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During an operation to kill Jimmy Barbecue, 2 gang members were killed and Jimmy Barbecue managed to escape. But his personal AK-47 was captured
The fight still goes on
Posted some more captured guns and weapons from the raids the recent ones
I would have thought a Haitain warlords personal AK would be a lot more blinged up than that
He kills police, he doesn't play
He didn’t even get it converted, but kept it semi-auto?
Haiti has been a collapsed non-country for 14 years, you think they can afford bling on AKs?
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Yeah I have no idea
Haitian guns are odd
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So, that's a Type 56, right? I'm trying to brush up on my AK identification skills.
century garbage gun
God damn it.
Thank you.
dude, why the fuck does anyone fight in Haiti. imagine this is the best you can hope for, a shit stick AK and enough stolen humanitarian rations to not starve. How is there a single person that isn't just utterly apathetic.
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what in the fuck is that
looks like a craft made gun which means it can be anything from a crude single shot, crude direct blow back or something in the shape of a gun to intimidate people. I'm inclined to lean towards the latter
yeah looking at it closer it does seem that way, especially with the irregular grip notches at the back and the lack of a hammer but I thought it might've been some antique that somehow made its way there
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>that wooden pistol
At what point do you just write off an entire population as some form of chimp? I hope the DR built that wall high and strong.
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Funny enough the DR just attested 10 soldiers for selling weapons to the gangs
>dude, why the fuck does anyone fight in Haiti.
Imagine a country whose 99.999999% of the population descends from slaves who chimped out and genocided all of the non-slaves. Now picture them trying to run a country.
wtf - g3 mags next to an HK33? Retarded negroes, so bad
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A lot of the stuff captured is a mish mash
So most of it is whatever cops find laying around after a battle
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I would actually pay good cash for a beat to shit Norinco MAK-90 that was a legit Haitian gang land seizure.
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It’s a PTR 91 not a HK33
Go contact the police you can buy it
The magwell doesn't look right
Im sure its fine
I guess it's the poverty of Haiti and the lack of regular wars in the area but it's still funny seeing all this ratchet ass shit when elsewhere they'd be knees deep in AKs
You see this elsewhere as well but usually it's some slum hoolagian in some african or Brazilian third teir city. It's just weird that this is somehow a major faction threatening the stability of a nation of millions.
It's an island and hasn't a land route from Russia, so
Wanger dudes are already there. Bunch of white guys were spotted operating drones
Many such case
That thing at the top is really bizarre. Has some kind of welded together cylinder? Can't imagine you do something other than turn it manually between shots.
>they even confiscated his makeup kit
how is bbq supposed to make his eye color pop now?!
Yeah they did
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He escaped
the haitian revolution was mostly slave armies fighting other slave armies
Kenyan forces are launching an offensive right now to capture him
>Haitian police killdozers operated by Israeli-trained Kenyans
This fucking continent.
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Based Kenyan Killdozer

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