding green-dominant camouflage, and the Russian wear EMR, which at a distance is just solid green. That's on purpose.

The reversible smock tops the Germans used were really smart IMO. You could have an easily recognizable single-color field uniform, and then a lightweight, reversible camo top, because camouflage importance generally goes from head to toe. You could easily throw it on in defensive roles where FF was unlikely, and the double-sided nature would expand its usefulness, and then stow it for offensive missions where friend/foe ID was more critical.
All you have to do is issue your combat forces camo uniforms that match the environment you are sending them to.
>states purpose of camo as purpose of camo.
This follows.
Because it means that instead of issuing one uniform per soldier you now have to issue two.
overwhites are used when another layer of insulation makes sense - in summer its not really required to have multiple layers of insulation....
>in summer its not really required to have multiple layers of insulation....
Unless you are wearing a still uit on Arrakis multiple loose, flowing layers of the Bedouin trad garb actually make sense. Counterpoint: mod "cool tech" fabrics outperforn even cotton.

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